Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 May 1888, p. 5

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Ne PROCT Rich MOR' mt lea ment JIM Com: next ’1 seve 2. Tm {ICH 3&40 Six G1 Rochesm LIBERAL Rea< materi: Qunrte Methodu services. wh a. m. On t meeting wil M when vou can at us to insert the follow at. their Inst meeting \Vomeus Christian rI presses its regret at t, commissioners in gm hotel at Cut Na Horse N: loxvest fig: Fire Brigade Meeting. The Richmond Hill Fire Brigade Will hold its first pmutice of the season to-morrow (Friday) evening. After the practice the business meeting win he heiu in the Council Chamber. Members Rhould bear in mind that two finns will be exucted from this dam. from those who are absent. Let every man be at his post in good time. and tho 1 corner 0! Improvements Post-Maater Teefy and Reev commenced spring imnrnveme met is having built a high pic fiween his ref-idvnce and the I this will self, All \Vool Canadian Tweed per yd., Scotch Tweeds from per yd. at the Concrete, 21} Eoods. the The bright. the ra mg c uuKofiu The W. C} T VV’hv soil OICG summer not “me however DCI' ,utl a1 I’CCEU the at att T. U. of this village have asked Lhe following resolution, passed meetinmâ€"“Resolved that the ristian Temperance Union ex- egret at the action of the License arsin granting a license for a Elgin Mills." ils all sizes, Clinch Nails, ils at the Concrete, at ures. : Teefy and Reeve Pug=ley have pring imnrovements. The for- : built a high picked fence be- ldence and the Palmer House, has enc‘.osed his lot on the ge St. and Lorne Avenue. The he can Show us something new in the line of gardening. We in for him doing the work him- solution Passed kxm your Pillow Shams, get a holder for 750, {wet iY ’inC :and Pai t Savages be h xt Sabh 8.1M d ocnduct the (a, at 10 o’clock, ing the business Wall 5 35C ’K >u1t Immigrant Children. Mr. John T. Middlemere, the fender ot the Orphan Children’s Emigration Charity: London, Ont.,left Liverpool on the 27th inst, in the S. S. “Lake Ontario" with a party of 50 girls and 120 boys betWeen the ages of 6 and 18 years, who are brought out to this country for adoption erhire, chieflv among farmers. They are expected to arrive at the Guthrie Home. near the city, on or about the 9th of May. This will be Mr. Middlemore's ‘ 15th annual Vlait to these shores with jnve- nile emigrants from Birmingham. England, Fillet-l 1872. Already many applications ac- companied with good references have been made for the children expl cted to arrive, but more are required. Further particulars may I he obtained bv addressing Ml" H. Gibbens, i Mnnuger of the Guthrie Home, London; Ont. Now is your time for 'Wall Papers! Over 2000 rolls and 3000 yards of Bordering sold this season, and an- other new stock on hand at Savage's an SERBOI', and few places are yet stirring: in the mailer. Arbor Day has been (1mm pnpulnr iu thj: village for a number of 5&3:er. and n . doubt the Rec“) will shortly is-ne his annual proclamation. If a dozen good healthy trees live from year to year and grow to matmitv. on“, day in each year will not be spent in vain. Trees should be planted before the middle of the mouth. Next Monday, being the first Monday in Muy. the annual meeting of the Richmond Hill Mechanics’ Institute will be held. Ev. ery ticket-holder. male or female. is entitled to be present and take part in the busimeSs, and will be made welcome. As there are over one hundred members there should be a large attendance on Monday night. The old Board of Directors have worked well, but it is to be hoped the annual meeting will be large enoth to make a selection of new nifice bearers. We feel certain that a little