aging efl‘ect on the meeting. Besides short addresses by the chairman and Rev. Mr. Rutledge. Mr. F. S. Spence, editor of the Canada Citizen, who tank the place of Rev. A. M. Phillips, gave a very fmc- ible speech on temperance Work generally. for which he received a. hearty Vote of thanks. moved by Mr. Rutledge, second~ ed by Mrs. Fawcett, The choir sang auitglbie selections at intervals. Altogether the well feel proud of the success of their County Convention, The last session was held in the Metho- dist Church. and was presided over by RM. J. M. Simpson. Rev. Mr. Percis'ol opened with prayer. By a mistake on the part of the sexton the church had not been heated. consequently the place was uncomfortably cold, and had a dam- Press Departmentâ€"Mrs. Johnston, Aurora. Scientiï¬c Temperanceâ€"Mrs. Smith, Newmurket. Temperance Literatureâ€"Mrs. Frizzell, Toronto. Evangelistic and White Shieldâ€"Miss Foster, Toronto. Legislation and Franchiseâ€"Mrs. J. Spence, Toronto. Work among Soldiersâ€"Mrs. A. Camp- bell, Richmond Hill Work among Sailorsâ€"Mrs. Cownn, Parkdale. Juvenile Work and Kitchen Gardenâ€"- Mrs. Scott, Parkdale. Railway Workâ€"Mrs.McInnis,Toronto. Influential Bodiesâ€"Mrs. McDonnell, Toronto. Journal Workâ€"Mrs. Mason, Toronto. Prison and Jailâ€"Mrs. Culvert,Torontu. Unfermented Wineâ€"Mrs. Currier, Richmond Hill. Fair Workâ€"Mrs. Sinclair, Organization and Lecture Bureau was left in the hands of the ï¬ve general ofï¬- eels. Intbe afternoon a. mass meeting of children was ably conducted by Miss Skinner of Toronto. ‘The election of ofï¬cers for the coming year resulted as follows: Presidentâ€"â€"Mrs. ancett, Toronto. Vice-Pres.â€"â€"Mrs. Smith, Newmarlrt. Oor. Seaâ€"Miss \Viley. Richmond Hill. Rec. Samâ€"Miss Foster, Toronto. Treas.â€"Mrs. Fotheringham, Toronto. Superintendents of Departments: Mrs. J. Spence gave a very full report as Superintendent of Legislation and Franchise Department. She showed that petitions had been circulated and largely signed in many places asking that women should be granted a vote on all questions relating to moral reform, She eloquently contended that maiklng aballot for tem- perance and pUrity would never unï¬t a mother for attending to the duties of her own household. \Vant of space forbids interesting: re ports in several other departments of work. 4 Mrs. Currier reported 071 Unfermented Wine. She stated that most of the churches in the village and surrounding localities were using the wine as prepared by the W. C. T. U. This report was supplemented by several 0‘ the sisters. ' Reports of Departments by Superin- tendeuCS was then called for. Miss Foster, for the Evangelistic and \Vhite Shield Department, stated she had made several Visits, had corresponded with different people, and believed that earnest evangelistic work was being carried on . ‘ Mia. Fawcett responded and made several complimentary comments on the address of the previous Speaker. She agreed with him that the R. T. of T. was closely allied with the W. C. T. U., and freely admitted the great beneï¬ts derived Item the former lodge, especially the in- aiirance feature. She accepted the greet- ing with gratitnde on behalf of her fellow- WOrkers. Then followed the reading and con- ï¬rming the minutes of previous session. after which the County report by the Corresponding Secretary was given. An interesting discussion here took place as to whether honorary members should be reBorted as full members. ‘Miss Tilley gave a talk on W. U. T. U. Work. She divided her subject. into ï¬ve headings, and handled each part well. She advocated earnest prayer in endeav- oiing to accomplish all good work. Mrs. Grant extended a welcome in the form of a poem to the visiting sisters, to which Miss Foster, Recording Secre- tgcy, responded. mu . .u "y .u ’1‘ Y1 ~ AE the morning aessidn on \Vednesday, Mrs. Johnston, of Aurora, conducted the devotional exercises. ’ Rev. G. N. Rutledge, on behalf of the R. T. of T., gave an excellent address. The effort showed careful study, the vari- o_ua parts were 1112er arranged, in fact the whole speech was an intellectual treat. aboundmg with choice and elo- quent exgressions. I A well-worded address of welcome was read by Mrs. J. H. Sandurson, to which Mrs. F. S. Spence, of Toronto, ably re- aprlnded. The public meeting held in the Presby- terian Church in the evening, was very entertaining. Rev. Mr. Percival occupi- ed the chair and after an earnest address introduced those who took part in the evening’s entertainment. Rev. Mr. Simpson conducted the devotional exer- cises, and the church choir furnished suitable music, The annual meeting ofthe York Coun- ty W. C. T-. U. was held on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, and was in ev- ery way a decided success. About ï¬fty delegates were present from Toronto and all parts of the County. The Temperance Hull. where the business meetings were held, was nicely decorated with such mottoes as “Welcome,†“W. C. T. U..