A good Dwelling wxch Store nttuvhe nu moderate terms. Thu property in : Yunee Streetllichmoml Hill. two dou Crosbv's stare. There is an exreue with a. liberal supply of chnive fruit. googl water, hunt and suit. Applv to m: The above factory is situated on RICHMOND S'l‘., RICHMOND HIL] Nov. 25d). lSSG-flm In connection with the factory, where custom sawing “'1†be done. All Work guaranteed and prices moderate. PLANED LUMBER, MOULDINGS, &C. Valuabie Pmperiy FIRST-CLASS SAW-MILL Are now prepared to take. Calm-acts for all kinds of Buildings. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS. 840.. PLANINB MILLS ! Both light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction as {he work is under my own aupervisr‘a. I am also prepared tn do all kinds «f black- smithing d: repairing in the most work- manlike manner, on the shortest notice, Id on the most reasonable terms. PLATFORM SPRING 'W A G 0 N S. Cutters, In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal patr mnge during the past twenty-ï¬ve ye .rs, I beg to re- mind them and the gen. ml public, thin hnving erect-DJ" :ntiw'y new and com- modimu premises. l mu enabled to lupply Phaetons, Buggies. Carriages, TRENCH’S -CARRIAGE WORKS.- Seem tsrv R. T. of Temperance. Richmond Hill Council, No. 43, Meets m Temperance Humane]: ulter- nnï¬ve Tuesday evemng nteu'cluck p m. Bene- ï¬ciary certiï¬cates! issued to nmle or female members for $1,000 or in case of death 32.000. one halt unyablu in case of disability. J.-H. Sunder- gou Select Councillors; J.A.E.switzer.Becording A. O. U. W.,Ivy Lodge, No. 1-11. Meets in the Committee room of the Maaouic Hull each alternative Tuesday at 8 o'clock p.m. Bene~ flcery certiï¬cate given for $2,000 in case of death J. Brown. Manner Workman T. F.McMnhon. rec Horse - Shoeing Having bought the above-named mill and put everything in u. mm, nun-bu, nu... ... um ~- 7 p. to. Membership free. Cer r members entitling them to certain plivileges and exemptions. Win11. Pugsloy, Captain. B. A. Nicholle, Secretary. Hzcxumcs' mnrru-rz.â€" Library at over 1000 volumeuppen every Tuesday evening, in the Ma- sonic Hull.frnm 7 to 8 o‘clock. B. E. Law. Libra. flan. Lectures and discussions periodicallv. RICHMOND mu. Comzm Emuâ€"Meets {or notice ovary Tuesdny and Saturday evening at 300'clock W. Sheppard, Lender VILLAOI Commaâ€"Roi w. Wm. Pugsley. Coun- cillora. Messrs. P 6. Savage, Wm A SandersonJV Atkinson, Dr Wilson. (tlcrk. M. 'l'eefv. Fm: Bananaâ€"Regular meeting ï¬rst, Friday 91 everygmngh, h_e]d in the Conn il Ch bar. at n 4: .AJ -‘ Ke t on hand, or made to order on t 1e shortest. notice. A stock of Tere Methodiae sabbath nchnol'l'empcrance As mutation issue pledge curds every Sunday when desired. Wmflnrrison BDpf ANCIENT onnzx or anEnTEnu~Court Rich. mond. 140.7046 A. 0. 17.. meets in the Temperance 11.nover alternate Friduv at 7.30 p. m.â€" A J Rupert. C. R. Bmauoxn Loves, A. F. a; A. M., No.23. G.B.(‘ Manta in the Lodge room,Mnson1c Halon the Monday on or before full moon. at 8 o'clock p.m I. Crosby. W.M. PREBBYTERIAN (Damien 0P CAxADA.â€"Bervlces at l] o'clock n..m..tmd 0:30 p.u1. Prayer moaoing on Wednesday evening at 7330. Rev. W. W. Perceval. Pastor. . ROMAN cn‘aomc cnuncn.â€"86rv1cea in order I follow | Thornnlll at 9 s..m.. and Richmond H 1 \10230 mm: the following Sunday at Rich- mongï¬il) M9 mm. and Thornhill at 10350 n. m Bev. . J. Egan. Pastor 81‘; Mun s Enscoml. Cnunca.