the Cuunhy. in the ï¬rst brim: 3 Some of the uthe Fleury‘ Plow, .S'c. $20; Root Soul] others squally as list will, without {Everybody should see Ea stock of'nobby Scotch Tweeds at the Concrete. Mr. N. Smith, auctioneer, has instructions to 3x]! the farm stock, implements and household furniture of Mr. Thos. Farmer, £01: 1, mar of 3rd Con. \Vllitcbm’ch, on Fri- day, Oct. 26th. Sale at 1 p. m. A credit of twelve months on all sums over $10. Bust of air John We beg to thank the manage pire for a wellexecmed bust Mucdmmld. It is a true repn the Premier. and is given free t scriber for the weekly edition 01 Nothing appears to be lacking l verbial red neck-tie. Urey Cotton 3 Flannel 13¢. per Crete. pmoiuze the w pending seen recent convex place the lit. rher chmge, n a year. The -is both hem) satisï¬ed that a better selec Match, Wbic Mr; Isaac M‘ day. Oct. 30! as prizes in rectors ï¬re v and are muk iisplay of plowm ‘~At the C imported I less than r4 V 'le grist miil, gives notice on a} that he has put in a full line of r‘ all the latest machinerv. and is n- ed to do Kristina m“! ply...“- est nod for whe N 1C6 44 piece Concrete {or ~31 the Concrete. 111 great variety, cheap Postponed. For want of a quorum the Dlrectors of the iiicbmoud Hill Branch of the Bible Society \had to adiourn their meeting last Friday evening. The Dlrectors are requested to meet. in the Presbyterian Church, m-morrow (Friday) evening tor Vaughan Council met on Monday last and selected the allozted number of jurymcn from the township. Y'He Return of Convicuons for Y;;k County were published in tize Parkdulo times last week. Men‘s, youth-8‘ and bovs’ Suits at the Concrete. 11] great varietv. chmn 75c. pcr South Pmdule TO‘lOX Connects with an t:- Hnuso Rinhmnn] Hi1 M1171 & Express. Nm‘fl‘ Accommodation " Mail & Express Norm Aumm. Kins!†. ‘ Rmmmxv Tunrnhill \Vosbnn .. Dnvemmr Pm‘kdnje. N. B.--Ra:istv at: least ï¬fteen mentioned hom- RICHMOND HILL, Thursday, Oct. 18. ’88 Markham Township Council rmeets Unionville next Saturday. Until further notio‘ Richmond Hill Posm MORNING :â€"Goinu Nl “'est. Maple, ' EVENING :â€"Goiu_2 so whom) Newmnrke PRUCTOR’R Parkdnju . Davenport Weston.“ .. ‘I‘hm‘n hill , 'nlcmumn King: Aux-m- Newumrke! The W Mr. Tho Servant wan tc d C'Lby Bru POST OFFICE NOTICE Citv Hull Union Brae], iii 9 I; ("D (3 xi Iï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬ 3H 1‘0. ‘k Street Hall Marked Ap Yurk Tenchers' Convention in to day and tomorrow. 'isï¬un Boys' Suits a regular price. Hum :ook, proprietor of Aucuon Sale Carrville Mi «1 Con. \Vhitchm'ch, on Fri? Sale at l p. m. A credit of on all sums over $10. GOI zl'ed Lotte Minutes or GOIN Mr mum, a true representation 0 s given free to every sub klv edition of the paper .7 be lacking but 't‘ue prc‘ m Gale North . of Outnm >f Mrs. G. for the pro at Sax-nit; r. vdepartme give her a 11th uc wins, leaving the PMmer 3 prepared gc. per vard yard, at tha 3:0 & South QTAGE LINE. ee another pa‘ predation "la Sets at the a handled Teas mner Plates for udiuu Thornhfl mtn, Mm‘kbmn, dz Enstsmrl West (s szle. bus we feel could not have made )8 the position. ibm’aï¬. TEEFY. Postmaster \U’I‘H i: must be 1111‘ mlier than the .5 fall rnlh wil! be closed 1th nice line of t a good deal wt \\'utcc-, &c,. ‘34, and many 8 excellent prim J evldeutly ap- Wiley, cones. wince. At the 11% also un salary of8 (lug Plowing the farm of u. on Tues- of The Em- { Sir John min t‘le Carre other page rllers. und TABLE. deci Lil Inn ded the nbc rtme ‘raï¬n 51:70 rt- cash jrey Ionâ€" at the the Mail m 80 41 Saturday a coroner’s inquest was held. The Jury exonerated the train-men from all blame, bu: urged the necessity of greener precaution being taken to prevent children k4â€me along the railway tracks. Fatal Accrdent. Our Temperanceville correspondent last week stated that ;\Lr. and Mrs. Alf. Warren and family, of that place, had gone to To- ronto on a visit. .