President \Vithrow and his asso- ciates who have labored so taithtully for years in perlecting the manage- ment of the Industrial Exhibition are to be congratulated on the great success to which it has attained. Every year ï¬nds the Fair better than its predecessor,\vhilst the stride between last year and the present is much greater than between any two previous years. \thhout a doubt there has been no exhibition on the continent which has made more rapid advancement in the last ten years. A few years ago the Pro- vincial Fairs were looked upon as large institutions, but these almost sink into insigniï¬cance when spoken of in comparison with that of the Queen City. Every day up to the present the receipts have been larger than the corresponding day last year,and with continued ï¬ne weath- er this happy state of aflairs Will not show any falling ofl~ till the closing of the gates. And great as the ex- hibition has been there is every rea- son to believe that it will still grow and prosper till it becomes one of the best and most popular on the continent, ‘ ‘-" '1 ‘ In this, as in most controversies, the VIeWS taken by the respective sides show too much of self. Even sections of the Dominion, especmlly those in the maritime provinces, express views which are antagonisâ€" tic to the general welfare of the country. The inhabitants of Hali- fax and St. Johns are shouting tor retaliation in the hope that trafï¬c would be compelled to pass through their ports. This being the case it behooves the Government to make the best of the case for the majority of Canadians, Without stooping to the meanness practised by the Americans. \Ve are ï¬rmly convinced that the suspension 01 commercial intercourse Wlth our Southern neighbors would be injurious to this country both socrally and from a business stand- point, and to all parties concerned, the simplest path out ofthe difï¬culty is bv the door of Unrestricted Reci-' procity. Not long ago the ï¬shery clauses ol the Washington Treaty permitted theimportation of free lobsters, sal- mon and all kinds of ï¬sh, but Con- gress afterwards imposed a duty on the cans in which the ï¬hs were shipped. All Canada cried out against the injustice, as it was never intended that such a technicality would be made use of. Yet horri- ï¬ed as'our people seemed to be over this dishonest stratagem, they kept their breath tolerably well when they recently learned that the Do- minion Government having agreed to admit American peaches and fruit tree of duty, clapped a tax on the fruit baskets as an offset to the tin cans. If nations could be induc- ed to study each other's mutual ben- eï¬ts,instead of flying at each other's throats when a disputed question arises. it would be more in keeping with ‘the advancement 01 our so call- ed cwxlization. Of the manv questions which are to-day agitating the public mind in Canada and the United States,there is not one occupying the same at- tention as that resulting trom the Fishery dispute. It is considered important, as on its satisfactory set- tlement depends not only great com- mercial advantages to two countries lying stde by side. but perhaps the peace of two of the greatest nations on earth. It islamentably true that a few of our journalists and politicâ€" ians are indulging in the game of pretended bravery, but this class evidently have a greater ambition to display their vanity than to beneï¬t their country by their ostentatious language. While they crv out to ‘-‘ let the Yankees come." “ we're ,ready for them," " retaliation is what we want." they must feel they are endeavoring to teach that'which is dangerous and contrary to all reason. There are very few Cana- dians who do not think that both the Democrat and Republican part- ies across the boundaly line are making political capital out of the affair. They think it strange that the States only discovered on the eve of an election that Canada was such a very wicked country. They feel satisï¬ed that the Americans are i not acting the part of neighbors. 1 But all this being admitted forms a poor pretext for treating them un- i neighborly in return. l RI ,HMnND HILL. Thursday, Sept, Elie TURONTUUS GREA T FAIR. THE FISHERY DISPUTE El'ihcral. 