Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Nov 1888, p. 5

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Colhsmn. A conision which might have hr 1; more shrious occurred at Duncumb's corners on Tuesday evening after dark. Mrs. John Palmer wandririnu hnmn from the Rich- mond Hill station. and on turning the mm?! the husz collided with Mr. K-wch‘s two- horse waggon which Wns Quins: suulhmird. One when! of the buggy was 'U-Jed cum- nletely under. the rave a (1 other purl; nere broken, but fortunatelv Mrs. Palmer was not 1hran out, and aha mnnnaed to bald her frightened horsn. The hum“. being 8 NM- snarnd Glndsu he, did not upset when the wheel went down. For 25 cents you can buy at the Concrete each of the following:â€" 7 Boxes good Matches. 9 lbs C. \Id Dust Cornmeal. 6 lbs Til.o~ ‘s i)" 2 Rolled Oats. 3} lbs Best Vaiencm Raisins. 3;â€" lbs Best Rovinr‘al Currants. Bible Clas' . The young peoplv's Prnyer-Meetiv; ou \Vednesdav evenings in Hm Methodist c'u' ch has been nbnngnd into a hi'n'e c‘asa for the study of the Sabbath School lesson. The study will begin nt 8 0" Incl“ Subject to: ‘Iexa masthva will he ‘( .‘eon's Army“â€" Judges 7th Cl‘apu Int ‘.0 f h verse. The class is open L. all who “01H like to attend. Read the wonderml ad. on this pr'm. of "Gnugh, the wnndm'ful Chew Man.“ H8 stormin': the Gibraltar of high prices. and is selling oven-coats for men and boys by the lhousand. His gigantic slunuhter sale is now gniugon. No. 128, T'ng St. East, Toronto. D'm't fail M pwuse turn. oditmi .l page, of Mr. Nevil Cash Home. . _ H i Brown's I Furs of all descnptlon at ’he Con- I Iijupper'fi buw Gretelâ€"Ladies” and Gentleman‘s ‘ from xlv‘ vel Caps, Ladies Capes‘ {or $L50, Fur ‘ heen pretty .1 Tnmmmg m Conev, Oppmsum‘ sloppmg at] Australian,0ppossum, Rabbit, etc" 1:23:5"8; cheap. I smashed. The cheapest plaice in the cdu-zty of York to buy Stoves and Hard- ware is at C. Mason’s. Richmond. Last Saturday Mrs. Jas. Robinaon, Elgin Mills. started 3.0 come down stairs win‘a a quantity of bed-clothing in her arms. J‘tsl. as 3119 started 1391‘ foot became entas’jpd and she fell headlong tn the buttnm. She wns so Lerious‘v injurnd that a Dr. had to make several visits. At last accov‘lls the patient was resting easier. Markham 'Iuwunhip Councxl n Saturdnv next. the 1st. of Decsmber 15"! Cords Dry Hardwuod for gala another pap. Carpets, Ollcloths. Curtalns Curtainings, Poles, Blankets. forters, Quilts, Coverlids. etc Atkinsons in all qualities an extremely low prices. Leave your ordvr M. THE vamru. office ior a Chriatmni Glnhe. Annual Meeting: nf Vang; ancintim: on M nnday newt. t Tom: Hall. Vvllorn. at 2 p. Sugar at the Concretefléi [5, I5 and 14 lbs ior $I.0(). above) 5.80 N. B.-â€"Reziaternd Letters must be handed in As least Fxfteeu Minutes nm-lier than the above mentioned hours [or closing. Hill School Board meeting on Mgglky next, at 10 a. m. Connecta with all trains, leaving the Palmer House Richmon‘l Hill. as follows: Mai dzEx ress.North& South ..... Accommo ation “ " Muil& Express North at South". ....7.45 n m. 12.00 .545 p. m- RICHMOND HILL. Tlmrsdw. Nmn29. '88 Cnllector Brnw'uea (Thursday) morning 'ron'om'o. Brock Street Union C”? Hall Until further noting Mails will be closed at the Rxchmond Hill Post OMca as follows:â€" Monxmazâ€"Gnina