that the township of Markham will produCe her usual quantity of grain, and the sample will be much better than that of last year. The same may be said of Vaughan, except in the northern part, where it suflered from drought. It is a rare thing to hear of a poor potato ï¬eld. and roots generally are good. Hay was a light crop the province over. The crop bulletins .01" the Provmcial Bureau of Industries will be issued about the end of August, when peo- ple can get a pretty correet idea or Toronto the averagegenerally speak- ing, is good, and the sample is ex- cellcul. But in the east, more es- pecially :in the Ottawadistrict, farm< xers are gloomy, and the yield will be much below the average. Coming nearer home many people contend that the former will in time be re- duced to a two-master school. But with other schools we have nothing to do, our work is at home. We have every reason to be proud of the school in our midst. \Ve have only to look around us to point to scores of men holding prominent positions, men who are an honor to their coun- try. and who owe their education to Richmond Hih's High School. Let every citizen feel a pride in assisting so worthy an institution. No apology is necessary in again referring to a question in which all classes of people are so much inter- ested. 'Vth THE LIBERAL last made mention of the prospects it held that an average crcp would re- sult from Spring sowino. \Vith the last heavy showers of rain the pros-' pects are still brighter, but cheermg as this may be, several counties here and there have suffered severely from the continued dry weather. \Vest of those already in existence cannot be denied, but Richmond Hill with a large sweep of country on all sides should be able to hold her own with any in the county. Newmarket and Aurora being only Iour miles apart, both w111'~suffer, and the chances are During the past tew weeks the impresston seems to have got abroad that the Board of Education purpos- cd reducing the salary of the Prin- cipalship of our High School for the coming year. \N’e are glad to state that the prompt actlon of the Board at its last meeting, instructing the Secretary to advertise tor a Head Master at the same salary as at present, namelv $1000 per annum, does not bear out this impression. It is true the rate levied on the vill- age tor High School purposes this year Wlll be high, but the Board wisely conceived the idea that to re- ‘ duce the salary would be to en- ‘ danger the efï¬ciency of the school. It should also be borne in mind that two-ï¬fths of the amount to be raised this year properly belongs to last year’s assessment. For the past ten years, at least, Richmond Hill High School has maintained an en- viable positton among the education- al institutions of this province, and, with a. good staff of teachers and a watchful Board 0t Trustees, there is no reason why it should not prosper in the future as it has in the past. As We have said on former occas- ions, the County Council committed a grave error in recommending the establlshment of three new High Schools in a county already well supplied with educational advanta- ges. But as the deed has been ac- complished nothing remains for us to do.but to make the best of our situation. That the opening of the new ’schools will be detrimental to RICHMOND HILL. Thursd Farm for Saleâ€"Mmï¬n MncLeod‘ ï¬lm Liberal. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS OUR HIGH SCHOOL THE CROPS. Aug. 9, ’88 FIRSTâ€"CLASS MAPLE WOOD. WC R. PROCTOR. A large quantitv of ï¬rstâ€"class Stove. Nut and Blacksmith’s Coal. Now is the timeto bnv when the price is low. Coal delivered on shortest notice or Dutchmen-s may load then- waggons right from the car, The prooï¬emr has also ior sale at Richmond S-tf Hill Village a lot of Sunset Gold Paint, for gilding chairs, picture frames, fancy baskets, mottoes, and nrnamenta of every description, and only ï¬ve cents a package at Dilworth’s Drug Store, 170 King St. East, Toronto. The Secretary was instructed to return Mr. Nicholl $1.00, which amount he had overpaid at the recent examination. The Chairman, Secretary, Mr. Crosby and Dr. \Vilson were appointed to answer the communication from St. Mary’s High School Board. Meeting adjourned till Monday. Aug. 20th, when applications for position of High School Master will be considered. The original motion was carried, only Mr. Glass supporting ‘he mover and sec- onder of the anundmem. A motion by Mr. Savage, seconded by Mr. Crosby. laid over from last meeting recommending that the High School fees be $9.00 a year was voted down, no one sugporting the mover and seconder. Moved by Mr. Marsh, Scounded by Mr. Trench, that the Secretary be in- structed to advextise in the Globe and Mail for a. Head Master at a salary of $1000 per unnum. Moved in amendment by Mr. Crosby. seconded by Mr. Savage, than the salaly be $800. Moved by Mr. Marsh: seconded by Mr. Crosby, that the resignation of Mr. T.H. Reddltt be accepted.