Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Nov 1888, p. 2

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CANADIAN. The porkpzckers of Ontario have organ- ised themselves into an association. The much dreaded hogcholem has again made his appearance in South Essex. Pressure is to be brought on the fire under- writers in Montreal to efl'ccca reduction in rates. The loss by the stoppage of navigation in the Cornwall canal is estimated at $551,500. Great anxiety is felt in \Vinnipeg over the result of the railway case before the Supreme Court. éenawr Trude], editor of L‘Etendard, 1 commenced an action for $50,000 for H against Le Monde. 'Misa Macdonald, sister of the Premief, died in Kingston on Sunday morning. She was 70 years of age. The Governor General is interesting him- self in organizing a Winter course of‘acientifi ; lectures in Ottawa. Ottawa clergy men are opposed to the movement in favor of the abolition ofChm-ch property from exemption. At 3â€" meeting of {by farmers of North Waterloo, held in Guelph on Saturday, a farmers’ institute was organized. A ayndicste is being formed in Montreal to utilize the waters of the Lachine rapids for the purpose of furnishing electric light to the city. Work on the western extension of the Ontario and Pacific railway is being vigor- onslv pushed forv’ard in and near London. Dr. Coventry says that the mortuary re- turns for Windsor for the past six months show that it is the healthiest: town in the pro- Vince? next. It is understood in Montreal political circles that there will be no settlement of the Jesuit; estate question until August The new canal at the Canadian Sault will cost fxom two and a half to three million dollars. The contract calls for its comple- tion by May, 1892. It is rumoured that Premier Mercier has notified the members of the Quebec Civil Service that. they will be dismissed unless they pay their debts. The Hudson Bay Company expect a com- paratively small supply of lurs as the result of the season’s trading. The land sales have been larger than last year's. The Michigan lumbermen are very eager for Canadian pine, and a. Saginaw firm has concluded the purchase of threetimher berths in the Georgian Bay district. The inspector for the Provincial Board of Health has visited Sarnia and found that smallpox in well under control and likely to be shortly stamped out there. The Dominion Govern Jzenl: intend inviting the Australian colonies and New Zealand to send delegates to Ottawa to discuss questions relating to an interchange of trade. It is stated on good authority that Rev. Father Chiniquy has felt himrelf compelled on account of age give up his travels, and intends to settle down in Montreal. At a recent school school concert in King- ston, Mr. Henry Bawden drew attention to some faults of our present school system, which places too high a premium on mere memory. As a counter move to the action of the Dominion Government in increasing the ex- port duty on Canadian pine logs, the Michi- gm lumbermen are agitating for the pass- age of a bill doubling the import duty on Canadian lumbar. It was argued before the Court of Appeal, in Montreal, in the case of Jacobs, who is undergoing a life sentence for the murder of his wife, that the proceedings at the trial are void, as the murdered woman’s name was not in the indictment. Sir John Macdonaid denies the statement telegraphed to the Winnipeg “ Sun" to the effect that the promoters of the Hudson Bay railway and been promised an increas- ed subsidy by the Dominion Goverment if they succeeded in over throwing the Green- way Ministry. In his Thanksgiving sermon. Rev. Mr. Herridge. of St. Andrew’s,0ttawa, referring to the agitation in favour of taxing church property, contended that: the church was hilly entitled to the exemption by reason of her work in ennobling and purifying the whole national life. Rev. W, J. Spin-ling, of Kingston, speak- ing on the temperance question, said he was sick and tired of temperance speakers denouncing the Government; when the peo- ple had the power in their own hands of having a Government in favour of temper- ance if they wished. Mr. and Mrs. Gobe, who reside near