new blood diffused into the Institute would [ldll to the interest. of this useful insritutian. The meeting will be in the Library Room, in the rear of the Masonic Hull, commencing at. 8 o‘clock We clip the following marriage notice from the Lanncetou Examiner of the Shh of March, a paper publislmi in the far distant island of Tasmania. Though the boys may get on the opposite side of the earth it seems they cannot be trusted, and George is no exception to the rule :â€"“ An interesting; ccremnny took place here yesiei'dny, when Mr. George Milton Buynon, late of Canada, was united in Wedlouk to Miss Morley, daughter of the late Mr. R Morley, of Cressy. The ceremony was performed at the church of the Holy Trinity, by lhe Rev. J. M. Nor- man, incumbent, and besides the bridal party, which was a large oneI there was a WWII) number of spectntors presmt. The hnDpy couple were afterwards driven to the residenceof the bride’s mother, where a lfirfie number of relatives and fiiends pnr- , took of the wedding breakfast. and the newly wedded pair left amid showers of rice and gooi wishes from assemble-l friends for Launceston, en route Scousdule. where they purpose spending their honeymoon " l Kept on hand, or ms the shortest notice PLANEDIJH MOULD Always on hand. FIRST-CLASS In connection with 1: custom sawing “'1” be guaranteed and prices The above factory RICHMOND S'l‘., R Nov. 25th. 1886-3111 ME ewe nu rlv3 mmnrrow (Friday) rs the (late nxeu by of this Lieutenant. Governor for Arbor Day ughnut tlw Province. In this pnl‘t of be], “A, cunutry it. wears a “file early in the sushi}; 01-, and few places are yet stirring in the MN R ter. Arbor Day has been quite pnpulur ” hj: village for a number of years. and 11:. ht the Reew will shorrly is-ne his annual :lamalion. If a dozen good healthy Lrees 00011110 Muff J in the 1 very ea Lmvrel r the holL A” mor: books. Among the worka of Ficnwn V. E. P. lion's noveis which will be im pleasure. Those who are lint a!- members of the Institute should nut. a too late in the season to joinI as it is 011,11 the fee, 50 cents, to have the pri"- a' reading those books for the last half year. Dim id ribrnry committe % have, during ti U new volumes L 30118. Among tl' dm Directors‘ Me :tors of the Rio“: ancuhuml Scci \pples, Prunes, Dates, FAgS, t lowest figure Sa'e of 'ow (Fri mam. ( I'VE New Bo‘ Annual Meeting [w Cash Home W Arbor Day lll I u articlr unibur to can llD‘ 1m :en bring in mexr ro- ppoiuted in the differ- 'nrruugemeuts will be of the fair on the 24.11 Hymeneal Furniturl the date fixed by 1' for Arbor Duy fthe Mechnnius‘ 3st. Week. ad'ied ntiel mort v public am will go hnuld n already large uh Raisins, Papioca, at the 11a w :11 u u cheap ; mm the. DUI ll] yard [mm mg rcligh fmnilv to and class but Whoa in! and s embittere the futhe taught tc istic in 5 districts moral efl The followin Report of the C has been hande panda-ms. Pu The following, taken from the last Annual Ieporl: of the Ontario Agricultural College. has been handed us by one of our corres- pondents. Put it in ynur pipe and smoke it : â€"“ I am Sorry to suy that a number of students have RN“ to be gnz-xlted as smokers; but it is true now. as it. Was three years ago, that our best students are nearly all now smokers. The first year students of 1887 Won 131 firsbclnss honors. Of these 19 were taken by smokers and 112 by non-smok- ei‘s. The second year studean wan 114â€"4 going to Smokers and 110 to non-smokers. Of the 15 first-class men in departments, 2 “Widower Jones." We have received from the Sheppard P lishing Company a copy of Mr. E. E. Sl pm‘d's lutest novel. “Widower Jones," wl has just been concluded in the Fire: W-vckly rind Saturday