Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Apr 1888, p. 6

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._ \i. BLE. GOING NORTH. TORONTO. Illiril Armin. Ex. City Hull 3m 11 43 §.15 Brock Street 8:33 PM“ 0.30 (minibus. . s3: i-thl 5.38 Ditveiipnn 8A0 5.44 iVoston .. . 5.51 Thnrnhill , ..‘.l.t'7 11.53: mo nicuirnso Hint. .. 4 in; 0.2-: Ring . : «.37 Aurora....,. . .. .. . ‘mln 6.55 Newmarket Wilma 1.53 7.05 GOING SOUTH. , Fix. Accnvit. Mull. Newmnrket... .. 11.3% 6.03 Aurora... 12.10 6.15 Ring. 12.30 '13? luau. . 12.42 6.48 l'linrnhill .. . lit?) 6.57 Weston... 9J0 ...... Davenport . Eur. 1.20 7.17 “which: .. .. .. 9.23 LL"! 75-” TORONTO. Brook Street...... SLIM 1.35 7.39 city Hull...... 9.4: 1.50 74» PROCTOR’S STAGE LINE. Connects with all trains. leaving the Palmer Hl‘lisv Richmond Hill. its folloWSi Mimi it: Ex \TGSS,N(II‘tll & South... Aoconinio Minn " “ . Express North... Mai Soutli......... "37.45 a m. 12.45 " .35 p. in. .53") " POST OFE_I(_Z§ NOTIC Until further notice Mails will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post Otfice as follows:â€" Monxmctâ€"(«kiinc Nortlrsoulli Exist and West, including Thornhill, Maple, Toronto. Markham ,&c. 7.45 Evuxmo :â€"Golii:! soutli.Elist and West (as shovel 5.80 N. Itsâ€"Regists-iwl Letters must be handed in at least Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for closina. M. TEEFY. Postmaster. moi fig/ills ‘ltl. RICHMOND HILL, Thursday, April 12, 'SS 140(3AIJSO Cnurl Richmond meets tomorrow (Fiidily) evruiug. The Band divisors have liven finally passed” Yellow Sugar {4, i5 and for iii at the Concrete. i8 lbs. Mr. Jim. Kwrswill, Edain ifis. has n. in!!!) to rent. For particulars see another page. Lace Curtains lrom 50¢. per pair, all new goods, at the Concrete. Spring Goods. A. Moodie is advertising a. complete supply 0? sprint: goods. Good bargains in Collars, Cufis, Piiuls, Silk Handkerchiefs and all lines. Cull and see him. See the beautiful twilled Cretonne at the Concrete, at too. per yd. The W. C. T. 17., will meet in the Temper- ance Hall next Tuesday evening. April 17th. at fifteen minutes to seven, Sharp, as the Rnle 'l‘oinplars meet on the sums evening at :5 o'clock. \Vliitl: Coverlids Ville Concrete ut 98c. each, worth $1.25,iiew goods imported direct. ash Sale. The household furniture and other uten- sils of Mrs. Crooks, lute of the village of Maple. will bi- sold on Friday, April 13th inst. Sale at 1 o‘clock. J. C. Stokes, Auc- lioueer. 2 Cars Corn for 25c,, 2 Cans To- matoes for 25cts., Salmon r5c. per can at the Concrete. Notice to Farmers. Farmers in the vicinity of Vellore can get their binders, and rll kinds of tin-m imple- nieiile repaired at Mr, J. J. Cameron‘s. All kinds of Agricultural implements kept on liiiiid. See another page. I Icing Sugar. Powdered Sugar. Extra Granulated Sugar, Grocei's Sugar at the Concrete at lowest . figures. Mechanics‘ Institute. By order