lvnss and chuse to take the willow, and oomph-H‘er Clln‘dl‘etl the bnwling of Hun- ter and l’udgec. At the close of the inn- ings they had compiled the splendid total "f 100 rum. After a short intermissiun Hrndfuld commenced their innings but with the exception of Padget & Ray who made 21 d}: 10 runs respectiveiy. thev could not withstand the onslaught of Holmes 6': Rund nn their wickets. Aided by the splendid ï¬elding nf tne Vics they The annual mcursinn of the pleasure and health Seeking pul‘liull of the village took place lust Satuxduy. 'I‘nu uruumls selecud this year was Lurm- P.1rk. Some ï¬fty or sixu' hunk mlvmllagu hf the, the day and the nuns! liberal (rrms given by the: prupneu-rs of the.) lurk. Tue day was the ï¬lms! at any m: lmVu luul ya in September. E\'el‘)uue nf the uxumsiuuius was fully satislicd in e‘very punicular. .l'huge- wlm renmumd m. huulc Were also satisï¬ed. an it, was 11 satisfactury time general]; . The event of the \rerk will he Mulâ€" Oh I my earns are the plague of my life. I don‘t intend to put. in such an- uther week, if I knnw it. Thus, Juhnson lays he got a bux of Cuinese Corn Salve and it took them nut m 'hrve applications “ithuutlpnin. he says it can be got at Dilworth'a Drug Scum, 170 King St. E., Toronto, fur ten cents a box, and he will send it to you by mail without extra charge. A cricket much was played on the Mmkhnm Agriculmral uruund on Satur day heuweu Victm'ia Square and Headfnrd. resulting in an easy victory for the Vle by 4a runs. The Vics won the crickPm h-r their cnch 15. Fur ‘he lasers F. Pavlgnt and J Ray plnye-d ï¬ne free cricket fur tlmir 21 6'51â€. but the remain- der fnilu-l 10 sh!" with them A return der fuilu-l In stay with them A return match 1:: expt-ct‘ d 5 mn. With a little nmre phctice the Heudfurditcs will he able to give a thCI‘ accn-u'n of them- selves. We are cumpelled to lmld_ the full scone over till next week. Did you ewr plant the silver eyed Inâ€" dian Corn 1 If ynn have in he sun: and do it next yen, but If by chance you ah-nmd have hml a pair nf lu-UIS winch caused a. corn. which is the plague of ynnr life, just ml] at. Dilwurtn’u Drug Stow, 170 Km; SL E-Isl. 'I‘ornnm, “here yuu can get a box uf Ullluena Curu Salve hr the small sum uf ten cents, which will take nut. ynur cums witnuut. Pluill in less Lima than yuu can walk from here to Hug‘s Hulan. general]; . The ovum of the wer will he Mulâ€" dunll's Sue‘al; Lhnsu who are particnlnr aâ€" bout the positmu vhvy “lsll tn occupy an the grounds should be early. The 'l‘hurnhiil hula! has again changed [momma-rs, Mr. )lcFu-lune having; left ï¬ve meetings. As many as tven'y seven have been im'iuMAi In um- mum. ulw pn-spvms are I"‘lt :- Imuerlml! will have to be secun‘d. tr-r [vim memhers expected to assUcium (hung: c: with 111:: Cuunuil r1 The R:\' J. Egan mm warmly Welcmu ed hack m the Village and 1m charge; he has awn and mum) much durum the time he has been huvdling in England and Ireland. It has the R. T SN very SATURDAY.â€"-Sncienes’ Day.â€"â€"â€"Hurd1e Races fur the Hunt Club Cup, under the auspices nf the Toronto Hunt Club. Ex- hibition of Tandems and Boy Riders' computitinn. Acrobatic and Gymnastic entertainments. Illumination 0f the granules frqu 7 till 10 p. m. mean Wm. FRID.\\'.’â€"Scllmil Children’s Day.â€" ditlonnl special features for both old yunng. Drill cumpeiitmns, Band of Guvernnr General's B'uly Guard, Piof‘ Timlman’s Exhibition Band. I'HURsDAY.â€"â€"Stuck Bleeders’ Day.