Night. It. is I! s clmcriptiive of Canadian farm life nnxl 4 tnius many laughable piissnges. \Vith Joms. the Deacon, is n. character, true liie, which, it is to be regretted, is founri many of our christian churches. Mr. 8' yard pictures him as a. man who, with St ing religious 2H1], would {Jrce his wife. fiiiuilv to attend church, the pl'rl)‘PI‘-ulP( and class-meeting, under any circunrtn: but whose severity and cruelty sent his is fill mid sacrificing Wife to an early grave embittered the sons and daughters ag: ‘ the father whom they should have taught. to honor. Though the tale is istic in some parts of the uutaught districts of Canada, we fail to see its; moral effect on the rising gent‘ralifln, in many cases, are only too Willing to 1 life uncomfortable for "the old man." the trouble and remorse which fell to Deacon‘s lot later in his life hail been 1: ed by others than his own family the rel oi the book would certainly any he ceived his just rewnrdr In our issue of two weeks ago we in the death notice of Mrs. Rulvelc Rwy who, some years ago. was a. much res resident. of this village. Wu tn of publishing the following 0 from the Conservative, of Iowa, believing it Will be nppre fneuds of the family here :â€"" of this well known and eat-inm‘. ocunnml Tlmrsluy Muruiug. l llex'i'e>inln-1)ceiv1 tuis city, hm‘ sustainml a (nu-hing aml in Mrs. lidylll-Illd, \vlmse mnixh Rlul‘.’ .l. Qmith. “an: burn Man Mrs. Raymund, whose mman mums War Elfin] J. Smith. was burn March 17m. 18.}0. iu the cuuntv «11' Kent. Eugluuxl, and 2.! u very early age came Wllll her parents to Lawrenceburg. Induma, where shn lired un- til the age of 17, when she removed to Rich- mond Hill, Canada. October 4111, 1848, she was married to h‘nhert Raymond, of Rich- mond Hill. There have been born to them six children. Anna, wife of Hubert Trench, of Manitoba ; Lihbie, widow of the late Dr. N. J. Pbck. of Indepmdeuce; Kate, wife of Arch 0. Smith. of Buffalo. N. Y. ; Emum wife of S. A. Badges, of Maquoketa; James C. and Frances, wife of O. F. Grant, of In- dependence. Iu 1873 Mrs. Raymund with her husband and all her children with the C. and Frances, wife of C. F. Grant, of In- dependence, In 1873 Mrs. Raymund wizh her husband and all her children with the exception of the eldest daughter, came to live in this city,wbere she lived until her death, and was well known and universally esteemed and respected. Her deaLll resulted from a very distressing nfiaction of the heart. and for the last four years her iife was one physical discomfort and painful affliction, which were borne so mildly and patiently that the anxious husbdud and dutiful child- ren who surrounded her, nuver heard from her lips a murmur of impatience 01' even a Lamas, snsn, mums. 8:6. sigh of pain. Are now v. PL ANED LUMBER, MOULDING S, &C. custom sawing wx‘ll be done. guaranteed and prlces moderate FIRST-CLASS SAW-MILL a fag Llflflfisfilée 9 $3.98 IE4 AWANGE. Smokers and N on-Smokers Having bought the above-mama). mill and put everything in Fl EST-CLASS ORDER. re uuw prepared to take Contracts for all kinds of Buildings. is not often Lappeu that. our privileged to serenade hm couples on the same evening. y evening, however, was un ex gle. The Band, under the 1' Mr. W. Shepard, after pinyin the Lorne Hall to make 311‘ ‘ug was in good order, procw iouco of Mr. T. Palmer to hes .x'ue at such a. time, on his sec and his happy bride. who 11‘ I from their marriage tour. ivveral selections Lhcy turner ulhwnrti to Mr. Hurding’s n hey conferred the same to! I on Mr. & Mrs. Bowes, whose chrrmuled a couple of Wee ere hmpimbly entertained and the treasurer on mturuiu; Kept on hand, A‘ways on hand. There is also a. The above