Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Nov 1888, p. 3

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u; the question, and in in an easy one to antiwar. All that is necessary is to obtain some spawn at any reliable seed store (it is not expensive), break it into small pieces. my the aim of an egg and plant: it in lawn or meadow. The method of planting is simple and may be performed as fellown : Take a spade and lit: the and just sufficient to get the spawn under it : then let drop back to its lace and press it down firmly. so that the .wu will not show aigna of any diaturkance. Without further care An abundant supply of mushrooms can be obtained from August until November. In a favorable season on ordinary lawn or farmer's dooryard will yield sufficient for wintor'a u‘se. "r :‘ _Â¥_L:I that ndelioacy as me mushroom, one that '_ such Lgenerel favorite, should not be more generally cultivatedâ€"or rather rown, ea it needs no :mltimtionâ€"~ ao'plen- - ull that every owner of a pasture lot or mo erete aist lawn can have aufii ient for family use when first gathered and for pickling and cunning for winter’n use, To ow munhroomn in order to have them fresh uring winner is quite an upenaiva under. taking And a. practice that cannot become general because of the oust. Modern im. roVements in the modes of reserving vegetables have made this ve eteb e as neces- sit/y rather than a. luxury. ow can they be grown in Quantities at a trifling expense ,7; __ ._ _, A ‘ F Ityliule singular, to put it mildly, The spawn ehould not be put in until about July I, when the ground is warm and dry; if put in earlier it is liable to rot. The distsnce apart of the planting will de- pend npon circumstsnces ; if there is plenty of room, as in the puture lot, 6 to 8 feet spurt would be better. If room is limited put the pieces l; feet apart each way. One person can easily plant an axe lnhalr a day, and the cost of spawn will not he more than 83. Try it, as we have tried it, and get more delicious vegetubles than you can from the garden at ten times the cost. Last 58580]! we packed our surplus butter on the following plan and found when we sold in December, when the butter was un- packed for sale, it came out just as fresh and well tasted as it was when packed, ways the “DAiryman.” We adopted the follow- ing method: IlBouiivht new pork barrels. scalded them‘ out thoroughly with boiling water three difl'erett times, the last time covered the barrel with a cloth to keep in the steam. Let stand until the water cools, then rinse out the barrel with cold water, and the bar- rel is ready for use. We made a strong brine, by boiling, that would float an egg, skimmed off any scum that was on top. and let stand over night. In the morning the brine would be as clear as crystal. Butter was salted in the usual way, one ounce to the pound. Made into five or six pound rolls, wrapped carefully up in cheese cloth and tied with cotton wrapping twine to keep the cloth in place. the rolls were then placed into the barrels and covered with the brine and kept covered. The air ’ii’"n'et' "allowed to come in contact with it again until unpav-ked. And my opinion is, right here is where the secret lays in keeping the air excluded, no foul odori- can get to it. Some might think the butter would get too salty in such strong brin‘e. Not one hit of danger, if the butter has been properly handled before going in the barrel. We make our butter on the granular plan and press it solidly together. Welpacked sev- eral barrels in this way, and it was in the brine four or five months, and not a fault found to a pound of it. I have no doubt that butter packed in this way can he ship- ped to any market in the United Sh tea or Europe, if ordinary care is taken not