Hsblatox Vital‘me FHE LIBERAL PRINTING & RICHMOND HILL. THURSDAY Richmond RC3 GEES Baum“ Q’g‘i‘xcq , MON Medalist Tornntc Physicians & Surge ¢.G ’H‘amaa‘s‘o ( “'06:. Markham mom E Wmme Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€" Chambers. N Richmond Eh" Best ï¬tting'l‘eeth made. Price {dized Air axlmin' rod mind}: DENTIST NOT Mr Gra am Ctï¬ '1 FEICI Add)‘ “Herman, Cook SPIN LAWRENC night calls at from}: HEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES $5 I per annum JSF VOL. X. WD( ‘e S'El'eét; Bichzn O n..m.,5to S p. m BUSINESS CARDS. Dr. James Langéatalï¬, AND 9273‘s! I: I t E ' 3 1w @hwai 10nd Hi1] Ofï¬ceâ€"Rear of the Central Bank. on Saturdays. Dr. .I. A. Pasmmr RICHMOND HILL. ON EDTOR and PROPRIE‘ Dr. W. 1. “1'5! “:5, DOUGRUI‘S, Walk A! S PUBLISHED EVERY F. MaMï¬EOlfl 0mm Emma. 06500â€"0;an Wraiml. J. 0am THE LIBERAL 0:! mu gï¬gwmg HERE Ont & MILLIGAN. agininï¬on. ilUthl‘ CM. 17: Conveyancers No. 10 King St. (J, Building & Loan Toronto Street. 18th 201;]: EVENING PUBLISHING HOUSE _ â€"- ONTARKO rrm flit! 6k DHHCR', CITORS &c bell HUD ill in advance] 5085 E'X‘D'R. C. MILLIC-AN {mintme m min. :e {E‘s'e- fl IGHT TonoNTa the ‘, 25c†month lffv Mill HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c., Issuer of Marriage Licenses, RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. M22 @LE Eye/MP WEEKS; Appr to ‘ 15 Toronto 612.. Toronto, an Rlch’d Hill 16th Annl 1887. Gm NOTARY PUBLIC, egl it in ï¬rst-ch53 style public the best 0‘ 3.01 stabliug and atteumve for commercial tmvel' uectiun. Terms $1 DC All 1‘ mm. 335 h 35 THE DDMINH Richmom MONEY! Every accommod EOUSE t0 â€â€˜ WM. JACKSON, 1’1- Hav All The 11 CLASSES ARE Issuer of Mama‘ ten sed Auctioneer artfully solicits v It] PRIVATE FUNDS T0 LOAN 8 attended on t. be rates. Add 91106. Sales atï¬enr‘ 1t reasonnbe rates used Auclsiouc SENIOR 3: JUN m prupgrty. Intel-rs: low. Terms easy ) vuluutxon or commission fees charged, Rmnmxon nth 158 KING ETR Rephiriu‘ .nds of “70‘ ED and good étu Iellers. ablin ndersigned 1m. we commodi Locals MU ‘3' NZ . ‘f Wat mmlo rate 'ottir Jam? Saiom Efl‘mrdt ï¬aisscuammts. Brnlieug »mmc LAWRENCE & MILLIGAN lomssmmm IN THE A large mnmmt of faï¬zmï¬ariï¬g RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY. M Wnnw. s T. Stokes. Richns‘dszmn. THEE N( LI?!le “04% Lttuu tive Stoufl’v I71. Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty ; in all things, Charity.†MONEY ! 9 County onork. re- .tronavge and friendly on the sLorcost notice Wong. Btu-ushers, etc.. and Richmond Hill MAPLE 0ST Count (or the County Hill UNIONVILLI‘ OPEN FOR roprielm'. Intios of York consignment. ptly attended ropn'ï¬eloz‘ 135% EN 51! HOUSE, (‘1? ‘ILS IN EH Sigflc 1nd in zy of York cam-i at rear 1 Pipe, Iron Kin ‘hli 1.( her last (Wednesday) evening,Murch 28th. The meeting was called for the purpose of considering tlie advisability of prucur- curing a. better supply of water for all purposes. On motion of TJI‘. T. H W. H. Pugsley (Reeve) V chair, and Mr. M. Tech Secretary. In accoxdance with a proclamation issu- ed by the Reeve, a public meetmg of the ratepayers was held in the Counml Cham- ber last, (Wednesday) evening,March 28th. The chairman. after stating the object (if the meeting, said the urcseut supply of water fur ï¬re protection was insufï¬ci ant, and besides many ratepayers thought that, if a feasxble plum could he arrived at, Mr. Trench should be assisted in prucur- ing water for carrying on his cull'iage works. In answer to a question by one of the audience he. said that if an :Lrtesian well were aunk to the depth of 400 feel, it would cost $400, exclusive of the pip- ing, probably altogether 3600. Of this Mr. Trench was willing tu pay half, and in case of getting a, Mlflll‘lcnt supply would bind himself to pump the water from the well into the Village tanks free of cost for ï¬re purposes. Mr. Bri Mr. Tremz number uf cnizen fur The m'eeting was a represen there being some 70, mostly present. propuse. \Vater for ï¬re and manulactnr- jug purposes cnuld be pumped from the streams, but this would necessitdte the purchasing of an engine. Thu artesian well had so far failed, hut.