â€"-Borvicra at a p m.,except the third Sunday of ovary month. when the service and sacrament are held at 11 um. BundnyBchoolatl:30p.m Bov.W.Baceu Rector Maruomsw Cannonâ€"Services at 10:30 a. In 3nd 6:30 p. m..and Sunday achnnl. at 2.30 p.111. Young peeple'a prayer meenug Tuesday evening. General Prayer Meeting every Thursday evenmg in the Lecture Room. Raw. JJI. Simpson. supt. Rev. G. N. Rutledge, Assistugt. AIways on hand. Them is also a FOR SALE. Fl “ST-CLASS ORDER. L. INNES & SUNS RICHMOND HILL Inid special attention tn. WM TRENCII BICIIMOND "ILL. Wilma: Qirrttmq. Sleighs and Soclelles. Churches. excellent fruit. P ‘ply to 1t :m'deu. Plenty of fur LAW sale Three doors west of Dr. Orr's rerlaenco. The house contains nine rooms, [100d cellar. exceh lam. hard and soft water and has every cunven- ience. Firspclnss stable and d' ‘ng house. There is also a. youu orchard,ï¬iggtgvoTvémull in air. and the lot is we I fenced. l‘enns eusv. 26-1-14: AMOS RHUNK, Maple P O Dom 'uibï¬ SfCJuafla. House & Lot for Sale JESSE NUNN, bPRINGlâ€"IILL land Road, HErmw E_636:Louduu, hvï¬â€™g‘ Lauryn & Morris, Hartlord. Con. The Tofonfb Week The London Tings“,- mâ€"__-_n_.~p .k . :4 Imnm'y n! we lununu Th3 Cahada Educatisn These Spectacles and EYo 6an .es have been used for the past 35 vears. and given in every inâ€" stance unbounded snisfactlon. They are the bestiu the world. They never tire, and lust many years without change. For Sale by T. F. McflIflHO/V 3000 more Words and nearly 2000 more Illustra- tions than any other American Dictionary. Authority in the Gov't Printing omce, and with the U. 5. Supreme Court. It is recommended by the State Sup‘ls cf Schools in 36 States, and by the lending College Presidents of the United Egyntrea‘l Herz‘ud Spectaelu 8; Eye Glasses. The Toreï¬to Clcbc WEBSTER Besides many other valuable features, it contains FRANK LAZARUS Presarve Your Sight In Worsteds and Tweedn. imported. and he is in e. poi - ou iomake vuu up a. Scotch Tweed Sui», con and west or pants, at the same pHce you have heretofore paid for Canadian Tweeds. John J. M‘mhell’s New York Fashion Plates for Spring and Su'nmerjust received Call e..rly (mu get ï¬rst choice. Good Fit Guaranteed. SUITINGS, BOATINGS All) PAHTINGS. A new brick-clad dwellivrz, :5 sea! ‘95 high, with J; .19 more of 3.0mm, is for mm m tue Ls‘Vp counccciblj with any-(Ilia ï¬rm in the Fï¬ï¬NK ILAZARUis. Mgnufactuaer, 28 Mary- IMPORTED GOODS PUBLISHER or “ LIBERAL." RICHMOND HILL. AND RICHMOND HILL orthe Bee-Hive Tailoring Establishment, begs to announce to his many patrons in GREAI TIMES Arï¬Ã©â€˜i‘éï¬ï¬ph'icgl Dictionary now ready Ind wlll be mailed {tee to all who apply by letter. " Send for it. BIKINI M «mono. connining delcnp- lion. Ind prices of I“ the be“ varieties of VEGETIBLE IID FLOWER SEEDS WM. RINNIE.- - Tonou'ro. ONTARIO. ODCO‘ SEEDS _ Smayed on the premises or Mrs. Joseph Rob- msop one sow pig. Owner can have same by paying keep and ad vonnsemem it called {(15 AM, A Gazetteer' of thE'WB'rId And surrounding country that he will show you the very ï¬nest stock (1 C. TREVETHAN, Richmond Hili. VILLAGE BF MAPLE, He hnsjust receivod a magniï¬cent line of MR. 0. TREVETHAN, in various Styles of Binding, ï¬ith and without Patent Index. locating and describing 25,000 Places‘ (Late of the ï¬rm ofLazaxus J: Morris) WEBSTER IS THE sï¬mnm of 118,000 Words, 3009 Engkvings‘ BEE-HIVE. Ever brouaht into Richmond Hill. mm: Eiavivttistmmts. BY All in One Book STRAYED. rily rated anp SERBIA)! VA___Di_ctionary hé "13710.0( BENOWNED r, ipringf ‘ARING THE ONLY JI Noted Persons, em, .1 Ken-{lay Lln MI “imamâ€"it tir It is the best Dic- Iti 31355., t pro pa ’ublisher place use is 1371:; 4d Inge 011 ‘gni in tho) Illâ€"n1“ 37-2 This unrivaled periodical. which has been pub~ lished by Milan 4: Co. fur inure than forty years. continues to maintain its high i'epllmtinn for ex- cellence. and enjoys the largest circulation ever attained by any rciemiflc publication. Every number mntains sixteen pugesbeuutifullv print. ed, elegaubly illustrated ; it presents in popular style u. desr‘l‘iptive record of the most novel, in- teresting and important advances it Science,Art_ and Munumntures. It shows the prngrevs of the Wnrld In