â€"Carried. Len lel‘lug ms resxgnatlon as ncad Master of the High School. Also one from St. Mary’s High School Board suggestlng changes in school management. As both were certiï¬ed to as corrept by the Inspector‘ it was moved by Mr‘ Cxosby, seconded by Mr. Savage, that the bills be paid â€"Carried. The Secretary read the fullowing epin- municatiuns. From Mr. T. H. Redditt, tenieriug his resignation as Head Master Minutes of previous meeting read and conï¬rmed. The following bills were presented:â€" From J. E. Dickson, for 7 days presiding at. Departmental Examinations, puï¬nlgc‘ &c., $32,412; from T. F. McMahon, sup- pliez for Departmental Examinations, $900. The Richmond Hill School Board held Its monthly meeting on Monday, August 6th inst. Members present: Messrs. Brown (Chairman), Switzer, Crosby, Trench, Glass. Naughton, Savage, Mush, Duncan and Dr, Wilson. Did you ever plant the silver eyed Inâ€" dian Corn '1 If you have ,it be sure and do it next year, but if by chance you should have had a pair of bums wluch caused a. corn, which is the plague of your life, just call at Dilwoth’s Drug Store, 170 King St, East. Toronto, where you can get a. box of Chinese Corn Salve for the small sum of ten cents, which will take out your corus without pdin in less time than you can walk from here to Hog's Hollow. RICHMOND HILL STATION upper lip hanging low,†there must be a mistake, as it was the unanimous opinion of the spectators they took their defeat like men. The Herald reporter also inâ€" sinuates that, if he chose, he could dis- close improper Conduct on their way home. Of this I know nothing, but am satisï¬ed they conducted themselves in a gentlemanin manner while on the lacrosse ï¬eld, as in fact the Torontos always have done so in visiting our village. In conclusion he suggests that the To- rontos “ put on the reinainimv six of the team that compose the Champions of the World and then play them a game, and if they do not ï¬nd their betters they will their equals in the Young Canadians.†This is idle talk and if encouraged might ‘ endanger the friendship of two clubs 1 which have always worked in harmony. I see no reason why mention should be made of the superiority of either team. YuUNG CANADIAN. i To the Editor of Tm: LIBERAL : SIR,â€" As a member of the Ynnng Can- adian Lacrosse club I disapprove of the report given in last week’s Herald, of the match played here between our club and the Torontns. The account is not only vulgar, but unfair to the visitors who came here at our request to play a friendly game. The reason assigned for the loss (If the ï¬fth game is unï¬t to be inserted in any newspaper. As t0 the Torontos “ leaving the ï¬eld with their Rock Spring Coal ()il at Drug Store, we sell at same I other stores charge for common Oil. Dilwnrth’s an Store, Nipissing Hotel, Toronto. the situation in all parts of Ontario. When so much depends on the farmer it is not surprising to ï¬nd merchants and prolessional men walclning the prospects as closely as those directly interested. The undemigned has now on hand at School Board Meeting. Lacrosse Match. game. The reason assigned for Jf the ï¬fth game is unï¬t to be in any newspaper. As t0 the ‘ “ leaving the ï¬eld with their Dllworth’s price that ‘ Canadian next to GOOD BUTTER & EGGS. AT THE CHEAP CASH HOUSE GLEARINGSME. NEVILLE’S Highest Price for SUMMER Raymond Sewing Machines and Eagle Steam Washers Special Value in Hysons. Cungous and Japans. Flour .alwavs on hand. Front Rank and White Lose by Roller Process. I still contmue to sell the celebrated First-class workmen will be employed, and farmers placing their machinery in our hands for repairs may rely on good_ Work at; low rates. \Ve will keep in stock a_ full line of Patterson d: Bro. Co’s Flows, Gang Flows, &c., also the well kuovrn Wilson Fanning Mill. FJarmers having Binders to repair will please bring them in as earlv as peasible. 'Plow points and extras for any make of plow always on hand. Binder Twine may be had at any time] P. S.â€"All orders for repairs must be accompanied by price wish catalogue] letter and number with year of make. P. G. SAVAGE. Manager We have arranged with Patterson & Bro.Co. , of Woodstock (formerly of Patterson) to handle their repairs in this part of the country. A full stock of repalrs and extras for any and all of their implements may be found at our warerooms, Bals., Oxford Shoes, Ankle Tie Slippers, and Slippers of every description, Ladies’ & M1sses’ \Vigwams. Also a variety of children’s ware. Sewed 8c Pegged Custom Work and repairing neatly and promptly done. FiRST-CLASS GROCERIES 3 REPAER SHOP The largest and best assorted in town. We have full control of the following lines :â€"Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Common Sense American \Valking Boots, Gentlemen’s Oxford Ties, Oxford Shoes, Alhgator Bals., §eamless Bals., &c. Ladies French Kid Boots, Oil Goat Here we are again with our IMMEIVSE S1’.’1§ENG STOCK Z L-ORNE STOP E0 PRINTS, CHAMBRAYS, GINGHAM39 MUSLINS, DRESS GGODS, LAGES, EMBROIDEREES and all MELLINERY GOODS Are magniï¬cently assorted. Crockery at wholesale prices; Highest price for Butter and Eggs. Should procure their supplies at the noted Concrete House, Richmond Hill. ALSO IN Hardwam Gmcmes, AND All persons in Richmond Hill and surroum who desire to get the very best possible their monev in all YONGE STREET, RICHMOND HILL- CONCRETE HOUS Produce of all kinds taken in exchange £0: goods and highest prices allowed; DIRECT IMPORTEB. SUMMER RICHMOND HILL. CROCKERY FOR CHEAP, FRESH AND TU THE LORNE STORE. H". XEï¬CHCLLS, Sec’y, Box 439 GEO. '1‘ BENCH )le lug Townships value for