‘he thought it. was worth giving another trial. If the (-ï¬â€˜nrt, failed, Fir. Trench \vnuld luse dul- L‘Ir supp] be p1“ an ex ed their scheme; efl'ux-t if I abie cost The following resolution being: laid be~ fare the mecling was carried, almost unn- nimuusly. “Moved by Mr. H. A. Nicholls, Seconded by Mr. \V. A. Sander- son, that the rate-payers present consider it desirable to procure a better supply of w.1ter for all pm‘posw.†The meeting then adjourned. from an arte drinking pm present. we†Ell? DANGEROUS COUNTERFEITS feits an; always G'lngel‘nus, m they always closely luxtl‘ATr: T} IN APPEARANCE AND NAME. 'J able Success achieved by Has; positive cure for Catarrh and Head has induced unprinciph imitate it. The public are, c; William Kerr got his arm can; last week which His great stren: M r. McNair “- Trenclx but lhulh than the (me Dru Mr X3 81‘ Wilson Public Meeting. Kn r the village. arrison would an 1 it, was thought, p11 red withuut incur!" puru 'eHM av [II HHOIIS 111 ‘4 II) Kin ll] If Mr. T. H. Redditt, Mr. (Reeve) was voted to the M. Tect'y was appointed r. Trench would lose [11 the whule village. an] if water clmld be u we“ it would ‘0». 2n lrpos ofLut15‘ Con. 4, King ht in a. grain chrushe inflected serious injury th of resistance BLOpr 5.1 (1D In A IH >rucurb‘d at a 11:21er- an! tanks wuuld be a huge ï¬re‘ He was the best plan to ï¬re and manulactnr- mom; to um 3600. Of this tn pay half, and mï¬jclcnt supply mmp the water illaue tanks free [\‘l Ivor O quite bu (hr )W my to assist. [‘S. â€"Connter- more so that Tm: ORIGINAL The remark- vur‘. abiu be fad ’ative one, ratepavers, {Ll} an 11 tral y 70f flu impure helping Hing ILC le be got 100d for . in [he flies to ned not nitating U56 pre ufld )lzm lace zht 11] e nl pH1 }ill( was of al Their Use Injurious to Health and their Sale Contrary to Law. Two men were recently convicted in St; Lawrence County, New York, for vio- lating the fund adulteration laws of that State by selling alum baking powders in imitation of pure cream of tartar baking powders. The law of New York is sim- ilar to that of this province in forbidding the sale of adulteiated and injurious articles of foodY but the courts had not before construed it in so far as it related to the sale of alum bakingy powders. The baking powder sold by the accused was proved to he made from alum, by }illett., of Chicago, and expert testimony The Court, in inflicting the extreme penalty of the Luv upon the accused, ex- pressed regret at not. being able to im‘ pose a punishment, more nearly in accord- mice with the seriousness of the offense. The sale (if alum baking: powders is pro- hibited by direct statute in England. It shunil be the name here; yet our laws, if not an speciï¬c, are probably sufï¬cient to put a stop to the business were they rig- idly enforced. It is said that many brands of alum pnwdern are being intro- duced mm the Dominion, and we bespeak the attention nf our public analysts to the mutter. of (mly ï¬ve cel city uniy by Clyde tnr Immediate ited statement $20.0(KH11 the This Is e-qnivn $140,000 in [11 by members}in Thus we 31‘ speaks eloquel abstineucu, for looking over c: is due the credit of t]: These facts are telli the unfair system of Insurance Companies against total obstaiuel equally against the in Isr- DISAsTlmv turnth in f: Richmond llctt, of Chicago, 21114 .3 taken to Show the alum in baking Dom U are Hch Alum Baking Powders. M and N Vfo )stlner ll] {CH Companies, which discriminate n1 obstaiuers by charging them ainst the inferior risks of mod- 311 as immudamte drinkers. It to show the \mwholeaomeness baking powders, bread or other .