Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Mar 1888, p. 5

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38-3. Missionary Meeting. The Annual Missionary Meeting will be held in the Presbyterian Church on Monday evening next. the 26th lust. The deputation will consist, oi Rev. John Neil. B. A.; Rev, John Mulch, M. A. and Rev. J. M. Simpson. It is to be hoped mare will be a good unend- mice. Division Court Judge Morgan presided at the sim’ugs of the court held yesterday when the cases which came before him were dxsposed of as fullows:â€"Pnttersnn & Bra. vs. Bowman, 893.15. Judgmem for plaiuiifi‘s for $93.15 with costs. 0. Creaser vs. A. Doe, $65.00. adjourned from last court. Judgment of non-suit. no costs. C. Duncumb vs. H. F. Hopper (on new triad) adjunrncd tu next court. R. Drur“ Vs. J. Own, “"3. Jn’gment for U‘fend m9, \ 1‘ 1-04.»; 1&3! gimw c Featherbone Bone Corsets are vguarantPed to fit perfectly and to wash and laundry without damage. try them, for sale at the Concrete. Notice of Mectmgs. 1116 Band of Hope wiil meet in the Term- perance Hull, toâ€"morrow (Friday) and the W. C. T. 17.. in the some place on Tuesday next, the 27th inst. Thirty acres more or lest. parts of lots 37 and 38 in the lst Con. Vaughan will be sold by public auction at. the Town ha”, Pach- moml Hill. on Saturday, April 1411:, 1888, at 1 o'clouk. Sulem Eckumt, uuukioueer. For particulars m 6 ad. on another page. Messrs. Jas. Lloyd and Wm. Wells, King. advertise in another part of this paper 6 good sound horses for sale. Thom gentlemen are known to keep a good clnss of horses. Look out for the freshet! Inuudated cellars are now the order of the day. A sub- larmuean bath-lab under every house. Arise, 0 Wallace! thou grcat section boss 1 PM 0" “13’ force, bllow the water courses. let loose the streams, let thn rivers spread themselves upon the eastern plains and save as from the floods. Music 6: Painting. Miss Simpson wishes to inlorm all who desixe instruction in music and puiuling, that she Will he prepared to giva lesmns after the Easter holidays. For terms apply at the Methodist parsonage, Richmond Hill.â€" Adv. Owing to the Council Chamber being no. cupied by the Village Council on Monday eveningt‘he hose reel practice was postponed In" this (Thursday evening. The inside price for all lines of Groceries will be found at the Conâ€" crete. The next regalar meeting of Richmond Lodgo, No. 23, G. R. C. will be held In the Mnsouic Hull on Mondav evening. March 26th, commencing at 7 30. Mixed paints ready for use in all colors at Savages. Eleven men were engaged cutting through snowbauks in the village last Thursday. Try Featherbrme Cm‘sets.the best in the market, for sale at the Con- crete. Special Meeting. A spenial meeting of the Vaughan Council will be bald in the Town Hall, Vellum, on Saturday next, the 24th insh. at 10 o‘clock. Unmmunicntiom (ram King and N; brook receiwd too late {or this issue A boom on \Vall Paper at Savâ€" ages, from 2!; cts. up. Over [00 patterns to choose trom,new designs. Monxn‘a :â€"(:m'ug NortlLsoulh East and “hast, innhlrlixr: Thnrnhfll, M:\.plo,'l‘nrm1tn,1\Inrkhn.m.&v. 7.45 EVENmG :- wing: southEusc and West (us above) 5.30 N. B.~Re:isterefl Letters mnsthe handed in oh lens: Flfteen Minutes aux-Her than the above mentioned hours for c‘msinu. Newmm‘kot ........ Aurora. ‘Kinq RIcHMnNn I‘hnrnhill . \Vesmn... Imvonpm‘.‘ . PM):an ............ TORONTO. Brook Street Cxty 1-10.11 ...... Connects with a." trains. leaving the Home Richmun.1 Hill. as fnlhvws: Mai 6:. uxm‘ezs.Nm-ch& Southw- Accnmmodntiuu " " Express Nnrthu. Mm South. Palmer Until furthor notiro Muils will be (:1 Richmond Hill Post Office as fnmms: Lin City Hall Bron}: Street Pnrkdnlo.... Davenpmn. Weston ....... Thnmhfll .. RICHMOND Kin: Aul‘nr . Wewumrket PRUCTOR’S STAGE LINE. may Efilfi TORONTO N. R. R. TIME TABLE. mrom) HILL. 'I‘hnrsd av, March POST OFFICE NOTICE I; (33 (3 A“: 14:55" Judicial Sale GbING SOUTH GOING NOR? For Sale. Spring ! Mail 8.10 8.03 3.15 8.33 .0 I 8.40 9‘10 9.16 M. TEEFY. Postmaster .6 3° éE’ Accmu 11.45 12.00 12.;0 1.05 35 50 10 53 3'1] Wmmfimmmzmmwm ed at the ewton 30 Called Home. It is just. one year since THE Liiziziui. con- tained a notice of the marriage of Mr. \V'. A. McLean, son of Mr. Duncan McLean, of this village. to Miss Eliza. Clement, of Maple. The hand of death did not. allow the con- tracling parties to enjoy life long together, as the following item clipped (rum the Par/:- hillIi'evirw shows :â€"-“ On the 28th of Fuh., the grim messenger of dpntli visited the vil- lage once more, and took from its midst one of its most respected and christian citizens. in the person of Mrs. W. A. McLean. On the 24th uh... Mrs. McLean was confined and was dcliverad a! twin baby boys, and in four days afterwards death put an end to all Mrs. McLean‘s earthly sufferings. and in about 24 hours alter the mother’s death one o! the mius died, and was placed in its mother's arms in the coffin. and was taken to Rich- mo'id HillI north of Toronto. for burial. The other twin is still in Nniru under the tender care of Mrs. James Boswell. The little fel- low. so far. is doing as well as could be ex- pected. Mrs. McLean was a good neighbor and a christian woman, and was universally respected, and all that. kind friends could do for Mrs. McLean in her hour of distress was willingly done, but tue cold hand of death claimed her and she had to submit. to his call. The husband and friends have the svuipathy of the community in thi-ir sad be- I'ant‘mk‘DL” i‘he bereaveu timer luv: since brungni the en - ’vi ‘niauu in I ' We are about to he favored for a week with a vieit by the "Rescue Duet," under the auspices of the llovnl Template. Messrs. Dunne-LL d: Stafford are a team of (emperuuce workers very highly spoken of, and have been wonderfully successful in Bradford. Newman-hut, Aurora, Queensville and many other towns and villages. They are superior singers. and Mr. Duuuett is an able and convincing epimker. Their revival work is in the interest, of the churches us well as in the temperance cause, and they are instru- mental in awakening both. The meetings will be held in the Temperance Hull. com- mencing March 31st and continuing till April 315i. All the resident ministers, tem- perance workers and singers are cordially iu- viled to attend these meetings. New Books. The officers of the Methodiat S. School are increasing (hair library with about. 200 Vul- umes. .l'neir comnmnee have made an ex- cvllenl selection from the most recently puh. lisheu volumes of Sabbath School literature by the host authors, such as Dr. “'ithmw, Amelia Burr, Pansy, Rev. E. 1’. line, Jackson Wray and W. Ha>lum, M. A. Not confining themselvxa to SI: bbath School literature ex- clusively, they have sulucled other works of a religious tendency or a. high moral lone. books on history, temperance, travel and even remarkable adventures within the bounds of probability. While looking over LheSe splendid volumes We feli- like joining the thhaih School ourselves [or the sake of the privi'egu of having these popular authors introduced to us, and wading