tn let it lay outside, exposed to the hot sun. Butter can be packed in this way in firkins or in any vessel that will hold the brine. .selecting a. dairy cow, we question is generally asked, how much milk does she awe peg- day; but the more important: one, “ how [on does she continue t) give .that amount," is not always added. How many cows are there which do not give milk longer than ah'ont- six monthl- per year. They will give a large flow, but it does not last any length of time. Such an animal is not wanted in the dairy and should go to the butcher. An animal averaging say 50 unds ~eqnal to about ‘25 quartsâ€"per day, gr seven months will give during that year in round numbers about 10,500 pounds. Another giving but 40 pounds per dayâ€"or .11 gallons less- for ven months will during the year glve 1200.) pounds, a di‘frrence l 500 pounds in iavor of the now glVlng the It was per day. Considering the milk worth 8 cents per quart, will make a ditference of $2 50 per year. The same is true of the quality. In comparing two animals, the one may give a third more milk during a certain period than the other. but the difference in the quality may be such that the second will yield a third more butter than the first. These are queelious which interest every farmer more or less. and a careful teat of every animal upon the place may save much in the end. ” Elrven of the eighteen presidents of the United States elected by the people were tons of farmers. ‘ In teaching a young horse to hick give him the advantage of a down grade until he has learned what is required of him. It in the verdict everywhere that cranner A subscribér wants to know what is the cause of tomato rot. He says ‘- the gene“ has been unprecedentedly dry." Tm“ nccouma for the whole trouwle. When rain comes in Qufiuiem‘ quantity the tomatoes will cease to rot. Very dry “ember for the loan three years rotted all our tomatoes but gave us 3 Mg grape crop. A very wet sea. son in 1884 rotted allouLgrapta but gave Give the birfia you want to fatten plenty of charcoal. Nowis the time to feed in to turkeys. Fifteen million gallons of cotton seed oil were used last year in manufuomring “ re. fined lard." are having Ruin. the tomatoes have quit routing and we have bnth. us plenty of tomatoes, This year waa‘drv at. first, which secured the grupe crop but rotted our first mmatou, and now that we Musnoous EASY To Gnow PAcxmo Br:me IN Bums. AGRICULTURAL. AGRICULTCKAL NOTES. Dam! Cows. Touno Rot. ies stimulate {camera to keep more and bet- ter cows, Mr. Hale says in the “Cannon bicut Conant.” ~ No branch of farming is more profitable or conducted with less labor them orchard- ing when the produrts can be sold even at a. moderate price. Besides this, apple~trees may be planted on land too rough for root or grain culture, and high altitudes are more exempt from killing by frost than orchards in the Vllleya or lowlands. Feed your horses regularly three times daily, but never over-feed. Water before feeding but not while the horse is hot from work. Use the whip very little. and never when the animal shies or stumbles. Never leave a horse standing unhitched. It is the way to make them runaways. Do not storm and fret. Be quiet and kind, and the horse will be so too in most cases. The advice on the apple crop from Look- port, N. Y., are : The thousands of barrels of apples lying ready ior shipment in the buying centres of the great sections of New York State are beginning to move toward the Western markets. Apple-growers who hoped to realize a small fortune of their fruits wlll be sadly disep inted. Apples, apples everywhere I Fa 1 fruit brought a fair price. Then came the drop, and ncw buyers say that there is so much fruit that they could obtain all they want even at lower