Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Oct 1888, p. 8

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Stock and Mlitmls have failed, but. to- day the Gore has at its back assets a» mounting: tn $250,280.07, wherewith to meet any losses Lllut may occur. Tho Gore is notvd for its equity in 'xdjust» ment of its losses. It is the cheapest Cash and Mutual Fire Insurancs Com- pany doing business in Ontario for non- hamrdnns farm nropcrty. Send fur the 49th Annual Report of this Company before insuring elsewhere. Farmers be alive to yourintcrests. Why pay such exhorbitant rates, when the Gore will in sure third class farm property for 3 per cent, and first-class for % per cent. In case of contents being destroyed by fire the Gore pays full value, the London agent. to the contrary notwithstanding. Total assets tn pay losses, $250,280.07, and carries an insurance of only $7,245,- 377.01. Compare this with any Mutual or Stock Company and see where the Gore stands. All calls promptly attend~ ed to by. unziilvorttelep‘done. E'éad'Olfi’ce, Gan, Ontario. ' J. T. SAIGEON, Agent, King P. 0.. residence Spring Hill, Ont. Farmers, protect your buildings from fire and lightning by insuring: in the Core Cash and Mutual Fm: Insurance Com- pany (the nldeat and strongest Cash and Mutual in Canada). This company was established in the year 1836. Having done business in Ontario fur over half a. century. During this time numbers of Stock and Mutmls have fmled, but. to- day the Gore has at in; back assets a» mounting: tn $250,280.07, wherewith to meet any losses than may occur. Tho Gore is noted for its equity in 'Idjusb- I'n returning: thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal patr )nage during the past twenty-five, I beg to re- mind them and the gen. ml public, thm having erectez‘ enti.e.‘_,' new and com- modious premises. I am enabled to supply TRENCH’S ~CARRIAGE WORKS.- Phaetons, Buggies. FIRE! FIRE! I 1836 I ESE 1836! Cutters, Both light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfactiov as the work is under my own snpm-visr J. I am also prepared tn do all kinds wf black- smithmg d) repairing in the must work- manlike manner, ou-Lhe shortest notice, lid on the most reasmmblu terms. PLATFORM 0h ! my cams are the plizgne of my life. I don’t intend to put in such an- other week, if I know it. Thus. Johnson says he got a box of Chinese Corn Salve and it took them out in three applicntiuns without pain, he says 1t can be got at Dilworth‘s Drug Store, 170 KiugSt. E., Toronto, for ten cents a box, and he will send it to you by mail without extra charge TO FARMERS !‘ Plow Points and I Did dian C do it n shomd -caused FLEEERW SENS; your 1: Score, you cu for the will u Purely a Home Company. Unu Mar MUNN id iVeek forum {can .‘ Horse - Shoeing The undersigned keeps on hand at his ofl'ica Acll Lands of Implement JICHMOND HILL fififififi you ever ‘om 1 [ext y RICHMOND HILL. raid special attention to. \VM T§KENCH WAGON. AURORA Sleighs and BMWARK arriages, r buildings from surmg in the Gore Insurance Com- SPRING arunoe Uom- st Cash and ompanv was ‘ eyed sure n'ed by whlc Salve. whmh Dru and 2%! ONLY 81 PE kl two lll 1A good general servant: wanted at once. Ap‘ P 5’ t0 MRS. T. F. MCMAHONZ At 2 p. m., to receive report of committees, elect olficers for the current year. and transact other important business. The Hon. A. Mac- kenzie,M. 1).. if the weather is favorable, and G. B. Smith, 1415?)” M P. P.. will be present. Agiucourt 015.6(211, 1888. WM. BRAITHWAITE, J. C. CLARK. 