factory is situated on M rs. Raymond's Death L. INNES & SONS 311'. & Mrs. Bowes, wb xcled a couple of ' mapimbly entertaine Le treasurer on retur much better conditio nt of view. RICHMOND HILL Serenading. md 110 to non-smut; m men in departments 13 non-smokers ; and whose names will be in dates, 3 were smokers or made to order on notice. A stock of RICHMOND HIL] the factory, where Lurnl College. ' our 0011133- 3 and smoke a number of ed as smokers; ree years ago, go we insuried herb R-Iymond, inch respected take the libvrty I ollzum'v takuu Indepeudunce, recintedby the -" In the able lu:’|v,\vhich April .1211). at '1‘ fumin :mw rernrM-lv luss. den mum: was ruhl'lcu, 1.350, uni, and M u fined by In the r manage flt z fouu from md Widow true village newly- Huv mnrr w ['11 All work that. [0 the. son jast ving 11,81: ch at Pel‘SflnS often ask themselves the questiuu. “Why it is that the public from the Suburbs flock to our store to buy their wares while others as favorably located are cnmpnrmively idle ? ” It is a. well known fact that women are closer shoppers than men. it is 2). Well known fact that your wife can invariably tell you in which store she can save in making her purchases. We are. led to this reasoning by watching the great number of hidies that have become rugular customers at; our establishment from adjacent places and it has become a. household proverb that; the Mammoth is the , @mgfibfie Amumem EconomicalFamfly Shopping Store In \Vhite H S. THOMPSON, &SUN, all MAMMGTH HOUSE, mm STREET EAST TQRQNTQ. THE LIGHTâ€"RUNNING NEW WILLIAMS Takes the Lead. most perfect fiewmg M; to the public ; (may to man-age, case hardened in durable. You can ul with an Me e have the most comfortable w all the safeguards around c y Twenty. e deem it a pleasure and a p] early and see our GRAND SPRING DISPLAY BEAfiGEEABLE REASGNING ‘ou can be supplied as cheap as by any other pevsm Rece nt improvements m Cotton 28 yards for $1. a Cottone, yard wide. 20 yrd. for $1 uckers. nice goods, 6c. yard. UXBRIDGE ORGAN “fix unv other of first-class make, or if you need. a. mid )ffects at 10‘ I Debiges a1 THIS SILVER-PLATED INSTRUMENT n’s & Boy's Clothing 1“qu Tweed E waed Suits $5. awe Suits 34 notations only WCIUIIB Dress Goods PIANO m 40c a large stafi' of the best cutters that money will procure ) leave the premises unless perfect in every respect. 1 Vests $1. 1 Pants $1.50. 1g and Summer Overcoats $4 1 Cushme choice, a ll(. J. LUSH, Richmond E111. Staples {my )1»: M 1’()( 22c Suits from 98L gnawâ€"Mm ,5 makes it the achine offered 9 19am, easy to parts makes [30 be supplied nd a privile s on second floor table ahd best lighted department in the city. We Jnd our customers and save them Flve to Six Dollars on ctina is note mgdicine or a diguszin ting Vapor, c y and pleasuuily Actlna No. 2.â€"Qu1c‘.~:ly rcli ves In 6 CATARRH IMPOSSIBLE UNDER ITS INFLUENCE ta,th remedy ever offered to the public on J mmntee given with each inntrumeub, W. '1‘. THE 6 Splendid Prints 20 yard Cottonudcs extra heavy Heavy Crape Cretonnes Lybster Shirtings 90. ya Honev Comb Quills 1211'; Pure Linen Towels very Crash and Roller Towel Fancv Scrim at 100. yar Plaili Halifax all wool Suits $11. Genuine Irish Serge Suits 1 Scotch Tweed Suicings $16. Genuine English \Vorsteds Bring, the little OHlS w you goods whether buy B‘ine Linen Towels very large 10c. yard. and Roller Towelling from 40. yd. Scrim at 100‘ yard. md Lace striped Muslins 5 to 20c. vard. S ta‘pleSâ€"C'onti'nued Ordered Clothing Out AND LUN Us. yzml. lis large size 75c. each nits $15 150 yard 9c. yard‘ Space permits lie on 15 days trial: W. '1‘. BABE A: 00., utaS garment not

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