Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Mar 1888, p. 3

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The English, Austrian and Italian GOV' emments concur in the opinion that Prince Ferdinand’s position is illegal, but they de- cline to take steps likely to disturb the peace of Bulgaria. King John of Abyssinia has issued a proâ€" clamation summoning all classes of his peo- ple to arms, and declares that he hopes after exterminating the Italians to annihilate the Soudanese. It is expected at the next meeting of the Austrian Delegation that: the Government will ask for a war grant of over one hund- red million florins. M. Wilson has been convicted for com- plicity in the Legion of Honor decoration scandal and sentenced to two years' in.- prisonment and to pay a. fine of 3,000f. The Chinese Foreign Office has refused to permit the opening of the upper Yang-Tsa- Kiagg, and has caused the British pioneer steamer to be stopped at Ichanq. The revenues of the Church of England in England have declined. The living of Rochdale, that used to be worth $50,000 or $60,000, is now worth only $20,000. The British Admiralty has issued to com- manders of home squadrons full instructions regarding their positions for defence in time of war. Grain is being carried from Chicago to Liverpool for $4 60 per ton. While the charge from Chicago to New York is only $5 per ton. The sarcophagus that: contained the body of Alexander the Great has been discovered at Saida, 9. town of Syria, on the Mediter- raneau. B. Napcli, an Italian ranchman at Dayton, New, discovered one of his cows choking on a potato. He thrust in his hand and suc- ceeded in pushing the obstruction down the oow’s throat, but when he undertook to with- draw his arm the cow shut down on it like a vise and kept her hold until her jaws were pried apart with n crqwbnr. The bones and flesh of his arm were so crushed that amputa- tion will be necessary. The funeral of 9. Toledo physician was postponed at the request of his dying wife, who said she Wished to be buried with him. She died several days later, and the two were interred together. A Philadelphia. cigarmaking firm was per mitting its employes to smoke 0'00 cigars per day. An attempt was made to cut off this privilege and a strike was the result. No monopoly must be allowed to show its hydrahead. A Baltimore paper says that “Detroit has more homely girls to the square acre than auv other city in the world." This is anoth- er instance of the fact that Providence, for reasons of its own, sometimes permits a blood-stained wretch to live on. J. K Perriman, who is under arrest at Grand Rapids, Mich., for bigamy, pub in a very novel defence. He says that be in sub- ject; to fits of aberration of the mind, and that if he ever married more than one wo- man he has forgotten all about the matter. An avalanche in the valley of Morabbia, Switzerland, has killed ten persons and de- ltroysd a large number of houses. Prince Hohenlohe-Oekringen, third secre tax-y to the German Le atiou in St. Peters burg, has died of his se f-iuflicted wounds. On Saturday a train of empty coal cars on the Canadian Pacific struck a large rock on the line in the mountain: above North Band, B. C., and jumping from the track the whole train rolled down an embankment nearly two hundred feet high. The cars and engine were smashed. to atoms. For- tunately no one was hurt, the train hands jumping and saving their lives. Ab Callicoon, N. Y., the snow w_a.s so deep that a. funeral had to be postponed for five days, and ome farmers were housed in for a. week. The Secretary of the Treasury is advised of an organized movement for the emigra- tion of German convicts to the United States, and will take measures to prevent their landing. Fire insurance rates in Bufi‘alo have been increased twenty per cent, owing to the enormous losses of the past three years. In the pass fourteen months the loss by fire amounts to $2,500,000. The great strike of engineers at; Blackburn has ended, the masters having partially conceded the demands made by their em- ployees. The Toronto Board of Trade are asking the Dominion Parliament ior legislation an thorizing the Board