A good Dwelling thh Stung \attmahed fur sale on moderate terms. The romty is situated on Yumze Street, Richmond ill. two doors north of Crosbv’s store. Them in an excellent garden. with a. Liberal supply of choice fruit, Plenty of $1 waxinhnrd and wit. -APPly m 3.2!. LAW. In connection with the factory, where custum sawing Will be done. All work guaranteed and prices moderate. The _Iabuve factory is situated on RICHMOND ST., RICHMOND HIL) Nov. 25th. 1886-3m , Are now prepared to take contracts for 7_ all kinds of Buildings. , PLANED LUMBER, MO UL’DING‘S, &C. F IRSTâ€"CLASS SAW-MILL Vaiuabla Property ' FOR SALE. ' ’ DOORS, SASH, BLINDS. 850.. Both light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give autisfaction, as the work is under my own supervise .I. I am also prepared to do all kinds "f ‘ black- snnithxug (impairing in the mo'st'work- munlike manner; on the shortest notice, Id on the To ’ hsemble terms. I“ v PLANING MILLS ! In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal pntr )nage during the past twenty-ï¬ve ye..rn. I- beg to re- mind them and the gamma] public, thm having erocter‘ entireiy new and com- modious premises. I am enabled to supply PLATFORM SPRING WAGON S . ' . Phaetons, Buggies. Carriages, Cutters, R. ’1‘. 01 Temperance, Richmond Hill council, No. 43, Meets in Temperance Hall, each alter- native Tuesday evenmg utSo’clock p m. Bene- ï¬ciary certiï¬cates issued to male or female members for 561.000 or in case of death $2,000, one halt nuyablc in case of disability. J. H. Sander- gpn Select Councillors; J .A.E.Switzer,Recotding Secreturi TRENCH’S ~GARRIAGE WORKS.- A. 0. U. W.,Ivy Lndge, No. 141, Meets in the Committee room of the Masonic Hall each alternative Tuesday at 8 o'clock pm. Bene~ hoary certiï¬cate given for $2,000 in case of death J. Brown, Master Workman T. F.McMa,hon. rec MECHANICB' LNSTITUTE.â€" Library of over 1000 volumesppeu every Tuesday evening, in the Ma.- sonio Hall,frmn 7 to 8 o'clock. R. E. Law, Libra- rian. Lectures and discussions periodically. RICHMOND HILL CORNET Bumâ€"Meets for practice every Tuesday and Saturday evening at 7 30 o’clock W. Sheppard, Leader FIRE BRIGADE.â€"Regular meeting ï¬rst Friday of every month. held in the Council Chamber. at 7 p. m. Membership free; Certiï¬catesissued to members entitling them to certain privilegesand exemptions. Wm.H. Pugsley, Captain. h. A. Nicholle, Secretary. VILLAGE Connemâ€"Re ve. Wm. Pugsley, Coun- clllurs. Messrs. P G. flange, Wm A SandersonM’ Atkinson, Dr Wilson. Clerk. M. 'l‘eefv. ANCIENT ORDER OF FORESTERaâ€"Co‘urt Rich- mond, No. 7046 A. O. F., meets in the Temperance Hall evexg’ alternate Fridav at 7.30 p. m.â€" A J Rupert. .. It. The Methodist sabbath school Temperance As mciation issue pledge curds every Sunday when desired. Wmï¬arnson supf Brannon» LODGE,A. F. 6: A. M., No.23, G.R.(‘ Meets in the Lodge room,Mu.sonic Eamon the Hominy an or before full moon. at 8 o'clock p.m I. Crosby. WM. ‘ ROMAN CATHOLIC cannonâ€"Services in order a follow: Thornhill‘ at 9 n..m.. and Richmond H at 10:30 mm; the following Sunday at Rich- mond Hill at 9 sun. and Thomhill at 10:30 5.. 111. Rev. J. J. Egan. Pastor PBESBYTERIAN CHUECB OF CANADA.