Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Oct 1888, p. 1

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‘HE LIBERAL PRINTlNG do PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. â€" â€" ONTARIO soufl'villo . . . [Lu-khan: ..... Victoria. Squat-6.. [‘hornhill, Walk \Voodbridge ..... Kleinburgm Nobleton.._. 10. 10. do do do. do 0 Vitalizod Au always on hand uh pppoihtmeuta Wot-ks like u. charnL Free from main. thankful for the favors of the past 20 years may still be consulted in any branch of the pro- easion as follows: lzxrom 15mm. mm, and 22nd of curb month (“almond H1114: . .. SQ) and am: do, Toronto Officeâ€"No. :4 Building & Loan Chambers. No.15 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Officeâ€"Rear of the Central Bank. on Saturdays. THURSDAY EVENING Medalist Toronto Cnivmsitv Maybe! (‘0 Physicians dz Suraemns,0ntn(mt.e of fltouflville Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Ofiice Hours so 0&.m..5tv08p.m MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES __e_ a. G. F. LAWRENCE. T. C. MILLIGAN. DR. J. LANGSTAFF, Emma's é flaw/01w, Tolomo Olficeâ€"No. 10 King St. “’esl. mark" ‘I Ill (“liceâ€"Town llall. Markham 1mm cam succced Iges :u bugiher“ Mr Grogory or Mr Rnimes will be at the Markâ€" ham Gflioe ovary Snturday from 9 n m :07 p In M’mgga a: flwmgm Toronto Officeâ€"Cour: Chambers, corner Church and Adelaide Streets. Thornhill Officeâ€"Post Office every Wed. ncsday from 10 to 12 a. m. Richmond Hull Officcâ€" Post Office every Wednesday from 1 to 4 p.111. poshions ynzmnneml with SA LA R" and EXPENSES PA I I). Auy data-mined l-‘llllcrlon, Cook a: Wallace. BARRIS'I‘ERS. SOLICITORS m armcn: 18 Kan STREET EAST, TORONTO Richmond Hill 9.0. Every Saturday. J S Fullnrton, W Cook, â€"\anlnace L? PRIVATE FUNDS To LOAN. Cullectionsincity and Couutrv promptly attended [0. Money to loan. Address A ROBLNFON L.D.S..AuromOnt. Earristers, Scficitors, Conveyancers, 8a.. LAWRENCE & MILLIGAN. RICHMOND HILL. ONT uightcalls at front door balk Oflioe hour 10 a m Undertakers d: Em bulmvrs, uuernl Ful nlchings Always on Hand VOL. XI. $1 per annum, in advance.] W D GREGORY Buristers. Solicitors, Conveyancers, $30. Privnbe Funds to Loan at Lowest Rates. (at the Filmer House) BARBISTBES, SOLICITORS AND NOI‘LnlEI I. R. MILLER BUSINESS CARDS. ALESME ‘Ehc gibcml" Vlfgg’ul’ZflQ £13 '1'. MGMAHUN, WRIGHT BROS, \VAN'I‘ E l). EDITOR and PROPRIETOR. Dr. \V. J. “’llson. IS PU BLISBED EVERY USED BY Dr. A. Robinson. SURGEON DENTIST akmliral. 33mm. incutnl. \\| Stuck c lath 20th 216(- 28rd E. J. B. DUNCAN Permanent Peculiar advant- cnmplcte. includ- Winflies. Outfit G W HOLMES Address 48-“ License“ Auctioneer tor the Counties of York Unmno and Peel. Goods 30111 on consignment. General sales of stock, em, promptly attended to at reasonable rates. P. 0. address umokvmw. Mag @éE EQUIP W’QEES. 535.000.00 Private Funds to Loan on Mortgage on Farm Pmpertvâ€"Iuleresbfi per cent. per an- num. Terms eusy. A 111137 tn HO MES & GREGORY, Barristers. 6:12.. ' )0 King Sweat West. Toronto. M Town Hall. Markham. awry Sucurday. Several Farms [or Sale in this Vicinity AT VERY LOW PRICES. Address E. F. LANGSTAFF. HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. &c., Issuer of Marriage Licenses, RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. Licenaed Aucfikmoer for the County of York, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the sLortast nonice and ac reasonabe rates. P. O. aduress. King. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended on the shortest, notice,and at tea.- abe rates. Address Stouflvme P. 0 MONEY TO LEND l‘I. CFEEF‘X’. NOTARY PUBLIC, @ififi gfalmhridge’fi Teacher of Music & Oil Painting. PARSONAGE, - RICHMOND HILL HIV MONEY TO LOAN Having refitted the above House and furnish- ed in in firstrclass style,I am prepared togive the public the best of accommodntwn. Excellent smfillug and attentive hustlers. Sample Rooms for cummercial travellers. A good livery in con- uectluu. Terms $1 uer duv. All kinds of Wood, Iron. Galvanized Pipe,Irou Brass and Porcelain Cylinders. All kinds nt Water Runs, Well-Digging Curbs Curb Rings nnd cistern Tanks made 90 order. Repairing done on shortest notice. DRESS MAKING Dress Maker. opposite figfiouic Hal] Richmond 1 THE DOMINION HOUSE, Richmond Hill, Ben]. Brillinger. Proprietor. Every accommodation 50 guesu'. Board. $1.00 perday qud accommodation for the travelling public. Chmce T‘mpemuce “rinks. Best brands of Clam. Commudjous rooms for commarciul travellers. 