into the sea of kuuwledge spread out. hl-lore Us. Leap Year. A leap year load made up uf the youth and beauty of the village Wended their wuv south- \Vul‘d last evening having for their destina- tion "Fairview" the residence of Mr. J. Morâ€" gan, \Villuwdale. They were hospitably re- ccived and agreeably entnrtained by Mr. & Mrs. Morgan who had invxted a number of the fair and stalwart of Willowdule and Laneing to meet the friends from the Hill. Games and amusements were iudmged in till an eunyhour iu the morning when all depngted for home unanimously agreeing that they had spent a most pleasant evening. The {miles by this time becomlug accu>tomed to acting the role of gentlemen acquitted themselves creditably,und if they continue to improve will at the end of leap year put the gentlemen to sliume. Come again ladies. The Thnmhil] seusmiun which. for sewml weth hut. hummer kept me resid Ms of the surrounding neighburhuu'is in more or In: excitement over the alleged kidnapping of the Englim youth. flurry Sylvester, uud which lmumed the city «allies by ufium’iug Lu) sum“ share of gas-nip, has at. Just ended in smoke. ()u Tbmsduy nl last week, LIJt' defuuiauls, Hastings PurLeI. Edwin Lung- stufi’ und Charles Purhr, \vuu “em indicted last. summer, Were diachul‘ged, as Mr. 13ml- g row, the Crown Attorney, bad no evidence to offer against them. It- appears that. Mr. Hilolmrson. who styled himself Lord Salis- buffs deputy, Lms cousidvrubly weukened iu the buck amen he first made his charges. Mill Acc1dent. An nccin‘lent which might lmvs been more serirlzs happened at Mursh's will,“ Concord. last Fridny mnrning. This lime Mr. Arthur Buteumn of Maple. was the victim. He was engngvd iu sun-ping up mw dust. in the mill when the handle of his bllth‘l wus caught by the pl.qu o! the engine and thrown with force out of his grimy». The shovel struck his lune muking a deep gush over his eve and loosming several of hiv use”). it was at first. fvurml his jaw was brolmn. ll weuls tlmc lo \vul‘k in u saw mill is to live in the midst of nuciduuls and mishaps. A Good Idea. The wan-r from the melting snow has been running; fnely during: the Week so Mr. \Tm. 'l'rz-null uvuilvd himself of Lhe oppor- tunixy of aiming u. supply in his well at the carriage worlm. The running water was di- rected into the tank at lhu corner of Yonge St. and Lorne Avmme, and from this place it was pumped into his well by means of the firv engine. Engineer Bqulee was Muster oi Cue-monks. Credit Sale. Mr. Wm. Muiishuw, whose {nrm is the 2nd Lot. beluw Richmond Hill, on the Vuuglmn side, will have an ant-lion sale of farm stock, lymph-limits, &c.. on Saturday, the 24th of Mun-l) 1888. Snle In cumlm-I'Icu m. 12 o’clock mum). The sale will he without reserve as Mr. Munslmw lms rented his farm. A creuil: at 7 mmnlis will be. given on all sums over $10. Salem Ec-kvmll, Auctioneer. The latest edition 0! Webster's Unabridged, in the. qunnmy of mutter it, contains, is be- ]iH‘wl 1.0 In the inrgf’st volume published. In will surprise many tn know that, by prin- ters‘ careful reckoning it comains eight. times the amount of matter that is in the Bible, heng nnfliciont In make 75 121110. volumes such as Usually sell for $1.25 each. The Largest Book Published Temperance. Collapsed. A good Dwelling thh Smre attached for sale on moderate terms. The property is situated on Yunue Strfiet. Richmond Hill. two doors north of Crusbv's store. There is an excellent garden, with a. liberal supply of choice fruit. Plenty of good water, hard and soft. Apply to 21¢! R. E. LA\V‘ XXX Pine Shingles, Ce- dam Posts and Laths. Apply to ALFRED LLOYD, CAMPummâ€"M Carlton, on Wednesday. Mm- -11 7th 11138. the wife of Mr. J. R. Campbell. fox- merly of Sherwood, of u. son. M.