Northsoulh East and West, including Thornhill, Maple, Toronto. Mm~khum,&c. 7.45 EVENmG :â€"qunfl fioutb.Enst and West (as Newmnrketm Aurora. King...,.. RICHMOND rum. Thornhill ........... Weston . . Dacenport Eatkdalen PROCTORFs’fiGE LINE. ORONTO. City Hall quon ......... Bmck Street Parkdalu... , Doweuponu Weston I‘hnrnhill..u RICHMOND HILL. Ring ..... Aurom...... owmarket Rube fnuud. Euun at this office POST OFFICFNUTICE Itv iflib’rrai. n p‘mse mre‘ully the ad. on k, of Mr. Neville, of The Cheap GOING SQUTE Ex. GOING NORTH Mn.” A 8.05 ....... 8J5 Icloths. Curtalns and ’oles, Blankets. Com- , Coverlids, etc.. at all qualities and at Accxdent Gough. .nen strrted on duty this 9.03 9.18 9.42 9.53 8.11 9.11 9.16 M. TEEFY. Postmaster‘ .mu I‘mfnrm A: . thp 3rd prox., Accom 1115 11.53 12.05 12.13 Accom 11.47 1203 12.28 12.43 12.43 1 .45 meets on See Mail. 603 6.16 m...“ 8.1.8 On Monday evening last about 6 o‘clock a. horse belonging to Mr. Ezra Cluoine mu a- \.‘t_\', starting in front of C‘ushy‘s store. It mm driven bv Mr, Welliagtun Clubine, who, with Ilia wife, had just alighth from the [ buggy. When the hom- saurted Mr. bluhiue ' .1111le I: grab for me Iinvs hm. missed them, l Md the animal Stnl'ted northward. In front l of Brown's Bnk‘rv it came in contact with l Hopper'e butcher: mamon mnl i‘eev‘. itself 1 from tlv‘ vel:1 D. The home must have ‘ been pretty badly frightened an instead of stopping nt its own RtnblP, it .rm hack the 1mm, und was found at MLF. Gibsou‘p, near the 2nd Concession. The [1‘ '3V was badly I smashed. Ruck Spring Cnal Oil at Dnlworth'l Drug Stars, we Iell at. same price thl‘ other sturea char-4‘: fu- c rmmun Canadian Oil. Dilwnrth’s Druo SI -re. next to Nipinaing Hotel, Tuloutu. 3: also as useful in winter as iv: summer. It or: be made In arr demgn, and grentiy arid." m the appearance of the pn‘ nrlv wb ‘6 err-med. Massrs. Snvngu, Nichol's L- d Trench have purclmned the righ; to m . ‘ ~ fncmrp and sell :hix gate in the W94: Ptvl North Ridmcs of York and panties Wishi- ': such can be supplied on the shor" <l Hoff-'9. Rinhta of Townships in the al. ve-nal' 3d Br“ 13: fogsale. TL-"s invention may be seen at t'2e resi- deuce of Mr. P. G. Savage, in this village. and is in the form of a Pntfmt Automatic Gale. which has lately been brought before the public by the inventors. Messrs. Sherwin dz Tnckett, of Toronto. It is the onlv re- liable automatic gale mnde. and 811.333829 ali other inventions in the gate line. It can he opened or shut While in lhe conveyance by pres>ing backward or forward a neatly (uustruoced law-r affixed at the side at either end of the ante, and is worked so easilv that : "hild wi'hout being shown can manipdlule In easily :1: a grown persnu. It "<0 saves us trouble of getting in and on: nf ' vehicle, and as {Lopeus and shuts simi'i-a to our pummel; glue it will not friahtwi "u-sl‘s. [t The new Prvfihytorian Church of the 7th Cn‘uccwein‘w of Vnuqhan will be opened by Divim Service on Sabbathflle 14th day of .1 ununry, 1889. by the Rev. Dr. Mnctavish of Torontn. Other miniaters {rum Toroutnmrd neighbori'm miniqters are expected to be present. An excellent cbnir has been 911‘ nagvd for the sabbath services. Also on the following Mnndny a dinner will be served by the ladies of the congregation in the bar-e- ment of the church. A good time may be expected as the committee are preparing. an excellent programme for the occasxou.