343011615 1mm flinttl. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL Temperagge House. WM. J ACKSON, Proprietor. MISS HARRISON, CLASSES ARE NOW OPEN FOR SENIOR & JUNIOR PUPILS IN Issuer o! Mnmage Licenses for the County of Yor E. Agnew. @&Â¥$E Efl'fl‘wfla, RESIDENCE. 158 KIXG STREET EAST. TORONTO .flt 5?: Per Cem‘. Leeds Richardson. MUSIC James C. Stokes. Salem Eckm'dt "ifiiisrrllnuwns. Cowmsxonna m Tm: N. J. Armstrong. RIB-OPENED AS A annual. RICHMOND HILL. THURSDAY. OCT. 11. 1888 “In Essentials, Unity ,- in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity A. J. RUPERT. Prop‘ Richmond Hill Mum ONT Mum: For more than three-quarters of a cen- mry Bond’s Lake has been the nextstop- ping plure to Richmond Hill for all key- ellers and stage lines going north on Yonge Street. Its first. owner w:'~ Mr. Wm. Bond, who seems to have been one of the earliest corners to die new Capital. York, as his name appvars on Mr. Abner Miles’ account book, first as a boarder at the hotel. Dec. 215:, 1796. then as a resi- dent, Jan 1797. In 18(0 he 'aid out a nursery garden in the city, and introduc- ed into Canada a larva number of our most valuable fruits. He drew his deed from rhe government for his property in Whitc'lnrch in 1797, and the water front of his farm was known - ,s the “pond,”the c0mparison.I suppose, being with Lake Ontario. In 1805. however, it rose in dignity, and ever since has been known as Bond's Lake. The “gift” ofl'er enterprise r‘ an in ducement to purchasers so prevalent in modern days, is by no means a new idea. Richmond_E.[ill_ gin d Vicinity To the Editor of THE LIBERAL When these sketches of Richmond Hill of the p' t were chmenced it m: not. the intentinn to wander far away from home, but as we have taken our literary stroll so far north as "Puisnye van," we will take an excursion to Band's Lake, lot: 62 and 63, Whitchurch. In 1801 Mr. Bond proposes tn sell his farm in Whitchnrch comprising 380 acres, and ofl‘ers his lot in York to the purclwsel as a free gift. This lot. was No. 1 on Duchess and Ontann Streets. on which was a two and a half story house with a gallery along the front commanding a view of the bay. The conditions were t“ any une Mhu would accept, the gift, thaL he should purchase not less than 2000 apple trees at three York shillings each (37% cents), and then as a further induce ment he Would give gratis 103 apple trees, 30 peach trees, 14 cherry trees, also some wild p'um and cherry lree8,Euglisll guuse- berries and red currunts. Payments Lu be made easy, a good *deed given, and possession at. any time. (Signed) WM. BOND. Y0_r_k, Sept. 4, 1801. Nu one seems to have liibblel at the bait, for the place is again advertised {or sale in the GuZette, 1804, with the recum mendatiuu at its bring excellent Hull f-u' orchard, grain «Ir newline land, the lukv afl'nrdiug a great supply of fish and luwl. Thirty years after we again liud it in the lualket, for in the Guxette for 1834 We have the following:â€"â€"“ A delightful situ~ alinii on Yonge Street, commonly klluwn as Bond’s Lake, a farm consisting of 190 acres, beautifully situated on Bund’s Lake. about sixteen miles from the v ity of Toronto. The picturesque 7-ennty of this lot and its proximity to tl-e flourish- ing capital of U. per Canada, make it a umst admirable sitmtiou for a. gentleman rftaste. Price i330.” By way of en- cnuragemeut to purchase it is stated that Yonge Street was about to be Macadam- ized. This was done twenty years after wards. Perhaps few hotels on Yonge Street have entertained more of the aristocracy and elite of Toronto than Bond’s Lake Inn. Its old country appearance and appliances for the accommodation of tourists, its excellent fare and cosy parlor looking out upon the lake, its canoes,and bouts of larger size. made it popular as a stopping place to pic-nic parties, anglers, sportsmen and rural pleasure seekers. This popularity W!