Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Apr 1888, p. 8

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The following is a statement of the businesn for the year ending 31m. of Dec.. 13871â€"The number of applicnIinns for assurance was 1050 fur $1,770,109; de- clined, held in abeyance and not taken up, 83 for $164,500; leaving 967 for $1.â€" 605,600. with an annual premium income uuu,uuv. n In- of $83,289 95 UL Wu,auu uu. Our business for the second year has never before been reached by any other Canadian Company in its second year, and with only one death claim for $1,000, and that caused by and accident. To enable the people of King and Vaughan Townships more fully to under- stand our success, We take from the re- turns of the lending Canadian Companies to the Superintendent of Insurance, the following fac‘s Concerning their new busi- ness:--The Canada Life for its 22nd year issued 881 policies for $1,156,855. the Confederation for its 5th year issued 1005 for $1.383‘000. the Sun Life for its 6th year issued 324 policies for $465.119. and for its 10th year 573 policies fm $926370. The Ontario Mutual for its 10th year issued 427 policies for $490,000; The North American Life Assurance Co. for ite 3rd year issued 8'37 policws for $1,347- 088. an, h_:.:_L uv uuu yur... .V.. following fac‘a Concerning their ness:-â€"--The Canada Life far its 1 issued 881 policies fur $1,156 Confederation for its 5th year i: for 31.383000. the Sun Life fun year issued 324 policies for $46 U00- On making compariaion with British Companies established on principles simi~ lar to our own, we find the business of the United Kingdom Temperance and General Provident Institution for its 15th year was $1,339,250; The Scottish Tem- erance Life Assurance 00., recently establishedfin its 3rd year wrote $732,228. This Company has been organiZed by prominent men on the basis of the United Kingdom Temperance and General Prov- ident Institution of Britain, one of the most successful of British Companies, whose experience for the last ‘20 years was nearly 20 per cent. in favor of total abstainers over their general class. J. 'l‘. SAIGEUN. Agent, Sprmghill. Temperance do General Life nce Co. HON HON. S. H BLAKE, } RoBT. MA LEAN,E.~4Q., In returning thanks to my numerous friends fur their hheml patrmage during the past hve-Iny-tive yens, I beg to re- mind them and (-he public, thm having emote" ':r‘.i.e,'y new and com- modious premises. [ am enabled to supply Phaetons, Buggies. Carriages, Cutters, PLATFORM SPRING W A G M S. Both light and heavy. all uf which are guaranteed to give satisfaction as the work is under my own snpervisr I. I am also prepared tn do all kinds -~f black- smithlng a; repairing in the must Work- manlike manner, nu the shortest. notice, ad on the most. reusunable terms. PLANING was ! Are now prepared to (aka ouutracts for all kinds of Buildings. Purel)’ a Canadian Compn s- DOORS, SASH, BLENDS. &G., PLANED LUMBER, MO U LDINU S, \‘R'C. In connectiun with the f: custom sawing \nil be dime guaranteed and pl'icss mnth FIRST-CLASS SAW-MILL Horse - Shoeing HEAD OFF“ Having bu Kept on hand. or made 1 the shortest, notice. aviug bnuuht the ahuve-numeJ mill and put everything in FIRS'l‘-(‘LASS ORDER, G, W. Russ, Minister of Education, PRESIDENT; Always on hand. There is also Tl L. '[NNES & SONS RICHMOND II lLL. RICHMOND HILL raid special attention to. \VM 'I‘RENC" SleighS' and l-Iâ€"â€"MANNI‘.