‘Uulortunnlely while there her little boy, Jame-1, 6 years old, son of the iate Harry Payne, of Vaughan, met with a. ver) 5nd and fatal accident. The little fellow accompanied snme other. boys to purâ€" chase wood. The] commenced play- ing on the Esplanade, and it appears were crossing and re-cossing the railroad in front of an approaching freight train. Deceased was caught by. the engineI and both legs Were cut oï¬â€˜, the one up near the thigh, the other about zhe knee. One hand was also partially cut off. He was immediately re- moved to the residence of his grandmother. )lrs. ’l‘ricker, formerly of this village, and although two doctors were culled in, they could not do anything for the little euï¬'erer. He died in the course of a few hours. On About four weeks ago Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cook and their lincle dung-liter, of Wood- stock, came on a visit to Mr. McCaï¬rey’s, Mrs. Cook’s brother. Shortly after arriving mother and daughter were taken .ill with typo-malarial few-er. Both are now regain- ing-meir strength,but the daughter is source- lv able to you leave her lied. Mr. Cook hope: to be able to take them home in a few days. Malaria! fever has been quite preva~ lr'llL in Woodstock for the past few months, and it. is thought Mrs. Cook had contracted: the disease before leaving home. i 3 ensuing year :â€"Presidcut, Mrs. Brebhour, I Thorald; lst~Vice-Pres., Mrs. Fawcett, To- ‘rontn; Corresponding Sec’y. Mrs. Wiley, ‘ Richmond Hill ; Reporting Sec' ford, Brnntt’ord ; Treasurer, Mrs. Uavers, Galt. The next Annual Convention will be i held at Gait. Credit Sale. On Wednesday, Oct. 24th, Mr. Joseph Cherry, lot. 2. rear of the 3rd concession of Whitelnwch, will have «clearing sale of -his thorough-bred Jersey (mule, horses, imple- ments, 62c. As he ix giving up farming on~ ei'ything will be sold. ‘T-lie sale, which is: very extensive, will begin at. 9 o'clock a. m. A credit of twelve months will be given 01:11 all sums over 310. Mr. Cberry‘s herd of Jerseys is two Well kuuwn to need any des- cription, as th 'vy have taken prizes wherever exhibited. Catalogues will be distributed at: time of sale. Salem Eclmrdt and Nelson Smith, Auctioneers. - EASY TO USE. into the Mt and excessive expectomtion caused by Ca- tax-1‘11. Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price, 500. and $1. Address EULFORD 8: 60.. Brockvlllo; On!- 15 1y At the Annual Convention of the -Provin- oial W. C. '1‘. U. held at; Sumin. last week, the following were elected ofï¬cers for the LastlTuesday a horse belonging to a Mr. Clubiue, who resides on the town-line of Whitchurch and Markham, broke loose in Palmer's shed and started for home, having pulled the bridle off its head. An attempt was made at the Elgiu Mills to stop the horse. but it was of no avail. It turned east- ward, and was ï¬nally captured by Mr. 31.: Coleman, on the 2nd of Markham. Mr.; Walter Palmer followed the runaway, and‘ brought back horse and buggy. Fortunately nothing was broken, and the horse appeared to be none the worse, but pretty badly frightened. The Directors of the Mechanics’ Institute were fortunate in securing Miss Frank Trench, Miss Ida Simpson, Miss Sadie Morgan, and Miss Sadie Eyer to ranvss the village and