A settlement has just been efl‘ected of the long-standing dispute between the Canadian Government and the Niagara White Grape Company of Lockport, New York, which arose through the seizure of a large number of grape vines the company had distributed throughout Ontario. From 1882 to 1886 the Company sold the farmers and others in this province vines to the value of $10,000. They were planted and were to be paid for in ten annual installments. Two years ago the Cananian Government notiï¬ed the com- pany that they had been fraudulently pass- ing their grave vines at an undervaluation. The vines sold at $l.50, and were entered for duty at the rate of 15 cents each. The Government on making the discovery im-‘ mediately seized all the vines the company had distributed throughout Ontario and notiï¬ed the purchasers that they must pay no more installments until the claim for customs duties had been settled. The Cus- toms Department claimed $18,000 and re- fused to release the vines until that amount was paid. The Government now accept $1,500 in full settlement of their claim and other expenses incurred. The memorandum of agreement states that this is done in con- sideration of the proclamation whereby grape vines have been placed on the free CANADIAN. About four thousand immigrants have at- rived in Winnipeg already this season. Senator Abott has been nominated by the Bank of Montreal directors to suceeed the late Hon. John Hamilton on the board, and will be appointed at the expiration of thirty days. Mr. Abbott‘s appointment necessi- tates his withdrawal from the Merchants’ Bank, of which he has been a dircctor for some years. The estimates for the Province of British Columbia for the year ending June 20th, 1889. were submitted to the Legislature last week. The total receipts are estimated at; $610,381, and the expenditures at $789,839, a deï¬cit of $179,455. This amount will probably be made up from the million dollar loan fund. Itis alleged that a lead mine has been discovered on the mountain about eight miles south of Hamilton. The six weeks’ strike of the Canada. Cot- ton Company’s employes at Cornwall was settled by arbitration on Saturday, and work was resumed. The rumoured marriage'engagement be- tween Mr. Bayard and Mrs. Folsom is de- nounced as s. malicious invention. Ex-Premier Non-quay is being putforward in Winnipeg us deserving of a. seat in the Dominion Senate in the event of Senator Schultz being appointed Lieutenant Gover- nor of Manitoba. Protestants in Montreal are indignant at the proposed] erection of a. statue of the Vir- gin Mary in Mount Royal park, and a move- ment has been started to get np a counter petition against the project. A Chicago paper estimates that: the strike on the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy rail- way has cost the employees $601,580 and the com pany $2,000,000 up to date. The balance sheet of the City Treasurer of Toronto for 1887 shows total receipts from all sources amounting to $3,726,477, against an expenditure of $3,712,832 ; cash on hand in the banks at 3lst December, $299,745. Mayor Clarke, of Toronto, was notiï¬ed that the Toronto University authorities had decided to cancel the lease of the Queen’s Park entered into between the late Bursar and the Corporation on let: J anuarv, 1859. At the Kent Assizes, at Chatham, James Macey, hailing from Detroit, was found guilty of having committed the dynamite outrage at the house of License Inspector Evans, of Chatham, on the night of January 23rd, and sentenced to fourteen years in Kingston Penitentiary. “7110 have tried Polson’s Nerviline, the gr; at pain remedy is that it is never-failing in pain of every description. Neuralgia, toothache. cramps, pain in the stomach, and kindred complaints are banished as if by magic. Rapid and certain m operation, pleasant to take, Nerviline stands at the very front rank of rem: dies of this class. A trial bottle may be purchased for 10 cents. a. very sli amount in any case ; but the best expendiâ€" ture you can make, if a. snï¬erer from any kind of pain, is a 10 or 25 cent bottle of Nerviline at druggists and country dealers. Extensive improvements are beingcarried out by the Government M: Kingston peni- tentiary. The work, which will be done by the convicts, will cost between $30,000 and $40,000 and will take three yenâ€"s to com- plete. Gabriel Dumont arrived in Montreal on Sunday night, and is expected to stayabout three weeks in that city. He says his object in Coming to Canada is to give lectures on the late rebellion, and also to travel throughout the Dominion, afterwards taking a trip to France. A very large and influential deputation from Quebec interviewed Sir John Mac- donald recently for the purpcse of obtain- ing Government aid for the construction of a. bridge over the St. Lawrence from Quebec to Point Levi. An Iowa. genius holds the ofï¬ces of United States signal observer, city clerk, township clerk, United States chain agent, township treasurer and adjutant of a. G. A. R. post. Several cases of smallpox were discovered among Italians in the steer-age of the steam- er Italy, which arrived at New York on Saturday. Eleven cases were also discovered on Friday on the steamer Newport, from Aspinwall. An interesting legal question is likelv to arise over the ï¬nding of a. jar containing $12,000 at Holman station, Incl, by Smith Stewart, on a farm which he had rented. The landlord claims the money onthe ground that it had been buried by his sister, now deceased. The collection includes some coins over two handred years old. BROWNSVILLE, Tex., April 14.â€"â€"0ne of the men bitten at the Muerto ranch by the mad wolf that bit Mr. Chamberlain, who is now in Paris under Pastsur’s treatment, has become wild, and has fled to the woods. It is reported that he entered the Asadore ram-h and seizing a six-year-old child of Manuel Canter bit and. tore it to pieces. FOREIGN. Prince Bismarck, who is suffering frcm THE WEEK'S NEWS. The Opinion of All UNITED STATES. overwork and nervousness, has been advised by his medical attendant: to leave Berlin. 'The Emperor and Empress of Germany presented Dr. and Mrs. Mackenzie with a splendid gold tray as a silver wedding pre- sent. r The very sudden death from heart disease of Mr. Matthew Arnold took place on Sun- day at: Liverpool. He was sixtyâ€"six years of age. A Spanish pustor has been sentenced to 28 months' imprisonment at Malaga. for pub- lishing a pamphlet condemning Roman Catholic dogmas. Look and Live. ‘ My lady reader. don't pass me by “11th the unkind remark, “Only an advertise- ment.†I may do you good. I may do you good. I may unfold to your View the “ pearl of great price.†I may be the means of restoring to you health and happiness. I surely Wlll if you are suffering from any form of nervousness or femole weakness, and will act upon my suggestion. I bring to your notice, with every conï¬dence in its merits, a. remedy especially compounded to meet just the requirements of your caseâ€"â€" Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription, bidding jyou look and live! Ladies everywhere, )who have used it, speak volumes in its Ipurine! “Brutal and Grinding Tyranny of Jobbers." LONDON, April 23.~â€"The Earl of Dunrav- en is doing good work. He is chairman of the Committee of the House of Lords, of which Lords Derby and Rothschild are mem- bers, charged with an investigation of the condition of the slaves of the sweating sys- tem. It was a strange sight to see in one of the palatial committee rooms gathered some score of ragged, half-starved foolish Jews, summoned from the purlieus of the East End to give testimony. This wretched swarm of pauper-s, colonized in Whitechspel and Spitalï¬elds, toil under the most brutal and grinding tyranny of jobbers, getting nothing but bread to eat and working from six in the morning to midnight for wages ranging from $2 to $7 per week, on which they must keep whole families and pay ex- orbitant rents. The trade is chiefly in slop boots, but there are some clothes and hats. All are sent to distant and half civilized colonies. One feature of the boot business is what is technically known as “Houndsdith sides," the same being made by a compress of paper pulp and ground-up leather scraps. Boots of these are sold to the Kafï¬rs and other barbarous peoples, who, however, lgnow enough never to buy twice of the some rm. A SAMPLE CASE. A great deal of evidence is being taken. One case will serve as a. sample. Samuel \Vildman, a. boot ï¬nisher, said that he came from Hungary ten years ago, as he could not get a living there. The London Mansion house fund for the relief of the suEerers by the German flaods has already reached the sum of £2,200 and is rapidly increasing. Mr. W. O'Brien, who was on his way to address a proclaimed meeting at New Ross, was arrested in Dublin on Sunday morning and lodged in Ballenaaloe gaol. The Hungarian Minister of Agrculture has notiï¬ed all agricultural societies that Herr Maudie has discovered an efficient preventive of pleuro pneumonia in cattle. “ What were you engaged at there ‘2†ask- ed Lord Duuraven. “ I was a. teacher.