Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Aug 1888, p. 5

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Post Office Savings Bank The fpilowing is thu mnqu of app thrâ€" Richmond Hiil Branch of the Pm Swings Bank in 20 years, ending 2 June. 1888 :â€" Total depmit up In 315‘ Dec..18b'7. 5 Deposits (or half year ending 30“: It is expected the return Cricket match between Carrvxlle and Richmond Hill clubs will be played here on Saturday, the 8111 of September. The directors of the unchanics Institute are requested to meet in the Library Room of the Masonic Hall, tu-murmw Friday even» ing at 9 o‘clock. Lust Saturday the Brants, of Paris, defeat- ed the Shamrocks, of Montreal. in an ex- hibition game of lacroue. The old-timers have now been beaten by three Ontario teams. tied to vote at 1) elections to the (women) may w only. and 3 M 9.] Assembly only. Qualified jursme was 75. The Peopie‘s Store. Mr. P. G. Savage comes out this wepk with a new advertisement, Wlllch everyone should read. He is ofi’ening bargnius in “’21” Papers, of which he has over 100 pm. teams ‘0 choosa from. Paints. glass, grace. ties, fl-mr and feed always on hand. Call and see them. Concrete is awav ahead or any former season. \V. Atkinson, di- rect Importer. A pair of Lady‘s Gloves was left in THE Imamn store on Saturday evening. The owner may hue the same by calling for them. It is almost safe to say that the Toronto Base-Bull Club will come nut nhend in the International Association. The record now stands, Toronto: 65 games won, 26 lost; Syracuse, 63 games won, 28 lost. Two Fanning Mills for sale. pne. just opened at the Concrete, anâ€" other shipment of handsome Dinner. Tea and Toilet Sets ; special value. The value in Dress Goods and Trimmings, Cashmeres, Plushes, SllkS, Satips. Crapes, &c.. at the . We have been asked to st: .'n that the ma- chine that lhreshed the 1350 bushf-Is at grain spoken of in The Liberal two week‘s ago was not. built by the Morris firm but by the new firm of Ingleton & Cu who are do- ing their best to built up a reputation for good work and square dealing. The White Rose Lacrosse team went to Toromo list Saturday and crossed sticks with the Maitlauds. The visitors were heat- on by four straight games. The match took place on Moss Park. New Millinerv at the all thelatest novelties. RICHMOND Him, Thursday, Aug. 30. '88 26 inch, all wool, Grcv Flannel at the Concrete. I6cts. per yard. Mr. A. L. Skoele has a Brick Cottage to Iran in the noth part of the village. See ad. on another page. until furt-horuohice Mails will be closed at the Richmond Hill Yost Office as follows:â€" MoRNmG zâ€"Gnimz Northsmnh East and Wm. including Thornhill, Maple.anontn.Markham.&c. 7.45 Evzxmaz~Gninn south.Enst and West (as above! 5.30 N. B.-â€"Reaintemd Letters must be handed in at least Fxfhem Minutes nurlier than the above mentioned henna for clnsimz. The vo‘ers' list. for the vinage of i rather 219 Humps. Connects with :1“ trains. lesvlfln the Palmer House Richmonl Hill. ts follows: Kai & Ex \ress.North & South... ...7A5 a 111. Ancommn ntion " " Mail 6; Express North & South. Newmnrket,_. Aurnm.... Rin2.. llmsmmm Him. I’hornhill ..... Weston . . , . . Davenport” Pnrkrlnle..,... . TORONTO. Ernck Street PROCTOR’S §TAGE LINE. TORONTO. Mai! Citv Hull 8.05 Union ‘ 8.15 Brook Street 8.20 Pn‘kdnlo ..... Dunnpon Weston.” I‘hnrnhill lucrmmm Erma. ..9.13 King .............. Aururn..,... Newmarkeb N. R. R. TIME TABLE. “Servant Girl wanted. See another page “Union .. City Hall POST OFFI'CE’NoTICE he iifiilmai. June, 1888 . . . Dnectors‘ Meeting. “JED Return Match Voters' List ‘G'riifiifsou'rn Ex. GOING NORTH Mai! A B. ‘ A. 8 8 9. .15 Ce = the: run-nun: of dc‘posits in | Branch of the Past Ofice 10 years: ending 30th of onection 315! Dec..!8b'7. 