â€"Services at 1] o'clock a..m.,a.nd’6:30 pan. Pmyer meeting on Wednesday evening am 7:80. Rev. W. W. Primeval. Pastor. Sr. Mutt a Ermcomx. Gannonâ€"Service at a p 114., except the third Sunday of every month. when the service and sacrament are held at 11 am} Sunday Schoolat1:80p.m Rev. W. Bates ea or . Mm‘aoms'r Cannonâ€"Services at 10:30 a. m and 6:30 p. m..and Sunday school, at 2.;30 p. 111. Young eople’s prayer meetmg Tuesday evening. Genera Prayer Meeting even}: Thursdayevemng in the Lecture Room. Rev. .M. Simpson. Supt. Rgv. G. N. Rutledgg, tMmisdnzlyz. I Kept on hand, or thade to order on the shortest. notice. A stock of Having brnigï¬t the above-named mill and put everything in Always on hand: There is also a. Fl RST-C LASS ' ORDER, L. INNES & SONS RICHMOND - HILL raid special attention to. 7 WM TRENCH RICHMOND HILL. Wilma: Quantum. Sleighs and Societies. Churches- 'Vi‘Héreâ€"ï¬ilsonyuun orchard, ï¬d'oTï¬mu fruit and tho Mame Henced. emu ensv. Apply to . 4-21): ï¬MOfl SHUNKflmple P '0 Three doors west 0'! D1011“) residence. The house contains nine rooma. and collar. excel- lent bar-d and soft water and‘ as every conven- ience. Emg-clmsmble 89d d_riv_ing‘hou_se. , __ In Worsteds and Tweoflstpurted. and he is in a. position to make vou up a SQ.th TWeed Suit, coat and vest‘yor pants,‘a.t the samb pricq you have heretofore paid for . -' . Canadian Tweeds. John J. Mitchell’s New, York Fashion Plates for Spring and Summer just received ' Call early and get ï¬rst choice. \ Good Fit Guaranteed. House “at forSaiei SUITINGS, ., COATINGS AND PANTINGS, †.- RICHMOND HILL IMPORTED GOODS Ofthe Bee-Hive Tailoring Establishment; begs to announce to.bis many pttrons in strayed on the premises 0! Mrs. Joseph Rob- inson one now pig. Owner can have same by paying keep and adverhlsemeut it called for M once. 3 Horses, rising 8 years, averaging in weight 1,350 lbs. - 3 Horses, rising 4 years, averaging 1,450 lbs. These animals are all sound. Apply to a flF'br further pareiculars applv to MERSRB. FU L- LERTON. COOK 6: WALLACE. Vendqr's Solicit- ors. 18 King Street East, Toronto. ' GREAT ‘ TIMES On the premises are 9. frame house. frame barn and name stable, 0. well of water, a. small orchard of fruit crees. A stream of water is on one part of the farm. Five acres are sown with Full wheat ï¬ve acres are in seed grass, and the regainder 5.3.11 pqugghed. ‘ _ _ _ The premise will be sold subject to a. reserve hid ï¬xed by the Master. The purchaser will pay at the time of sale to the Vendora' So icitor ten per cent. of the urchase money. rm will pay the balance wit out interest into Court to the credit of this action within thirr. days theme- etter. The Vendor will furnish on y such ub- stract of title title deeds. copies thereof or evid- ence. of title as are in his possession. The other conditions of the sale are the standing conditions 01" the Court. In the County of York, by Salem Ecknrdï¬ï¬uctâ€" ionaer. the following lands and premises contain- ing 30 Mares more or less part of the rear parts of lots thirtv-aevan and thirty-eight in the First Concession of the Township of Vaughan more particulaxlv descrihad in a. certain deed (which will be Broduced at time of sale) made by