Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Mar 1888, p. 8

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From our nwn Cnn-cspnmlent. Owing tn th-- snuw LIm-kude some of my news may he a lime behind hand and some nfihlwrlmps a. linlc stale but I will endeavur to freshen it up as much as pussible. Miss L. Stephenson has had a. severe attack nf intlmnumtiun on the lungs, but is NOW convalescent. ' Great excitement thrunglmut the neigh- borhond nf llichmund Hill over a very startling letter received frum \Vm. ann- er, of Whitchnrch, speaking in the high- est terms of .“Japanese Cuturrh Cure,” He says, “I have used or": box. and I think (me mnre will cure me. Mine was a verv had cnse nf cutarrh ” Cures stuff- ing 1 f the IIIIH‘. so troublesome Lu child~ ren, cold in the head, n-x:e or throat. Sample box, ‘25 cents: large size, 50 cents. Joseph Dll\\'ul‘lll. Chemist, 170 King St. East, next dour to Nlpth‘JIg Hotel, To- routu. , r _ Mr. J. Monkman lust a valuable colt a short time ago thruuuh poisoning caused by distemper. cheml 1m men: have had horses die from (lis'emper this winter. Mr. \V.Thnlnus has purchased an excel- lent young \‘vnm u! mans from Mr. Mil- tuu \Vrlls uf Eversl‘ey. I was not in- formed as tn the. price paid but would suppOSe it n- he smnewhere in the neigh- borhuud of S30”. Mrs. D. Gregan was taken seriously ill ubuut. :\ week ago, but was somewhat better at last. report. Dr. \Vilson u‘. R‘chmond Hill is in attendance. Mrs. A. Curtis has had an attack of eryiioelas in her left arm. Several of the farmers of this neighbor hood are awning: in their summer supply uf ice. They are evidently addicted to one kind of “Hard Drink,” notwithstand- ing me I. 0. G. T. in their Imdst. ' Rising Star Ludge, No. 252, I. O. G. T., of this place, is becoming a popular institu'ion. IL nuw has a membership of about 60. The members spend profitable and enjoyable evenings in their Lodge room. and occusiunally visit their tem- perance friends in the surrounding local- ities. On Friday evening. March 9th, they paid :1. vmit tn the Lndge in Markham Village where they were curdially received. They want 47 strong. Last Saturday night about the same number went to Maple and count a plenBMit time with the brethren and sisters uf that place. They purpose holding a Leap Year Party in the Temperance Hall on Monday evening next, the 26m inst Dnors open at 7 o'clock. Ten will be served commencing M 7.30. Admission 25 cents. A cordial welcome is extended to all. Mrs. Juhn Baker died «In Thursday last in her 55th year. Her remains were interred in the Dunkm- burying ground on the fulluwing Saturday and the funer- a! was largely attended. MN Dinnie has been ill for some time and seems not tn improve. Last 'l'hnrsdny awning a slight accident occurred to Mr. E. Brown as he was re- turning home frnm a business Call. His horse gut into the deep snow mud started to plunge. ML Brown should have pull- ed it tn Ihe “nigh” side, but being absent Inimh-d just at that time, and havng his mmd ounce-"traded on another subject. he said "Gee" hence the accident. The horse nnd driver were name the worse, but it is feared the cutter will be laid up fur the winter. \Ve have been pleased to we the follow- ing? faunlia'r faces in our burgh since lusr we wrote to yon: Mr. Gen. Cunnihgham from near ()rillia, Miée Pollv Curtis, of Turnnm. Mrs. I‘ll/Fisher. nf 'l‘m'untn, Mr. Frank Liana, of Stonfi'vdle, Mr. J. A. Saflfjuefi formerly teacher uf Temperance public school, but, now attending Medical College Toronto.qu Mr. Richard Thomas jr., from Toronto. A team from the Toronto Lacrosse club started on Thursday last for a trip to Britain. They are at present the cham' pious nf Can-Ada, uni have gone with the intention, if pussibie, of Conquering an- other world They expect, to be back some time in May. PLMENG ms 1 Are nuw PLANED LUMBER, MOULDINGS, &C. DENIES, SRSH, LEEDS. 