of the President, a mPPlilllZ of thin Directors of the Mecliiinics’ [vistitute will be held in the Library Room. Miisoiiic , Hull, tomorrow (Friday; evening at8 o‘clock. A full attendance is requested. \Tm. Atkinson has a lovely as- l sortinent of Ribbons and Laces for home decorations and dress tri.:- l liiiiigs, at very low prices. Annual Concert. i \‘.'e have lirou risked to shy mat the men}- ; hers and friends of the Methndist Church l will hold lhr-i'r Dinner and Uhllcr‘l‘t, its run ii. on tho 24th of May, when an un- uguigllv ntlriictii‘ii programme will be pre- , eeuted. l \Vm. Atkinson. of the Concrete, 1 will be pleased to show you a new 1 range otdcsigns lll Dado \Vindow l liliuils, which arc well worthy oil uri‘ice. besides they are new goods. To horsemen. 2 Got your route bills printed at THE ‘ L)1‘.l.R.\L ritlico. Excelltiii Sl‘ll‘C‘lllll of Cut. . to chi-use from, for light and heavy horses. . Leaw \‘Uill‘ (Trill-rs ut once. Orders iteceived by mull will l‘f-‘l‘i’l‘it‘ Ctll't‘lul and prompt ul- 1 tenliou. i .-‘.i‘raseiie, Embroidery Silks, Fil- Tliey are very cheap, and 'v . lllvi‘l‘nâ€"Vr. ll. Administrator-3‘ Sale. The household furniture. goods. 650., of zlie lalc Mrs. Will. Luiid Will he sold oil lm 27, war nf the {ill ClHlCHS~lUU of the town- sliio ol Viiilghuu, on Suluriluy, April 14th, 1888. Sula to cumiiu'iii-e at. one o'clock. 'l‘i rms cash. J. C. Stokes, Auctioneer. Maguiliceiit Stock oi Carpets. Brussels, Tapestry, All~\\‘ool and Hemp, at the Concrete, all new goods. direct importations. Nice Hemp Carpet 8 c. per yard, splen- did Tapestry 27c. per yard, good Hemp Stair Carpet 7c. per yd. Hose Przciice. April 16th being the third Monday in the nioulli, a hose pmclice will he held in Nu- Umucil Uliilnihur no that (Wt-plug. As this will pmhuhlv be the lust iii‘victicli before the final contest. for pl'lY-PS, lllvre should he a good utteuilui 69. Practice commences at 8 p. m. pBrace Up This is the time of the year when farmers and all classes of people are preparing for the lienvy sping Work. For this reason Smidrrmu Bios. druggists of this village. lir. advertising their "Iron Age 'l‘oiiic" which is highly rvcomiiiciided us A prevelitiitiVe of Typhoid and other fevers. For particulars see another page. 7’ubiic Auction. Th9 flirm stock, implements and house. hold furniture oi the lute Henry Payne will he sul’l by public illiclioii. Lot 34. 2nd Con. Vaughan, on Tuesday, the 17th April. Tm' sale which will be without reserve will cum- uience at 1‘2 o'clock. Seven inimtlis‘ creili: will he uivr-n on all sums over 510. J. C Stokes, Aurii‘unrwr. The picking and choosing goes on lively at the Cheap Cash House. The Bankrupt SlOCK is being sold at 50c. to 75¢. on the 5. and scores of usloiiici‘s leave our counters daily, more than pleased and still our Harv gain Table is piled with Dry Goods. ’l‘wcods, BOiits and Shoes at less than lactiii'y prices. Money saved is money raruud. A new feature in \Vpiisiilr‘s Unabriiui-m Dictionaryâ€"Tho pu lll>ll"l"h‘ of Webster huv. rlnceiilly added to the Uiiuiiriilgezl it "l‘l'll bouncing anvttver of Hip \Voilil. containing mor 25.000 'l'it'ios, lll'lvllv llPSCl'llllllg thi- countries, villi-s. lowns, and iiiituml {natures nf every purl. of the Globe." It. cowrs ll hundred pages. 