to accepn as members not only actual traders in Toronto, but; per- sons directly engaged in or interested in trade or commerce, whether residents of To- ronto or not. The total volue of property in the city of Montreal is estimated at $102,641,730, the sum of $17,921,665 being exempt from tax- ation. The assessed value of city property is represented as $83,836,847, and the toteL amount collected on real estate $997,616.56. Last year’s collections on' revenue account amounted to $1,948,464 and those of 1886 to $1,909,103. A shortage of over one hundred thousand dollars hes been discovered in the finances of the Hall estate, of Montreal, which will be made the subject of legal proceedings by the heirs. Mr. Lindsay, the curator of the estate, is in New Yoxk, pending a settle- ment of the question. ' At a meeting in Toronto of the‘ctedimrs of the Central Bank, Mr. Henry Lye was unanimously appointed llqniimur In place of Mr. Campbell. Rasolumous were adopt;- ed expressing approval of Megsrs. Howland and Gooderhnm’a course 01 ieiion, and in- structing them to prosecute any party or parties who 'helged to wreck the bank. CANADIAN. Thtaew purcel post convention between Canada and the United States came inbo operation on thflac. The whole 0 minimum sum 0.” $250,- 000 needed for th’ lbiiee endowment fund of Queen’s Univer y, Kingszon, has been subscribed. The executive committee of the Quebec Branch of the Dominion Alliance have de- cided to ask for an amendment to Lhu license law making all persons under ‘21 yeus of age minors, instead of 16 years, the present imit. The dog corps in the French army is THE WEEK’S NEWS. UNITED STATES FOREIGN. Earth has nothing more tender than a woman’s heart when it is the abode of pity. â€"-[Luther. A ten cent; bottle of Polson’s NERVILINE will cure neuralgia or headache. A 10 cent bottle of Nerviline will cure toothache or faceache. A 10 cent sample bottle of N ew- iline is sufficient to cure colds, diarrhoea, spasms, dysentery, 82c! Nervlline is just the thing to cure all pains, whether internal or external. Buy at your drugzist a. 10 cent sample of Nerviline, " the great pain cure.” Safe, prompt, and always effectual. Large bottles at any drug store, only '25 cents. The apparently s‘ow progress of the Italians in their Abyssinian Campaign has given rise to some wonder at the extreme caution manifested, and some suspicion of reverses not _allowed to come to the know- lege of the public. The real explanation seems to be that the Italians have no inten- tion of climbing Abyssinia’s mountain stronghold 7,000 feet above the level of the sea, or of attempting to repeat, in the face of solidly hostile tribes the march, which, nothwithstanding the neutrality or sympa- thy ol the intervening races, cost England nine millions of pounds sterling. What Italy really wants is, it appears, a secure hold upon the port and colony at Massowah, and what her forces are really trying to do, is to make the surrounding territory practi» oally impregnsble. If the Abyssininns show equal good sense by refusing to leave their native fortresses to stack the Italian fortifications on the seashore, not much blood may be lost in the campaign. At the same time the case is rather a. hard one for King John and his people, who, it is said, want nothing but a right of transit through the territory in question to the sea coast. Msssowuh is, it appears, practically the only port through which they can carry on the commerce with foreign nations which they are anxious to establish. Had Eng- land remained in possession, this privilege would, no doubt, have been reedin granted, and it is not easy »to see what Italy has to gain by refusing it. It would seem certain- ly that King John had some reason to com- plain of having been left in the lurch by England, who, when she handed over Mas- sowah district to another nation, might, in consideration of King John’s friendly action in relieving the Soudan gorrisons, at least have stipulated to reserve Abyssinia‘s commercial rights or privileges. Possibly a natural resentment may have had some- thing to do with the failure of the recent British Embassy to King John to counsel pence. paper. The statement; which may, we presume, be ,acoepted as lacs. bring into gloomy relief the tyranny of the press :ensorship in Russia. The editor, A. Gstuk, undertakes to uxpluiu Why it was that after appearing with unfailing regularity lor twelve years his psper 1.1503111; irregular of a. sudden. Througzi the influence of lxatkoif, who usad to praise the freedom of press and speech enjoyed in Russia, M. Gstzuk says the paper underwent sucn tortures at the hands oi the Censor and the Minister of the Home Department, Tolstoy, as “ could not be borne by any paper in the whole World, men during one you.