\P1-:s~lu Richmond Hill, on Monday. Mnrch 19:11 the wife of Mr. Jesse Mupos, of u sou. SEAGI-mâ€"At his grandfather’s residence "Dick- nOT." on 'l‘hmsduy, March 15m 1558. Charles Hector Sanger. aged 28 years. Bible Society Meeting. The Richmond Hill Branch oi the British and Foreign Bible Society held its annual meeting in the Lecture Room of the Meltin- dist Church on Mummy evening. The at- tendance was not large, the ladies of the villige predominating. Tim agent of the Society, Rev. Mr. McLarrt-n. “his present tn adVocate its claims. On motion in llsv. Mr Simpson, the Buv. Mr. Percival Wts nomin- uted to the chair. Mrs. J. A. 1*}. Swuzur presided at the organ, and this assisted by members of the choir. The hn~iness part of the programme resulted in the eleulluu of the iollowing officers. committees and col- lectors {or the present year :â€" PresidentJtev. J. M. Simpson ; lst Vice-Pres. ltev. \V. W. Percival ; 2nd Vice-Pres., tev. G. N. lint- lcdge ; 3rd Vice-Pres, Mr. A. Wright ; Sec'y and ‘1 “3118., Mr. G. Trench ; Depository, M. H. Ker-tier ; Committee of Management, MeSsrs. Atkinson, Linkluter, McMahon, A. Marsh, J. Brown. R. Marsh, J. H. Sanderson, Dr. Wilson and Dr. Palmer: Collectors in Richmond Hill, Miss Neilie Limgstafif, Miss Sadie Morgan. Miss Ida Simpson and Miss Coulter ; Heaili‘ord. Miss A. Uomisky ; Vic- toria Square. Miss M. 'l‘rudgeon. The re- pmt for the past year was not a very encour- aging one,owing to the want of activity on the part of the local oflicers, and it was imp. ed that a new set of ulliccrs would infuse new life into the auxiliary. A grim joke.- was perpetrated by the chairman to the effect that if the demise of the auxiliary should take place this year, they were prudent in electing a minister as President, so that he couid attend to its obsequics. The agent in his uhlc address lamented the unsatisfactory condition oi the Richmond Hill Branch, hut hoped for a more favorable report at the next mo ting. Mr. McLarren spoke of the origin of the society. its world-Wide progress, its great aim and christian sympathy to en- able it to succeed in placing it copy of the Word of God without note or comment with- in the reach of every man on the face of the eartn. a: (10‘s "Granite City," which promises to be one 0! the finest Clydesdnll-s evier brought in Unlmdfl. Mr Andrew Rue-stall. Uurrvine ze- cured Lwo prizeu in class 111. W. C. T. U; Convention. The Semi-annual meeting of the County of York W. (1. '1‘. U. wus LlFid in the i‘II'UJOAIint Unuruli, Aurora‘ on Thursday and Enduy, Marci: 15m nud him. The President and GauuCy Supvl‘iutcndrnt, Mrs. ancclt, culled le ConVeuLion to order on Thursduy after- noon. The business sessions \Vt'l'e taken up by the President's Ad(il‘es:, Reports of Clu- 'l'ren~ui'er. Uorrespondiuu elecrelury, and Reports from Locui Union-s. discussion re- gul'diug the eatublienmem of W. U. I‘. U bend-quarters in Toronto, appointing of del- egates for attendance in. the meeting of the Dominion Alliance. 11L, dis. Friday ulter- nuon. Miss Tiiley, Preflidcul of Lin: Y. W. U. T, U.. Bun-onto, gave a very enruum. inauucl- ivc Bible reading on Guidance. Mrs. Ber kinshnw, l inuctly President. of the X‘s in Cleveland. Ohio, and Mine Skinner gnvu shun. talks on the Work. Miss Oxlurd, I‘m-unit), gave a Temperance lesson to lue Aurora “11le of Hope by means of charts. 