‘ l'ur- {her nutice Wlll bu givan by posters. < huice 0t goods their than can be had anywhere and as these Twpcds, \N’orsteds, Meltons, etc.. are import direct there is a saving of the Mid- dlemen‘s profit. There has been a great commo- tion around the Tweed counter at the Concrete this week and daiiy orders ate taken for suits, Over- coats, etc., bcth Men's and B035; tor the people are awakmg to the fact that they have a much better 47mm: drink. The iist shows two uf the for- mer clam HEllill-‘l ten of the latter. We pre- sume th: B u‘eulis does not charge fur this ndverti‘aum, but wonder he‘doeu not get his 119ml punched for the exposure. The analy- sis was hung!” about by a remark in :1 Ser- mnn preached by one of the resident minis- ters whom Teddv dubs as “Brother Ilaukiuv" I‘he Borenli‘ last Wrek poihts out and wives $1.8 1m Hes of th members of Hm Aurcm Council who are cold Water men, I "(1 those who xudulge to a Cortuiu extent in As WI“ be seen on another page Mr. H- Mlller. owing to ill-health, wishes take“ his mnchiuery and all tools cuuuected with the pump business. lerv 1:4 everythmg neces- ~mry lu curry nu ths- llnsinur, uud uu.lvr the rim-unhtuuvvs lu- i~a ph-pure‘d to sell cheup. Without J-vulwl lhlS is an .excellenl‘. chance for u live umn. ns Llwre fie uu ()ppusiliull in II)» plucu. A bhv'n can also be rented for u (elm of )ears. \Vlmewr \vnnlfi allcll a. bush ne~s cunuml do better than to cume l0 Rich- mom! UH. The members of the West York License Board met yesterday afternoon at the Court- house, Dr. Cotton. of Immhton Mills, chair- man. Presentâ€"Mr. Naughton. Richmond Hill; J. C. Morgan,Parkdnle; Robt. Willcock. Inspector. Mrs. Alice Walton, who has been repeatedly refused, applied for a license for her hotel at West Toronto Junction on the plea that she was wil‘iug to lease the house tn her brother at Sunderlsnd. She was again l’anSed. Retiring {tom Business. As will be seen by the .adverliuemeut of Great. Clearing Sale, on this pugs, Mr. Isaac Crosby has decided to retire from busmess. With this in View he is prepared to dispose of [us well-assorted stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods and Crocherv at cost price. Those who know Mr. Crowby will understand that he means just what he says, and his pnfror“? may rely on getting excellent bargains for the next thirty days. The Tzstou Band having rem-wed to dis- organize. are ofi'eriug for sale their full set. of Brass Instruments, as well as thir uni- forms. The eel. of instrumenns musish of 14 pieces in good condition. the greater par; of which have how med for le=s than two years. That the. instruments have a nwoet lone when propeer handled can best. he at- tested by the many Who have beau the Tea- ton Baud play them. For particulars see another par 9. Farm and Fireside is full '0! the best statics written and is published once a Week, 4 large newspaper pups. We will send Farm and Fireside lo the 9nd of 1889, and the Weekly Mail to the and (f 1889, uud our own paper to: one year fur Two dullnl‘s. The regular subscription price is 75 cunts a. Shif- Thia is a great. ofler. Commissioner‘s Mecnng‘ Pump- Maker Wankd. A