Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Apr 1888, p. 8

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Typhoid; It ‘Vorks Like Magic ! TRY IT! TRY IT! SPRING SF 1888 It Builds up the Entire System. SAN DERSON BROS” DRUGGISTS, IRflN AGE WNW I FINE fiRfiERIES 1 CON FECTIONS, Hopes to have you call during this month for ST. 3-1 mm s EPISCHPAI p m.,ewept the third f when the service and 5.1 mm. Sunday School utl Rector METHODIST CHUBC H ~ Fine Teas, Coffees, Cocoa, Chocolate,Spices,Oranges, Lemons, Dates, Flgs, Nuts, Candies of all kinds. and 62‘ J p.111.,a.n«l bum Young penple‘s prayer In General Prayer Meeting: in the Lecture Room. I Rev. Gr. )5. llecdke, A: PRESBYTERIAN Cxwm as 1] o'clock a..1u..zmdti:1 on \Veclursdny evening Perceval. Pastor. ROMAN CATHOLIC can 9. follows 'L‘hornhill a. COME AND BUY [11011 Rev Meets in the Lodgé roomJIL' Monday on or before full 11100: I. Crosby. W.M. 1.. savvy, . .. V__. Axcmyi‘ ORDER OF FORESTEESâ€"Court Rich~ monr1.No.70~16 L O. F., meets in the Temperance Hall every alternate Fridav at 7.30 p.D1.â€" A J Rupert. C. 1%. . . .... "d__4_ ,h “Mr-.. The Methodist sabbath schoolTemperance As sociutiou issue pledge curds every Sunday when desired. W m.Ha.1'risou supf MECHANICS' lNS'l‘xTUTE.- Library of over 1000 volumesupen every Tuesday evening, in the Ma.- sonic Hall. from 7 to 8 o‘clock. R. E. Law, Libra- rian. Lectures and discussions periodically. Rlcnmoxn HILL CORNET Bunâ€"Meets for practice every Tuesduy and Saturday evening at 7.30 o'clock W. Sheppard, Leader VILLAGE COUNCILâ€"Re cillors. Messrs. P 6.511. Atkinson, Dr Wilson. FIRE BRIGADEâ€"Regular meeting nrsn nnuuy of every munch, held in the Council Chamber. at 71:. m. Membership free. Certificatesissued to members entitling them to certain privilegesund exemptions. Wm.H. Pugsley. Cupsuin. 1-1. A. Nicholls, Secretary. A. 0. U. W.,Ivy Lodge, No. 141, Meets in the Committee room of the Masonic Hull each alternative Tuesday at. 8 o'clock p.111. Bene- flcm-y certificate given for $2,000 in ruse of death J. Brown.Mn.ster Workman T. F.l\IcMuhon. rec R. T.of Temperance, Richmond Hill Council, No. 43,‘ Meets in Temperance Hull, each alterâ€" native Tuesday evenmg ms o’clock p m. Rene. ficim‘y cevtificutes issued to male or female inembersfor $1,000 or in case of death $2,000. one halt Dayablc in case ofdisnbility. J. H.8m1der- son Sulect Councillors; J.A.E.Swftzer.Recordiug Secretarv AND FRUITS Rmmmxp LgDGE Spectacles & Ey For Snlc land 1‘ Lazar Dominiwn of Cu. Now is the time to ec'reugthun yourself for Jame spring workâ€" 9V1“. “noun. ‘ _ MAN CATHOLIC CHUBCK.â€"sel"'ltes 1]: order Mews Thornhill 9A 9 a.m., and Richmond mt 10:30 mm; tha following Sunday at Rich- r1 Hill 111.9 3.111. and Tbornhill at 10'30 u. m. J. J. Egan. Pastor ZSSE NUNN, bPRI DY yen RANK 1 ese 5) for M RICHMOND HILL, . Kirkby ‘t’illugc iiirvttnry. MANUFACTURED ONL Malaria, or RICHMOND HILL of the fly AND “'9an OFF cubâ€"Ra ve. Wm. Pugsley, Coun- I’ G. Savage. Wm A Sanderson,W Vilson. Clerk. M. ’1 eefy. E.~Renulnr meeting first Friday |, held in the Council Chamber. at arship free. Certificatesissued to ling them to certain privilegesund iVm.H. Pugsley. Captain. 11. A. RENON'NE Churches. TAKE Societies. Bilious Fevers. :1 BY '1: or (JASADA.â€"Services 30 p. Prayer meeting ‘1! ur Services at 10:30 a. m my school, at 2.30 pim 3‘. & A. M., No.23, G.R.(‘ 3m,Mu.somc Hallpn the . moon. ate o'clock p.111 CuuucH.