15-2 Pres. E. R. Y. R. A. See. E. H.Y.R.A Whereas my wxfe left. me on Sunday, Sept. 30611.1 hereb) give notice to all PE-l'tiflfi that I will not be resnonsible for anv debts contracted by her after this date. 15-3 \VILLIAMIG ILLEAM 0n the sqortest possible notice. While thankful for past favors, would solicit a. continuance of the some. Chopping done Wednesdavs and Saturdays. Cash paid for wheat. Yours Respectfully, 16-4 THUS. I. 00K, Canville. SERVANT WANTED VICTORIA HALL, Ul‘f IO NVTIIJIJ E ‘ ;â€"0Nâ€" 16-4 FARM TU RENT! The undersigned wishes to rent his farm, Lot 31, war ofdnd Con. Vaughan, for a. term of years. The farm consists of 50 acres, 35 being cleared. Thebuildings are good, and the farm is in a. good state of cultivation. ARCHIE MCGILL, King 1’. 0.. 15-4 Residence. Springhiil The subscriber begs to inform his and patrons that he has put hues of EAST YORK REFORM ASSOC’N At‘the Harvest Hume Festival, Buttnuville.»n the ZSbh of Kept, a GORNELIAN WATCH SEA in 11. gold frame. The finder W111 be suitably 1‘ lwunled by communicating with theowuer. C. M. PALMER, Richmond Hill WNW. MEETlNSE SATURDAYJGT. 20TH.1888 RQLLER MILL. It' you want good crops cultivate the ground thoroughly, and yet another meat- ter of as- much impOrtance is to cultivate the memory so that it‘ will dIrect you with a certainty to the place where yuu can get the best, and cheapest coal ml for ‘the least money. To ensure that let the words Dilworth’s Drug Store be firmly ‘impressed on your mind, and don’t you forget it, 170 Klng St. East, Toronto. WEEKLY EMPERE BGBHMNE BULLS THE CANADA’S LEADING PAPER. Vaughan. Oct. 8th, 1883. And 0.11 the latest THE Ii“ l‘l R (“1'be GHISTNG 8:. SHOPPING SPIKE PA $151: 05 l' SIR JOHN MACDC reSS 3.1m: Enlvtrtisnurntfi. CARRV ILLE NOTICE !‘ The Annual Meeting of the m an lll’ th (H :THE T i". TIIB]ER LOST. nest Improved machinery, and is prepared to do R!) S Will bb'fl‘elfl nt‘ MD?“ 11 it his many friends put m a full AL Eggs. fresh; per dozen . Potatoes, per bag .......... Ap‘ples,per b‘bl.... omens, per 'bhsil Cabbage, per doz Celery, do Turning, perbag Carrots. do Beans. per peck. Ebur, ispginnyb Peas, Dressc Beef.f Beef. ] Chiclu Ducks Geese. each .......... .. Turkevs. per lb ...... Butter, pound rolls Butter, large rolls,“ Flour; £9211, péfbbl Hay,per ton straw. per ton .. Sold everywhere. Price 25 cents and 50 cents per bottle. Proprietors and manufacturers, THE UNION MEDICINE 00.. Toronto, Can Butter. tub Eggs, fresh. Potatoes, pf Apples, per omnns, are: . Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia. Bilinusuess, Sick Headache, KiJney Troubles, Rheumatism, Skin Diseases and all Impurities 01 the Blood from Whatâ€" '(mver cause arising ‘emale weaknesses and gamma] dehvility 4 Purely Vegetable, Highlv Concentrated. P19nsaa1t,Efiectuul, Safe Take no other. Sold everywhere. Price 75 cents per bottle. Di). FL'ODDER’S Wheum n1) pen XVheM spring Barley ants ST. MARY s EmscomL CHURCE.â€"Ser‘7ice at b p m.,except the third Sunday of every month when the service and sacrament. are held at. 11 am. Sunday Schoolat123u p.111 Bev.W. Bates Humor Turkej Butter Butter $ng & Lung Sure RICHMOND LODGE, A. F. 6: A. M., No. 23, G.R-(' Meets in the Lodge room.Mn.sonic Hallpn the Monday on or before full moon.