“ These tortures were “ the fi'equentconfiscationof single numbers; refusal even of permission to 50.9.36 that the non‘eppearsnce of the piper was not the foult oi the editor ; the iorced suspension of the paper in the busiest time ior subscrip- tions ; the prohibition o! the retail sale for a whole year ; and, finally, the closing of our printing oflice (the oldest private printing house in Russia) and keeping it under seals without being allowed even to sell it." In order to secure the regular appearance of the paper the publishers decided in 1887 to submit it to the “ preliminary censorship,” in which case the responsibility falls on the Censor. “ But the Press Department con- trived even then to throw obstacles in the way, and at last, on the 20th of October, by order of the Minister Tolstoy, without the usual ‘ statement of the motives,’ the paper was prohibited for eight months. The chief manager of the Press Department explained verbally that this penalty, equivalent to the fine of 80,000 roubles Worth, was inflict- ed for a private letter, written by the editor to the Censor, the tone of which the latter deemed insulting.” Against this decision there was no appeal ; no possibility of self- defence through the press, nor even of send- ing letters to each subscriber, as such letters would be looked upon as acts of hostility to the Government. It all this be true, M. Gatznk may well say that he who knows the real situation at the press in Russia, and what an honest journalist, unable to sell his conscience, bus to undergo, will not reprove them for the sudden irr egnarity in their editions. ‘ ‘ The Germans recently afitempted‘ a. “minor mobilisation " experiment near Metz. .L‘he railroad station master received at 1 o’clock an order to prepare coffee for 2,800 men at; 4, and a dinnerior the same number at: 6.3). At 1 o’clock 2,800 men came. in, had their coffee and took the train for another station, mgd at 6.30 the next 2,800 promptly appear- The Londdn Mail publisth a. letter writ- ten- by the e‘diaor of Gain/L’s Gazette in Moscow, to asubscrxber in England who complained of the irregular arnvul of the ed, dined and went to the next; station, where they had cofi‘ee, and both parties re- turned to their quarters the next morning. The attempt was highly succeaslul. Chief DeBefl‘ and his followers, who ha. hitherto been powerful allies ot the Italian forces in Abyssinia, have deserted to the enemy, taking with them arms and equip manta furnished by the Italians. being carefully trained at Belfort. Large dogs are chosen. Every day they are shown soldiers in German uniforms and taught: to fly at chem on sight. Persons coming from Poland state that the landowners there, both gram; and small, are in despair, owifig to the rapid depreciation in the value of their estate. They assert that valuations have sunk betweeln ‘23 and 30 per cent.‘during the last tv‘vo years. At a meeting of the Panama Canal Com- pany, held in Paris the other day, M. de Lesseps expected to have the canal nuvig. able by means of locks in 1890, though the Work would not be entirely completed by that date. The Italians in Abyssinian. What 10 Cents Wiil Do. The Press in Russia. Information cheerfully furnished without charge. Money advanced to bona. fide set- tlers at low rates of interest upon personal property to assist them in starting. Farmers going to Manitoba. will find it; to their advantage to call upon or write to W. B. Gillett, 523 Mbin Street, XVinnipeg, who has improved farms for sale. 0L0 MEDAL NURSERY STOCKâ€"PLANT- ING SPRING, 1888.