Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Aug 1888, p. 5

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| ToztON'i‘O' Cough ! U-mgh ! Cough I C--ugh that cough E I can’t gm any rest. a Are you "sleep. David I Yes, fr hriuu me nnothnr ould who L‘ C'lflgh Cure will vermu-‘y cure am nf cEM N-- h- niv sLmIld be \- J!“ leld at Dilw- rth'a D- :1; S'nre, “ex i=silxg H--'_c.‘, K. « St. E ut. TV A nice line of all \‘ Goods selling at 10c. per Concrete. the reserve bill l‘iglhest bill wa ‘. 0. Among t were Mr. Hem Toronto, and E Lansing. Mr. M. Vnnl on Tuesdav hv ue uus transmmen or delivered Copies of the Voter-5' List for 1988 to those \mmled m we mum, and that a copy of said list. is posted up for inspection in his ofl'ice. Eiectors are called upon to examine the pamphlet. and if any omissions or errors are discovn-‘red to have them corrected according to law. 'Last Tuesday evening, Lfler the openin'v uremouies, the doors of the Royal Templurs‘ Lodge were thrown open for visitors. A goodly number entered, and were entertmned “21h the following imprompm programme : Rmdingsâ€"A Temperance Incident. The Dog mud the Lobster. Five Cam 3 (Haas. How We Dutchman Killed in Woodchuck. A Hard Shell Bapnsk‘s Sermon. Musicâ€"Mann iu the Gold. Gold Grnund. Who nuns fvl' my Mm)? The Stream of Time. a duet. and a Mail former presentihg rubber coat, to be the 24th. A mnti meSe gentlemen f hn, Kim Amn New A large conSIgnment at Fail an- \\'inter Goods for the Concrete. ex 5. S. Devonia, from Gla‘sgow, re- ported at New York on the arst I) n v N ewm ru'ket; A urm'n. PRUCTOR’S unking the fenthm's fly when ‘Jr. V. the latter had reason n \ossionately fond or poulu‘y. t was found to be a good-sized widentiy had made its way up ‘rom the stream which runs ch TOI {Immoxu HILL, Thursday mm” alonuay YEN sures wrnhill The Concrete is the righ r China,G’ranite and Prim inner and Tea Sets at w High At a meeting 0‘ euiug cnmmuw :ssrs. Walton A: 8 Western Insur 00.. of the T The Mad for sale I Mr. M. Teefy, Clerk o! the villng nnd Hill. gives notice on number has (mummified or delivered (:0; nti ntil fnrthm- nnbi lunoml Hill Post POST OFF TIC lty Hull our citiz )N'I‘O mrket IJOEIAEJS ND HILL species Holiday and Pu k Street Hall n HILL Donatiws to Fircm 11 H. th :11) hr mu] Hill as, \‘01111 Naturalfiistory. ndwrhnrg's hennorf. _v a small quadrup as. Judging 11v 1h mthprs fly when ( GOIN( The Royals can’t gm any rest. at. all‘ ). David? Yes, father! v1c Holiday Not Sold 316?? fi ‘rth )routo Rubber 00.. the $10. and the latter a distributed in prizes on m was passed thanking ‘1' their handsome donut.- TIM mu, 05 lb Thomsot the I iions Liqhtl Mail ICE NOTICE km hall at foot I good til d will b ‘cession Schoo 40 STAGE LIP c at ‘ire . OI igh )I Um \V illl er me openim Royul Templurs' or visitors. A were eutermmed e read from r, "gents for i T. McEltny. at 11 C--ugh ! stnn \V l vard at the e wny he Wu the morning! 