TORON’I‘O Brook 3 Clty Hm rm “Th1 We Mai Ace thmmxn HILL. T Parkdu Dru/en; Nestor TORONTO mometer slxnwm Richmond Hill. RICH}! New Alu'r King: PROCTO R’S STAGE Until further 11 Richmond Hill 1’ Monxmc zâ€"Goin “To; ,Mr'“ W111 Mr. J. Tillnprl. 1 got from Mixed colors at To-morrow hung Goo will be closed. 1'. e. the s Owing to tin meeting in the day afternoon dimmst mt! The recent ofï¬cers of t! Salvation Army stationed replaced by a couple nf y‘ Huger dimensions. We been appointed only ten) at least F mentione Grey Cotton 4, 5, 6,; per yd. at the Concrete EVENrNG :â€" ( Yellow Sugar14, 15, and 18 lbs for $1.00 at the Concrete. If an epicure ï¬nds {hat bis breakfast eggs next Sunday morning are not altogether what he bargained for. instead of flying into a passion he can console himself by taking it as an “Aprii Fool.†It is not often that Easter Sunday comes on the let of April. A boom on \\"all Paper at ages, from 2%; cts. up. Ovc patterns to choose irom,new d Music (I; Painting}. Miss Simpsm wishes to inform all who desire instruction in music and painting, that she W1“ be prepared to give lessons after the Easter holidays. For terms apply at the Methodist parsonage, Richmond Hill.â€" Adv. 38-3. Beautiful all wool Dress Goo all shades, at the Concrete, 12:} per yd. and splendid Cretonue IO cts. per yd. The Grand Central Hotel is again chang- ing hands. Mr. Gilmcur. the present pm- prietor. has taken possession of a hotel in Kleinburg and will leave here on the lst of May, having been 1:) Richmond Hill some» thing less than a year. It. would seem that twn hotels are as many as can be suppcrted in this town. Next Sunday Evening. 0:) Sunday evening next Rev. Mr. Percival will continue his series of sermons to young people on “The Elements of a Successful Life" in the Presbyterian Church. The sub- ject to be discussed next Sunday evening will be “I‘unctunlity, Thoroughuess, and Pen severance." A Triple Comtination. A beautiful white set of teeth,conpled with a clear complexion, Wiil add beauty of ap- pearance where the artistic features so much sought for by artists are lacking. But when you possesa both and purchase your boots and shoes at Sivers’ you may expect to capti- vate the wluzle community. Don't fail to read car-fully his swing ad. on another page. Splendid handled Cups 8: Saucers 75 cts. per doz, Dinner Plates 65 cts per doz, 14. inch Platters 40c. each. 12 inch Platters 25 cts. each at the Concrete and Oyster Plates for 70c. per doz. Last Friday rl’l) POST OFFICE NO 140(3 mk‘ E", E 1ft; Mr. nmwm n'eet Dnncum Change of C- I] I No Sunday be proposed Tempereu be Methodist Church m u the Sabbath School th on that day. Changmg iands GOYNG NUR’EI GO‘ ints ready for use in )ng Good Friday. the str“ i. e. the shutters will be up HF Vcry Cold Hoim‘ le 23rd of Man." 10 degrees be} TIME onso1ing th SOUTH ad here young I fï¬cers Schoo grapher nrse wt ress Goods,in .rily :tl $9M“ T1 TABI Over [00 w designs. TICE 'nhill in zero in AZ 100 Th1? t Snu 5'11] b. have t} cts. for the in mm an: has Toronto, Mr. Holland takes Mr. Munsuéw‘a farm, and Mr. Gilham, of King, goes on the farm vacated by Mr. Holland. Mr. William Brickuell moves to Toronto, and has rented In; late residence to Mr. El. Johnston. Mr. Wm; Palmer takes possession of his farm near Dollar P. 0., and Mr. Thompson, the Dresmit tenant is coming to Richmond Hill. Mrs. anntou is changing her realdence on Arnold St. for one on Centre St. East, and her late home is taken by a Mr. Phillips. Mr. Trevelbnn of the “Beehive†tailoring estab- lishment has moved into the flame cottage on Yonge St. south, recently purchased by Mr. Wm. Atkinson from Capt. McConnell. And thus the changes take place mm year to year for such is life. lishme on Y0} Mr. W And 0,] C0,, of Montreal, lelt owing to the extreme hard times were unable to meet their payments and their choice new Stuck was offered for sale by their creditors. Neville, of the Cheap Cash House here, bought this ï¬ne stock for less than 50c. on the S, and is now slaughtering it. A few minutes inspection will con- vince you that th1s is no common opportunity to get cheap goods. See small bills. Young & Nethery, 01 Frankford,who began busmess only a few months ago, purchased their dry goods of Wyld, Grassett & Darling, their boots and shoes of McCreadV & at, he is is: (:bmoud I materEg thn Mn m the 58.]: ill reading 8]. Ir. C. Mason