figures, but are ashamed to ask the farmer to take less. The King apples are mostly in demand, but the .crop is almost through. The remnant brought only $1.50 in Western New York. There seems to he a- scarcity in Greenings, if scarcity it could be called, an that variety will be nexu in demand. Thy will bring $1.20 to $1 308. barrel. Baldwins and Russets are so numerous that buyers do not seem anxious to touch them. In all probability they will bring less than 81 There seems to be no chance for the marketto improve, so great is the supply. The best kind of glory is that which is re flected from honesty. The one prudencé in life is concentration ; the one evil is dissipation. There is nothing more troublesome to a good mind than to do nothing. â€" 01 all the created comforts,‘iGod is the lender ; you are the borrower. not the owner. Each year, one vicious habit/{rooted out in time ought to make the worst man good. It is no vanity for a men to pride himself upon what he has honestly got and prudently uses. Let him who regrets the loss of time make proper use of that which is to come in the mmre. A good word is an easy obligation; but not to speak ill requires only our silence which costs us nothmg. We can finish nothing in this life; but we make a. beginning and bequeath a. noble ex- ample. 'l‘he wealth of man is the number of things which he loves and blesses, which he is loved and blessed‘by. Our happiness, am thinking beings, must depend on our being content to accept. only partial kn 'wledge. The Way to cure our prejudices is thisâ€" vhat every man should leu nlone those that he complains of in others, and examine his own. Hold fast by the present! Every situ- ationâ€"“nay. every momentâ€"is of Infinite valeu, for in is the representative of awhole eternity. The ideal, life, the life of full completions, haunts us all. We feel the thing we ought to be beating beneath the thing we are. Every Widespread error contains a con- cealled truth. That Is the point on which we must fasten if we wish to overthrow the error. They who call themselves men of the world, and pride themselves accordingly upon their knowledge. are of all men ‘hoae who know least of human nature. The grandest attribute” of our created minds, one that belongs to no other finite creature whatever, is that they have the gift of a growth everlasting. messed is the man who has the gift of making iriehda. It. involves many things; bub, above all, the power of going on: of one's self, and seeing and approaching whnh~ ever is noble and living in another man. 0011‘ No More. Watson’s cough drops are the beat in the world for the throat and chest, for the voice unequalled. See that the letters R. & T. W. are stamped on each drop. great faculty. Ask for tickets via the old establismd and favorite Overland route comprising the Chicago and North Westprn, and Union and Southern Pacific Railways. Two fast. trsins leave Chicago duily.with V unrivslled accom- modations for first and second class pas- sengers. Rates no higher than by other lines. Baggage checked trrough. Full in- formation, covering rutes, etc., with time tables and maps given by J. H. MORLEY, Canadian Passenger Agent, 69 Yonge SL, Toronto, Ont. Reasoning Powerâ€"A high, long and well defined nose and abroad (ace exhibits this makéé Mée. Jenkins (heft so ontwageousiy wiz me 1 \Vnat can I do to get rid of her 2" M15: A.