Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Oct 1888, p. 5

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ORONTO. (‘icv Hun Uuiun Brnnk S Parkllnluu. . .. U Davenport, Weston .. Phnrnhill .. RICHMOND Han Kim! Y Autumn... . ., Nemnm-kef- . TORON'I‘G Newnmrkct ...... Aurora. . Kim.V Rmmm 1 T‘mmhin . Wesb'm... Drwmmnrt» Park-lulu .. . ILL Mai. & Aer-n'n Mail & E N. R. 8. TIME TABLE. PROCTOR’S STAGE, LINE. Until further native "mils will he dosed at cm Rnchmnnd Hi1] Post. Office as fl)\ans:-â€" MORNING :â€"Gohm North. snulh East fwd \Vest, including- Thnmhin, Maple. Tm-nnt-n, Mnrkhmnwr, 7.45 EVENING :--Gnin: suntlLEust and West (us almvel 5.30 N. B.-~Raainmrpa Letters must he handed in at least Fifteen Minutes nmlier than the above mentioned hours {or-closing RICHMOND HILL, Thursdav. Oct. 11. '83 The directurs of the Richmond Hill Binle Society are requesrad to me“ in the Fresh- ten'an chm-ch, to-morrow (Friday) evening. at 8 o‘clock. Fifty acre furm to rent on the 2nd Coll of Vaughan. SP9 another page. Watch See] lost at Dutkouville Harvest Home. See notice. Mr. A. J. Rupert, agent for Fleury‘s az- ricnlturul implements, is doing u rushing business in sulk‘v plows this fall. He has sold several of them, and they :u- . giving um. best. of sntxsfactinn. A. J. has the gnod qualities of the piuw down to a. pretty flue point. Men's youths' and boys‘ Suits at the Concrete in great varlety,cheap. Dominion Statutes. We an pleased to neknnw‘mdge our thanks fnr a copy of the Dominion Statutes, 51 Victoria. 1888. in Hm vehimas. Free Will Ofierina SerVicn-I will ha held in the Mntbndist church m-xt SundayDct. 14th. Rev. W. F. Wi son will preach morning and evening. @Iw Eiih’mi. Grey Cotton 3%. per yard, Grey Flannel 13¢. per yard, at the Con- crete. Mr. Wm. Gillhum, Maple P. 0., gives notice on another page that he will not. be responsible for any debts contracted by his Wife after this date. Boxes Matches for 25 cts. at Neville‘s. Connor-(.9 with M] trains. leaving the Palmer 11% Rinhmon I Hill. as ntImvs: Ini k Express.Nm-th a South... nan‘n'nndmtilm “ " mm»; Express North a; Baum. H 7.45 a m. .,1‘2.Hl) ..5 .25 p. m. Tips, feathers and plumes mr la- dies‘ hats at 5 their value at Nevâ€" ille’s. The next enmmuuiantion of Richmond Ladne‘ No. 23. G. R. 0.. win he held on Monday evening mm, the lath inst., com- .mn..-._A , Monddy awning m mencmg at R o‘cloc crele. Evervhody should sée Thie stock or nobby Scotch Tweeds at the Con- Mr. N. Smith, ancfioneer. hm to sell the farm stock. inml‘ household furniture of Mr. Tl.‘ lot 1. rvnr of 3rd Cun. \Vhitchm day. Oct. 26th. Sale at 1 p, m. twelve months on all sums over . bpecial lines worth a look thmugh 1n gents‘ gloves. ties and under- clothing.r at Neville's. The finnun] meeting the "Tsar RH? 1g 0! YR): Reform A~socinxion xvi” ha held in Victoria Han, Uniauvmp, on Saturday. Oct. 20th. 1888. Among other impnrtmn buzi- ness.wil1 be lb" e'r-n'ion of nflioers. Messrs. A‘ Mackenzie and G, B. S‘ni‘h‘ the [)omin~ inn and Loan) menu-«rs. a. a rxpeuted m be; prr‘suut. Sc: Jou‘JUCemyu'» on uuulhcl‘ p130. A correspondent in the ‘ last week is azimting {or a {or West Turmutn Junclmn good am. an: life is too shm part of it in miling and mu appellations. 125' u“ nucnu wall worthy of a more cum‘ At the Concrete, a nice line of imported B-ws' Suits at a good deal less that regular prices. Dutch F9351 next Samrday and Sunday anvk Street Union ., City Hun Empty barrels {or sale at Nevilles POST OFFICE NOTICE IJ()(3A14§3. Methodist Church GOING NORTH GOING Make it A. F.