'i we Funerals. Reler. Rutledge olficinled at two {urinals nu -‘lllltlli_\' lost. The first “us that of the luie Mr. Watson. hither of Mrs. Carson, of Elgiii Mills, when service was held at thi- residence. He alti‘rwurds attenrlvd the luiieral of Mrs. Diiiiiee. an eldi l‘lV lady, who died at Victoria Square on the Fi-illav pre- vious after u lingering illness. Mr. lilltlrlllgl' preached an impressive sermon to a. large congregation. Agricultural M ee tin g. llr. Tlios. Lloyd, Vice-President of the Richmond Hill and Yoiige St. Agricultural notiety, has issued posters, Calling a public meeting to he held in the Court Room here, next Siilurdiiy, lit 2 o‘clock, p. m. The meeting is for the purpose of rig-organizing: the society, mid, if desirable, to prepare {0' the holding of ii Fiiir ->Ii thr- L’llli of M ii'. \Vliellii-r \w liiivr our Aiiiiiiul Spiiiig ll‘llil very much duiwiii's on lllt‘ lllh'l‘i'sl. Slll).\'ll iii this mill-ting, Ni ii. is to he llllpe-l lill interâ€" ested will Blltll’lthl‘ to litteiid. Sll’ old it he decided to continue the holding of the show it would be well to place the inausgemt-nt iii the hands of say terve direclors iiisteitil of some thirty (.l‘ lortv as l"rllll‘l'll'. School Meeting. The School Board held a 85901 d meeting in the Council Chamber, on Monday after- uoon, the 9th inst. Meiiihcrs pro-wilt Messrs. Brown, (Chairman) Lyiit-t, Naughton, tin. sell, tililss, Crosby, Switzer, Sirius ltll‘l l)i‘. Vi'ilscu. Minutes (ll his! meeting rend and adopted. The only l-iisiiwss lriouglit. lJPfllI‘H the chair \vns finally iiudiiiiig the HCC’JUlllS of Treasurer Wilson. 'i'ne lululis and run- cliers showed the receipts for the Public School during llie 11‘!le year to hurt; been $2445.27 including loans }'t‘£\l‘lplilll to the niiiiiuut of 5400; Tim» iiditure $23t30 9i, louv- iiiu ii balance of $344.3 in the tlttflslll'trs liiiuds. lii tii- High School the i'ecuipts were $3096.05), exneiiditure 6.22 9,81 making u deficil of SIRRJ'Z. Tcmpcranceville. There lHS been very little stir ill lliis place for some lime past owing. no doiilii, to lllt‘ wretched slate of t'Je roiills. . . .Misses Lexie and Josie chncli are Visiliiig lllr‘lltlS in Toronto. . . . Mr. V. m. liriiiun hits mun-(l llllu the villugglmviuu bought tlil- ll'iUSl‘ f-iiiiwrlv CCL‘llpiFll by Mr. \\'iii. Imusiiillo. . . .Tlie loyiil ‘l'vinplurs liiid u deliiiie ()ll l“ll’lll)' evening lust, subject. liesolvvil, [lici ii Um. rei‘sity (‘llllt‘illlUll is of 111011“ lil‘lll‘lil in ll. iliiiii than an $8,0i10 fiii‘m. li‘iilsliinill fiivoi' of illlll'lllltliVi‘. . . .Jus. Bulk, lil‘icksiiiiili reports ljllbilltjrs iluil in his line, so he liiis Iziken an agency in? farm implements. lie is how lJll>illfl us the fiii‘lncrs‘ llltfll‘l. and advising iliolii iill to buy gang pl',iii;;lis.....