Kings- ton, banked their savings, amounting to $900, in an old stocking, hiding it under a bed. Their children transferred the stocking to an empty stove, and the other day when the first fire of the season was lighted the accu- mulations of years were destroyed. It is a singular fact that despite the 'aban- donment of the policy of assisted passages by the Dominion Government, the volume of immigration to Canada has increased considerably. The arrivals for the ten months of the veer were 1461307, an increase of 18,347 over those for the same period last year. California. had a sharp shock of earth quake on Sunday. - The Vatican authorities express satisfac- tion with the election of M1. Harrison. The membership of the Knights of Labour fell ofl' last year to the extent of 300,000. At the mictifm sale of Lord Sackville's reflects in Washinan very good prices were received. A powerful American syndicate is about; to be formed for the purpose of building railways in Siberia. A team of Philadelphia cricketérs will play a series of matches in England and 1reland next season. Largo prairie fires hive been raging throughout: the State of Dakota, and great damage has been done. In the Vermont House of Rep: yesterday the bill granting to V right of until-age was defeated by Thirty-three dead bodiew have been taken from the debris of the R )cuester lantern works, and it is believed that ten or twelve remain. NEWS OF THE DAY. AMERICAN. House of Representatives 1 granting to women the 'as defeated by 192 to 31. rel haK'gérSHBEEH £116 iEerdt of tame bufl‘alos owned by Warden Bedson, at Stony Monu- tain, Man. The bears made another raid on Chicago wheat, knocking it down 10 to 150, and Monday's quotations were the lowast for some weeks. The residents of Milford, Maaa., and vicinity felt a. slight but continuous earth- quake on Senturday morning, lusting from two to four minutes. It is ofiinially stated that the description of the Kansas mining accident were greatly oven-drawn. The total loss of life was 30, and the wounded numbered 20. Thirty-three bodies have b‘mn taken from the ruins left by the great tire on Friday night in Rochester. and ten or twalve more bodies are probably still buried. Baston has a sensation in the alleged opium smoking and infidelity of the beauci in] and accomplished wife of Fred. Hurst, the proprietor of “ Pond’s Extract." Flora Schmidt, the young woman who was taken to Bellevua hospital, in New York, on Friday night with symptoms of yellow fever, died on Saturday morning. The steamer Iberia. which aufl'ered in the collision with the U mbrin, sank on Sunday night, while the latter steamer, having undergone repairs. started from New York yesterday morning. Herman J. Emerson, the convicted New York policv dealer in whose place forget Bedell lost $30,000 in one year, was yester- day sentenced to penitentiary for one year and fined $1,000. The steamer Umhria, which arrived at Queenstown on Sunday nighc from New York, made the passage in six days, two hours, and twentymwo minutes, the fastest eastern voyage on record. Dr. Gibier. the famous Paris scientist, has performed an autopsy on the body of the head nurse who died of yellow fever at Jack- sonville, and secured some of the intestinal fluids, and will search them for fever germs. Mr. Phelps, the American Minister, in a speech before the members of the Glasgow bar yesterday, said that nothing in the ad- ministration of justice in Great; Britain was more excellent than the prompt and efficient manner in which the laws were executed. Mr. Fitzgerald. President of the Irish National Association of America, has made a very frantic appeal to the Irish in the United States to subscribe money freely to enable Mr. Parnell to defeat the “ slimy methods ” of Lord Salisbury belore the Times‘ Vom- mission. A number of Detroit: lumber merchants, in interviews Monday, said the effect of the increase of the export: duty by the Canadian Government would be to stop the imports- tion of logs into Michigan and the encour- agement: of the manufacture of lumber in Canada. C. J. Jones, a.’ weglthy Kansas rfmcher, Mrs. Judge Hirsch, of Navarro County, Tex, gave birth to six children on