Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Oct 1888, p. 4

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Sunset Gold Paint, for gilding chairs. picture frames, fancy baskets, mottoes, and nrnaments of every description, and only five cents a package at Dilwortlx's Dig Store, 170 KingSt. East, Toronto._ the reasons advanced in the book must be conclusive. If the sup- pression of such a book were order- ed in this country it would be looked upon as an act of the .greatest tyranny. No person will deny that the Emperor died or canoer. there- fore the majority will naturally think that he had cancer an'OII] the first. The boon, however, is intended to disprove this, and if Germans were allowed to read both sides of the story they would feel better satisfied With their own conclusions. But the iron hand of Bismarck is upon his people, and what he commands is instantly made law. Dr. Mackenzxe' has written a book showing that the disease of which the Emperor died was ‘not originally cancer, but that cancer was after- wards cansed by the bungling oper- ations of the German doctors. In defence the home physicians main- tain that had certain operations been performed in the early stages of the disease the Emperor would have been a living man today. \Ve are not prepared to give an opinion on either side of the quest- ion, but from the fact that Bismarck has caused the seizure of Mr. Mac. KenZIe‘s book on German territory, we would be inclined to tlnnk that It is now evident-that the Judge had not been made acquainted with ihis previous history, as the penalty '~has been~since raised to fifteen years instead of five. By so doing His .Honor has raised himselt in the es- -timation of every. person outside of :the few who would palliate crime‘of every type. Had the first sentence been allowed to remam‘the danger 'to human life would have been greatly increased. But fifteen years is a long term to spend within the \walls of a penetentiary, and during ‘Atliat time Buckley will have ample ‘ opportunity of reflecting on the past. v and ‘of Inoking torward into the future if He vpurposes becoming a‘ «*bettér man and leading a truer life. 'It is unfortunate that so much trouble has emanated from the med- ical treatment of the late Emperor Frederick of Germany. It the strite can be kept within the: limits of the English and German physicians no harm will result. But it really looks as if the controversy so bitter- ly carried on might lead to serious difficulties between the two nations. Jhe kicked her several times even falter she pleaded for mercy. Again lhad 1115 previous record been that 'of a respectable man there might ihave been an excuse tor leniency. But this was not the case, as his antecedents were of the blackest character, and nothing good could Abe advanced in his Iavor. \Vhen His Honor, Judge ‘Galt, 3last week inflicted the extremely llight penalty of five years’ imprison- ’ment on the villain Buckley for 'causing the death of Bertha Usher, -a feeling very much akin to that ‘of lmdlgnation arose'in the breasts ot Ithe great majority of {air-minded lpeople. Law-abiding citizens won- |dered why such a short sentence Ishould be given for a crime so hem- 'ous. Here was a man who had -taken the lite ot a weak Iemale in a ‘most brutal manner. ’Had he struck 'the unfortunate woman one fatal lblow in a passion of anger the deed \‘Would not have appeared so wicked. JBut the evidence Went to show that RICHMOND HILL. Thursday, Oct. 18, '88 Cal-Wine Roller Millâ€"Thea. Cobk. Servant Wantedâ€"Mrs. T. F. McMahon I @115: gihemi. DR NEW ADVERTISEMENTS MA CA’ ENZIE’S BOOK. TEN ‘ YEA RS: ADDED. To the public we say come to our store and leisurely ex- amine our goods. A closer acquaintance with our meth- od of doing business will be profitable to .you. Highest price for good Butter, Eggs, and Lard. ed Coatings. Readyâ€"Made Pants and Men’s and Boys’ Long Boots. A lot of Ladies’ Fine 1300133. 