â€" Exhibits and competition fur large sweep- stuko prizes far all Clnsses of burns and their progeny. International Tableau x and DnnCus. First ballom ascension. Magniï¬cent Illumination of tha grounds in the evening. with thuusands of Pris- matic Lamps and Chinese Lanterns and special devices. First Grand Display of Firewurks by Messrs Pain 1!: Sons, of Lundbn. Euglandï¬nllowed by the “Siege of Sebustnpol,†a. most realistic repre- sentatiun of the last act in the great Cri- ineun “’m. The Industrial will open in Toronto on Munduy next The following is a synop- sis of the mournmme for the ï¬rst week: Momin'. Sept. Nthâ€"Preparation day -â€"All exhibits of the ï¬rst week must be in their places, properly displayed by 6 p. In. Only exhibitors and their asswmnts admitted on this day. TUESDAY.â€"G"fllld Opening Ceremonies â€"The Exhibition will be ofï¬ciallynpened by His Excellency, the Governor-General, Lord Stanley, at ‘2 p. In. This will he followed by speeding in the horse ~ring, and special exhibitions by the Viennese Lady Fenccrs, performances on the high rope, dog. cat and monkey circms in front of Grand Stand. bvcycle c uncut, banwem Miss Jessiu Dukes, of England, and Miss Von Blmnon. of the United States. VVEDNESDAY.-â€"Bicycle and Athletic Day.â€"Trouing races in the) afternoon; amateur bicycle races, foot mews, dog races, :60. Band concerts by “0†Com- pany Infantry School Band. Several of 2nd day’s performances will be _repcuted. ul‘ Toronto‘s Exhibition From our own Correspondent Ileell an thllldxnt harvest fur , Hf T1 durum Hm [IL-If imlr nr Lia-gs. As many as w only seven Cricket. rnhill and the and A Rare Chance. PRICE 75m. FOR SET OF FOUR. 34: C. MASON. Ruck Spring Cual Oil :n' Dllwurth’s Drug Sure, we sell at same price. that mher stares charge fur cnnunun Canadian Oil. Dilwnrth’s Druo Slum, nch to Nipissing Hutel, Turnntn, OTICE is hereby given that I have trans- mitted or delivered to the persona mention- ed in the third and fourth sections of " The Votei‘s' List Act " the copies required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered 0! the list made pursuant to said Act of all persons sp- pearina bv the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality. to be entitled to vote in the mid Mumciuulity at elections for members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal elections, and that said list was ï¬rst pasted. up in my omce at Richmond Hill on the 21stday of (august. 1858. and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon tn examine the said list, and if any omissions or other errors are per- ceived therein tn take immediate pmceedings to hnv; the said errors corrected uccnrdmg to law. Clerk's umce. Richmond Hill. August let, 1583. M. TEEFY, 005‘ Has purchased the right to sell in Richmond Hill and vicinity. It is biuhlv recommended by the lending cal-porters and builders in Canada and the United States. and is bound to give ‘eu- tire sntisfuctiou. No person shnuhlhuild a. house without testing this cheap and simple Sash Bul- anco. Ic takes the place of weights and cords. and never mils to do its work A nent Brick Cottage with half acre of land‘ good garden. stable, orchard with plenty of hard and soft water is to rent about. the ï¬rst of num- ber. The prnperty is well situated in the north part of the vuluge. 