p 11.., am when H 8.411. SRector mn: Rev and COME fig? BUY Fine Teas, Coffees, Cocoa, SANDERSON BROS†DRUGGISTS, Typhoiï¬ It “Ion-ks Like Magic! TRY H'fl‘! TRY ET! It Builds up the Entire SPRING SF 1888 ST. M nl m Chocolateï¬f AND FRUITS l‘H ncept the 1 the service SundaySch RICHMOND HILL, 611101] Juts, Candies of W MA ONFECTIONS, Malaria, .or B1110us Fevers. A a 31 (U3 as, Dates, F fofe full all Churciw Societies. SVS’EGI HMOND HILL ESE Wï¬lï¬ E W kmds. ‘.pri1 flirts 31C€ AI ment are held tun RBV.W. I A. M._. No Mnsomc E t1 01’} im‘lf mile Hall at 8 07:10 sat 111 melt for ,‘rt Rich hi do}: 125m ice at :1 OJ M. 11 flh e day the Gore has mounting to $256 meet any losses U Gm-e is "(>th for ment of its losses Cash and Mutual pally doing bnsin hazardous farm 0 49th Amm llll Kin FIRE 1836 I T0 FARMERS ! HEURY’S AURORA. RICHMOND mm Purely a Home 00131} ESTHER TENN Y5! HQ I mu. ya. to by ma Head Oflju Plov The undersizned keeps on hand at h untin Allk CHARG blished in the year 1836. 2 business in Ontario fur over my. During this time nnmh k and Mutuals have failed, 1: the Gore has at its back ass nting to $256,280.07, wherew t any losses mat may occur. 3 is noth for its equiky in t of its losses. It is the cl | and Mutual Fire Insurance and Re] insnrln i‘ w ‘ protect your bni-l htniua by insurms: {ntual Fire lnsur arm r interests. Why 1 ruteï¬, when the Gm lass farm property t< rsL-clasa for J; 9121‘ cw contean being (1650 e. pays full value, th contrary notwnhst; ets tn pay losses, $25 rm insurance of only mpare this with amv f Implements mauufnctm‘ JUDI )ECE ASED residence Sprin Ml aplfum Led f FIRE! FIRE @5361 1836 nplepa the full nt of the 1' three fuï¬â€˜m ‘10.. always in Etdvcttiscmmw. Ali calls promptly yr telephone. Galb, (Inturig. N 7 TOP ness in Outwh DX‘Operty. Sm apart of this {UPEBT‘ where. mid t‘ , Apply paper.) ï¬rms strou This lll' fl ARM 18 I' 3W8 of ev and comm per cent. ing destrny 11 1‘. SAIGEON shy , .wuu. any UH )1 16,011t $53. 1888 it! l I In Siï¬m Ema! & Emma “7 1‘ W1 IMPORTED GOODS RICHMOND Am w A) C. TREVE'I'HAN, Riel XXX Pine Shingl 31‘ Posts andLaths. Apply 20. MR. C. TEE ASK FOR DR. HODDER‘S COMPOUND. ml J.M d‘i BEE-MW.» E’ ) R other. Sold everywhere R. HODDER 933$ mmxmn Tnm‘sdm’, May 11 per bushel OB SA] ce ntmt ea Proprietors 1m ‘LFRED LLOYD. is, per 100 lbs llm-ters zlum'tgrs bbl st received a ma gui Ehe MEDIUM 1‘ u 1)} flï¬iTEï¬QS MB PWTMGE‘E. a § ing country t he very ï¬nest llllt aré all .mht into Richmond Hill Jr 100 bush AT THI WYME Hazarkcts. Thur mm Pleasant, Eï¬'ectlml [INC ‘1 t1 Richmond Hill and gen J Purely CU RES 11 HIM 12 Disease [mu all was of Ht Voget :mse m- weaku 1r] he is i Ll Tweed 40 '11 what- se Misin in ates for ohility table, in 'it‘. a“ .5.» .w Spring Dress 81 Prints, (300 Cal Silk Teas, Coffees, Soc BarleyBeans, MOQDE’S mam - VVHEI. CHOTEGE CQRBGTJUEEQ STEELE BROS; & RE n! I"!!! “It: out! Hypiurelï¬er (‘1 0:0on ‘din BuVV :2; SEE GODS; ? Ukyiï¬ 0129 mh Vï¬ , El )D