should almost dread the it of a ladder. us his experience on that L-liine has been an unplvusunt one. Less 11 two years 213:; he received a fall of some or twelve feet from the effects of which has far from recovered. Last Friday so he was eave-ti'oughiug at the residenc. Sir. Wood, near Newtonbrook, the ladder whin': he was standing broke, and he 3e :0 the ground With force. One of his )3 was badly bruised,and he has not since u able to resume work. It is to b : hoped mil be more fortunate in future in his ending and descending. Jenn t1) ru‘ To the Pubhc. another page will be found the card of [. ’l'eefy. Notary Public, Commisdoner :Hiuh Cnnrt of Jusxice 6:0. Persons mplutiug matrimme will aim remember 10 is issuer af Marriage Licenses. Ollice, nond Hill P. 0. is tim M aud snrr me. Mr eting to defray Hr nnmvs in 1 Je offer would t Ladder Accident of the year always ï¬nds a gun: “on the move.†The migration stnrtvd and will continue m this urrouuding neighborhoods for Mr. Wm. Munsbaw is movmg to . Holland takes Mr. Munsuéw‘a ange of Residences. Fast Color Crankle Shirt ' vd. at the Concrete. 'ï¬vxewflLess’dns. n.’ the Cheap (lush House is 'e-nt. lmrgumn in Dress Goods, , Ginghams, Boots. Huts. (kc. rchnsed an excellent Bankrupt. . on the dollar. The stock is and win be 5011.] at wonderful Well assorted stock of ,Silk in plain and shaded rrasene. Floselle etc: in and standard colorings. Egg: Festival ankrupt Stock {the Cheap C m. bargain» in Ginghams, B( chased nu exce Hull. Ric m readings, low. :encmg at 2 p. m. The r651- xill assist at. me meetingsmud we may be expected every uext week. A collection at perance Duet as Just received a very m1 ‘ll An the Rector and wit] ch wardens. Si. Mn Ms (D V) holding m Munday. 2nd of A Id their meetings in A mass meeting will tGhurch «In Sunday, expenses ImOl) Ell) Bosma Prunes Currants S cts. s 8 cts. per lb, 311,2 Cans Com mmtoes {or 25 Id auxrday ‘f the village echo snap 1 Hill 3 Mich fer l .00 from th markets Humilmt m) All are “Jé up ible ril. Mr. Charles Augusta! Morrison is corresâ€" ponding with the ï¬rm of McLosky 61 00., Manufacturers, Sen-nip, in View of purchas- ing n new Traction Engine and Steam Thresher. “ Charlie" says this bucking wood is a slow bnsiuess. Missionary Meeting. The annual Missionary Meeting in con- nection with the Preebvterinn Church took place in the church hut Monday evening. Owing to the inclement state or' the weather there was not so large an attendance as was looked for. but as one of the speakers put itI " ii was the cream of the people who would come out on such an evening." Rev. Mr. Percival presided, and after the opening ex- ercises apologized for the absence of Rev. Mr. Neil, of Toronto, who, on account of sickness, had been unable to leave his home. He then introduced the various schemes and mission work of the church. particularly on behalf of (let) the “Fund for the aged and inï¬rm Ministers." Those pioneers of the church in this land who had “ roughed it " with the settler and borne the burden‘ and heat of the day for but a trifling stipend,end who now on account of pnvsical inflrmitiea were com polled to retire from active service for the Master ; (2nd) “ The Augmentation Scheme,†which helps to provide every min- ister with a decent income and for the build- iog up of congregation; particularly in out- lying and new districts, and (3rd) “ The Minion to the Indians in the Nortlchst." Rev. J. M. Simpson then delivered an inter- eating address'on the “Duty of the Church towards Missions." Truly, he said, giving to Mic-ions was a blessing to him who giVes. In one way of looking at it one was not en- titled to have credit given him for “giving†to the support ofhis local church. that, of course, was esselitial and was right. But in this case it was the same as building himself a barn or a residence for his accommodation, or subscribing for his newspaper, he got the direct beneï¬t of these investments. But giving to missions was giving to those who \Vrl‘e unable to help themselves. and for the spread of the Gospel to those who knew not itx‘ importance and its Worth. In conclnsmn he Conurotiilated the Presbyterian church on the great and noble work it was doing: with God‘s Mes:ng on the missiOnary ï¬eld com- pared with timilar work done i-y the other denominations. but when compared with her aliiiity to work «he was not entit’od