Some bargains this week in ï¬ne Linen and Fancy Lawn Handkerl chiefs at the Cheap Cash House. Can’t help being suited in Boots, Shqu or Slippers, goods ï¬rst class, from 30c. to $3.50 per pair at the Cheap Cash House. Why is Armand, the 110‘ among the modern wonders ? ï¬ve cents he can Lriug to _\- Night " early on Saturng aft Mr. R. Joyce having applied for license to again open his hotel at the Elgiu Mills, has had his request granted, and will re-opeu on the ï¬rst of May. For the past year Reddy has had his hotel converted mm a general store. It would seem that by returning to his old love either that a man can grow rich on stobekeeping in less than 12 mnuths, or that there is still more money In dispensing hot and cold drinks to thirsty wnyiarets. RICHMOND HILL, Thursd my Go to value in rants, P H arefor not to publhh a commnhiC-Minn from “Free Thinker.†Thnmbillms, pinion, it rcflvcls on the lmuur M 1}]: mnrri and single |adie:< of that Village. Perb this is unintentional on the putt of the writer. r‘uzexv in on Notice. The riiembers of the concert committee ap- pointed to prepare a programme for the canâ€" cert to be held in connection with the Agri- cultural Society on the evening of the 24th of May. and whose names appear on auoLher garage, are requested to meet in the Council Chamber nfte: the lacrosse meeting to-mor- TOW night. Markham day. Mr. J. Kerwin, Elgiï¬ Mills. has a farm to rent. For particulars see another page. and The household eï¬vcts tral Hotel, Richmond H a chattel mortgaqn on tl urday, May 5th, 1888, at cash. Snieln Eckardt mommaâ€"Adv. Neville has Just opened another lot of Hats, Hard and Solt Black, Brown, and Grey, Latest shapes. Premotion Exam. The following is the result of the team: Uniform Promotion Examination in S. 8., No. 19, Patterson.â€"â€"Frank Rumble, Mary Rumble, Willie Rumble,Mary Bassiugthwaite Rem, Matild‘l Bussiugtbwaite, Rec. West. Drun- Expresc. N< Mm Sou ch It you want Dress Goods a the Concrete. Now is your time for Wall Papers! Over 2000 {0115 and 3000 yards of Bordering sold this season, and an- other new stock on hand at Savage’s Boy‘s Lacrosse Sti Tm: Luann“, Store. Riel“! Moax Miss 5% least Flf mentioned Markham Township 0 Saturday next, in \Vehbe Mcns Nobby Tweed Suits $5 $9 worth far more, great varlety Boy's suits also at Neville’s. Dav Nowm Kin: Rmr PROCTDB’S STAGE LiNE EVE TOE B" Ki! POST OFFICE NOTICE SIN vs] IJO€BAEJ§§§ \Vhlch pays the Better? 1 Hill I Chattsl Mott thread glove the L Tea, runes \Vtï¬t Mm†Not Pubhshcd 1888,3t11 n. m. Eckardt, Auctloneer t the test value In and tummings go to Joncretc for the best Sugar, Raisins, Cur- , &c. ge holds its Spring Fair to- u t1) qrt 1TH ‘undrum acts of the Grand Gen :1 Hill. will he sold unde n the premises. on Sat the nowsbov. classed ékyraï¬ sou†m] gage S (10m 15 cents up at 5 5c. per palr L?! moi! will meet ox s Hall, Unionville t1 you ‘Lu‘noou lhe Tl an A pril 26 Because ale P‘ the est (as lmude ‘Cma zuse for Saturday Mme [LbC THIS See the ' pain-d, marl piow pain will be kept week Successful Operation. We clip the following local from a. news- pnppr published in Delxwan, Iillnois, in re- ference to Mr. Num‘ess, who. a couple 0! years ago practispd here as u Veterinary Hurgvob. His friends will be glad to learn he is meeting with succeï¬s us 9. Vet. “Dr.J. 