the after- noon of November 3. There are four boys and two girls. The father, George Hirsch, is 31 and his wife 27. They have been married five years, and have three children besides the recent accession. Hirsch has named the boys Frederick, Mills, Cleveland and Thurman. The girls are Victoria and Louise. The babies are tagged to preserve their identity. It is told of a Fall River teacher that she recently gave an object lesson in physiology, and .in the course of the instruction asked where the backbone was. Not receivingany answer, she indicated its position in her own body, and then asked what it was. Nobody could answer at first. Suddenly a bright thought occurred to an observing youngster. His eyes sparkled and he raised his hand to attract the teacher’s attention. “ Well, John,” she said, “ what do you call it ‘2" “ Yer bustle,” ans’wered the lad promptly. The information was too much for the school, and the laughter that followed indicated that the innocent mistake was perceived by the other pupils. The Berlin correspondent of La. Francfl has been expelled from Prussia. The Gresgen University has conferred the degree of doctor of divinity upon Prince Bismarck. General Biugham, Earl of Lucan,who took part in the famous charge of the Light Bri- gade is dead. Several British vessels and many lives were lost in the recent; gales. The Non-Conformist Unionist Associatibn gave a banquet in Londcn on “'ednesday evening in honour of Lard Salisbury and Lord hanington. It is stated as a suspicious fact; that a St. Pitersburg student committed suicide 3: Larki, immediately after the recent accident to the Czsr's train. The “White Pasha” has defeated the Derviahea in a. great batble. _ An explosion of fire damp occurred in a Belgian coal mine recently, by which 32 men were killed. The daughter oi the Empress dowager's brother hm been selected as the consort of the Emperor of China. The invincibles Mullet and McCafl‘rey have been taken to London to give evidence before the Punell Commission. Prince F dinand has b‘een warned that: a plot is be. Lug against: him among the Bul- garian refugees in Constantinople. 7 Portugal, on Invitation of Great Britain and Germany, will send vessels to take part in the blockade of East African ports. Emperor \Villiam has been far from well for the last three weeks, and his medical advisers order res: of both mind and body. Lord Carnal-Von has mitten to The Times depreciting the idea that Colonies should have a say in the selection of their Gover- nora. The German ironclad Kaiser, with Prince Henry of Prussia on board. went aground this week while entering Copenhagen har- bour. Portugll, on the invitation of Great B:itain and Germany, will send .vessela to take part in the blockade of Essa African perm. A .l‘he Pari's Municipal Council has decided to take part in the drmonstration at the tomb of the revolutioniat Baudiu, on Decem- ber 2. The Gaines; Cofirnment has learned that a secret treaty has been concluded between Russia and. Cox-ea, ovidiu for a Russian P‘ 8 prgteptorate of Cores. . .n V",‘LA___ Kit is séatedvihve Imperial Government have approved of the scheme to build eight first. FOREIGN class men-of war. a score of swift cxuisers, and as many torpedo boats. The St. Petersburg Messenger accuses Prince Bismarck of planning in 1863, under cover of aiding the Uzn', for the annexxtion of Russian Poland to Prussia. "Thar 'exfie’nsé'Bf the London Tian in the Parnell Commission are simply en'ormous. IL is calculated that. for Witnesses alone the paper pays nearly $4,000 a day. The people of New Sbuth \Vales and New Zealand are of the same mind with Q xeens land on the right of a colony to be consulted rewarding the choice of 3 Governor. A musing of the representatile of all the interests concerned in the Esst African movement will be held in Cologne to mor- row todiscusa the question of recruiting a colonial force. The Irish Bishops have received another PLle reacript ordering them to actively execute the former reacrlpt, which instructed them to denounce the Plan of Campaign and boycotting. _ The bill voting £5,000,000 to extend the operations of the Ashbourne Act, was intro- duced in the House