to much credit after all. Rev. Mr. Mntch. of Toron< to, then addressed the meeting on the Home and Foreign Mission Work of the church, and did so in a manner that was instructive and interesting to his audience. The church advanced in this particular direction under direct orders from the Great Commander, "Go ye out into the world and preach the Gospel to every creature." And lo carry out this command increaSed indivrdual ef- fort was essential and would accomplish great things. To show the necemity of fur- ther christian effort towards 1nia~ions and the grant Work before the chmch he submit- ted a map showing the religions of the world as follows :â€"115,000,000 Christians ; 84,- 000,000 Greek Church ; l90,000,000 Roman spread of its impm‘ he comm the great G'Hlâ€™ï¬ Me pared wit dmwmiu: 000,000 Cutlnh Mubomednns ; 825,000,000. He dwvlt. nl length on the College Fund, French Evan» gelizution in Lower Canada (sulu-tividml intn colportmir school and general evangelical Work), Foreign Missions to the Indians in the Nurlli-West, New Hebrides. Centml Af- rica, Formosa and China. To this grout work there was but conlrihntr-d u more bug- ntelle. In closing Rev. Mr Pyi'cix'ul imimu ed that the collectors would call on UN- members in A few days and bespoke for tlu-w a goud reception. During,V the comm of the evening appropriate music mix remlprvll liy the clmir, 50108 being sung in a very pleasing mmmer by Miles Gilmonr and Mr. Uuulter. \vor the rim wor Miss Pearcon, of New York State. is visit- ing with her sister, Mrs. Andrew Newton. Mr. Hean B. Myers,nf Barrie, paid a visit to our village the early part of this week. Mm. Storey has returned from Woodstock after a short visit there with relatives. Mr. Ass. Wiison, of Parkdnle, was visiting his relatives here last Sunday. Miss b‘pragge. Principal in the Public school, leaves te-day for a few days’ vacation in Orangeville and Owensouud. Misc B21195.“ Lansing, is visiting with Mrs. J. W. Elliott. Among the callers at THE LIBERAL ofï¬ce during the week was Mr. Arthur Cook, of Woodstock. formerly of Patterson. Mr. Alfred Redditt and family. of Aurora, are spending a few days with MLG. Rudditt, brother of the former. Mr. dz Mrs. Jns. M. Lawrence spent the latter part of last week and the former part of the present with relatives in the city. Miss Annie McLaughlin, a former teacher in the Public School, but now attending the Toronto Normal School. is visiting, relatives and ftiunds iu the village, Mrs. KIchï¬rey, of Woodstock. is making a cnupfo of weeks' visit with her son. Mr. Robt. McCaffrey, a shot; distance south of this rillum. Mr. Alex. Coulter goes to T: route on Mon- day to take a position in the Tailoring Estab- lishment of Mr. J. D. Coulter. Messrs. Gardner and Danton, of Britan- nia, the latter a former citizen of this place, spbnt Sunday night at the residence of Mr. Wm. Trench. Mr. W. Cnulter, of Conlter, Vair & 00., Dry Goods Merchants, Barrie. and his sister- in- law, Miss TiIEie Blackmoro, spent Sunday last at the residence 0! Mr. John Coulter. Mr. F. Kirkby, village confectioner, has rented 2mm Mrs. Soules another room in connection with his store, whichwill be ï¬tt- ed up into an Ice Cream Parlov for the com- ing summer. ï¬eld: M‘I scarce. but those who wvlte quuson A: C0,,P0rnand, Maine.will receive free, full lnfcrmatiou aboul work which :hcv run do, and live m. hnmernt will [my Item from ‘35 lo 623 pt! day. Some huvg we nosolnln} an" 0! sun; um; Imam All L3 new. Mimi Teefy is spending a few days m ironto. PERSONAL b’. 8,000,009 Jews; 170,000,000 825,000,000. He dwvlt. M u ï¬eld: I». scarcz. but those who write - Smear: a Co..Pornand, Nahum-ill receive free, full ixvarmmiou shout work which ï¬ch ran do. and live at homalbmwill [my nd Iive m. home‘lbmwill my no 525 pt: day. Some have :13 sex. young ovoid. Capilll frre Thom who sum u. once ‘givmg" 1‘hut, of But in himself odutiou, Owing to the heavy bank failures and the great stringenc; in the money market we have had offered to us and havr completed arrangements for the purchase of some enormous lots of goodsâ€"â€"for cashâ€"at prices never before thought 0:1 even by the most idle dreamer. Everywhere throughout the Dominion the increased rate f0 discount and the scarcity Ol money are causing the over-gorged and plethoric manufac- turers to “clamor aloud for clemency.