5268.180 m- enuiug 30th at 3.37 8.11 9.40 M. TEEFY. Postmaster. issued In the Clerk unud Hill shows alm. ml 15 mp: lhe :lpal Electmns :he Lagislative also shows 85 r the number Acrnm. ll 45 1 l .53 12.05 12. m Accom. Mail- u.4v 6m mm 6.16 was 6.35 121:; 6.48 12.55 6.57 7 are quali. lleclions nnd ssemldy, 19 12.55 L55 3.. {W C :11 See another ‘oncrete ; 277,136 8,956 737 7.17 6.14 6.32 6.41 6.55 7.12 5.40 (1.02 Friday evening. He is looking well although the homewurd voyage was very iougb. He spent most. uf his time in Ireland and wds near Kilrusli when iha evictions took place. In “its south and west of we island the poverty and wreicbeduess in towns and cities were lameiitabla but he was glad to | find it did nutexiat to the srime extent, in cuuiiiry places. He and an interview wiiu ‘ (Linliimi Muuuing who enquired anxiously “About Hum:a Rule in Canada and spoke in ! feeling terms of the lulu Arubbisuup Lynch. Rev. Father Egan has returned from his Ecru-pent: trip. having reacged his home on THE he left-here some NO or three years ago and speaks will of the Westem chumte. Mr. Arthur Pugsluy started on Tuesday for a trip through Mauiloba. He expects to be gone three or four Weeks. Dr. C. E. Lawrence. of Murrietta, Cali. furuiu, is at presum. umkiug 51 visit in this vicinity. ~Hu has iuxpruveq m her-"h aiuoe M1. J. Sims. and his daughter, Mrs. J. Browulee, started on Mouduy muruiug for a week's vim. with relatives in Muskoka. Marriage Ceremony. We clip the following marriage notice from the Calgary Daily Herald believing it will be read with interest by many of our villager. As will be noticed the bride is sister of Mr. \V. R. Proctor, and eldest daughter of Mr. Simon Proctor. formerly of this placeâ€"“A very pleasant event tank place at the resi- dence of Mr. Simon Proctor last evening, wheu the marriage of our genial towneman Mr. Albert Treunwieser to Miss Susan Proc- tor took place. On account of Mr. Proctor and the brother of the bride being unavoid- ably absent at Fort MacleodJnvitelione Were nnly sent to a few friends. The Rev. J. F. Bells, pastor of the Methodist. Church,in the choir at which Miss Proctur has long been a prominent einger.lied the nuptial knot. Miee Mary Proctor. elhlul‘ of the bride. performed the iunctione of brideeiuui‘l. and Mr. Thus. [-1. Glauville was best man. Alter the legal business of the evening, the guests set down to n recherche supper provided by Mrs. Proc- tor. There were e good number of uselul and costly presents. amonu wnich were no. ticenble a massive eilver cnke basket present. ed by Mr. Barry Brown. The happy couple did not go to New York or Paris. but to their own new and comfortably furnished home in Calgary." Miss MA. Munro. 0! Headford. has re- turned from Dunkirk Wham me has be?!) VlSR-illg friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sanderson left last evenmg no make a. vxsit with relauves in Hamilton. [‘0 the Tem. and Gen. Life Insurance 00.. Toronto : GENTLEMEN,â€"I am niucerely thankful to you lor the prompt. and efficient settlement. of my claim on your (Jo. {or 81000 through the policy held by my late husband. Henry Payne. My thanks are ulso due to Mr. J. T. Suigmn, yuur agent here. Mmse kindness in muking nut and forwarding the necessary papers. and thoughtful help to me in my bereavement. has sued the a great deal 0! trouble, and was umely and exceedingly welcome. I have received the 31000 without deducrion of (my kind, just one day after for- warding the proof papers to the head office. [rusting that. your 00. may long be a. bless- iug to the widow and orphan, I remain. yours truly. Louan J. PAYNE, Vaughan. Last Thursday afternoon an interesting Harvest Home Fealivul vms held in connec- tion will: Trinity Church, Thornhill. The church was nicelv decorated with beautiful flowers and all kinds of olmiue fruits. The lullnwinx clergy men were present and nssiet- ed in the cervmonirs, Revs. 0. Short. J. H. MuCoIlum, John