9-0: Two of Wilson's Fanning Mills, with all 'the latcstimurovaments. for sale at very low price. Ratxsfaction guaranteed. Ap 1y at 9~tf BIBNRAL OFFICE RICHMOND HILL HOUSE to LET SASH BALANCE Girl wanted to do general house work. Good wages. Applv to MRS. WM. ATKINSON. was FR SALE RICHMOND HILL. Read his ad., and may ever} person respond b) calling BURGLARS GIRL WAN TED Varggge £152â€, 13%. lain-WOW. BTLNSON a 00.,39'; gamma». ,mmt roe: time-l l lb- ; keeper. Warranied. Heavy Solld Gold Hunting Cases. ‘ Elegant and maznlï¬cent. Both lad los‘and senu'slzea wlth works and 'cases 0! equal valueONE PERSON In each locallty can secure one FREE. How Is this possible? We answerâ€"we want one per ' son In each localliy, to keep in their homos,aud hhu‘V to those who call, a complete “no clear valuable and very useful HOUSEHOLD SAMPLES. These new well as the watch we send free and after you have kept hem ln your home for i months Incl shown them Iothoss who may have called,they become your own property; It Is possible to make this great oï¬'er, sending the SOLID GOLD watch and (20sz samples free as the shewlnx of the samples in any locality, always results in a large trade for I'll; after our samples have been in a locallty Iora month or two we usually get from 81000 to 85000 In trade lrom the samundlug country. Thls, the most wonderful oflur ever knowan mode In order that our samples may be placed at ones where they can be seen, all over America. Write at once, and mahjsare of the chance. Reader it will be hardlyany trouble for you to show thesamples to those who may call at your home and your reward whl be most satisfactory. A postal card on which to erte us costs but 1 cent and alter yeukuow all,llyou do not care to go further, why no harm ls done. But It you do lend your address at once you can secure FREE one a! the beat solid gold watches a the world and our large llue of “:0 pay all_ Nunsnm'mm. Septaï¬lb-‘L’m U WANTED. Permanent positions guaranteed with SALA KY and EXPENï¬ES PAID. Any determined mun can succeed WI“) 118. Peculiar advant- ngna tn bnginners. Stock complete. includ- ing umny fast-selling specialties. Omï¬t ’90. sssoom eon Sold to: 3 m lately. Boa much In the w: A new Wilson Fanning {it price. $17. Apply to 011 Richmond Street Richmond Hi I. Apply :0 J03. HALL. Richmond Hill, 91 to D. S. REAMAN ~Cu.rn'ille P Aln eight room comfortable Brick Clad House at. ' Address at once. C. MASON ALESME And get Byum's “Common Sense" You are wanted at For the ubnvo useful invontiou TO RENT. amt: iiflvrrtiscmmm. Municipality ot the Village of BEWARE OF COUNTY OF YORK. For your windows‘ nu ‘- me. (Name this paper.) BROWN BROTHERS, ROCHESTER. N. Y. .ofldgow wncm somet!‘ Clerk 0! said Municipality Apply t9 Mill. worth $25, for yD WATCH non un- 91 o n a 'orld. I'Pr- {vet [ImeA A. L. Skeew. Jeweller. WM. HARRISON 1111]}: W. HARRISON ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCE.â€"Services in order a. follow 5 Thornhill at 9 3.133., and Richmond H 31:10:30 8.111; the following Sundayat Rich- mond Hill at!) a..m. and Thornhill at 10:30 a. m. Rev. J. J. Egan. Pastor The Methodist sabbath schnolTomperunce As snciation issuo pledge curds every Bunde when desired. Wm.I-Ie.rnson supf MECHANICS' 1N5TITUTE.~Libmry or over 1000 volumesppen every Tuesday evening. in the Ma.- sonic HullJmm 7 to S o‘clock. R. E. Luw.Libm- riau. Lectures and discussionsperiodicallv. RICHMOND HILL Fmr: BRIGADE BAND meets for pflctica every \Vedesdny & Saturday evening’ at 8 o’clock \V. Sheppard. Leude}. W E \Viley, Secretary ST. Mm? s EPXRCOPAL Uanon.â€"Service at b p n..,e.\ce11t the third Sunday of every month, wueu the service and sacrament we held at. 11 mm. SuudnySchoolatl:30p.m Rev.W. Bates Rector Mu'moms'r CHURCHâ€"Service: n 10:30 a. m and 0:30 p. 111.,um1 Sunday school, at 2.30 p. m. Yuuug people's prayer meetmg Tuesday BYOHinK. General Pmyer Meeting eve Thursday evemn in the Lecture Runm. Rev. .M. Simpson. Sup . Rev. G. N. Rutledge. Assistuqt. Pnusan‘xnmx CEUR('H OF CANADA.