†Great ï¬rms are to- day almost tottering into bankruptcy. Wealthy mill-owners and manufacturers are now, for the ï¬rst time since 1857, “on their knees,†and unless conï¬dence can be restored to the business community and the present apprehension of danger averted, who can tell what dire calamity may befall the country ? While this state of things continues the tremen» dous efï¬cacy of “hard cash,†like the philosopher’s stone of old, is working marvels and prodigies indeed. For the next thirty days, or while the goods last, or the manufacturers will supply goods at similar prices, we offer : Men's and Boys’ Clothing I Dress Goods E‘QRCED SALE 2 M Indie In this dc n11 ki: THOS. THOMPSGN 8:: $0M, sen. wonders exist in thousands of forms.but are surpassed by the marvels of inventlon. Those Who are in need of proï¬table \v'ork that; can be done while livmq at home should a: once senll their address to Hullutb & 00., Portland. Maine, and recexve free, full infornmtmn how ember sex, of all ages. can emu from 5150 $25 per day and uywamls Wherever they live. You are started free. Capital not. required. Some have made over ï¬fty dollars ma. single day at this Recent improvements makes it the most. perfect. Sewing Machine otl'ered L4) the public ; easy to loam, easy to manage. case hardened parts makes in durable. You can also be supplied with an Or any other of ï¬rst-class make, or if you need a NEW ‘WIL You can be supplied as cheap by me as by any other persun. work. All sucbee GROCER AND CONFECTIONER. lack curl mantles,short *3 mm ottoman cord ulsters. : Asks this and hopes you will respond. He has on hand Please send him your name and addxess on a postal card for something free of charge. egnm. D mg blnc) \‘6’ on! \W Tresh Oranges, Lemons, Dates, Figs, Raisins, Candies, Nuts. &c., of all kinds. Also a large assortment of sealetce lies' black Astmchan muffs $1 50 worth $2 50 lios' Pursinn Lamb cans and muï¬s verv cheap lies‘ Seal, Coney, Astraclmn, Beaver and Hmr M11th and Caps at about: 25 per cent below furriers' prices his department we have a. colossal stock of all kinds of wool goods forlad'wszmd children Also a Inc of 600 tuques in various colors with tassel, 21-: 25c each sold regularly M; ’75:: each Mammoth House,oppo. the Market,King SLE. m UX BRIDGE ORG \Vith a further share of your generous patronage heavy ovexcoats, 970 each, worth heuvv nap overcoats, $1 25 each winter suits, 970 each ï¬ne suits at 2, 3, 4 and $5 heavy winter ovorcouts, $2 50,wo Gibraltar serge overcoats $4 lizzurd ovelconts. 556 50, worth a chxllv man Enamel-9 Mllfls and C THE LIGHTâ€"RUNNING BTW WILLIA MS RICHMOND F. REE-333?, ,h Takes the Lead. Letter Orders Will Receive Prompt Attention. Jersey cloth ulstei'spufl cloth u and Misses’ tweed u‘sters, I and blush mantles, very cheap PIANO 11118 cashmere hose, 2, pair udervcsts 50c e l L W underves J. LUSH, Richmond Hill. n‘ colored all-wool hose 12k. worth zaps. Caszloods, etc MANUFACTURERS’ Nannies Rioslery ts, $2 50_worth double oats $4 $50, worth a fortune nch four pairs for 1g$550 ,4nnd s4 08¢ each Tâ€"TTT.T ulster Lndie $1 20‘ Costume tweeds Checked muteris All-wool French Every pattern ix Dresé Boys imitation lmn Boys’ flue imitutwn Men’s Persian prige 4 00 Men's Men's pl‘iCEh G 00 . Men's Persian lamb cups, 131; choice 6 00, fumers price 10 00 Men‘s Asnmchan, Beaver, Seal, Coney,Mink caps at half furriers' prices Men's and Boys†Underwear and Gloves Men‘ Men‘ Men‘ Men’s Men Men's Heavy. )vhitm as Extra. sme whit: Large size horse Fine table linens Fine table napkix White and colore “ WE LE EECHMQND HILL, 021T. PLAIN & ORNAMENTAL ERINTING Executed with neatness and Bill Heads, Shipping Tags Memorial Cassia a; Spacialty. The Liberal $1 a. Year.. né grey flaun esters, Men’s and! heavy wool toy undershirtu 25" heavy drawers: .nmbswool 8111 Juced prices heavy all-wool »uhle heavy lined ki4 Genera! treamers, Circulars, etter Heads, Programs, PRINTING & PUBLISHING ESTABLISHMENT. in ml‘taï¬ pluid‘ all kinds have 'C ards ,, ALL KINDS O} mm R1 m! SH dr blun despatch. 1 cant &c., &c. worth 150 ouble width ss goods, 150 :Soys‘ caps 19‘ cardLgan jackets 7 ms. 2nd chc ‘Dn‘ï¬s 1nd drawers at greatly ’uple Goofls nnkets. 1 '25 {1. pair was 500, worth 91 3rd Pamphlets, )zen flannels 7c EML E †, worth 50c worth 1 no choice, 2 00. furriera Fur Caps l. 200 worth 400 3, worth 250 ic a. yard reached bottom ‘ice, 3 00,1'urriers oronto Labels, worth