Lnnglr}, and Dr. Davies. Later in the aflerno In a pic-uic w-m hehl at the Mineral Sprinus residence. In the even- ing Chinese lanterns hung from the trees and a programme consisting of tableaux and ValluuS games Was much enjoyed by those present. Muldoon‘s Pic-Nic. Young and old, rich and poor. without disliuction of race. creed or color. are invit- ed to a Basket. Pic-Vic to take place on Wed- nesday next, Supt. 5th, on Mr. Mnldunn‘s farm (down Lover LlIHP). Thuralnill. The Richmond Hill Band has been secured. a quadrille band has also been engaged. and a plutfurm is being built to accommodale all who may feel Inclined to trip the light {an- zuslio. Prizes will be given for jumping. {um-racing, &c_. and a fool. bull und base ball match will take place during the after- noon. We predict. a hig time for those who attend Mulduun‘fl Pic-N10. R. C. Pic-hie. An unusually atlrnckivu plc-nic will be held at. Bond‘s Lake in aid of the R. C. Church, Richmond Hill. on Thursday next. Semember 6th. The committee have ar- ranged an excrllent progrumme cnu-iuting of all kinds of games and races, and have also second the services of Proleocu‘s Quadrille Band which will enliven me proceedings of the duy by thrir melodious music. Free burning \ill run from Richmond Hill ll. 10 n. m. and 1 p. In. Basses “ill alao meet the 12 and 6 o‘clock trains at King Station. Dinner asleep, DAZ'lLi I Yt‘a, father . 0 another Cold hm..- . Qumuc :llrc “Ill certainly cure an) furlu Nu [muse shuuld be. \Vithuul it. Dilwmth’u Dung Store, next Nip- :utel, King St. Eat, 'l‘uruutu. cents. )1) Sunday, Aug PERSONALS. 3 T IBERAI Harvest F¢stivaL Card of Thanks Ugh DEATHS :u: Mupé czm‘l. ‘5’ Cuugh th 1883 Values. sun of Lgeu 5 munnus 'lllV ugh ! stug L at. all A Rare Chance. A new Wilson Fannimz (:04. price. 51?. Apply to 7-1.! sen. wondars exist in thousands of lunus.but are surpubsed by the marvels of invention. Those who are in need of profitable work that can be dune while livmg at home should at. once send their address to Hallett & (10., Portland Maine, and recexve free. full information how ember sex. of all ages. can earn from 5 w per day and ugwanls wharever they live. You are started free. Capital nut. required. _Sume have um/io over fifty dollars m u. single «11;; at mi: work. All succeed HOUSE to LET Has purchased the right to sell in Richmond Hill and vicinity. It, is hiuhlv recommended by the leading carpet-tars and builders in Canada and the United States, and is bound to give en- tire satisfaction. No person should build a. house without testing this cheap and simple S.ish Bul- unce. It takes the place of weights and cords, and never fails to do its work. Rock Spring Coal Uil at Dllwnrth's Drug Store, we sell at. same price that other stores charge for c nmnnn C madinn Oil. Dilwurth’a Druu Store. uch to Nipissing Hotel, Turnnm. Mrs. Stew-art, of Orillia, is waiting at her sisters, Mrs. J. Hogan. PRICE 75CTS. FOR SET OF FOUR. m C. MASON. Hand smashed. On Munday afternnmn brakesmnn Clift. met. with an accident. at King Station. \Vhiie in the act of ounol- ing his hand was caught, between the bnf furs. Dr. Norman’s services were called into requisition. The Dr. shuuld smm be an expert. in this part. uf the profession. Maéter “7. Han, of Tumult-0. is spvud- iugg few days with his cuusin V. A. Hall. Our shoe-maker A. Irvine, and cheese- maker A. Ferguson, have rented a booth at the exhibition grounds. They intend to do a rushing business during the Exhi- hition. The final arrangements were completed on the 26th met. It. is intend- ed if this enterprise succeeds, to enlarge their present quarters. At the recent, rifle match between King City rifle club and the Bradford clnh. Bradford came 03 vicmrious. C. H. Hall was dead shot everv Lime. Th‘e manipnluc'or is 'snfl‘ering from 3 severe cold, contracted on Sunday even- ing SASH BALANCE