vicinity for the sale of member- ship tickets. :The two former were allotted the territory south of' Centre St, the two lntter taking the north half. They com- menced work on Saturday, and already about 90 tickets have been suld. No trouble will be experienced this year in getting the num- ber above 100. The ladies deserve the thanks of the Institute for responding so cheerfully to thewishes of the directors. A Large Pumpkin. Mr. Joshua IEorner, who supplies our villagers with milk seven times a. week, de- votes some of his spare moments to the reis~ ing of pumpkins, and other Canadian fruits. A nice specimen of the former class has been displayed in Mr. Jos. Hall's window during the past week. It weighs 125 lbs., and is one of nine, about the same size, grown from we seeds. Were it not for its great size it might be taken. for a musk-melon. Josh. says thev have bad no extra. care. but put- [mses growing! them next summer to much larger dimensions. Rc-Organized. The Richmond Hill High School Foot Bell Club has re-organized for the season with the following oflicers :â€"â€"President, H. M. McCuaig, B. A. ; Sec-Treas., A. R. Innes; Captain. T. Mortson ; Vice-Captain, Wm. McDonald ; committee of management, G. Collard, E. Vanderburg, J. Bytes and J. LeHeney. A new ball has been ordered,and practice will be commenced at once. The club is open for matches with neighboring clubs. The ï¬rst act in the Arcesian well business was performed some months ago, when Herr Weidmnn poiuaed to the water vein With his witch-hazel rod. The closing scene may be said tmlmve taken place this week when the pipes were being drawn up by a powerful stumping-machine. If the cavity qould be -sold for post-holes at a dollar a foot It would lighten the expense considerably. Runaway Accident W. C. T. U. Ofï¬cers. Convalescent First and Last Good Work. STOPS Droppingstrom Nasal passages SBUTHINB. BLEANSINS, HEALING. Gold In Head. HAY FEVER. GATARRH, It Cm: SMOKING TOBACCO WEDNESDAY, Oct 24th-Credit sale of Thoro' bred Jersey Cattle, Implements, &c., belong- in: to Joseph Chen'y. lot 2, rear of 3rd Gen Whitchurch. Sale at 9 0.: 111. Salem Eckardt and Nelson Smith, Auctioneers FRIDAY, Oct Withâ€"Credit sale of Farm Stock, Implements, &c., belonging to Thomas ~ Farmer. lot 1. rear 3rd Con. Whitchurch. Sale atl o'clock. Nelson Smith. Auctioneer MONDAY. Oct 29:.hâ€"Credic sale of Farm Stock, 'I'nplements and Household Furniture, be- longing to Wm Gillhum lot 19. 3rd Con. of Vaughan. Sale at 12 o clock. Salem Eckuxdt Auctioneer ‘ EEPaa-Lies getting their bills prmted at this otï¬ce will receive a notice similar‘ to the above FREE or CHARGE Among the talented performers at the concertgiven in Aurora on Tuesday evening of lastwveek, under the auspices of the young people of the Methodxst Church, was Miss Ida Simpson, of this village. DchEnâ€"In Aurora. on Monday, Oct. 15th. ‘the wile of Mr. James Dicker, of a daughter. MYRTLE Miss Boynton,of Toronto, spent a few days in the village last week visiting her mother. Miss Simpson returned on Saturday after spending a couple of months at Brighton," visiting her sister, Mrs. Post. Rev. G. N. Rutledge will preach in the Methodist Church next Sunday morning, taking for his subject “The Universal Sin.†Mrs. W.Jewell, of Aurora, is making a. visit with her sister, Mrs. I. Crosby. l\Ir.aR.uLaugstaï¬, medical' student, T0- routo, spent last Sunday at his father’s rash deuce. Mr. J. 'Keuer. of Toronto, spent last Sun- day with relatives here. The third page of the Tux-unto DAILY‘ MAIL is noted for “Want.