\lr. .l. Uillll‘l‘, iiierchiiiit, bus 1] lur;:~ lipizii‘)‘. The iiiiiioi'tiiiit question zit iho pustii‘iilce is how’s your bees .’ ,.. l West ‘1 ork Licence... Dr. Cotton, Cliziiriiiiin (if the Board of Liquor Liocii to Coiiiiiii-siv‘i'ii is in: West Yolk, lids l't’L't‘lTl‘tl the following up.) llfil‘ilulis for permits to tlk‘lll iii liil‘lillh‘, vi... 101‘ lilo ensuing llC‘t‘llSe your. The ilonrd will “not on llie2mli lush, to consider the applied- lions. l’iiikilulv-â€"tuviiriiâ€"Le>lic & Rubi-rt»; l‘hos. . Sclioles, Mrs. Dll‘vullr‘cl}: “109"” Jun. Emul‘vr, Siiiiiuul (ireunliulil. Weston ~ Walker. .loliii Lillie. \Viil Bourke. \Vrst Trix-onto Junctionâ€"ii "Elliâ€"â€" I.lillll(‘l 131?“, Chris. Sin. lair, Mrs. A. \Vlll101L Woodliriilgo~tdvr iiiâ€"Ii. B. l'l-il‘i'is, Thus. Hillsi‘fll'l, Mrs. DilllL'llziiel‘. ‘l'iilk’r -t'i'llâ€"â€" :\- Chi-Try, l-isx 'l‘linmpsoii. Win. l.‘i:iinskill, ill‘lllll Oulcnti. .ll. O‘lllillurmi, F. 514:1“ 'l lllll-‘, Wm. Brown, A. J. Haydon, 1'1. BlliiE’lWUl'll‘, E. R. Biggni. Viiugli:iiiâ€"t'u‘vz'liâ€"-J l'o steelmllixxtluens, ).Irs_ 13. Collins, “'11). Village Council. The Council held its regulur Muiidny chuing, April Ulli. Mciiilwrs pre- siaut Mlssrs. l'iigslvy, (ltwvv) S lllilClrfI . Snags. Atkinson and Dr. Wilson. Minutes of last int‘ellilg were read and C(lnlll‘lllr'il. l‘hv following ucciiuuts Were rl‘llr', all for slinvviliiig sn iw: \-’. .~\. Siiiilvr, $1.35, John Euipriiiglmiii. fi‘l.iill,Chiis. Sinai-or, $1.50. Aduer Reid, 75 cts., J. l’lpcr, 31.50. Moved by Dr. Wilson, secondul by \V. Sanderson that the Treasurer be :illiilli'rlfitfill in piiy tho [Ul’(‘:ulllg uccountmâ€"Ciirlliid. After it dis- cussion on the iviiier question the following rwsululioos were carried: Mthed by Dr. Wilson, seconded by W. Sanderson tlilit the Council do prnceed to procurnu better supply of water for villuge and Mll other iiecessiil‘y purposes us approved at u public meeting of ratepayers on the 281k of North. Moved by Dr. Wilson, seconded by W. Atkinson that ii committee of tho whole Council are here-hr appointed to coutvr with Mr. \Vm. Trench and prepare a preliminary draft of an iigi‘orinisnt in relation to til sinking of a will, and any othur nece ssiiry arrangements in connection tlisiewith, and to report at the next meeting of the Council. The council adjourned to inert ut the will of the chair. meeting on Temperance Rivival Meetings. The Revival Gospel Temperance Meetings hold in the Tolnpermicn Hall under the «us- pier-s of the Iii-yiil 'l‘Piiipliu-s of Temperance came to ii close lust Friday evening. The Wind up was an l-xuellliiil. concert, the pro- gramme comprising runny new HanR and Songs rind, by request, many favorites given on previous evenings hy Meesrslhinnett iiiiil Stafford, tho It sour-i Due-t. There were also Solos and Qiiartottcs by liii-iil lulelit iind an excellent undress by the iii-v. .