& A. M A nnu ll Meeting Aucnon Sale Mxlil 8.0!: 9.3" 9.40 M. in the York Tlihune of Ring for n change of Dare 0 Juncuon. The move is a is too shurt to suend a good ng and uttering such lengthy y all accounts :be place is more cnuveuieut name. Notice Ex k00 UK BI. TEE F Y . Poatmnstor SOUTH stock. inmlemeuts and orter hns instructions 315 I ll ‘1 ll 53 is. Farmer. eh, on Fri A credit of $10. Mail Parker’s Dye 'Works make old ’ clothing look like new. Bring a.) , parcels to Neville who is their agent I10: Richmund Hill and Vicinity. Mr W. Mn; (‘nnud Cum” uf 'l’mc: Lumnu. "cumming Mm found who gm..- V. IL was (um mum-[v w»? pm]: 1:01th luun.‘ Nice 4.1. piece ’Iea Svts at the Concrete {or $1.90, Handle Teas for 05¢. per don, Dinner Plate-s {or 75c. per doz. Mr. ArUmr L. \Tillmn, “wen! 0f anluhns pnr-luimrd Snmrdny. ()cl 13m 23 a public holiday furil'm luwnship in rvmgniliun of the iugaflwriug of n bunmirul hammer. The elector“ and inhabit-«ms m1: "ls-y l'rqflfixled 10 me»! at mum of firm. duv in (Hm: (have Pnrkfiglimnnmheru n prngmmnu- hf music, athletic exam-Lies, and uppruprinte addresses will be provided hy the (summiltve. Nu u'l- missiuu fee-.110 expensvs ; n“ nre \velcume. The mies‘ionnrv nrrnmns in connection with the Mwbudlsb Church hare Wm be prr-flchIi man. Sunday, by RM. Mr. Mc- Cullough, n! Unnksmwn. 5A Iurgu Mlomlmuce is expeuped . . . .Tne Ruynl Templan nt Tem- perancevine Uuumfil inn-n l uivmg an open Cnuucil on Mm evening nf FIN-w. Oct. 13th. It is expectvd that Mr 1*). J. Davis. M. P. P.. will gwu a Ivclurr‘. . . .Mr. Alf. Warren and family are visitmg m 'l‘nmutn. The mies‘immrv nrrmtms h! with the Mwbudlsb Chum» 1w prrflcbe-i mm. Sunday, by Rw- Uullough, nf Unnksmwn. r-A Inrgv Suspended Publication. The Wonnbririge News has suspended pub- lication after having iiu‘mvn its Hume over the inhabitants of stt Yolk for n pvriod of three years. The job printing business will ne carried on, howm‘m, us imretufn‘e. By this wave We beiievu brother Uhumlcev has :1 level hand. Like must neWspaper men, the inte prnprieinr has eviJeuny n number of .lelinqllent subscribers. us the following taken from his valellictnry address suggests : " The mun who \vuuid read a newspaper three years without pa} ing fur it would pasture a you! on his urnlldinthev‘u grave." On Wednesday, Oct. 24th, Mr. Josep': ’l‘lwrry. lot 2, rear of the 2ud concession of Whiwhurch. will have a clearing sale of his thuruugh-bred Jersey callle, horses. imple- mems‘ ac. As he i< giving up farming ev- erything will be Sold. The sale, which is very extensive, will begin at 9 o'clock a. m. A credit, of znplve months will be given on all sums over $10. Mr. Cherry‘s herd of Jerseya is two well known to need any des- criptionras tb°y have taken prizes wherever vxhih'Wed. Catalogues will he dlslribuled at time of sale. Salem Eckurd: and Nelsuu Smith. Auctioneers. TheJmu‘Lh haif yearly meeting of the South Yprk Teachers’ Institute will be held irHiie Assembly Rooms of the County Model School, on Lansdowue Ave., Purkduie, on Thursday and Friday, Oct. 25th and 26th, 1988.. in ~10 a. In. School trustees and friends of education genprniiy are curdifllv Invited to be present. A musical and liier- arj entertainment nus hem urrunged fur Thursday evening. and RM. Prui. \V. Ulurk, Trinity Cullugv. will deliver u levtur‘i. Dr. Lylnl, Mayor of I’arkdaie, Wiil nmside. A gnmi programme has lie-m prm’ided fur both days. Runaway Accident. Rev. G. N. Rutledge had quite an experi- .ence while nut driving inst Monday. Having mmle an ofliciul visit at the residence of Mr. Edmund Brown. 51!: Con. Markham, he was ‘ driving away, and not out of his buggy to 1 close lhe gale leading to 1.110 road. His well- fed horse. which before that time hm] been 110‘“ for now! convlum, suddvuly started deVU.