Chicago capitalists have purchased from Mr. R, Tough, of Sudbury, an interest in the Tough and Stobie gold mine for $32,000. and huva invested $70,000 in machinery to operate the mine. Touching _tributes to the memory of the late Mr. Thomas Whine were paid in the Senate and the House of Commons. A bill to repeaJ the old law of evidence, which prevents persons testifying in their own behalf, will be introduced by Mr. Gilâ€" man, of Montreal, at theapproaching session of the Quebec Legislative Council. CANADIAN. Navigstion on the Red River wan open 3d on Monday. The Bani: of Montreal has declared a. divi- dend of ï¬ve per cent, without bonus. A settlement has been effected between the Hamilton master builders and the em- ployees, which, it is believed, will terminate the labor troubles in that city for this sea.- SOD. The Toronto City Council passed a resolu- tion entering its emphatic protest against the immigration to this countrv of destitute persons from pauper institutions of Great Britain. There are said to be three applicants for the vacant brigadermajorship of the sixth military district, the most popular candi- date being Major Prevost, of the 65th Regi- ment, Mount Royal Rifles, Montreal. Tbeï¬fty-ï¬fth annual meeting of the Upper Canada. Religious Tract and Book Society was held in Toronto resently, when encour- aging reports were presented showing that during last year 593,350 books and public- ations of all kinds were issued. About twenty thousand men of the D)- minion militia. will perform the annual drill this year. 11,000 going into camp under cam V8.3 amd 9,! 00 in various cities. The ï¬rst camps will be held about the middle of June. At yesterday‘s meeting of the committee on the Division of the Diocese of Ontario, a proposition was presented from Rev. Dr. Mountain offering to give $5,000 towards an episcopal residence, and to go to England and endeavor to raise $10,000 towards the endowment fund, on certain conditims. Senator Abbott yesterday petitioned Par- liament for, and was granted. authority to introduce a. bill to incorporate a college at Montreal for the higher education of woe men, with branches in the North-West or British Columbia, which Sir Donald Smith and Sir George Stephen propose to endow. The election of Separate School trustee for St. Andrew‘s Ward, Toronto, in which the principle of the introduction of the ballot was the chief issue, resulted in the return of Mr. T. W. Anglin, the antiballot candidate, by a. majority 01 95. A special cablegram to The Mail gives a. synopsis of the half yearly meeting of the Grand Trunk Railway Company heldl‘recent- 1v in London. :Sir Henry Tyler, referring to the newly constituted company, said that while it was not in every respect What he could have wished, there was no occasion for despondency in the future. While local causes, such as bad harvests, bank failures, the unfair rivalry of American companies, and the adverse working of the Inter-State law Had Opt rated unfavourably, he saw signs v“ i'“ "5' me )ts ahead. He» thought that Le Lunaiim Government, which had been so liberal to the Canadian Paciï¬c, should ex- tend some of their smiles to the Grand Trunk. The dividends, as previously an- nounced, were adopted. UNITED STATES‘ Sam Small is anxious to become Governor of Georgia. N. P. B. Wells, treasurer of the Seneca Falls Savings Bmk, was arrested for embez zlement. Experiments in connection with antidotes for snake bites are In progress at the Smith sonian Institution, New York. Mr. Phelps, the United States Minister to England, wears a. suit of \Vesb of England tweed, thh but and overgaiters of the same material. He is followed bv a footman in livery, who, the Pittsburg Chronicle alleges, carefully picks up the h’a that his august master drops. Mr. Gilbert Fraser, British Vice-Consul at New York, is accused of sharp practice against discharged sailors by compelling them to pay for a passage to Liverpool to receive payment of sums due them. The matter is to be laid before the British Gov- ernment. When Thomas Jefferson was chosen Presi- dent of the United States Elder John Le- land, a Beptistclergyman ofC'neshire, Muss†proposed that his flock should celebrate the victory