9 half Chests of 'I'Le_a_, Green, Tweeds & Vforstâ€" Fine OaShmeres 8c Fancy Dress ' Goods. Heavy Shawls (EC Mantle Cloths. Fine Wool Blank- ets, red €80 grey. Flannels,al.l wool. Ladies Wool Hose. The following list includes apile of goods, first-Class in every'respect, yet sold below 'Wholesale Prices: Dress Goods. Combination Suitings, VEIVets, Flushes and Trimmings. Shawls,]ackets,Mantle Cloths Yarns and VVools. .Vorsted Coatings, Scotch & Canadian Tweed-s. Ready-made Clothing, Hats ~(neWest-shapes)., Boots, ShOes and Groceries. . W. NEVILLE THE 'Is filling up with Fall anfl Winter Goods of the newest and most fashionible kinds. Black and Japan. CHEAP We also deal in GA SH Overcoats. HOUSE SUITS. 190 YONGE ~ST, I Toronto, - -Ont. T. EATON (K: (30-, Tweéds that thé cold blasts bring thoughts of. Address \Varm Overcoats for boys, made to stand the tumblingr and tossing of every boyish freek. Stylish no matter how worn. Prlces $2.50 to $55.00. Boys’ Tweed Suits from $2.25 to $§.00 Every warmth in elegant anywhere and moder- ately priced. We seldom fail with our great resources back- ing effort. Proof lies at the shoe counters. Pick on our $1.85 Men’s hand-made bOut. Its make has received the at- tention we wanted-â€"no seam at the sides to hurt the tender feet, or crack and let in the water, comiortably lined with easy duck,--nai1ed or seWn,a11d with double sole. The wear- point can’t be beaten by many a $2.50 boot. Just as true of the wear goodness of our boys’ and youths’ leathen lined boots at $1.00â€"there every- thmg wanted in easy-strength. Makers nowadays can give such a deceptive finish to in- ferior goods that in the ab- sence of comparison it’s easy to pass them. Cashmeres are often among the wronged. But if your dress goods man can be depended upon the truth will come out. Here: soft, glossy,all-wool cashmere, 'black 45c. to $1.00 per yard, >every thread the purest, .and ‘finish, truth need have no lhesitation in praising to the fullest. Every modest beauty that could be given to the warm.fashionable winter black dress wants. Prices bring them within easy graspâ€" Foule cloth zocnto 35c. .per yard, Black Soliel Cloth ,35c. to 45c. per yardfiBlack Jersey Cloth 15c.:to 25c., are three price-hints to guide need. \Ve have set hard at the‘ work of getting specialties in foot-wearfor Men and Boys. Boots and Shoes that the wearer needn’t be careful a- bout picking his steps in, and; yet that will look neat and. Honesty is the policy for a merchant who means to be great. So is liberality. ‘You can deceive some of the peo~ ple all the time, or all 'of the people some ofxthe time, but you can’t deceive all the peo- ple all the time.’ In conspic- uous instances other houses occasronally meet our prices l ‘as leaders,’ but it is a forced exaction, not a spontaneous :tribute. Besides copying our mode of business and sailing under lalse colors (even the name ‘Eaton.’) Beware of imitators. l Mail Order Department, Our Mail Order Depart- ment has a staff of .ladies whose sole business islto pur- chase fort our patrons who live at a distance and who by this means can have \the advant- tagcs of this SIOI‘CJS work in every clime just as good as they could by personal purchasing. Samples, prices and catalogues will be forwarded to any address when asked for. T 0 IR ‘0 N '1‘ 0 .1 '3' EMBN 31. 39., 190 to 196 Yonge St., ex- tending through to lo & 1252- Queen St, Head has induced nupnncipled parties tn imitate it. The public an: cautioned not Lu be demived by nostrnms imitating Nasal Balm in name and appearance, bearing such names as Nasal Cream,Nasal Balsam. etc. Ask for Nasal Balm and do not take imitation dealers may urge upon you. For sale by all druggists or sent postâ€"paid on receipt of price (500. nr $1) by addressing-:Eulfurdd 00., Brock- ville, Out. And everythin At much below STOVES - OF - ALL ~ KINDS. Also Hardware of every variety, as well as furnaces and eave-troughing. Havmg purchased a large stock of Raymond Sewing Machines (1nd Eagle Steam Washers Produce of all kinds taken in exulmnge for goods and highest prices allowed. Special Value in Hyaons. C Rank and White Lose by FERSET-GLASS GRQGEREES 2? 