The debate on Sir Richard Cart- wright's resolution in favor of Un- restricted Reciprocity ended in the small hours of Saturday morning. By a majority of ï¬fty-seven in a House of one hundred and ninety- one, Canada’s Parliament declared in favor ofa tariflr opposed to all sound economical principles and to the manifest teachings of geography. The speeches on both sides of the House were fair, tree trom personal- ities, and, viewed from the respect- ive standpoints ofthe speakers, able and argumentative. In the mam, the Government contended that Un- restricted Reciprocity is disloyal and prejudicial to Canadian commercial interests ; the Opposition inststed that loyalty to Canada must be pre. lerred to loyalty to Sheffield and Birmingham, and that while free trade between the United States and the Dominion would beneï¬t nineâ€" teen-twentieths of our people, the only branches ofindustry hurt would be those weak bantlings whose very existence is dependent on high duties. RICHMOND HILL. Thursday, April 12. '88 1â€" ‘ï¬x;ï¬Â§3:KjMu )odie. Changeâ€"J03. Dilworth It is to be observed trom the vote given that the Opposition made four converts from protectionist doctrines, but that the Government failed to secure one. It is further to be ob- served that the majority against Unrestricted Reciprocity is not as large as that given against the National Policy in [878. The sup- porters ot the present ministry were, moreover,pledged.,i and elected to stand by the N". '19., and they could not honorably, theretore, vote other- wise than they did. The advocates of Unrestricted Reciprocity have no cause for discouragement. If the agitation of a few months has pro- dnced such a strong phalanx of friends, the agitation of a very tew years will bring victory. All great reforms have started with minorities. \Vhenever the reform has proved genuine, however, the majority to accomplish it has never been want- Notice to Fm mereâ€"J. J. Cameron Spring of 1888â€"Sandersou Bros. Farm to Rentâ€"J. Kerswilh Oriental Artinaâ€"W. T. BM: 6: Co. Medicated Be}t.s:Electric Belt Co‘ In the Toronto Mail, oi Tuesday last, is an article in which protest and argument are used against the system that prevails in our schools of making the examination the ï¬nal proof of scholarship. Now, here we have a man of straw. The ex- amination is not made the final proof of scholarship, but it is assuredly used as the best practical test of work done. we are not of those that think that the sweetest songs are never sung, that the noblest thoughts are never penned, that the most hermc actions are never done. Least of all are we 0t those who think that the most brilliant and highly ecjncated boys and girls are tho‘qewivho {ailat the examlnation. ATi'd that teaching which does not result in enabling a boy to give a good token of progress made by set- ting down in black and white what he knows of a subject ,.i$3..§.nspic10us teaching, is defective teaching. is no teaching. Let the opponents of the examination propose its substitute. Then we may consider the propriety of discarding the “ Exam.†@119 ‘é’ihcml. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS EXA MINA TIONS THE VOTE. to have a etD i AND FRUIT Minutes of regular meeting nf Rich moud Hill Fin: Brigade lirld in the Cuanml Chamber on Fuday evening, 6th of April. Captain PugMey in the chair Minutes of last meeting I'm-ad and a- dnpted. ' Communications from Culin McLean and Alex. Cumisky were read tendering their rcsignatiuns. Moved by Liam. Sumac, menu-1m] by Steward Trench, Hunt the fullnwing mem- bers of the old band he exvmm frmn the joining fee, viz , W. Wi‘vy. C indl, T. PuweH and M. Brilln'gvnâ€"â€"Cnrrled. Moved by Fireman McMahon. .eumuded hv Foreman th’ddltl. that the, S! cremry Moved by Auditor Atkimun. hounded by Steward Trench. that the uecmmt uf '1‘. F. McMalmn he paid. â€"â€"C:Irriell. Ralph Kelly was then bullnml for, and declared duly elected. Charles \Viley was ballnted for an an apprentice ï¬reman. and was declared elected. bars take a ballot from the Lunar draw-er of the bullut. bax and place sauna in upper drawer of same bumâ€"Curried Bllla from '1‘. Fr. McMalmn to the n- muum. of 50 cents, and Wm. Sheppard $4, for teaching band. Were mud by Src. Art. lv.