3d!" FIRSTâ€"CLASS SAW-MILL oust: nn 8 RICH)! mmmle Du Rir HM‘Lng bpuuht the above-named and put. everything in Kept un hand, or made t0 order on the shortest notice. A stud; of In ommerficn with the A‘ways on hand. Thch is also a. PRIEST RICHMOND HILL Aluuy‘m Victorla Square- prepared tu‘ take cumtracts for all kinds of Buildings. 5th. 1886 3 have factory Dal: rudges. nu “111 be and prices l‘-CLA§S ORDER Strpet. Ril'hmund ’Ki-l. ' JUS. HALL. Richmond Hill, to D. S. BIL-XMAS Currville I‘ O [CH MOND HILI moderate. is situated on to LET fnctnrf' U, when: 2X11 wmk mill '1 he plemlhch \u be sold subject to a. reserve hid fixed by the Master. The purchaser will pay at the time of sale to the Vonrlnrs‘ Solicnor ten percent. of the purchase money, and will pay the balance without interest into Court; to the credit of this action within thirfiy «lays there- after. The Vendor will furnish only such ub- sti‘uct of title title deeds. copies thereof or evid- ence. of title as are in his possession. The other conditions of the sale are the standing conditions of the Court. Straw-x1 rm the prumisea ()1 Mrs. Juscph £011» insnu one snw pig. Owner rm) have. MIMIC h) paying keep um] ud vertmcmuut if ('Mlul 101' m unco. 2~7~2 In the County of York, by Salem Eclmnltfiuct- ioueer. the following lands and premin commu- ing 30 acres more or less part or the rem- parts of lots thirtv-seven and thirty-eight. in the First Concession of the Township of Vaughuh more particulle described in a certain deed (which will be woduced at time of sale) mode by one Hiram exter to \Villimn Tennyson a memorial of which is registered as No. {HSSL 0n the premises are a. frame house, frame barn and frame stable, a well of water, a. small orchard of fruit, nrees. A stream of water in on one pan of the farm. Five acres are sown with Full wheat five acres are in seed grass, and the remainder fell ploughed. ‘ ‘ 3 Horses, rising 3 years, averaging in woxght 1,350 lbs. 3 Horses, rising 4 years. averaging 1,450 lbs. These animals are all sound. Apply to -. 71,"! H, RENNIB'S Seed Catalogue, containing lions and prices of all the best varietlcs of For furthgi- particulars apply to MHRSRS. FL‘ L LER'1‘()N,COOK qVWALiLACE. Vendor's Sulicit 31:37.38, King Street Easc, Torou to n-owxemjy rand will be mailed frcu to all who apply by letter. I? Send Im- it; v n VEGETABLE AND FLOWER SEEDS WM. RENNIE, - - TORONTO. CNTARlO. In an Mbion 'I‘ennys'imI vs. Tennyson and mth the Appmbntion of the Muster in Onlimu'v tlml‘e will be sold by Public Auction at one o'clock p. Saturday. the 14th April, Ofthe Bee-Hive Tailoring Establishment, beg! to announce to his many patrons Ln- J UD‘ICIAL " SALE RICHMOND HILL. RICHMOND HILL EHEM WES IMPORTED GOODS In \Vorsteds and ’1‘W6eds.importud. and he is in aposibion to mnke Von up 0. Swatch Tweed Suite:th and vest orpuntmat the same price you have hereml'ore paid for Cunmliun Tweeds. V John J. Mitchell‘s New York Fashion Plates for - Spring and Summcrjust received Cull early and get, first chuicc. Good Fit