9! Q ads 31' R10 Dres INF 1.. m rum: sions which came hefore ineni. intelligently. but wanted no time In disputing on Lninor matters. A petition was presented from Ringwood people reminding the council of the dangerous conditiun of a bridge in that Village, and asking that ll be put in proper repair. A petition was also presented asking: niu to grade side-line betvveen lots 5 and n in 7m concession. A report from W. A. Nth Uurmnck and S. Baker recommended p y- ment for building wire fume at Mussulmau's Luke. Mr. Brodie, chairman of A committee reported that huVing exuinined pond-hole on Lots 13 and 14 in 6th con., iln-y cannot re- commend u when. tie at present there is a dispute as to the rut! owner of that pnl‘li- oular place. Your reporter is of the opinion that will case will yet be set'led in the courts. A petition was presented from H. Kennedy and several Ulhel‘s,u8klllg the coun- ci- to pay $2 a Week to F. Graham for the maint‘ x unce of James Spring. an invalid “13' “M: from cancer. \V. A. McCormack ILlflVri seconded by G. MuckIem that the clerk A”.in overseers of highwus to remuVe all. no lug stone UK the roxd bed in the town. §hlp~gnrriem A xix-Law Inr levying taxes In school mentions for the year 1888 was read a Dl‘hl unu second lime. liy-an was read 3 Hunt Mule in committee ol tue \vuule,l)epnty Fin”);an in the chall',unu ntterwurds passed. in“: nor County and inwnnnip purposes We}: pmceu as follumzâ€"denernl purpuSes 543” Wib‘ubaol Seulloné $471.00; Industrial Home Selim). The tom assessment of the TUWHHJP w": fuuud to b.) 31.965'627. “up; T99“”"" $2358 75 necessitating a rate of 12 “em” 1“ 1119 5100- Alter vuriwns othvr mat- W” “““= ugflpobed 01' the Council adjourned Saturday las:, August 15m, marks a. new em in tile importance of OM: Judges; ()1: than day tue uunoumble cuuncil of Whilchurch ‘l‘owlwliip sail for th'e first time. in 11 commodious room in Cums‘ Howl. All the members nf the Uuuucil wure preseul. us iv~llows:â€"C. J. Brodie, Bveve; L. 1.. hurt, man, lst. Deputy Reeve; G. Mucklem, 2nd Deputy Reeve. and W. A. McUormnck and S. Baker, Councillors. Busides the above muuy. prominent. gennlemen gruee.l we huli with“ their presence,umoug whom Were the follow, ing: J. W. Uollius, 'l'iensurur; .I. O. Lundy‘ Clerk; N. Bnuun, Iliugwood; J. Young White Rose; S. Lloyd. Aurora; 1t. Thoma W. Norman, Gr. Harper, Ouk Ridges; M _ Murphy. of 6th Con. LIX-Reeve Jones, an W. Young, mgr“ guard from the Peuvtaug' uielieue ltclormnwry. At. noon uour Messrs In. J. Davis M. PJ’. and DepuLY-Recve Emmi of Kiugmmde an informal cull uud uxchuuge . gi‘ertings with Wmtcburcli‘s Municipal budy3 ‘lie Council sat to work deligeutly and dur- ing the day transactod a huge amount of business. The members discussed the ques- Donation received 1 H l‘reuch, R. Kell_v.M.F,ur Unrl‘ drultiug a DUI Lbu c Ladies buy you Dry Goods at the lhe wholesale Drol August 24th was pru- oeed lay and C. Trevelnun and pointed to circulate a pel leave to proclaim that day pic-uic comluinee met vu 1 31st, all the membars brim Following were reported as ;0 run free busSvS and rixs ne wholesale profit on the hklusun, Direct Importer ith ni Tbc Ric teuin] me st. L'bs at 'l‘reuch :vethun 'l'lm fm-m \vulce PP at at prepared to [union of T. 3dditt the pr , was dmppe :er disvussnu J. Hall. J. well. W. Powell :13, ‘. Hopper, J. Bu .ion committee repol mpnny. but md nut, uf tlu‘ If the Briuud mi 2: l 5111 helm: US 5100. After Vul’i'lns oshvr mal- ulspowd 0f the Council adjourned V hummus on Saturday, me 6‘!) x. All secuxeu Well unustiad WIIu nuuau-imn nfluaueu them, and il 15 um uul. ua mug Lu. buns uuuurnbm WV. Hall 11; table Shepard. . l’ugsiev 1.1» in an ofiidal Eupucifiy. Whitchurcl‘. 