£m-. street at a liveiy pace, leaving his driver to shift for lximneil. Mr. Brown spfie'iiiv hitched to his carriage, when bolh m'l‘WWHUJ lm'mnn stained in pursuit of ‘ m" (“8‘ i‘e. They finihmed fur about three- 5 quarters of a mile where they fuuud be had I ’51“ among some logs and shrubbery on th side of in romi and became disengiged from the Willi-la. They traced him for another “I!” ml|e Where they found "John" tied to a "9‘" “*‘Vi‘lg been captured ln‘ a man just i 8°11”) 0’ Brown‘s Corners. The horse was EDP-“m”? “"118 flue wm-se for his mi'e and a quarter dash, but me buggy “.8: my"). bfillly WlGrks-(L Having uga.hered up 'he fragment“ and tie" 'hP puns ingeiber as 9 we” {is pussiblp. Mr. Rucledge started m bomé- The fix; is unw bring repairud 2n. Trench’s carriage wurks. We notice b_\ the Daily Worm. Vancouver. B. 0.. that Mr. C. Chamberlin, formerly of thisI place, is assintiug to muke things bum in Itlmt Western City. He is manager of the Vancouver lteul Estate Exchange, and is putting up houses by the score. In sneaking of the prugress of the Place. the World of the 29m of Sept. has the following: â€"“Mr. Chamberliu‘s 12 villus hung on Howe street extend from Nelson to Comm; street. with vacant intermadiute lots, the whole bring exceptionally co‘y and comfortable-looking houses. well put together and brxok veneered in from. and estiuuted to be worth $14,000. There are 12 mun-e iu the same block, facing an Horuby street, alao put, up by Mr. Cutuubcrhu." As announced last week the Ila-Union committee of the Mechanics‘ Institute have secured the services of Mr. Will E. Burgess, 9f Listowcll, who will give his popular en- tertainment, “Merry Moments." in the Ma- sonic Hall, on Monday evening next. the 15th inst. Mr. Burgess is fast becnmmg famed as a ventrilnquist and elocutionist, and those wlm atlwnl mav et'cht u treat. Chair will bu tukeu n: 8 ‘J'clm-k. Admission: nun-members. 15 cents; children, 10 cents; members. free. As tiukets of membership- which entitle the holders to the use of the library for twelve months, with free admis- sion to all re-uniuus and lectures-â€"are only 50 cents, every family within a radius of tour miles should secure «me belure next Mummy evening. and avail themselvw 0! all the privileges the Institute afiutds. Again Heard From Temperancevxlle. 05: and Found Demonstration Credit Saie South York Re- Union. up ll\\'l [m by ch t the Ill) Mrs. J. Mulcnhy and Master Parnell, of . Orili'm. are visiting: at the residence of her i tamer, M. ’l‘eefy. Esq. Mr. E. H'Imbly, of Nobleton, has been ap- pointed Clerk for King Township the vacancy } being caused by the death of Mr. Joseph l Stokes. of Kettleby. Mr. Hudguon. High Suhnul Inspector, paid nn nlfirial vi-it In our High Schunl lwre lust Monday. He spent 11 mm! put uf the day iiszening tn the tnncbing u! vm'iuus hrnncln'fl of ncudy by the Head Manner and A~sisluntu IIvforu. {wwng he said he WnS glad to see 1116 school was mnintnimng a {quad stnud as it lmd on former vie-its. It will he illft'rl‘ed he Wus pleased with the work done. as he told the pupils their tvacbers might give them a Mr. Hudguan. High nn nlfirial vi-it In our Monday. He spent 11 holile M any time In suit their convenience. No doubt Hm Inspectm will bend a report of his visit to the School Board. There arrived here Thursday last from England, in the person 0! Rev. Father Teefy of 1.1m Bafiilian Order, a men Who is most lnvombly thought. of, not. only in Catholic circles, where he has gained a great repu- tation on a speaker, but also among Univer- sity men, with whom he is very popular, having once been Preaiilz-m of the Toronto UniVersin Sciemific and Literarv Society. Twa and a half years ago Father Teel‘y, who lmd occupied a professonale chair in St. Michael’s College, was removed to Plymouth, England, whore he continued his Work an a professor in (he Colle;e of Mary the Imnml- cullnle. He has been removed to Toronto. where his many friends will be able to greet him again at. St. Michael’s College. During his Vui'fllions abroad Father Teefv visited Rome and toured through many European countries. Shortly after reaching Toronto he went out to Richmond Hill to visit his parents, with whom he will remain for a few (lays. and Turontouinne may shortly expect to hear him preach from the pulpit. of St. Basil's.