L‘lumkful for the f may still he consult. s assion (Us follows Aurora lst, “11,1633 Richmond Hill... .. .' Tmmam Ofliccâ€"No. 10 King St. W'awt. Markham flmooâ€"Oax-gmmim Tre- mmm Momma Mam Si. Eaatrhcs, 011ml :mh @pï¬f; SPECTA (LES F0 L11 Yonge trees. Next dour to the new Arc: smufl'villu" M;n'khmn ‘ Victor-inflqtmva. Flori-hi“, Walker House Wanllbridge. Kbinburg.. Nobleton. Vitalized ir alwu s on 11: \V01'k5ï¬ke u. «:hnrm MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES Barristers, Solicitors, Gonveyancers, 8m. Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€"No. 14 Building & Loan Chambers, N3. :5 Toronto Street. Richmond Hi“ Oï¬ï¬ceâ€"Rear of the Central Bank, on Saturdays. Fllflt‘i .- i Fm eushirngs A!“ :23 s on “and YHEUBEBAL PRINT: RICHMOND HI Mr Gregory or Mr Holmes will he at mu Oflice every Saturday from 'J u. m Medalist Toronto (‘ Physicinns ck Sux‘uonn‘ Emma Street. Richu' Fault-moan. Cook dc Miller, BARRISTE rs. SOLICITORS &c ~\FFICE: JR KING Snmrxr EMT, Tonox'm Richmond Hill 1". 0. Every Saturday. (‘mufnr‘ mm. It Best, ï¬tting Teef‘n mm ulized Air admuust Jed DENTXST NOT AT 2 .. G. F. LAWRENCE. THURSDAY EVENING ROGERS Dean“ QSS‘WQ, E. Iâ€. MORE‘H‘B'. EVEN 63: (30.. Addy Zamwg gs €355. {Indemaï¬u-n zo‘oa.m.,5t08p LAWRENCE & MILLIGAN. J S Fullnrtun W D Gm Barristers. Solicitors, Convrsyaï¬cers, &c. Private Funds to Loan at Lowest Fates uigh: calls at from; door (at the 1’&lmer VOL. X. BUSINESS CARDS. 15:? pal-VAT: FINDS To r-mm Br. . ‘ 2M1: :flmm’al 11111 my ................1;18th lo. ‘wth lo. . . . . 21M do \Vulkel Hum . 23rd (in ‘2th an. 29th db .. .Boch o n‘ always on hand at aupoinhneuts s hke u. charm Free from 1mm. Richmond HHS. A ROBINSON L.D.S.. Aux-o! It Out per annum, in advance.] AND Dr. J. A. I’ahm-r. RACHMOND HILL, ONT Br. W'. J. “'Hsmu. I'S PUBLISHED {IGH $191553?! If 1513]) BY Dr. A. Robinson. :amm Lnngslafl. SURGEON DENTIST 1rers & ayivflit‘at. HILL. mmmom, and PROPRIE‘E‘GR. :1. and 22nd 3th and 24th House) {tent-:1". ‘vm-s of the past '20 years din any I)! :1cbnf the pro- {‘QJII iNG & XV Cook nix'ersilv anhm (‘n =, Out,.llnte of Stoufl‘ville {and Hill. Ofï¬ce Hours 'I' BROS. :‘mrlltry, §ilbcrmmt 31 (Boots. R EVERY FIGHT. WTOR ONTO PUBLISHING HOUSE _ _ 0311mm Prices low and Vi T. C. MILLIGAN. porters of mbalmon's‘ G W HoLmzs of and“ month dn_ J. R. Miller & rimmn‘s Ofï¬ce hour the Mark- tu 7 p m ICE 0'1 ' Take no 0 per bottle â€"»-~ 77777 â€" 9m 1 . ‘ CURES (r35? Dr ‘ 7 Liver Complaint, r†'Dyr‘ln llsin, h Iiilii‘uhllchfl, and c Sivk Hemlm-he, Tm liiJney 'l'ruublcs, I ‘- Mu-unmbism, “"1‘1‘ Slim IanthCS I Fuum und lel ‘Nra Y “Ixnpnritivs ul tlvo ‘ I†uluml {mm whut- J’mbh \ -,. «n-VuL-umu urinmg ()u » AEcumJe \Vuukllk- V 94 x‘p‘xfnjzuulgum-1:211(IL‘MI _' by ' 1 ' -m&mï¬â€˜Â§Â£â€˜1_1 l’uruv \ vgcuLblc. I uni...- †Sold everywhere. Price ‘25 cents and 50 « pex bottle. Proprietors and munuincturers Forjfgr‘ms ungflrqflgptjnilsnpply at her residence Highlv Concentrated Every accommodation to guestfl. Board, $1.00 pal-day MISS FALMWEME Every accommodation for the travelling public Good stablng and an attentive hostler. Best hq_uurs and cigars. ‘Ice muï¬se (SE-{ï¬e lake always clear. Warm stalls for trotting horses. The undersigned 111wng tnken pussy-Sim} of the above commodious hotel ml] cheerfully cutertnthe cnmfu‘t. 01 the travellng public. Best hmudsofliquorsand ciuru's. An attentive hustler and good smbliu". Rooms for commer- cial travellers. Having reï¬tted the above House and furnish- ed it in ï¬rst-class style, I um prepared to give the public the heat 0’ uccnmmodutmn. Excellent unblng nud‘ntteumve hustlers. Sample Rooms for commercial travellers. A goud ln'ez'y in con- uectinu. Terms $1 her dnv. flflgéfl Pam? WQEES; THE DOMINION HOUSE, Richmond Hill. @333 NE GENRE: Ben]. Brillingor. Proprietor. Incenced Aucsiouecr for the County M Yark Sales attended on the shhx‘tcst until-mam] at reu- allé rates. Address Stuum‘me 1‘20 agmnt’a gala» gï¬a‘am. Licensed Auctioneer for the County onork. re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. sullen attended on the slum-mt notice and at reasonabu rates. 