“ at its height when the Well-known Mr. Thomas Steele, as proprietor, with his English taste and air of welczune, catered to the comfort of his guests, eliciting a. flattering motion from Capt. Henry Bonnycastle in his “Letteis on Canada and the Canadians." Nearly fifty years ago there WM a gala day at Bond’s Luke when hundreds ll'ulll Toronto and elsewhere were gathered on its hanks to witness the christening oi the “ Lady of the Lake.” by Miss Mary Steele. at that time the belle of Oak Ridges. The boatJannched fur ti a use of tourists, was it gully painted puddle‘wltee‘ vessel. easily managed, and plied the waters of the lake for many yems. In the galaxy of young life that often taxed the little vessel to its ntuinst capactty,â€" shut their sallies of wit and humour from stem to stem, and made the woods re- sound with their peals of niertiment~ Were ladies and gentlemen who became important factors in building up Toronto’s greatness, and leaders of thought and activity in the commercial, educatioqu and cllristianizing enterprises of the day. Yeuis ago the scenery Brnuud Bond’s Lake was much more beautiful than now. Then the dense forest, skirted the lake down to the water’s edge. intersecting Ynnge &reet on either side with but a single npeiiiligjnst opposite the hotel. The slirubbery, a periect mass 0! foliage, climbed the hill sides, and the tall pines like an army of grenodiers to guard the silenCe of the depths bv‘twern. crowned the heights. rusting 1'..::'r in: u :‘z..(inw Bond‘s Luke. in the hottest summer day, the whole forming an amphitheatre of natural beauty Worthy of an artist’s pencil. But the noble pines have bowed their lofty heads to the utliturlan spirit of the times. saw dust mars the picturesQue effect. of the tourist‘a first View of the beautiful lake, and nature is at a discount where husiness intervenesfitill a sail around the fluent in the cool rhait s of its second growth pines, and a stop off In some se- questered nook to investigate the con- tents of a. Well-tilled ‘pic-nic basket, are not devoid of pie! mre to the most ft tid- inns seeker after naturs‘ sceneit-v. Bond’s Lake is still our nearest “seaside resort," and as popular as ever to the ruralizing juveniles of Richmond II"! and its vicin- ity. If you want to buy or sell a Farm, ad- vertine in the T-mmto WEEKLY MAIL. That. paper reaches 100,000 Farmers’ homes everv week. and your advertise- ment should meet the eye of some one who wants to purchase Adventisementa of this Class are inserted in che Toronto WEEKLY MAIL for Five Cents a word each insertion. or Twenty Cents a ward for five insertions. Address THE MAIL, Toronto. Canada. The Municipal Cannon] Lf the Town- ship of Vaughan met, in the Town Huf' nannesrday, the 9th inst. Membelval present: Messrs. Malloy (Rgeve). Russell, Reanmn and Devins. The fulluwing sheep claims were pre- seuted;-â€"Frnm Mr. Geo. Reddiu. for 5 sheep killwl by dogs, Valued at $37.03; from Mr. James Marshall, for 6 lambs kliled by dogs, valued at $36J ). The minutes «If last meeting were read and cunfinued Moved by Mr. Reunmn, seconded by Mr. Davina, that the 'l‘rensurer be and is hereby authorized to pay Mr. George Redditt [he following sheep claim, being two-thirds uf claim, viz., $24.65, less 32'), for meni sold,«nd akin. District No. 3:â€" To Robt. VVaLson, 88 luads gravel Jollnstnu Readman, culvert on 8th J. L. Card, repairing bridge and material on 7th 00"., and filling washout. and furnishing cede? for road beat No. 58 ............. . Mailed by Mr. Reunmn, wounded by Mr. Russell. thin. the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized (-0 pay Mr. James Mal‘slmll Ilm following amount, being tun-thirds the value of six lambs killed by dngs, vim] $24, less C; fur meat. and aklll:.--0al‘l‘ied. M-n-nd by Mr. Russell, seconded by Mr. Remnun. Ihal-the Trex‘urer be and is hereby authorized to pay the following accounts;â€" 'l‘u T F. McMahon. for adve; ising Voters’ Lists in THE LIPERAL... $2 50 Printing 12' ‘ cul'ecturs’ receipts furlEdS .................... 5C0 for road beat No. 58 ............. . 