~â€"World. Miss Lloyd, of Whitchm'cb. is making a visit with her aunt, Mrs. I. Crosby. Mr. Baldwin Teefy. of Toronto, spent last Sundry with his parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Mason, of Woodbridge,spent last. Sunday with their relating in t,st village. BeV. G. N. Rutledge will occupy the pulpit in the \Voodgreen Methodist Church, Town- to, next Sundav morning and evening. Tummyâ€"m the residence of his father.Aumra.nn ‘1‘hmxday‘ Oct. 4th. Dr. W. J. Tmceypf Wesb- fleld, Mum. aged 29 years, 6 months. The third page of the Tor-Into DAILY MAIL is noted fur “\Vunt" advertiseuwm If you want to buy or sell anything. If you want a. sibuatiun. a mechanic. a. busi- ness, machinery. lodgings, if you] have lost. or found anything. nr if you want In find out where anyone is, advertise in the 'l‘nruntu DAILY MAIL and read the ad- vertisenwnts my the Thin] page uf final paper. The charge is TWH Cents a mud each insartinn. Addrcss THE MAIL, Toronto, Canada. 5th of Octuber, 1388 Liam. Savnge in the chair. Mmutes of last meeting, as taken from the mth bunk, were read and confirmed. The Richmond Hill Fire Brigade mpt inithq Lnrnre HaHV’nVu Friday evening, the In reference to getting: a. huuk of in- ntruction in Fireman’s Fancy Drill, Fore- man Redditt reported that. he had umde enquiries in the any. but. was unable to procure the book. He said he wmlld eu- denvux to gen particulars before the next meeting. .‘eysâ€"Anfiskyr‘lu anonto.nttl.e residence 0‘r the bride's father. on Wednesday. Ucc. 3rd- 188’1. by the Rev. Robert Wallace. of West Chm-cu, George Lays, of Sm‘uin, to Adelaide Louisa. daughter of Georue Avkuey. A discussion then took place relative in the working of the band. as in conse- quence of two of the members having been expelled {ruin the Brigade. for non- uttendance at the meetings, the Band had ceased practising. Fire-nan Shari) said it was difficult fur CPl‘lflil) members of the Band to attend fire practices and busilrnessrmeetlngs. IL was pointed out that it was necessary for every member of the Brigade tn M‘ tend at. least uue meeting during the quarter. _ Mr. '1‘. Powell being presem, it was finally Innved Ivy Fur-mum: Sheppard. wounded by Fireumn Sharp, that Ml. Powell be re instateda member of this Brigade. on eunditiun that he complies with the provisions of the By»Lawn.' Carried. Limit. Savage ernrted that the ex- penditure nf the Fireman’s pic‘nic held at Bond's Lake was $18 67. and there had been received as donations $15 ()0, heaving $3 67 m be raised by the Brigade. 0n Iâ€"nutinn uf Firmnan A: Wright. sec- onded by Fuemau Sharp, the report was adopted. SMOKING TOBACCO MYRTLE 15 1y The meeting then adj-nurned Fire Brigade Meeting. In Bronze on each Plug y and Package. High School Inspection FINER THAN EVER. Father Tcefy's Kclum. PERSONALS. MARRIAGES (1"? and PJIITG 'l‘lllS YEA H’s DEATHS See . THE LIBERAL? A PYRAMID of FACTS First.â€"â€"Buying for Spot Cash. thereby convincing the wholesale men that I command the market. Secondâ€"«Selling Goods cheaper retail than the handicap dealers, who are under the thumb of wholesale men, can buy for. ' Third.