1’. 0. mluress, King. All kinds of Wood. Iron, Gulvmxizcd 1’ipe,Irun Brass and Porcelain Cylinders. All kinds v‘f Water Runs. \VcIl-Digqing Curbs Curb Rings and Cisteru Tanks made to order. Repairing done on shortqu notice. Licenseu Anrtioneorfor the Counties"? Yolk 'O’Hmriouml Perl. Gouda sold on Cn‘x‘mwnnwnr. "General sales of stack. o.th prunwtly intended to ut- remnnuule rates. P. 0. name“. «m $111111) propprty. Interest low. Terms easy I“) vauluuti'o'n or commission fees charged, Apply to LAWRENCE & MILLIGAN. Ben‘rnters. etc.. 15 Toronto Sh. I‘m-mutt). and Richmond Hill mam mm mm Ann] 186‘â€. Gm. Is desirous of obtaining pupils fol instrucblon Ill \fl WM. hogan», Proprfétor ASK FOR DR. HODDER‘S COMPOUND. Issuer of Murmgo Licenses for the County of Yor Richmnnd Hm. Feb 1ft, 1&8' INSTRUMENTAL MUSEQ. E9 ï¬gmgw, @EaÂ¥$~£8 EWQSEM DR. HODDER‘S [0N EY L 910ch z A lame amount uf PRIVATE FUNDS T0 LOAN 158 mm; STREET EAST. TORONTO van“. N.‘ U..¢\-\ HE“ RESIDENCE. ii (ï¬sher. Sold everywhere. l‘rix-e 7.3 cer “'IVI . I: F. L L. Proprioml'. Lords Richardson. James C. Stokt-s. Salem Eu'km'di N . J. Armstron g. E132 isrcllmxrmzï¬ (i GI RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY. MARCH ‘3 WCURES { in Li?" Cnllmluint, ,H.‘-q "IL-NI.) HLMHUR. Prop. Pleasant, Efl'cctunl, Sufo mam. Liver Complaint, ‘ Dyspepsia, Biliousness. 'f Sick Headache, Kidney 'l‘i'oubles. - Rheumatism, i Skin Diseases A and all ï¬â€˜Iuiylirityies of the 1 Blond from what- A ’1 mmle \venkuesw d general dehility urel y Vegetable, MAPLE 0x1 UNIONVIL 55212112215, Unity 'LAFLE .LE ‘in by Mr. Atkinson (I ordered to he paH. The clerk read sew had received in rvp! asking for opinions ‘ FH‘ence to building Courteous leHers we following gentleman Mr. T. Hnlcnhy, 01 Clerk, Newmarkvr; Clelk. Antwan; Di'r. cil Chamber on Monday evming, Murth lfllh. Members present:â€" Messrs. Pngeley (livers) Savage, Sanderson, Atkinson & Dr \Vilson. The minutes of last meeting “ere read and conï¬rmed. The following accounts were readzâ€"C. Mnrrimm, shoveâ€ng snow 85 cents. \Vm. Ftlgan 85c , John Jordan $1.50, Thumafl Martin 31 50, Aduer Rvid $1.50, The Rubber. On. for keys $6 00. On mntinn of Mr. Savage, wounded by Mr. Atkinson the above biils Were I am so sure that 1 can cure the worst case of catarrh in the nose-,head or throat that I will forward. free of charge, a sample box of Japanese Calznrrh Core to any address in Canada. United States or Great Britain. provided they will furnish nith order a letter from anv reliable per- son or clergyman. If the Japanese Ca- tarrh Cure gives satisfaction, I would ex- pect them to forward the small amount of 25 cents. 0n the other hand, if it. does not prove effectual no payment) will he expected. Joseph Dilworth, Chemist, 170 King St. East. Toronto. A Very (lvlicinIIs,su'eet pancake is made by taking «me pint uf su'r‘rt mHk. four eggs, two tahlesPnnnfnls of powdered sn‘ gar, twu lahh-spnmlflzls of nmlted huttvr. nne teaspmmfnl of Royal Baking Powder, and flour enough to make a. moderately ¢hin hatter Beat the eggs, whites and velks separately, until well fruthed. stir the butter, sugar. and one cupful of flour info Which the baking-pm der has been mixed, into the yelks. then add the milk. If needed, add more flour. Bake in sum}! cakes, butter each one as it comes from the ï¬re place four in a. pile, with vely thin layers of any kind of sweet, jelly beâ€" tween, and powdered sugar over the top. They should be baked very thin and four aerved :0 each person. spmmfn] of sait to one quart of milk, and sufï¬cient cnrn meal. mixing all into a smooth. thin batfer; nn eggs or lmtter are used {or these. The cakes bake quickly to a rich deep brown. and are extremely tender and light. 