Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Mar 1888, p. 4

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a young and splendid yet no regard tor any that which gave them fused to give them a Yet these wooden-116a power in the land not It is certainly time that Canadians should receive from English men a definition of the word ‘loyaltv.’ \Ve refer especially to those Englishmen who have made their home in Can- ada, have lived and grown {at in Canada, and who would, like thous- ands of others, have spent a life of pmchmg poverty had they not emi- grated. It really ought not to mat- ter much to the genuine Canadian what is thought by those who, while shanng all the bmefitsconterred by a young and splendid country, have It can hardly be contended that in Unis Manhood Suffrage Act there is a scheme {ordisiranchising or bar- assing the voters of an opposue partv. The act secures (0 all with- out fear or favor the fullest and easi- est means of taking part in the Gov- ernment ofthe Province. we are not sanguine enough to even dream that this measrre of lair-play and jus’dce will incline the Dominion Parliament ('0 a spin! of emulation. The powers at Toronto and those at Ottawa are separated in this way by Loo broad a gull. Mr. Mowat's " Manhood Sufi‘rage Act " is a short but very important document. bection 2 provides that “property or income qualification for voters as respects the Legislative Assembly is abolished.” Section 3 declares that “ every male person of the full age of twentyâ€"one years, a subject of Her Majesty by birth or naturalization, shall, it duly entered on the list 0t voters proper to be used, be entitled to vote at elections to se.‘ve in the Legislative Assembly ot this Province." In these two short sentences we have the [nth of the Act. No one is prohibited from voting, except for disqualification due to criminality, unsound mind or to the receipt of Municipal or Pro- vincial charity. The death of the Emperor \Villiam must soon show what measure of truth there is in the predictions of those who have declared that Ger- man unity depended altogether on the life of one man. \N’illiam is gone, and Frederick has quietly and naturally succeeded him. And in our opinion not a cloud threatens the proud and mighty labric erected by the Hohenzollern dynasty and its able and patriotic statesmen and warriors. Nor can we see reason tor thinking that the death ol Bis. } maer and Von Muhhe could retard: much less demolish, the great em' pire. It is rare to find in history the rise of a great power so impli. cated with the life of one man that its collapse ensued as the result of his demise. On the other hand, with seldom an exception, there is no end of examples that to the state in particular as to the world at large, no man is absolutely necessary. Germany's greatness is iouuded on the greatness of the German people. Too long a prey to French ambition and Austrian reactionism, from the latter she treed herself in 1866 at Sadowa, and trom thetormer in 1870 at Sedan. And a calamity to the great bulwark of European civiliza- tion Would be an evil so immense that it must be a matter ot cm]- gratulation to all lovers of the hu- man race that the German empire is iounded on the best and truest pat-:iofism. THE A TTORNE Yâ€"GENERAL’S BIL L RIuHMOND HILL. Thursday,March 15. '83 DEATH OF EMPEROR WILLIAM Seed. ~W. no) "e. finnedâ€"1V "a. Rob‘ ‘50 @112 gamma T00 DIUCH LOYALTY. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS my place except xem birth. but re- 11 a subsistence. headed fools area not by reason of DISAh'J‘llnCSrâ€"Tlle most intense er:â€" cllement is felt in the fluuriahing villuue of Richmond Hill and its surroundings, u'= facts are revealed, of numeral): families who are dyeing. in the must beauti‘y‘ul colors; in fact all the colors of the ruin- bow, by using the popular Sun Set Dyes, only live cents a package. Suld in the city only by Joseph Dilwnrtll, the Drug,- gish‘ 170 Kim:r Sb. East, betlween the Clyde and Nlpissing Hotels. Toronto. and excessive cxpcctomtien caused bv Ca- tarrh. Sold by Druggists. or sent pro-paid on receipt of price. 50c. and 81. Address FULFORD & 60., Brockviue, OM. A strange phenomenon, which was slrnngely beautiful, excited the admira- tion of a large crowd standing close to Joseph Hall’s store, the heavens seemed radiant with splendor. ()na. closer in- spominn it was found it was a reflection of a number of garments nm a clothes line stretched across the lawu, which had just hven dyed With Sun-Set Dyes. Only five cents a package. Sold at Dilworth’s Drug! Store. Toronto Mlle; 11.] ; any one can do the work: (4-. mt se vuung "1' 01d ; no hpeciul DJ)? ' f :eqn‘ '00. szi- :l nutneeded ; you are smug-ml free. Cut Luff out fl-llll return to us and we win semi you you, gnu-naming uf great value 11.111}inl1m)‘l~lu('olnyufl, nmlwx l éturt you in busine s.wuuci1 wnil b I w jv-vll in more maney rig-ht. awav, than au‘ v'nz Fire in the world Gruml bulyfit iree. (tune a True dz Co. Augusta}. amine. HIGHLY GOI‘D NEws.â€"1t im’t generally under- stoodtlmtthe electric light, may somu day or other line the farmers’ path-way up Yonue Street to Inclunond Hill. Won‘t let be grand l In the meantime, I would advise every farmer along the mule and everv Caucus inn to use the rent. Ruck Spring; 0041 Oil. The prire so low that you will hold your breath when you hear it prunouuccd by Dilvmrth The Drugzlfit. between the Clyde. and Nipissing Hutcls. Toronto The two Blacksmiths of our town challenged any two nf the Rifle Club Ln 1 who“: a friendly umich. C. H. Hall nnd Dr. Norman accepted and were beaten 5 points. T No uthere will shoot against them next Saturdav. A ‘ew days ago Katie Butt, daughter of 'I‘hnmas‘ Butt, was ialieu vinleutly ill. Dr Nurumn and Dr.()rr \\ ere sumumued. She grew Worse, lmi' snfiering heing so great that. they had (0 give her Murphiuu. She uI’RfllH-lll) sank and the Drs. were unable in arrive at any conclusinn us to lmr niluwnm. On 'I‘hnmdny or Friday of last weak it w as sum)”. ed ahe could only live ii few hours and the parents were acquainted with the fact. Her sisters wvrv ’l‘vlegmphed for, but in a shan time eh? t «,k a change for the better and on last Sunday she wins dressed and running abnut l.llt‘ liuuee the same as usual. It was cerxainiy a scram-4e case and the Drs. xre at :1 loss to correctly diagnose hu- mmplaiut Miss May, of Oshawa. commenced spoâ€" vial metâ€"hugs in the Methndist Church lust Sabbath evening. The house was filled tn the door. “'6 hmk forward to a 1 great Wurk being accmuplished(luring her may. . Al'hnuuli our town is not so bad as some we could mention still (here is z'onm fur improvement. ‘ lnvenfimn 1m be P - :u m 46' how and f9 ~16. slll'ci cx‘e.u-vemwie um' are «man‘s n. monilx. sent phabpaid On receipt of pricé (50c. or 93!) by addressing Fulfnrd (9' Cu., Brock- vIHe, Ont DANL‘L‘IOUS Coum'emri-ztrs.â€"Connter- V'eils are always (ringernlls, more no let Huey always clusely [MITA'I‘vs Tm; 0111mm b H APPEAnAmzl-z up NAME. The renmrL- able uuccrss achieved by Nasal Balm as a inimilive cure for Catnrrh and Culd in the Head has induced nuprincipled purLies tn iniimte it. The public are cautioned not m be deceived by nusnnnm imitating Nasal Balm in mune and appeal-mire, hearing such names as Nasal CrHuJI, Balsam, etc. Ask for Nasal Balm and ulu nut lake imimiinn dealers may urge upon ymi. For sale hv all druggiats or wit, eloquence or even common senser But with piggish ingratitude, inspired by the spi-rit of toadyism, they actually