Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Aug 1888, p. 5

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To Victona Squargf A large land or the members and friends of we Methodist Church. 22 in uumberfiruve .uver to Victoria Squue on Tuesday evening. and visited the prayer-meelmg there. The servwes were conducted by the Rev. Mr. fiuuedge, who queumpzpiod we had. 5lbs. choice 30c. Ea or 3 lbs. extra 40c. tea tor SJ and 4 box-es Matches at Newlle's. The lightning on indny night played haven with the telephone instruments. In PRU“?er cfiice the arrester was completely burnt ofi by the electricity and a new one :had to be inserted. 021 Funny. prevxous to 41.13 storm, it was scarcely safe to put one‘s ear to the phone so Severe was the hissing noise. For a tame all communication almig the line was suspended. For 5 bars best Pure Gold Elec- tric soap go to The Concrete. things mete. The Boranlis in its last issue says :â€" " Alderman Lloyd is having his front paint- ed. and not before it was called for.” Who can doubt the enterprise of Aurora after this? Newmarket is being iefv. far behind at every snide. We have often heard of men being whitewashed, but this is the first instance brought to our notice of an Alderman being subjected to a coat. of paint. Until further noti finichmond Hill Post For best voétizza currants at 8c. per lb. go to The Concrete. Vaughan Council. The next meeting of Vaughan Council will be held on Tuesday, the 14th inst, com- mencing at 10 o'clock a, m. Sherwood. - Rev. J. Fishburn will preach in the Luth- eran Church, 4th Con. Vaughan, on Sunday next, at10.30 a. m. The same gentleman will occupy the pulpit in Murray Chapel, 6th Con. Vaughan. at 'i in the evening. The lacrosse match plays-J at Acton on Saturday between the club of that place and the Young Canadians resulted in the home team winning by three games to one. The match was not. finished when the visitors had to leave for the train. l‘hnmhill . Weston V. .. Davenport PMden... TORONTO Brnck S Union A gold pin in the shape of a horse-shoe was left at a neighbor‘s house some time ago. The owner may have the same by call- ing at THE LIBERAL office. fFor magnifiCcnt Ivory dinnerware that beats all competition go to The Concrete. v1! ewm nrl min-om... ‘Kinq. Connects with all 111 House Rinhmnn] Hill Mai & Express.1\'orth Accommodation “ Mail 62 Express North For a nice Tea Set 44. pieces at $1.90 go to The Concrete. nbové) 5.80 N. B.â€"â€"Rogistered Letters must be handed in at least Fxflneen Minutes mrlier than the above mentioned hours for closimz. For the best value in grey and -wh1te cottons g9 to The Concrete. Sanderson Bros" Druggists, have a. great curiosity 1n the form of a snapping turtle. A good advertising medium. In last week’s letter on "Richmoud Hill gud Vicinity,” Port Perry should have been Port Hope. For all summer goods at 0031: go to The Concrete. l’urkdu Drweup ‘Vescon mpnuosn 11mg! .. . PRUCTOR’S STAGE LINE. MORNING Sale price of all-wool fine grey Flannels, I7 cents at Neville’s. The Fire Brigade are contemplating an excursion to Big Bay Point, if satisfactorv rates can be obtained. EVENING RICHMOND HILL. Thursday, Aug. 9. ’88 Th @711 v N. R. R TORONTO. Cltv Hall Toâ€"morrow is Aurora‘s Civic Holiday. ‘HMON’T >rnhill r'or CHI}! Hall POST OFFICE NOTICE Uni Brn‘ ‘rnhm....‘. “ 13mer HILI LO(3A]JS}. the neatest and most artistic in millinery go to The Con- )l‘l xrther notice Mails will be closed at the 1 Hill Post Office as follows:â€" â€"Gnmg North.soulh East and Str Hard on Telephones \Vest, Maple 3mng 5 ‘antastic Alduman. acrosse Match. GOIN( . TIME TABLE. DING NORTH fiihcwi. bold Pin Erratum including Thornhill, Toronto. Mm‘khmn,&c. ruth.Enst and West (as M. TEEFY. Postmaster us. leavin ms folInWs SOUTH ‘uth , I11 Accom Acoor the Palmer less fha-n '5-59 ' F0; 0.5:) [v 6.02 that L‘ 3122 Crete. 0.32 6.41 - - ,_ 3:1“; The‘ 7.23 a mum! _ time at [(5.1% and evg 6:16‘ inn the :32 about f H . I. occupu qbout g." apparel v.30 For 7 37 ford, . 7.45 ;_ ,_ A _ Mrs. Madeline Campbell .and George Jarvis disappeared from Cleveland some time on Thursday night of last week. Their trial for adultery Was sat for the next. day, but when the dune cums the pair had ,fluwn. IL is said that, very Lith effort will .be made to find ‘tbvm. ' 0 THE DEAF.