'l‘. Num'ess, veterinary surgeon, performed 11 rather difï¬cult fem in surgery. on a. horse belonging to Lewh Brown, on Monday lust, removing two badly decayed teeth, by bm‘iuu hole “erth vuch side (-f the horse’s head ï¬nd driving the well: out frnm the upper party of the jaws. the teeth (wing in such 2: bale deemed canditiuu as to fault? pulling in the usunl may almost impossible. The treatment mu successful and the horse has made a complete rcaovery." Neville is selling Tweed & worst- ed suits to order to people who never bought clothcs on the Hill before. Low pnces for good Tweeds does It. A meeting for the purpose of reorganizing the Young Canadian Lacrosse Club was held in the Lorne Hall on Monday evening. There was 9. fair attendance, and a“ present seemed enthusiastic in reviving the nuiional game. Mr. W. H. Pugsiey was in the chair, and Mr. W. D. Atkinson acicd as Secretary. The fol- lowing were elected oflicers for the chiug sewon:â€"â€"Presi:iem, ‘.V. H. Pugsley; lst Vice- I’res., G. Trenrh; 2nd Vice-Pres., B. Brown; Secretary, W. D. Atkinson; Treas., W. H. Pugsley. Committee.of Management, W. E. Wiley, W. Proctor, J. Devlin, J. Sanderson, F. McConaghy sr . and the ofï¬cers of the club. There will be another meeting in the same place, to-mnrrow,(F1-iday\ evening at. 7.30. Among other matters will be the ad: viability of entering the C. L. A. in order to compete for Intermediate honours. Neville IS housecleaningr (i. e.) selling ScrubbingBrushes at 50. up, job lot of Stove and \Vhitewash Brushes Mopsl clothes Lines, cheap must go, 2 and 3 Hoop pails. Departmental Examinations. Departmental Examinations for II. and III. Class Non-Professional Certiï¬cates will be held at Newmarket and Richmond Hill High Schools and for I. Class Grade C at the Toronto Normal School. as follows: II. and 111. Class: Non-Professional, 3rd July, 8.30 a. [1].; I. Glass Grade 0,10th Joly, 8.30 a. m. Every person who purposes presenting him- self at any examination for a First Class Ger. tiï¬aate Glade C, or for a Second or Third Class Certiï¬cate, shall send to the Imapector within whose Inspectoral Division he intends to write, not later than the 21th of May pre- ceding, a notice stating the Class of Cetllï¬~ cute for which he is a Candidate, and what optional Subject or Subjects he has selected. Blank Forms of application may be had on applying to the Inspector. Each Application must by accompanied by a fee of 35 for each Certiï¬cate for which the Candidate purposes to write. Candidates will not he allowed to write for both 2nd and 31a] Class Non-Profes- sxoual Certiï¬cates, and only the following Classes will be eligible to write for second Closszâ€"(lj Those who hold 3rd Class Cer- tiï¬cates and wish to obtain 2nd Class. (2) Tinan who wrote in July 1887 for 2nd Class (Whether they then held 3rd Class or not) and failed. (3) Those who at any previous 5rd Class Examination obtained the aggre- gate required, but who failed in one or more rnhjects. In transit for the Concrete a large lot 01 Dinner, Tea and Toilet sets direct from the manufactures in Staffordshire, England, look out ‘for cheap goods. Entrance Examinations. The next Einrance Exnminntiona to High Schools and Collegiate Institutes will beheld at vamnkct. and Richmond Hill High Schools on July 4ili_ 5th. and 6th, commenc- 11);}. M 1 o‘clock p. m. Applications must he mmle by intending Candidates to the Inspec- lor not. later than the 151. of May. At New- man-Set, III. Class Candidates will be ex- amined iu the H. ï¬chuol, and II Class and Entrance Candidates in the Model School. Runeâ€"Way. Last Monday a team of horses owned and driven by Mr. J. Lackie made things