Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Oct 1888, p. 1

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, tQ 2‘ ,.' , r“) ‘ @113 (girlhood Is PnnLisnED EVEnY THURSDAY EVENING AT {HE LIBERAL PRINTING ti PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. â€" â€" ONTARIO 'l‘. E. MGMAEON, EDITOR and PROPRIETOR. BU SIEESS CARDS. Elicdiml . RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY. OCT. 18, 1888. MONEY i0 LOAN Richmondil-Iill and Vicinity No. 14.. The Gamble School House. Minnow Privth Funds to Loan on Mortgage To the Editor of THE LIBERAL : on Form Propertyâ€"122:4“th 6 per cent. par un- num. Terms cosy. Apply to HOLMES & GREGORY, . Barristers. &c., lfiliing Strsnt West, Toronto. At Town Hall, Markham. cvury Sitti lay. . LEN D Per Cenf. liluNEY T0 .415 5?; Several Farms fun Sale in this Vicinity. j AT VERY LOW PRICES. E. F. LANGSTAFF, Richmond Hill Address 48-tf DB. J. LANGSTAFF, iwmeEnY. RICHMQ ND HILL, ONT nlghtonlls atfmnt (lem' bell. Office hour 10:11)) Dr. “7. J. Wllson. Medalist Toronto I‘nivczsitv Member .(‘0 Physiciansd' Surgeons, Ont.,( of Stouffvme Yonge Street. Richmond Hill. Office Hours to Oa.m.5tosp.m â€"_â€"â€"-b_,__ -.-4_._ A 4,â€"7-____-_. r , Vlfl'flfllfiiflfl fill? USED BY Dr. A. Robinson. S UKGEON‘ DENTIST thank‘tul for the favors of the past- 20 years may slim be consulted in any branch of the proâ€" ussiou asfollows: \zu‘urn 1512,8131), lt‘th. and 22nd of each month Richmond Hill... .. .Qtli and 24th win, (“the PalmerHouse) Stou ff ville .. 18th 10. Markham 10. Victoria. Squar do L‘liornhill, Will do \Voodbridge do. Kleiuburg . do Hobietozn 30m c ‘Vitulized Air always on hand at appointments Works like a charm. Free from pain. Address A ROBINSON L.D.S.. Auror 3 Out. LAWRENCE & MILLIGAN. Barristers, Szllcitors, Conwyancers, 85s.. foronto Officeâ€"No. I4 Building & Loan Chambers. No.15 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Officeâ€"Rear of the Central Bank. on Saturdays. _0_ “ONE! TO LOAN ATlElo‘VfiT CURRENT RATES A. G. F. LAWRENCE. T. G. MILLIGAN. Fullerton, Cook & Wallace. BARRISTEDS, SOLICITORS so OFFICE: 18 {inc S’IRFET Ess'r. 'l‘onoM‘o Richmond Hill 1’. 0. Every Saturday. 1 8 Bullurton, W Cook, â€"Wallnce L? Pawns nouns To r-mu. ‘. W D Gnnaosr G W Houses Hanna's a gunman, Barristers, Solicitors. Conveyancers, &c. Myrna Funds to Lotus at Lowest Rates. Toaomo amenâ€"No. 10 King St. “'est. Man'in nm omcen'l‘own Hall. Markham Mr Grogm‘y or‘lii- Holmes will he at the Marl;â€" hmn (mice every Saturday from u a. in t0 ’1‘ P m ’- B. MILLER 11. J. B. DUNCAN gill/“mac‘s .s floor/ mnmsrsus, SOLICITORS AND XOTARIES. NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c., Issuer of Marriage Licenses, RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. "11%; isnllnmuns. Sn firm Enknrtlt Your correspondent, “Ziz,” who enjoys the privilege of carrying a green bag, has not forgotten the scenes of his early youth amongst us, and through THE LIBERAL has requested information consuming what used to be known as the Gamble School House, and the boys belonging to that school section in the days when we were young._ As we get older we forget a thousand intervening incidents between our early davs and later life, but how vivid are the recollections of boyhood (lays when cir- cumstances clears the memory and makes the past loom up he‘ore us. I well remember when to got our share of elementary education (all that some of us ever got) we used to gather within the walls of the old Gamble School House and pretended to study by the light of its queer shaped windows, with one eye on the master up in his antiquated desk that once did duty as a pulpit, and the other eye deep into some mischief, and how we used to squirm aroundon the oldâ€"fashion- ,ed benches, all day long wishing like "\Vellington. not for Blucher, but that "night wuuld come.” And neither have we forgot the Dumines of old, stern and unflinching administrators of corporeal punishment, especially that vinegar-faced Licenses Auctioneerfm‘. the Counties of York 01d.J0h" Smith) Who used to Slap edll‘ Ontrtrm tlflil Pécl. Goods sold on consignment. Generalsulus r;l"stock. Btu, promptly attended “‘1, to at reasonable rates. P. 0. address, U NIONVILLE. James {3. stokes. catu-n into some of us across his knees. at a. contnast he was to the fussy, yet jolly little fellow, George Foster, who was master in school when authority was necessary. and a boy out when fun Licensed Auctionch for the County of York, rc- 0" the Programme: as HOUd “3 “‘9 beet 0f spectfulls' solicits your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the sLnrtcst notice as a chcket and at rmisonuhe rates. P. 0. address, King. N . J. Armstrong. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales annulled on the shortest notice,s.nd at rea- abc ratns. Address Stontl'vrlle P. 0 Ema-(ls Richardson. Issue)’ of Marriage Licenses for the County of Yor > RDSIDENCE, â€" IlIAPLR- ONT mass» pain/g songs. All kinds of \Vood, Iron. Galvanized Pipe, Iron. Brass and Porcelain Cylinders. All kiudsr‘f Water Runs, Well-Digging Curbs, Curb Ring. and Cistorn Tanks made to order. Repairing done on shortest notice. WM. JA i' {:50 N, Proprietor. - MAPLE giiltnuhrifige’fi CLASSES ARE NOW OPEN FOR SENIOR. 1b JUNIOR PUPILS IN. MUSIC o i . c o » ins impact: v Teacher of Music (95 Oil Painting“ PARSON AGE, 26.4-ly DRESS MAKING MISS HKEHISON, us at base or foot hall, and as lively Nor that other stalwart cat-o’-nine-tail-swniger whom we once undertook to lock out, in accordance with an old-time custom,wlio asserted his prerogative by. making an impromptu battering rain of a. Cord-wood stick, and sent door, barricade undâ€"-rehels into the centre of our field of operations, comâ€" pletely demoralizing all our forces. To a retrospect view how many have been the changes that have swept over the scenes of our early days in the years that have coniemid gone, and how few are the landmarks thut remain to recall the reminiscences of childhood or the as‘ sliciatiuns of youth. The beautiful grova of second growth pines with its evergreen Canopy that shielded us from tho scorch- ing sunâ€"-through whose branches the gentle breezes always played, whose leafy arches we made ring with our juvenile. shouts and uproarious merrimcuc when we swarmed at “recess,” is still thereâ€" and the hills down which we slid with thick-soled shoes for skates, and barrel staves for toboggans, and over which we scampered, when, like Goldsmith’s village children, we were “just let 10050 from school,” still remainâ€"but the quaint old building that crowned the hillâ€"top, its elevation typical of higher education, has given place to a more pretentious struct- ure, on a. more eligible site, and the gi- gantic bass Wood on the slope, under whose umbrageous foliage, spreading like RICHMOND HILL a huge umbrella. we performed gvmnast- ics or sprawledat ease, has been levelled by the axe, when no old chum was nigh to raise the pathetic cry "Woodman spare that tree, For in youth it sheltered me,” The masters too, whose smiles we courted-and atwhose frowns we trembled, Dress Maker. oppositeMnsouic Hall Richmond are gone, all gone to join the great ma Hill THE DUMlNIUN HOUSE, Richmond Hill, Brlllingcr. Berni. liming refitted the above House and furnish- ed if. in first-class styled am prepcmd togive the pi‘iilil: the best 0‘ accommodation. Excellent Toronto Office â€"Court Chambers, corner Stabliugurnl attelltn‘ellostlel‘s. Sample Booms Church and Adelaide Streets. Tharnhill Officeâ€"Post Gifice every Wed. nesday from w to i2 3. in. Richmond Hill Officeâ€"Post Office every ' Wednesday from I to 4 p. m. l l Collections in City and (Jouutrv prompt” I attended to. Nancy to loan. v.08“ \k‘i .’ =v.\“‘x‘~‘«‘.'.“ Héizt‘ni: -' WRIGHT BROS, Under-takers a- Ensbahnm‘s, i .» " v0. so Funeral Flll‘kllfiliillgs Always on 1 Hand ', E S M E- “ ‘c'L'dXTi-‘JP. [30leth y»: :‘;~i.i.\,x.l \7i EXPET \fu‘ls PS mun can Rilut‘m‘d wuli ’x‘rinnuoni :1: 5 sh; R! and U. Any dctx-rliiinn d Pscuiiiir iuivu: ages to in i .- . ‘ lug man; i... . fif‘t'CJlllii Unit}. true. i Aildru: -.' 5.: our“. (Nuny il-is pl per-l bliOWZS [nu uni-11.3. ) Jmni‘Miâ€"zx: Huang: 11:3. 3: . 3'. . Sept. Gill-2m I for mnnncrnal travellers. A good livery in con- nectiun. Terms 5] nor day. A I fig”. Lawn”, EQEEA‘EE” 1.38 mm STRlZl-Z'D EAST. TORONTO Yverv accommodation to guests. Board. $1.00 per day GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL BIS-OPENED AS A ’lsng‘isnus liaise. N Best bran ls yr for commercial l‘umn Coin 2 “nuts odious rooms A. J.RUPERT, Prop. . . , 0, . cat’s gum. Vest Summer Rc=orz in the county. ‘Goml “fin”? “u‘l 501‘th- Iirci‘y accommodation [u roarderstvellm-e and pin-nic patties. YER! . SE LE... Frop ’9 K.) jority beyond. And the boys ! where are they ? Scattered up and down this wide, wide world, each rouuh hewing out the destiny that lies before hllll. In .life some have been disastrous failures, but the greater number grand successes, Proprietor' graduating into useful citizens. many fili- ing positions of responsibility and honor in politics, education and religion. To