\lr. Rutledge, who utilized the I’r‘t't'lll. ‘ third piirtv" moveâ€" ment. as the lnisis of his remarks. A hearty role of thanks in uppiel-iiuimi of the H‘II‘IH‘HL iiiid succeSsliil efforts of NW young men to revive the old-limo enthusiasm of the rank and file of the temperance people of Rich- mond Hill was uiiliiiiimously passed. to which Mr. Dilllllell. iceeliiilrli' repliull. We: think that those spool it [v lllpt’l'llllcu meetings have been proniiiiiviâ€" of much good. 'l‘uv singing of tlic ltuscui‘ lllle’l. was very ntti‘ic Live nil-l diow CI‘IIW‘lt‘ll houses; the stirring nildrrsses of Mr. Diiiiiiett and the Revs. lit-sins. Simpson, Pcrcevil, iiiid lkllllt‘dgr have livlped to eilllulltr- our people up to ll higher sense of their resoiiilsihilitil-s iis christian teiiipuruuue Workers; the Council of Royal 'l‘eluplilis liliVe lnrgvly inure-used their number, and u W!‘("k of plliusilnt ~liid prufih able evenings lirve been enjoyed hv a. large portion of our village, the expi’llses of which haw been more than "It'll by a. generous public. The memlership (Turing the w: or incieised from ‘26 in 9:4. Vaughan Council. Vaughan Council met. in the Towu Hull lust Tui-sduy, the 10th inst. In the hire. noon the l‘cgulilr bu~iiiess, such as passing bills, 830., was disposed of. after which, ui. 12 o'clock, noon, an adjouruliieiit Wilh‘ mild . Wilt-'11 the members. Clerk, X‘del'tt‘f and ii low other favored ones, puriook of a good dinner prepared by Mis. .l. J. Cllmr‘l'ull. whose residence is quite close to the place ul meeting. Notivildlstniilliiig u lioilvy down pour of rain there \VlLS quite a. large ntteiiil- uiics lit the afternoon se~sioii, MS it was un- iierszood that business out of ihe oi'dlliurg ll'ic- would be taken up. The is ~.ll.l frHlHl‘lllt_, was repi'eseuleuiii tun persons of Messrs. Murray, of Brumpbmlfilld Siiiokemf Tul‘lllllo. The former gelitleuiun appeill'ed on behiili oi ii Mrs. Dick, its the council lJilll (Ith’ll notice that they purpoSsd pilssiug 2|. lit-an auth- mining the opening up of u wit-iii lil:l.ll on the lUtli criiiol-ssi-ili. This .\li' . Dick ou- jvcleil to I)” lllH ,qruu-iil ll: ir. Lilli lirlll Nlllcll the Council llllitthlrll liililiig for the hind will her property on which she coiiivmplzlteu creating: ii. grist mill. '1 lie By-Luw pii sell. Next (‘ulllh‘ the By-Liw to close up, in (on. pliauce with it putition signed by Mr. li‘eo. Ellith nod 78 Ullll‘r-‘J, \vllut is known as 'lho Sharer Road in the 81h c iiicessioii. 'Pl‘lh‘ was first :1. iii-souss mail, afterwer a. rented i'nlii', uiil slill l=tlel' iiii estihllslisd until, “.6- ciirdiliu [0 ii Uy-lnw [kissed by tilt: [hi-u 'l‘oi'.