†“For God and Home and Native Laud." &c. Besides the banner of the local Union here, were displayed those of the Newmarket and Aurora Unions. County Convention To the public we say come to our store and leisurely ex- amine our goods. A closer acquaintance with our methâ€" od of doing business will be proï¬tafJe to you. Highest price for good Butter, Eggs, and Lard‘ ed Coatings. Readyâ€" Made Pants and Men’s and Boys’ Long Boots. A lot of Ladies’ Fine Boots. 9 half Chests of Tea, Green, Blackand Japan. Gobds. Heavy Shawls 8c Mantle Cloths. Fine WoolBlank- ets, red 86 grey. F1annels,a-11 W001. Ladies’ W001 Hose. Tweeds & Worstâ€" Fine Cashmeres 8c Fapcy iDress The following list includes apile of goods, ï¬rst-class in every respect, yet sold below Wholesale Prices: BANKRUP'E' STQGK. Dress Goods. Combination Suitings, Velvets, Flushes and Trimmings. Shawls] ackets,Mantle Cloths Yarns and Wools. .Vorsted Coatings, Scotch & Canadian Tweeds. Ready-made Clothing, Hats (newest shapes), Boots, ShOes and Groceries. .. W‘ NEVILLE THE Is ï¬lling up with Fall and Winter Goods of the newest and most CHEAP fashionable kinds. We also deal in CASH Overcoats. HOUSE SUITS. A basement full of useful, ornamental and pleasure hints. Trunks, Valises and all of that school. Fancy Goods, Glassware, Games and Toysâ€"the toy<fun won- ders. Through all, from the 5c. Dolls, ’Watches,Sailboats, Horns, Trick Dominoes, \‘Vhips, Rattles,Tea Sets,&c., to the $1.00 Magic Lanterns, [apanese Trays, Picture Blocks, Kid Body Dolls, Bag- atelle Boards, Trick Boxes, &c.. there’s the variety that suggests ingenuity and con- trivance only to be found in the world’s famous make- place. Get price list. Address T. EATON & 00., ‘ Dress and Mantle Trimm- ings. All the latest novelties. Kinds that lead the styles in the Old World and in the New. A button on a dress half or even a little unsuitable spoils its appearance. Here’s the place to pick just what’s right. The assortment is complete. Busy thoughts for the curious fancy-worker. Ev- ery sort in the designer’s aid ~Applique Flowers, Fruit and all that lot of ornament helps. Berlin, Andelusian, Zephyr & Lady Betty Wools. Prices that back up our true- trade-reputation. Pompons from 15c. up to over the doll- ar. Fingering . \Vools fresh from the places that have won fame and name. Scotch Fingering 85c., $1.00 lb ,Can- adian 400. to 65c. per 1b., \Vyvern Fingering $I.35 per 1b., Baldwin Beehive on a somewhat similar price scale. 1 TOYS TRIMMINGS to $25.66. Get list of puricEé through our Mail Order De- partment. i The Mantle Novelties that lGerman and English ingenu- it} has been working out to surprise and please the fash- ionable world well represented in our show rooms, Black and Colored Jackets, Paletots, Raglans, Mantles, Newmark- ets, Ulsters, Waterproofs and so forth, direct across the ocean from their manufactur- ers. Two sample lines here â€"Ladies’ Mantlettes in black, brown and fawn shades, ex- quisitely trimmed with silk braid. $13.00, $4.00, $I5 00, $17.00, Ladies’ Mantlettes in fancy curl and plain cloths, l trimmed with Astrachan,fancy Plush or Black Coney and cunningly worked braid $8.50 l The duties of the staff of lladies employed in our Mail Order Department are solely to attend to the orders of our patrons who live at a distance. As purchasersâ€"not sellers of goodsâ€"~practice has made them skilled and efï¬cient and a description of your wants is sufï¬cient to have them exactly supplied. Samples,Catalogues or quoted prices will be cheer- fully forwarded to any address when asked for. MANTLES Mail Order Department, T. EATON & 00., 01'01110, - Ont. 190 to 196 Yonge St, ex- tending through to 10 & 12% Queen St., 190 YONGE ST, DANUEKHL‘S CUITNTERFEITS. â€"â€"Cnnnter- feits are always anngerous, mnro Rn that they alwnyx closely nurnu TILEHRIGINAI IN AI'PEAimM'E AND NAME Therein-ark- able SliCCrSS aclnichd by Nasal Balm as a positive cure inr Catnrrh and Cold in