of Commons yesterday and Mr. Gladstone proposed his amendment, making a vigorous speech. King Millan has offered to confirm the right of (ax-Queen Natalie to the title of Majesty provided she foregoes her intended protest to the European Courts and admits the legality of her aworce. Ex-Emprees Vicforia arrived Monday morning at Port Victoria. where she was met by the Queen, the Princess Louise and Beatrice, and Count von Hmzfield, and ac- companied by them to Windsor. The English and German consular author- ities in Zanzibar are about to issue a. simil- ar proolamation forbidding German and Enqlish subjects to contract with slave-own- ers for a nupply of slave labour. Heat. Dmloep Singh, son of the famous Maharajah, who was for years a. pensioner of the bums): G Jvernment, will pay a visit to Ottawa shortly on the atafi of Sir John Ross, Who will be the guest of the Governor- General. A decided sensation was created at the Parnell Commission, when Lady Mount, morrea, referring so the murder of her husband in 1880, said that: before the Land League was established his Lordship was on good terms with his tenants. Major Schiebert urges upon the German Government a partial abolition of the fort- resses on the Frenah frontier, which are merely obstructions, as in the event of war France would mass her troops) and the con- test would be decided by pitched battles. The indirect overture of King Milan of Servia. for Russian support has been sum- marily rejected. The South Russian press freely describes him as a renegade Sclav and Austrian puppet. The press censor has not interfered with the newspapers for their at- tacks upon Milan. . The canal through the Isthmus of Corinth in Greece, is just approaching completion. It was first planned 2 500 years ago, and work was actually begun on it under the Emperor Nero over 1,700 years ago. When completed it will be four miles long, and deep enough to float the largest vessels that navigate the adjscent seas. 'lhe Birmingham Unionists have decided to present an address to Mr. Chamberlain on his return home with his bride. They Will also present an sddress to Mr. Bright on his 77th birthday. Mr. Bright continues to be confined to his bed with a slight ro- newsl of bronchitis. His son writes that it will be impossible for his father to resume his place in Parliament for a long time. The Viceroy of India informed a Durbsr at Patiala that the British Gevernment would not avail itself of the offers of money from the‘ Indian princes for the defense of the country, but would ask them to form strong native forces fit for service with the Imperial troops. The government would provide English officers and furnish breech-loaders and a battery of four guns for each Punjaub chief. A gentleman from Upson county, says the Atanta (Ga) Consfiitution. relates a thrilling experience between Mr. Matthews, who lives near Pine mountain, and a large wildcat. Mr. Matthews, after enjoying a social chat With one of his neighbors, saddled his horse and started home. His road led him over the mountain. He was riding along at a slow pace, absorbed in thought, when he passed a thick clump of trees and bushes that stood near the roadside. Suddenly he heard a loud crashing and a large animal of the cat species bounded upon the haunches of his horse, with a fierce scream, which so frightened 'the animal that he gave a leap forward and came near hurling his rider overheard, and at the same time causing the cat to loose its hold and fall to she ground. Mr. Matthews lost all presence of mind and forgetting that he had his gun with him. let the cat escape without getting a. shot at him. Being a “ bright, moonshiny" night he got a good look at the cat, and thought it was a panther. Spurringhishorsehehastenedhome- ward and made preparations to return and track the animal to its lair, presuming that it must have had its young with it, which caused it to be so ferocious. Having a pair of large fox hounds, he took them with him to a neigheor’s house and prevailed upon him to accompany him upon his hunt. Securing a few other dogs, they started out in search of the animal. Arriving at the spot where he had recently had his adventure