‘ii:sliii': ifuuiirll. Thu Council established iiiiil ke-pt ll‘ll iiiis road, as on the Shiner property was it ,le'lSl-llilll, Squlnlll and store, and Sliilwr paid $250 lni' the opening up of said l'll‘vl. I. “1'. Gen. Elliott llUW flSli< the C‘Ullllt‘ll to close up lllt‘ mud and dispose 0! too liltid as it is iiiiuiious to him. and hits caused to be it public llt‘llt‘lil'. Mr. Smoke argued lllr' casu on lirlmlfol' Mis. ’i'hi‘iiipsuii, the present ownl-r oi [UH Shilvu' properly. He \VUl‘liI‘ll llRl“l for his Cllllllli. liiill ‘tllily thinks he has it good ciisi: iii liiiiid. Mr. Elliltt flilltht‘ll :iiid lihlj,’ Hipporied the plcai of till: politiiilii’r: (hut the Ii'tlll should clOsed ils llic mills have lliszippl-zii'izil, and it is ll) lnligrr l3. hriirtit to the public. The Council llt‘clllrd not to puss lll-‘ Li; -LR\V till the Clerk liiid (lllllllllt‘il it legal opinion on lit‘thl'lll points CulllH'Clu‘ll uilli illl‘ c.1se. The minutes \~.lllll1)'pl‘llr iii lull llllliK‘ilbhlll'. iSERsoNALsf Mrs. A. .l. Hume is \‘laltlllg friends in To- l'UlilO. l Mr. Henry lillllllsnll, of this village st‘irl- ed for Mililitmili cii 'i'ilws in,» (.‘VLllillH. Mr. M. Dl'illiiigel' liiill sister, million HUUSC, llil\'(‘ lii't'll iisiiliig iil stock since Suturdiiy lint. of the lio- Wood- l‘l ii'mu- Mr. C. Soulv-s Slilllt‘ll lil‘nmpttiii ‘lli L‘\li(“ uiiazl‘gi- llblllllclih it. tullt town. on H'iturilay oi ii. biiuiiirq llll‘. Li‘lll, Principal ('f ill" hlliilr‘l yi‘l’lllllt'i “\“l’ {7333‘ School, BlillllUril. litli Illlr'il [lie lloiivill Elli" lint: 011 Fili'fl)’ nigh! 5. 5'7 Elli?! fidéiifi Own: 1.“ .i..\' (lllllli‘llblllll>1.,iti'ilt‘ ill" l‘m" iii Rich 1‘ ml Hill. li\' liii limp. (‘iiizuiidii .m. ..lli‘.‘?lll. l‘iiriiiitzi. Bow-Ls it. . l)“ filll’ ilzli ill.» ilt‘l‘l. o Ul tl. . bl'ilU-v ili'l i 2'. M Simpson. _ lr. .lds. WWW.» U: (1‘11" :ililtlil,iliili ,litl-i'oi Win, llllt'llill.‘. l-I llcliiiinlidllill. BEIANS‘EEN Silll‘iixllll ti) illiss «a, i-l ‘ 1).\\V.\Vl'.r*;\-c{‘l‘li‘l'll.’“lillll‘t‘Yllli'. (Ill "' it\' iliiiriililg April 1 ll. in’u‘i, iiulll‘i' l , .1 .ml 1.3 \vi..'i'l'>1l.\"'.\tl{llfillAl1llv.lllll‘d'l'lll} mm [1111' ,mii lll .-\liiil, \\';.i. i\' «ii 77 \'i».. ll 1.;U‘. lll.\.\‘l.l’.â€".'\L \‘ii'zli‘. liliurk, I'll l'ilil.ii l‘ * litli oi Ai-ril.1\lrs llii : " * MANUFACTURERS’ FORCED SALE 2 Owing to the heavy bank failures and the great stringenc' in the money market We have had offered to us and haVl completed arrangements tor the purchase of some enormous lots of goodsâ€"for Ca5li~â€"at prices never before thought 0'. even by the most idle dreamer. Everywhere throughout the Dominion the increased rate to discount and the scarcity oi money are causmgthe over-gorged and pletlioric manuiac. turers to “clamor‘aloud for clemency.” day almost tottering into bankruptcy. Great firms are to \Vealthy mill-owners and manufacturers are now, for the first time since 1857, “on their knees,” and unless confidence can