â€"“ Propose to her. She's a girl of sense. " A Seattle (Wash. T.) house has been cut in two through a. dispute between the own- ers of the sine. At Nice-MJe Baron (complacently)â€" “ \Veallv, Miss Amidpn, I cawnt see whgt A GOOD LIGHT is indespansible to the comfurc oi a family during the long winter evwinge. PJOI‘ coal oil in a house in next thing to bed breed. Housekeepers who c+nnot have gas should use “ Carbon Safety Oil.” Sold by dealers everywhere. It is reported that much of the cod liver oil of Russia is edulnerabedyith liquidpnraf- fine, in some cases as much as 50 per cent. A Cure for Drunkcnneu. The Opium habla, depeomnnia, the morphlne :mtl: nervous prostrntlon caused by the use (ii tobacco, wakefulness. mental de reesion. softening oi the brain. em, premature oi sge, loss oi vitality caused by over~exerhlon oi the “rain and loss oi netnrel strength, from any cause whatever. Menâ€"FOM’I. old I - rnlddl. agedâ€"who are broken down iron; en;- oi the show causes. or any cause nocmentionedabm_ send ‘our address end 10 canon in stamps for Lubon’: Tree so. in hook form. or Diseases of Man. Books ecu: sealed And secure from oheervntlon. Address II. V Lime: ‘7 Weaninan maeim Toronto Ont i5 Killsâ€"holder's, ior'ééshrroflm (including those allocated and being paid) i . . . . . . . . . . 432.544 02 To holders of Annuity Bonds . . . . . i . . . . v . . V . . i . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16.967 84 Inaued no Policy~holders on Security of their Policies . . . . . . . . . . i . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82.264 98 ii.3ll6.i7i 47 Policies in Force over 10,000. Amount over $15.0II0.000. PRESIDENTâ€"HON. SIR W. P. ROWLAND, C.B., K.C.Vl.Gr l- VICE-PRESIliENTs.â€"-WILLLAM ELLIo'rr, EsQ ; EDWARD HOOPER, Esq, J. K. MACDONALD. Managing Ilirector "V‘HF'FH anierinl'ai-la z'rpv r37 and lnneiuxnlhu ‘1'" A van A WONDERFUL NERVE TONIC. A Medicine, not a Drink. I Cure All Diseases of the Stomach, Bowels, Blood, Liver, Kidneys, Urinary Organs, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Female Complaints, DRUNKENESS. for a ill not cure. It may Save Your Life. ,-. I I .000 Reward paid case they w “a, a. -,. ,5 Pearls of Truth. California. “A Word to the Wise is Sum- clent." Citarrh in not simply an inconvenience, unpleasant to the aufl'erer and divgusting to othersâ€"it is an advanced output of up proaching disease of worse type. _D.) not neglect its Warning; it brings deadly evih in Its train. Before t is too lite. use Dr. Snge'a Camrrh Remedy. It reaches the seat ofvha ailment, and is the only thing that wi‘l You may dose yourself with quack medicines ’till it is too laneâ€"Will the anreamiec becomes a resiatless torrenu. [t in the matured invention of a scientific. phy i- cian. “ A word to the wise in sufficient.” It: is raid of a strong political putizw that he would swallow rattlesnake: if party interests demanded in. Ir. is only men of this sort who, without protest, swallow the large, old-fashioned pills. Sensible people, requiring medicine to cleanae their sv:remu, invariably use Dr. Pialce'a Pleasant Pellet-m. They are unrivaled in all der‘angemenbs o; the liver, stomach and bowels. Irrigation me produced a. great: crop of mosquitoes on Los Angelou, Cal. Style. The most fashionable color, at present. in the hua of hoalrh, and it; will never go out 0! shvle. Its shades and tints are various, but all of them are exceedingly beco-ning. It is perfectly asfouishing what; a change is heiorz daily wrought by Dr. Pierce’a Favorite Pres- cription in the looks of sickly wo men. Suf- ferers from any sort of “female weakness” or irregularity, b‘ukache or nervous prostra- tion should give it trial. Alll druggists. A New York jeweler sells watch move ments as low as twenty-five cents. Rattlesnakes as Food. Commencing on Slturday. Nov. 10th. there will be a. daily tint-chm; through train servize betwepn 3:. Paul and Balm. Montana, comprised of Draw- ng'r nom. Fleepinz Car, Uav Coaches, Dlning Car and Free Calonin. Sleeper. Equipment new] modern and equal to tho best Lemlinz S . Paul every morning. and running directly through to Butte. The only llue with- out