“ 8 o’clock p.m I. Crosby. W.M: ANCIENT ORDER or FORERTERsâ€"Conrt Rich- mond. N0. 7046 A O. F._ meetsin the Temperance Hull every alternate Fridav at 7.30 p. m.â€" W E Wiley. C. 1:. The Methodist sabbath SchoolTempemnce As sneiation issue pledge curds every Sunday when desired. Wm.Harrison Supt MECHANICS' 1N5T!TUT‘E.-â€" Library or over 1000 volumesppen every Tuesday evening, in the Me.- sonic HallJrom 7 to 8 o‘clock. B. E. Law, Libra- rian. Lectures and discussions periodicallv. RICHMOND HILL FIRE BRIGADE Bum meets for practice every Wedesduy & Saturday evening at 8 o'clock W. Sheppard. Lender. W E Wiley, Secretary VlLLAex Couxcn..â€"Renve. Wm. Pugsley. Coun- cillnrs. Messrs. P G. Savage. Wm A Sandersou,W Atkinson, Dr Wilson. ()Icrk. M. Testy. qu’BRxcmEhRegulnr meet' first Friday of every month. held in the Counci Chamber. at 7p. m. Membership free. Certificatesmsued to members entitling them to certain privileges and exemptions. Wm. H. Pugsley. Captain. 11. A. Nicholls, Secretary. A. 0. U. W.,Ivy Lodge, No. 141, Meets in the Committee mom of the Masonic Hall each alternative Tuesday at 8 o'clock p.111. Bene~ finary certificate given for 32.000 in case of death J. Brown,Master Workman. '1‘. F.McMa.hon. rec Rx T.of Temperance, Richmond Hill Council, No. 43, Meets in Temperance Hall.each alter- native Tuesday evening atSo'clock p m. Bene- ficiary certificates issued to male or female members for 51,000 or in case of death 32,000. one 113.11 nm'ablc in case of disability. J. H. Sander- mn Salect Councillors; J.A.E.Swftzer,flecording 7. abhu unlit SQALE ASK FOR DR. HODDER‘S CBMPBUND.. filfil‘iffifl d hogsmerloo His 01") quartet... .. find gum-tut ans. per pair . do IRSTâ€"CLASS MAPLE WOOD. ‘ R. PROCTOR. TonoNTn Thursday, Oct 10‘ In]! yer bugle] . ,. i ‘Wel‘ 20mm Qirrttury. moi] 11nd ms p51- 1( ]\lfl~l't61‘5 (lulu-tern peg pair . pm- 802 Elm “Markus. r0113 Churches. Societies. ned has now on hand at st~class Stove. Nut and nv is the ‘ime to buv when l delivelged on shortest for sale at Richm 3 a. lot of ‘ L STATWN loud tb CURES 51 1h no .. 1 18 050 0 20 40 150 460 7 50 d5 ‘16 very inter :wk on De: 21 60 882888 w ' Silk Handkerchiefs. iVTeas, Coffees, Cocoa, Cracked P g Barley,Beans,Flour 85 Feed. F. Kirkby He kees a large stock of the cheapest and best Fine Teas & Meg; COCOA & CHOCOLATE, Chaise Tobams é, «filigazsm Spices of all kinds. GHUIGE GEREAL F588, BRUSHES; BROU.\i>, ‘ Come, See and Buy. CONFECTIONS, FRUIT @R‘OCERIES, &( MOODIE’S NEW GOODS ! Spring Dress Sfitfifs, G-ipglgams, Requires to have you call and buy somethin Prinfis, &c CAICE. . BlSd‘Ul’l‘S, At lowest prices 7 For the Speedy Relief and Pa Lubon'a Rypiureflgemefly musg‘be app {% oods l}olivox-¢ emed} ) wn. If. nedy 0113; BICHMON D HILL C. TREVETHAN'S BEE-HIVE In Black and Fancy IDS LES, Cuffs: Ties, armanem Cu TAILURING ESTABLISHMENT. avers. M 9 latest 0 WE RCQDATENG S DON'T‘ YOU HI (‘OA'I‘ENG PAR-"TING SUETIN 1n n: and checks, in fine ‘t of Eugiauds, Scotch m-sLe MOOID‘IE ‘s trin eliabk Nmp.Widc Wows his Full am! » arrived, and J his numerous nnyrecr-rlented and the stock minim and } wcrkmanship my and vex» Friezes, etc eas, uring

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