respect to New Discoveries. and im- provementswmbmcing Machinery, Mechanical Works.Eugineering in all branches, Chemistry, Metallurgv. Electricity. Light.HelmArrhiLecLure. Eomentic Economy,Agriculture,Nubuml History, ’0. Weekly. $3.00 a Year 'I‘I-IE ï¬cieutiï¬c gmmmu, J. T. SAIGEON, Agent, Springhill. S. HOLLAND, Local Agent, Bradford. This Company has been organized by prominent men on the basis of the United Kingdom Temperance and General Prov- ident, Institution of Britain, one of the most successful of British Companies, whose experience for the last 20 years was nearly 20 per cent. in favor of total abstainera over their general class. On making cnmparision with British Cnmpunies established on principles simi- lar to our own, we ï¬nd the business of the United Kingdom Temperance and General Provident Institution for its 15th year was $1,339,250; The Scottish Tem- perance Life Assurance 00., recently established,in its 3rd year wrote 3732.228. To enable the people of King and Vaughan Townships more fully to under- stand our success, we take from the re- turns nf the leading Canadian Companies to the Superintendent nf Insurance, the following facts cancerniug their new busi- Iuess:â€"'l‘he Canada: Life for its 22nd year issued 881 policies for $1,150,855. the Confederation for its 5th year issued 1005 for $l.383.000. the Sun Life fur its 5th year issued 324 policies for 8465.119. and for its 10th year 573 policies fur $926370. The Ontario Mutual for its lOlh year issued 4'27 policies for $490,000; The Nurth American Life Assumuce Co. fur its 3rd year issued 827 policies for $1,347- 088. MI Our business for the second year has never befure been reached by any other Canadian Company in its second year, and with only one death claim for $1,000, and that. caused by and accinent. The following is a statement of the business for the year ending: 31“ of Dec.. 1887:â€"The number of applications for asmrance was 1050 for $1,770,109: de- clined, held in abeyanca and not. taken up, 83 for $164,500; leaving 967 for $1,â€" 605.600. with an tnnual premium income of $83,289 96. HON. S. H. BLAKE, Ron-r. MCLEAN,ESQ., HEAD OFFICI~ MA NNING A RCA rm, TORONTO. } VICE-PRESIDE HON. G. W. Ross, Minister of Education, PRESIDENT; Peas. do. ............ Dressed hogu.per 100 lbs Beef. fora qunrter ........... Beef. hind quarter .. Chickena. per pair . Ducks. d'o Geese. each ........ Turkevs. perlb . Butter, round to Butter, urge rolls E205. fresh. per doze Potatoes, per bag ..... Apples. per bbl,.,..... .. onions. green, at bush... Calbbuee, per (a: ‘ Ce ery, o Turnips, per [kg .. Carrots, do Beans. per peck ...... Flour, sprina. Par hbl Flour, tall, per bbl Haymor ton . .. straw. per ton . “u Temperance 6c General Life Assurance Co. Penn. do . Bye. do . ‘ CloverSeed. do . Dressed hogs, per 1001!». Beef, fore quarters .. Beef,bin<l qunrters.. Chickens, per pair .. 55 Ducks. do . 65 Geese,each .. 60 Turkeys, ench 1 50 Butter, pound rolls; . 20 Butter. tub dairy . . .. 00 Eggs, fresh, per doz‘. 20 091112095er bug 1 00 Apples. per [)0] ..... 1 75 onionu. green, per doz. 15 Cabbage do 50 Cauliflower do Celery, do 40 'l‘umips,pel' bug. Carrots, do. . Hay, per ton .. .12 00 R 00 swamps:- ton . mcsmoxn Him. Thursdnv, Mar. 15. outs, per bushel ...90 40 Peas, do. ‘ 0 70 TORONTO Thursday, Mar 15. [we Whenm‘all per bushel $0 80 m Wheat, spring, do 76 Barley. do .. 73 outs, do 47 Penn. do Bye. do -. ClovarSeed. do . . 7 00 Dressed hogs, per 1001193 Purely n Cnnndmn Company Dress Milkenoppnsita gmonic Hull Richmond 1 DRE SS MAKING The Most Popular Scientiï¬c Paper in the World. MISS HA RHISON, ESTABLISHED 1845 $l.-‘30 for SIX Eh: mamas. VICE-PRESIDENTS Months 030 040 mm% 570 018 000 1200 1-100 mm 02 55 1.1 S .15 50 88 78 GROCERIE S. BLANKETS, COMFORTERS, WOULLEN UNDERCLUT HING. 8'3 OCKINGS, MITTS.