change. and fine rnly Vine vi n Ft. Buford l-‘t. Benton. Great PM}: and "Elena. For particulars, apply F. I. WHITNEY. Gen PMS a Tk’t Ag’t. ST PAUL. 4 P CANADA PERMANENT Luan868avingsflnmpany Subueribed Capital, Paid Up Caplml.. . .. Total Assets, . , . . . . . . INC‘QBPOBATED 1855. Head Office: Toronto 813., Toronto. .the Mir ed cavitsl and resources of this Corr» pany. toget er wiih the bonnet] {militias it h" recently scquu-ea tor supplving land owners win cheap money, emble the Directors to meet win promptness and at the lowest current rate of interes' all requirements Vor loans upon satisfactory u al estate security. Applicmtion may be made to either of file Company'a load Appraisers or t) . -.___\ “_ .. rm“. ..,,,_._,N n._--A._ Ageâ€"h. SUFFERING from the effects of early evil imblw. the rasult of lguomnce and lolly, who find' themselves wekk. nervous and exhausted ; also anu-Amm and OLD KIN who are broken down from the (fleets of abuse or over-work. and in advanced llle feel the mnfleqpepces of youthful e_xcess and for and read ,, __ WA A. u... m .. if. {ESES‘EaErégt‘liâ€"lo; Eéibi'sensas of Men The book will be sent sealed to any address 0 recei'm of We Be. at nape. Addrgqs _. _. _. -A“ .. .A,. [u n- m-_-_¢‘ EMMSIBN Scott’s Emulsion is not a secret remedy. Containing the stimulating Hypophos- phites and Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, the potency of both being largely in- creased. It is used by Physicians all over the world. "u I “'v I Wasting Diseases Wonderful Flesh Producer. J. HER-Bria "Id-ASON rfiannv’w Dlreotcr oronto‘ SGMT’S Sold by all Druggists. 50c. and $1.00. E'Gffifiibfwemfi ton su E. Toronto. PALATABLE AS MILK. GURES Y oung Men ST. PA u: MINNEAPOLIS â€"-ANDâ€"- ANITOB ‘ RAILWAY. [’t. Travel'z Page Ag't. 4 Palmer Hmse Block. Toronto. CONSUMPTION SOROFULA BRONGHITIS OOUGHS GOLDS . . . . . . . . . . 3 4,509,000 .. 2,509,000 . 10,000,009 J. M HUCKINS. A. P. 425 Allan Line Royal M_ai_1 31393111831133 Sailing durinz winter from Port am every Thu" day and Halifax every Saturday to leerpool. and 1; summer from Quebec everly Saturday to Liverpool calling at Londonderry to and malls and manager for Scotland and Ireland; also from Belt moreI v11. Halifax and St John‘s. N. F , IoLiverpool lortnlghhl} during summer months. The steamers of the Glen- gow Ilnes sail during winter to and from Halllax ortlend. Boshn and Philadelphia; and durln sum mer between Glasgow and Montreal weekly; G anger and Boston weekly, and Glasgow end Phllndelphls fortnightly: For freight. passage, or other lnlormntlon apply A.Sohumncher&00.. Baltimore; 8. Cunard a Go. Halifax; Shea 6100‘, St. John’s. N. F,; Wm. ThomD sons; 00., St. John. N. 8.; Allan a: 00., 01110320 Love a Alden. New York, H- Boutller. Toronvo Allnns, Rae & 00., Quebec: Wm. Bro'okle. Phllade: phla; H. A. Allen. Portland Bosfion Montreal. ‘J Public Library Blmdingfi‘oronco. Snrflentsfrom British Columbia. California. Kansas. Illinois, and quite a number of other States and Pravincea. now in attendance. Write for Descriptive Circulars. THOS. BENGOUGH. CHAS. H BROOKS, President. Sec’y & Manager. CANADIANBUSINE§S UNIVERSITY ‘ ‘7 Ifubllq LiQrgryyl‘x}!dxng, 930nm. Stgl'flenysfroug C ASINGSâ€"Semn 1888 â€" New i‘vpov'ntions (t Eng’ish ‘heepu. Finest American Hog Camus. Orders filled for any du-ired quantitv. Write for pliers. JAMES PARK & sou, DB. GBAY’B Specific has been used for the 9» Mason yenn, with great success, in the treatmen a1 Nervous Debiiity, and all diseases arising from 31 039965, over-worked Brain. loss at vibsiity, rlnglm? E! the em, palpitasionmm. For sale by all druggists Price 81 per box, or 6 h1xesior $5, or will be sent 1)} mallon receipt 0! price. Pamphlet on application HEAD orncmr Policies in quce over 10,000. Amount over 815,000,000. PRESIDENT â€"HON. SIR W. P. ROWLAND, C.B., K.C.V1.G, VICE-PRESIL)ENTS.