\‘H A m-A m2, Tonomo. VICE PBEsIDEN TH 10H MUND dIL] act 01;" Stm MC anlN‘ where All work on SANDERSON BROS.. DRUGGISTS, RICHMOND HILL. J. J. CAMERON, It Builds up the Entire System. As Mr.Cnmemn in a practical blncksmi‘h and an ex on with Binders. funnel-s mm fed assured 0 getting their work properly done. Typhoi_d_, NOTICE ‘I‘U FARMERS South half of Lon 34,2ud Con. Vaughan (recent- ‘v occnpiad by the late Henry Payne) is to nut 1 >r a term of Years. The farm consists of 10:) acres, nearly all clemed. The {all lowing is all done. and there are 7 acres of full w eat. Apply to nu..- "mun..." ... - ‘ A6 roamed frame house in good conditinn " to rent on the corner of lot 31. 2nd Con. Mark- ham. Kitchen and Woodshed attached. Also warm and comfortable stables. There is a. first- class gun-den containing all kinds 0! fruit. Plenty ofgrood snringwnjer. Terms eqfiy.‘ It “'orks Like Magic 1 TRY IT! bRY IT! oxi Land for 51115” 31-4 SPRING OF 1888 FARM to RENT HOUSE to LET w'Ehis is afilaxééiéiit Spiéi‘fiuhitgl for a laboring man, as there is plenty of work in the neighbor- hood. A p] to p y JOHN KLINCK. IRON AGE TflNlfi E To'hll Whom it may concern ! Beatty George, Half-Way House, Kingston Road.Township of Scurborn; Joice Heumund. Elgin Mills. Township of Markham; Kennedy John,Fruuklin Hnuse, Markham Village; Mc- Fm-lane Geomal‘homliill Hotel, Township of Markham : Mc'l‘ill Mrs. Margaret (Beer 4: Wine), Coleman Pl 0., Township of York; Maxwell John, Cowman-ch Hotel, Highland Creek, Town- ship of Sam-born; Owen William. Buy View Home], Village of East l‘omnto ; Wilson John R., Duwsville Hotel, Township of York; Walton Is:mc.New Hausa (half mile east of Norway), To_wnsl)ip oi‘Yurk. . "m- pm L_L4‘_ The following 15 a list cf the New Applicants in the License District of East York for the year 1888-199 .â€" The Board of License Commissioners will hold their first meeting on Friday, April 13th, 1888. ‘Vrom glam-bier oi-Licenses issued 1887-88, hotels 30_,_ah0ps 1. . . .. .. . <\An:nLAL»I~ ‘ one uurt- nf the mm Full wheat. five m-r remainder fall plq uv, unv‘. Total ~hillmber of applicntlons for 168369,]J0tels 34, shops 1. For taking into consxrlemtmn the granting of Licenscgs 1'01- the yum" $86789. _ g Datud at. Inspentor's omce, Unionville, this 2nd day of April, 1868. JAMES ECKARD'I‘, License Inspector East York JUDICIAL SALE Farmers having Binders to repair Wm find It to their advantage at bnnq them to In an amnion Tennyan v5. Tennyson and th‘.) the Apprabaunn uf the Muster in Ordinm'v there will he sold by Public Auction at. one o'ciock p. m. on Saturday. the 14th April, A711 him}: of Agricultunl Implements 311vqu pm'fiiculu will be 1)) Hiram 1)‘ of which (In the [mm and ' {1L7 HMOND HILL, ‘ubnshed in Accordance with the R. S 0., 1887, Chap. :94. Sec. n, Sub-Sec. 6. hid fixé pay at ' Ol‘n Farm in Vaughan pur- suuu: lojudgnu-ut 0| llle (‘qunN-I'y Div . ol the Isiah Court of lllsiicc. W3; (71 Now is the time agrengthox.‘ yourself fur “the spring worka- In the C4 beer. the TY CHARGES REASONABLE. CLYDE HOTEL, TORONTO. VELLORE. 312w Eidvn'tismmtfi. A. D. 1888 at the Town Hall, m the Village of BLACKSMI‘L‘H. Id by the Muster the time of sale '0 went. of the pure MANUPACTUBI’J) ONLY BY Malaria, or >unty of York following Ian 5 more or has ">9; will be sold subject t': 4‘ the Muster. The pun time of sale to the Vendor: ‘c. of the purchase money mnce without. interest, inn if this action within thirty a Vendor will turn 9“ (ml; AND \VARD OFF at 10.30 o'clock. at the JAMES KEBSWILL, Elgin Mi‘ls ‘he sale are the TAKE 1 less purl 1d thirty l‘owuship had in (1 cl Biiious Fevers. NE §_ stream of water is ‘(n 1\'_e acres are sown WK.) '9 m seed grass, and th by Salem Eckm‘thuct- '16 and premises contam- pm‘t of the rear parts of irty‘eiuht in the First ship of Vaughan more Incermin deed (which of sale) mmle by one n ’l‘ennyaon :\ memorial 'Riéfimoxia Hill P o {mine ssiuu. The ppber Judiug comhmous only such (hex sci or ( house t’: a. roserye rchuser W111 H‘S’ SolicItor Salim and ‘ Court 31-4' frm 1) e .olicit- Applcnmér hhl , om’nmc. green, per (10% Cabbage (In Cauliflower do Celery. Ila 'J'' hag V. Yin-rots. (10. Hay, per tun straw, var tun Tnnox'rn 'l‘lmruduv, Ami] 12,1588 WheMJnl) per bushel '0 80 Lo Wheat, spring, do . 