From our own Correspondent Now is the time to secure cual tor the winter. J. Hogan and A. Ferguson have several car loads un hand. Rock bottom prices. N o combine. I The poet. has not been able to compose any epnapha lately,on account of a young man prowling about his grounds and dis turbing him. the poet, in his moments of LllLnght anfi dgep study. _ BURGLARS DANGEROUS COUNTEBFEITS. â€"Cuunter- felts are always dangerous, more so that. they always closely mm“ run ORIGINAL 1N APPEARANCE AND NAME. The remark- able success acliieVed by Nasal Balm as a positive cure for Calarrh and Cold in the Head has induced unprincipled parties tn imitate it. The public are cautioned not tn be deceived by nostruma imitating Nasal Balm in name and appearance, hearing such names as Nasal Crea.n,Naaal Balsam. etu. Ask for Nasal Balm and do not take imitation dealers may urge upon you. Fur sale by all druggista or sent post-paid on receipt. of price (500. or 31) by addressing Fulfurd d: 00., Brock- ville, Ont. Toronse Mgdicine 00., Toronto, Ont Mr. Wesley Mahan, of Brampton, is spending his vacation here, the guest. of Mr. Will Jackson. £119:de terror. 9. disease so lopg bamlng nuance and the most skilled physlcmns. who haw of nothing to meat, noflmlg to allevi- ate. nothing» cure. Now his no longer .1: incurable mnlad even whon given 1180b; fihvsicim. 119th can yetbelound in EMEDY. it heals and soothes the_mem- bums o! theLun linflsqu and pomoned by the ramgel of fell dues-Be. and pre- vent the night sweats and tighmeu mun tho ohm w 'ch accompany it. Cuntmcuira Won 11- Murtin are push- ing wmk on the new Chlll'ch,and we hope that. “Ere the wintering storms begin" we will have protection from the elements secure within a new church. The Misses James, Mrs. Stong and Mr. Alf. Stung, have remnled from a trip to New York. 011 Richmond Street, Richmond Hi I. Apply to J0_S_. {LAP-[1. Richmond Hill, From our own Curmsmndenfi The vuung peuple held their annual excursion to Grimgby on Thursday last; there was quite a large turnuut and a pleasant. day was spent. Consumption CURES GUARANTEED C. MASON And get Byam's “Common Sense" For the above useful invention BEWARE OF 61766 f). s. REAMAN Canvine'r Newton Brook For your windows. Springhill. MENTLE MAKING Give us a trial and judge ‘ur ynurselve Richmond E Iucllh. vicllnu mu 1mg lll Ulluap anu good clothing. of brilliant, sparkling bar- colnprising 1.633 Suits. regular wholesale gains to the must and defy any clothier price $11.50, and we are turning them '" the “""ld t" l"“'“ 0‘" “lors' Our Great Big Plum in Men’s Clothing I out for $9. The cloth alone is worth I our pan t” hall. ylm hemâ€"We want . everyone to come and see what we are more than we are asking for the Whole duing' Drive in if you can. Come by Suit complete. water, by stage or on foot, for there: Look them all through and then come money for you in the expedition. That to us, and if we fail to convince the most there shall he no excuse, we will pay the skeptiral that our prices are not at least railroad fare of any person within a. radi- 50 per uent.lower than those of any other us of fifty miles, who comes to our sale Ilenler we will give a whole outfit free. and buys $l0 woth of goods or upwards. BOUNCING BARGAINS FOR BOYSâ€"An honest statement always carries weight; can you believe one when you hear it. i In black and white we tell you what ne are doing in Boys’ Clothing. A Dandy Suit for the Boy, and mind you only 58 cents. People often run away with the idea. that a cheap him is only ad- Iel'tised for a. bait, and that when they come around my the hoy is too big for the clothes and try to sell somethlng else This is not our style (we leave tlmt for oth- ers to do) Don’t be afraid to ask for these suits. Our salesmen wont say the pro- prietor is out and that they can‘t find them. \Ve have stacks of boys' snus at 