â€" The proprietors of the Toronto Nurseriesâ€"established 1887â€"will have for spring planting a large stock of Fruit and Ornamen- . Trees. Evergreens, Shrubs, eta, of all kinds and 81225, which will be sold cheap, as a portion of our grounds must be cleared and sold. Send for priced, gesoripfiive catalogue GEO. LESLIE & SON, 1164 Queen' St. E., TBQSIKQ C(msumptmn Surely Cured. To mu EDITOR :â€"â€"Pleas-.- mtorm your renders that Ihaveapusinive remedy for the above named dis- ease. By its timely u-~e thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send me their Express and P. 0. aldress. Respectfully, DR. '1‘. A. SLOCUM, 37 Yonge St” Toronto, Ont. A Modest, Sensitive Woman. often shrinks from consulting a. physician about functional derangement, and prefers to suffer in silence. This may be a. mistaken feeling, but it is one which is largely preva- lent. To’all such women we would say that; one of the most skilful physicians of the day, who has had 9. vast experience in curing dis- eases peculiar to women, has prepared a. re- medy which is of inestimable aid to them. We refer to Dr. Pierce’e Favorite Prescrip- tion. This is the only remedy for women’s peculiar weaknesses and ailments, told by druggists, under a. positive guarantee from the manufacturer, vhat it; will give satisfac- tion in every case or money refunded. See guarantee printed on bottle wrapper. Exster banners willeatcli the gowns worn with them. Nor will they fail amyoue in such a. dire predicament. To the dyspeptic, the biliovs, and the constipated, they are alike “3. freind in need and a friend indeed." Don’t hawk, hawk, blow, spit, and dis- gust everybody with your offensive breath. but use Dr. Sage’a Camrrh Remedy and end Mary Anderson sets the hair-dressing fashions in London. A Cure for Drunkenness. The opium habit, depsonmnis, the morphine habit. nervous pmstxatiou caused by the use 01 tobacco, wakefulness, mental depression, softening of the brain, eta, premature old ago, 1059 of vitallty caused by over-exertion or the brain, and loss of natural strength, from any cause whatever. Menâ€"young, old or mlddl (1 who are broken down from any -lAL‘.Iâ€"-.‘ .Ahl, ‘Vomen carpenters have appeared in Lon- don. When one thinks about it there is nothing in a. carpenter‘s trade that a woman cannot master. Last night a happy crowd of young folks met at a. merry-making at the house of William Means, a well-to-do farmer in the neighborhood of Hillsboro, 0. While the fun was at its height, two Sisters named Stover left the house and dressed. up in a ghostly fashion. They wrapped themselves in sheets, put on false faces made of dough, and then burst suddenly in upon the guests. Four young ladies fainted at the sight of the apparitions. Two were restored to con- sciousness without trouble, but two others, Dora Aikins and Lizzie Clancy, were reâ€" stored only to pass into a. condition of frightful delirium, screaming and crying constantly. The physicians. have but slen. der hope of the recovery of their reason. Thirdlyâ€"Tll’ only way fer a. farm to be doubled in value by manufacturin’ enter- prizs is its bein’ turned inter taown lots, er a cabbidge garden (seein’ caabbidgcs ain‘t im- ported) ’er a» berryin’ graound fer himself 'n, his family, when they’ve all starved t‘ death in th' fosterin' other folksea infants besides his own. A Yankee Farmer’s Conclusions. Fustly (as the preacher saya)â€"S‘ long as any of his truck has to hunt a. fun-in markit the farmers’s got 11’ wake furrin prices fer it all, whefher it gits exported or not. Seck’ndlyâ€"S long as any sue: truck as he's a-buyin comes from abroad he hez 12' pay furrin price and duty and freight; and handling fer it all, American: ‘5 well aa the rest. 0011‘ No More. Watson's cough drops me the best in th v world for the throat: and chest, for the voice unequalled. See that thelettera R. & ’1‘.W. are stamped on each drop. w _ ..-_ v..