one Eimm exter to William Tennyson amemoriul of whigh is regisgered as No. 35531. _ Saturday, the 14th April, RICHMOND HILL. In an anion Tennysoh vs; Tenhyson and mth the Approbation pf the Master in Ordinurv there 31111139 sold by Public Auction at one o'clock p. JUDICIAL SALE A new brick-clad dwelling, 11} stories high, with 5 an acre of ground, is for sale in the J Smith I Gilleart W Clark A G R Goulding R McCague S T Humberstone A Mucho G Gilleaat And surrounding country that he will show you the very ï¬nest shock ct J Morgan J Davison A H Kennedy J Clark ’ R McGowan A McPherson G Cheater J W Kennedy S Rennie C. TREVETHAN, Richfn'ond Hill. J Walton J Elliott ‘ A Rifle match was ‘ahoï¬ at Agincourt range, between Scarboro and Newton Bruok Rifle Clubs, on Friday 1'6th inst, 10 men a aide, 100 J: 200 yds. .ofl hand at ‘100, 200 position head to target '-‘withoutv artiï¬cial rent; Below are the seem out. of a. possible 25:â€" NIB. 0. TREVETHAN, He hnsjust repeived a. magniï¬cent line of Ofa Farm in Vaughan pur- suant tojudgment 01 .Ihe Chancery Divismn ot the High Court of Justice. VILLAGE 0F r MAPLE, FOR SALE. BEE-HIVE. Ever brought into Richmondï¬ill. A. D. 1888 at the Town Hall, in the Village at STRAYED. 312w mmmmmm. .rwin James Llovd, or ' Wm. Wells. King P. 0., residence Sprmghill. NEWTON Bhoox. The Rifle; AT THE NEIL MCLEAN,. CHIEF CLERK M. 0 Scmnono. 100 200 Total Total 19 16 15 18 17 21 22 Total 16 12 18 17 15 15 16 15 15 16 13 17 19 18 21 21 13 37-2 Total 32 25 35 36 32, 33 37 36 28 330 387 34 39 38 37 38 38 36 Sold everywhere.“ Priqe 25 cents and 50 cents per bottle. i’ruprjetors and manufacturers,: mn,.mon mm 60.. mamas THE LIBERAL $1.00 per Year. Takég no other. . Sold everywhere. , Price’75 cents per bothlg. ‘ t ‘ ‘ 2 .DR. HODDERfs Highlv Concentrated. Pleusaint,‘ Eï¬eéfï¬ml; Sate cougmmngcure This Company has Been organizad by prominent men on the basis of the United Kingdom Temperance and General ,Prov- ident Institution of Britain, one of the‘ most successful of British Companies, whose experience for the last 20 (years was nearly 20 per cent.- in fave: of total abstainers over their genei‘al’class. J._ T. SAIGEON, Agent, ‘ ‘ ‘ - ‘ _ _ Springhi‘ll. S. HOLLAND,.Eoc§l‘_Acep§, ' On making compariaion, with British Companies established on principles simi- lar to our own, we-ï¬ud the business of the Umted Kingdom Temperance and General Provident Institution for its 15th year was $1,339,250; The Scottish Tem- pei‘ance_ Life Aa'aui‘dnce 06., recently establishedï¬n its 317d zest wrote $732228. .. To enable xvi}:ng pedple of King ’and Vaughan Tm’ynslï¬ps more fully to under- stand odr succeu‘f'we tvske‘fr‘om the re- turns of the lending Canadian Companies to the Superintgï¬dent of Insurance, the following fagta cgigqerning their new busi- uess:~lThe Canaan Life for its 22nd year issnea 881 policie‘g‘ for $1,156,855. the Confederatiunffoéyi’ts 5th year issued 1005 for $1.383.000.