‘mp cumpans are making lently and f0 nderful Record. Hill ht of ï¬ns w are telling ‘ US Lion were can see of de Mbits of upr 29, 1888. he must; intense exâ€" ihe flourishing village and its surroundings, ad, of numerous families ; the must. beautiful mkng history and forcibly fr and een discoversd on in the County of ()l ng 81,700 have J Cuunty since 53116 no doubt, on , that to the r membership ierful record. In the aud- as about ll‘Ch lat. of over it Fund, avmlable )ns and ra1n~ Dyes, r in- action a line i inst total mi Kll nch red 10k lid Mr. Meigs, Liberal, was elected to the Commons 'm Mississquoi, Quebe:, last Tuesday by a. majority of 139. Lord Lansdowne 15 expected to leave Canada in June when the new Governor- General will take his place. Three children by the name of Ball were burned to death near Orillia last Monday night. The father and mother and other members of the famin barely escaped Last Monday Judge B«Lb_V summed up the evidence in the celebrated Montreal detective case, and the jury, after an hour and a lialf’s deliberation, returned a unanimous verdict of “guilty†against Fuhey. On Saturday afternoon the Imperial Federation League in Toronto elected its ofï¬cers for the current year. Mr. Dalton McCarthy is President. were flooded out, and Were rescued under most trying Circumstances. A serious accident occurred on Thurs- day near Severn Bridge, on the Northern Railroad, by a. collision between a. special freight going South and, a snow-plow gnâ€" ing North. Five men were killed, and several others badly injured» A series of resolutions were introduced in tha: Nova Scutiu House of Assembly on Saturday declaring in qu01‘ of the seed. Saturday declaring in qu01‘ of the seed. sion of the Province from Confederatmn and advhcntinu Commercial Unixn with the United States. Matthew McMahon yesterday rerovm- ed a verdict for $1 500 in his suit be‘ure Judge Altgsld against the Chicago Dredg- ing and Ducking Company. IVICM xhon was an employe of the company, and last summer lost an arm while engaged at his duties. it was cluinned on account of the defective apparatus used by the dredging cnmpzuly. McMahon’s case was :1ny pru- sented by his lawyers, Messrs. Jo‘m Gibbons and A. F. Toefy.â€"Chicago H. 'r- aId, M'arch 21325. . Mr. Water’s bill in the Ontario Legis- lzuure, asking that the franchise be ex- tended to widows and unmarried women was VUted down nn ifs second-reading by a vote nf 46 to 30 There was no party feeiing shown in reference to the mea- A letter to the city clerk on Monday from Mr. Georue Eakin states mm. a. (tummy committee, couswfing of Warden Yule. Councillors Richardson, Saunders, and Evans, is prepared to discuss the rate to be paid by the county towards and a1- miuistration of justice and Lhe keep of the county prisoners. that I will sample box any address in Uunuda, Unit Great Britain, provided the) with order a letter from any son or clergyman. 1f the ; tarrh Cure gives satisfaction pect them to forward the SI does n be exp 170 K‘ am so sure t1) ‘ct [Single copies, 3 cts prov St. East 0n the other hand e vii-chml no Daymu Joseph Dilworth, C East. To onto. lmt 1 can cure the worst n the I.IlSU,ll(-‘ad or throat urd. free of charge, a apnnese Catarrh Cure to hlmda, United Slates or )ruvided they will furuirh :vr from any reliable per- “the Japanese Ca.- isfaction. I would ex- 1 the small amount: 11‘. will nemist,