__, ottbe above causes, or any cause nouncntiomd above, send your address and 10 cents in stamps for Lubon'a Treatise, in book form, of Diseases of Man. Books sent sealed and secure from observation. Address M. V Lusox 47 Welliurton street East. Toronto Ont. Handkerchiefs entirely of lace are coming into vogue. Ocean Steamship Passengers Via New York should take the Erie rail- way, as it; is not only the shortest and best line, but lands people close to the piers of the lending steamship companies. In buy- ing tickets, ask for the Erie. Fashion decrees that bridesmaids shall disappear from weddings. Mrs. M. E. Bmddon, author of Lady Audley’s secret, has written about forty novels. hair to its natural color and prevents Elli'né‘oiuiiflfi Sixty-eight women voted in the Montreal municipal elections on Thuriday, out of a. total of 446 qualified to yote. HUB 1 Conan 0mm cures in one minute. Whenever your Stomach o: Bowels gefl out 0! 0': de:. causing Biliousness. Dye epsta, or Indigestion, and the!:_ghflend_:1h§ pvils. ta 70 M qnoe a doso 0! Dr. Mrs. Langtry can’t cough without all the newspapers speaking of it. ‘ 1"0KAI4L. 25391:. ‘VCCKLL'JQ expcnau U paid. Valuable outfit and particular! _ tree. PA). VICKER'E. Augusta. Maine. umaon's Stomach. Bitters. Bead taixiufmedloma All Drugglate. 50 cents. A’l‘ENTs procured. Patent, Attorneys, and experts Est'd 1867. Donald C. Bldout d: Co..'l‘oronw. MANITOBA. Mrs H. B. Stowe writes very little now. gmoxfusn HAIR Rgxnwng reatorea may and traded aopla who are ambient to bad breahh. (on! conned gue, or any diam-dot of m Seaman], can as once 'ailaved by using Dr. Damon's 850mm]: Bitten, old and tried remedy. Auk vaux Dxmzzisa. Sad Result of a Silly Joke. Sick headache I Buterelong comes at His stomach settles into peace, Wlbhiu his head the threbbinxs cease Pierce’a Pallets never fail him! A. P. 389 Poiicies in Force over 10,000. Amount over $13;0136:6'00. PRESIDENTâ€"HON. SIR W. P. ROWLAND, C.B., K_C.M.G. VICE-PRESLDENTS.â€"WILLIAM ELLIOTT, Esq ; ED\VARD HOOPER, Esq. J. K. M CDONALD, Managing Director. manna... \Y-ml--l‘:&-kl;\ .u..- n .m...‘ ....I 1...: Mr. up“. n ...... READ OFF". E. DR. GRAY’S Specific has been used for the pan fifteen years; with great success, in the treatment 01 Nervous Debiilty, and all diseases arising from ex- cesses, over-worked brain, loss of vitality, ringing in the ears, paipitation,eto. For sale by all druggista. Price 81 per box, or 6 boxes for $5, or will be sent by mail on receiph of price. Pamphlet on nppiicatiou. er hour. Also Rock Drillsâ€"Hand, Home, or team Power. Sand for Catalogue. Lnldlaw Manulaclnrlng (10.. Desiring to obtain n Business Education, or become progclcnt m shorthand and Typewriting, should at. ten the BRITISH AMERIGAN BUSINESS CDLLEGE but none equal it in lubricating propert‘es. FARM- ERS, Mmqu, etc, find none equal to the GEHZXNE Peerless made by 7 SAMUEL mums & 00., 103mm. Water MERCHANTS BRIGGS’ PATENT Are the best in the world for du iug. All that is required is to} material to be stamped and pi the hack of the paper and it lea Twelve sample designs sent. on New Catalogue of 230 pages initials and over 600 other dos cents: it you menticn this papl small parcels of mevchandiae tr CMFSMINS PEERLESS MACHINE OIL, E‘E'ZIIZ‘S9 EPELEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, A We long study. I WARRANT my remedy to CURE the worst cases. Because others havo failed is no reason for npt now receivin a. cure. Send at once 1 or a. treatise and E OTTLE oi m INFALLIBLE REMEDY. Give Ex ress and‘ ost_ QAflicg.‘ It costs yopppthiug or a. When I say CURE I do not mean merely to stop them for a time, and then have them re- turn again. I MEAN_A RADICAL CURE. I have made the dlsease or mil,â€" 5151 i (vi/{1'1 cfiié $503." XdVdEé's‘é-m -" Dr. H. G. ROOT. 37 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. for us. Cash furnished on sntisfaotory guaranty Address C. S. PAGE. Hyde Park. Vermont, U.S‘ Sokl by dealers evervwhera THE GRAY MEDICINE 00., Toronto. AM) TRADERS GENERALLY. We want u soon KAN in your locality to pick up Nervws Deming)“. To th‘s date, October 31, 1887, there has bean retumed To the heirs c! Policy«boldere (death claims). . . . . _ , _ ‘ To the holdn ct matured Eudm'ment Policxes. . . To Policy-holders on sunender of Pollcies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To Policy-holders for Cash Profits (including those allocntcd and being paic) To holders of Annuity Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . . . Loaned to Poficy-holders on Security of their Policies.. WPoficies Nonforfeitnble use: 2 years and Indeteasible alter 3 years: 00]) AGENTS WANTED over the snare Do- ' minion. Addresa GEO. D. FEBRIS. 