0n cold winter mornings pan cakes of all kinds hold an important place at. the breakfast table; the buckwheat. cake the most. cherished of all. \Vhen propeer made, this is the most delicious of all the uriddle cakes, but it has been against it when mnde from yeast. or risen over night that. it was difï¬cult to make light and sweet, and that disagreeable effects fre- quently followed its eating. It is found that. by the use of the RoVal Baking Pow- der io raise the hatter these objections have been entirely overcome, and that buckwheat cakes are made a. most deli- cious food, light, sweet. tender and pPr- feclly wholesome. that, Can be eaten by anyone without the slightest digestive ine Convenience. Once tested from the fol- lowing: receint no other will he used: 'I‘wh cups of huvkwhentxme cup of wheat flour, tWo tablespoons of Royal Baking Powder. on half teaspoouful of salt. all sifted well together. Mix with milk into a thin bat- Yer and bake at once on a hot griddlei The purest and richest syrup is made by dissolving sugar in tho proportion of ihree pounds of sugar to 1 pint of water Many persons prefer the flavor of syrup made of Orleans sugar to that made of the white. ‘ Rice griddle cakes arr. very delicious. The rice is cooked until perfectly soft. (trained dry. mashed with a spoon until the grains are well broken up. For each clmful of riCe take two egg", one pint. of milk. one heaping ieaspoonlul of Royal For hnnmvy cakes fake two cnpfnls n‘.‘ cnnked hnminv, and Crush it with u puta- to~musher until It in a. smnmh mass. Add nne level tenï¬pnnnful of Salt. twn ten- upmmfnls of Rnan linking Powder, and nne cupfnl of flour. Stir together: then add hy (ingress oner quart of milk an} Iadly three well beateï¬â€™eggs. Bake in thin cakes. Baking inder. one half toaspnnnfnl of salt. and flour enough to make a. thin batter. Verv ridicule and deliciuns cakes are made by allnwing two tonspnnnfnls of Royal Baking inder and one-th ten.- The Village C-mucil met in the h the (â€"xr‘v; ti. 1mm Wr re f. walks if built [uved bv Mr \Vinmn Hmr ; in Non-Essentials, LiJerty; Village Council. ancakes in Variety. ply tn those he had sent 3 and suggestinns in re- illg asphalt sidewalks, were received form the m givinLY their opiniuns: al letters which I Bird WHHH [Le elr opininns :1 H mnn‘y 3:11'1‘16 halt \nn the At the Annual Dinner of the Town“) of the Ilihb National League, held at sin Hullsa 1114. Friday evening, Mr. ] Tcefy, son of Post Master Teen" of H ago, had the honor uf respondmg to H on behaif of The Ladies. Ml . Alex. Scott, of Barrie, former proprie- tor of the York Herald, was in the villnge over Sunday lust. Mr. Scott was a. resident. of this place for twenty years, and always keeps a warm spot in Lxs heart for his Hands of former days. Miss Wilson, of Holland Landing, niece of Mrs. W. A. Sanderson, returned home this nmrumg. after several weeks‘ visit- 1ug here. Mr. Frank McConnghy 1n, who has been attending the Toronto School of Mediuine for the past term, is spending a Couple of \vetks' VACMiOU at home. Miss Luttie Swphensnn has been very ill, but “e are 'glad to be able to state that. sllF' is nmv recuvering. Mr. J H Br". nun