\t,he'Sun Life for its 5th year issued 324 palicies for $465119. and' for its 10th year 573 pglicies for 3926.370. The'Ontario Mutual for its 10th year issued 427 phliciéfl for $490,000; The North American Life Assurance. Co. for its 3rd year issued8‘27policms for $1,347: 088. The following is ' a statement“ of‘ the business for the year endihg Slat of Dec.. 1887zâ€"The nilmbpr of 'applicati()ns for assurance Was .1050 for $1,770,109; ‘ de- clined, held in sheyanoe and not taken up, 83 for $164,500; leaving 967 for $1,â€" 605,600, withaq annual premium income 0f $83,289.96. " - ' Our business {9:- the second year has never before been reached by" any other Canadian Compaï¬y in its second yénr, and with only mjpé death claim. for $1,000, and that cause}; and -acciden_t_. HON. S. H. BLAKE; ' ' Rom. MOLE_AN,ESQ., V‘f’E‘PBFSM HEAD Omaha!) Hume ARCADE, TORONTO. Tonomn Tnuedey,Msr 99, Wheamel] 'per bdehel ... Wheat, spring, do Barley, do oats, do Peas. do Bye. -' db Clover Seed. do _ Dressed hogs, per 1091!): Beef, tote quarters Beef. hind quarters..." ChiCkene, per pair ....... Ducks, do . .... 65 Geese,eaeh $0 Turkeys,ee.oh .. .. 1 50 Butter,pound rolls 20 Butter. tub dairy . . . . . . 00 Eggs, fresh. per do:...... 17 Potatoe's,per bag. 1 00 Apples. per bbl 1 75 onions, green, or do! 15 ‘ Cabbage 0 5o Cauliflower do '(Il‘elery, go 40 urmps, er as... Carrots, p. 010.. . 11 00 1 Hay,perbo . .. straw,per ton . 7 00 ] mon’monn HILL Thumdev,Mar. 29. 1888 nets, per bushel Peas, do. Dressed hogs, per 100 1 lbs. Beef. tore quartet... Beef, hind quarter . Chickens. pet pair . Ducks. do Geese, each -Tutkevs.par1b . Butter, 101111;]. rolls. Butter, ergo rolls... Eggs. fresh, per dozen Potatoes, per beg.............4.. Apples, per b'bl ...... onions, green, per bush. Cabbage, per do! . Celery, . do, . Turnips, perbug Carrots, do Beans, per peck...-. ‘Flour, sprinq,per bh Flour, fun, per bbl .. . . Hey, per ton ..... straw. per ton owwucooï¬Ã©coqoqag gaggaagogsagaggg 8 HON. G. W. Ross,Minister bf Education, ' . ,Pnnsip'nm'; ' . . . Temperance “dc General Life Assurance Co. Dress Maker. opposite Egonic Hall Richmond DRESS MAKING Purely a Canadian Company A‘s}:an - -- DR. HODDER’S COMPOUND. MISS HARRISON; Eh: Markus. BEadférdQ Impurities ott thé ï¬lood from what- soovmrcause arising Female "weaknesses nd general dehilif-y ‘ 1’12;er Vegetable, VICE-PRESIDENTS CERES Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia. Bilious’noss Sick Ee‘admï¬e; Kidney Troubles, Rheumatism, Skin 1 iseases and all 1100 ,55 Q7 12 875 7'50 23 ' +RUPTURE REMEDYâ€"â€" Far: iii Shuhdu Ra'llhf and/Dhmiénmf {Ellrb'hf ll'nrnia‘tir Ruminï¬" GROCERIE S. BLANKETS, COMFOBTERS, WOOLLEN UNDERCLUTH'INQ.STOCKINGS, MITTS, &C MOODIE’S ‘ BRITISH FLAG STAFF Lubon’b Ralph-rel Remedy must be applied exactlylz} accordance with the direc- ,tions accompanying, each-pockage. .The Remedy alloys mfla‘mmatiom Separates ad~ heslons, softens ~inquretlons..and strengthens the abdominal wall,, so that. in a. few weeks -or a. few months, depending ot'course upon the age otthe‘ patient and the length of time he has been ruptured, the use of the truss may be entire) discontinued. A box ’of the Remedy for a alnglerupture-usually lasts 51:: or eight‘wee s. and in recent. cases is quite suï¬lclent'tq effect a. permanent cure ; double rupture 911:1 cases of long standjng naturally require alargerquan >321. Young children are often uic ly cured Without the aid of ntruss by elm may; lymf‘t e Remod morning and even ng. rubbin it well in with the hand while t e ch! 6. is lug down. 13. however. the good effects of he Romody are not up r- out after several ys use. I would recommend that a. truss be obtained. Trusses a};ng tail to cure: but Lube-I'- Remedy. with the aid 01 any good truss, never fails. PAéTS FDR mm 07'? ALE AGES. M. “<77.