Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Apr 1888, p. 1

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To”)le (“liceâ€"No. [0 Kim; St. “Vest. Markham ("fiveâ€"Opposite 'l‘ru. monl House. Mum 5!. L41 Yonge treat, Next. door to the new Arc L‘hnnkt’ul for the favors of the past '30 years may still becousulbediu any branch M the pro- . assion nsfollows: tum-a lst,8b1\.lcfih.and 21nd of our“ mouth Richmond PHIL. ...9th and24th dn mt the Palmer House) Emu “ville . 10. Hzrkham .. lo. Ticborin Squawk.” H filst do P'mrnhiu. Walker House. 23rd do \Vannlhridge .~ ‘ do. Kl 3iuhurg.. . (10‘ {loiletom . . o Vitulized Alrfilways on hand at nupointmeuts Works like u. chm-m Free from main. fifiDNEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES Finn-I11? Fm nhllings Always on "and Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, 80c” Toronto Officeâ€"No. 14 Building & Loan Chambers. No.15 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Officeâ€"Rear of the Central Bank, on Saturdays. a. G. F. LAWRENCE. V T. C. MILLIGAN. EGLJIES 43 5155601323 antlus. 'L'lud VHE UBERAL PRINTING & 1’U8USHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. â€" â€"â€" ONTARIO Mednfist Toronto ('nivmsitv Nnfl‘m (‘0 Physicinus& Surgeons, (Intuflute of Sttmfiville Ynnge Street. Richmond Hill. 0mm Hours :20 oa..m..5tosp.m Fullerton. Cook & Miller. BARRIS'J‘ERS. SOLICITORS m J FFICE : 18 KING S'InY-‘F‘l‘ EAST. Tnnoxwo‘ Richmond Hill P. 0. Every Saturday. RU (YE-RS Bu“ (\\ USSR Q, , Richmond Hill. Best Mting ’l‘gegx made. Prices Iuw and Vi- alized Air mhmmst :red bx ns'r NOT A? Imam ox scsnu‘s & XuNDAYS Mr Gregory or Mr Holmes will be M: the Markâ€" nul Cfiioe every Saburtluy from 9 a m tn? p m THURSDAY EVENING SPECTA'LEa‘ l'n dernlkc-rs &' ElnbaImm-s‘ Addruss A ROBINSON L.D.S..Aur0m Ont E. M. MORPH". 50‘ (K' 030.. LAWRENCE & MILLIGAN. J S Fullm‘ton inrristers. Solicitors, Coumynncers, &c. Private Funds to 1.0m: 1m Lowest Pmtes‘ W D GREGORY Dr. James Imngslan. ARE Dr. .I. A. Palmer. RICHMUND HILL. ONT nightmlls 3.1 (tom; door bell. 0mm hour In a m VOL. X. '3 PILIYATE FUNDS T0 LOAN BUSINESS CARDS. WRIGHT BRO S, Vlfl‘fiILIZEQ £53 ‘ {like gihcml ” Mann menu-er T. E. Memmon, EDITOR tad PEOPRIETOR. Dr. “'2 J. “WI-son. per annum, in advance. (Links, ficmrllrnfl §ilhrrlmnc :wb Optical (finnhs. [S PUBLISHED EVERY USED BY Dr. A. Robinson. SURGEON DEXTI‘S“ Wraith]. Erma. FOR brutal. \V Cook WWII“ m130R O N TO Importem of EVERY FIGHT (‘x W HOLMES AL 0 a FICE J, R. Miller or wit ou Dress Makermppositelgzillslouic Hall Rmhmond Having refitted the‘nbove House and furnish- ed it in first-class style. I am prepared to give the public the best 0“ accommodation. Excellent stubliugmul attentive hustlers. Sample Rooms for commercial travellers. A good livery in col» ucctivu. Terms 51 not (luv. GREND CENTRAL HOTEL. The undersigned lmvmg taken posse<si0n of the above coulmodiuus home] will cheerfully cumrto the cumfu‘t 01 the travelling public. lle>tln~undsofliqum‘sundcipnrs. An uttentxve hustler mmgnml stumbling. Rooms for commer- cial tmvollexs. (1i GILMOUR, Prop. DRESS MAKING Every accomma‘ “gyms gfaIwnhriagc’fi THE DOMINION HOUSE Richmond Hill, Bouj. Brnlliugor. Proprietor. HOUEE 1:6 LET Every accommodation for the travelliqg piglité Good smhling and un uttenuve hustlel. e. liquors and cigars. _ Ice course 6h the-laka always clear. Warm skulls for trotting horses. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. snles attended on the 51.0119“ nutice and at reusnnalm rates. P. O. udul‘ess, King. Lmensed Auctioneer for the Coumy of York Sales attended on the shortest nol ice,nnd at. ten» ahe rates. Address Smufivme P. O All kinds of Wood, Iron. Galvanized Pipe,Iron. Brass and Porcelain (‘ylindeis All kinds (‘1‘ Water Runs, Well-Digging Cuv‘os‘ Curb Rings and cistern Tanks made to order. Repairing dmie on shortest notice. ‘4 fl ,aud’fi g5;th gfintrl. V Livenseu Auctioneer {or the Counties of York ()nmnunnd Per‘l. Goods sold on consignment. Genemlmlcs of stock. em, promptly attended to at- reasonunle rates. P. 0. address, UNIONVILLE. HIGH COURT OFJUSTICE,&c.. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. 