is visiting relatives at Branmmn. \Ve are inclined he think he bus .1 frueml ihe-re whu is nut a relative. The Royal Templars of this place gave a public emex-rmnment on Wednesday evening last. The programme. cunsisted of Readings, [{vcita‘inns and music. Mr. E. J. Davis, of King, was chairman. Several of the [IMHHDH‘S of Springhill Council R. T. 1‘. including Mr. J. \V. Crussley. Dr. Norman, Mrs. and Miss McDuwell. Mr. A': Mrs. Tillman. assisted 1n the entertainment, alsu Mr. Cmnphell, of Eversley. We believe that this was (me of the best entertainments ever given in Ten‘peranceville. The Royal 'l‘emplars Cunm‘il in this place is prngressing splen- didly. Ir. has now a. membership uf over Mrs in the Mrs. W. Jewel]. of Aux-om, is making a. visit with her sister, Mrs. I. Crashy. Mrs, John Hopper. of Thornhill. has been visiting friends and relutivus gu the Village durngv the week. ï¬fty: Mi.“ H. H. Wiley, is spending a few days with friends in Toxonto. Mr. F. B. Danton, of the Law Oiflce of Reid, Reid & Knight, Toronto, was In the village on bUSIUBSB lust Saturday. FW an...†(imp past the pauple of ‘(nis neighborhood have thought t]1atl\lr.Juhn Hart was acting in a suspicious manner but the secret has leaked out. We cunâ€" qmm‘ime Mr. & Mrs. Hart; they seem m be $41 very hni PY- A sfrnnge phenumenon, which was stranger beautiful, excited the admira- tinn of a ‘arue crowd standing close to Inseph PIIIPS stn-re, the heavens seemed radiant with splendor. Una closur in- spvctiun it was found it was a. reflectiun nf a, number of garments on a clothes line stretched across the lawn, which had just been dyed With Sun-Set Dyes. Only ï¬ve cents a package. Sold at. Dilwutth’s Drug Store. Toronto From our own Correspondent Life has been somewhat quiet in this place fur sometime past, but, with the ap- proach of spring thing are beginning to brighten up. gum m thm plucv. Miss A. E. Uzml, se- czrlld daughter uf John B. Cain Esq, was united in the builds of matrimony a. few ï¬gys ago. Your correspondent husr not ye; learnPd the name of théï¬fï¬bpy man. After a discussinn m) the water supply, it was decided to meet Mr. Trench in a few duys when the question may be ï¬n- ally sealed. The Guuncil then adjourned. 125; also to ed. Moved by Mr. Sanderson, seconded by Mr. Atkinson that, the Reeve, Councillors Savage, Wilson and the mover be a. onm=~ mitteu to get out the plan nnd speciï¬cai tiuns fur the purpuse of erecting a. Lock- np lmnse in aucnrdance with By-La.w No. 125; also to advertise for tenders.â€"â€"Carrl- Dr. Wilson introduced a. By-Lmv to establish, maintain and regulute a Look- np house in the villuge of Richmond Hill. the name being thought necessary as A place in which to secure breakers of the imblic peace, and 3.13» as aï¬â€˜oxdiny a. shel- ter for tramps. The By-Law was read a. ï¬rst, secopd quid third time and passed. Rev. D. Idle is hoiding special services the Methodist Church. (Too late for last issue ) Mn The 1 all things, Charity. \Vm. Lnnsdule, carriage builder, moved with his family to Toronto. 2 marriage fen-r has broken out a. n this [mnch Mi‘ A. E. Cain, se- Cnulter‘ of Barrie, is visiting relatives village. Temperancevifle. PERSONALS. 2, 1888. bed t the ‘ Bnlt this ‘ the Indy 0011 \Vll] UL! )ast IIT This pom strength an than the 03'. corppetiï¬o: tiers of the world. This Centrul Amen-lam pyramid was 175 (I. high, 1,403 ft. squuo, and covered an area of 45 acres. From those and other Works of arc it was conclud- ed that the ancient inhabitants must have been possessed of much knowledge and in. Lelligenco, and were in 9. high state of civi- lization. The lecturer then gave accounts of Mexxco and Peru at their conquest b) the Spaniards, uud thought in many respects they were equal to their conquerors in tho ndvniieeinerit of civilization. By the con- quest of'Peru Eui'upe wus enriched to Hm amount. $800,000,000 sent from the temple of Cuzco, which was designated “The Palace of Gold.