Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Mar 1888, p. 1

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L41 Youge tmet‘ Next door to the) Barristers. Solicitors, Conveyancers. &c. Private Funds to Luau at. Lowest Rates. Toronto Officeâ€"No. 10 King St. \Vest. Markham Officeâ€"Opposite 'l‘ mom House. Mam St. Mergnry or Mr Holmes will he at the Markâ€" um Oflice every Saturday fruu19 n m (2071) m rc- MONEY TO LOAN AT CURRENT RATES fl_ 6.. G. P. LAWRENCE. ’1‘. G. MILLIGAN. Manufacturers 6: Importers of fiimrhcs, (Mocks, fcmtlltry, §ilbtrhmrr :mb @pticnl “Sachs. SPECTA'LES FOR EVERY SIGHT. LAWRENCE & MILLIGAN. Barristers, Solicitors, vaeynncers, 8:: Toronto Officeâ€"No. :4 Building & Loan Chambers. Na. 15 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Officeâ€"Rear of the Central Bank. on Saturdays. USED BY Dr. A. Robinson. fl SURGEON DENTIST, L‘hnnkful {or the favors of the past ‘20 years ‘may still be consulted in any branch of the pro- » fission as follows: \ilrom lst,8th.1‘3:h.aud 22nd of em‘h month Richmond Hill.“ .. .Qtlzaud24tb rln, lufiflle Palmer House) amnn’ville ..... Markham . . . . . Victoria Square...“ P'lfll’""i“. Walker Wnn~\hridge ......... {{hfin‘lmrg... Noblotou.. Comfortable moms nnrd. Inquire at Vimlixed Air always on hand Works like u clmnn Fr Addrass A BOBINFON L.] mm '3! Furnishing "and Undorm kc-rs fir ROGERS Bank“ OSSKQIL, 'Merlaliat Toronto Universitv Member (‘0 Physicians & Surgeons, 0m._rm1,e nt Smuflville Yonge Street. Richmond Hill. Oflice Hours ‘0 0m.m..5t08p.m Best fitting Teeth made. Prices low and Vi‘ dized Air adminismred DENTIST NOT AT HOME ON SUNDAYS ¢MoNDAYS AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING a PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. â€" â€" ONTARIO THURSDAY EVENING W D GREGORY 701241325 é 6.133003% . N1. MORI‘HY. SllN & CO uightcnus atfront door bell. Oflice hour mum WRIGHT BROS VOL. X. VJEJQLJZQQ gm BUSINESS CARDS. Dr. James Langstnfl. AND Dr. J. A. Palmer. RICHMOND HILL. ONT to therfiew Arcade 1'. F. McMfiHON, m: gimml" EDTOR and PBOPBIETOR. Dr. ‘V. J. “’llson. Richmond Hill. r perngéum, in advance.] IS PUBLISHED E VERY £11m. mediml. House. HF) LIBE RAI mama. SON L.D.S..Aur01 a Ont. at. with Emhalnu- TORONTO .18“; 20th 22!“ 23rd .28!!! .29th .30th nd at appointments Free from min. s Alwa ys on G W HOLMES Sold even’whem}. Price ‘25 ( m- “.it 0“ perbottle. Proprietors and l. OBFICI 10. lo. do do. do, THE UNION MEDECZL: Gough &. Lung sure Take no other. per bottle. Bland from wimp Hon\'cr(‘uu.~c urimuu ,b'unmle “'enlim-Mus unlumwrnl Llchilmy ' l Purely Vegetable, Highlv Concentrated. I‘loumm, I‘lfl‘cctuul, Safe MISS FALCO‘EBBIEGE For terms and oredantmls apply at her residence Richmond El”. Feb 15$,1H68 Every accommodation so guestn. Board, $1.00 per day Every accommodation for the travelling public Good stablimz and an attentive hustler. Best 1i uors and cigars. re course on the lake always clear. Warm Sculls for trotting horses. The undersigned bahug taken pos the above commodiuus hotel will cater mche comhrt 01 the travelli Best brands of liquors and cigars. Au hostile: and good smbling. Rooms to) cial travellers. “gnaw gab 2430M Raving refitted the above House and furnish- ed it in first-class style, I am prepared to give the public the best 0‘ accommodutmu. Excellent stabling and attentive hostlers. Sample Rooms for commercial travellers. A good llvery in coh- nectiun. Term» i] ncr duv. GEAR!) GENTREL HUTEL. THE DOMINION HOUSE, am 9&5’ PM”? 190535. BrIIIInm-r. Proprietor. All kinds of Wood, Iron. Gnlvunized Pipe, Iron. Brass und Porcelain Cylinders. All kinds of Water Runs, Well-Digging Curbs. Curb Rings nnd Cistem Trunks made t-o order. Repairing done on shortest notice. Lueenaod AucSioueer for the County of York Sales attended on the shgrtest unlit-emu] at ren- Is desirous of obtuiniyg pupils fox instruction Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly iufluanco. sales attended on the sLnrtc-st notice and at rensnnnbe rates. 1‘. 0. address. King. Licensoa Auctioneer for the Counties of York Ontario and Pen]. Goods sold on consiflmlout. Genemlsnles of stock. ate" nrnmptly attended to at reasonable rates. 1’. 0. address. ASK FOR DR. HODDER'S COMPOUND. MONEY! MONEY! INSTRUMENTAL MUSIG. fl. LEMQJV, @3333: Emma» Issuer of Mamnge Licenses for the County of Yor ' ....v. u. my uu-u U,nu abe rates. W lat-{Ens Stoufivllle P. 0 158 KING an;ch EAST. TORONTO ' J ACXSON, Proprietor. PRIVATE FUNDS T0 LOAN Rasmnxcn. Richmond Hill Leeds Richardson. r. HODDER’S “fines C. Stokes. Salem Ecknrdl Wiartlmnmus. u GILMIDUR. Prop. Sold everywhere. Price 75 cents LA‘ .J. Armstrong. A large amount of RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY aflnnry. 