with the cat, Mr. Matthews called the dogs and put them upon the track. They soon struck out at a headlong speed across the mountain and it was not long are they had the animal at bay. The gentleman soon found them, and standing with a bold front to the do a was the boldest wildcat they had seen. fn the rear of the mother, as they had expected to see, were two large half‘grown kittina. These they proceeded to make short work of with their guns. The mother was turned lover to the dogs, and after a hard fight she I was killed, the hunters assisting the (logs l with the butt ends of their guns. Sue weighed ninety pounds and measured six feet. The Mercantile Agency reported that S, M. Clapp 8: Co. are s'mughtering Backs and Shoes at cost and. under. They are selling Ladies' Fine Kid Button Boots, (worked holes), for $1, my 5"23; Child's Solid Leather Llce Boots. 7 to 10, for 50 cents; Roys' all Leather School 30055, 75 cents; in fact every- thing in footwear at ridiculnusly low prices, Now is the time tr- got “Big”'vali1e at the West End Bargain Shoe Banner, 364 and 440 Queen west. S. M. Clapp &. Co. A Bold Wildcat. In Mrs Gilbert's autobiography there is an entertaining sketch of meeting-house cua‘ toms in England in the olden times. Among the rest she describes an old man, John ny, so hard of ham ing {hit be always an: at the top of the pulpit stairs. ' . . . u x Lesning against the pulpit door, hclookerl like the minister’s henchmen. His venereblu and rheumy countenance. his drab knee.- hreeches gaping above his corded gray stockings, are deeply gruven on my memory, ‘ and not less so, a certain ocoasion when his huge tin snufi' box slipped from his potteringl fingers, and rolled bump, bump, clown thu‘ unsarpeted stairs with portentous noise. ‘ John Day, no whit disconcerted, watched its course, and then with his heavy high-10m: dessended after it, one stair at a time, rc- turnlng In like manner. The whole opera- tion took a long time ; yet the sermon hell- ed not. nor did devout attention fail. In those days, if any one sufiered from drowsiness under the subdivided discourse. he would rise and standin his place. Several grave elders, in an afternoon, might be seen bus upon their legs, and it is recorded that my mother's great grandfather, leaning un- * Hr -- ,, A_A_ h. ..... A 1‘11", my mower u 5mm. 5.....u...‘._v_, luckily upon ‘his pew door, It opened sud- denly, compelling him to follow its semi- circular movemen t at a. sharp trot, till bronghn up sharp against the side of the ew. p Then the grave figure in snuffâ€"colored suit and protuberann wig took the uoor in hand and walked back into his place, with no visibie disturbance in the congregation. California. in the.dsys of “forty-niners' saw the strangest changes! Storekeep erg dispensed liquor and dry-goods, and per- formedthe duties ofjustice of the peace. Rough, ignorant miners practised law and physic, and even administered justice or the most rough and ready sort. One of the alcaldcs, or magistrates, cf Yreks, George C. Vail, had a. method of trying prisoners which was quaint. even among the off-hand magistrates or California. A lad once complained that his employer was leaw hisfiwages. Vniilbigirted two constables after the man, who was arrested and brought into coert. He did not: deny the boy’s claim, but insist- ed that he had no money to pay it. “ Constables,” said Vail, “ stand that man on his head, shake him well, and listen: if anzthing drops l"~ _ - 1r .- ..___, “07:, The man was' inverted. and from his pocket dropped a. bag containing two thousand dollars in gold dust. Out of it the boys claim for two hundred dollars was paid, and three ounces of gold for the fees of judge and constables. Then the bag of dust was returned, and he departed, With less money, but with more respect for the law than he had before. r The safe arrival of Dr. Nansen and his fellow explorers at Godthasp is a cause for rejoicing. but whether it is an event of much scleutlfic importance is yetto be determined. ‘ When thelittle band of mountainclimbers set out on this expedition, the plan was to traverse the “ Sahara of the North" at the widest part, or at least as far north as