rexuvvun. A Wuuv- . ROMAN CATHOLIC cannon-«Services in ‘ 2. follows :Thornhill at 9 mm†and Rich: H 1M lu:30 sum; the tulhwiug Sunday at mend Hill M29 a..m. and Thornhill M 10:30 Rev. J. J. Egan. Pastor RL'IEMOND LODGE. Meets in the Lodge Monday on or before I. Crosby. W.1\1. ST. MARY s EPIscoPAx. Canaanâ€"norm“; m, a p mnexcepty the third Sunday of every month. when the service and sacrament are held at. 11 mm. Sunday Schoolat1:30 p.m Rev. W. Bates Rector METHODlï¬T Carmen-Services at 10:30 mm and 6:30 p. m.,a.u(1 Sunday schonl, 51.2.30 p. 111. Young people’s prayer meeting Tuesday evening. General Prayer Meeting ever r Thursduyevemng in the Lecture Room. Rev M. Simpson. Supt. Rev. G. N. Rutled‘g 5. ' The Methodist Siblrbntl‘, Snciation lsSuo pledge cu desired. Wm.Hurnson Mncnnxxcs' LNSTITU'N v01umes,opeu every Tues sonic Hal],frnm 7 to 8 dc rim). Lectures and disau PRESBYTERIAN (human 9.: 1] o'clock a..m..and 6:30 on Wednesday evening at Perceval. Pastor. ANCIENT 01mm 01" Fomwmnsâ€" mond. No. 70-16 A. O. F. meats in the Hall every alternate Fridav at 7.30 Rupert. C. R. w ‘ ,Jmm RICHMOND HILL practice every TueSA 7.30 o'clock \V. Sh: Lauuuiuvn m.†, VILLAGE Commuâ€"R vn. Wm. I’ugsley. Coun- cillm‘s, Messrs. P G. Savage, Wm A Saudersou,W Atkinson, Dr Wilson. (Mai k. M. '1 eefy. FmE BRIGADE.â€"Begu1nl‘ meeting ï¬rst. Friday of every month. held in the flouucil Chamber. at ’71). m. Mombesrship free. Ceniflcatesissued to members entitling them to certain p1 ivileges and examntions. Wm.H. Pugsley. Captain. 11. A. “Auuuua. DIV‘levu _,. A. 0. U. W.,Ivy Lodge, No. 141, Meets in the Committee room of the Musonic Hall each alternative Tuesday at 8 o'clock pm. Beneâ€" ï¬eary ccrtiï¬cnfle given for $2,000 in mine nfdenth J. Brown, Muster Workman T. FMCMahon. rec R. T. of Temperance, Richmond Hill Council, No. 43, Meets in Temperance Hull,ench alter- native Tuesday evening M8 o'clock I) In. one- flciary certiï¬cntas issued to male or ale members for $1,000 or in case of death 92,00 . one halt nnyablc in case of disability J. H. Sander- son Select Councillors; J.A.E.Switzer.Recording Secretnrv exemptlous. Wrmv‘ H Nicholls. Secretary. TRENCH’S -CARRIAGE WORKS.- In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liheml uatr maue during the past twenty-ti“: ya «‘5, I beg to re. mind them and the gen. m1 public, thm having erect-e" 'tt‘fi.e.‘/ new and com- modious premises. I am enabled to supply Phaetons, Buggies. Carriages, Cutters, PLATFORM SPRING - W A G U N S. Both light and heavv. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfactvimv as the work is under my own snpervisr J. I am also prepared to do all kinds Hf black- amithmg dz: repairing in (he most work- manlike manner, on the shortest notice, lid on the most reasonable terms. PLAWE MILLS ! DOORS, SASH, BLINBS. 850.. PLANED LUMBER, MO ULDING S. &C. Are now prepared to take contracts for all kinds of Buildings. In connectinn with the factor“ custom sawing mil be dune, ,‘ guaranteed and prices moderate. FIRST-CLASS SAW-MILL Horse - Shoeing RICHMOND Having bnnuht the above-named mill and put everything in FIRST-CLASS ORDER; Kept on hand, or made tn order on the slmrLest notice. A stuck of Always on hand. There is also a The abnvu factory is Situatth un L‘ INNES & SONS 2IJiIquje @irrrtnrn - I€ICIIMOND HILL. $13 odist sabbath school Temperance As ASSUO pledge curds every Sunday when Wm.Harnson sup? RICHMOND HILL [hid ' 1N51'1TUTE.