20. ~88 R. W. NEVILLE Men’s and Boys’ Long Boots. A lot of Ladies’ Fine Boots. To the public we say come to our store and leisurely ex- ami’ne our goods. A closer acquaintance with our meth- od of doing business will be proï¬table to you. Highest price for good Butter, Eggs, and Lard. 9 half Chests of Tea, Green, Blaokand Japan. Fine WoolBlank- ets, red (36 grey. Flannels,a11 W001. Ladies’ Wool Hose. Tweeds & Worst- Ready-Mgdg Fine Cashmeres &Fanoy Dress Goods. Heavy Shawls 8c Mantle Cloths. BANKRUPF 8703K. The following list includes apile of goods, ï¬rst-class in every respect, yet sold below \Vholesale Prices: Pants and Dress Goods. Combination Suitings, Velvets, Plushes and Trimmings. ShaVvls,]ackets,Mantle Cloths Yarns and VVooIs. .Vorsted Coatings, Scotch & Canadian Tweeds. Ready-made Clothing, Hats (newest shapes), Boots, Shoes and Groceries. THE Is ï¬lling up with Fall and Winter Goods of the ed Coatings. CHEAP neWest and most fashionable kinds. We also deal in CASH Overcoats. HOUSE ! SUITS. Silk Handkerchiels have only a little corner of the store but they stand very well for what we’re doing in the ’ker- chief line. As softly, brilli- antly beautiful as ever came through the Custom House. We chose them for quality, ï¬nish and neatness of design. The price scale don’t hint it. Pure silk from 50c. up a little way into the dollars. There’s a line or two with the kind adjective preï¬xed, as Indian silks 25¢. each, and colored brocade 15c, each, that have tumbled down the price ladder ever so far while the quality remains the best. Talk 01 getting a pure linen handker- chief for less that IOC. is often regarded, and rightly, as ï¬ct- ion. \Ve call nothing “linen’ that’s not linen. Our Ladies’ ï¬ne Irish linen handkerchiefs, white and hem-stitched, 3 for 20C., a ï¬ner grade 2 for 25c., and gent’s full sized white linen $1 to $3 a dozen are genuine flax productions. There’s a lot of children’s colored bordered ’kerChiefS, fast colors, that we’ll guaran- tee not to be linen, but stuffs as good in their own way, and with quality a long way ahead of the priceâ€"45c. per doz. T. EATON & (30-, H. mm & 00.. Among the piles of carpets that are new tor the Fall and Winter trade are a lot of Brussels and Tapestry that deserve a special word. They are best English and Scotch manufacture and of as good quality and as large a variety of patterns as rail or steamer ever carried. There’s a large line of Tapestry at 27c. and from that to the best, at 78c. the value is surprising. Best Brussels with borders to match at $1.18 a yard. Kirk- caldy Linoleums are among the later arrivals £151.05 per sq. yard. Floor cloths 280. to $1.00 per sq. yard. Stair and passage cloths Ioc. to 40c. a yard. Do you enjoy all the privi- leges afforded by the store ? Its our one happy thought that you do. We’ve wearied and labored to make. its comforts more and more homelike, and it pleases us to have them looked upon exactly as your rights. We would have you perfectly at ease wherever you go. See everything, ex- amine everything, and put a way the thought from you that our salespeople have an eye on your purse. Visit what- ever department you will,from ï¬rst floor to carpet flat. The new Fall and \Vinter things are surely worth the trouble. Trust our Mail Order De- parti‘ï¬ent with your purchas- ing. J‘It is under skilful man- agement and has an efï¬cient corps. The interests are a- bout equal. They try to please. You wish to be pleas- ed. And they do please. The number of customers on their roll is daily increasing and now amounts to more than an ordinary store has the run of in city customers. This proves the faithfulness of their work. '1‘ () IR () 1V ’1‘ () . Mail Order Department, 190‘ 196 Yonge St, through to IO & 12.1, Queen St., oranto. 190 YONGE ST‘, Ont» Raymond Sewing†Machines and Eagle Steam Washers Special Value in Hysons. Congoua and Japans. Flour always at) hand. Fronk Rank and White Lose by Roller Process. I still continue to sell the celebrated A Large Stock of FURNITURE Ready Mixed Paints, in all colors. Paint Brushes, all sizes. Glass, in any aile- Leads, Oil, Turpes, and Varnishes. at bottom prices. 0n hand, new designs, at less than Toronto prices. Our stock of Groceries cun’L be beat in quality and price. Flour and Feed con- stantly on hand. F P Gr. SAVAGE Over 100 patterns to choose from. New patterns for Fall trade, the cheapest ever offered. STOPS .R Dropplngsfrom ‘ » - n - Nasal passages EASY TO USE_ into the throat and excessive expectomtion caused by Ca.