by making for the new chief magis- trate the biggest cheese the world had ever seen. Every man and woman who owned a cow was to give for this cheese all the milk yielded on a certain day onlyâ€"no federal cow must contribute a. drop. A huge cider press was ï¬tted up to make It in, and on the appointed day the whole country turned out with pails and tubs of curd, the girls and women in their best gowns and ribbons, and the men in their Sunday coats and clean shirt collars. The cheese was put to press AKansas woman worth3million dollarshas married an hotel waiter. This is a good op- portunity to ring in that axiom, “ Every- thing comea to him who waits.†Judge Hare, of Philadelphia, recently gave this advice to a wife-beater who was discharged upon the appeal of the abused woman :-â€"“ \Vhen you ï¬nd yourself getting angry again ï¬ll your mouth with water and keep it shut till you cool off.†Most of the pupils of a young ladies boarding school at Buffalo wear birds in their hats, and the other day some one plac- ed a crumb of bread in each of their bills. They were a funny-looking lot: of hats and most of the owners wore them out in the street before the trick was discovered. Norfolk, Va†claims the distinction of being the world’s greatest peanut; market. It dispases every year of 2,000,000 bushels of peanuts, most of which are grown in Vir- ginia. The loss to the manufacturing interests of the city of \Vinona, Minn., by the floods is estimated at $1,000,000. The lumbering in- terest alone loses $250,000. The river is four miles wide at Winona. A farmer near Flint, Mich, is mourning the death of two geese that; he had kept for 50 years. They quit raising goalings ‘25 years ago and after that he kept them to help take care of the broods of other geese. THE. WEEK’S EEWS. with prayer and hymn singing and great so lemnity. \Vhen it; was well dried it weighed 1,600 pounds. In was placed on a. sleigh and Elder John Leland drove with it all the way to Washington. It was a journev of three weeks. All the country had heard of the big cheese and came out to look at it as the elder drove along. FOREIGN. Four hundred ejectment decrees have been ssued by the Galwny Quarter Sessions. Dr. Junker, the German explorer, ï¬rmly believes that Stanley is now with Emin Bey. Nine thousand emigrants left the Mersey last week, half of whom were bound for Canada. ‘ Mr. D. J. Condon, M. P. for ELst Tippe- rary, has been arrested for offences under the Crimes Act. General Boulanger thinks the French Constitution should be remodelled on the American plan. A bill is to be introduced in the British Commons on Wednesday to give county government: to Ireland. The chief clerk of the Greek treasury has been arrested for embezzling ï¬ve million fmncs of the public funds. Forty thousand foreign Jews residing in the Russian province of Kherson have been ordered to cross the frontier. The late Emperor William left a. fortune of 24 million marks, one half of which he be~ queathed to the Crown Treasury. The Rusaiun war flotills at Azof wi11_bo reinforced by twelve torpedo boats whxch have been ordered in France. The freedom of the {city of London was gresented to Lord EHartington on Wednes- &y and a banquet was given at the Mansion house. It is said the Pope has instructed Arch- bishop VValsh to compile a report on the National League for comparison with Mgr. Persico’s report. Empress Victoria. has requested the Min- ister of Justice to interfere to prevent the press assailing the physicians in atnendance on the Emperor. Mr. John Morlev, in a speech at Black- burn, appealed to the nation to assist the Liberals in their efforts to compel the Gov- ernment to grant Home Rule to Ireland. The sentence of Rev. Father McFadden, who was sentenced to three months’ impris- onment for holding anti-landlord and anti- police meetings, on his appeal to the Dublin courts, was increased to six months. In replying to an address presented to him by the Nationalist students of Dublin, Mr. O‘Brien said it was curious that an address that had been prepared to celebrate his re~ lease from prison marked his return to prison. The Czar of Russia is said to do much more work than any of his Ministers, and can be found