10 King Street West. annnm. Huuse. Mun-khan]. every Saturday FR'SJWJ‘C Private Funds tn [man on Mortgnce on Farm Propertvâ€"Iuturest 0 per cent. per au- num. Terms easy. A v vly 10 HO His & GREGORY, _ Barristers, &c.. loRnlg Stfpnt “Vast. annntn. At Tmmunt " 1w. TEEFY. NOTARY PUBLIC, on farm property. Interest 10m Terms easy Nu Valuation or crunlni§i0n fees chm‘ged, Apply to Burrmters. '9th 15 'I‘m‘nntn St.. Toronto. and Richmond Hm, Rich'd Hill 16“: Abl'll 1%". Gm. On 1% VM. JACKSON, Proprietor. MONEY TO LOAD MISS HARRISON, MONEY ! MONEY! CLASSES ARE NOW OPEN FOR SENIOR & JUNIOR PUPILS IN Issuer of Marriage Livenses tor the County of Yor E9 éé‘MQfifg ®§2Â¥$EE EQQ‘ESEX’» 9L5 190/241? WQlZES. PRIVATE FUNDS T0 LOAN RESIDEXCF 158 me chmoud Stu Apply to J 05 (-1- to l “I'M. BELL. Proprietor. MUSIC Lords Rich James (7. stokes. Sale-n1 [Sc-karat N. J. Armstrong. 51?; isrruunrnns. COMMISSION ER xx THR LAWREIUH & MILLIGAN, A large amount of :latiou Sl‘REET EAST. TORONTO Balsam. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY. APRIL 12, 1888 ion '30 guests. Board, $1.00 per day “In. Essentials, Um'ty; in NowEsseutials, Libeic MAPLE 0x1 MAPLE The prewher referred to some preva- lent ideas of honesty and showed trout the tendencies and environments of the young man how difficult it Would be fur him to translate these twu great principles into his life. Sulmnun was alive to this difficulty. He saw huw prune a. young man is to depend on his own judgment. which. it is evident from inexperience, propensity and environment, cannot be an infallible guide. There is one sure nay out of this difficulty. This was clear- i ly set forth in the closing of the discourse: “Trust. in the Lord with all thine heart. and lean not unto thine own understand- ing." Truly the fear uf the Lord is the ‘ beginning of wisdom and a strict observ- ance of His precepts the way to the nobl- est manhood. ~ After the sermon. Messrs. Hume and Atkinson sang a. duw, “Calvary.” The Royal Temperance DuelAIessrs. Dunnetv and Stafiord. gave sevemi select-inns of music, and Air. Dunne”. undress-rd the The preucner gun: a. descriptiun of a young man’s vieiv 0! life, and then pro- ceeded tu show the danger implied in the uise man's cuunsel,a.s Confirmed in actual life. There is danger from inexperience. But who knuus so much as a. young man? There is danger trum ihe allureinents uf sin, and iruni the Heep-hint schemes nf deceiilul inen. Then the dancer {ruin his own deceitful heart an-ng impress ed the need uf wise Cuiiusel in this crisis of life, attentiun was direcred to ihe tw.. great principles of true inanliness. viz , Mercy and Truth. Mercv, as an active quality, may be expressed in the Words, ‘ Du untu others as y« u would that others should do unto you.” This is indeed a high attainment of manhood. Such large- heurted and generous sympathy never fails in commending itself to men. It stands out in strong Contrast in that nar- row selfishness which adopts as its motto, “Every man for himself.” The second great principle in the text is “Truth.” The truthful man is the ban est mail. The truth if not in a man as a principle. is not ubtained from him in urdinary life. We bring men into our law courts and threaten them with the penalty of perjury if they Swear falsely, but judge, jury and counsfll testify that talsehood on oath is no unumninun thing The record 0‘ the courts is that if a. man has not linnor enough to lull the truth, he will not swear the truth. There can he no true inunliness withuiit honesty. Hnnesty is not to be divorced from gild- liness us Some think. The truthful man, the honest man, must (in inure than pay his debts and refrain from fulsehund. He must deal rightenusly with his neighhur in aill things. He must embrace and rightly use the npportunities God has given him uf helping his felluwnien. He must be honest with himself, not. only in refraining {ruin sin, but. in cultivating us far as possible both intellect and heart, makng the best of life. The highest liniqu is companion of the must enlight- ened conscience. . The preacher sai-J:â€"â€"" A fool was ever ready to give advice, but. a. wise man gave it when it was needed. \Vhen a Wise man gives enunsel unsolicited. us in this case. we conclude that there are weighty interests at stake. The text was a. part vi the advice of the wisest of men. No one cnuld read (he first six verses of this chapter thunghifully with- out pronouncing It a. master piece uf wis- (lllll‘. Solomon thoroughly nndei‘Skmd ihe difficulty i-f advising a yuung man. He did not tell the young man how bad he was, lest