Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Nov 1888, p. 1

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Did you ever plant the silver eyed In ~ din“ Cuz'n ? If you have it. be sure and (ll) it l'lcxt Year, llllt if l‘_\" chance vnu should have lmd u pair of bums Wlllch caused 9. Cum, which is the plague of your “fly-just cull M Dilwm‘lll’s Drugr Store, 170 .I'xin‘.’ Si Eusl. Turnmn, whey-é you can get u. box uf Chinese Cum Salve for the small sum of .ten cents, which will take out your‘ corns without pain in lass-time than you can walk fmm here _t.o Hog‘s (Hollow, Funeral Furnishings AIwayson Hand ' Toronto Officeâ€"Court Chambers,'corner Church and Adelaide Streets. , Thoinhill Officc~Post Ofiic: cVery Wed. nesday from 10 to 1:: a. m. ‘ R‘fihmond H)” Ot‘ficeâ€" Post Office every Wednesday from 1 to 4 p. m. Oulleotimu utourfville Mzwklmm Mr Gregory or Mr H ham Olhce every Sum Victoria.Squmm‘................ P‘lornhill. Walker House W'nnzlbridge .. Kleinburg .. Houston. L‘irmkiul f mmy‘still [u Tolomo Officc~Nm M) Kng St. ‘S'a-hl. Markham (“fineâ€"Town “all. Markham Richmond Hill Officeâ€"Rear of the Central Bank. on Saturdays. nuinn as [all kzlrorn lst, 8‘ lchmoud Hi (at the 1 Barristers, Solicitors, Ccnveyancers, Vacs" Toronto Oificeâ€"No. 14 Building & Loan Chambfirs, No.15 Toronto Street. MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST SURRENT RATES “0â€". 4. G. F. LAWRENCE. '1'. C. MILLIGAN. EQLMES e9 fimaazwg UHE L'IBERk [11011310 Vitulizefl Medalist THUR Mu LEE 7 4‘: fiamgm, J FF] (“1" Undormk (‘I'S A" Embalmers. ‘Workslike u. hh m-m ‘Frce froer vain. Address A ROBINSON L.D.S.. Aurm 8 Out Fullermn, Cook,& “’allmm, BARRISTEIIS. SOLICITORS m, LAWRENCE & MILLIGAN. Richmond Hill P. 0. Every Saturday J SFuHM-mn. w Cook; â€"Wa.lla LS’ PRIVATE FUNDS To LOAN. Private Funds to Loan at Lowest. l‘ute night. ea.“ W l) GREGORY B$RHISTWVSI SOLICITORS AND SOTARIES Barristers, Solicitors, Ca J. B. MILLER v‘ ilext- year, but H d lmve 11nd u. pair :d a. corn, which “fun-just. m“ n" s, 170.Kinu S(. E: :31) get a box nf C Vlfl‘fialzfl WRIGHT BROS. atle Str Dr. NW. .1. “’iluma .llows: 8th, 16th. and fill... .. .9th and .I’mhner House Dr. A. Robinson. USED BY wraith}. .5, C fit !.L E» M. mat. n] L‘uux Money (- 206%“ )f the pamt '20 years my' bmuch of the pro. 'éli. 18th ‘10th 213$ 23rd 98th 29th Both hd at appointments Free from vain. 22nd 24th EVENIN Hill DEM! m‘ advan 3' W HOLMES EAST, Tnnoxr'o h. DUNCAN of Bank month A}. trv promptly ! 108.1]. (TNT â€"Ws.11a.ce of Stouffville Oflice Hours ‘ars. &c‘ the Mark- to 7 p m NS HOUSE 9’ ll 1' travellers macs i‘m ml Every accommodation to guastfl. Board. $1.00 per day Best Liquors and Ci an attentive hostler. travellers and bunt-Jar Dress Muken opposite gglfiouic Hull Richmond » 1 THE DOMINION HOUSE, Richmond Hill, Benj. Brilliugvr. Propriclor. Tenclger of Music 6: Oil Painting. PABSONAGE, - RICHMOND HILL 26-4â€"1v I DRESS MAKING GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL Licensod Auctioneu spectquy 501i "its influence. mum; at and at ransom-Jabs n M4 @1345 $515!? WQEES. Lwensed Auctioneer for the Counny of York Smles attended on the shortest notice.m1d at roa- abe rates. Address Sbuufivme 1’. O License Ont-mm General to at ten lssu “mama: wig-5 gnimubriflge’fi All kinds nf Curb “in: Ma r Femai‘ance Hasse. 48-“ MONEY TO LOAN Ad MUN Having refitted the above House and furnish- lit‘. in first-class style. I am prepared to give the ublic the best 0" accommodation. Excellent aiding and attentive hustlers. Sample Foe-ms n~ commercial travellers. A good livery in can- ecbiuu. Terms 51 mar duv. . v A-‘K All kinds MISS HA RHISON, CLASSES ARE NOW OPEN FOR SENIOR S: JUNIOR PUPILS IN Issuer of Man-13.39 IAir-enscs tor the County of Y0: ‘- Jig Liswgm Efifi‘a‘égfla, oral rcasonuulé rates RESIDENCF 153 KING -STREET EAST. TORCXTO Repairng (1 WK. MUSIC IAN-«ls Richardson. H‘l isrrfiiaunmfi \\’ animal Evknrdt mtioneer for film (‘oun mmmm HI“ IKE-OPENED AS A Marriage Li Jntion for the travelling public. nee “rinks. Best brands _of lions rooms for commercml 3.12311: we (a stokes. am am RICE Armstrong. , for the County of York, reâ€" your patronage and friendly tended on the sLortest notice ates. P. 0. Mamas; King. HII pri WM. BELL, Prop 1 'JL‘Ol'onto, cigars. Good smhling anti very accommodation to LO \Y PRICES. \‘l 1] T0 LEN D "r," Ccm‘. A. J. RUPERT. Pm Galvanized Pipe, Iron min Cylinders. \Vcll-Dinrzing Curbs ’I‘xmks made no m-dur. shortest uutice. PUB l‘( JUSTICE, cl'c, ll) A NGSTAFF Riv-[Imond Hill h'l‘ OFFIC l‘ MAPLE 0ST iMOND HILL, THURSDAY. NOV (‘ounties of Ymk on consignment. omptly attended Jdress, UNIOL'VILLF. Essentials, Unity; in Non-Esswztz'als, Liberty; 2'11:le t/zz'nrrs TBLIC, 313nm. chenses, .