gratify to some extent your Toronto cor- respondent’s curiosity it might be men- tioned that three of those boys are ex- Reeves of: the village of Richmond Hill, others are Councilmen in other munici- Ualities, several are trustees in High and Public Schools, others are teaciu-rs in the same. One is a minister and d;spenses the Word of Life, another is u Sull of .Esculapius and dispenses alopatliic doses, and another is Laird of 131;“. Null-v, an energetic successor to lls IOllll’lcl‘, the genial George P. Dickson, qu. A lew are the owners of farms, the result of their own industry, nmie are successful . men in the commercial world, and others have retired from the activities of busi- ness life. To the question, “How many lawyers ? " I can only reply that beside Wlntu n fur the LraVelling public , vonr correspondent, “ZIZ,” I do not know of any who have become members of the legal fraternity, although Chancellor ll-lyd and his brmhcr William, bull: lawyers, were brought up under th: slisduwof our Alum lliiicl‘, but know, 31;, Editor, we couldn’t all be lawyersâ€"a lot of Us ll‘Ul to be retained for clients In kHâ€"n up the fmumiul rc-‘ spectability cf the pro ’c:si..: . (TO BE 0 lSTlSL'lJD.) “ KS. ll) r you , amt... .».. Our IJ.'oronto Letter. The YoungaMen’s Liberal Club of this city have had lif)‘ first regular meeting, and elected officers for the preth Club year. The attendance at the opening was good and the hearty enthusiasm which was exhibited angers well for a. successful sussinll. The president elect, Mr. J. S. Willison, is among our most promising of our young Canadian jour- nalists, and his many friends confidently predict for him a bright and eminently successful future He has done much for the Club in the past, and now that he occupies the highest position in tho gift of his-fellow-members, will-no doubt devote hisbest energies to increasing the sphere of the Club’s usefulness. There are periods in the life of every country when the histories of centuries is deter- mined bv the course we take in a few short years. Through one of those peri- ods we are evidently passing to-day. Our future is being moulded, and-we are the moulders. We shall have to deterâ€" mine very soon whether we shall sever the political tie which binds us to the mother land, or draw it closer; if we shall endeavur to establish an independâ€" ent Canadian nationality, or enter the great Republic as States of the Union. These are questions well worthy of our deepest consideration, and are no longer out. of the fieldmf practical politics. They are questions which the Young Liberals , would do well to discuss during the pres- ent winter, and when dealing with them may they always remember that it is not for them to decide which of these courses would be to the advantage of Great Brit- ain, but which Would promote the best and highest interests of Canadians them- selves. There is hardly likely to be any oppo- sition to the re-eluctiun of Mayor Clark. Should any other man be bold enough to enter the field he Would have little chance of success. Mr. Clark has shown that he is not cuntrollcdhy the elements which were the means of his election. He is an honest and most capable administrator, and will no doubt attain in time a much higher DUSlLlIIlI. Grout interest was shown during the past week in the trial of the man Buckley for the murder of his paramour, Bertha Usher, Some months since. The circum- stances of the murder many v'ill recltll. This poor girl, who had lived with Buck- ley for many years in spite of his cruel trcutnisnt, went out to pay a. line which had been imposed on him in the Police Court. She either lost the money or spent it for liquor, and on her return to the house was struck and kicked by Buckley until she died. At the trial evi- deuce was given which went to show that she had.been injured before this occasion ‘ and it was not clear that these prior in, juries had not had something to do with her death. Owing to this the jury brought in a. verdict of manslaughter, and the judge imposed a sentence of five years imprisonment in the peneteutiary. The sentence was thought by many to be unnecessarily light and the ,ejudge, who, it appears, was not aware of Buckley’s previous bad record, upon motion by the Crown Counsel, ordered the prisoner to be brought before him again,aud sentenc- ed him to fifteen years instead of live, so that it will be some time yet before he is liberated. The four bye elections for the Ontario Legislature, which have just been held, gave rise to but little interest