580. (Ic \Ve ufl‘er Splendid Fitting Suits, and in 150 different patterns, 35, easily worth $7 25 whnlesale. These Suite, if sold in the regular retail way, would bring $9. Measures for Men. Reud our Champion Offer. and don’t try to duplicate it, for it can't be done. We. offer a Man’s Suit for $2.50 that cost $4.78 wholesale. GGUGH, the Wonderful Cheap Man, A Wholesale Stock of Clothing bought at 52 1-2 on the Dollar. AND COMPRISING OVER 2,500 SUITS. Men’s, Youths' & Boys’ clothing and I,800Pairs of Pants Extra. Satisfaction Guaran‘eed Alwa LAW’S DRUG STORE, The undersigned 'Illl md Hill, where they ave proâ€"p tu du work in all the lawat and v v“. â€"-~ . gnu-uâ€"w-v- Vin-..‘ -. __. v ...... ' W" w I {Q the parts, Can be worn uiflit or (lu'y Withou't iuuuuvenieuqc. Hundr as f Tes- flmon|a|s on file from those cured of feinule diseases, pains lu buck flfldfilips. 193‘] and limbs. nervous debility. general dehility, lumlmgo, rheumatism. paralysis. neuralgia. sciatica disease of the kidneys. spinal disease. tutpid liVer, gout, leucorrhma. camn'h of the bladder sexual exhaustion. seminal emissions, astlmmlmirt disease, dyspemiu, constipagion en-si alas. indigestion. impotency,. piles, nyilelvsv. dumb nque and diabetes. Serd slam}; for handsomely illustrated book and health journ'll. Corn-spnndence strictly confidential. Con- sultation and electrical treatment free. Agents Wanted everywhere. PM. Feb. 26th, 186‘] Cures Guaranteed Medlcated Electric Belt Co..J 55 Queen St. West, Toronto. Canada. ‘ The Greatest Discovery at the Age. Price - - $3. THIS SILVER-PLATED INSTRUMENT MISS FURLO_\’( D R E S S [SPRING GF 1888 nme apprnved styles. 2S KING S'I‘REET West Door Petley 8c Petley's 01d Stand. gned have commer busmess in AND l Actina I: not a mgdlcme or a digusling lotion or powder ball, but a Sell-genera.- ' hug anor, eusny stud plnasuutly applied at all hours, times and places. ActlnavNo. 2,â€"Qulckly relieves and thoroughly cures all Throat. and ngng diseasys.0 Act II: No. 3.‘-Posicively cures all diseases of the Eye. Cataract Gran ‘ ulated Eyemds, Iuflnmed Eyes, near and fax sightedness THE EYE TREATED WHILE CLOSED. Tm: ACTINA IS sou» UNDER ovn wnrr'rrcx GUARANTEE ON 15 DAYS TRIAL. Enclose stamp {or handsomely illustrated book 1nd health journal. W. T. BAER oz 00., 155 Queen Street West. Toronto. Ont. CATARRH IMPOSSIBLE UNDER ITS INFLUENCE The only catan'h remedy ever offered to the public on 15 days trial; a written guarantee given with each instrument. W. T. BABE & Co.. 155 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ont. ORIENTAL LYONS GTIHA )repared THE GREAT EYE AND LUNG RESTORER IBM! A6 Medicated for all diseases of the blood and ner- vous system. Ladies‘ Belt $2 for female com- plaints ithas no equal. Mens‘ Belt 63, combined Belt and Snspensory $5. L-mxssious,l~ltc. The only a pliances aims éyirsact 9.9.."9"! of lgqtricux Typhoid It Builds up the Entire I l “'m‘ks Ll!‘ SAN DERSON BROS. DRUGGISTS, One Man's extremity is another Man’- Opportunity. 0ur grip on the market has brought this Bargain to our counters. \Ve want the public to know just what we offer. When we say the goods are bargains they are positive. \Vhen we say no such picnic was ever before offered we have the gm-ds to back up the state- ment. We nail the flag of cheap and good clothing. of brilliant, sparkling bar- gains to the must and defy any clothier in the World to lower our colors. GOUGH, T HE WONDERFUL CHEAPMAN On the Trail of Tottering Houses that require Money. MEDICATED ELECTRIC Inn-BELTâ€" What We Say About These Goods. 1511 Old; Values Blown out of Sight! PRICES OF SIX WEEKS AGO SPLIT T0 SPLINTERS! Malaria. or Bilious Fev AN D WARD OFF [me to sgrel the sprung Seminal weakness. errors of youth.lost manhood. nightly The only 92P|iancgs Ike, "at-'1'! TRY IT! TRY IT!

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