â€"A person cured of Deafness and noises in the head of 2‘ yeah’ standing by a simple remedy, Mll send a description of it mum to any per- son who applies to NICHoLsuN, 30 St. John St, Montreal. 4-1y at the scene or the accident during the after.- noon. Since writing the above a collision between two traigut u-uius occurred between Newmmket and the Landing The PBSSWK” truin from me north did not reach Richmond Hill station ungil lale 1n the afternoon, on Wednesdayâ€"the day of the accident. Owing to a smash-up on the Northern last Friday the mid-day papers did not reach the village (ill the following morning. A broken axle in a freight min from the north gave way between Richmond Hill and Thornhill stations. causing the wreckage of _eeverul cars. The truck was also badly torn up. A wrecking Lmin soonnrrived, but it. was sev- mal hours before business could be resumed. Tho Orillis. train, which leaves that. town at 8.25 a. m.. was detained at King from one o‘clouk till six p. m. Fortunately no one was seriously injured, though one of the "Mn bands .was thrown, from the top of a 08F. several rods, landing in :1 field along the railroad. Some hundreds of people gathered Township Council. A special meeting of the Markham Town- ship Council was held at Webber’a Hotel, Unionville, on July 28th Members all pres- ent. the Reeve in the chair. A deputation from Markham Village consisting of Messrs. Thomas and Ash was present re. settlement Railway Bonus. After having heard the views of the deputation, Mr. Slater, seconded by Mr. Gould, moved that it the Reeve is unable to obtain a. satisfactory arbitration or settlement with the corporation of the village of Markham re. Railway Bonus before the 3rd of August .next. he be and is hereby authorized to enter a suit against said cor- poration {oi the recovery of the same. and the Clerk be instructed to send a copy 01’ this resolution to the Clerk of Markham Village. On motion the Council adjourned. ing, composition and dictation ; third day, grammar, geography and history. A paper on agriculture will be set M the extremes ex- amination in July, 1889. but the subject will be an odtional one, and any marks, thereon will be counted as a bonus. No provision has been made in the circular for a paper on Scientific Temperance, so it. seems that the subject is not placed on an equal footing with the study of Agriculture. Neville’s Clearing Sale continuefi w1th prices agam reduced. Summefr goods and remnants must go. 5’. The thunder storm on Friday night was unusually severe in the vicinity of Maple and Carrville. Several buildings were pretty well shaken by the strong wind which 9.0- companied the thunder and lightning. Trees were struck by the dozen, some of them be- ing shattered to pieces. Just south of Maple Mr. W. Lines’ rharn was burnt to the ground. His {all wheat and barley were all consumed, together with some of his farm implements. We believe the building was insured, but un- fortunately for Mr. Lines there was none on the contents. Education Department. The next entrance examination to High Schnols and Collegiate Institutes will be held on December 19th, 20th and 218?. next. A cilcular stating the limit of studies in the various subjects has just been issued by the department. The time-table of the examin- ationz’s as follows :â€"First day, literature and writing ; second day, ariubmetic, draw- The regular monthly meeting of the Rich- mond Hill Fire Brigade was held in the Council Chamber last Friday evening. Aug. 3rd. Minutes of last meeting: were read and adopted. An account from Mr. G. Trenq'h was ordered to be paid. Alex. McKenzie’s resignation was accepted, and Colin McLesip was reinstated. Elie ballot was passed for John Crossman. who was elected a. member of the Brigade. The Executive Council were appointed a committee to arrange for a. holiday in connection with the Fire Brigade. Before adjourniog a motion was carried to have a practice and business meeting on Friday evening, August 10th. Great slaughtering has taken place this