â€"-Gough sells Fine Worsted Suits for $6.90, worth 3513. He sells All-VVool Waterloo Tweed Suits for $3.80, worth $8. He sells Boys’ Suits for 58 c., $1.10, $2 and up. Elegant Goods. He sells Boys' Coats for 19c. A customer remarked the other day,when shown the goods, “Well,really, Gough, you are, without doubt, the King of Low Prices, and the Only and Original Wonderful Cheap Man.” Fifthâ€"Do we offer baits ? Some dealers say my prices quoted are only baits thrown out to catch ! Why, bless them! Gough’s the original agitator for Small Profits ; goods are all baits. He does not fish with a bare hook. He knows the value of good value. His offers touch bottom in Cloth- ing Prices, and that’s what makes the High-Priced Clothing sharks wriggle and squirm. GWGH, the Wonderful Cheap Man, Why Gough, the Wonderful Cheap Man, is on the top of the heap. Why the Giant Clothier knocks the 80:: off the combined Twelve Triflers With the Clothing Trade. T0 FARMERS ! FLEURY’S SBNS. AURORA. Plowsuf Mlkiqu, invlgnliug §I_v ky wows. two Points and Repairs Inspect my implfa RICHMOND HILL Fourth.-Men’s Working Pants, 17c. The. undursimed keeps on hand at his oflice N. B.â€"â€"Note the Address and ask for GOUGH. }Bex1 The memes! Discovery of "13 Age. Price - ' $3. All lands of Implements manufactured by Mathers, save 50 per cent. and buy your Boys’ School Suits from guil- LBre-‘eâ€"hia;}r;\:ehi(§u:nng Piqu. 62c. 6w? alwavs in stock. THIS SILVER-PLATED INSTRUMENT 128 IIIN(} S'FREET EAST .J. RUPERT $1.00 h’ote the following b‘acts : s tor plows of every make :lements and Cuwptu'e with ufiber firms. The only catfirxh remedy ever offered to the public on 15 days trial; a. written guarantee glven with each instrument, W. T. BAEE & Co., 155 Queen Street. West. Toronto. Ont. Actinayis nota medicine or a digusling lotion or powder ball, buk a Self-genera 1l1§u\_ zlpyr. gusuv ql1:l_1ulc1L§5.|x:ly nlxpliud at all hours. times and pince A . ,_._‘.|,. n___.m -n «numn n1 um; \ lLl‘Ul. cam-y uuu “mum...” “luau... m, m. .wu... ..__-- .m- Acfinafio. 2.~Quickly relieves and thoroughly cums all Throat and Lung dxsuascs. . Act n3 Na. (iiâ€"Posmively cums all diseases of the Eye Cataract G‘Fan uhtcd Eye-lids, Inflamed Eyes, near and tar sight ass Tux»: 'Em 'i‘urnvrgb'xvuum CLOSED. A Tm; ACTle 13 SOLD UNDER otm mummy GUARANTEE ON 1': nus TIHAL. But-lose 5mm: for handsomely illustrated book luld )Lanlth journal. W. T. BARB. 6: 00.. 1:35 Queen Street. West. Toronto. Om. CATARRH IMPOSSIBLE UNDER ITS INFLUENCE THE GREAT EYE AND LUNG RESTORER Medicated for all diseases 0! the blood and nerJ vous system. Ladies' Belt. $2 for female com- laints it. has no equal. M 9113’ Belt $3. combined gelt and Suspensory $5. Seminal weakness. errors of youth. lost ‘ manhood, nightly ulyxssious. lit-c. The only ’gwmgggypct’ssgrrsahmsummary Notice 13 credimrs. MEDICATED ELECTRIC “BELTâ€" Pursumpt to the Statute in such case, notice is PENDYFIVGH that a." crednors and persons hav- xug clnuns “Quinn the estate of Henry MeElmy late of the Township 0! Vaughan 111 the Cuuntg‘ 0" Yorkau‘rmer, who died on or About the 27: day 0!}; HI. 1083. at the V1Unge o! (3011er in the sand County at York. are to send an or before the 20th day of October, 1588. by post nreqnuid no The 'l'orontu Gene: 111 Trusts Company. 505. 27 5.114129 Wellington Street East, Tomnw. meEx- ecutcrs named m the Will n! the mid Henry McElroy. deceased their christian nml swimmers. addresses and descriptions, with in]! partxculm's of their claims and szntoments 0! than ucuuuuta 11nd nature fifthe set-[Hides (if any} tejd by them accumptniml by IL Stucumrv Decluuuou verlty- ing the nocumcv of suuh claim. Am] Notice is also give-u 12) It aft): the men~ than“ duo: the fluid execumrs will prucved 1.0 distribute the assets 01 the deceased mgwnu @116 In the matter of the Estate of Henry McElroy late of the Tuwnsbip of Vaughan in the County of York. Farmer, deceased. and '23} 29 “'el‘ingmn street Euf u' the Execution, The '1 they will 1: buying re lerenf to an" or claims. the ,5 8:11 0113' EDGAI 183' genera.â€" jberm! m en and the

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