be restored to the business community and the present apprehension 'of danger averted, who can tell what dire calamity may befall the country ? While this state of things continues the tremen~ dons efficacy of “hard cash," like the philosopher’s stone of old, is working,Jr marvels and prodigies indeed. For the next thirty days, or while the goods last, or the manufacturers Will supply goods at similar prices, we offer : Men’s and Boys’ Clothing Boys‘ he ivy oveim.its. 97c ouch, worth Men‘s hoiivv imp omicouts, El :5 each liliys' winter suits, 970 each liiiys’ fine suits lit '2, .‘i, 4 and #5 Mom's licuvy winter ovcroouts, £2 50,worth double Men's (liliriiltsr serge ovei'cuirts 54 Men's liiizmrii ovmcontsjhfm, woith ii fortune to n. chilly mun Wlmulcs lllitclt curl mantlesslinrt >13. long 55 50 Long ottiiinuii cord iilsters, :l .30, 4 and $4 50 Elegant lliiliiisns. .‘i :70 6, 6 50, 37 up Loni: liliiok Jersey cintli ulstcrsnurl cloth ulsters. liiiwlics' imd Misses’ tweed ulsters, Ladies' souletw and plush mantles. very cheap llosu-ry Lnilies' black or colored ull-wool hose 125e, worth 25!- Tin-lios’ blur-k cashmere hot-ichle pairs for $1 1’10, ' worth :‘iiic ii. )fl-ll‘ Misses“ won] uni ervests 50c ench Misses' Scotch L W undervests 980 each I :ulies’ Mulls and Caps Lmlins' liluck Astriiclian mufl's $1 .50 worth *2 50 liiiilies' I’wi'siun Litinb cons and niufis veiv rhea!) thdles' Sr‘nl. Conev, Astruchmi, Hoover and Hair Mutts and Caps at about 25 per cent below fur-ricrs’ prices Wool Warns, Capsdloods, on: In this department we have u. colossal stock of oil kinds of wool goods l'orladicsziud children Also it Lil of lino tuques in various colors With tassel. at 25c euch sold regularly at 75c ouch Dress Goods Costume tweeds 7&0, worth 15c Checked materials double width. 20:: worth 400 Allâ€"wool Frei‘ch dross goods, 15c, worth ‘L‘ic Every pittcrii i'n tirtlin iilsid 25c ll. yard Dress goods UK It“ kinds have rescued. bottom prices Men’s and :ioys‘ Fur Caps Boys imitation lamb cups 190, Worth 50c Boys" fine imitation cups We, worth 1 00 Men's Persian lunih caps, 3rd choice, 2 00. furriers price 4 ()0 Mell'S'I’el‘Siun lumli cans. 2nd choice, 3 00,furriers prices (5 00 Men's l’orsinn lamb cups, lst choice 6 00, furriers price it) 00 Men's Astriichnii. Beaver, Seal, Coney, Mink caps at half furriers' prices Men’s and Boys” Underwear and Gloves Men's heavy wnnl tnii shirts 75c Men's undershirts ‘Ji: Men's heavy drawers 25c Men‘s uinbswool shirts and drawers at greatly i'oduoeil prices Men's heitvy till-wool cardigan jackets 75c, worth double Men's he:qu lined kid qlovesSOc. worth 90.; General Staple Goods Heavy. white its snow blankets. 