he should assume a defensive utmude. He did not. cmnnmnd him, lest he should resent. authority. You may harness steam dnwn and make it “buy you. But liiiimss a young man dnwn by authuriiy if you. can; command him and see if he will obey. Snlumuu Was wise; he knew the young man desired the favor of God and the respect of men. Tu this desire he appealed, showed him how to attain the object of his ambition, and by masterly wisduin wnn his heart." The anthem by the chair, "The Green Hill Far Away," was excellently render- ed. The devutinnal reading of the scrip- ture was fulaned by a. duet. by l‘llss Simpson and Mr. Atkinson. “In the Cross of Christ and (“0in A few can» fully chosen veniurks fullowed‘the reading of a. part of 1 Our. xv chap, in which the relnllulisliip heiwuan the believer and Christ, u risen and an exalted Saviour. was set turth. After singing the second hymn the text was announced, Prov. III, 3:-â€""Let nut mercy and truth (urauke [hag bind then: about thy neck; write them upnu the table of thine heart: ’ The Rev. Mr. Rutledge, having an- nounced that he would preach to young men on Sunday evening the let inst... there was a larger enngregahon in the Methodist Church thm usual. The serv- ice was opened by the male qnartutte singing “I’ve passed the Cross," after which a hymn was sung and the pastor led in prayer. Sermon to Young Men. ‘ty; in all things, Charity." One evening this week as Mr. M. C. Flatt and two other yuuug men were driving to Aurora. the bolt which con- nects the front axle with under gear of the buggy came out alluwiug the box to drup down. The passengers were thrown nver the dash, into the mud and the rig considerably wrecked. Mr. H. .5, Curtis, has an agency for Whitchurch for Russell’s Improved Ft nce, which. he claims. is much cheaper and gives better satisfaction than the ordi- nary fences. He has some excellent testimonials from gentlemen who have tried it, and say they perfer it to any other farm fence. l’urlies thinking of building such a fence should eunsnlt the agunt fur Whitchnrch, as Hosea, has the guud qualities down to a. very fine point. Bailiff Crossley, of this town, won the silver cup at Aurora. on Saturday last, at the Riflemeu's Monthly Match. Bradford .Rlfle Club be“ the King City Rifle Club 134 nn Guod Friday in a match shot over our own range Mr. \Vilkie, an mvilid for manv years, died last week. and was buried in King City cemetery on Monday last. Jnnn Gillies, a. few days mu), took a paralytic stroke and died on Swtul‘dny last. On Tuesday of this week his mortal remains were conveyed to King City cem- etery where they were committed to the earth, there to await the resurrection morn. SIGNS OF SPRING:â€"â€"Did you hear the frogs singing the Canadian National An- them and the Caterpillars chirping uld muther gmse? If so it is quite time you purchased your Garden powder for insects on hurry bushes, and EMS Green for Pntuto Bngs I am gulng tu sell you Pu 's Gm-u at 200. a puuml. and dun’L Mr. P. Wreath, uf Claremont lately from Newmarkut High SchOul is the sub- stitute whu is teaching’ in our Public school. We neglected to mention it last, week. From our own Correspondent. The Annual Missiunary Meeting was held in St John’s Church. on Friday chning last Rcv. Mr. McCullum from Tut-unto adddressed the meeting. The aLLeudauce was very fair considering the bud state of the roads. H. Ainsley J. Hullnushead AURHKA. J. W. Ul‘usslcy Dave Emlv Ell Brnund Chas. Lyons \Vm. Pelcn Cnus. Julius \V. Alachc-Il U A. Peicil hinj. for Aurora Anrom Rflemen and Newton Brook Club had a friendly Inalch on Monday, April 2nd, on the grounds of the latter. A very plenath day was spent, every one appuurmg in the best, of humor and good nature. Buluw is the score:â€" a gas jut. lump. or move, suffices to re- solve Lhe carhmmte of ammonia into leav- ening gas and thruw it off. The first heat of hiking, therefore, will efl'ectually develop all the gas, thoroughly leaven the hmf and dissipate the gas prnducing in- gredients uf a puwder of this kind; and this is the highest test of a perfect baking powdei. Where nther alkalies alone are used ihey are nut infrequently retained, iinresiilvocd, through the whole process of baking, and remain an nnwhulesome in- gredient in the finished break. The car- bunate of ammonia cannot be used as a substitute fur cream of tartanâ€"N. Y. Aare