lively {or a short time in the north end of the vi]- lage. When the driver hud alighted from his Waggon at Mr. Hull’s store, the horses became frightened at something and made a 1+ lbs fresh for $1.00, 4 at Neville's. Repairs. The Repair Shop which is the viiluge fur the Patterson impiementn will in in runnir (luvs. All kinds of imp‘mme: To Farmers. Mr. A. J. Rupvrt bus been appointed agent for the ï¬rm of Flt-ury’s Sons. Aurora, and is uerndy doing quite a trade with the farmvrs of this v.cinity. He is prepared to furnish anything in tin ir line from a plow point to n selftldnder. His cullection of plows, gangs, 82c , In»ka A good show around the Telephone Ofï¬ce. See ad. on nnoIher page. Ladies it you want the neatest, prettiest and most stylish things in Miliinrey go to the Concrete. .0 lbs Pot Lacrosse Meeting. : Barley, 65 Bars Soap, Currants,or 18 lbs sugar Boxes Matches for 250., 1) stock uich is being started in lemon & 15m. Co‘s. running order in a few piemums will be re- ,s and MI lines of re- Sxe nd. next; Hon. Thos.Whlte,Miuister of the Interior, died at his residence, in Ottawa. on Saturday last. The grenteat sympathy is shuwu on every hand. We are glad to see that Mr. Bert Andrews. bus so far rewvered as to be able to walk out again. He was down as far as the Methodist Church yesterday afternoon. Mesa-s. C. McLean, R. Wiles, and R. Mc- Donnld, farmer residents of this place, and who now room together in the Queen City, were in the village over Suudny last. Mr. H. A. PercimL a student of Queen’s Universihv, Kiuustnu, son of Rev. Mr. Perci- ml _of this village is spendmg a few weeks at the Mnuse. Hon. '1‘. WA Anglia. Archbishop Lynch’s cundldate, was elected as 2: Separate School Trustee on Tuesday, defeatmg Mr. Dunbar by a umjunty of 95. Mrs. Dunnett and Mrs. Stafford, wives of the evangelists now conducting Revival Ser- vices in me Methodist, Church, have been in the village during the week in company with their husbands. One of the smanry of the village acci- de tally broke a pane of plate glass yesterday afternoon in the window of Mr. A. L. Skeale'a jewelry Store. The pane was worth $25. Tbeze appean to be a 'ioubt us to which of two boys threw tho unlucky stone. Mr. D. W. Eyer started on Monday for Clarence Centre. N. Y. where he purposes spending the summer. Mr. H. Peach, of Meafnrd, arrived in the Village on Saturday evening, and spent a day or two with his mother here. At the residence of Mr. 8; Mrs. Copp, 7H Isabella St. Toronto, a large mnulwr of friends gathered last evening, the o 'cu-inn being the marriage of their cousiuAIiss Annie Duvzeg, to Mr. Chan. M. Palmer, of this ull- Mrs. J. N. Boyle returmd on Saturday from Owen Sound where she had been visit- ing her relatives and former home. The Pickwickinus lmvn adjourned their weekly mpexiugs till the Autumn. House cleaning will "bust." any female institution. age. o'clock Mr. F. Kirkby, Village Confectioner, is the inventor of a new temperance LF'VHI'HK‘J ell-“€11 Kerneliim, which he recommr'mls very highly to the public. He has obtained from tho Minister of Agriculture 9 copyright for [his drink which is purely Vegetable‘ If Freddie does not die n. rich man it will not. be owing to a. luck of euergv. ' Messrs. O'Neill and McCutcheon, of B01- ton, wore in the village last Sunday. The better the day the better the deed. Mr. Shook, of Allen. asmall village near Brampton. now uses the scisaors and other necessary tools at the village shaving parlor. From our own