3 LL. Proprietor. 01 $1197 itirafiiflifi; hug _ takgn Rosseqsion of 'E 60.. Tomato, Can “In. Essentials, Unity; in cents and 50 cents manufacturers, Liver Complaint, Dyspepniu, Biliousnoss. Sick Headache, KiJney Troubles. Rheumatism, Skin Diseases and ull {Igpugitios ut the M;an 0m UNIONVIIJJ; Au atfientive for commer- dJeerliqlf}; MAPLE Considerable interest has been taken in the question of voting by ballot at elect- ions for Separate School Trustees, the subject haVing been brought up before the Toronto Separate School Board. Archbishop Lynch has from the pulpit denounced the promoters of the move- ment, and at the meeting of the Board. at which the question was to have been discussed, the chairman, acting under in- structions from the Archbishop, refused to put the motion in favor of voting by ballot Quite a. scene ensued, but the Board ultimately maintained the ruling of the chairman by a large majority. There is no doubt that the vast majority l of the Roman Catholics of Toronto are in l favor of the change in the method of vot- ing, and if the next sclllml trustee elect- ions are fought out on this line there can belittle doubt as to the result. The interest in the Commercial Union movement shows no signs of abating. 1 Meetings for the discussion of the subject l are being held with great success in all parts. of the country. W'hat we Want now is a definite understanding with the United States that they will grant us the freedom of their markets upon the barri- ers on our side being thrown down. If our people knew that it remained with themselves alone to say whether or not continental free trade should prevail, the ‘ moVeuienl: would attain a. torce that would sweep aivziy any party opposing it. The protected manufacturers who are now bleeding the country have got notice to quit:- not yet been of lmarly forty thousand dollars has lutcly made an assignment, and has since made an offer to compromise at twenty-five cents on the dollar. The liquidators have so far declined the ofl'er and are now engaged in examining inLuresLed parties in order to ascertain exactly how matters stand. Should many more cases of this kind arise the amount. to be paid to the bank s creditors Will be umtuiially reduc~ ed. The liquidators are endeavuring. 1 believe, to wmd up affairs as speedin as possible. Trade is very quiet at present. undaturnfor the bettrr is anxiously looked for. Since I last wrote you, Liquidator Campbell, of the Central Bank, has been removed and Mr. Lye has been elected to fill his place. A dividend of twenty-five cents on the dollar is, I understand, shortly to be paid to the depositors. What amount they will ultimately receive is at. present difficult to determine. A party indebted to the bank to the extent. The Ontario Legislature is still in ses- sion, although its labors for the present year appear to be drawing to a close. After a pretty full discussion the resolu- tions of the Inter-Provincial Conference were adopted on a straight party vote. the Government majority being; tv. enty- four. Amongst the most important of the resolutions were those regarding the Senate and the exercise of the veto power. The plan for reforming the Senate is not acceptable to many of the Government supporters, and had this resolution been voted on separately it is not likely that it would have received their full support. According to the new proposni a part of the members of the Senate are to be ap- pointed partly by the Dominion GoVern» Inent and the other part by the Local Legislatures. The Dominion Senate was created presumedly to protect the rights oi the diflereiit provinces, which are not represented in it as they are in the House of Commons according to population. Filled as it is with broken down politic- ians who are strong supporters of the present government, it has made no at- tempt. to maintain provincial autonomy, but has simply acted as a nmchine to register the decrees of Sir John Macdon- old and to block progressive legislation. There probably is not a legislative body in existenCe that possesses such a small degree of public confidence. If the Sen- ate is to become a representative body and agnardian of provtncial rights its members should all be elected by the Legislatures or by the people. A hybrid body, such as we should have were the resolution of the conference carried into effect would be a cause of Contilllll d d s- ‘satisfaction. To the transfer of the Veto power over provincial acts from the Do- minion