Guaranteed. _ SUETENW, Ci “HERBS mm PANTMGS. Presgwe W” W These Snectucles and EYe Glasses have been used for the past 35 wars. and givvn in‘ every in- stance unbounded satisfacmun.. They are the bestin the world. A They never tire, and Just. many )‘eu-x‘swichout change. ’ For Sale by T. I“. JESSE land Ron Dominiur And surrounding country that; he will .ishow you the very finest stock~cf ‘ ' Ofn Fnrm in Vaughan pur- suant tojudgmt It 01 the Chancery Divnston ot the High Court of Justice. MR. C. TREVETH PUBLISHER 0F " LmnnAL.” RICHMOND HILL AND - FRANK C. TREVETHAN, Richmond Hili. He l:n,sj.:st received a. magnificent line of RAN K LA Z ARU S FOR SALE. A. D. 18%,‘111: the Town Hall, in the Village of (Late of the BEE-HWE. STRAYED. auw mantrtiscmnts. Ever brought into Richmond Hill 1001's we Main» 11' BY \VEARINCâ€" THE ONLY Ham :v Morris. J ames Lkwd, n1' Wm. Wells, King P. 0., residence Syn-mall“! NUNN, bPRINGlâ€"IILL K§E50\VNED AT THE NEIL MCLEAN Harulord, Con. ' ‘1} “'uh my oth- rf Dr Munufuctu MOS 3111. k u'r’s Can-:1“ CLERK M. O Moflfl :1 H 0A WE M“ ale m t eru descrip- luf The Eggs, fresh. per (1 Potatoes. per bag Apples, per ht!) onions. g1‘ecu,1wl Cabbage do Cauliflower (lo Celery, do Turmps, per bag Carrots. do. Hmy,perton .... straw,1)erton . . oatm per bushel Peas, do. ...... Dressed hogs,per 100 lbs Beef. 1' ore number ............ [)9ng hind quartgr DRESS MAKING- Tnnos'rn Tnnrstlflthar ‘32, 1558 Whenulm pct bushel ... . . . . . . . . ~50 80 Wheat, spring, do . 7|; Barluy. do ants, do Pears. do Rye. do Clover Seed. do Dressed hogs, per 100 lbs . Dress Maker. cppnsite ggfionic Hall lhnhmond 1 Beef, [are quarters , Beef. hind quarters Chickens, per pair . Ducks, .10 Geesefiach . Turkeys.euch liutter,1mnml x’ulls Hunter. tub duh’y . . . Chickens. per pair . Ducks. (10 u Geese, each ..... ’1‘u1‘kevs,per1b , Butter, pound ram” . Butter. large rolls ........ Euas. fresh, per dozen Putntocs, pcl‘ hug”....... Apples, per mum“. onions. green, per bush Cabbage, per duz Celery, do 'l‘urnipa.parbng . Carrots. do Beans. per pack ..... Flour, spring, pet I: Flam-Jan. per bbl Hay, per ton ..... straw. ver ton Temperance 6c General Life Assurance Co. HUN. S. H. BLAKE, Rom. MULEAN,E3Q. , HEAD OFFIUEâ€"- Bl‘NNING A um um, TURONTO. V101: Pam;on HON. G. \V. Rosa, Minister of Education, PRESIDENT; The following is a statement of the business for the year ending (fist of Dec.. 18871â€"Tlle number of applications for :Ls-umnce was 1050 for $1,770,109: de- cliln-d, held in abeyance and not taken up, 83 for $164,500; leaving 967 for $1.- 605600. with an annual pljemiznn income of gamma :u Our business for the second year has new-r hefure lncn reached by any other Canadian Company in its secnnd year, and with only one death claim for $1,000, and that. caused by and accinent. Tn enable the people of King and Vaughan Tuwnships more fully to under- stand ulll' snccn-ss, we take from the re- hlrns of the lending Canadian Cnmpanies m the Silpérintendent nf Insurance, the fullowing fu'c‘a ouncerning their new busi- nessé"l‘he Canada Life fur its 2‘2ml year lSSIIHKl 88l pulicirs fnl' $1,156 855. the Confederation for its 5th year issued 1005 for $383,000, the Sun Life fur its 5th rear issued 324 policies for $403.119. and for its 10ch year 573 pulicies fol 3920.370. The Ontario Mutual for its 10:11 year issued 427. policies fur $490,000; The North American Life Assurance Co. far in 3rd year issued 827 polimes for $1,347â€" 088. On