76 Barley, flu 65 outs. du 47 Puma. (In Bye. I10 ... Canar Sam}, (M) . Dreqngul hammer 100 Run . 7 )i’ .-n nuts, per bushel ............ Pans, do. .‘ Dressed 11035.]‘91'100 )bq . Beef. fm‘n nnnrtmr. met hindqnnrtur (Yhir-kensqxer pair Ducks. (In (P9099. ench ....... 'I‘urkevs, perlh Butter, mund mm. Rutter. urge rnlln Eggs. fresh, per «lnzen Potatoes. Ivor 2:414: ...... A1-ples,1vw' 111)] . .. A onions, green, per bush. . Cab‘muze. per (102 Celery. do 'Illruilm,1‘rerbn.g A O m (tm'rntn, (In . henna, per per-k ...... Flmn‘, spfingper hb munnmn. Iver bbl Hny,pmtnn straw. per ton GREAT TIMES} Heei. fore quarters Beef,hind quarters Chickenv, per pair A Ducks. .10 Geese.each . . . . . . . ‘ ’l'm‘karynmmth .4 Butter. pound rum nutter. tub dwin- Egan. fresh, per '1! Pom-was, pay hug 0fthe Beeâ€"Hive Tailoring Establishment, begs to announce to his many patmns in SUTiNGS. Gfl'iTINGS AND PANTINGS. In \Vnrstcds and Tweetlsjmpurtcfl. and he is in u. positinn to make wrn up a Scotch ’l‘wred Suit. cunt and vest. nr pants, at. tho snulu price you have herelofure paid for Canadian Tweed». John J. Mitvhell‘s New York Fushinn Plates for Spring: and Sumnn-rjust received Cull ezu-Iy and get fimt choice. Good Fit G numn teed . IMPORTED GOODS RICHMOND HILL Highlv Concentrated. Planszmt, Efiecmal, Safe Sold everywhere. Price 25mins and 50 cents per bottle‘ l’ruprietors uml manufacturers, THE UNION MEDICINE 00.. Toronto, Can Bough &. Lung cure 3 Horses, rising 3 veal-s, uvcrugin 1,3501‘us. 3 Horses, 1' ‘ng 4 Velll'S, nverggiug 3 Horses, rising 4 years, nveru These animals are all sound Apply to C11!) Jan 263-6111 )ihe) you: And surrounding: country that. he will show you the very Quest, Block M than will Man: you i1 you in more money else in me world ( True & Co. Augusta. XXX Pine Shingles, Ce- dar Posts andLaths. Apply to ALFRED LLOYD, King 1?. O kvt 1 Yr ch MR. 0. TREVETHAN, C. TREVETHAN, Richmond Hili. He hasjnst received 0. magnificent line of ASK FOR DR. HODDER‘S COMPOUND. mcnuox n mm. Thurman, Apnl 1?. BEE-HWE. Ever brought, into Richmond Hill. FOR SALE. FOR SALE \s n moth performed 2 Einu the wor zmy one at , the fact sells pun v and 2m alarms. Kin my AT THE Ll] all lure started flee. Clix; this and “e (till send you free. value and importance to you, n busiue s,wbich W111 bring right uwziv, than anything 3mm! outfit free. Address _ sIuixie. am es S EH‘ has revulubiunized tun world during the lust, half ‘oeutmy. Nozleasmmnug ‘ che wonders of inventive and sye‘uem of work that. overthe‘ couutrv without, -5 {mm their homes. Pay lathe work: either se'x, :inl ability: )equireq. _ Cm)i- eve! nvd 'm. d. or . Wens, nce Spr 11(‘0 00 (30 H) ~10 1,450 lbs leaves In 1888 1:! much the mar- he, sells !' thev at 170 WOI‘ 200 0 40 0 50 3% On 11) ;h t CALL 85 SEE MOODEE’S NEW GOQ’DDS! Spring Dress Stuffs, Ginghams, Prints, 850 Collars, Cufis, Ties, Silk Handkerchiefs. Teas, Coffees, Cocoa, Cracked Peas, Barley,Beans,Flour & Feed. CARROLTUBNEP, MANGEL & GARDEN SEEDS All Fresh and Reliable ; S'I‘lfl 1314133 Have nmv RED & ALSIJQE CLOVER, TIMOTHY SEED 860. STEELE BROS. & CO’S SIEICI)S. WHEAT,PEAS.OATS ,RYE ,BARLEY,&C WANTED CHOICE SEED GRAIN. STEELE BROS. & C0.,SEED MERCHANTS,TORUNTO (i 00(11-4 l)oliV’01-0(l. Amid disappointment by sowing Please send samle or call on Parties having any choice â€"â€"â€"-ALS()â€"â€"â€" on hand full stucks l£l{()S. :8: C(,). of A. MOODIE

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