â€"Lihmry of over 1000 lavory Tuesday evening. in the Maâ€" nm 7 to 8 o'clock. It. E. Law. Libra- es and discussions periodically HILL CORNET BAND.-Meets for y Tuesday and Saturday evening at W. Sheppard, Leader JODGEJL R k A. M., No.23. GJ >Lodgo room,Mthunic Hullpni before full mean at 8 o‘clock I; 5th . 1836~3m 6 special attention to. WM 'I‘IKENCII Churches. Soriclï¬es. Sleighs and OPAL Grammarâ€"Service at 2: 'ml Sunday of every month. nd sacrament are held at. 11 Hat/130nm Rav‘W.BMes or C p.411} RICHMOND HIL] 30 ‘ANADAnâ€"SETV‘CBS . vaer meeting ii'eia w Court Rich; Temperance p.n1.â€" A J V, where All wdrk order Rich Du 1n m 0f the Bee-Hive Tailoljipg {ICHMOND HILL; GREAT TIMES SUITINGS. GBATINGS AND PMTMGS. Cull earl); and IMPORTED GOODS The houses contain 6 and 7 plenty of hard and 50ft. wnbe‘ situated in a. good loculmy. 35-2 RICHMOND HILL. Presewe Your Sight FRANK LA ZARU S These Spectacles and EYe Glasses have been used for the past. 35 wars, nnd given in every in- stance unbounded sabisfactmn. They are the bestin the world. They never tire, and lust, many 3 cars without change. SpectaclesXa Eye Glasses. 1707-6010 by T. I". .McflfflH 0.1V JESSE NUNN, bPRINGHILL. FRANK LAZARUS. Manufacturer, 98 Mary- land Roa.d,Hn.r1-ow Road. London, England lute Lazarus & Mon‘i§,Barpl_ord, Cog. Déinihiiolrlrbf Cdnwda ’l'hrce doors w“ t of Dr. 0 'q xc‘ 'nenr‘. in J house contains nine rooms, good 1.. '|.=x exc» lent hard and : oft water and has eve' v nuve ience. Firxzt-cla "stable and driving ho ' W. There in also a. young orchm u, ple H y r ' .2 .r“ bait. and the lot is well Ienced. J erma ehv. 25.1.: 21 A3103 SHUNK, Mapie P o House & Lot for Sale HOUSE to LET And surroundin The undersigned will sell. on cqrms *0 sujt the purchaser, one or more of Ina houses m WEBSTER C. TREVETHAN, Richmond Hill MR. C. TREVETHAN, PUBLISHER 0F ISNO collflecnoxj with miy other ï¬rm in He hasjnst received a. magniï¬cent line of A new brick-clqd dweliiqg, 1.15 staries high, w 3. an acre or. ground, 15 for sa‘e in fLe Besides many other valuable features, it contains 3000 more V flons (hn OnP. Authpriz y in fl Hy t1» The Me (Late of the ï¬rm of Lazarus & Mania) VILLflGE 0F MAPLE, A Biegjraphical Dictionary Bee-Hive Tailoring Establishment to announce to hismuny patrons in A G’aTz'éiteér'cf thé World BEE-HEVE. 31cm {ydvrrtistmwm In various Styles of Binding, without Patent Index locating and describing 25,( i0) mom] Sheet, Ricbmund Hill. Apylv to JOS. HALL, Blcilmnut" HUI. (n to D. S. REAMAN. Can‘tvi"e P () UZESTZR IS TEE STIaNDARD rounding country that; he will at: you the very ï¬nest shock cf of 118,000 Words, 3000 Engrayirnrgs, BY WEARING THE ONLY brounht into Richmond Hill An in 0:26 Book. BENO‘VNED at ï¬rst chm‘cé Guarantee A Dcticnary AT THE LIBERAL." RICHMOND .3th AND >Câ€"ov’t Printing omce me Court. It is form cf Schools Tweedsf nrk Fashion Plates {or wrjust received m Noted Persons, imperced.a.nd hair) in up a Scotch Tweed paubamï¬. the sumo avnforo paid for WM. BRICKNELL 1rly rooms. ‘T‘aere is good fnnt. and are an Dicti 36 States, ar ith and Good Fit ustran the DRESS MAKING Dress Maker. opposite Tnnos'rn Thursdav, Mar F, mnemmn per bushel Wheat, spring, (30 Bet Buy, per ton . . strmv, per ton nxcnmonn HILL Thin-de nuts, per bushel PG as. d0~ Dressed hngsmer 10 Beef, fore quarter... Beef. hind quarter . Chickens. per pair Ducks. do Geese, each ............ ’l‘urkevs, per 1b ..... Butter, )ound r0115 Butter, fume r011}: .. Egos. fresh, [721 dozen Potatoes, per bag ......... Apples, per bbl ..... .. onions, green, per bush Cabbuqe, per (102 Celery, do 'I‘urnips, pet bag . . . . Carrots, do . Beans, per peck... Fluur, spring, per . Flour, fall,per bbl . Hay, per ton ....... straw. per ton . 'i‘iérmpieréï¬Ã©wéidic General Life Assurance Co. The fullnwing is a. statement, of the business fur the year ending 31% of Dec. 18871â€"The number of applications for asrnrmnce was 1050 for $1,770,109; de- clined, held in abeynnce and not taken up, 83 for $164,500; leaving 967 for 3.51.â€" 605.600. with an annual premium incnme HUN. S. H. BLAKE. § Rum. MCLEAN.EsQ., of $83,289. 96 v. wv,â€"vu.vv Our business for the second year has newer befure been reached by any other Canadian Company in its second year, and with nnly one death claim fur 81,000, and that caused by and accinent. Tu e'nable the people of King and Vaughan Townships more fully to under- stand ulll‘ success, we take from the re- turns of the leading Canadian Cumpanies tn the Superintendent of Insurance, the fullowing fac‘n Cullcvl‘llillï¬ their new busi- ness:â€"-The Canada. Life far its 22nd yenr issued 881 policies fur $1,156,855. the Cuufederatinn for its 5th year issued 1005 for $1.383.000, the Sun Life for its 5th year issued 324 pnlicics fur 3465.119. and fur its 10th year 573 policies in: $926370. The Ontario Mutual for its 10th year issued 42? pnlicieu for $490,000; The Noth American Life Assurance Co. for its 3rd year issued 82.7 policnes for $1,347- uhhmw ‘auliï¬ov 088. vuu. On making comparision with British Cmnpnnies established on principles simi- lar to our own, we ï¬nd the business of the Uniï¬ed Kingdom Temperance and General Provident Institution for its 15th year was $1,339,250; The Scottish Tem- perance Life Assurance 00., recently establishedï¬n its 3rd year wrote $732328. This Company has been organized by prominent men on the basis of the United Kingdom Temperance and General Prov- ldent. Institution of Britain, one of the most, successful of British Companies, whose experience for the last 20 years was nearly 20 per cent. in favor of total abstainers over their «generle class. J. 'l‘. SAIGEON, Agent?†urnips. Pet MISS HARRISON, .Ll‘lt S. HOLLAND, Local Agent, Bradford. This unrivaled periodical. lished by Mmm 6: Co. for In cnnï¬inues to maintain its 111 cellance. and enjuys the_ lurg‘ THE ï¬tieutifit gnterimu w 'eckly. $3.00 a Year. Punva :1 Canadian Company tw HEAD OFFICEâ€"- M A NNING A RCA n n, Twmmro. The Most. Popular Sci the W0: G, W. Rosa, Minister sf Education, PRESIDENT; 105.15. 118" It quarters ‘ .1 quarters V pox pair . do - unmet duz (10 r do do a: bag ...... Erma-09 lbs Eh: Markets. i 1'0]le niry .- »er do; bag ESTABLISHED do do do do do 100 lbs AI anmic Hall Richmond Hill enca 50 for : Scientiï¬c Paper World. VICE Panama , Mar. which has no than fl gh rep-mat 1845 :0 m Six 1200 ï¬wmgwmw 0000000 030 040 m I 8's [0 DO 4U 8. 1888 40 882 Sprlllghill. Mouths LS heen forty y Ltinn h lutiun ‘ popular ovel, inâ€" euce.Art, eras of the and im- acnamica] Jeunscx‘y, a. nlnce Iibmrv 0 ()0 on 0|) ()0 Ill GROCERIES. BRITISH FLAG STAFF WOOLLEN UNDERCLO’THE?‘ A'l‘ REDUCE ' ‘ 1w- mam \Ve would like to call'your attention to our winter stock of EAEETS my; MENMQ'EM BLA'N KETS, COMFORTERS, YOUNG- unm mm 'Inrnlznn nwn frnm the effects of abuse will 13 ‘VVâ€"‘vv â€"â€"~â€"~â€"â€"77 Who are broken 50m: from the effects of abusa dehiflty, organic woayvness, Emma‘s son waxes No. (5 Snoum) 1m USED.