the seventieth parallel. That is' the region on the East coast visited by Koldeway and Saoresby. A march across country would have brought the explorers out on Baffin buy at Upernavik, or at least at Godhaven, and such a trip, seven or eight hundred miles, would have laid open to the eye of science the very heart of the mysterious Arctic con- tinent. Instead, the party has appeared at Godthaap, on Davis strait. and near the southern point of Greenland. If they struck in at the same latitude on the other side, they have merely tramped for a couple of hundred miles across the snow far south of the Arctic circle, in a country already pretty well knownâ€"an achievement of no especidl value or interest. On Dr. Nansen’s return to Bergen we shall know whether his expe- dition has been merely a snowâ€"scrambling frolic or a. conquest of the last untravelled «fitmentâ€"[New York Tribune. ‘ The earth is now passing through the great stream of meteors which has caused so many celebrated star showers in the historic period. If we could get accurate records of these Nevember displays in ancient times the myriads of meteors, know as the Leonids, that have bombarded the earth would appear incredible and alarming. Happily for our planet, its atmosphere, many miles deep, in- terposes over our heads an invisible shield, which but very few of these heavenly pro jectiles can penetrate. The large majority of them are melted and volatilizsd by heat developed in the arrest of their motion by the air. The earth will pass this time though an attenuated part of the meteor ring, and will not encounter its thickest part until 1899. \Vnile, therefore, no such Itar shower as was seen on November 13, 1866, can be now expected, meteors enough may be observed to show that we are in the orbit of the Leonids. An intelligent chimpanzee in the Zoo logical Gardens, London. has been taught to count up to five. He is exhibiting his talent for mathematics to the delight of many visitors by handing them with greet seriousness and accuracy the exact number of straws they ask for up to that number. Evidences are accumulating that the family of which the late Mr. Crowley was a bright, ‘pn us "uavu any "n... .._.. v and shining member are very good felloWs, with considerable latent capacity. If they continue to show a. faculty for development, the recent sorrow expressed by a young explorer because no missions have been sens to the anthropoid apes may be interpreted as a genuine lament. He is suspected of trying to make a. sly dig at the missionaries, but the good words he has spoken for the apes are proving true. Who knows but our anthropoid cousins are capable of indefinie improvement under educational treatmen The Queen Regent 0 Spain has had her embarrassments Increased by the German Emperor sending her word that he hopes soon to pay her a. visit. ’She wants to keep on good terms with France, which hubeen, £0 far, a. pleasant neighbor, but might be- come a dangerous and disagreeable one. REV- ‘Vm. T. Hill, rector of the Church of the Meseish, hincardine, on the occasion of hi}? resignation to accept the rectorship of VH6 Church of St. John the Evangelist in L‘mdon, was presented with an address, a handsome silver service and a marble clock. Queer Scenes in Church. The Greenland Expedition. ieééing the .place without payin'g Him California Justice The Meteor Stream Educating the Apes. has had 1: Der An odd mixture of wordsv: the suffer. er from constipation, indigt mn, impure lllnod, biloueneas, and other such 1145.“an cured if he WILLS withrut_taking the horrid, old fashionnd PILLS. These are kfnperaeded in our day by those {wonder-walking, ygts tiny, little globules, known as Dr. Plerce’ Pleasant Pellets. No griping. no drastic purging ; do not cause coetiveness after- wards. as 111% old style pills do. One little Gr mule a dose. Two interlocked hearts mounted with pearls on a knife-edge setting in a late ac. quisition to lace pin uoveltiw. Grouse claws mounted in silver are being worn as brooches. vanomsâ€"Moiature : incense lwhlmznnd mnzln ; most at night :woree by scratchlug. I allowed continue tumors (arm. which often h set! and u] . are, becoming very