†advertisement. If you want to buy or sell anything. If you want a. situation, a mechanic. a busi- ness, machinery, lodgings, if you have lost. or found anything. or if you want to. ï¬nd nut where anyone is. advertise in the Toronto DAILY MAIL and read the ad- verLisements 0n the Third, page - uf than: paper. The charge is Two" Cents a. word each insertion. Address ’l‘IIE MAIL, Toronto, Canada. The ï¬rst Re-Union of the season in con- nection with the Mechanics’ Institute was held in the Masonic Hall on Monday even- ing. The hall was comfortably ï¬lled and a pleasant evening was spent. Rev. W. W. Percival kindly acted as chairman, who, in an appropriate speech. referred to some of the objects of the Institute, and recommend- ed all who could possibly do so to avail themselves of its privileges. The programme was perhaps a little monotonous, from the fact that the committee had failed in secur- ing any local talent, but Mr. Will EuBurgess in his funny recitals, - quaint mimxcry and marvellous ventriloquism, was a host in him: self, and kept the audience in laughter for over an hour and a half. His selections! were mostly light and amusing. but an Irish reading, “Patrick Connor,“ stilled the andi-' once so that he might have been heard in a whisper. In impersonating Sol Smith Russ- ell he was most successful. He endeavor-er? to give “The Charge of the Light Brigade" as recited by himself at an entertainment when a. little bov. The attempt was well executed, but no doubt many in the audi- ence wondered why it was that so many boys have taken this selection in making their debut on the public platform. As 2 humor- ist Mr. Burgess excels, many of his stories and anecdotes being very rich. But the most amusing part of the entertainment con- sisted in «his ventrilmluinl sketches. which were remarkably clever. Though wooden- headed, his incorrigible “Joe†made a witty and lively companion. Many interesting dialogues and discussions took place be. tween “father and son,†the former always coming out second best. If “Joe†did not; do the talking himself, ventriloquism must‘ be quite an art as well as a gift. Before closing, the performer gave imitations of the buzzing of a hes, the voice of a chicken. &o., ‘ and aft-3r each attempt he received meriteo l applause. The performance of the evening closed with the National Anthem. l The Free Will Offering Services in the Methodist Church last Sund :y Were very successful. Rev. W. P. Wilson, of 'l‘oronto. preached two very excellent sermons. ‘In the morning he took his text from St. John's gospel. which he said he considered one of the most profound in the Holy Book, and which he characterized as the gospel of Light, Life and Love. In the evening in very large congregation greeted the Rev. gentleman. He preached from Proverbs “it. let verse : “A good name is rather to be chosen than grant: riches." In a practical sermon which lasted over an hour, he clearly illustrated the different parts of his text, and dwelt at length on the value of a good name and a well-spent life. ‘In speaking of money he contended that it could be made either :1 blessing or a curse. If secured honestly and used properly money will improve our ad- vantages. increase our usefulnesc, and will he a source of general happiness. The choir sang several beautiful selections, which were especially prepared for the occasion, and were complimented by Rev. Mr. Wilson. The voluntary subscriptions for the day amounted to $92.00. En Bronze on oat-h Plug y and Package. FINER THAN EVER. PERSONALS. C UT and PLI'G Sale Register THIS YEA R‘s Methodist Church BIRTHS. Ke-Union. Sec . Whitchux :h. Auction Farm Sta Furniture, Hus purchased the right to sell in Richmond Hill and vicinity. It: is highlv recommended by thelending camei‘ters and builders in Canada and the United States, and is bound to give eu- tirb satisfaction. No person should build a. house without testing this cheap and simple Sash Bal- ance. It takes the place of weights and. cords, and never fails to do its work. PRICE 7505. FOR SET OF FOUR. _, _,,,,C- MASQN-,,H~ HOUSE to LET infect a. Cure. 00.. Toronto. Ont. and um enemy of SASH BALANCE andvï¬'e Diaea Mothers, save 50 per cent. and buy y0ur Boys’ School Suits from magma, the Wanï¬erfuï¬ 85mg} Man, URGLARS Fifth.â€"Do.we offer baits ? Some dealers say my prices quoted are only baits thrown out to catch ! Why, bless them! Gough’s the original agitator for Small Proï¬ts ; goods are all baits. He does not.ï¬sh with a bare lIOOK. He knows the value of good value. His offers touch bottom in Cloth- ingr Prices, and that’s what makes the High-Priced Clothing sharks wriggle and squirm. ,hr Third.â€"Gough sells Fine W’orsted Suits for $6.90, worth $I3. He sells All-Wool Waterloo Tweed Suits for $3.80, worth $8. He sells Boys’ Suits for 58 c., $1.10, $2 and up. Elegant Goods. He sells Boys’ Coats for 190. Acustomer remarked the other day,when shown the goods, “VVell,realIy, Gough, you are, without doubt, the King of Low Prices, and the Only and Original Wonderful Cheap Man.†Secondâ€"Selling Goods cheaper retail than the handicap dealers, who are under the thumb of wholesale men, can buy lor. First.â€"~Buying for Spot Cash, thereby convincing the wholesale men that I command the market. On Ri A PYRANHD of FACTS Why Gough, the Wonderful Cheap Mamie on the top of the heap. Why the Giant Ciothier knocks the sox off the combined Twelve Triflers With the Clothing Trade. MANY MANN Fourth.â€"Men’s Working Pants, 17c 'y of LI' 3 the n‘ is. Wga k, quyous, Beblmatod. C. MASON Solu'und And get Byam’s "Common ense 128 KING STREE'F EGAST For the above usefu invention rengbhons and invigomtos the-~Brain. ï¬res, builds up the muscular-x4ystem ,lses itx‘o nation the whole p}. '03.) the humnn frame. “'ith our specific“ amost obstmato case cunbo cured in “HIS, and rocentones in less than thirty mh 1m Rape contains iu'ovweoks twat, ca 52. ("was Guaranteed. Our spec- ‘.s an infallible Cure for 1111 Private 98 no matter of how long stand- Iu under aur written Guarantee tc Curie! Price $5. Torou‘uo LIedicim BEWARE iOF and Street, Richmond Hill. r to JOS, HALL. Rxcbmnud Hill (11 t-o D. S. REAMAN Carmine .â€"Note the Address and ask for GOUGH ARANTEED 73 SC lVote the felloxving' Facts : For your windows pocn‘w ht). 2:) 3, ts Youthful ya? in old and ‘tos tho-Brain .uemlurâ€"m; rem, wl.olo p}. - ith 011- . . :anbo cm'sd in less than thirty vovweeks twat, 9420. Our spec: 9r "11 Private Eï¬‚ï¬ suits .1 ï¬elds are In the? can he had £10m NOT FOR SRLE BY D EIOI fectly No. 19 I: ion 01' YJZMIW OUR EEEGAHT PR OiLET RECUESITE no 11‘ nfld HA“? COLOR All T PREPARATIONS. 'nrne. but those no .lo ‘0 Padluud. Mlincyill rccclvo RUST N0 CltA [1c x3. fact that it does Brice 31. Toronto ‘mal and exfcmnl 'elcpes or remotes c and are tho sole ,Jecizutjcs, and that 11] 'Ibont 6m: link: inn ilpon all GE except for from observa- nto, Ont. ‘méves amine mte unis lung cut or restor- 'e. 'mEY ARE rrespoudenqg Jedioine Co. w.“ V..\AULAU5I ludicine 00.. than in re- ‘ . Toronto, rm}: (‘4: ML inn: a: ted perk folk-win mizireel ; Chestnut. r Jilvwnde >0 ering. an " un- Toronto Ll] Men- )is 58.59: tnal. Onc_ WOD‘ ‘lal ,1 or who ‘oves o. 16 ites ted;