Ihe Head has induced unprincipled parties to imitate it. The public are cautioned not to be deceived by nostrums imitating Nasal Balm in name and appearance, hearing such names “Nasal Cream,Nasal Balsam, etc. Ask for Nasal Balm and do not take imitation dealers may urge upon you. For sale by all druggists or sent postâ€"paid on receipt of price (50c. or 81) by addgesaing Fuliord d: 00., Brock- iille, Ont: And everything to be found in a hardware store. Repairing promptly attended to. At much below wholesale prices he is prepared to sell very cheap. Full lines of STOVES ~ OF - ALL â€" KINDS. Special Value in Hysons. Congnus and Jupans. Flour always on hand. Frvnt Rank and White Lose by Roller Process. I still continue to sell the celebrateo Raymond Sewing Machines and Eagle Steam Washers Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for goods and highest prices allowed. On hand, new designs, at less than Toronto prices. Our stock of Groceries can’L be beat in quality and price. Flnur and Feed con- stantly on hand. †. P Gr. SA VAGE Cur 100 patterns to 0110033 from. New patterns for Full trade, the offered. Ready Mixed Paints, in all cnlors. Paint Brnshes, all sizes. Class, Leads, Oil, 'I‘nrpea, and Varnishes. at hnltom prices: .A. Large Stock of FURNITURE. FERST-CLASS GROCERBES ! Is direct from the Staffordshire Potteries. and we are selling Dinner Sets (:0 partiesr from all over the country. who say that they can get nothing like ours for beamy oï¬ design and luwness in prices. Our Groceries are always new, clean and fresh. Give as a call. In all the latest eulnrmgs and texmres fmm 7c per yard, nn Bankrupt Trash either. 0111- Dress Trimmings are well known to the dress makers of Rielnnnnd Hill as the bent. mum-ted and the cheapest in tuwu. A liberal discount. to dress makers. Beautiful Grey Flannel at 13¢ per yard., Factory Cumvu. yard Wide, at 50 per yd. Prints for 5c.. Cretunues fur 9c. Is nimply imnmnse, and we have just the things for the Fall house-cleaning. The Tapestry Carpets range from 27;. m 75-. per yard, the Brnsmels frum 85c to $1.25 per yard, and the, Velvet, pile at $1.35; Union CAI-pets at 502 ; \Vun] Carpets, yard Widk‘, at 750-: Hemp Carpet for 7c. per yard. Lace Curtains for 50c. up. Dado Blinds, in all the latest. desigus‘ Curtain Poles, all lengths, in fact, everything you may desire at popular prices. ls replele with the latest Lnndun. Paris and New York novelties, and the Hats nnd Bonneti already turned nut by Miss M. Imnan, nnr new milliner, justify Us in say~ ing that. never in this department has there been such general satisl'zlccion given 1.0 all classes ut' customers. The values are excaptiunal, and n ninule lunk will satisfy van that the patterns are right mud our facilities fur making to order in the latest New Yurk fashions are mi- excelled, being under the direct management of Mrs. Atkinson, whose skill needs no more than mentioning. The quantity, quality and prices will suit every uuu who may favor us with Do not ï¬x“ to take a louk, even if you do nut buy. upga to advise his numerous customers and friends that his fa.“ shipment of floods direct. frnm manufacturers in England, Scotland and Ireland. lmvn arrived and aro Opened up to the gum nf an admiring public. On account of the Immense variety it wuuld he anuny useless to try and enumerate mute than a flaw leading lines. [N TWEEDS, WORSTEDS, COATINGS, VESTINGS, PANTINGS, UVERCOATINGS & ULSTERINGS Also Hardware of every variety, as well as furnaces and eaveâ€"troughing. Having purchased a large stock of CONCRETE HOUSE GRAND Fall EWinter Opening And C. Mason is already on hand with a large stock of HARDWARE THE PEOPLE’S ETQREE PLAIN AND FANCY CUTLERY, QRNE STOR E. WINTER ES COMENG! WM. ATKINSGN. Birect Emma THE CARPET & HOUSE FURNISHING DEP'T CHEAP WALL PAPERS W. ATKINSON, OF TH IN LADIES’ MANTLING, ULSTEHING, 828., ()UR CR()CKEI%E" RICHMOND HILL, THE MILLINERV DEPARTMENT I)RE§SS (ir()()l)§§> GO TU THE LORNE STORE. FOR CHEAP, FRESH AND NOW IS YOUR TIME FOR 10;}; 't. An eight room comfortable Bn'ck Clad House “Met. Apply t_o 10â€"0! "“ "‘ The Farm which is composed of in the 3rd Con. of Vaughan. and 1 acres, is to rent for a term 01 yenn is well watered, has a good orchu: desirable 1mm. For panxculars apply_ t_or Fm 7% EE?†I TO LET. GEO. TRENCH C. T?! [AX MRS. WM. SLINEY. Richmond Hill P. O the cheapest ever WM. HAMBISON 10H lots 28 and Z), :uumining 165 L The place 1. and is a very my size. a call.