year in the Departmentnl Examixmlidns for ‘Zml and 3rd class certificates. Some six 01‘ seven schools failed completely in passing any candidates. ‘In our High Scbom Miss E. Lane was the only Fuccessful one. A the number of each school is given in th' report instead of the nnmp, we are not prej- pured to say how the other High Schools of the county fared. The percentage will 1)? low all over the province. l, Methodist Chair. The choir of the Methodist Church, with n uumbnr of invited guest“, hgui n plensunt time at Bond‘s Lake lnal."l‘hursdn_v nfterndnn nml evening. Bunting wile indulng iu dur- ing the afternoon. relreshmonts were served about 6 o‘clock, and again the ' lmnts were occupier] {of a. couple nfhnurs. The party, about 30, returned about 10 n. 111.. all having appurently enjoyed the afternoon"s outing. For extra .value in Crankie, OX- ford, HarvaPé and Canadian shirt- ing go to The Concrete. The well-known farm. “ Drynoch," the homestvnd of'the late CULNurmnn MacLeod, will be offered for sale by public auction, at Bond’s La‘ke'Hotel,-on Saturdnj, Aug. 18th. 71888, at. 2 o'clock p. m. For n genllemun‘s country residence um place cannot be ' beat- r-n. and the farm is well adapted for stock or grain. For deseription, terms. &c., see au~ grain other For value "in ready made clothing that beats Toronto 2010 The Con- age Fire Brigade Meeting Farm for Sale Barn Burned. Smash-Up. The Exams. m. " Drynoch." the JULNurmnn MacLeod, by public auction, at If you want goud cn-pa cultivate the ground thwrunghly, and yet another mat- ter uf as much importance is to cultivate the melunry so that. it will dlrvct you with a certaint) to the place where you can get !be best. and cheapest coal 011 for the least money. To ensure that let the words Dilwurth’s Drug Store be firmly impresned nn yuur mind‘ and don‘t you furget it, 170 King St. East, Toronto. THE LIBERAL MCDUSALDâ€"AtMflple, on Saturday Aummt the ‘ “In. John McDonald, 5:2. in the 58th year of his we. 1 small-In Richmond Hill, on Momlav, the 6th of August, the mfe a: J. A. E. Switior. of a. daughtqr. Cough ! Cough ~! Cough ‘! Cough 3 stop that cough ! I can’t get. any rest at all. Are you asleep, David ‘2 Yes, fatller ! brill! me another cold tame Qnmce Congh Cure will cermmly cure any for_m of cnld No house should be without It. Sold at Dilworth’s Drug Store, next Nip- issing Hotel, King St. East, Toronto. Only 25 cents. Mr. Andrew Newton left on Saturday for a trip t'P-I'OIIMI diflerent American cities. He will visit New York. Boston amd Philadelphia on business in connection with the Immuâ€" fncture of leatbez. Without a doubt Messrs. Newton Bros. arenmong the leading tauners of this province. Mr. J. Devlin has‘been selected one of the jurors for the General Sessions, which open in Toronto in September. Mr. T. H. Redditt, having resigned the Head Mastership of our High School, has ac- cepted a similar position in the new school in Aurora, which will be opened on the 27th of this month. His many friends here will be sorry to learn of his removal. Mr. A. Proctor. oi" the State of Michigan, spent Tuesday and Wednesday with relatives and friends in the village. Mrs. Benuet and daughter, of Toronto. have been making a visit with MrsBrilliuger. of the Dominion House, during the past week. a Miss Minnie Munshaw, of Toronto, and her friend, Miss CooJey. are spending a week at the residence of Mr. R. Marsh and with other friends in the village and vicinity. Mr. J. E. Clubiue. with a number of his Aurora friends, started on Tuesday for a ten days’ camping expedition on the Georgian Bay. The party will ‘v‘ pitch their tent, " among the picturesque Scenery facing the village of Penetauguisbene. will be meteoric showers of wit and humor, 3 grand display of intellectual pyrotechnics that will throw natural phenomenon into the shade,electrify all the "fixed stars" as they sit in their several orbits, illuminate the “satel- lites" as they revolve around the common centre making their countenances glow with incandescent he it, the natural and reflected light illuminating the scene of action with unprecedented brilliancy.until the candelabra of our lodge room, ashamed of its ieebie glimmer, will withdraw its rays in the pres- ence of a light superior to its own. Miss M. Campbell, of Markham, is makmg a visit with her brothgr, Mr. A. J. Campbell. Mrs. C. Hall, of STpriughil]. and Master Allie Hall, are visiting at Mr. A. J. Rupert‘s. Mrs. Leavens and children, of Toronto, are spending a. few weeks with their relu- tives, Mr. and Mrs. A. Linkluter. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Beeby. of Arcade. N Y., spent 9. few days in the village the guests of Mr. J. M. Davis, and started on Monday lust for a trip to the ’J‘housaud Islands. Mr. Armand Teefy returned to Chicago to-day. Mr. J. H. Sanderson started on his Owen Sound trip on Tuesday morning. Mr. 0. Storey, of Toronto, is taking a week‘s rest from his daily avocation, and is visiting his relatives here. Last Tuesday eveniig the members of the Richmond Hill Temple of It. T. of '1‘. spent a pleasant and profitable eVeuiDg in their lodge room in the Tempsraum Hall. Alter the initiation of three candidates, under the rule of “Good 01 the Order," excellent selections of music and songs were given, with readings and short addresses. An announcement was made that according to the daily press there would be from the 8th to the 12th iiist., a display of meteors, which the astron- omers say are sure to descend through the atmosphere in greater or less numbers. 011 the 10th inst... between 9 and 12 o'clock, our earth will make a plunge through the meteor- ic zone, set the meteors on fire by the con- cussion of the earth's atmosphere, and pitch them down .in the form of shooting stars, in hundreds, lem‘ing luminous trails behind them, which will last for several seconds. Several members of the lodge at once enter- ed on an animated discussion on the origin of meteors, their erratic movements, remarki- able appearances and strange characteristics. At the close of the lodge the programme for the next meeting was announced. Next Tuesday evening there Will be another me- teoric phemsnon. ’l‘wo stars of the first magnitude in the Richmond Hill Temple of the R. T. of T. will move in their orbits and discuss “ Woman’s influence and how it should be applied." There will be a mag- nificent display of meteors and shooting stars. with long luminous trails behind them, illuminating the lodge with coruscations and scintillations of peculiar brilliancy. When those two great orbs of light plunge into the meteoric zone of woman‘s influence,there Lacross: M etch. A Lacrosse Match will be play-‘d on the Park next Saturday ha‘yweeu the Tecumuetbu, of Toronto. and the YLung Canadians. Ad- unssiun 10 cents; grand stand free. Ball faced at. 4.30. $1.00 PERSONALS. BIRTHS. [HEAT "5 thc Royals ner Yeah j MISS LYO‘XS. Bifimoud am, May 19:“, 1,352. AND W115 MAKING. Gn'e us a trial and judge for yourselves Richmond Hill, where they are prepared to do weak in all the latest and mole approved stylear We offer Splendid Fitting Suits, and in 150 different patterns, $5, easily worth $7 25 wholesale. These Suits, if sold in the regular retail way, would bring $9. Our Great Big Plum in Men’s Clothing comprising 1,633 Suits. regular wholesale price $11.50, and we are turning them out for $9. The cloth alone is worth more than we are asking for the Whole Suit complete. Look them all through and then come to us, and if we fail to convince :Uhe most skeptical that our prices are not; at least 58 per cent.lower than those of any other dealer we will give a. whole outfit free. Measures for Men. Read our Champion Ofi'er. and don’t try to duplicate it, for it can't be done. We offer a. Man’s Suit for $2.50 that cost $4.78 wholesale. 7 v _ 7.“..-“5 -..-.