mm In returning thanks Lu my numerous friends for their lilmm! part wage during the past twemy-Iive ye .rs, I begr to re- mind them and the gem-411 public, than having enact-3'.“ '2‘": 0‘; new and com- modiuna premises. I am enabled to supply Both light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction. as the work is under my own supervisrd. I am also prepared to do all kinds "f black- smitlimg d: repairing in the most work- munlike manner, on the shortest notice, hd on the most reasonable terms. PLATFORM SPRING J. Brown, Muster Workman ’I‘. FMcMahon. rec R. '1‘. of Temperance, Richmond Hill Council, No. 43, Meets in Temperance Hall,euch alter- native Tuesday evening utSo'clock p in. Bene- ï¬ciary certificnces issued to nmle or female members for $1.000 or in case of death $2.000. one 113.11 mtyablc in case of disability. J. H. Sander son Select Councillors; J.A.E.Swftzei‘.necording 5.01) Select bocretarv Phaetons Cutters ViLLAoH Colmanâ€"Re w. Wm, Pugsley, Coun- cillors, Messrs. P G. Savage. Wm A Sanderson,W :kinson, Dr Wilson. (llcrk. M.‘1‘eefy. FIBEBRIGADE.â€"RBE\118Y meeting ï¬rst Friday of every mnnth. held in the Council Chamber. at 7p. m. Membership free. Cortiflcmtesissued to members entitling them to certain privilegesnnd exemptions, Wm.H. Pugsiey. Captain. 11. A. Nichoils, Secretary. A. 0. U. W.,Ivy Lodge, No. 141. Meets in the Committyue room of the Masonic Hull each alternative Tuesday at 8 o'clock p.m. Bene~ ncm'y certiï¬cate given} for $2,000 in case 9f death TRENCH’ S ~C ARRIAGE WORKS.- MECHANICS' lNS’l'ITUTE.- Library of over 1000 volumesppen every Tuesday evening, in the Ma.- sonic HullJrom 7 to 8 o’clock. R. 13. Law. Libra- rian. Lectures and disuussionsperiodically. RICHMOND HILL CORNET Bunâ€"Meets for p‘actice eVery Tuesqu and Saturday evening at 730 o‘clock W. Sheppard, Leader Are now 1 The Methodist sabbath school Temperance As anciation issue pledge curds every Sunday when desired. Wm.Hm-rison Bop? RIOHMOND LODGE, A. F. ct A.M.,1\‘o.23, G.R.(‘ Meets in the Lodge room.Musonic Hallpn the Monday on or before full moun. at 8 o’clock p.111 I. Crosby, W.M. ANCIENT ORDER or FOREST 4 sâ€"Court Bich- mond. No. 7046 ~\. 0. F.. meetsin the Temperance Hall every altomato Friduv at 7.30 p. D].â€" A J Rupert C. R. _ PRESBYTEEXAN CHURCH or CANADAP-Bel'vices M 11 o'clock 8.111.,qu 6:30 p.111. Prayer meating on Wednusllny evening at 7:30. Rev. W. W. Perceval. Pastor. _ ROMAN CA'raoLxc cannonâ€"Servwes in order a follow a Thornhill M 9 u..m., and Richmond H 8.1210230 mm; the following Sunday at Rich- mond Hill mm mm. and Thornhill at 10:30 a. m. Rev. J. J. Egan. Pastor S'r. MARY s EPIBCOPAL Gunmenâ€"Service at 3 p m.,except the third Sunday 0! every month. when the service and sacrament are held at 11 a..m. Sunday School at 1:30 1141;) Rev. W. Bates Rector METHODIST CHURCHâ€"Services at 10:30 a. m and 6:30 p.m.,aud Sunday schonl, 91.2.30 1). m. Young people’s p‘myer meetmg Tuasdny evening. General I’myor Meeting: every Thursdnyevenmg in the Lecture Room. Rev. 3.1“. Simpson. Supt. Rev. G. N. Rutledge. Assistant. _ Horse - IRS .Lavmg L. INNES & SONS RICHMOND HlLI raid special RECHMQND HILL. STE-Ci 2011mm @itertum. bought the ab md put everytl‘ WA GUN TS ED LUMB IOULDINi hand, or made