&C .0. “n. unchâ€" r...... vauvu u. uvvw Vtions accompanying each package. The Remedy alluys inflammation‘ separates ad- hesious. softens indul‘utlons. and strengthens the abdominal wall, so that m a. few weeks or a. few months. dependmg of course upon the age of the patient and the length of time he has been ruptured. the use of the Truss may be entirely discontinued. A box of the Remedy fora single rupture usually lusts six or eight Weeks. and in recent; cases is quite sufï¬cient to effect a perm-agent, curq ; double rupture and cases of lpng standing naturally require nlargcrquanuty. \ oung chlldl‘pn are often quickly cured .thhout. theglid of a truss by simply up lying jhe Remedy morning and evening rubbing 1t well 1n thh the hand while the chi d is lymg down. If. however. the good cfl’cfls of the Refnedy are not ap nr- ent after scveml days†use. I would recommend blmt a wuss be obtained. Trusses 1L one fail to cure: bm, Lube-1's Remedy. with the aid of any good. truss, ImVex- fails. BRITISH I“? \G STAFF ï¬x Permanent Gum. >78 A Eleaéa'nt‘auE. G, MIDDLE-AGED A} Who are broken (iown from the effects at abuse will ï¬nd in No. 8 a. radical cure for nervous debility, organic weakness, involuntary vital losses. etc. SYMPTOMS ran WHICH No. 8 SHOULD BE UsnD.â€"Want of energy. vertigo, want of purpose. dimness of sight. aversion to society, want of conï¬dence, avoidance of conversation. ' desire for solitude. listlexxnesa and inability to ï¬x the attention on aparticnlar subject. cowardice. depression of spirits, giddinesï¬, losa of memory, excitability oi temper! sper- maton‘lima, or loss of the seminal fluidâ€"the resulb of self-abuse or marital excessâ€"impo- tency, innutrition. emuciatiou. barrenncss, ialpitation of the bean. hyateric feelings in (emales, trembling, melancholy, dmtnrbiuq reams, etc., are all symptoms of this ten-ibis habit. oituntimes innocently ncquircl. In short. the Spriu of vital force having lost its tension, ovary function wanes in consequence. Scientiï¬c writers and the an ail-intendean of insuno usylnrus units in nscribing to tho efl'ecta oi sell-abuse the gran majority of wasted lives Which come under their notice. If you are incompetent for the ardnnus duties of business, incapacitated for the enjoymnnh of life. No. 8 oflcrs an escape from the effects 0: early vice. If you are advanced in years, No. 8 will give you full vigor and strength. If you are broken (1mm, physically and morally. from early indiscretion, the result of ignorance and folly, send your address and 10 cents in stamps for M. V. Lunon's Treatise in Book Form on Diseases or Man. Sealed and secure from observation. Address all e mmunicatinns to" m. V." LUBQ . 47 Wellinggon S}: E.._TQI‘9IJIO. - 11-- I. .. -.ih_ ., a, , K, __ -.._-__i__, M. v. Lvs'Sï¬-E' é‘PE‘c‘S'IpIo NO. 8. THE 6352 €32.ng WM 3.4: p TH. :REW‘E WEB. FACTS rim mm: 63 Ali AGE-S. We would like to cal A Positive Cure. *5 A Painless Cure. I ’Man without himâ€"£1795 In : tool’s paradise. Address : Gureé' WHEAT,PEA.S.OATS,RYE .BARLEYflcc STEELE BROS. & C0..SEED MERCHANTS.TORONTO I VMLULJâ€"Hl L). 5’1 APLE GRUCERIES. FLOUR .1: FEED DELIVERED UN SHORTES'I‘ NOTICE. WANTED CHOICE SEED GRAIN STEELE BROS. 6’1: CO’S RED & ALSIKE CLOVER, TIMOTHY SEED, 860. GAHHOTJUBNIP, MANGEL & GARDEN SEEDS All Fresh and Reliable ; . -â€"--ALSOâ€"~ ‘A Marv-fl 9! Healingqu Kohinoor of gedicines, Amid disappointment by sowing Have now on hand full stocks of Please send samples or call on :‘I(')( )] )IIC’S PLSFéSES OF MAN. A'l‘ REDUCED PR ICES lhevï¬-Vrflgl‘é Vfcbngéque-I‘iézguoi: 'Ind lscretlon, Exposure and Owen-Work. Parties having any choice H ymur ammunm to our winter stock of SEEDS. “mum We claim In keep on hand a frpsh stock of min. ‘34 vvx‘Juu urn BI. 13.. "IOI'OIIIA cums GUARANTEED. um. ma smu. oronto, Os to, Canada. A. MOODIE