-. out for $9. The cloth alone is worth 1 “3:25:33,tgogfigggegewgzviewgg gm}: than”? are aSkmg for the Whole doing. Drive in if you can. Come by 111 comp eve. water, by stage or on foot, for there’s Look them all through and then come money for you in the expedition. That to us, and if we fail to convince the most there shall be no excuse, we will pav the skeptical that our prices are not at least railroad fare of any person within a radi- 58 per cent.lower than those of any other us of fifty miles, who comes to our sale dealer we will give a whole outfit free. and buys $10 worth of goods or upwards. BOUNCING BARGAINS FOR BOYSâ€"An honest statement always carries weight; can you believe one when you hear it I In black and white we tell you what. we are doing in Boys’ Clothing. A Dandy Suit for the Boy, and mind you only 58 cents. People often run away with the idea that a cheap line is only ad- vertised for a bait, and that when they come around say the boy is too big for the clothes and try to sell something else. This is not our style (we leave that for oth- ers to do). Don’t be afraid to ask for these suits. Our salesmen wont say the pro- prietor is out and that they can’t find them. We have stacks of boys’ suits at 58c. A. Wholesale Stock of Clothing bought at 52 1-2 on the Dollar. Man’s, Youths‘ & Bays” “binning. and 1,300 Pairs of Pants Extra. WWI, the Wonderful fiheap Man, Satisfacuos Guaranteed Ai-ways. The undersigned have commenced busmess in LAW’S DRUG STORE, The Greaiesi Discovery of the Age. Price - - $3. ‘ "\emxssiODS. Et'c. The only a pliariceé giving a direct current of i ctrlcity to the parts“ (Jan he wornni' t or day > ' without inconvenience. Hundrids f-res. gimonials on file from those cured of female diseases, pmns 1n heel: and ipsgead and limbs. nervous debility, general debility. lumbago, rheumatism. para-LVSIS. neuralgiajcieticm disease of the kidneys, spinal disease, torpid liver, gout, 1cuconhma,_catan-h ol the bladder 'sexual exhaustion, seminal emissions, asthmehmrt disease. dyspepsia. constipation erysip-i else. indigestion, impotenc ., piles. epilepsy. dumb ngue and diabetes. Send stamp for handsomely illustrated boo ’ and health journal. Correspondence strictlÂ¥confidentiaL Conq sulcacion and electrical treatment free. Agents wanted everywhere. Pat. eb.26t.h, 1887 Cures Guaranteed Medicated Electric Belt 00.. l55 Queen St. West, Toronto, Canada. THIS SILVER-PLMED INSTRUMENT MISS FCBLONG. 1238 KING STREET? E4®L§ST West Door Petley 8c Petley‘s 01d Stand. DRESS The only catmh remedy ever offered to the public on 15 days trial; a. written arantee given with each instrument. W. T. BAEB 62 Co., 155 Queen treat West, Toronto, Ont. Aptina is aota mgdicine or a digusting lotion or powder ban, but a Self-genera.- thg Vapgg', (333111 a‘n‘d‘plua‘sp‘ntly npplfigd at n1.l‘hours, tim‘gsgpd pl‘aces; nus v (tyne, Unanly uuu luunawuhly uppucu um uu uuula, mun): uuu Luau-AN. Actina.No. 2.â€"chkly relieves and thoroughly cures all Throat and Lung dlseases. V â€"Actma No. Positively cures all diseases of the Eye, Cataract Gran ulated Ey Ids, Inflamed Eyes, new: and my: sightedness TEE EYE TREATED WHILE CLOSED. - TEE ACTINA 18 SOLD UNDEI‘. om: ‘WRITTEN GUARANTEE ON 15 DAYS TRIAL. Enclose stamp for haudsomeiy illustrated book and health journal. W. '1‘. BABE & C0., 155 Queen Street; West. Toronto. Ont: 0 1 CATARRH IMPOSSIBLE UNDER ITS INFLUENCE THE GREAT EYE AND LUNG RESTORER Medicated for 3.11 diseases of the blood and ner- vous sygtem. Ladies' Belt 32 for female com- glaints It has no equal. Mena‘ Belt 83, combined elt and Suspeusory $5. {It Builds up the Entire ! System. Typhoid; SANDERSON BROS” DRUGGISTS RICHMOND HILL. . IRGN NEE TOMS E l1 “'orks Lake GOUGH, THE WENDEHFUL GHEAP MAN On the Trail of Tottering Houses that; require Money. All 0M Values Blown out. of Sight. E PRICES OF SIX WEEKS AGO SPLiTTO SPLINTERS I SPRING- GF 1888 One M an's extremity is another Man?s Opportunity. ()ur grlp on the market has brought this Bargain to our counters. \Ve want. the public to know just what we ofl'er. When we say the goods are bargains they are positive. When we say no such picnic was ever before ofl'ured we have the gnuds to back up the state- ment. “'9 nail the flag of cheap and guod clothing. of brilliant, sparkling bar- gains to the mast and defy any clothier in the world to lower our colors. What We Say About These Goods. MEDICATED ELESTRIC Now is the time to strengthrm yours =â€"-the spring workâ€"- MANUFACTURED ONLY BY Mialaria. or AND \VABD OF} Ike Nlnzic! TRY IT! TRY IT! Bilious Fevers. Seminal weakness; errors of youth. lost Iqauhood, _ .nigh 121 y

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