†“ Then what made you think you could do better here '2†The gentlemen in charge of the Glasgow International Exhibition, which is to be opened next month by the Prince and Prin~ cm; of \Vales, have been notiï¬ed that the Queen will cheerfully lend a. selection of her Scottish historical treasures, including a portrait of Queen Mary, with the execution scene in the background. From what friends in Hungary told him he came to England, went to the East End and was there told by a man that he could learn the boot ï¬nishing business in four weeks. He worked for the men for four weeks for nothing, beginning at ï¬ve o’clock in the morning and leaving ofl" at midnight. He worked every day ex~ cept Saturday. For those four weeks he was not paid anything. He subsequently obtained employment in another workshop. He had laboured for the past ten years at sweating work from six in the morning until midnight each day in the week but Seturday, and now earned ï¬fteen shillings weekly. He had a wife and six children and paid four shillings a week rent. He was re- quired to work so hard that he could not drink his coffee or tea until it was cool, as he could not spare the time to drink it warm. The workroom was about four ands half yards square and two or three yards high. It had two windows, two gaslights and one heating light, and four workmen, besides master, were employed in it. No inspector had ever visited it. The witness spoke in broken English, but was at last questioned by Lord Rothschild in German, and in reply answered as above. Mayor 0 Keefe, of Limerick (Parnellite), has been elected to ï¬ll nhe vacancy in the House of Commons fur Limerick caused by the resignation of Mr. Henry J. Gill (PM- nellite). g _ --.., - a M. de Giera, the Russian Minister, is of opinion that the fall of Prince Bismarck would lead to a. close AngloAustrian aili- ance, which wouid prove an immediate source of danger to Russia. Gen. Boulanger, in addressing the electors of Nord, who returned him to the Chamber by a. majority of over ninety thousand votes, says the 15th of April will hencsforth be marked in the annals of the country as the date of her true deliverance. PROOPSED REMEDY. No Englishmen are engaged this trafï¬c, which is conï¬ned mainly to German jubbers and Russian Jew sweaters, and the Lords’ report is expected to recommend a law for- bidding the further entrance ofthese pauper-a into the Kingdom. There may also be a clause sharply criticizing Russia’s policy of oppressing and crowding out these miserable wretchea to become a. burden on other nations. A cablegram says it is proposed to estab ï¬sh 8. Fruit Growers Society among the East Kent agriculturists on the Canadian plan, to develop the fruit; industries, now that hops have become so much less valuable. Prof. John Tyndall, in an article in the Union on‘ Mr. Gladstone, agrees with Car- lyle that “ a Minister who is wicked enough to propose to sever Ireland from England dieselives to have his head brought to the b ca .†A Millionaire in a Minute. Instances are on record where boilers in gold mines and diamond ï¬elds who, by one turn of a. spade, a single movement of the hand, have been transformed from penniless laborers to millionaires. But they were not so lucky as is the consumptive who ï¬nds a means of restoration to health. who learns that the dread disease from which he suffers is not incurable. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medi- cal Discovery will cure consumption (which is lung scroinla), and nothing else will. For all the diseases of the Hood, such as blotches, pimples, eruptions. scrofulous sores and swellings, is is unequaled. " The good die young,†and weeds should. An Elngrmnlnaiic Statement. Is there anything in this world so vile As the pcstilent prezenca of potent bile? We have it. we hate it, we all revile The noxious nausea, as did Carlyle. But why bewail what soon is mended? Take P. P. P. and have it ended. All praise the pawer of “ Pierce‘e Pellet," Wise people buy and druggisce sell it. Work done out of season is ill done. Consumption Surely Cured. To 'rHI Em'ron :â€"Plea.ee inform your readers that I have apoeitive remedy for the Above named dis- ease. By its timely use thousands ol hopeless cases heve been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who have consumption it they will send me their Express and P. 0. nldrese. Respectfully, DR. ’1‘. A. SLOCUM, 37 Yonge St, Toronto. Ont. A pleasing pattern in garter buckles is a scroll of Roman gold, heving a border of flat enameled flowers sunk into the metal. A Cure for Drunkennesu. The opium habit, depaomanin, tho morphine habit. nervous prostration caused by the use of tobacco. waketulnees, mental de ression. softening of the brain, em. premature 0) age, loss of vitality caused b ' over-exertion 01 the brain, and lose of natural 3 rength, from any cause whatever. Menâ€"young. old or mlddle-agedâ€"who are broken down lrom any oithe above causes, or any cause not mentioned above, send your address and 10 cents in stamps for Lubon'a Treatise, in book form, of Diamee of Man. Books sent sealed and secure from observation. Address M. V LUBON 47 Wellinvton street East. Toronto Ont. The Spanish Chamb'ar of Deputies by a vote of 154 to 28 has rejected a proposal to grant amnesty to political exiles: AN ADA SHIPPING (‘0. â€"â€"Beaver Line of Steamships, tailing weekly between Montreal and Liverpool. Saloon tickets, Montreal to Liverpool, 840, $50, and 560. Return tickets, $80, $90, and $110, according to steamer and socommodation. Inter- mediate. $30; Round trip tickets. >380. Sbeerage, $20, Round trip tickets, $40. For further particulars and to secure births, apply to H. E. MURRAY,(Geneml Manager, I Custom House Square, Montreal, or tuithe Local Agents in the diï¬erent Twons and Cities. A faith cure healer at Salim, Kansas, tried to cure a case of smallpox by the laying on of hands, and now the doctor and his patient are quarantined in a suburban black- smith shop. Prince V on Hohenlohe has been ques- tioned as to how he would receive an offer to succeed Prince Bismarck. Oman“: HAIR Runway. restores grey and faded hair to its natural color and prevents falling out. PATENTS IJELPII Business College, Guelph, Ont. The Faculty has been strengthened, the prem- lsee enlarged, and new appliances added. The Buni- nees Department afl’orde one of the beat courses ob- tainable while the Shorthand Department has accomplished results unequalled in the history of shorthand. Ladies admitted to all advantages oflered by the Institution. Students enter at any time. Cir- culars mailed iree. M. MAcCORMlCK. Principal. Mr. John Dillon was arrested on Tuesday afternoon in Dublin. HUB I Coven CURB cures In one minute. Arrangements have been made for the eviction of 200 tenants of the Vandeleur estate in County Clare. People who are enbjsc‘ no hm breath, foul cashed hongno. or any disordex of the Siomach. can at once be tallaved by using D1. Carson’s Stomach Blhszvs, the old and tried xemedv. Ask yaur sza'lafl. T0 LOAN on Farms. Lowest Rates. No delay. Correspondence solicited. E. W. D. BUTLER, Financial Agt., Enablished 1851/. 72 King at E, Toronto. Whenever your 8110th or Roweh got 0119 of 01-- deg, gguglngpiiipnspesaL Dyepepqis, or lqdlgesgign, and their Enendsmfl evils. hie.“ times a doéé at Dr: uamn'a Stomach Bitten. 3555 family medicine. A!) Dmgzla‘hs. 50 cents. MERCHANTS BUTGHEH AND TRADERS GENERALLY. We want a GOOD HAN in your localicy to pick up CALPSKINS SAFES ! 22 CIIIIBL‘II 51K. T030NTO. Are having, during March, a Special Clearing Sale 0 New and Second Hand,to make room for new season’s atrivals. Send for gleatly'reduced SPECIAL Mum: and all other bedding and wi nd ow R0 S Our 51‘00 Plants. Collections will suit every one. Illustrated Catalogue tree. WEBSTER BROS., FLORISTS, HAMILTON. THE WRONTU SILVER PLATFGD SEWER - PLATED WARES â€"FACTORIE‘S and SALESROOM :~â€" 420 to 426 King St. West. TURUNTU E. G. GOODERHAM, J. q. COPP. SUFFERXNG from the effects of early evil habits, the result 0! ignorance and folly, who ï¬nd themselves weak, nervous and exhausted ; also MIDDLEAGDD and OLD Mas who are broken down from the effects of abuse or over-work. and in advanced life {eel the consequences of youthful excess, send for and read 11. V. Lubon's Treatise on the Diseases of Men The book will be sent sealed to any address on receipt of two 3c. stimps. Addrg§s ATENTS procured. Patent Attorneys. and experts Est‘d 12567. Donald C. Eldout a Co..’l‘oronw. for ma. Cash furnished on satisfactory guaranty. Address 0. 