classed by many eminent physicxaus and sanitarians as superior to all others. Professur Hussel. of London, who is rec- ognized afi highest authority on the sub ject- of fund hygiene, cummende In the strongest terms the use of carbonate nf ammonia as a leavening agent, stating its great. advantage to be in its perfect volatility, which permits it to be. by the heat of baking, entirely thruwn into leav~ euing gas “thereby the bread is raised. The experiment with heat would seem to indicate the superiur, not the inferior, value uf such baking pcwder. The little heat thn' In imparted to it when held over Aminuninted baking powderâ€"«that in, baking powder in which carbonate of am- monia is mach as an ingredient, and which exhales an odor of ammonia when heated 11/001511] ’1 rilmne Ammoniated Bread. (Too late for last week UaK hldges. King City. The Rifle. G. Im in 74 J. Morgan 78 G. G. Guuldlng 60 J. Smith 57 R. chCague 85 T. Humberstone 80 J. Gi'ycast, 80 A. Muckle 90 Wm. Clarke 104 Average 9 men 79 mu, '1 NEWTON BROOK G. Irwin J. Morgan G. G. Guuldlng Did you see the Rainbow last night I Shure it was nara a rainbow at all. at, all, but the desaving reflection of garments and carpet rags dyed with the Sunscc Dye, bnught only at. Dilworth’s Drug Store, for five cents a package. 170 King This powder n strength and wh St. East. Toronto The hull: for the waterworks is being put up at the station, where the railway company will get their supply. -The attendanw at our schools is beluw the average on account of the measles. A carloud of horses left here last week for the Nurthwest, bought by a Mr. Crake. The sznue man intends buying up anothex Inad m a week or two. The directors u? the Mechanics Insti- tute intend enlarging their hall this sum-~ mer so as to Seat. about a thousand. Farmers are making preparations for sawing. Some on favored places will enmiueiice this week. Mr. Baker, of Victoria Square, and Wm. Bowes Esq.,of Concord, have become very acceptable residents of the Village. Rumours are being aflmt that Messrs. Cnrman and Brown and Mrs. Wilson are contemplat- ing removal to Toronto ; besides various changes of residence among the villagers. Mr. Ovens, of the Queen’s Hotel, has re- moved from the village for a. short time. Mr. McFarlane of Thoruhill hotel has established his reputation. From our own Correspondent. Revs. D. O. Crossley and G. Dewy are conducting evangelistical services in the U. M. Church of this town. So fur,their labors have been a. success; quite a. mim- ber have been changed from the errors of their way. Butix men are goud singers anu eloquent speakers. Crossley, with his gentle persuasive tones, coupled with the tire and Vim of Dewy. cannot heip but lllaKe a telling effect on any heart. The examinatifin of public school pupil passed of very nicely on Friday last. The trustees of the Methodist Church have so mmudelled the church that an ex-member 0f the choir could hardly re- cognize the old church. Three of our villagers are to take part in Lhis monster draught match between Markham and Turonto when it is expect.- ed they will distinguish themselves. Preparations fur building have been successfully forwarded during the fine sleighng of the past winter. Mr. John Francts will erect a fine brick residence, Messrs. Martin & Woods having the con- :racll Mr. John Thompsnn is making preparation for improving a. residenco for his father. The pews in the Presbyterian Church are to be removed, to be replaced by those of more modern date in accordance with the views of this progressive age. Mes-airs. Dunnetf and Stafford are ex- pected to hold temperance meetings in the Victoria Hall this week. From our own Correspondent. The almost impassable state of the road leading to the station during the spring and fall months has been a. subject of conVeraatiou fol years, growing Worse from year to year on account of the in- creased téeifiic, will this year receive a. decided check on account of the large quantitv of gravel being placed on the road. Mr. Geo. Weldrick deserves the thanks of the travelling public for his interest. in the wnrk, and some public recognition would not be out of place, as a mark of appreciation for his work for the good of the community. Absolwtefiy Paws. [Single copies, 3 cts 81‘ vane Aurora. Thornhill No. 41. ‘1‘:

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