at his desk at almost any hour of the day. He rises before any of his house- hold, atbends mass every morning and is scrupulously exact in the performance of all his religious duties. Mr. Chamberlain, in a. speech before the Birmingham Radical Union, said he found very few persons in America who approved of Mr. Gladstone’s Irish policy, and he believed if the American democracy had to deal with the subject: they would make short work of the monstrous preten- sion of the National League. The Emperor William was not without humour and loved a. quiet joke. It is told that once at a hunt the huntsmen laid ‘28 head of game before him, which they said he had killed. He smiled and quoted:â€" â€"“There are more things in Heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philoso- phy.†Adding :-â€"-“ For is it not a miracle that: I should have killed 28 head While I had only 25 cartridges 3’†The ancient Prussian custom of holding a. “ Black Drawing-room†after the monarch's death was honoured in the breach in the case of the late emperor, Formerly in Prus- sia, so soon as the king was dead, all the Ministers of the Crown, Foreign Ministers, and the Jourt generally, repaired in full dress to the slsce. The ï¬rst rooms they entered were rilliantly lit up, but gradual- ly as they went through the diflerent sp- partments leading to the throne room, the lighting became dimmer, and dimmer, till this last being reached it was found in semi- darkness. Around the throne were group- ed series of Waxwork ï¬gures, deeply veiled with black, representing the chief members of the new Court, and before these all the high dignitaries solemnly passed, bowing themselves out backwards. The wisdom of dropping such grotesque mummery is scarce- ly open to question. (Imam)! Hm men restores grey and faded hair to its natural color sud prevents amng out. A little child, tired of play, had pillowed his head on a. rail and fallen asleep. The train was almost upon him when a. passing stranger rushed forward and saved him from a. horrible death. Perhaps you are asleep on the track, too. You are, if you are ne- glecting the biliousness and constipation which trouble you, in the hope that you will “come all right.†\Vake up, or the train will be upon you ! Constipation is too often the forerunner of a general “ breaking up.†Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Purgative Pclletsgwill regulate your liver, stomach and bowels,!_‘and restore your system to its normal condition. Consumption Surely Cured. To rm: Enrron :â€"Pleaaeinlorm your readers that Ihavea positive remedy for the above named dis- ease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been rmnnently cured. I shall be glad m send two he lee of my remedy runs to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send me their Express and P. 0. aldress. Respectfully. DR. T. A. SLOCUM, 37 Yonge St., Toronto. Ont. The man who stoops to pick upacent often ruins half a dollar’s worth of suspen- ders. Whenever your Stomach or Bowels gal on: 01 or- der, causing Blllonsnees, Dyspepsia. or Indigestion. and met: Latex-Adana sv‘lla, take at once a dose of Dr. usrscn-a Stomach Bltners. Boa: lmlly medlome. All Dmgzlste, 60 cents. \\ by is a dead nigger like a candidate in the background ‘3 Because he is a. dark corse. HUBl ()0an 0mm cures In one minute. It may be that a man can love but one woman in a. lifetime, but how if he going to know unless he tries ? A bass drum may be a. snare and a noisy instrument, but it; is not as loud as a girl’s hair when it is banged. People who we subject 00 bad breath, Ion] comm hngue, or any disorder 0! the Stomach. can M1 once be relieved by using Dr. Carson's Stomach Bittem, 0'25 old And Med lamedv. Ask your Dmgml Asleep on the Railroad Track. Why are Cashmere shawls like deaf peo- ple '2 Because you can't make them here. A Cure for DrunkennesS. The opium habit, depsomania. the morphine habit. nervous prostrstlon caused by the use of tobacco. wakefulness, mental de reeeIon. softening of the brain, eto., premature 01 age. loss of vitality caused by over-exertion of the brain, and loss of natural strength, from any cause whatever. Menâ€"young. old or mlddle~agedâ€"who are broken down from any ottho above causes,or any cause notmentioned above, send your address and 10 cents in stamps for Lu‘non's Treatise, in book form, or Diseanes of Mam. Books sent sealed and secure from observation. Address E. V LUBON 47 Wellinvton stress East. Toronno Ont. P For Saleâ€"Illustrated (lomnpmve Mat. aloa'uo free. R. Ohamhemn. Ton-mm ATENTS procured. Patent: Attorneys, and expem Esb’d 1867. Donald (J. Eldout a Co..'l'oronl.o. WHRK _Midd|esex‘, Oht. The ed “The Dandy," and “ Pat by law, C.W.ALLR.