‘vliEGORY Bun'islers. At Town 1 this Vicinity MAPLE Mortgagc . par un {MT 0 1a 0 N T 0 . T. EATON New comers to the ‘Select Library of Fiction.’ Family Gilt Series ‘Pansy Series’ and Lily Series.’ The design. of the ‘Lily Series’ is to include no books except such as are peculiarly adapted by their high tone, pure taste and thorough principle to be read by those persons, young and old, who look upon books as upon their friends. Only worthy to be received into the family circle for their good qualities and excellent charac- ters. A full asSortment here. Prices much lower than com- monly published. \N‘rite for the ‘Holiday Number of the Store Review.’ and a price list of books. Address Aprons wrth tucks 20c. to 500.,'embroidered 500. to $1.00, Chil'dren"s aprons, lat- est American style 250. to $I.50. An unbroken variety to pick from If you are quick. Corsets from 17c.1to $2.25. All the easy, healthy kinds. We don’t assume any mono» poly of the Corset market,but we point out the great advant- ages in ample capital xx spe- cial purchases and speedy sales, and consequently We are able to sell goods at in- side figures. Take our 550. Corset as a sample. You’ll recognize it as a 750. ‘ Corset other places. ' BOOKS. 4: bout the ‘Carpet Sweeper’ that costs probably less than halt-a-cent a-clay. All ours are fitted with spring ‘Dumps’ and rubber lurniture protec- tors. ‘Queen City’ Nos. 1, 2 and 3 at $2.25, $2.50 and $2.75, ‘Graml Rapids” $3.00. Five price suggestions of what you’ll want when the trosty times come. All-wool Tweeds 25c. to $1.00 per yd, all wool greyflannel 17c. to 3oc.hper yd., all-wool navy flannel 20c. to 35C. yd. All- wool Blankets 50c. to $6.00 per pair. Comforters 65c. to $10 each, nothing mean or stingy in any line. Quality far in advance of what the money usually brings. endeavor to keep the carpet colors fresh, forgetting all a- here. 't’erlm} dred or more the market at 190 to I96 Yonge St tending through to I 12:1; Queen St. Mail Order Department. 190 YONGE ST, to 108: Ont. gun's three days tuu souu, Richmond Hiil (m Mundu} Dec. That. morning (3‘ strolled over to the Hill in latesfuhvz, and was 111mm ed by Lonut. as an adl “Family Compact.” Lox was on friendly terms wnh ofl'ered to let Jnm 011' If BKr'dl erlied to a great extent. by political pref- eicuccs. The arrangement: Were that hustilities were to be commenced on Thursday, Dec. 7th. Thu Mackenzie party Were m assembie nt' MaliLwiiiery’s tavern on Yonge St., and then proceed to the capital, where Ihey expected L0 be joined by a large poriiou of L e people oi the city, march to the city hall, seize 4,000 stands of arms, the Lieutenant» Governor, the garrisun, &c., die. But the whnle ill-starred scheme fell through, by having too many leaders. Thiuugh an order given, unknown to Mr. Mackeiizie..Lmiint and his men came from the north armed. with pikes and! guns three days tuu sun“, and arrived at. Richmond Hiil on Monday; the 4th of Dec. That. mnriiiiig (301. Bridgeford strolled over to the HI” in qiicst of the I .