â€"Sel‘vices as 1] o‘clock n..m._uud 6:110 p.1n. Prayer meetiaf on Wednesday evening at 7:30. Rev. .W. . Perceval. Pastor. _ ‘ HMHMOND LDDGE,A. F. d: A. 11., No.23, G.R.(‘ Meets in the Lodge room,Mn.sonic Hall,on the Monday on or before full moon. at 8 o'clock p.111 [. Crosby, W.M. V'hLAGi’. Covxum.â€"Rc‘ v0. Wm. Pugsley. Conn- cillnrs. Messrs. P G.Su.vage. Wm A Sanderson,w Atkinson, Dr Wilsou‘ (Herk. M. 'l‘eely. A. 0. U. W.,Ivy Lndae, No. 141, Meets in the Committee room of the Masonic Hal] each alternative Tuesday at 8 o'clock pm. Bene- dcnry certiï¬cate given for $2.000 in case ardent): J. Brown. Muster Workman T. FMcMnhon. rec R. T. of Temperance. Richmond Hill Council. No. 43, Meets in Temperance Hall.euch ulter- uatiVe Tuesday evening: nteo'clock p m. Bene- ï¬ciary certiï¬cates issued to' umle' or female members for H.000 or in case of death $2.000, one halt unyahlc in case of disability. J. H.8ander- to!) Select Councillors; J.A.E.Bwitze,r.flecording Secretarv THE UNION MEDICINE 00.. Tcronto, Can ANCIENT ORDER OF FonnaTEmâ€"Court Rich- mond. No, 70.“; A. O. F.. [nests in the Temperance Hail everv alternate Fndav at 7.30 p. m.~ W E Wiley. 0: R. FIRE BRIGADE.â€"R82\llln‘ meetin ï¬rst Friday of every mnuth, held in the Counci Chamber. at 7p. :11. Membership free. Certiï¬catesissued to members entitling them co certain plivilegasand exemptions‘ VVm‘H. Pugsley. Captain. H. A. Nicholls. Secretary. Who is Weak. Nervous,‘ Debiiltated, whomhia Folly and Ignorance has Tri- iled way his Vigor 0! Body, Mind and Manhood, causmg exhausting drains upon the Fountains of Life. Headache, Baokache, Dread-(“1 Dram. Weakness of Memory, Bashfulneee in Society, leples upon the Face and an the Effects leading to Eariy 0063!. Consumption or Insanny mil ï¬nd an our speciï¬c ho. 23 a Positive ure. 1‘ imputd Youthful vlgor restores the V|ta| Power in old and young. strengthens and invigomtes the Braln grad Nerves, builds up the muscular system an arouses into action the whole physical energy of the human frame. With our speciï¬c No. ‘23 the moat obstinate case canbe cured in three months, and recentones In Iesl than thirty days. Each package contains two weeks treet- menf. Price $2. Cures Guaranteed. Our spec» [ï¬e So. 24 is an :ufeliibie Cure for all Private Diseases no matter oflhow igng stand- lng. Sold under our mtten Guarantee I: eiect a Cure, Rise & M Medich TOI’JDIJ. L1"â€" Sold everywhere. Price 95 cents and 50 cents per bottle. l’l'uprietm's mm manumcturers, Take no other. Sold everywhere. Price 75 cents per bottle. DR. HODDER’b‘ Liver Complaint, ,, Dprepsiu, ’Bilinusuess. , Sick Headache, } Kidney Troubles. .' Rheumatism, 8km Disc-uses ‘ and all Inapurities ot the Blond from what» smvor cause arising Female Weakncsses “Jud general dehiliby .‘ Purely Vegetable, Highlv Concentrated, Pleasant, Efl'ectual, Safo {Hugh & Lung cure Apples, per bbl .......... onions, green, per bush Cabbage, per Lloz Celery, do Turnips,perlmg Carrots, (10 Beans. per peck†Flour, spring, per bbl‘. Flour, fall, per bbl Hay. per ton ..... straw. per ton . ‘Z‘ng Llflgï¬ï¬‚la’ $1.00 INJQDVAUFE.» A Vuâ€"ANY MANâ€" Pbmtoe Apples, RICE“ outs, per b' Pans, ‘ Dressed hn Beef. fore 0 Beef. hind Chickens. 11 Ducks. Geese, each .. Turkey's. per 1b Butter, pound gutter. large to Potatoes,“ A 1165, pm- on ons. gym Cabbage Cauliflower Celery ’1‘urhips,po Curruts, Hay, per tm straw, per a Rye dl Clover Se'efl d‘ Dressed hogs per ll‘ Beef, {01‘s quarters ‘ Beef, hind qunflora Chickens, per 115i: . Ducks ' do Geese each Turkeys each ........ Butter pound rolls Butter. tub dnirv Tonox'm TnursdnY.Sep$ 0. Ram WheatJuJI per bushel 96 to Wheat 311nm; do Barley do ants do Pens do Rya _ dn Clover Seed do Dressed hogs ner 1001b: ASK FOR DR. HODDER'S COMPOUND. '5. fresh fresh pér bbl gram; willage Qirtttntg. MON!) tum. Thurmav Sept 6‘ bushel gamer 100 lb umberâ€. quarter or pair uirv lmg rolls )lls .. Societies. doz Churches. ‘zen Markus. 0-10 036 080 00 88 40 24 On c O 7U . 7*}! A Picasant Cure: ‘wan-v9:cgwmmaru:Axu-Nzaa‘mnv « 59~tx!"*:0~'h'-<"l ' ' AP " v.4“: u, eEanen ue “a s ->'<u :3." Candies and Nuts in great varletv. Dates, Figs, &c. SUGARS, SPICES, CEREAL GOODS, CANNED GOODS, &c. LEMONS, MELONS, AND OTHER GOODS. FRUIT JARS. BRï¬EEREESJRflim And desires a continuance of your favors by calling for E“. Kirkby Spring Dress Stuffs, Ginghams, Prints, 860. Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Silk Handkerchiefs. ‘ Teas, Coï¬ees, Cocoa, Cracked Peas, Barley,Beans,F10ur & Feed. MOODEE’S NEW GOODS ! Confections,&c., EOUNaz MIDDPE'AGEPR #m Who are broken éown from the eflacts of abuse will ï¬nd in No. 8 a. radical cure for nervous debility, organic weakness. involuntary vital lossgs. etc. Snm’rmja FOR WHICH No. 8 SHOULD BE Unixâ€"Want of energy, vprmgo, want of purpose, dimness of sight, aversion to society. want of conï¬dence, qvmaame of conversation. desire for solicude,1istlessncss and inability to ï¬x the attention. on n'pnrticulax subject, cowardice. depression of spirits, giddiness, loss of memorg, excitability ol temper, apex- mutorrhma, or loss of the seminal fluidâ€"the result; of self-e. use or marital excessâ€"impo- teucy. innutrition. cmnciution. bmenness, palpitation oi the heart, hysteria feeling in Iowans. trembling, melancholyI disturbin dreams, etc, are all nmetoms 01 this terrible habit, ofteminios innocently acquired. n short. the spring of vita force having lost its tension, every function wanes in consequence. Scientiï¬c writers and the superintendents of inning asylums unite in “scribing to the effects of self-abuse the great majority 0‘ wasted lives which come under their notice. If you arc incompetent lo: the nrdnnns duties of bulgincss, incapacitated for the enjoyments of life. No. 8 oï¬ers nn oncapeimm the effects 0! early vico. It you are advanced in years. No. 8 will give you full via“ and strength. I! you are broken down, rhysically and morally, from early indiscrcï¬on. the manly of ignorance and folly, sent‘ you): address and 10 cents in amps for M. V. LCEQN'EI Treatise in Book Form on Diseases of Man. Sealed and secure from observation. Address all cummunicntions to RI. V. LUBON. 47 Wellin on St. 13.. Toronw- A Man without wisdom lives in fool's paradise. CURES CURRANT! 0. REAL IHE SICK. u“ . J» 4. m ( RICHMOND HILL, THE GR] Marvel fluxes In the form of Come all and Buy. Is vet in (5} odds l)(33i‘\'01'(‘(1. Marvel of Healing. and Kohinoor of Mediclnes. .S the terrible consequences «(Indian-etith a... Exposure and overwork. e. ' h Finles LL 82; SEE $ IMPORTED GOODS In Worstedsand Tweedndmported. and he is n a. position to make V011 up u. Scotch Tweod Suit,ooet mm vest ur punts,at the same price you have beremforo paid 10: Canadian Tweedn. ‘ John J. Mitchell's New York Fashion Plates to: Sprimz and Summu‘just received Call early and get ï¬rst choice. Good Fit- Guaranteed. 0f the Boo-Hive Tailoring Establishment, beg?) tn unnunm a to hiamuny patrons in RICHMOND HILL; SUITiNGS, GMin Mm PHNTENGS, mmmm m 1am And surrounding country the: he you the very flueét flock C. TREVETHAN, Richmond Hm. NIB. C. TREVETHAN He hasjnst received It magniï¬cent line of BEE-HWY: Ever brmmht into Richmond Hm AT THE MOODIE mu. I 11 show