\' a 00.. \ 1‘ '31, 32 and 33, in con. 7, Township of 30011360 acres cleared, balance in hardx about 4 miles from Trout Creek Station 0 Railway, close to school, church. post ofll shingle mill ; there i; a log house, barn, : on it; all free from rock or swamp. For formation apply to Tnos. CORKERY. Ba rre' WANAIDA SHIPPING ()0. - BEEVOI' Line of Steamships. sailing weekly between Montreal and Liverpool. Saloon tickets, Montreal to Liverpool. $40, $50. and 860. Return tickets, $80, $90, and 8110, according to steamer and accommodatlon. Inter- mediate. 830; Round trip tickets, $60. Steerage, 329. Round trip tickets, $40. For further articular-a and to secure b rths, apply to H. E. MU RAY,fGenex-ul Manager, I Custom House Square, Montreal, or togthc Local Agents in the different Twons and Cities. KNITTING Eif.‘;-‘g'2'.“o‘:v£§;'.ii MOI BEAVER LINE 0! STEAMSEHI’S. Saloon Tickets, $40, $50. $60. Return, $80, $90, $110, Intermediate, $30; Steemge,$‘20. Apply to H. E MURRAY, Geu’l. Manager, 1 Custom House Square, MONRTEAL‘ TO TOWN AND VILLAGE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS E have unexcelled facilities for the SALE or EXCHANGE of Newspaper ofï¬ces. Terms, one per cent. Satisfaction guaranteed. MWe have new four good establishments for sale at n bargain, and one publisher wanting a partner. Auxiliary Publishing Company, 33 and 35 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, Ont. H‘CHING FILES. SYMPTOMSâ€"Moisture : intense itchingand shlnzlug; most at night :worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcer» ate. becoming very sore. Swnxzs’s OIN’K‘MBNT shop:- the itching and bleeding, hauls ulceration. and in many cases removes the tumors. It. is equnlly efï¬ca- cious in curing all Skin Diseases. DR. SWAYNE & SON, Proprietsrs, Philadelphia. SwuNn’s Omnuun entire obtained of druggists. Sent by mail to: 50 cen . augmer curedrflt: pilep’dc ï¬ts after , treat, cured e Weakness and Lung Trout; e : John WOOd, 95 03x19 cart sm, cured of Liver Com 1mm and Bimouanee': used only 3 tiny-cent bottles; . J. Baal. 6 August! 8m, troubled for years with Nervous Prostraflon, kw: smell bottles gave her great relief. Sold at 500. a IL I". F. DALLEY & 00.. Proprietors. b Puin Library Buil ng.’l‘oronto. Studentstram British ColumbiaI California, Kansas. Illinois, and quite a. number of other States and Provinces, now in attendance. Write for Descriptive Circulars. 71‘ o x: o N T 0 . G. 0. R033, Chief Engineer. A. ann. Seo'y-Trena Magniï¬cent Parallel Bibles. \Vithrow‘s Popular “ History of Canada," Gough's “Platform Echoes," Dorcheeter’e “Liquor Problem," Sam P. Jones’ “Livine: Words,’ “The Cotta a Physician," ‘ Gough’s “ unlight and Shadow," "Mother, Home and Heaven,†em. Popu lar Books 1 Liberal Terms 1 Write for circulars, terms etc., to WILLIAM Emacs, Publisher. Toronto. THOS. BENGOUGH. CHOICE FARMS FflR SALE IN All PARTS OF "' BAILV‘VAY. These trips will take you into the Great Grain and Stock Regions of Minnesota and Dakota,where are to be bad the most desirable Railway and Government Lands in the United Statesâ€"2,000,000 ACRES of the richest and heat watered farming, grzzing and tim- bered lands for sale at low prices. where they raise both Grain and Stock that Beats the World. J. u, llUCKlNS. Irav. Pass. Agt. 4 Palmer House Block, J. BOOKWALTER, Lmd Commission", St. Paul, Minn. G. H.WARRF.N, Gen Pass. Agc†St. Paul. Minn. - FIRE & BURGLAR PROOF Patent Non- Conducting Doors . a A SPECIALTY. \IAI !| T nnnoc ARTIES wishing to purchase improved Manitoba Farms, from 80 acres upwards, with immediate possession, (all or write to G. I. MAIILSONJk- Arthur's Block, Main at†Winnipeg. Information furnished tree cf charge, and settlers assisted in making selection. MONEY T0 LOAN at current rates of interest. NE FARE F0]: 'l‘lllv} ROUND TRIP.