1U Ill smuti mmitt lute :ppnrd i‘ed Ji L JW Ll in: B ViC 'upOS‘ August 18m, nmrks a. J. Brown ee repel-[yell a! aid from sporLs. rout, Ct 11] U1”: Tl‘t‘Velbz mm. 3f. Bveve; L. L. hurt G. Mucklem, 2nd L McUmmnck um! S. Ides the above muuy‘ need me hali with“ hom Were the follow tSul‘L‘I‘; J. C. Lundy‘ xugwood; J. Young nuroru; 1%. Thoma” The M l’} [L11 us :1 Civic Holi- JL Keliy were apâ€" Ltiuu asking the as such. The veuiug of August. ; present. The S. Snider. itLee on gum McMahun, 39. Mesdnu ug promxsed epicmu nu Rupert, L. Palmer. W. L (.1 UU 1d \Vinter e and save : same.\V. H] DE 'cmcnl m, H \Vnghn Mon 0 HM‘I‘ ‘zthuer. \V‘ rson Bros ud others ttbey had sens inth cit rks a. new Mrs; 011 ‘uuncil of first time. Howl. All present. us m uh’eady The mom- 1.he pric-u of U [or adults r Lhut the thun they 'bility 01 mug \VO Ir (n unto his Ir; the tan 1“ held ‘(lnunea eh I) l'quLl AIR lllr v-oufier own udi 11g lbil were 17th Jru i|l He nvi 1h (‘1! at STOPS Drapplngsfmm A ' Nasal passages sv To’iTs'ET into the throat and excexsive cxpcutomtion caused bv Ca. tan-h. Sold by Druggisns. or sent pre-pajd on receipt of price, 501,. and $1. Address Fain-FORE Ck 50.. Brockvlllo. Olli- ' aausxacnon « ‘ Give us a trml an } MISS FL‘ I Richmond dd}, .‘I Did vou ever plant the silver eyed Inâ€" dian Cum 3 If you have it be sure and do it next year, but if by chance you Shullld have had a pair of bums which caused a Curl}, which is the plague of yunr life, just Call at Dilworlll's Drug Store, 170 King St East. Toronto, wlwre you can get a. box of Chinese C-irn Salve for the small sum of ten cents, which will take nut. ynur earns witiwur, l.)le in less lime than you can walk from here to Hug's Hollow. Dmitiun were receiwd. After a careful examinatiun nf their qualifications; testi- monials &c., it was decided to offer the position tn one of the {our {allowing airpli can”: L. A. Kennedy, Graduate of Vic- toria. Univermty, Cnbonrg; H. Crawfm-d, Tumnm University; H. M. McCuaig, Queen’s Cullege, Kingston or D. Spencer Skinner, Toronto University. or M r. Kuddlrt, resx; up. Alum-thermal; pnsitiuu were rem-in examinatiun nf their Iuouials &c., it was d position tn one of the cams: L. A. Kenned of Mr. RQdditt curds $3 00; Mr. '1‘. H Redditt, Expre charges un Pueuisterq, postage 55c. 75 Ct! 0n umtiun of R. i‘vhrsll, secultded l M Naughtou lhe above acouunts we urdered to he 11: Mr: Marsh in Intive [.0 raising; pupils. He Inn Oil IN lplssmg flute (Chair M. NH Marsh The fol From Mr Mi: Marsh introduced a discussi intive [.0 l‘nislng the fees of Hivh pupils. He nmved that they be $€ year as they \vunld then be itmel any uther High Schuui in the cum statement which was nut question any member present. Mr. Crus ounded the mutinn. Mr. Nauqhton against. the motion. as he drmhte feasibility uf raising the fees until ginning of the year at least. The was pu; {rum the chair and carrieé The engaging of a Hand Masteri ll) will rmn tast fnr Grimsby (Jump. pected home next, Mundny will remain a Week longer \‘iLt Wee norr live Ht lwurd MuMnst Mr. and Mrs The