Vlmt from Mitchell. where he has been “Vining at. the blacksmith trade. As he haliduy season is ubont over 1mm of nnr Visitors have returned home auer voting Onk Ridges just the spot to épcnu .1ch weeks rusticutmg. bout ndâ€" ing and engaging in the many pleasuxable objects of eujnyment to he fnund here. A yuuch trum Richmond Hill who Was spending :1 short time here has disap- ;‘esu-ed rather suddenly and there is no tldiugs of him at. time'of writing but wé hopo he will have Lumed up by the time tins appeal-3}" prjnt. Mags-rs. Flenr‘y's & Wilkin=on’s em- p!"de and their families are mtvndmg t-o From our own Corresponden. Mr Jumes Lnnghurst, annld resident of this place. passed away on Snndav swung after a shun. illness, M the age of 7?. The cause of death was quinsy. He had been residing at Inni-fil for some time uuu «may returned here uhuuu a year ago. imnd Hugle), son of Mr.John Hugley of this place has remrned hnme for a short If you want gOnd crops cultivate the Eu»ou th.nruu,\_{lxly, and yet another mat- h r nf as much Importance. is to cultivate the memory so that it will direct you mm a certainty tn the place. where yuu mu gut the best and cheapest coal 011 for the Ir Isl: money. To ensure that let the words Dllwurth’s Drug Sture be ï¬rmly lmplczsa‘ed un your mind_ and don’t you fume! it} 170 ng St. East, Toronto. With one who can for the faith that : the peculiar modl which he shows Sin, the common ‘ bm, the common ioe, wn ct'ner of the heart or of the intellect, should be met by a union of Chnstian torces, not internectne quarrels amongthem- selves. And it is an encouraging Sign that the varqu denominations are beginning to practically ac- knowledge this. ' for his eloquent and posiiion 01 what is the phrase ‘Christ‘s Church It is a splendid and m; to that one-sided zeal dwarf Christianity Into 5 S A IOU l d ent constituted. there are three Re- publicans more than Democrats. Three was the majority against the ratiï¬cation ofthe Treaty. Here is a line text for a sermon lrom Gold- win Smith. Never did party show itself more oblivious of country. Both Canadian and American pa- pers generally agreed that the United States had gained every- thing and had conceded nothing in return. In spite or that the Repub- licans were unable to accept a ben- eï¬t, however great, from the hands of detested political opponents. The rejection of the Treaty was not the result of patriotism. The Republicans would have none of it simply because it had been nego- tiated by a Democratic adminis- tration. In the Senate, as at pres- be. By a strict party vote the United States Senate has rejected the 1’sih- cries Treaty. The old troubles be- tween our neighbors and ourselves will again become actIVe. \Ve wish that tacts could warrant us to hold out the assurance that the Dominion Goyernment will be as prompt to maintain and defend Canadian rights as it was lavish in its Concessions in order to remove the cause of dis- putes. What will be, however, will ‘CuIC u RICHMOND HILL. Thursday, Aug. 23‘ ’88 Voters‘ List-M. Teefy‘ ‘Mc mm. Christians of those u] the NEW ADVERTISEMENTS n dctcrmm feel ,«zratelul 10 FISHER! ES TREA TY. vud k CA NON F UaK nidges. ) \V tvr souled s wk: on Sulh.uu)' next. olitics 1 to Lanon Farrar and flaithful ex- ; meant by the hnrch on earth.’ ‘d manly rebuke zeal that would reater what 4131.24]? dcn< to Can to sectarianism, that preaches rater than the gmg answer :ctarles who government favoriteism, 2 rise of a is the great )6 minations a man's His an- I uuuu IU ‘ last Mr enrnea m .x S in a day Eu c? wax. young'or old Capiui um wavï¬ve" Vim are stand her ThMe vhn rat-n It once tn Alumna»; um 01qu wk hum All ladi- In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their hberul putt )nage during the past twenï¬y-ï¬ve ye..rs, I beg to re- mind them and the gemxal publiq, thax having erecteé entirely new and com~ modioui premises. I am enabled to supply PLATFORM SPRING W A G UN 3 . Phaetons, Buggies. Cutters, charge ï¬elds are Krnh't‘. but thMo wnn w 4% Sumwu S CaJ'onlnnd. Lune‘wlll recmre (we, YuH iufmm'mm. “out work \.m.4 "Iu-vcnn do. and lire-u W‘meJhI'ï¬H v 1}- |hcm from 55 In 3.5 W my. mum have Oh ! my cams are me plague of my life. I don’t intend to put. in such an- other week, if I know it. Thus. Johnson says he got a box of Chinese Corn Salve and it took them out, 111 three applicatiuns without pain, he says It can be got at Dilmnth’s Drug Store, 170 King St. E, Torunto, for ten cents a bux, and he will send it to you by mail without extra. from it trip to the UOl'lem L .kc.~. pronounces this the must, delightful .w Invigorating trip that. can be taken at. l season of 1211:: year. Rev. Deck left his home Gernmutuwn, lhila. Pin, Wednesday last. TREN CH’S -CARRIAGE WORKS.- nesdav evenmg me 2:" icacream. sandwiches from 6 to 8 p. 111., afte program will be given (Vocal and Instrumeu Speeches. Talent has Toronto, \Vundbridge Tickets 25 cents. Pl'm manage furniahing fund invited to attend. Mr. Frank Burkholder and s‘s‘er, nf Thromo.speut a few days with their sister Mrs. John Line. Miss Katie Beatty, of Toronto, is visit- mg with fliellds in the ammunily. A'Cunzert and Garden Party will be held at the Lutheran Pmmnage on Wed- hood tor the past few days. ()1: Thursday last Mr. Cunnor tllrcslxed 1300 bushels uf grain for Mr. John IVIcLeuu and umverd fuur miles in the evening, drawing tank, thresher and hands and haul the umclnnu set in guud time. This is the labest und is a. gmnd thing. Ml“. Jus. Tyndall, of Richmnlld Hill, was the guest of M r. John “'ataun jr. on the 12th inst. Our public school opened last Monday with a, good attendance. Miss Nellie, Franks has been saloon-d to ï¬ll the de- partment left, by Miss Wells. Mr. James Connor‘s tracziunâ€"engine and thrusher has been in this ncighlmr- hood tor the past few days. ()1: Thursday Mlllerabnrgh, Pa", have returned to their home. They spent a very pleasant tune, vxsicing among their old friends and re- turned home feeling that they had been beneï¬ted by their visit. On Sunday eVen~ ing the 19th insm, Rev. Mr. FlShb-n‘ll pneachci an interesting and instructive sermon from Luke 9, 01. Many Were there to hear him. Miss Lottie \Vurster, of Kleiubul'g,wns a guest at. the parsonage a few days Inqt week. Horse - Shoeing Our football club deserves credit. On Thursday the 16th inst;., a team of the Thistle football club of this nhu-o, went, to Concord and played a game at" football ‘ with the team of that place at the Garden Party of Mr. Remnan’s. in ï¬rst half time Concord had somewhat the advant- age of our team and stunned Sherwood goal pretty hard, securing two games. In second half time the tables turned and Sherwood had a hand in that work. They puured shot after shot on the goal, and. but for the alertness and deftness of Con- cord goal-keepor, many games would have been scored. At the end of 25 minutes our boys had two games to their fianl‘ making it admw. The