â€" Col. Budgeturd agum comes to the front in the stirring events of 1837. The cause and subsequent results of the up- rising of those days are Well kumvu to every student or Canadian Instrer so we will CUHfiI\8.UlII‘S€lVCS m that which up- pertaius to puties and plilCcS under con siderahou. ' Wm. Lyon Mackenzie’s speeches, pam- phlets and papers had made the griew uuceu of the day the topic of converzatiun in every house, and npilnnns wule gov- erned to a. great. extent by pulxtical pref- ewuccs. The arrangements \Vcl'u [hut hustiliues were to be commencml on Thursday. Dec. 7th. Thu Mackenzie after he began hi earliest settlers, Elm first owner n] We will rune” [under the storms wmtern, his vem cartel-in. I step as \imm his resitlenc The Cul. was ll Captain Rubs. B1 ‘of a vessel that s: was declared on June 18th and a draft was made fur uvuyavzulable man. Young Bridgim‘d wentlu Bishop 'Srrahan for counsel Mun Bhrewedly advised him to Scotlund, and New YOI' way nccupymg ;\ month u large sum wf numey f was murdered nu his \v; burly thmwu Into the ri married the first Robb. to Canada wixh her son about, seven yuan) of Ag of ua To the I Richm‘ond Hill and Vicinity W' No. 17. Wt ht ht (fol. Elm ha Eiridglord. is residence to the Post; Ofiice. Cu}. was born in 1792. His fa n Rubs. Bridgfurd was the. 0‘ xsul (hut snuled between Gren 1d. and New York the passage cupyinu n month. 'Having dl m can him w rns venerable white head, and step as he walked' fit) and fr residence to the Post Ofiice. ' r}. was born in 1792. His father hubs. Bridgfurd was the. owner a! (hut snuled between Grennck. UH: crwa‘r’di bear and was Immedlately arrest~ ‘t as an adherent of the Hue to une \‘ wnhin the 0 v0 entered m m his history 5, 1888. Tm; Lot but 47 Vaughan. )el‘ his tail form bent of nearly fmu' score able white head. and Apnl RAI David Charity. \ylmse longevity memory of many on life forty years ry as one of our Bridgful‘d, ml did waver, r‘u mar ()il. Diln’nrth Drug St The meeting then adjourned to meet on Tuesday evening. Moved by Lient. Savage, seconded by CV McLean that the Captain, Steward, Secretary. \VJ). Atkinson and C. Wright be a. permanent committee to make and carry Ont arrangements fur the Enter- tainment to be held on New Year’s even- ing. â€"Carried. ' Moved by Steward, seconded by C. Wright that the procuring: of the base- ment uf the Masonic Hall be left in the hands of the committee appointed at last meetingâ€"Lost. It was after“ ards decided that the committee get a. statement as to terms. accommodation «$50., of the Masonic base- ment, and report at a special meeting to he held on Tuesday evening, the 13th inst. Mbved by W. E. Wiley, seconded by J. Brownlee that. the report be adopted if suitable terms can be obtained, the pride of admission to be left over till another meetingâ€"Carried. On motion of the Seeretary, seconded by A. Wright the above report was ac- cegged. 7 V The entertainment. committee reportefl through the secretary. Captain Pugsley on behalf of the com- mittee appointed to make enquiries relar hive tn procuring the basement ot the Masonic Hall for Fancy Drill purpose‘s repnrted that said cummittee had exam- ined the place, and considered it would be suitable. As to the terms, the Masonic Body could not give an answel until after the 12th inst. The third page of the Toronto DAILY MAIL is noted for “Want” advertisement. If you want to buy or sell anything. If you want a. situation, a. mechanic, a. busi- ness, machinery, lodgings, if you have lost or found anything. or if you want to find out; where anyone is. advertise in tho Toronto DAILY MAIL and read the ad- vertisements on the Third page of that paper. The charge is Two Cents a. Word each insertion. Address THE .MAI‘I, Toronto, Canada. The Richmond Hill Fire Brigade held a Special Meeting on Friday evening, the 9th lust. Moodic'had noticed small parties of strangers passing south, and was in con- sultation with Capt.Stewart when Bridge- furd arrived and related his adventure on the Hill. A resolute determination to inform the Gomrnor at all hazards was immediately formed. As in former letters we have fullowed Col. Moodle and know the tragical result, we will now follow Col. Briugeford. that. ic was the intention of the insurgent: to take Torontonnd bum it, he becmm uneasy and crossed uycr to Col. Moodie’s to whom we have already .referred, the! residing in one of our historiclandmarks1 now occupied by Mr. Mintern. . Muodic had noticed small parties 0: T1 Absaiutefiy Ewes Fire Brigade Meeting )rdil [Single copies, 3 cts Col. Briugeford. (TO BE CONTINUED.) ‘muzh v cure any ta? rest KI'VC No. 20 any Iorm without it, Dllv HF uglllstm t at all , father Qninc rice thz Camadia next ‘ t ’1'; rth'é that unce Wa'

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