nest. uutice. Sleigh?) and Societies. Churches. \W 115$ ORDER Shoeing attention h). M TERENCE! amiages, Theré No. 141, Meets in the the Masonic Hull t 8 o'clock 1!.m. Bene~ 52,000 in case of death mushâ€"Services 5:15:33 A“! ntracta for ND BIL) also a -MILI_ LAW w her mil] payi once 1,350 lbs. 3 H ones, rising 4 years, averaging 1,450 lbs These animals are all sound. Apply to Of the 0n the premises are a frame house, ban: and frame stable, a. Well of water, orchard of fruit trees. A stream}: of water one part. of the farm. Five acres are sow Fall wheat, ï¬ve acres are in seed grass, : renguinder fail ploughed. _ _ The premium will be sold subject to a re! bid ï¬xed by the Master. The purchaser pay at the time of sale to the Vendors’ smi ten per cent. of the urchuse money. and pay the hamnce Wit iout interest into Can: the credit of this action Within thirty days t‘ after. The Vendor will furnish 0an such stract of title title deeds. copies thereof or ence. of title as are in his possession. The I conditions of the sale are the standing condi of the Court. For iurthm- particulars apply to M 12553.9. ] LER’L‘ON. COOK & WALLACE, Vendor's So era, 18 King Street East, Toron no. strayed on the premi insou one sow pig. Ow RICHMON D HELL In the County of York, by Salem Ecku ioueer. the following lands and premises ing 30 acres more or less part of the reu.‘ lots thirty-seven and thirty-eight in t Concession of the Township of Vaughn particulle described in a certain (lee; will be produced in. time of sale) made Hiram Dexter to William Tennyson a 11 of which is registered as No. 2 ' . SENT†In W IMPO R’. In an acciou Tennyï¬on vs. Tennyson and mt‘u the Approbutiou uf the Muster in Onlinarv there will he sold by Public Auction at one o’clock p. m. 011 Saturday. the 14th April, JUDICIAL SALE RICHMOND HILL. W Clark G R Goulding R McCague S T Humberstone A Muckle G Gilleast J Morgan G \V Irwin J Smith J Gilleart J Dawson A H Kennedy J Clark R McGowan A McPherson G Chester J W Kennedy S Rennie J Walton J Elliott A Rifle match was shot at. Agincourt range, between Scarbom and Newton Brook Rifle Clubs, on Friday 16th insL, 10 men a side, 100 A: 200 yda. ofl hand at 100. 200 position head to target without. artiï¬cial rest. Below are the scores out of a. possible 25 :~â€" 3 Horses, rising 3 years, averagiu (uni t A_p_ply to Ol'a Farm in Vaughan pur- suant lojudgmq-nn on :he (Jlmnm-ry Divisum 05 the High Court of luslicc. FOE SA]: A. D. 1838 at the Tmm Hall, in the Village of STBAYED. 911m: iiï¬dvrtï¬srmrntï¬. WES. 'er bronchi: ir Hive nuou J am as Llovd, or Wm. Wells. King P. 0., residence Sprxugt Scumono. 100 200 21 21 15 19 20 19 dy 19 19 16 21 1 15 23 m 18 20 17 ]9 fly 21 20 22 22 Total NEWTON BROOK. 100 200 19 17 16 16 12 13 18 17 17 19 THAN, Ric Tuilorix cc to hi The Rifle. AT NEIL MCLE ountry that In .ry ï¬nest unises of Mr Owner can ,â€" 1:) Total CDC oId subject to a. reserve r. The purchaser will .0 the Vendovs’ Smicxtor :huse money. and will Linterest into Court, bu Within thirty days the-ro- furnish only such ab- . copies thereof or evid- 137wa 5% 3383. iicl CHIEF CLERK M. 0 th- if BAN mom ave HAN nd ‘lled Del: NI] itAuct Total 37 Total 1L1! 