8. PAGE. Hyde Park. Vermont, U.S. CHARLES nomugoy__gco., M. v. LU‘BON, Wellington St. 15., Toronto, Ont. â€"Manufacturera of the highest grades ofâ€" BICYC LES 8L TRIOYOLES: a. a a. TAYLOR, Toronto Safe Works. TRADE YOUNG For Saleâ€"Illuaurnvea ausonpmve was Magus free. B. Ohamberlin. Toronhu Man'agen Bicycles ! Second - Hand Bicycles and 'l‘ricvcles. Send for List. New Catalogue regdy in April. VPRIOB’ Lxs'n FIRE AND BURGLAR- PROUF, and Vault Doors. k: pt constantly in stock. A number of Second-hand Safes at low prices. '1'. LANE, MONTREAL. 120 MEN MARK. BUTGHERS A. P. Q05 Sec. Treks. and 33, con. 7, Township of Himsworth, about (:0 acres cleared, ba‘ance in hardwood bush; about 4 miles from Trout Creek Station on the N.P.J. Railway, close to school, church. post ofï¬ce, new and shingle mill : there i; a log house, bag, Stank}, e19 , an it; arllwfriée (firm rock 3r swanip. Fdr tux-trier in formation apply to Tues. CORKIRY. Barretcgg. Ont wm Sharpen the Knife without removing it from the Machine. No farmer should send his machine into the ï¬eld without one. Sample by mail, 300. CLEMENT & 00., Toronto. DR. GRAY’S Speciï¬c has been used for the put ï¬fteen years, with great success. in the treatment 0! Nervous Debillty, and all diseases arising irom e1- ceseee, over-worked brain, loss of vitality, ringing in the ears, pal itation,ebc. For sale by all drugglsu Price $1 per x. or 6 boxes for 85, or will be sent by mail on receipt at price. Pamphlet on nppllcaiinn. KNITTING HEAD OFFICE, When I say CUREI do not mean merely to stop them for a. time, and then have them re- turn again. I MEAN_A RADICAL CURE. I have made the dxsease or FITS; EPELEPSY or FALLING- sxczmnss, A iife long study. I WARRANT my remedy to CURE_tlie worst cases. Because others have failedls no reason for not now receivin a. cure. Send at oncetor atreatise andaFRm: OTTLE o: m INFALLIBLE REMEDY. Give Ex was and ost Ofï¬ce. It costs you nothing or a. trial, and it Will cure you. Address Dr. H. G. BOOT. 37 YongewStq goignjo, 093. Policies in Force over 10,000. Amount over $15,030,000. PRESIDENTâ€"HON. SIB. W. P. HoWLAND, C.B., K.C.M.G. VICE-PRESIDENTS.â€"â€"WILLIAM ELLIOTT, ESQ ; EDWARD Hoormz, ESQ. J. K. MACDONALD, Managing Director. GEORGE W, Boa-mu. STAMFORD. 0mm" says “ For two years I was a. sufl'erer from nervous de- bility. and I thank God and the dis verer of the valuable remedy that Puma's CELE n COMPOUND cured me. It is a valuable remedy. Long may it live. Let any one write to me for advice." AN ALTERATIVE. " I believe PAiNE’s CELEBY COM-Pom saved my life. My trouble seemed to bean internal humor. Before! aged it I wags oovered with an ergptign {170m 555511†kâ€"Hegi.}'â€" Tillie? émxyï¬on i5 rapidl'y hgaï¬ng; and I am ï¬ve hundred per cent. better every way." Hundreds of testimonials have been receivad from persons who have used this remedy with remarkable beneï¬t. Send for circular. Price SI .00. Sold by Druggists. WELLS.RICHARDSON & CO., Proprietors Montreal. Que. A NERVE TONIC. A LAXAT IVE. For two years pnstI have been agreat auï¬erer from kidney and liver troubles. attended with dys. pepsin and constipation. Before I began to take 0111.231 COMPOUND it seemed as though everything med me. Now I can say nothing ails me. v :17 linng been n 5111‘ g Vi’uma‘s 012an 00100pr and it has done me mom good for kidneys and iame back than any other medicine I have ever taken. Anoqu Annoy, Wnngson. V11. says A. C. BEAN. Warn: RIY‘E}! J mgouow, V1. _say~s_ Gums: ABBOTT. SIOUX Cm. Iqwm says A DIURETIC. THE GRAY MEDICINE 00.. Toronto ‘i'AKE NO OTHER bales a GENTS. on SALE (fflEAPA- A 300 .4ch i‘gg-m-Igï¬s URES Nervous Prostration,Nervous Head- achc,Neuralgia. NervousWeakness, WStox-nach and Liver Diseases, and all affections of th: Kidneys. For The Nervous The Debilitated N The Aged. To the heirs of Policy holders (death claims). . Z . . . ..' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To the hold.rs of matured Endi wment Policies. . .. To Policy-holders on surrender of Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To Policy-holders to: Cash Proï¬ts (including those allocated and being paid) To holders of Annuity Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . Loaned to Policy-holders on Security of their Policies . . . . . . a Pcï¬ciea Nonloflenable «he: 2 years mfmdeiegmbfe alter 8 years; Nervous Debility. W Nina’s elery WW- . frrolmnn 31-05.. Gem-gm nwn.0m. CAPITAL AND FUNDS NOW OVER $3,000,000. 1. - - l5 TORONTO STREET. TORONTO, ONT. A llOlllB COMPANY, ESTABLISHED OCTOBER, 1871. @pï¬und Tortr‘hls date,‘00~to‘ber>31, 1887, there has beau returned MAGHMES J ohnston’sFluid. Beef [s not merely ajstimulant, but it contains all the life-giving elements of meat that nouriIh BRAIN, BONE& MUSCLE THE GREAT STRENGTH GIVER. Water Cold in the Head, Hay Fever, etc, can positively be cured. A new method. A medxcine guar- anteed to fllrc. No cure no pay. it you haw tried other remedies that failed to cure. you will not be disappointed in th' For full particulars addrefls, m. v. L‘izuon. 47 wciungum‘ St. E. Torongo', Canada. Send 100. in stamps for book, “Treatise on Disease of Man." PORAU aid, Va ree.l’.0‘ Desiring to obtain a Business Education, or becoma proflcIent in shorthand and Typewriting, should n- mnd the BRITISH AMERIIIAII BUSINESS GULIEBE er and Kidney 00m plainhs. A path“ Blood Purlfler. A aw in Hamilton whom" been hemmed by In use ; Damn. Keenm 92 Robert Sb. curd o! Erysipelm of E yu. standing; ROM. 00!- neil, 24 souzh Btu-all aughwr cured a Epileptic ï¬ts all“ - mm; mflerlng ; Jen- nie Birrel, 66 ,Wnlnul .. .. . r Street, cured on Weakneas and Lung Traub e . John Wood, 95 Gail!- caru St... cured of Liver Com 1am!) and Billlouanau used 0111 v 3 may-cent bottle , . *3. J. Bend. 6 Augusta 84L. tron led [or years with New 0:15 Frustration, uws small botï¬lea gave her great relief. Sold at 500. El '1. F. F. DALLEY a 05)., Proprietors. Sailing during winter iron: Portland every Thurs- day and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool. and in summer lrom Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool. calling at Londonderry to land mails and passengers for Scotland and Ireland; also from Baltimore, via. Halifax and St, John‘s, N. F , toLivei-pool fortnightly during summer months. The steamers of the Glea- iow lines sail during winter to and [rum Ham“, ortland. Boston and Philadelphia; and durlng sum- mer between Glasgow and Montreal weekly; Glasgow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadelphia lortnightly. For freight, passage, or other inlormation apply to I. Schumacher &Oo.. Baltimore; S. Cunard 8t 00., Halifax; Shea 3: Co, St. John’s, N. F,; Wm. Thomp- son & 00., St. John, N. 3.; Allan a 00., Chicago; Love & Alden, New York, H- Bourlier, Town“ Aliens. Rae :2 Co., Quebec: Wm. Braokie, Philadel- phia; H. A. Allen, Portland, Boston, Montreal. m hour. Also Bock Drillsâ€"Band, Home. 01 Mun Power. Send for Catalogue. hldmw unnutacturlng 00.. Humans. 0m. BREADMAKER’S YEASTJ Allan Line Royal Mail Steamship}; Arcade, Yonge street, Toronto. For Circulana, em, Address 0. O’DEA. Secrets-y atarrh, ALWAYS AHEAD! " $1,3fl6,174 47 Amount over $15,060,000. FOB A3,!“ Q30 n‘yeekgna 0W0 did: 7 Vï¬uaï¬lé outï¬t V Ema partial!!!†ree.P.0.VICKmY.Anmxstn.Mnine -I'l‘ IS B R E A 1) made with this Yezmr took ï¬'st prich at 182 Township and County Fairs in lOnmrio in 188 , at such lanes ’25 Flc>hert0n, ; farkham, Vhit- b)',ctc. Over 10,000 ladies have sent us letters and postal cards xto say that it is §qperi9r to an! ycui-t ever used by them. It makes the lightest, whitest, sweetest and most wholesom bread. buns, rolis and buck- whuatcakes. Directionsin each package with fullinstruccï¬ml. Whaley, Royce 8600. 283 Yonge Street, Toronto. L The Cheapest Place in Canada. tor ,PURE LIVING STREAM. AUGEBS, bore 20 feet REPAKRYNG 011 BAND INSTRUMENTS I “BESSON†And “HIGHAM " Band & Orchestra. BAND IHSTRUMENTS. New and Second hand. ['I‘IHE grease" a a- ? covery of the n‘ isent age for Be III lug the bowels and Outing Ag _Blood_le specialty. Sand for Cataloznel MUSIC. Agents for 5649.249 00 26,492 63 93,666 00 432,544 02 16,987 94 82,264 98