remaining half time was spent in wrangling, of which we refrain from speaking. After the match all returned to the house and enjoyed the delicious edibles prepared by the ladies of Concord, and listened to the music and speeches given by different persons prosâ€" ant. Farmers are chiefly done with their nar- Vest in our locality, some havng min a few loads to haul in yet. Generally the yield is good. especially oats, and the far- mers have no need for coiupluiut. Rev. J. Fish_buru and daughter Ella,of TLLd special attention m, \VM TIIEKK‘iI RICHMOND HILL. (nae, fun informumx‘ lbous work whiu thev can do. and "vent hnmglhav will my than ï¬nal†to $15 no: any. guns hgvg Talent has been sewn: \Vundbridge and e): cents. Proceeds in ait Sleighs and Sherwood. arriages, urn llSI. 'l'e:t,C--J will be he: Inch 5!. Fish“ sisting of m Recitations u h acted ch and ll] Highest Price for EECED BUTTER 86 EGGS. CHEAP CASH HOUSE iGLEflREFéMM iNEVILLE’S AT THE SUMMER Raymond Sewing Machines cmd Eagle Steam Wasl SPecia1 Yum†?"_H.V80ua. Cungous and Japans. Fluur alwavs un hand. Fn-nt new}; and “ lute Luau by Roller From. I still wuLiuuc to sell the celebrateu P. G. SAVAGE‘ Mama First class workmen will be employed, and farmers [ï¬rming Lb: hands for repairs may rely on good work at, low rates. “'5 \a line of PatterSUn d: Bro. Co’s Flows, Gang Flows, &c.. also 1.1 Fanning Mill. Farmers having Binders to repair will phase as pussible. Plow points and extras fur any make of flow am 1’. S.â€"â€"A11 orders for We have arranged with Paflersuu & Bro.Cu., of Woodstock (formerly of Patten-Sm to handle theu‘ repairs in this part of the country. A L111 Stuck of repairs and extras fur any and all of their implements may be found at our wan-«rooms, wâ€"v,»-.v A~- ,\---_‘ _‘..-,,,, FIREBT-CLASS GROCEREES REPAIR SHO’P The largest and best assorted in town. We have full control of the following lines tâ€"Ladie Gentlemen’s Common Sense American \Valking Gentlemen’s Oxford Ties, Oxford Shoes, Alligator Seamless Bals, &c. Ladies French Kid Boots, Oil 132115., Oxford Shoes, Ankle Tie Slippers, and Slip}: every description, Ladies’ & Misses’ \Vigwnms. variety of children’s ware. Sewed &. Pegged Custom and repairing neatly and promptly done. Here we are again 'V IRISIER’SE Sl’IRIN<f% flaxd‘fmm Gmammg Are magniï¬cently assorted. Crockery at w Highest price for Butter and E .E‘ii M, LORNE* STOR E Should procure their All per GONG ï¬â€"uz YONGE STREET, RICHMONDEE wuuc: 0; iï¬ï¬UiUï¬ï¬ï¬‚iï¬ï¬ :rsolns in Richmond Hill and surrounding wh'o‘deSIre to get the very best possible vii their money in all DIRECT 5.57;)» RICHMOND HILL kiuah alien in exchange [or goods and higbeu pm»: an. .m SUMMER NGHAMS. MU ELENE _-.. .......,u v" Mun“. ~u.uv. Twine may be hafd at. anytime] repairs must be accompanied by price with catalogue: letter and number with year of make. QIGHMOND RILEY. gar SEREES and; all DRESS GGGES, LAGES AND ZROCKERY RETE FOR CHEAP, 1" {ESH AND CHAMBEAW TU THE LOR‘NE STORE. sup ALSO IN Ipplies at the noted Concrete Ho: Richmond Hill. MELLENERY IlVlPO] ng Hows, &c.. 31:50 the neHVkuuwn Wilson to repair win phase bring them in as Ieurlv any make of plow aAwaya ou uaud. Binder H. A. NICHUI 1 HQUSE placing their machinery in our :3. \Ve will keg-p in stock a full GEO I ' ‘ H? ‘ .4" “C 1.51m s3, Boots, ()il Gc and Slippers imvams. Also as:â€"Ladies’ \Valking B Alhgator E Boots. Oil 1 LuLJ. holesale prices: HILL- fllue lg boots, or Bals, Oil Goat OW L I. e m )I and