sore. SWAYN‘B'B 0mm s% the ltohlng and bleeding. heals ulceration, md many case-I removes the tumors. It is equally emu. clone in curlng all Skin Dlsenaes. DR. SWAY‘NE & SON, Pmprlawm, Philadelphia. Swan‘s 0mm Pan he obtained of druggisza. Sent by mm (a. an cenbs‘ A Cure for Dmnkennoal. Tho oplum habit, depsomanla, tho morphlne habit. nervous prostratlou caused by the use of tobacco, wakelulnes, mental do resslon, softening or, the brain. ohm, premature 01 age, loss of vitality caused by over-exertion of the brain and loss of natural strength. from any cause whatever. Menâ€"young, old )f mlddle~agedâ€"who are broken down from any onheabcvc nausea, or any cause no: mention above, send your address and 10 cents in stamps for Lubon’s Treatise, 1n book form, of Disease! of Man. Books sent. sealed and secure from observation. Address M. V Larson 4? Weummu street East. Toronto Ont Silver rings set with diamonds and other precious stones are all the rage out West. Con“ No More. A delicate spray of purple lilacs, with diamond centres, forms a. very pretty breast- pin. ' FEARFGL EXI‘LOSIONS are sometimes caused by the use of poor coal oil. For absolute safety and brilliant light us, Car- bon Safety Oil. Sold by dealers everywhere in the Dominion. Hail-pins with ambpr shell bends set in with knots of emzll diamonds are now worn. “'ataon’s cough drops are the best in the world for the throat and cheat, {or the voice untunled. See than: the letters R. & T. W, are stamped on each drop. T0 LOAN on Farms. Lowest! Runes. No delay. Conesponjence solicited. E.W. D. BUTLlB, Financial An, Established 1860. 72 King-an. E.. Toronto D 0! Religion: Thomht, by J. wl Buel and 1:. De Witt Talmage. D‘D.; beautiful illustrations. color- ed and plain ; handsamely bound ; large quarto book; pl in m pa and ju-t such a book that takes the eye as a glance ; terms to agents extra libeml. WILLIAI BRIGGS, Publisher, Torcuto. “DEAUI‘IFUL STORY” AND GOLDEN GEMS MADA SHIPPING CO. â€" Beaver Line a] Steamshipa, sailing weekly between Montreal and Liverpool. Saloon tickets, Montreal to Live an] ‘ 840. $60, and 860. Return tickets, $80. $90, and 116, according to steamer and accommodation. lubeb mediate. 830; Round trip tickefis. $60. Steerage, 8‘10 Round trig tickets. $49. ‘For (urther Eanlculus anti , W n "n “Aw n___..u EXESEuE’biREQ,‘ 2. i5: «TH; E. MURRAY,Genen1 Manager, I Custom ouse Square, Montreal. or to the Local Aunts ln hhe diflereno Twons and Cities. CASINGSâ€"Season lass-New impoytacluns of Eng‘iah Sheep, Finest American Hog Camu?. or Orders filled (or any detired quantitv. Write prices. JAMES PARK 81. SON, LeatherBelting BEST \‘Al UE IN THE DOMINION. F.F.OIXOH &OO , MAKERS, 70 KING ST. E, TORONTO Send for Price Date and Discounts. A beautiful photo-lithograph, 18x24. a“solute1y free to each subscribng yo ‘anp'nu‘ Anvnnsn whom ,LA_ m- I..- v tfigémfiaf Dgcgfimber. Twelve large pages: every week. New tvpe. heavy paper. il- lustratau depntments. Only $1 per year. or 8? for but subscriotions. Balance 1858 free. Address, Abvsnussa anxmo Co., London. 011%., Canada. hU cwu nuvuunnux . subscription is paid b M’GAUSLAND & SUN. Stained Glass Pcmry SCOTT’S EMULSION‘ Ellis to Keighloy. - Toronto. OF GOD LIVER OIL WITH HYPOPHOSPHITES. It is Palatable as Milk. It is three times as eficacious z plain Cod Liver 011. It is far superior to all other so- callerl Emulsions. It is a. perfect_ Emulsion, does not separate or change. It is wonderful as a flesh producer. It is the best remedy for Consump- tion, Scrofula, Bronchitis, Wast- ing Diseases, Chronic Cough and Colds. “dunnrmsa Kn» nnJ GYM YOU MAY HAVE ONEH Just send your name and poatage, and receive b SILK HAN DKERCHEI Astoniahes everyone 1 mi Co. , Toronto, Ont. address, and Ice. for Mail a HANDSOME and The MagicNeeMe! dreas.Whiwn Novelty FOR CHURCHES, DWELLINGS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. WHY YOU SHOULD USE Niagara Falls. 41 71-0 47 St. Lawrence Haxket. Toronto‘ 3373â€"17-11 all 76 King St. W.. Toronto. lllr‘, Wills. and“ EMPIRE; BAKNG POWDER Asp STRENGTH um 10 Plugs, nnzggfsfs, 50c. and $1.00. Manulact .Il’e‘ BIBINED IN TH] .P. 426 ls.

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