Govermnent to the Queen in Council, much exception cannot be taken. It is manifestly unjust that when a dit- fereuce arises between the Dominion and one of the Provinces one of the parties to the dispute should give the decision. At the present time any act‘ passed by the Dominion Parliament may be disallowed by the British Government, and whilst that government has this power it hardly lies in the mouths of Conservatives to' object to a change by which the Home Government would decide, not whether the people of Canada had power to pass a certain act, but simply whether that power lay with the Dominion or with the Provinces. If this change is carried into efl'ect we shall be far more likely to have just decisions upon the acts submitted than we have had in the past. The Sherifl' of the C9u_nty 9f 7 York has A_,,L1 Our 'L'oronto Letter. appointed, bu't it is thought N art-Essentials, Liberty ; in It thev will giant us the ; Voting on Sen“: Act repeal takes place markets upon the bani. nu April 19th in Bruce, Simcoe and Stur- 3mg thrown down, If mum, Dundas and Glengarry. that it remained with to say whether or mm; A Mr. Jones, Pruvinciul Treasurer in Mr. The Prince of \Vules c«- silver wedding, on Saturday, muuy had to be cm'taiied Im the death of the Emperor «)1 Mr. Jones, Provincial Treasurer in Mr. Greenway’a cabinet, was elected for SnoalLakeun Saturday, by about 200 Innjurily. Hon J. B‘ Plumb. Spedker in the sen- ate, died suddenly yesterday mun)ng at his residence at Ningul‘u,in his 72nd year. I am so sure that 1 can cure the worst case of catarrh in the lluec,liead or throne that I will forward. free of‘ charge, a sample box of Japanese Catarrh Cure to any address in Canada, United States or Great Britain, provided they will furnish with order a. letter from any reliable per- son or clergyman. 1f the Japanese Ca- carrh Cure gives satisfaction, I would ex- pect them to forward the small amount of 25 cents. On the other hand. if it does not, prove ell'ectnal no payment will he expected. Joseph Dilworth, Chemist, 170 King St. East, Toronto. The importance of the information con- veyed by these figures can be best under- stood by a simple comparisun. Take for instance the two first named powdersâ€"â€" the Royal and Cleveland’s. The inert matter Mr residuum founl in Cleveland‘s is seen to be about 3 in 7 more than in the other, which is a difference nf 40 per cent, the Royal being purer than Cleve- land’s by a corresponding figure. The relative purity of nll the brands can be computed in like manner. The mature of the residuum bears di rectly upon the question of health. That in Royal is declared to be perfectly harm- less. In the case nf the nlum powders it is considered hurtful, yet the amuunt {mind in three of the cream of tartar powdersâ€"Cleveland’s. Dr Price’s and Sterlingâ€"average more than that in the Cryatal, an alum powder. Ur. Price's .............. Jersey (alum)......... Fnrest City (alum). . . Silver Star (alum) ..... De Land’s . ............. Hurafurd (Phusphule Kenton (alum) . . . Rnyal (Cream of Tartar Cleveland's Zipp’s Crystal §terung The recent official tests in the States of various nrliclen of food have attracted much attention from the public and caus- ed u wide (llflctlsfllnll in the newspapers. The frauds in the manufacture of baking powders, and the determined efforts to lorce various brands of alum powders upon the walker. have caused the author" ities of sereral of the Slates to look par- ticularly after this class of goods The Ohio Siule Fond Commission has amm- ined thirty dill’erunt brands, and of these found twenty mnde from ulum. Such a large number was not suspected, nor was it snpponed that some of the cream of tartar and phosphate powders, whose manufacturers are representing them to the public as pure and wholesome, had becmne so deteriorated as they were found to be from the use of linpure in- gredients in their compounding. As many of these udulterated brands are sold in the Duluulloll, the report possesses a local interest. The Ohio Commission made tests for strength and purity, and declared that baking powder the bestâ€"us it was of course the purestâ€" which, being of effect- ive mrength, contained residuum in ‘ smallest qnhntities. In the baking pow-I (let‘s named in the following percentages of residuum or inert matter were found: Per cent. of Name. Residuum, etc. Royal (Cream of Tartar Powder). . 