'l‘uo public meetings were held. '11»: Address of Welcome was given by Mrs. Johnson. ol Aurora, and ably responded to by Mr~4.\\'iley, of Richmond Hill. Mrs. Jarmiu and Mia. Keefer. Toronto, and the resident ministers delivered addresies. Valuable Properiy There was a magnificent exhibition of Clydesdaies m. the stallinn show held in the Drill Shed. ’l‘orumo, on Thursday hint. A‘- together there were thirty-six entries in the three classes and many prominentexhibitors were preventel taking part. in the cumpeti- tion, owing to the heavy snow storm. The burer were all imparted, not a single Carri- ( uuimul bei:.g iu the Show. In the first class Ruben, Beilh & 00., of Bowman- viile, secured Ihu gold watch with “Ahhot of Berwicli.” J. Mater, (if Oshawa, gm, second will) “(h-hi Finder," and John Palmer, Rich- mond i1i1l,ul|mim-«l third with "Richmond." 'l‘hejudges h-ui much diliiculty in making the award {or second money. In refrreuce to the above the 'l‘wronlu Jlnil maid: ~"Gold Finder and Richmond had it close tussle for second hunoi'e, llllli it looked to be a toss~up which wouid have mm in the estimalion of the bean. bursa-men outside the rupus." The Gold Aledul and Diploma was won by Beith [st Revrew 1888. The first quarter's review of the Inter- national Lessun will he held in the Methn. dist. Sabbath School next Sunday. Subjrc': "Temperance." Addresses by the ofiicr-rs and teachers. The Infant. Claus lesson for the pastquurLer will be revivwed by their rancher, Mrs. G. \Viley. from the LeafClnsr- er. The hymns to be hung will he the choice 0! the difierent classes, Ivd by the Secretary, Mr. J. H. Sanderson. The programme will heinterestiug as well as instructive. We think that it. would tend Very much to the encouragement, of the teachers of the mhhnth School. who devote a large portion of their Sal-baths to the instruction of their neigh- bor's childrvn, if the parents And fl'lbnds uf thum- cninlreu wuuld show appreciution of their kind intentions by visiting the school occasionally und reward them with a kind Ward «1' an approving smile. The Review cnuimeuce:. at 2 o‘clock. AlI are Welcome. FOR SALE. FOR SALE Stallion Show BIRTHS. DEATHS R. E. LAW‘ sen wonders exist in timusnnnis of farms, but urn surpassed by tho xniu'vels of invention. 'l‘hlhe who - aw in new! of profitable work that can be done while livms: at, LOLHU should at mica send tlinir mHi‘ess Ln Hullett 61' Cu.. l’ortirxnd, Maine, und recech fren, full information huw mtlmr sex. of all 11.265.0an earn from .3 t0 per duv and u: wunls wherever they live. You are smi'twi true. Capital not required. Some have mnde over tifty (lniiars 1n a. single nay [Lt this work. All succeed REVIVEflSAGfiiN? GROCER AND CONFECTION ER. RICHMOND HILL, Asks this and hopes you will respond. He has on hand Fresh Oranges, Lemons, Dates, Figs, Raisins, Candies, Nuts, &c., of all kinds. Also a large assortment of Please send him your name and addless on ‘a" postal card {0" something Ladies Lndies‘ Ladies; Lmlies‘ Black curl mantles. short. #3, lung 35 5|) Lung ottoman cord ulsters, 3 50. 