Cgrrespondent. T1105 Readman, of Kleiuburg, buried his wife on Tuesday of last. Week. She was 24 years old, and left three small children all requiring a mother's care, as the oldest one is blind. He has the deep sympathy of the entire neighborhood in his sad affliction. Mr. Jas. Newton. in. of Eigin Mills, was in Montreal this Wat‘k on busmeas in connec- uou with the sale of leather. The License Commissioners for the East Riding (If York met. at the C’j’lie Hotel, ’l‘umnto, on Friday, April 13th, 1888, at 1030 u’cluck. Present: Messrs. Rennie, Wilson, Richardson, and 51180 the Inspector, Mr. Jamen Eckardt; Mr. Rennie chairman. The minutes of last. meeting were read and approved. VILLAGE OF MARKHAM.â€"F. G. Percy John Jennan, John Kennedy. VILLAGE or EAST ToRuNTO.â€"Wm. E Owen. VILLAGE or RICHMOND IIILL.â€"â€"Benj Brillinger, John Palmer. The lollnwinq hotels held oven-Teresa Wall, Henry A. Burmws‘ Juseph Mnun, John Maxwell, Gilbert Gilmour,Juseph Trebilcuck (shoD). The following tavern licenses refused: â€"-VVm. Woods, Norway; Ismlc Waltuu, Kingston Road; Margaret McGill, Cole- man. The Inspector will be at the Clyde Ho- tel, Toronto, on Tuesday, May lst. from 10 a. m. until 3 p. m., for the purpuae of isuuing licenses to the parties to whom granted. The Inspector presented his annual report. which was read and discussed, when the Buard granted the following tavern licenses for the ensuing year: »- TOWNSHIP 01v MARKHAM. â€"Catharine Button, Annie Millov, John Webber, R, B. Pophum, George McFarlane, James Lyon, Redmond Joyce‘ Wm. Perry. Tuwysmp OF YORK.â€"â€"David B. Birrell, lra Bates, George Elupl-iugham, Sarah Hackett, M. O’Sullivan, John Vzmhorne, John R. Wilson. A serious accident. befel Mrs. John Hudgsun about one week ago. She fell Coming into the house and broke her thigh bone. On account of her age it will likely be a long time till she is able to get around again. Farmers are afraid of their fall wheat, as it has linenvered baelly, and we have had very heavy frosts nearly every night. The spring is late. and we havu not been able to do any seeding Vet, in fact, few farmers are able to plow eVen on the highest land. TOWNSHIP or SCARBnRo’ â€"Nnrman Blnwn. David Beldam, Wm. Keeler, G. Begun J. J. Davies (Beer and Wine). The ceremuuy ‘was performed an 8 East York Licenses (Crowded out. last week.) PERSONALS. Kleinburg Tweed Effects at 100. All Wool Debiges at 12%0. All Wool French Jersey Cloth 15c Black French Cashmere 25c. Thousand 05' choice, any color. Grey Cotton 28 yards for 31. White Cuttone, yard wide, '20 yrd. for $1 Seersuckers. nice goods, Ge. yard. §«»ys' Halifax Tweed Suits from 98c. Men's Tweed Suits $5. Men’s Serge Suits 34 Men’s Tweed Vests $1. Men’s 'l'weed Pants $1.50. Nubby Spring and Summer Overcoats $4 Overalls from 400. ' We Is '41 Persons often ask themselves the question. "Why it is that the public from the Suburbs flock to our store to buy their wares while uthers as favorably located are cmnpuramively idle 'l †It is a well known fact that women are closer shoppers than men. It is a well known fact that your wife can invariably tell you in Which store she can save in making her purchases. We are led to this reasoning by watching the great number of ladies that have become regular customers at our establishment from adjacent places, and it has becume a household proverb that the Mammoth is the We deem it a pleasure and a. privilege to Show you goods whether buyers or not Cull L-arEy and see our GRAND SPRING DISPLAY