â€"â€"WILLLAM ELLIo'rr, EsQ ; EDWARD HOOPER, Esq, J. K. MACDONALD. Managing Iblrector THE GRAY MEDICINE oo , Tam“, To the heirs of Policy-holders (death claimi) .. To the unlim o! matured End wment Polici To Policy-holders on surrender of Policies. . . . . . . . v v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To Policy-holders (Or Cash Profits (including those allode an being p d To holders of Annuity Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . nomad m Policy-holders on Security 01 their Policies. 41 to 47 St. Lawrence Market, Toronto‘ Nervous Debility. THE GREAT STRENGTH GIVER. CAPITAL AND FUNDS NOW "VI-ll! 83.090.000. l. - - l5 TIIRONTO HTlll-ZET, 'I'OKON'I'o. on. A HOME COMPANY, ESTABLISH!" 0I‘T0l5mlg ls“. To this dare. October 31, 1887, there Ins been returned : Sxpplim THIS DEMAND BECAUSE I pelted-food and conning all the wrath] necessary for ronanim: nun ivues wow-d 0v diseme. 15 readily passes 1350 hi circulali )n and produces firm muscle and nerve. Rec wan‘ (r ~m thi4 (H ‘tmain ' mndiaion is olten nought by ha iuz recourse M hniou or modiiinal Ir’utm nt which rnly mrvea tn nggmvue t e troubles. Tue 5 stem DIMANDS NUIRIHON that. can be cmily diges ed And thoroughly awimilated by the mutt bflunuaon‘ ' Johnston’s Fluid Beef ‘7Exhausted Vitality. Q ‘g’ The Racer” ’I‘II [DAN on Fania. Lowe“ RI”). kw deny. Correflpn ndrnce 50“!!le- F.. “'. I). III l‘tLIi, Financial Ag‘tu I‘sMP-ilshufi 18 ‘l-‘ 72 Kink *l. E.. Toronfio Thin Back, Lance-Tooth, Cross-Cut The MLple Lea' “war and Lance Crown cut sure are now sold in all parts of the world. The qutlity 0! these nave l1 uneqm'led. Tneir emellenue la whnl‘y du t 3 their nupmor temper. the p'nca~e of which is keptn I)“ found Secret by Shurly a Dietrlch. the Inanuiaotvi-era of these “we One of the best evid mean 0! thel' nupe-lor q ielitv is that other sew manui wtun re p it on the markv-t as close an lmitn. tion of thea- scum in they are able ti p'odune. uni represent it to he es 200d M the Maple Lee! at They run their sew upon nna name until 1118 publle become iamilnr with its inferior quality. men they change the he: e. in order to h‘unhug the public unother eeaeon.’o.ll of which is the very bent evidence of the superior quality nl‘ the Maple Leaf saw, as it is not the custom to counterfeit a poor article. These Counterfeit): are ro'd hr in much lowrr price then the Maple Leaf raw can he bought for: the dealer. 0! course, endeavors to sell them at nearly the no price, thereby realizing a larger refit. And some of the more unprinmpied dealers. 11 order to sell the counterielt saw. will te'l untruths at various kinds regarding the q iality of both the genuine and the coun temit. Good goods are always cheap , p‘or goods are doa'r at any price. A law, like a knits, will not cut het unless in Will ho‘d a. keen cutting edge. Price SLUG per foot. Manuhcturcd only by We ad: tlzildren ‘w/m dwarf!de join in tile chorus "7'01 Breadmaker's Yeaét is the subject brfor: usu- ‘ fllamma triedall the rest, .59 she knows it'x Me best, [Hg/lint, ’Cnuse I!” brmd is (It: w/tilzsl, Imr bun: are the Ami we ta! all .‘llepam‘akn 5/1: dart set luforeus. i311? ffié‘éntAnMAKEn's YEAST. PRICE 5 cans. a ‘0!” M AN1 [‘0 1A and N.W.T.â€"Bnunox, W.Johnston&00 Num‘l Rogers & (‘o., Toronto, Canada. Wholesale Depots : ONI‘ARIO-Tflfios'l'o. 30 Front amen East. -- Orr. WA 35 Spbl'k “men. n PuuLnMLLa. L. W. Ye mans A; "o. QUEBECâ€"-M"N'RRAL E Cavanavh Ll‘HITlME PROVINCESâ€"Sr. Janus, Jos. Bullock CARBON SAFETY OIL. SHURLY XL DIETRIUH. SAW MANUFACTURERS. BEST FOR FAMILY USE, ASK DEALERS FOR IT T, ONT- “49.249 00 26.492 88 98,656 00 432,644 02 16.967 84 82,261 98 iilW

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