frighten Canadians by shouting ' Loyalty forever! Down with traitors.' It is high time that Canadians should realize that ‘ loy- alty ’ means among other things the Washington Treaty and the recent surrender of our Fisheries. Now how much 01 that article, that loy- alty, might a patriotic Canadian to have? n we » auu‘ has rewrlann ‘0“ 1M I I world untiqu Hue Ju Lhmf cemuw. Nutlexrnamnl'g the \wmdexx “f il)"6":;ye < i“. a metlmd uml rv' lem of “u: 5,- mm, m'rfmmcu all over the cpumw w (gout, mu the \wn'Lem 2'1 0.11 their hun‘e . [‘u v 701* new i ie um‘ me no month. it i nwm’usner d‘ )9 :1 ( ' L": ; yougeaue-l ‘e to 1mm. once mnil free. Au Rhine King Cioy. this find that Am e 3 SI. Mon 66 90.; 311101 0 whose w'umead mm 1‘ .m n-cb; uuev will 1mou u’e eumloyment wi' nub uLLa ueuxhom wi‘ nub mm “8211‘. ‘ 'u,,gmufi;r,n elu ‘llh! u . McLuu, m m ngmve m bum lIe SBUTNENG. CLEANSING, HEALING. Said in Head, HAY FEVER. STGPS BATARRH, ..4. m-. nceuetl: .Nh ;, wk; v1 8.1)‘1- .n~ we - as any [2 cures .u“, muuy 2 Lu Dmnfgd mu: m Ina-1.6 R. W. NEVHJLE Three Gallons Coal Oil for 50 cents. N0 trouble to Show goods wherher you buy or not. Choice Fresh Butter. New laid Eggs, and Lard want- Big stock just in, latest styles, all kinds, all sizes. Men and Boys take notice. and SHUES Pants made to order for $3.50 worth $5.00. Order early before the tailors get busy Embroideries, &c FINE {E ERSEYS LATEST PATTERNS. All prices. Ready-Made Clothing, Gents Furnishings, Suitings, Pantings, &c., DRESS GOODS GINGHAMS. LACE S, CRETONNES PRINTS, COTTONS I All round is ting the price on one article and Charging double on an- other] but LOW PRICES All through the store that rl‘aste. Care and lflxporienoe with (Dash can findâ€"not cut- received to-day. Prices so low, better buy NEW than mend the Old. Is now opemng the new wring stock which has been cajefully bought for cash. Our aim will be to give our cus- tomers the BE ST VALUE RICH MOND HILL GROCERIES ed QUICK. THE CHEAP {BASH HOUSE, With trimmings to match. HMS I HATS ! 85G VALUE just now for bleaching. Handso’nh'e patterns in New stock of spring Full stock of fresh UICK. Highest pl'ICCS glven. Extra value in Rare value in Prices low. AND our motto. Raymond Sewing Machines sand Eagle Steam Washers Special Value in Hysmls. Congoua and Japans. Flour always on hand. Fn‘nt tank and White Lose by Roller Process. I still continue to sell the celebratea WEST-CLASS GROCERIES I The Largest and Best Assorted Stock in Town. Felt Work of every description, such as Men’s Felt Boots, Felt Stockings, Ankle Boots, Men’s Felt Balmorals, Ladies’ Felt Balmorals and Gaiters. Overshoes of all kinds. Man~ itobas, Snow Excluders, Elaskas. &c. Ladies’ Carnivals 8'; Rubbers. Ladies’ Fine Boots. Men’s Gaiters of various kinds. Ladies’ and Gents’ Slippers; Full Stock of Childâ€" ren’s \Vare, all colors, sizes and prices. ‘ Custom \Vork. sewed and pegged, a specialty. Repairing neatly and promptly done. “I” VIMMENSE FALL bTOCK JUST ARRIVED £11! Sugars, Teas. Canned Goods 8c everything in the Grocery Line; also Flour 8c Feed. Prices Low. The Largest. Stock of FURNITURE ever on hand,wlnch must. be sold to bring cash P. G. SAVAGE. Wallfleiline paperfiorderine & Freezes WALL PAPERS,first of the season W. ATKNSON, SCOTCH TWEEDS‘ WORSTEDS,’ OXFORD, HARVARD, AND CRANKIE SHIRTINGS, &c., CHEAP. NEW DESIGNS IN PAPERS! NOW being opened; at the Concrete is Magnificent Value. SPRING CONCRETE HOHSE Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for goods and highest prices allcwe» ORNE STORE. SUMMER DRY GOODS THE IMPORTATION OF DIRECT IMPORTER. RICHMOND HILL. FOR CHEAP, FRESH AND Fu} 1888. Call and see them. Just arrived. New designs in 'l‘U THE LORNE STORE AND GEO. TRENCH

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