81 (‘hurth Sweet. Toronto. Amado, Yongo stream Toronto. :ularn, cm, Address O’DEA. Secretary There are many Imm'noss of terinl (rm 1e. Clevel F. F. fiAL-LEY 65 00., Propriefofl. TRANSFER PAPERS A HOSIE (‘0)!PANY, ESTABLISHIJD “(TOHEIL 1871. wgrlq for doing ygur own Stamp CAPITAL AND rvsns now own $ - - iTRl-ll‘ _.__{ronos10, on. is to plaE pd‘prxss : PURE LIVING STREAM AUGEBS, bore 20 Ice: H A MILTON, 0n BUTCHERS the p: Kidney O'zm mat on the i A colorist sie< per will be attached to these train}. Make early apnlication to agent {or what cars and berths you will require. REE-feet Cars euppiied 101' coionixts’ movabies. No Customs delay or expenn. - No quarantine. No transfers. For further inhrm'h i 1ion see agent, or write ELEABL I hm”... CATALOGUE , . . A FREE ' ‘ madam of the next elem hundred letters wfli mormmoussnd letters have been receivad a.“ odve am: a follow! : and every Tue‘flny thereafter dufirg March and Apil TAKE NO OTHER. “PRICE 6 CENTs.‘ Inc-Mew to mtg-canon my N stock fin“ mmaUm'Led Wand Canads, wlll gtv numb: gold “follower: the parties sen Jinx-ea Oeuc Canadian, m 21 Two Cent Am P053519 Stamps for any one of the following) fiono mm or bulbs. which will be Inn: y u: ( d).1nApr|lnext. md gum-mum good condition : No.l.-â€"! Hardy Roses. !.â€"l Bverbloomlnclhsel. J. LAHMER. lam-u. - - - 1mm 8.â€"1 Hardy Climbing Bones. ‘.â€"2 Dahlia]. Lâ€"S Gladiolus. 0....8 Hardy Grape Vina. 1.â€"8 mqpberrlu. 4 each, black and rcfi x-zo Strawberry Plants, 4 choice kinda Anlemn with stamps enclosed mrequosted ‘ my plants, will be numbered 55 the come to mm the senders of the first thirteen undrad 10 will race!" guts as follows : ‘ 15:. “$225 The next lo, $15 each. find..â€" 125 The next 15, no each. Mâ€" 75 The next 40, 5 each. “mâ€" 50 The next 470. 2 each. BULâ€" 25 The next 560, I each. Ammo thousand letters hsve been received. the! sender: of the next one :11on letters will “3061781 cm:- as follow“ 1 and a........... 8100 each The next 5. see each} 3. l and 5... 15 each The next- 15. 10 each C.“1nds........ “each The nextStM. seat 9. lo. 11 and 12. £5 eache The nests. l e Mummounnd letters have been received. the} lenders 0! the next eleven hundred and nine lattes-v 1111 receive um as follows: I .................. .100 each 0 next 10 328 each I .......... '15 each The next 25 10th s and I. ..... no (men The next 585 2 em! The next! 25 oath The next 479 I each! Any per-arm may send my number of times for n of above ooertlone. 1” BREADMAKER’S YEASTJ As a direct lnveafinem this will not fay, but my object is to introduce my stock, Ind bui d up a trade by mail. I employ no agents but deal direct with. «25mm one!!! slavish!“ wk $0.8M men Leaving Toronto, N. & N ‘W. Station, Brook Street. at 9 p.m., [Mum cent- cxtnla Ian-till will send in April a printed 1152 of the Inns of persons who an oath m to the auto. ‘V_ _.._ _._._ .. -v .., r... 6! (he (1th gates or (laugh; Véi'tyhar by In “pm or freight, It about one-half the price oh by other Nurserme mmugh agents. Send no t lino! mound I will now you 9110-. Hands. on. pow. Ind W31 [ottersâ€" Colonists’ Trains. TO BE GIVEN firWyOeY? British Columbia and the Pacific Coast, TUESDAY. FEB’Y 23TH. CANADIAN PAcIHc Ith. - ALWAYS AHEAD! ‘33 Will run settler-3' Trains to all points in COLONIZATION AGENT, 81,36,174 47 Amount over $15,000,000 "0 King: Street Wont. Toronto. THE NORTH-WEST, RAE LWAY THE Theme“ 20, The next 40, The next “5, The next 820, makes sweet that it is superior to an ‘ ever used by them. ; the lightest, whitest. est and most wholesome . buns, rolls and buck- :cakes. Directionsin each, go with full instructianfl.‘ A D made with this 3k fi'st prizes at_1$2 p and County Fau‘a in n :38”, at suCh laces rton,’linrkham, it~ )vc-r 10,000 ladies have :ttors and postal 4211!: It it is §qperi9r to 3111" $649,249 00 26,492 63 98,656 00 432,544 02 16,967 81 82,264 93 $10 each. 5 each. 2 each.

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