â€"All points in DAKOTA AND MINN JSOTAâ€" April ‘25, 5115' 9 and 23, June 6 and EUâ€"good for 3) days, stop over going and returning. “fl Via St. Paul. Mlnncapolls and I Notice is hereby given that a Dividend of Four per cent. for the current hall 393:, being at the rate of eight per cent. per annum, and a Bonus of Two per cent. upon the paid-up capital of the bank has this day been declared, and that the same will be payable at tl’ebauk and its branches on and after Flirjay, the Fiï¬st day of J‘uuernexï¬. The transfer books; will be closed from the Seven- teenth to the Thirty-ï¬rst day of May, both davs inâ€" cluded. The Annual General fleeting of the stockholders will be held at the Banking house of the Insaicution, on Wednesduv, the Twentieth day of June next. The chair to be taken at noon. By order of the Board. (Signed) D. COULQUN, Established 1366. ï¬gs cwnos zâ€"r MONTREAL AND LEVERPOOL. The Bank of Toronto, April ‘25th, 1888‘ 111E; BOILER INSPECTION nand Insul- _ ance Campnn of Canada. Consulting Engjngcg} n_nc:_Si)li_citors of Patents, ITGBA. 0!! SALE CHEAP ANADIANBUSINE§S UNLVERSLTY THE BANK OF TORONTU. " “W†VAULT DOORS. J. 8:; J_. TAYMLOR, Lawsuit an warned against buyir 99 Aipfringiqg bilgboldey manurfz ANITQB AGENTS 2 AGENTS I â€"SAILING Wm:th Bn'rwmzx. “mum. $303 wmnmo :15: paid. Valuable outï¬t and pa (mlum lrea. P.0. "HIE. Ell V. Amman. IEMW DIVIDEN D NO. 64‘ Prosxdént. Toronto Safe Winks. V um genie: 1:0ch 0! the ant age for Bear {holder mauufact 19 genuine article 2‘ wanted 1887.†m Woxld Building. 1 A 300 Acre Farmâ€"Lots ', Township of Himsworth. 9ance in hardwood bush; CHASLH: BROOKS, rs wishin‘ 15° ; him-M. Keenan ,92 Robert sg. cum If Erysipelas 018 yn ‘tBdeg; Robn. Us: Sec’y 61. Manager. ‘tMAGHENES A. P. .196 on th (I 01" 1781 to M Cashi'er‘ Jim )nf. En "7 ’ “malts, IILCERS. EEC" CHIN“), without the knife. No 7 cure, ho pay. Send stamp for pamphlet. W, L SMITH, M.D., 124 Queen 12., Toronto. v u u . v “‘lnd ow ï¬Uï¬ï¬‚a b Plants- Collections will suit every one. Illustrated Catalogue tree. and go t‘ the ears. palpitation,etc. For sale by all drugglsm Price $1 per box, or 8 boxes for 85, or will be sent: b5 mail on receipt of prlce. Pamphlet on application, THE GRAY MEDICINE 00.. Toronbe. RGSES Will Sharpen the Knife without removing it from the Machine. No farmer should send his machine into the ï¬eld without one. Sample by mail, 300. CLEMENT a (20., Toronto. DR. GRAY’S Speciï¬c has been used for the pat. ï¬lteen years, with great success, in the trentmenk of Nervous Debillby, and all diseases arising from ex- cesses, over-worked brain, loss of vitality, ringing h: OF THE BIBLEâ€"By CHARLES Fem-1m. Profuser Illuatmted â€"Sales marvellaua -â€" Nearly 400,000. Send $1 50 for a. copy and go to work. Agents Wanted. Address. A. G. WATSON, Manager, Toaomo Tum Duposn'om. Toxox'ro. EST IMPORTED ENGLISH SE EEPS, also Small American Hogs Casings. Quality guaranteed. In lots to suit purchasers. Write for prices. J as. Park 85 Song SUFFERING from the eï¬ects of early evil habits, the result of ignorance and folly, who ï¬nd themselves weak. nervous and exhausted ; also MIDDLE-AGED and OLD MEN who are broken down from the eï¬ects of abuse or over-work, and in advanczd life icelthe consequences of youmful excess, send for and read M. V. Lubon‘s Treatise on the Diseases of Men. The book will be sent sealed to any address on receipt of two 30. stunps. Address M. V. LUBON, Wellington St. E., Toronto, Ont. 759 TO 763 YONGE ST. City Ofï¬ce’s Why do you use those Expensive American and Canadian Baking Powders when you can get as good and wholesome at one half the price? Prove it by try- ing the Cook‘s Gem. Manufactured by ELLIS 86 KEIG-HLEY. - Toronto, R. PARKER & CO oils, and Burning Brands, &6. Semi for Catalogue. BARBER BROS. 00.. 87 Scolt 817.. Toronto. Cooks’ Gem AKENG PWDER RHEUMATESM CONSTIPATEON WEAK NERVES KEDNEY COMPLAINTS DVSPEPSEA WELLS. RICHARDSON 8: CO., Prop?» Montreal, Que 100 Oolborne Street. 