0n hand. new designs, at less than Tom Our stock of Groceries can‘b be beat in quality and price. stantly on hand. A'Large Stomk Over 100 patterns to choose from. New Ready Mixed Paints, in all cnlnrs Leads, Oil, anpes Is direct from the Stafl‘ordshire Potteries. and we are selling from alLover the country. who say that they can get nothing design and lowness in prices. Our Groceries are always new, clean and fresh. ( In all the latest coloring: and textures from 7c, perxyaxd, no Bankrupt Trash either. Our Dress Trimmings are well known to the dress makers of Richmond Hill as the- heat assorted and the cheapest in town. A liberal discount to dress makers. Beautiful Grey Flannel at 13c. per yard, Factory Cotton. yard wide, at 50 per yd. Prints for 50., Cretonncs for 9c. Is simply immense, and we have just £11. Tapestry Carpets range from “373. m 750 per yard. and the Velvet pile. at $1.35; wide, at 75c. ;’Hemp Carpet for 70. per I Blinds, in all the latest designs, Curtain may desire a ls replete with the latest Lnndon, Paris and New York novelties. and the Hatmnd Bonnets already turned out by Miss M. Inman, our new millhleVLjustify us in any,â€" ing that, never in this department. has there been such general natisfaction given 40 all clasacs ut' customers. ‘ The values are exceptional, and a single 1001: will satisfy vou that the patierns are right and our facilities for making to order in the latest New Yolk fashions are un- ex‘celled, being under the direct umnagement of Mrs. Atkinson, whose) skill needs no more than mentioning. Br-gs to advise his nnmernns cnstmners and friends that h direct from manufacturers in Enghnd, Seutland and lreln opened up to the gaze 0f an admirian public. On acounm «would be simply nséiess to try and enumerate more 131' WNGRETE HGUSE The quantity, quality anfl [In-ice; ‘will s‘nit. every 0:}? who may fgvor as “m, a nu .Lvfl-L‘i U I . Fail; EWmteE @gemng And C. Mason is a HARDWWARE PLAIN THE PEQPLE’S STQRE! GENE STQR E; WNTER W. Mfifiémgfiimm mgmriea'. CHE THE CARPET & HOUSE FURNISHING DEP’T ATKINSON, OE IN LABIES’ MANNING, ULSTEREM, 856., OUR?» CIfi€>CKERX7 Do hut fan"! to £21k: principled parties tn ic are cautioned not nostmms imitating RICHMGND HILL, THE MILLENEBY DEPARTMENT Wholesale cheap. IJRE 35$ 3:} (er’) ()1) S AP WAI AN T ‘6 found in a )rothIV att FOR CHEAP, FRESH AND NOW IS YOUR TIME FOR Muller luwe just the things for the Fall house-cleaning. Th9 J ‘37:. m 750. per yam, the Brussels from 85c. to $1.25 It! at $1.35; Union Carpets at 50c ; Wool ‘Carpets, yard ; for 7c. per yard. Luce Curtains for 500. up. Dado gns, Curtain Poles, all lengths, in fact everything you may desire at popular prices. ’mlm eady on hand with a large stock of In the :md GRAND HE LORNE STORE Paint Brushes, all sizes. Glass, in any size. and Varnishcs, at bottom prices. i8 (EGMENG 1 aw patterns for F411 trade, the cheapest ever ufl'erecl. Jupans. Flour alwavs on hand. Front ass. I still continue to sell the celebrated 1 a hard attendec Ol) at less than Toronto prices to let. IO~'â€"t. f. Scutlnnd and lrelmuL Em} ublic. On accunnt nf the enumerate more than a fe of FURNITURE’ 13-” Ané 1L PAPERS he is pre lines of evén if you do fiat buy. ware store. Repairing :1 to. TO LET. PEG. TRENCH CUTLERY, P G. SAVAGE 3‘. NIAS‘E‘ON ared to sell very Give as wall. Flnur and Feed con- Dinner Sets to parties like outs for baaulxy of Able Brir‘ Applng “'M. SLINEY. Richmond Hill P. 0 )"ir'k Clad Hume ta WM. W503. The place and is a very ‘Hl call.

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