Economical Family Shopping Store \Ve have the most comfortable ahd best lighted department in the city. We throw ull the safeguards around our customers and save them Flve to Six Dollars on every Twenty. In our spacious almw rooms on second floor of a few quotations on]y:â€"â€" THUS. THOMPSON, MAMMOTH HOUSE, if;sz STREET EAST ‘E'QRQNTQ. Recent. improvements makes it the must perfect Sewing Machine offered to the public ; easy to lean), easy to manage, case hardened parts makes it durable. You can also be supplied with an Or any other of ï¬rst-class make, or if you need a. You can be supplied as cheap by me as by any other persun. Sensible Argument THiUGHTâ€"RUNNING NEXV WILLIAMS Takes the Lead. e employ a large staff of the best cutters that money will nrocure allowed to leave the premises unless perfect in every respect. J7EE“ UXBRIDGE ORGAN “E The Greatest Discovery of \ho Age. Price - - $3. Men‘s 8c Boy‘s Clothing Seminal weakness, errors of youth. lost manhood, nightly MFA emissions, Etc. The only a pIianp-es ~40 wk »- \ giving a direct current of Iectncity «9, » L " I to the parts_ Can be wornmght or (my " ‘ “ithuun inconvenience. Hundreds of Tea- ' from those cured of femnlu diseases, pains iu hue}; and hips: haul and general (lebility, lgmimgo. Tllt’umitlh’m, pamlyms, neuralgia. amauca. disease of the kidneys, spinal disease, turpld liver. BO‘FE, leucnrrhmu,_cutarxh pf the bladder sexual exhaustion, seminal emissions, astlmmhemâ€"t disease. dyspepsia. constipation erysip. alas. indigestion. imputency,, piles, epiiepsy. dumb name and (liabgtes. Send sgamp for handsomely illustrated book and health Journal. Correspondence strictly conï¬dentlal. Con- sultation and electrical treatment true. Agents wanted everywhere. 1 at. Feb. 26th, 188'] Cures Guaranteed Medicated Electric Belt 00.. I55 Queen St. West, Toronto. Canada. THIS SILVER-PLATED INSTRUMENT REASONABLE REASONING PIANO Dress Goods J. LUSH, Richmond Hill. Staples The only catam‘h remedy over offered to the public on a. written guarantee given with each instrumenb, W. '1‘. 155 Queen Stroez West, Toronto, Ont. Actina is nota medicine or a dlgusling lotion or fowder ball, hula Self-genera- tmg Vapor, ewny and pleasantly applied a. all hours, times and places. Actmaflo. 2.-â€"Quick1y relieves and thoroughly cures all Throat and Lung dlseasns. Acl‘na No. 3.~Positively cures 9.11 diseases of the Eye, Cataract Gran "lubed Eye-lids, Iuflumod Eyes, mar and tar sightedness Tm: En: TREATED wuzmc L‘LUSED. 'Ac'xfxg Is soLD'ivXDEm ova warm-EN GUARANTEE ON 1" nus TRIAL. Enclose stamp for handsomely illustrated book and health Journal. W. ‘1‘. BARB. dc CO.. 155 Queen Street West, Toronto. Ont CATARRH IMPOSSIBLE UNDER ITS INFLUENCE THE GREAT EYE AND LUNG RESTORER Medicated for all diseases of the blood and net- vous system. Ladics‘ Belt 82 for female com- laints ibhas no equal. Mens' Belt: $3, combined gels and Suspensory $5. Splendid Prints 20 yards for $1 Uottonudes extra. heavy 150 yard. Heavy Cmpe Cretonnes 9c. yard. Lybster Shirtmgs 9c. yard. Honev Comb Quilts large size 750. each. Pure Linen Towels very large 10c. yard. Crash and Roller Tmtelling from 4c. yd. Fancy Scrim at 100. yard. Plain and Lace Striped Muslims 5 to 20c. yard. Halifax all wool Suits 311. Genuine Irish Set-x4e Suits $15. Scutch Tweed Snitings $16 Genuine English ‘Norsteds $18 MEDICATED ELECTRIG ELTm Bring the little one Fine Ordered Clothing Staplesâ€"Continued & SUN, [ace permits F0 garment 15 days trial; Bum 6: Co., \‘4