1 25 ii. pair Extra. size white blankets, 3 00 ii. puir Large size horse wraps 5th: each Fine grey fluiinels 11c 21 yard wort-h 200. Bell enmitnrters 550 worth 1 0i) Fine titlilc linens ‘10 ' rt yard Fine table napkins 50(- fl. ilozen White and colored ciilitou flannels Tc 3. yard Letter Orders Will Receive Prompt Attention. THOS. THOMPSON & SON, Mammoth House,oppo. the Marketdiing St.E.,Toronto THE LIGHTâ€"RUNNING NEW’ XVILLIAMS Takes the Lead. Recent improvements makes it the most perfect. Sewing Machine. otl'ered to the public ; easy to lmiiii, easy to manage, case hardened parts makes it durable. You can also be supplied with am 3:12?“ UXBRIDGE ORGAN as Or any other of first-class make, or if you mind a. L'EJZANO You cup be supplied :is Clll-‘flll by me as by any other [lef'suln J. LU SH , Biohmon ,\' ! ELI}; (. \ flak, ,.\. X i ’ â€" l / l i‘lioso cured of fl‘liltllu tll‘lril<t'. p; ~, (tStlllllrtll v l'iiilI-frsv, l Lmil.» iiuuo null (llallt‘ttfi. iillts, iiidit. .Liiil. iiiiiiiiium \., iiilw. “h .iidsouit-lr illusti‘utv-l l ml; and limiltli journal. Cnl'i‘i*Qill‘llltlt‘llCl) . sultation and electrical migrating-lit Iron. .‘\{:l‘lll.‘3 wuiitud i-i i-i'y ii hcio. (lures Guaranteed 8‘ CKOPPIi'Lr r ’» l ._ d fiili. 5.. ,;..» . »,., r. l.‘.J 2:... omen ELECTRIC vouu :3.stum. 1.:idir ' lit-It $2. for female. coul- l);;llilt-’ lhlligth/L‘li‘ .l. Mens’Belt :‘3, combined Belt and Susiwusory . A Seminal weakness ' ‘ errors of youth.1 0 . ' llltLillJ’iiill, .lllgllll) _, The only appliances; giving a direct current of Electriony g, to the p I Can he “'(il'ilhlo'llt or on \','iTilUll[ iilloiivoiiioiicc. Hundreds of Tess ii; Luck and hum llL‘ml Ellld , l'lll'uuliit iii. pziiiili'sis, l1€urfll§?l&.SCl:i‘lt‘.a 'l‘ , gout, li‘ilL‘i ‘llt‘i‘ll, caturrli of tho lilziilnlur i. (l)'51l(‘1l>lfl. constipation 01'):‘ll)- St‘l‘d stcillli ior rictly colitiihxiitiul. CJn- -' 133.1. Feb. 20th, 1887 V '» "was Medicated Electric Belt Co... 655 Queen St. West, Toronto, Caner! TH! S SlL‘J’ER-PLATED l lilSTll'Jf/lFNT ‘ CA“ ."i iiiiily (:nt the fainin from T Canhc used i:yanymembcrof \J.) 4 Vapor, c hi .i-; di: m: 0.1:. _ itll’ll flc‘ina‘No. 2.x Quickly i; Ii Yt‘le‘ li' oyoi‘ oii'vr: l to the public (1'. 1:”; days Mini; .iiitso (’ll'i‘ll With up ll illSCILUUL'lll, W. '1'. BAle to, ~' ’l’i.1'0iito,0:it. «râ€" [E 7‘ flllClJlU‘dSOll, (ico. Phillips. John Mcl'iiydvli, osclles, Chenille, &c.,lor fancy WOIK, _ V I, 'r- -â€" 1 T ‘ ~Luna Lo. . :- _ : Th . l ., i I ’1 ' i u .. l f . . .‘ l t _ r n 1 “A h. v , ‘ at the Concrete, in all the colors at I Edos €211,933? ('efitfjgi'glwgm:21}? , . MA.“ I The Greatest DISCJVJ‘YOi .. ,_ ,>,,,,._,_,.IL.,I I _ - . . . , ' 3 . , ‘ A ‘ , _ ‘ “ ,‘ ' _ ‘ ‘ . ‘hc Are. "1. A 1.5 ' up L‘EID u. ( I'i- ‘ .' QUAIL‘VTFE’. w: 1’ 1‘0 s the rainbou , la“ Cheap. th5(. 1 Holmes, Jaw. H. l'itus, Chas. .\iii ~14, 0. L. 1 $1 Y,,,.,,, 3 IC l _ a. $3 rump. iciiid‘i o Sii‘llllll [ ii is. V- m ‘H‘Mwlhhook ii_.'_ 111;: are new goods lot). Hicks, John Duck; shopâ€"David Sit-wart. kHz-do Clam - ] Pr 6 ' jourmil. \i’. .B.-iElt LXI L‘O.,1.35t)iio.~il 5;:ch “Lat. ‘i‘orcuw. U-A'v

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