4 John StreetNorth‘ K H E U M A I i :5 M PAINE'S CELEIIY COMPOUND puriï¬es the blood. It drives out the lactic acid, which causes Rheumatism, and restores the bleach making organs to a healthy condition. The true remedy for Rheumatism. Pmn‘s CELERY COMPOUND is not a. Cathar- tic. It is a. laxative, giving easy and natural action to the bowels. Regularity surely folâ€" lows its use. Recommended by profession! and business men. Send to: book. Price $1.00. Sold by Drugglsts. PAINE’S CELERY COMPOUND is a Nerve Tonic which never fails. Containing Celery and Coca, those wonderful stimulants, it speed- ily cures all nervous disorders. ann's CELERY COMPOUND quickly restores the liver and kidneys to perfect health. This curative power combined with its nerve mics, makes it the best remedy for all kidney complaints. ' PAINE’S CELEnY COMPOUND strengthens the stomach, and quiets the nerves of the diges- tive organs. This 15 why it cures even the worst cases of Dyspepsia. URES Nervous Prostration, Nervous â€"Xicadachc, Neuralgia, Nervous Weakness, Stomach and Liver Discascs,Rhcumatism,Dyspepsia, and all affections of the Kidneyn. WEBSTER BRos., FLORISTS, HAMILTON. RUBBER VSTAMPSWEE Nervous Debility. DYEEHG AND CLEANING YOUNG MEN Works and Head omccs : 209 Yonge Street, 393 Queen St. West. TORONTO 226 Queen St. East. Bicycles ! Second - llama Bicycles and Trlcvcles. Send for List. New Catalogue ‘eady in April. péimd A- 'I'- LANE, MONTREAL, and all othgg lgedding and 120 Brantford, Ont. Hamilton. Onfl. And everybody should study how they can best secure the blessing 01a robust and VIGOROL‘S CONSTITUTION. The food we eat has everything to do with our physical development, and too little attention is given to the selection of nourishing food. Scienï¬m Analysis has proved that JOHNSTIDN’S FLUID BEEF con- tains all the elements of a perfect food that will build up a strong constitution and nourish BRAIN, BONE and MUSCLE. THE GLORY OF A MAN IS HIS STRENGTH SEALS Sten ï¬if AL’BANY‘S’KMWRKP’GD’E v. SPECIAL BUCKET r ‘ RETURN TRAP. Co‘ï¬nï¬i's cmmmuu 1121’s M Line Royal Mail Steamship: TAKE no mum PRICE 6 can Sailing during winter from Portland every Thurs- day and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in summer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, calling at Londouderry to land mails and Jasangers for Scotland and Ireland; also from Baltimore, Vin Halifax and St, John’s, N. F , to Liverpool fortnightly during summer months. The steamers of the Glam gow lines sail during winter to and from Halifax, Portland, Boston and Philadelphia; and durlng sum- mer between Glasgow and Montreal weekly; Glasgow and Boston weekly, and Glnagow and Philadelphia fortnightly. Have all the latest Vimpro‘vements Van‘l a:e_u_negua_l_led for durability, style {and cmvenience. The leadln Carrinze Builders sell them. ASK FOR THEM anl n1- mus. . ~ For fraught, passage, or other information apply to A.Schumachct 8503., Baltimore; S. Cunard st 00., Halifax; Shea a 00., St. John's, N. F,; Wm. Thomp- son 8; 00., St. John, N. B.; Allan 8: 00., Cbiea ; Love & Alden, New York. H- Bouflier, Town 0; Allans, Rae a: 00.. Quebec: Wm. Brookie, Philadel- phia; H. A. Allen, Portkmd. Boston, Montreal. ï¬UY No OTHER REAMAKER’S YEAST mm Celebrated Han- cock Inspirntor. Wflreshnm's Antennae Ila-starting Injector. WMorrison 8 Automatic Sight Feed Lubricator. LIFEng'ineera’ é: Plumb- crs' Supplies of every descripzion. Send (or L. 18, circulars. HTS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, A life long study. I WARRANT my remedy to CURE the worst cases. Because others have {alledis no reason for not now receivm a. cure. Send at once ioratreatise and aFREE 0mm of mv INFALLIBLE REMEDY. Give Ex res: and Post 96109. It costs you nothing or a trial, and 1t wxll cure you. Address When I say CURE I do not mean merely to stop them for a. time, and then have them re- turn again. I MEAN_A RADICAL CURE. I have made the dxsease of Dr. H. G. 30017.37, range St., Time, Ont. ALWAYS AHEAD! READ made with this St wok ï¬"s£ prizcsaag 132 CHAMPION Im- proved Safes, at prices within the reach of all. 1 cm send you r. szxfe,made in the best mannvr, withCOm- himtion Lock and weli ï¬nished in every re- sppct. for $40, on da- liverv at your station. S4 nd for circular. S. 8. KIMBALL, 577 Craig Sn, P. 0. Box 946. Montreal. P. Q ience. The l‘eadin;