â€"Wanb of e dimness of sight. aversion to society, want. of conï¬de: desita for solitude, listleqmesa and inability to ï¬x the a cowardice. depression of spir‘ta. giddiness, loss 01 mom matorrhoca. orioss of :11 uni fluidâ€"the result: of salt ’ ' rm » I~ nnnnn "net! um‘nifnï¬nn l Evy-h“! â€"v-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€" V 7110 are broken clown from the effects of abuse will ï¬nd in No. 8 e radical cure 10: nervous debilit , organic weakness, involuntary vital losses. etc. mroms son WHICH No. Snoumi ms Dashâ€"Want of energy, vertigo. want of purpose. dimness of sight. aversion to society. want of conï¬dence, avoidance of conversation. desire for solitude, listlemiess and inability to ï¬x the attention on {particular subject. cowardice, depression of spirits, giddiness, loss 01 memory, exeiflbfllï¬y 0! temper. span manorrlioca. or loss of the Semiqu fluidâ€"Abe result: or self-abuse or mantel excessâ€"impo- teuey. innutricion. emuc‘mï¬on. ban-enness, palpitation of the bean. hysteria feelings in females. trembling, melanchulv, disturbin" di‘ozuus, etc., are ull sympmma of his terrible habit, oftentimes innocenth acquired. n short. the spring of vital force having lost its tension, every function wanes in consequence. Scientiï¬c writers and the superintendents 01 iusune usylvlnis unite in uscribing to the effects of self-uhuse the great majority 01 Wasted lives which come under their notice. If you are incompetent. for the arduous duties of business, incapacitated for the cuioymunh of life. No. 8 otfers an escape from the effects of early vice. If you are advance‘l in years, No. 8 will give you full vigor and strength. It you are broken down, physically and morally. from early indiscretion, the result of ignorance and follv. Sand your address and no cunts in stamps for M. V. LUBON'B Treatise in Book Farm on Diseases of him. Sealed and secure from observation. Address all communications to as. V. 2.118011. 47 Weaiingkon 5t. 12.. Toronto. u . . . .. , A in"- “no, nuan mmoam-sm HEAL tug slcx. Addregs all cgmmuulcamons to u. w,. .-.~.auu. 1. a“... .n. .... --_ i A Man wuboulmsdom lives in aiool’s pas-3613;. CURES GUARANTEED. HEAL HE Sch. _ n- A - S'I‘IE E] 4E BROS. GARRO'I ,TURNIP, MANGEL & GARDEN SEEBS A11 Fresh and Reliable ; â€"â€"ALSO-â€"â€" RED & ALSIILE CLOVER, TIMOTHY SEED‘ &c. STEELE BEDS. 8/: GUS WANTED CHOICE SEED GRAIN. WHEAT,PEAS.OATS,RYE BARLEY,&C V'- LUE5§§Z 3.??? STEELE BROS. & C0.,SEED MERCHANTS‘TORONTO V. “Vuwvn‘m â€"â€" _..._, THE GREa/HT HEX/£11111 EEJV‘EIV'ER, Marvzl of Heaiing. and Kohinocr o! Medicines. r Indlscretion, - the terrible comuences o 911% Exposure and overwork. FLOUR é}: FEED DELI'V Luben's Rypiurel Romedy must, 1 mcgmpaqylpg 99.011 package. Tl , ,LL mmmum REMEDYE Far the $139de Belief and Permanent Q'urrg offAiiiieirpigrqrijt‘qre. :16 r Aveid disuppumtment by aowiu Please send namples or c2131 on ave How on hand full stncks ticnsfand E dmg of 091g: )l()(’)])lHCԤ-‘a mm Parties having any choice :QEEQI)S. BxssAsgs 9P MAN. \ISU‘ my my We cl I) G, 51 UCKINGS, MITTS, &C ED mng GRUCEBIES. «3:; saoa'mm' NOTICE. V. LUBON’S PRICES to keep nn hand a irfï¬h stock of :tly i1} accordance with th ' mflammation, sop-M: Pieasafli A. MOODIE SO 1 the tinu‘ 1t in a lengtl Gum.