†The drift ef the Dr's argument. was to prove that. the island of Allantus was the home of Adam and Eve, and that civili- zations flowed from this place. The lecture).- was listened to with marked attention, but space will not allow of our giving further de- tails. At the close, a vote of thanks, moved by Rev. Mr. Rutledge, and secon‘ded by lur. Tecfy, was ununimonsly cmried, thanking the Dr. for his able discourse, and for his kindness in assisting the Institute. A vow of thanks, moved by Dr. Wilson, was also tendered the chairman und others who took part in the evening's programme. Mrs. A. J. Hume acted as accompanist for Miss Simpson. DISAsrunvsâ€"The must intense exâ€" citement. is felt in the flourishing village of Richmond Hill and its surroundings, as facts are revealed, of numerous families who are dyeing, in the mqu beautiful colors; in fact all the Colors uf the rain- bow, by using the popular Sun Set Dyes, only live cents a package. Sold in the city only by Jmeph Dilworth, the Drug- gist, 170 King SI. East. between the Clyde and prissing Hotels, Toronto. The third Re~Union of thia season under the iiuspices of the Mechanics' Institute Wus held in the Masonic Hall on Tuesday even- ing. The programme, though not giving much variety. was {I very satisfactory one. There was a fair attendance, although the hull was not so well ï¬lled as should be on such occasions. Rev. Mr Percival occupied the chair, and happily performed the duties devolving upon him. He clearly stated the object of the meeting, and gave a. pleasing address bearing on Institute work. Miss Ida. Simpson added much to the entertainment by a couple of very pretty songs, and was forced on her second uppenrsuce to respond to an encore. The Harmonica. Club con. tributh their full share to the evening‘s performance. On this occasion they excell- ed themselves, and the leader, Mr. W. D. Atkinson. has reason to feel proud of his juvenile amateurs. The chief feature of the evening was a lecture delivered by Dr. Orr, of Maple, cu “ The Origin of Civilizations.†He stated at the commencement that the on- ject of giving a lecture on such a subject was not so much to enlighten his hearers by what could be said in one evening, but to cause them to read up the subject and think for themselves. He began by giving a descript- ion of the island of Atlantus, as portrayed by the great ancient Wiiter Plato. This island, which wns of huge dimensions, was, he con- tended, in the Atlantic oceiin on the site at the Azores, 1nd was the true antediluvinn World. j' poesessed ii great empire, but Was subsequi ntly submerged by means of vol- canic eruptions. The ciVilizutiou of Amen- ca, he suid, was second to none on either hemisphere. He then gave a. description of ancient mounds which bud been discovered in different ports of the American Union. Ono in Illinois in the form of npnrallelogmm was 700 ft. by 500. Also one in Virginia which showed that the mound-builders were pessesaed of wonderful skill. On these mounds the ancient. worshippers biiilt their temples and places of sacriï¬ce. He then went on to picture certain ruins in Centrnt‘ America. a pyramid there being/ gregï¬ef ‘h‘i d/‘mensioc: :hnn’ihat of Egypt, which was 'alwnys spoken of as one of the ariiï¬csl won: treat. N. Y flbsaimew Emmi 7. VAL 36195! IN“ [Single copies, 3 cts m min 'y kiurl J the n Re-Union. M01- No. 38.