-â€"Service at :5 many of every month, :rumont are held at. 11 30 p.111 Rev. W. Babes F. Jlfl 11¢) ; Tueéday evehing. Thursday evemng M. Simpson. Supt. ‘Y BY 3J1£EIIIOJV Rein w. w GIM‘ Glasses ire EHILL TO FARMERS ! RICHMOND HILL Plows of all kinds, including Smky P10 Plows, two and three furrowed Gang &c. &c., alwavs in stock. Points and Repairs tor plows of every ma]: Inspect my implements and compare with other firms. A. J. RUPERT FLEHRY’SSUNS. FARM to BE PARSON AGE, 26-44;! 18381 1836! 1836 Purely a Home Company. Farmers, protect your buildings from fire and lightning by insuring in the Gore Cash and Mutual Fire Insurance Cum- puny (the oldest. and strongest, Cash and Mutual in Canada). This Company was nqtahlishpd in the wear 1836. Having estab ished in the year 1836. Having done business in Ontario for over half a century. During this time numbers of Stock and Mutuals have failed, but to- day the Gore has at its back assets a mounting to $256,280.07, \vherewith to meet any losses that may occur. The Gore is noted for its equity in adjust- ment of its losses. It is the cheapt'st Cash and Mutual Fire Insurance Cum. pany doing business in Outariu for nun- hazudous farm property. Send fur the 49th Annual Repmt of this Cami-any before insuring elsewhere. Farmers lve alive to yourinterests. Why pay such exhorbitant rates, when the Gui-e will in sure third class fzmn property fur per cent, and first-class for §~ per cent. m1 FIRE! FIRE I In case of contents being destrnyed l y fire the Gore pays full value, the Lumlun agent to the contrary notwithstanding. Total assets to pay losses, $150,216“ ('7, and carnes an insurance of only $7.245, 377.01. Compare this with any Muli or Stock Company and see \\ here the Gore stands. All calls promptly amend» ed to by mail or telephone. The understaned keeps on ' J. '1‘. SAIGEON. Agent, King P. 0., residence Spring Hill, Uut. Name in Brefiims Pursuant to a. judgment of the Chancery Divis- ion of the High Court. of Justice made in 2L cer- tain action oi Tennyson v. Tennyson the credi- ors (including abuse having any specific or gen- eral lieu charge or cucuuihmhceppon the estate or [my undivided share thereof) of Esther Tennv- sou late of the Township of Vimglmu in the Counâ€" ty of York (widow of the late Robert Tennyson) who died in or about the . month of September, 1887. are on or before the ' 14th Day ‘of. May, 1888. to canvas for the sale of Steady employment gunr Salary 01- C unmission; A; iug age. (Refer to [his papa Chase Brothers,001bome,0nt All kmds of Implements manufactured ESTHER TENNYSON, DECE ASED. Head Office, Gult,r(_)n§:xrin 2%: éffigfiggg Teacher of Music & Oil Painting. §ONAGE. - RIUHMOND HILL “firm aimlvcrtiaemmtsfi ’53-‘36 IN EZVAEQE. 52:5 $imyamu I; Elia RE: 1*] V‘Vunted ! AURORA. JUDICIAL JAS. KER SW'ILL, Elgin sale of Nursery ’ Sfovk- uh guaranteed. Either ion; Apply at; oucoj,‘ stut- bis paper.) JOHN KLINC Bichmou‘ hand at his oflicev Chief clerk M. 0 ky levs, Gang 6 Gum: Piuws, 1' fruit the ue 1836 l Mills {ill I? nke 1b Al Tatian Thursday, April 20,1688 WheatJnl) per bushel ....... 50 82 to Wheat, spring, as . .. so Barley, do (".5 outs, do 50 Penn. do Bye. do .. Clover Seed. do u ...... Dressed hogs, pe" 100 lbs“ 7 25 Beef, fore quarters 4 50 Beef,hind quarters 7 50 glliqkens, 1m: pair (30 Ducks Geese.each Turkeys, each ........ B11tter,pox:nd rolls Butter. tub dairy Eggs, fresh, per doz Potatoes, per 1704:: Apples, per bb] onions, green, per d Cabbage (la Cauliflower do Celery. do 'yurnips, per “bag.” Cm‘mfs. ' 11 Hay, per ton straw, per ton mcnmoxn HILL Thursdav,Apr11 on‘ts, per bushel ....... “.50 Pans, do. .. Dressed 110g». per 100 lbs Beef. fore quarter ...... Beef. hind quarter Chickens. per pair Ducks. do Geese, each ......... Turkevs, perlb Butter, pound rolls Butter, large rolls Egvs. fresh, per a Potatoes, per bag Apples, per bblmm...” onions, green, per bush” Cabbage, per doz Celery, do Turnips, per bag Carrots, do Beans. per peck ...... Flour, spring, For bb Flour,fa11, per bbl Hay, per ton ........ straw. per ton hit-2 c G; Didi-l)- .aocoooomaqo Ofthe Bee-Hive Tailoring Establishment, begs to announce to his many patrons in GREAT WES IMPORTED GOODS SUITENGS, BMTENGS AH PANTINGS, In \Vnrsteds and Tweeds. impurtad. and he is in uy)0niLiun tonmke vou up u. Scotch Tweed Suit, cont and vest or punts, at the same price you have herewfore paid for Canadian Tweeds John J. Mitchell’s New York Fashion Plates for Sprinfl and Summerjust received Call early and get first choicm Good Fit Guaranteed. I Can ynn teh me how it is that I) l the Dl‘llguist does four tunes as bxwiness us any Mher stare near H [ ket I Yes, the facts are lhtse; h cheaper. sells pure g-mds, 0b”; everyhudv and everybody 1-:sz store fully satisfied ilmt whntvve 1 want in 9"” f'ltll'e. "\-"V will call J wan Kin Highlv Concentrated. Pleasant, Efiectuul, Safe Take no other. Sold everywhere. Price 75 as per bottle. THE UNION MEDICINE 00.. Toronto, Can ' Sold everywhere. Price 25 cents and 50 cents per bottle. Proprietors and manufacturers, DR. HODDER’S caugh & Lung cm Jan 264m: And surrounding country that; he will show you the very finest Shock cf XXX Pine Shingles, Ce~ dar Posts andLaths. , Apply to ALFRED LLOYD, King P. O [,350 lbs. , 3 Horses. rising 4 years, averaging 1,450 lbs‘ These animals are all sound. Apply to has revolutionized Hm I world timing the last. half century. Nutieastanmiig the wonders of inventive iv'w-m'wx isnmetliod‘and 7. tom of war]: that can he 1, rimmed all over the couuti'v \xit‘huut sepxn‘utiu! the workers from their Monies, Pay liberal; any one can do the \Vui'k' either sex, Young or old : no ipecinl ability required. Cum. C. TREVETHAN. Richmond Hill He hasjnst received a. mnguificeut line of _H_9rses,rising3 years, averaging in ICHMOND HILL ASK FOR DR. HODDER’S COMPOUND. BEE-HWE. Ever brouahb into Richmond Hill. FOR SALE. FOR SALE St East, Toronto. 275112 mlurkrtfi. .16 (10‘ C. TREVETH‘ may doz‘ do do do 1mg ....... \Vm. Wells, King P. 0., residence slu‘lnghiil AT THE J nmes Lluvd my", tlm: Jtfit ire, 11 (‘0 Nucleastamung ers of inventive 1 of work that :ouutrv without irvno’mes. I‘ay rk: either sex, required. 'Cuni- free. Cut this sent} ynu free. 700 50 N. "U 40 00 50 30 50 a Scents 000 'fl 50 50 40 ht Spring Dress Stuffs, Ginghams, Prints, &0 Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Silk Handkerchiefs. Teas, Coffees, Cocoa, Cracked Peas, BarleyBeaJnsElour 83 Feed. CALL 82: SEE MOODEE’S NEW Gmm E W 63' $37 E E‘AGCES EQR £3 YOUNG: $413QEÂ¥H$35§ VuV'ho'arg fluke} éown from the efiects of degihtmpz‘gauic wen MC. “V”. LUBGN’SS 3: THEE («7 Fe Eo/fl ’1" EH :15: L Inf“? fi‘flfflijt rum 17$ “ \ :.. Positwe Gum. SEVI‘IG , E 141*? CARRQTJURNEP, Wsfifi’ RED 8; CHOICE STEELE BROS. & C0, Wm: iEAT,PEA.S.OATS,RYE a} oods-z» .1091 All Fresh and Be TIMOTHY Have now Amid di Marvsl of Healing WALN'] lease sci Partic 331813 “3 SKCEKDEES. A 73:0“?in SFFT BHQ)§Q3. 53:1; (30 mntmel ‘NTED EED GRAIN. ALSO 3 USEDr-VVUJI ', want of 00: ability to fix guess, loss ‘of and full st and, Kohincor o! Medicines. Me consequences ni‘ Kndiscrefiom, Exponwe and diver-work. ix: 7 N Aim AG. 3 OF MAN. $33-3EECEFIC NO. 8-; ivered. EFF 1 find in No. 701 untax‘y vit has of cuerg confidence, ‘1: the) attou‘ 118. me ._ (Soc 513?! R EJE’ 50W)! WEBER 8&3?) ENE) om MEN JU 8301101“ “E EVER MOODIE

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