It the Army were obstructing the thoroughfare to the inconvenience .ofpedestrians, and to the detriment of store-keepers, the town authori- ties did not exceed their duty in re- moving the obstruction. But by permitting the religious exithusilest-s‘ [0 again “holdthe fort f‘ wit-hoot I:inderance,,i.t savers too much .Qf. persecution in the ï¬rst catse.‘ ‘ There seems to be something lax in the manner in which Newmarket's authorities pretend to dispense just~ ice to the citizens. Last Saturday night the Salvation Army, consisting ol some dozen members, were arrest- ed and placed in the lock-up m that town. The charge preferred against them was blocking up the doors of some of the business places and rendering the Sidewalks impassable. The constable had on different oc- casions warned the Army that they would get into trouble, but the warn- ing was unheeded, hence the arrest. Alter a hall-hour's imprisonment the alleged culprits were bailed out,who immediately marched to the place where they had been prevnously arrested, and again the same ob- struction took place. The weak point seems to be in the authorities allowmg them to hold their position the rest of the evening without mo- lestation. Had they been guilty of a misdemeanor at eight o‘clock. they snould have been held doubly guilty wnen they showed a determination to repeat the offence an hour after- ‘ .wards in deï¬ance ot the law. In Manitoba the season has been most favorable tor the development of grain, and with very few except- ions the reports are encouraging. Here and there a section has been injured by lrosts, but happily these are only exceptional cases. Qu’Appelle district boasts ol an average-of 35 bushels to the acre for wheat, and other cereals in propor- tion. The number of 'acres under cultivation throughout:r the Province and the North West exceeds that or any prevrons year. and this, coupled with the fact that the yield is heavy and the grain of excellent quality, nSSures us that a large quantity of Manitoba's wheat will this year cross the Atlantic. With a few seasons like the present, the sturdy yeomanry of the \Vest would begin to forget their former hardships. There is often more truth than poetry in the saying, “ It is an ill wind that blows good to no person." The correctness of this axiom will no doubt be lelt this year in the Province of Manitoba. where the yield oi wheat is very large compar- to many European countries which are generally noted for extensive ex- ports in that commodity. From latest reports it is learned that the Old World will require some 80,- 000,000 bushels more than her harvest this year will produce. 1‘ rance, which is alwavs looked up- l on as a great producer, will be com. pelled to import tor herself several rriillions 01 bushels. The United States will have wheat to spare, but Is not in a position to do very much in the way of supplyingthe demand. \Vith regard to Russia and Ihdia, later reports are unfavorable, and since the recent storms in Great Britain it is estimated this latter ‘ Kingdom will have to draw on other cpuntries to the extent of tally 170,: 000,000 bushels. Rmmmm) HILL. Thursday, Sept. 6, '88 NEWMARKET AND THE Changeâ€"Gong]: Salesman Wantedâ€"Brown Brothers. To Letâ€"W. Harrison. New Ad.â€"'l‘. Eaton 3: Co. MANITOBA’S SURPLUS WHEA T. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS $112 @Mml. 9000 81mm a: £668. CHEAP CASH‘ HBUSE GLEARINGSALE. NEVILLE’S Highest Price for SUMMER Trust our Mail Order De- partment with your purchas- ing. It is under skilful man- agement and has an efï¬cient corps. The interests are a- bout cqual. They try to please. You wish to be pleas- ed. Sample pieces on appli- cation. Address, T. EATON & 00., It’s somethihg for you to know that in the heart of this great city there’s an all-year- round resting place where you are always welcome. It may not altogether be devoid of value for those of you who in-7 tend visiting the Exhibition to know that you can come here, bring your parcels, wraps and bags with your, and have them checked and cared for free of charge,at the Enquiry Ofï¬ce, that ladies have aCcess to the neatly appointed toilet rooms on the second floor, and that every facility is extended to make you think of the great store as a resting place. Visit the storé énd see the sights, whether you purchase or not. Merchandize is only one part of our ideal store-keep- ing. We make that part as thrifty as our concentrated energies can make it. In sunrise or sunset lands or at home, there’s no new thingr worth buying that has deserv- edly Won fame but we find it out and whisk it here by ’ steamer or rail or both, ifit is :a thing that should be here, and you know our getting pow- ers enable us to mark our goods when ï¬rst opened up for sale at so slight an advance on cost as only a business house can, that in every in- stance buys and sells for cash. and consequently raises a golden partition between its business and the bad debts that are always so closely con- nected with a credit system. We leave you to ï¬nd out the many clogs that are on the selling wheel ofa credit sys- tem, and then study a cash system as ours, whose smooth running wheel is not only un« impeded by bad debts and their consequent book-keeping accessories, but that is also oiled by the manufacturer’s 1 discount for the race it is sure to win. The goal being cheap- l est and best selling. And yet buying and selling is only one part of our doing here. \Vhile we are extend- ing our negotiations all over the globe, and bringing to- gether the usetul products of every clime, there’s just as earnest thought to make your coming here pleasant,whether you wish to buy or not. From day to day, month to month and year to year, busy minds are planning new things and better things for you. There’s no “Good enough†point for us. Better qualities, better shapes,better service is the all-year-round aim. The yesterday’s best won’t do for to-dny. The look is all the time ahead. ' L‘oronto, Mail Order Department. T. EATON &. 80., 190‘ 196 Yonge St., through to 10 & 12.); Queen St., 190 YONGE ST, Ont Raymond Sewing Machines. and Eagle Steam Washers, Special Value in Hysons. Cungous and Japam. Flour always on hand, Frong, Rank and White Lose by Roller Process. I still continue to sell the celebrated A Large Stock, of FURNI Ready Mixed Paints, in all colors. Paint Brushes, all sizes. Glass, in any size. Leads, 0“, anpes, and Varnishes. at bottom prices. On hand, new designs, at less than Toronto prices. Our stock of Groceries can‘t. be beat in quality and price.‘ Flour and Feed' con- stantly on hand. P. G'. SAVAGE} Over 100 patterns to choose from. New patterns for Fall trade, the cheapest ever offered. FIRST-CLASS GROCERIES r The largest and best assorted in town. We have full control of the following lines :â€"â€"Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Common Sense American \Valking Boots7 Gentlemen’s Oxford Ties, Oxford Shoes, Alligator Bals., Seamless Bails, &c. Ladies French Kid Boots, Oil Goat Bals., Oxford Shoes, Ankle Tie Slippers, and Slippers or every description, Ladies’ & Misses’ VVigwams. Also a variety of children’s ware. Sewed & Pegged Custom Work. and repairing neatly and promptly done. Here we are again With our IMMIEIVSE 3613113117? (Sr SVPOCIK ! Are magniï¬cently assorted. Crockery at wholesale pzices'. Highest price for Butter and Eggs. PRINTS CHAMBRAYS, g GINGHAMS, MUSLINS, DRESS GOODS, LACES, EMBROIDERIES and all MILLINERY GOODS Should procure their supplies ALSO IN Hardware, Grocmï¬es, AND All persons in Richmond Hill and who desire to get the verv bm Produce Qf all kinda taken in exchange {on goods and highest price! allowed. CONCRETE HOUSE THE PEOPLE’S STORE! CHEAP WALL PAPERS. DIRECT IMPORTER. RICHMOND HILL. CROCKERY FOR CHEAP, FRESH AND NOW IS YOUR TIME FOR TU THE LORNE STORE. and Hill and surrounding Townships at the very best possible value for their money in all lpplies at the noted Concrete House, Richmond Hill. GEO‘ TRENCH.