in Toronto The Liberals hardly expected to carry East Northilmberlaud, which the Con- servatives gained at the last ‘ general y election, and the return of Dr. \\ illougli- by Caused no surprise. It was not ex- 1 pccted that Mr. Dance. the Liberal can- didate for East Elgin, Would have the large majority that he secured, or that the Conservative majority in Frontenac wuu'd be so small. Altogether both parties seem to be satisfied with the re- sult. An election that is creating much great- er interest is the Presidential campaign in the United States, which is now (traw- ing to a close. The excitement seems to i be at fever heat. The general impression is that Clemâ€"land will be l‘c‘clccted, but that is by no means sure. The Republi- , cans are relying on the t-lll‘Ct of the Pro 4 tcctinn cry, hoping by lighting tllt, butllc luut on this issue to rally the working i incn t-i their side. If thi-y succeed in i l i this they may curry the State of New ‘ York with its thirty-six electoral votes, and the Democrats will have to make ‘ greater gains in the \Vcstern States to i offset such a loss. If the tariff reform ’ cry had IJK‘ell stun-xi some years ago they might lmrc >illCCttL‘il'”), but tlm farmers 1607mm readily Change their party, and the tal’llflssne has not been 5:; long before them that tiny ctm SCI: 2. ~w min-ll they “‘ullltl gain by the nli",iili'll of the policy , monumendwl by Pas: ch: Clevularid. l SEVEN _.__.__,.,.__.. lib/Cl; 541-”); Ci-fil (ill ('13 IiiIWOrth,B Drug more), no soil :it some nice that i otlicr st- m :31 cumu‘m Canadian 3 'm, L’rllu blUTt‘, next to ) l blin‘wrln u Xipissmg II-n'cl, Toronto. l No. 16. NEWS ITEMS. Police Goustable Jarvis has been dis- Charged from-the Toronto Police Force. Fifty-seven excursionists Were killedv by a collision on the Lshigh Valley Rail- way on \Vednesday night of last week.- At a public meeting held on Friday night,Parkdale again declared against annexation to the city. Premier Greenway has Commenc- ed proceedings against the Winnipeg Free Press-for criminal libel. The German police are seizing all‘ they copies of Dr. Mackenzie’s book they can find, 40,000 having been seized in Lsipsic alone. The remains of the late Hon. James Patton, collector of customs for Toronto, were interred in St. James’ Cemetery on. Monday. At the request of the proprietor of the establishment, all the employes of Eaton's. Dry Goods Store, Toronto, were vacci- nated last week. Eli-President Dewart, of the Young; Men’s Liberal Club, was tendered a com-. "plimentary banquet at the Reform Clubi "P135 Thursday night. ___._ If you want to buy or sell a Farm, Std- vertise in the Toronto \VDERLY, MAIL. That paper roaches 100,090 Farmers’ homes every week, and your advertise- ment should meet the eye of. some one who wants to purchase. Advertisements of this Class are insertedin the Toronto \VEEKIJL MAIL for Five Gents a. word each insertion, or Twenty Cents a word for five insertions. Address THE MAIL, Toronto,_ Canada o.._â€"â€"â€"_. 03.1: images. From our own Correspondent. Mr. Robt Thompson and Mr. James» Mair are both ill; Mr. Thompson with malarial fever, and Mr. Mair with con- gestion of the liver. At last accounts Mr. Mair was improving. In our last comm unication we forgot to mention that Mr. Mair had lost a valu- able horse,,tlie third one in nine months. This time it was a young grey mare, worth about $300. The farriers pro- nounced the cause of death to be incliy gestion. We would Warn the public to look out for a man who canvassed this burgh last week. He said his name was Galbraith, and was soliciting aid for a Woman whom he called Mrs. Moors, who lust all she had by fire. Sometimes he said the fire» was on the 10th Cull. of King, and~some- times near Newmarket. and when he got. up near Newniurket he said the fire was on the 3rd Con, of King,near Hainstock’s Corners. Some people were victimized by him to a greater or loss extent. Bliss Bedding, of Garrick, and Miss Wilcox,. of Aurora, were visiting it. Mr. Gregory’s last week. The Misses \Vntsull, of Weston, who were visiting with their uncle, Mr. 1‘. Rutledge, h;ch returned home. ..___. Cough I Cough ! Cough ! Cough ! stop that cough ! I can’t get any rest at all. Are you asleep, David l Yea, father! bring me another Cold tatie. Quince Cough Cure will certainly cure any form of cold. No house should be without it. Sold at Dilworth’s Drug Store, next Nip- issiug Hotel, King St. East, Toronto. Only 135 ccuts. “IE-mm _ ,__,, . 5...:41 . ,u. l’tl

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