making comparision with British Cmnpanies established on principles simi- lar to our own, we find the business uf the United Kingdom Tempeme and General Provident Institution for its 15th year was $1,339,250; The Scnttish Tem- perance Life As‘surnnce 00., recently establishedfin its 3rd year wrute $732,228. This Company has been organized by prominent men on the basis of the United Kingdom Temperance and General Prov- ident Institution] of Britain, one of the most successful of Bfltlsh Companies, wlmse experiunce for the last '20 years was nearly 20 per cent. in favor of total abstaineru over their qmwrnl class. J. T. SAIGEON, Agent, Spriughill. s. HOLLAND, Luca] fig This unrivaled periodical. which has been lished by Mun“ & Co.‘ for mure than forty y cominues to maintain its hum reputation n cellence. and enjovs the largest circulation attained by any . , ntific publicutinn. 1? number coutuius'slxteeu pages,heuutufullv1 ell, elegantly illustrated i it presents m p0] 'w‘b‘eckly. $3.00 a Year. ’ $11.50for5n Mmasam numhe coutmus snitoeu }lilflCS,L)eul1tlfllUV print- enl, elegantly illustrated ; it presents m popular style u. (lesnriptiva record of the most, run-9,1, in. teroscim: and imuortnmt mlvuuces it SeieuneArh and Manufactures. It shows the prugress of the world m respect to New DL ~0Ve‘ries and im- Druvemunts. embracing Muuhmer)’, Mechamcal Works. Engineering: in all branch , Chemistry, \Iemllurgv. Electricity. Light/Hem . rr-hitecmre. Domestic E'couomy,Agricu1tur6.Nubuml Historv, Purely a (‘nnadmn Column” ‘ THE §’:iezxtifir Emmimu, Ill] RICHMOND um. Thln'sunv. Mar. e for vour sonsâ€"it will 11) a'efirmt; subscribe for y“ be“; and assist their ] friendsâ€"dc will he likely llifbiu Life. Terms, 1.” AS. Lumih bv Postal 0r Em Wurhrts. ,1wr doz‘ ESTABLISHED 1845. fie Amencnn should have ing, shop omega ‘dhool ’1 rexnen.‘!anuihep Quparu si<t9uhs,0 ' ml ~ lluz Publishers Agent, Bradford. V101: Pansmmms roudwn 0 35 0 50 0 50 0 9 0 00 0 18 U "0 1 00 l :30 1 50 00 (F0 60 50 50 40 1868 (lhec ulhm .bmrv [dents O0 000 pub- ()ll 20 ()0 ()0 ()0 70 (l( 50 ibe ELAN KETS, COMFORTERS, \VOULLEN UNDERSLUTHING: STOCKINGS, M1TTS,&C GROCERIES. BRITISH FLAG STAFF We would like to call your attention to our winter mam-mam“? For the Speedy Relief Lubon's Bupiurcflfiemedy must , ,_H:__ _ . >\.‘ ‘ v‘ . .lâ€"nn‘n V “AWE 32-5 #2123. . “£- ‘17 . LC: SYMPTOMS r03 wmcz: No. 3 Snow; dimnesa of sight. fiversion to son desire to: solitude, listlaamvsn ELUL cowardics. depression of spirits, ‘ nmtorrhxtu, or loss of the smuimz‘. tency. innubritiou, emaciutiou, b: faumkss, trembling, xuelzunchuly, 0 habit, oftentimes innocently acqu tension, every»functioxg'wanos in 9 53 Permanent {Gr-“area - Addrogé allzgmmunicattions to l A Man wflheul msdom lives In a fool’s STIC I3] 414] EARRQT, TURNERE STEELE} 33.9%. £5 GUS SE11]1)§§. WANTED CHOICE SEED GRAIN . STEELE BROS. 8: C0..SEED MERCHANTSIORONTU m '\ \Ve claim in keen rm hand a fresh stock of J HIE S - sum}; 91100335123. FLOUR & FEED DELIVERED 0N SHQRTEST NOTICE. THEE 67 A? A All Fresh and Reliable ; -â€"â€"-â€"ALSOâ€"-â€"â€"- & ALSIKE CLOVER, TIMOTHY SEED &c. Have now Avoid disuppomtment by sowing Please send samples or call on fii()63‘3)1139§25 Parties having any choice AT REDUCED PRICES A.S.OATS,RY]3 0111mm] full stocks El i-i i‘i 3.3 Iglgflfii. & Cf). and Permanent Cure at Hernia or Rupture. 2E1. & GARBEN SEEfiS M. V. LUBON'S uf MOODIE A.

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