36 28 330 36 34 39 0n making comparision with British Cumpunies established on principles simiâ€" lar to our own. we ï¬nd the business of the Umted Kingdom Temperance and General Provident Institution for its 1561) year was $1,339,250; The Scottish Tem- perance Life Aswmnce Cm, recently estublislledï¬n itn 3rd year Wrube 3732.228. The following is a. statement of the business for the year ending 3131: of Dec. 1887zâ€"The number of applicntinns for as~umncu was 1050 for $1,770,109; de‘ clinvd, held in “heyunce and not taken up, 83 for $164,500; leaving 967 for $1,â€" 605,600, with an annual premium income of $83,289 96. Our business for the second year has: never bdfnre been reached by any other Canadian Company in its second year, and with only one death claim for $1,000, and that caused by and accident. To enable the penple of Kim: and Vaughan Townships more fully to under- nmnd uur success, we take from the re- turns of the leading; Canadian Companies $0 the Superintendent of Insurance, the following facin concerning their new busi- nesszâ€"L'l‘he Canada Life fur its 22ml year issued 881 policies fur $1,156‘855, the Cnnfedemtiun for its 5th year issued 1005 [)emnce Lite Aswmnce L estubiishedï¬n ité 3rd ear wr This Company has een ( prominent. men on the basis Kingdom Temperance and ( idem; Institution of Britain, most suoonssful of Bntish whose experiunce for the in was nearly 20 per cent. in fr s. HOLLAND, Local 5w was nearly 20 per ce‘ ubstainers over their Temperance &: General Life Assurance Co. HON. S. H. BLAKE, {HBT‘ MCLEAN,ESQ., HEAD OFFICEâ€" Mwmsc A RCA m } VICE szsm HON. G. \V. Ros-1, Minister of Education PRESIDENT; Huy,per ton straw. per ton . . RICHMOND mm Thursdaw oats, per bushel Pens, do: ( 1h Du Tonos'rn Thursday, Mar 29. X588 Whenman per bushel ..... Wheat, spring, do BM'ley, do .. outs, do Peas. do Byu. do .. Clover Seed. do .. Dressed bogsmer 100 lbs Dress unkemoppositogqlsjunic Hall Richmond 1 BRESS MAKING Apple onion Purely a (Tana-mm! Company u.)me unlifl LIT MISS HARRISON, ur,’ ï¬ill .v'. 06" t' Hips. per R. HODDER'S COMPOU v Concentrated 11in :ed hogst" 1( fore quarters hind quarters mus, peg pair . per prim! 5,013.01] ........ pound rolls tub dairy . .. (ash, per doz -5, per bag {iér DD] green, per e do wor do do i. per‘bug RU ï¬n» 1L $6 Derlb wound rolls n-rge rolls... sh, per doz ,1)er 2mg... p81: bag 1038,}161' 100 lbs nunrter.... Iquartur . peg pair . - bblflf ....... en, per bush ter (10:: do If bbl E112 HUI J. T. SAIGEON, Agent, bbl dd every ‘nRoNTo T‘DTII‘E) Markets. \gent, lrudfurd VICE PRESIDENT {W1 one at the Companies, at. 20 years var of total 11 0000000 8pm 3.58 00 1 00 1 29. 1888 40 39’s“ hill Qo 00f 45 50 7 932's Gâ€"BOCERIES. WODLLEN UNDERCLUTHIN BRITISH FLAG STAFF We would like to call your attention to our winter stock of (ii ELAN E VVHEATEEAS STEEL GARRT, WWW, RED VVANTED CHOICE SEED GRAIN 533 TE: KC 1411? Have now FLOUR & FEED DELIVE {3‘ ppm {05. & C0 (‘35 ALSIKE CLOVER, TIMOTHY SEED, &o. iETS, CO] EH,()ODIE’S AT REDUC ED @EEIB’S xppnmtmeut by sowi MMGEL & (MAME?! 35mg sh and Reliable; n hand full st HEROS. (32;: CO. Salli} ALSO lit We claim hr S'I‘APL' ED 1 )N SHORT G, STOCKINGS, MITTS, &C 301' PRI( MFORTERS, RANT l on 0t .E GROCERIES. TEST NOTICE. v on hand a irl‘sh stock 05 A. MOODIE TORONTO KW M 5‘1 186:! xts