- barrh. Sold by Druggists, or sent prev-paid on receipt of price, 500. and $1. Address FULFORD £- 60., Brockvllle. Onï¬. L.ORNE STQR E. FUR CHEAP, FRESH AND FiRST-GLASS GROCEREES 2 Is direct from the Stafl'ordshire Potteries. and we are selling Dinner Sets to parties from all over the country. who say that they can get. nothing like outs for beauty of design and lowness in prices. Our Groceries are always new, clean and fresh. Give as a. call. Who is Weak. Nervous, Debmtated, who in his Fplly and Ignorance has Tri- fled away his Vigor of Body, Mind and Manhood, causmg exhausting draws upon me Fountains of Life. Headache, ï¬aokache, Dreadful Dreams, \Veaknees )f Memory. Bashfulness in Society, =imples upon the Face and all tha Effects eading to Early Decay, Consumption 11' Insanity, W111 Lurk m our specinc No. 23 a Positive Cure. It imparts Youthful ligor restores the Vital Pours!- ln nld and mung, strengthens: m-d invigor'ms: the Brain and Hey-yes, builds up tue muscular 5ysyom mud arouses mtu actir-u the whole pl))'bl§)§.} energy of the human frame. With our sz‘ecxnc 510‘ 2:; the most obstinam case can be cured 1n ahree months, and recentones in lusa than thu-ty jays. Each packaga contains two wevka treat- ;neuf. Price Un“c’3 Guamnteed. Our Spoc~ Egyo. 24 is an infafliblo Qure fgr 1:11 Private Diseases no matter 0! how long stand- ing. Sold under our wrinteu Guarantee t‘ effect a. cure. Price :35. Toronto Medmms 00.. Toronto. Ont. Is simply lmlllunse, and we have just the things for the Fall house-cleaning. The Tapestrv Carpets range from 27:. to 75¢. per yard, the Brussels frum 850 gm $1.25 per yard, and the Velvet. pile at. $.35; Union C‘Lrpets at 50c ; Wool Carpets, yard widc, at 75c.; Hemp Carpet for 7c. per yard. Lace Curtains for 506. up. Dado Blinds, in all the latest designs‘ Curtain Poles, all lengths, in fact everything you may desire at popular prices. In all the latest cnlnrlngs and textures from 70. per yard, no Bankrupt Trash either. Our Dress Trimmings are well known to the dress makers of Richmfmd Hi1}. as the best assertâ€"erriï¬glrl‘dr the cheapest. in town. A libs-ml discount, to dress makers. Beautiful Grey Flannel at 13c. per yard., Factnry Comm. yard wide, at 50 per yd. Prints for 50., Cretonnes fur 9c. ls replete with the latest Lnndun, Paris and New York novelties, and the Hats and Bonnets already turned out by Miss M. Inman, our new milliner, justify m in say- ing that never in this department has there been such general satislactiou given to all classes of customers. The quantity, quality and prices will suit every one who may favor as with a call, Do not fail to take a look, even if you dn not buy. The values are exceptional, and a single look will satisfy van that the patterns are right. and our facilities for making to order in the latest New Y'url: fashions are Ill-l- excelled, being under the direct management of Mrs. Atkinson, whose skill needs no inure than mmtiuning. Begs to advise his numerous customers and friends than hi direct frmn manufacturers in England, Scotland and lrelm nnened up to the gum of an admmng public. On accuunt IN TWEEDS, WORSTEDS, COATINGS, VESTINGS, PANTINGS, OVERCUATINGS & ULSTERENGS CONCRETE HGUSE Fall “ANY MANW Prcdgcq of all kiuds taken in exchange for goods and highest prices alloweti THE PEQPLE’S STORE! has? lmparier. THE CARPET & HOUSE FURNISHING DEP'T VV. AT IN LABIES’ MANTLING, ULSTERIHG, 846., ()UR CIQ()CKER‘Y' EA]? WALL PAPERS. AND inter Walling RICHMOND HELL, THE MILUNEHV DEPARTMENT DIRESS (7}()0D§§ 30 TU THE LORNE STORE SUDTHlNB, CLEANSiNG, HEALING. NOW IS YOUR TIME FOR BATABRH; Cold in Head, HAY FEVER. KINSON, OE It Cures GRAND Toronto Medicine Co.. Toronto, Ont. flint dread terror, 3 disease so long baffling summons and the most skilled physicians. who knew of nothing to arrest, nothing to allevi- pte, nothing to cure. Now it is no longer an xncumblu malady even when given up bï¬ phvsirimxs, healtn can yet bu found in 01] REMEDY, it heals and soothes the mem- brane of theLungs, inflamed and poisoned by the ravages of tlns fell disease. and pre- vents nhe night sweacs and tightness across the chest which accompany it. M†3 ' g¢,w"’<"i** A ‘ It , \ #6 CURES GUARANTEED }EO. TRENCH and 'IH fall shipment .. have arrived Immense Mian of gooés and are variety is lines.