â€"â€"Thu wulds, "frum a regular band meeting,†were struck out. Art. VIII â€"-']‘he Words. “uf Brigade," were added after meeting. Reuben Glass, Bert Hnuper and Fulton Suulea were pronused by Fireman U. Soulea, and the Secretary was instructed to place the names in Hm minan m be balloted for :Lt next regular meeting. Resignation: of Cnlin McLean and Alex. Cunnskv were Illrll taken up, and on motion nf Steward Trench. secunda-d berieut. bnvage, were accepted. ,_11 'J '_‘V"" ' U I . Moved by Fnreman Trench, xecnnded by Auditor Atkiusun. that, [he :ICCUIIIIL of VVIn. Sheppard be paid when a satisfaC- bury bill is made uur.â€"â€"Uarrled. by Steward Trench, seetmded by Auditnr Atkinson. that the murle nf hulluting hereafter be as fu||uws: -)'Ien) Bnnd By Law Commith repurted,und the Buy-Laws were read a third time by the Secretary, and ï¬naHy passed with the followmg ultemtimumâ€" Moved by Fireman McMahon. .eumuded bv Foreman th’ddltl. that the, S! cremry of Band be requested tn repurt. at next meeting. â€" Carried. Meeting then adjunrned. DANGEROUS COUNTEKFEITS. ~â€"Cuunl,er- felts are always flange-runs, more am that. they always clnsely JMITATr,‘ Tm: ovum.“ IN APPEARANCE AND NAME The rtunark- able Success acllichd by Nasal Balm as a positive cure for Catan h and Culfl in Ihe Head has induced llllprinciplell parties m imitdte it. The public are cautioned not, to be deceived by nustxunm imimtinu Nasal Balm in name and appearance, hearing such names as Nasal Crva.n,N;wal Balsam, eful Ask for farm! Balm and do Hut take imitation dealers may urge llDUlI you. For sale lvv all druggists or sent postâ€"paid on receipt uf prime (50c. nr 81) by addressing Fulfurd of Cu., Brock- ville, Ont. The following, subject tn Ihe approval of the Inspectnr, is the result --f the Uni- form Pronmminn Examinatiuns in Maple Public School, held on Friday, Aplll 6th 1888, the names being arranged in Older of merit:â€" SKIN DISEASESâ€"Please take notice that, when you have spent. all tlm muney that you care to spend and not cured, 1 sun prepared to nmke a perfect cure on man, woman, or child in six days. If I dun’t make a cure I will return every cent mud Ine. Dilwnrfll’s Drug Store, 170 King Sn. Enst, anhnto. Tn 1v CLASS,â€"Jns. Keffer, Olive Mc- MuHen, Gen. Wilson. Clara. Pearen, Minnie Dilworth, Bert. Jackson, Eliza Bishop, Passie Crnoks. To SEN. m CLAss,â€"Ios. Gardner, Wm. Duffy, Tum Duffy, Dam Rupert. Earnest Glass, Mary Gardner, Lizzie Gardner. Norman Rupert. 'l‘n JUN. III (:LAss,â€"erise VVebbJWaggie Johnston, Eva Johnston, Annie Puwers, Chas McNeil, Chas. Wunds, WE QEESEREES E CONFECTIONS, Fine Teas, Coffee COME Hopes to have you call during this month for F Kéflmy Fire Brigade Meeting. IOCOlatE Promotion Exams. RICHMOND ‘HILL, ME AND BUY; Nuts, Ca emons, Date pices,Oran and lldle lQ'S BHEAP BASH HWSE as? w. a: 3.3m. ECONGRETE How, SCOTCH TWEEDS1 WORSTEDS, OXFORD, HARVARD, AND CRANKIE SHIRTINGS, &c., CHEAP SPRIN® NOW being opened at the Concrete is Magniï¬cent Value. Special Value in Hysnns. Congmm and Jul Rank and White Low by Ruller Process Raymond Sewing Mac} WALL PAPERSï¬rsb of the season The largest and best assorted in town. We have full control of the following lines :â€"Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Common Sense American Walking Boots, Gentlemen’s Oxford Ties, Oxford Shoes, Alligator Bals, Seamless Bals, &c. Ladies French Kid Boots, Oil Goat Bals, Oxford Shoes, Ankle Tie Slippers. and Slippers of every description, Ladies’ & Misses’ \Vigwams. Also a variety of children’s ware. Sewed & Pegged Custom \Vorl; and repairing neatly and promptly clone. Wimaéamggagawamaï¬nwFreezes The Largest. Stock of FURNITURE IRIR’KEEL "3361} N’FW DESIGNS EN PAPERS! Sugars. Teas, Canned Goods & everythingin the Grocery Line ; also Flour 8c Feed. Primes LOW. Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for g‘ Eâ€"Iere 1 THE IMPORTATION OF me? DIRECT IMPORTER. RICHMOND HIL‘LI Just, arrived. New de “Jr lags. Cu.†and see them. again with our $33 PER: N G S’E‘OCK hines and Eagle Steam Washers exchange for goods and highest prices ancwed. AND HE LORNI ever on HIS Imnd,\vhlch must he sald m bring cash Flour alwavs nu hand. Fro still continue to sell the celebrateu esigns m GEO. '1' RE ROI-1 ‘0 R P. G. SAVAGE. ah Maia-n}. ID me’mï¬â€œ