4 and $4 50 Pile-mun. Dulumns, 5 50 6, 6 50, $7 up Long hlnok Jersey cloth ulsters,enrl cloth ulsters‘ Lmlies’ and Misses’ tweed ulsters, Ludies‘ senlotne and blush mantles. very cheap In this department we have a. colossal shock of all kinds of wool goods Iorlmlmsand children Men Ladies Or any other of first-class make, or if you need a General Gmcerieg. Owing to the heavy bank failures and the great stringenc; in the money market we have had offered to us and ham completed arrangements for the purchase of some enormous lots of goodsâ€"for cashâ€"â€"at prices never before thought of even by the most idle dreamer. Everywhere throughout the Dominion the increased rate {0 discount and the scarcity of money are causing the over-gorged and plethoric manufac- turers to “clamor aloud for clemency.” Great firms are to- day almost tottering into bankruptcy. \Vealthy mill-owners and manufacturers are now, for the first time since 1857, “on their knees,” and unless confidence can be restored to the business community and the present apprehension of danger averted, who can tell what dire calamity may befall the country ? While this state of things continues the tremen- dous efficacy of “hard cash,” like the philosopher’s stone of old, is working marvels and prodigies indeed. For the next thirty days, or while the goods last, or the manufacturers will supply goods at similar prices, we offer : Recent improvements makes it the most perfect. Sewing Machine ofl‘ered tn the public ; easy to 1mm, easy to manage. case hardened parts makes in durable. You can also be supplied with an BL THE LIGHTâ€"RUNNING NEWV WILLIAMS Takes the Lead. FORCED oys '01] can be supplied as cheap by me as by any other person. THUS. THOMPSON & SON, “’00! \Vnps, Capsflloods, (‘IC \Vith a further share of your generous patronage 'Zvi‘r‘ UX BRIDGE ORGAN “m; lieg' ‘nlunk Astrm‘han mufis $1 50 worth 50 lies' Parsinn Lamb can; and muffs very cheap lie§ 5mm, Cnuey, Astrachnn, Beaver and Hair Mum; mu] Cups at about 25 per cent below furriers' prices Alan a 1-“ of 60!) t‘uques in various colors with ta. use]. at 256 each sold regularly at 750 each Mammoth House,0ppo. the Market,King St.E.,Toronto Ni 9 heavy ovotcoats, 97c each. worth -. z benvv nap overcoat-1, S] 2-? each winter suits, 97¢ each fine suits M. '2, 3, 4 and $5 heavy winter ovorcoats. $2 50,worth double Gibraltar serge ovurcoatsr s4 blizzard ova) coats.$6 50, worth a. fortune a. cmuv man lmlios‘ Mulls and Cam F. KIRKBY, black cashmere hose, four pairs for 91 20, ‘th 5'10 :1. pair Won] nndervests 50¢ each Scotch L \V uudervests 980 each black Letter Orders \Vill Receive Prompt Attention. PIANO or colored all-wool hose 12am, worth J. LUSH, Richmond Hill. and Boys' Flowing: MANUFACTURERS’ Mouth-s Heavy. whine as snow blxmkets. 1 ‘15 11. pair Extra. size white blankets. 3 ()0 n pair Large size horse wraps 500 each ch grey flannels 11¢ a. yard worth 200. Bell comforters 55c worth 1 00 Fine table linens 200 a yard Fine table napkins 50c a dozen White and colored canton flannels 7c 9. var-l Men's Heavy won] top smrts Tie Men's Imam-shirts 25c Men's heavy drawers -51: Men's .umbswnol shirts and drawers at greatly reduced prices Men's 1mm y all-wool cardigan jackets 75c, worth douhle Men's heavy lined kid 1,120ch 500, worth 90:; PLAIN & ORNAMENTAL PRINTING ‘ Memerial Garcia aSpecialty Boys imitation lamb cups Boys' fine Imitaclrm cap Men's Persian lamb cu; price 4 00 Men‘s Persian lamb cans. prices 6 00 Men's Persian lamb cups. price 10 00 Menu Astrachnn, Beaver, at half furriers'prices Posters, Men‘s and Boys” Underwear and (H0va “ THE LIBERAL E ” BICEMQND HILL, ONT. Executed with neatness and Bill Heads, Shipping Tags Streamers, Circulars, etter Heads, Programs, General Staple Goods PRINTING LS: PUBLISHING ESTABLISHMENT. Cards, ALL KINDS OF Dress Good» despatch. 850., &c. Pamphlets, ; 19c, worth 50c ‘Mc, Worth 1 00 31rd choice, 2 00. furriers Seal, Coney, Mink caps 2nd choice. 3 COJurriers lat choice 6 00. fun-iers Labels,

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