37 67 -â€"Carried. The Council then adjourned tl'l Tues- day, Nov. 13th, at 10 a. nu. I â€"Carried. BI ve‘ by Mr. R snell, wounded by Mr. ..en- '3‘ , t'~z~.t the 'i‘re' ‘urer be and is here' y authorized to pay the following road accuLnts: “strict No. 1:â€" Lu \V. Mellish, drawing material and putting in bridge between lots 15 and 16, 3rd Con ............ Fred James, 34 loads gravel at, 10c E. RutherfordJO “' “ R. \Vatsml, 25 l i u This I Absoiuteiy Pure. Vaughan Council (To BE CONTINUED.) er nevar vanes. A marvei of 1m [ whul mmucnum More ENAMEL $5 00 3 40 8 80 11’. 00 From our own Correspondent King Plowmen‘s Association purpose holding their match on Tuesday. Oct. 30th, 1888, on Mr. Isaac McBride‘e farm, King Station. The prize list promises to be larger and more complete, this year than that of any previous year'. The committee are putting furth every efl‘ort to make this match the event of the see- sun. A meeting of the officers and d£~ rectors will be held in Hogan’s Hr'l on Saturday, Oct. 13th, cuminencinget 2 p. in. sharp. Business of meeting; to ar- range prize list and make final arrange- ments for the match. The juveniles of King City held their seventh annual exhibition in the drill shed, on Saturday, Oct. 6th. The dis- play of poultry was very creditable. J. Burke's coops of Brahmas were the fin/or- ites. The show of roots could not be beaten in the country. There was a. large collection: of beautiful apples. The shoe maker and harness maker showed very creditable work. The laoies’ department was beautiful. The show of cattle was immense. The racing was very exciting. J. Burke’s Minnie won the running race with comparative ease. Albert Bentley’s Granger won the trotting race. This home has great staying powers. The Zoo was all that the bill called for. We are safe in saying that this exhibition ecli that of any former show held by the boys. All that the boys in this hamlet need is a guiding hand. Oh ! my corms are the plague of my life. I don’t intend to put. in such an- other week, if I know it. Thus. Johnson’ says he got a box of C3r'aese Corn Salve and it tJuk them out In three applicatiuns without pain, he says It. can be got at‘ Dilwmth’s Drug Store. 170 King St. E. , Turunto, for ten cents a. box, and he will send It to you by mail wihout extra. charge. JOHN McD()NALD,- NOI‘ICE is herelvy glvuu pursuant to the pro‘ visions of the housed Statutes of Ontario Chap- ter 110, Section 36, that all creditors and others having claims "ninst the estate of John Mc- Donald, lane of t e Township of Vaughan, in the Counfiy ol’ York Yeoman deceased who «nail “on or about the fourth day of August. 1888. an: the said Township of Vaughan. are hereby required to deliver or send by pom; pro-paid to Mrs. Mur- aareL McDonald. mlministrntrix of the real and personal estate 0' the said John Men-maid. de- ceased. Maple P. 0.. Ontario, their chi-ism m and surnames addresses and descripciuns t .e lull vurticulars of their accounts or cluims and the nature of the aecurity (If any) held by chem. And further take notice that the said Mminltnnuix will proceed after the mavyoa have u d“ ' oution o.'s Murgs “at McDonald 13â€"3 ' TO CREDZTORS 3lst day of October, 2:388, To distribute "10 first: of v 1:1) among: the p (m fled the Hard ya the c‘. 0‘ which she ..a:d notice r x 51 e "l noi‘. . b: .Lud flotice r the said r a Dmed 9.1"}: o: he_|.e Mulock. Tilt, hi)ler,( mg tire wit] Has BURngas And get Hy:un'~‘ SASH BALI~\;:‘?€CE STOPS Droppingsh‘om CA ‘A Nasal massaged EASY TO USE. into the throat and excessive expectomtion caused by Ca.- tarrh. Sold by Dmggists. or sent pre-paid on' teceipt of price, 500. and $1. A ddrcss FULFORD a co.. Brockvillo, om; any purchsm d the r5"! and vicinity. 1'. " Wading cmy- 14-431. the United tunes, Butlbfflcdon. Nu 1: mm tesuny: Ibis 01‘ a. It takes t! epnu umer lai): lo do it, CE 7ECTS. F IN THE MATTER 01: THE ESTATE OF For the above usefu [Single copies, 3 cts BEWARE ( Springhill. ()n' I. For your wilul NOTICE DEPI‘IAFED‘ pnwl um 01 ,._u _.1m~& Mm u‘c‘toru for v3- Adm'uistmmx “M! Mr the HI‘ Mu Cold in Head, HAY FEVER. suomms. CLEANSING.- HEALING. No. 15. BATARRH‘; ml] It Cures FCURs ‘chmoh'd naed by Canada xery. _ .tramx a. house :2: Ba l- com», ceased :11; re- ‘ havq '19 {or 'ibuted :5 she 01 the

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