- LUBT'CSN’Q" si'Pï¬Ã©iE-Ic "Na. 8, THE GREAT EEEa/HLTIH REWIEW‘ER, Map-val 91L Hegiingz ago} Kphfpoor ofï¬edicines. ‘- ....,-‘.,,,44.-_ YOUNG, MIDDLE-AC‘Aâ€"ED AND om Mm Who are broken clown from the effects or abuse will 'ï¬nd i No. 8 a, radical cure for nerqu . _ debility, organic weakness, involuntary vital losses. etc. eroms FOR WHICH No. B SHOULD on Denaâ€"Want of energy, ver‘gigo, went of purpose, dimnese of eight. aversion 3:0 sooieyy, want; of conï¬dence, avoidance of conversation. desire for solitude. listleesneas and inability to ï¬x the ‘attention on alperï¬cular subject. cowardice, depression of apirltfz, giddinese, loss of memory, excitability of temper, sper- matoxrlima, or loss of the seminal fluidâ€"the resulb of self-abuse or marital “caseâ€"impo- tency. innuhrition, emaciation, bunenneiss,£nlpitation of the heart, hysteria feelinmin females, trembling, melancholy, disturbing Bums, e130,, are all symï¬ï¬o‘ms of this terrible habit. oftentimes innocently acquired. In short. the spacing of vibe force having lost its tension, evdry function wanes in consequence. . Scientiï¬c writers and the auperinigendente ot insane‘eeyluma unite in escribing tokthe aï¬ecta of self-abuse the, great majority.“ waeted lives which come under their notice. If yen are incompetent: for the arduous duties of business; incapacitated for the enjoymente of life, No. 8 oflere an escape from the effect; of early vice. It you are advanced in 1's, R0. 8 will give you full vigor and strength. It you are ’broken down, physically an morally, from eeriy-indiecreï¬ion, the reelult of ignorance and lolly, send your address and 10 cents in stomps for M. V. Lunonis Tregtjse inu‘Book _Fo_rm__on DieeggelLof -M_a.g.___8eq.led_enqfleecure grom_ otgervation. A P..ei'ma‘n;ggng;gureif+}< A Pleaséntrcui‘ei‘ We would like to call your attention to our winter stock of Juan-mar: Au ‘uwn cuuu uu HAWK»: 1. muu. Duuluu emu. auuwru u'ulu uvuervuuuu. Address all cammunications to MTV: LUBON. 47 Wellington St. 1).. Toronm. A Man without wisdpm lives in a fool’: paradise. (“IRES ‘GUMAHTEED. HEM. THE SICK. Address: M. V. LUBON, Toronto, Canada. WHEAT;PEA.S,OATS,RYE BARLEY,&G STEELE BROS. &'C0.,SVEED MERCHANTSJORONTO " . ' WANTED CHOICE SEED GRAIN. RED. & ALSIKE CLOVER, STEELE BROS. & 00’s BABBOTJUHNIP, MANGEL & GARDEN SEEIJS - ' All Fresh and Reliable; â€"â€"ALSOâ€"-â€"-â€"- ‘ STEELE BROS. & CO. JU-Iâ€"h' J-U-L-IJ-l 0- STAPLE GROOE’R 1E8. FLOUR & FEED DELIVERED ONVSHORTEST NOTICE. For ‘ihQLSjeéd‘yABe'IIQt-qnda'Pemanem cure'bf H'emia‘ar Rupture; TIMOTHY SEE D, 800. Avoid disappumtmeut by sowing Have now on hand full stocks of Plyase sendhpamples or call on _‘_D5E£§,Eé§.SE$ 70? V MAN; Parties having any choice AT REDUCED PRICES. Rho tea-5E9 'bbnseï¬EeEEéé (K‘indimetion, Exposure and Oven-Wm; SEEDS. We claim to keep onrhand a fresh stock of A. MOODIE