Board then udjuurned sit with her sc uLh uf this vi} ' her niece, Mi 10V. Mr. Sim Mr. & Mr ‘f- of his vacation in the city 1 in other places. He was Mr Mrs. Siver Miss J It's. McCafl'r mun special ad. in the Hi School Board 1128913112“ r stores ch: Dilwul‘Lh Sills' H.1an s in Bxudf iss McKem) wk Spriu : Store, v ll'lllilll isrer in Bufialo Inkt wee} urn Falls and other place nccnmpauied him i\ still llll 38 Carrie Wilson x'elumed to uesday morning utter having 5 with her gruud purcuts here win. of 1‘ mull H. M. McCunig I re uf Queen‘s U Isl? I'ormno. ms nf Rm :rinn Ch ut-Ningur J. M. Si 10111) D. um! wif Iliuuds RI!) 8 We IIIE Crnsby and Dr )winq bills we ~le I W th village. She Miss Jennie C hb'c [ll W. Atkinson puitl \vhe lll'C of W H all Kaefinr I spent Falls intme )1 here 1k least. The mun'ou air and carried. Hand Master in place gned, was then taken uppllcatiuus for the rd. After a careful need a anscusswn re- fees of Hiyh Sclwnl shat, Lhey be $9 (It) a. hen be Inner than ml in the county, ‘4 not questioned by Mr. Crosby se- Mr. szqhtou spoke Is he donhteu the the fees until the he~ Lt least. The mution m: the \Valhcs Who ( luster Oil 11V Mr. ALluuson 13 ,but. Mrs. Alkin ut of Head SUDTHING, CLEANSING. HEALING. It Cures Gold in Head. HAY FEVER. CATARHH, left on pram printi) lditt. Kl] :lt \vni on I] accompur is makiu ‘rt disLM 1D ccompame Jomas an the great the Islam with this eve ll] umuvi Ilwurhh’s ice that )umdizm “ch to Thur iclou 5W“ ul. ll) I" LII, l g- kl ni Mus Wl “191‘ SUI] ‘j ay 1U Ric'llu-md Hill, where thev are grapesch to do work in all the lair-st nun mus: approval: styles. I‘lve us a trial and judge for [)rlce m n the wlm try \\' el pnumr ls \Ve 30 yr lit, Satisfacnon G uarameed Always. mam? LAW’S DP. :vllel‘ The uudcrsigued The area Pk" CG (-7» C) y duplicate it, MISS FURLUNG. w h 01 Wholesale Stock of Clothing bought at 52 1-2 on the Dollar. AND COMPRISING OVER 2,500 SUITS. W‘s, mm 35. Bays” Sififi‘iéfig and Measures for Men. 1nd if fill [J]? (HH‘ ‘LVE ren lll Champion Ofl'er an’s gued have commenced buumcs: iu Andy 1 an. , . AND lid Fitting Suits, and “turns. $5, easily worth These Suits, if sold in hr we are turning them c.0th alone is worth asking for the Whole suit uits. re ,1 m 11) mm C )r it cm M lo’m‘ LYUA'LS a AINS FOR hey can ll\‘1 use of any 0! 1e outfit free uld an 00d. 1" Petlcy & P :1 then ace the the do 50 that cos uursul res and “'h \V. T. BAEB: \E ELC il. \‘ lllO‘ SANDE; I I 'Wofiu L “13M ififiii Typhoid SPBENG GE“ 1888 1 the id GOUGH, T HE WHEEEEFUL WEI gains [0 in the w Uur p everyou doing. water, k One 1Oppul‘tu has bl‘ull bur say Wt lnent \Ve Wha and bl $1.1 On the Trail of Tottering‘ iouses that require Money. JOd Q1” cure "O S want, t 1.1“8 [ 1V EIRSON BROS” DRL‘GCLS SPLIT the m “I‘M {A 3m come: Drive in i VVe Say About Thes Goods. lilUkiMUND HILL. n's exhre ()u »the Ill \VAI strengthen ym ring workâ€"â€" 1:51 be worn mg, Hundreds S tand v confidential. Feb. 26th, 1867 llll ly appliahce: t of'Electricfii 12111 neur 1minal wenku rots of youth. aulmod, nigh Belt yd...) H._~..u TE‘BMID WEEKS AGO INTERS ! EHEAPMRN Blown. out. {WU L11 uur 3, combuud eture ( Ian ther of hen )ulllt Ill ‘lll M2

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