7.25 | fir,“ I,._ H The LatcS‘ Official Test as to their Rel- ative Purity. The recent; nflicrialrtests in the States of Great excitement throughout the neigh~ burlmud of Richmond Hill over a very startling letter received from Wm. Turn- er, of Whitchnrch, speaking in the high- est, terms of “Japanese Catarrh Cure," He says, "I have used one box, and I think one mnre will cure me. Mine was a very bad case of catarrh.” Cures stuff- ills: of the nose nu troublesome to child- ren, rnld in the head, nnse or throat. Sample box, 25 cents; large size, 50 cents. Joseph Dilwmmh, Chemist, 170 King St. Euut, next dour to Nipissing Hotel, To- rontu. juurnment cf the House. In connection with this matter 1 have heard a rumor and I give it for “hat it is worth, that the member for North York will shortly resign his seat in the Ontario Leglslature. Smuzx. MARCH 15, 1888 that he will be selected soon oFâ€"â€".___ Baking Powders. NEWS ITEMS. all things, Charity." ‘Obâ€"n W â€" Ids of alum powders have caused the author- Lhe Slates to hka pagr- lebrated his but the cere- uccuunt m‘ Gerumny. after the ad .10.]8 ...... 11.99 ...... 12.63 ...... 12.66 .]6.05 ...... '14 04 ...... 31.88 ......32.52 ...... 36.49 ...... 38.17 HOUSE 130 Thi‘spowdel‘ uevcr vanes A n stréngth and \th]GSOl))ell€SS. M ~t’dmu the ordinary kinds, and our com etitinn wimb the multitude I weig t alum m- phnsphatc powdc in cans. ROYAL BAKING Powmm street. N. Y Moved by Mr. McCormack, seconded by Mr. Lupp, Resolved. that the Legislal tive Assembly of the Province of Ontario is respectfully requested to abolish and disallow all toll-gates as well as the impo~ sitiou and collection of tolls on the York roads in the County of York, and to pro~ wide that thu said roads shall be kept in a. proper state of repair by the said county â€"Carried. \VR curâ€"At Lamnroux, Sam-horn, on Monday. Murvh 12m. Julgu' n riggtLpg‘otbex-rof the late : “7-:AL A The council of the newly incorporated village of \Vest Toronto Junction, at its last meeting passed the following 185011)- don;â€" On A brutal affair took place near Bolton village last Friday morning. Mr. John Forester, a. highly respectable farmer,was attacked in the woods by his hired man, Samuel Preston, and almost murdered with an axe. Thu villain then Went to tho huuse and made a. ferocious attack on Mrs. Forester, leaving her insensible. He threatened tu hang her if she Would not tell where her hmsbaud’s money was. The man was anal-wards arrested and lodged in the Brampton jail to await his trial. A prize fight between John L.Sullivan, of Boston and Charles Mitchell, of Engâ€" land, took place on Saturday, on the grounds of Baron Ruthchild, in France. There were 39 rounds fought and the match was finally declared a draw. Sulli- van gained must of the rounds but was badly pumshed by his opponent. The brutal exlubmon was witnessed by a large crowd of sporting men. A return brought down by Mr. Hardy shows that last year $93,215 was received for Scott Act tines in counties, and $3], 466 in citied and towns. Middlesex re- ceived the largest amount. of any single county-310.094; Nunhumberlsnd and Durham received 87,001; Port, Hope $2,922; and Cubnurg $1,500. The sum of 810,150 was cullected in the Town of uurnam received $7,001; Port, Hope $2,922; and Cubnurg 81,500. The sum of 810,150 was cullected in the Town of Peterburo'. The amount collected in Hulwn was only $1,302. vvvvv ‘1»- y ' '"Vâ€"Wl’ Constables Morrison and Hanks were Committed for trial on the charge of shooting Patrick Carroll and Daniel Foley. The condition of both men in critical butit is thought, they will reâ€" cover. The wounded men had previouer succeeded in freeing a prisoner from the constables. _,,_._.._ . .. vwvvl “‘IVIIU' Ul but: nuan Wurka department, and generally agdl $hat department, and an investigal was urdered before the County Judgo‘ At last. night‘s meeting of the Toronto City Council grave charges of breach of trust and malfeasance of office were made against Inspector Lackie. of the Board of Works department, and generally agdinnt Ghat department, and an investigation The Government organ in Ottawa yea- terday morning practically informed Messrs. Greenway and Martin, the Mani- toba delegates. that their mission is not appreciated by the Dominion authorities, and that it is destined to fail. Rev. John Stonehouse, Methodist min- ister of Adelaido village, was arrested in Strathroy on Saturday, on a charge of at- tempting to blackmail hotel-keepers. Absolutely Page. mun 01130 any; é W , At Alliaton, on. SaturdgyLScott Act ._LII ‘- [Single copies, 3 cts DEATHS 'et. Riel ». HALI. A marvel c More sec nd Hi1] lchnmm 1E mrvel of purity, JI‘O economical mot be sold in ;f low testshm-t yrs. Sold nnlv 1C6 \an 37-

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