New I‘uventim. Do you 111:: Stories. Band Instruments Great Scott Runamy. Openaug- verrisemems nu the Third Inge of that I! S 1 paprr. The charge is Tun. Cmn n wan]i 1 T, each insurtion. Address THE “UL, t, LET'And continuing for Thirty DaYS- ~ . l m 3 313 stock of GBOCE RIES Will be APNY ‘50 J05. HALL. Richmond Hill. m°“°D-S'“Ef___‘“‘ C“”“"‘“e}’_ Skept well assorted during that time, THE LIBERAL‘and Will be sold at the Closest cash e 'il .1 p.1ge of tLe Tun-Into DA", ‘I M a L is noted fur “Want” advertiset.;e..t. If yu-u want. to buy or sell anything. If you want. u situatinn, a. mechanic. 3 busi- nuss. machinery. ludgillgfl. if yun have lost. or fuund unylhing. or if lel WM" '0 .Cud mu. where anyone is. advertise in the 'l‘nrnntu DAILY MAIL and read the all- venisements uu fhe Third page of that Imp". The: charge is Tm» Cum a Wurd each insertion. Address THE HAIL, Tumutu. Canada. Lpo‘ ‘â€"At White “I Mary Mc‘ I-lovu. r "l’d r.‘ MJL IRON-h; ’1‘- TUESDAY Dec. Jibâ€"sue of Standing Timber, 1mm and softwood. on lot. 31, and Con. 01' Vaughan. the prope ..' of Joseph Atkinson. Sale at 12 o'clock. Sum! Eckm‘db'AucLioneer. Win-)VESDAY, Dec. éLhâ€"Credit h'n‘e n! Faun Stock and Implemenh, on lot 31, 1m] Cou. n! Vuu-flrm, the propel-y of Ruben Jones. Sale without reserve. to commence at o :e o'clor'li. James Stokes, Aw 'aoneer. ISPuxlies gen:qu Jenr hills pun-ed at this office wi” \eceive a votire eim'lur’ I the above ’ ' o" mum»: :‘IDA ~:. Dec l4â€"Ua‘ef f Sale n1??? .u stock lm-denv-ufs. 0.1 ms 21.161. Can. Wen, ‘ .. uo prol'cny ofb. W. I .‘w. Sue r: a J‘uloc': " ' Salen EC; alt, Auc -~u"'- . Jonea’ Photograph Gallery was re-opened ouTlmnksgiviug Day and a number of yuuug people found their way lo the place where the Shadow n preserved era thu substance fades. They Were Well plezta‘ed wilh the courteous treatment of Mr. Jus. Duncumb. lute of Richmond Hill, and also wizh bi: workâ€"Era. ' at sou u‘ nugh and Mary ma“ u 3 mon‘hw. "T ‘teA‘led .u the Richmond P . came m 'l s 3, Lteun : “Int. 15.x LB;.r1‘.(.Bâ€"OntlleZDri ’Joe. Vuz" on F\ .nluv. Nov. 24rd, Peter V. lde"l). 311, ngezl 713' me, 1 mnuih, {‘5 any" Mel-emeu was iuken'eri iu the Richmond Hi“ cemetmmor Mondav, the 26th irst, r L‘CA the {men 1 war VOIJ largely a’tenrled. Mics Rutherford. Number in the 2nd deâ€" [MT men! of I119 Public ochn-ol have. has m- reived an appointment within a mile and a In” of Brampmn. nt a salary of 3325. We congratulate Miss Rutherfor'd all her Vely Loud appointment. Luv -N - lam“: Dy Druust minis“ .on \ '{Ieuce uf the bnd of Hugo. v.49, Li)" 0' to Aime. ¢H.,elt‘ast- 09‘ 3.11.0] FontH“. Mr- & Mrs. Tth. G. Law are spending a fmv Java with their parmus and friends ‘11 um village while on their wedding tour. Dr. Cnulter, of Aurora, has been appointed Medical Adviwr and Physician for the York Iuduatvrial HuluP, uevr Newmarket. Mr. F. Brackin, of El;.u Mills, has been nppuiuled muck-pr in U. S. S. No. 4 and ‘2] Markham and Vaughan, fur the year 1889. R Iv. G. N. Burl!)de will take {or his anh- juot in the Muthndiut Church anl. Sunday morning “The Power of the Tongue," “Jolly Old Ruvlwr.” A rending came next, u pathetic seler‘linn, c-nLilln-d “'1‘le Mother‘s Story” Annllwr ins‘n-nmenlal duet. this tinw on the lmrmonim. A very appropriate and w»!| writhn esmv on " l‘he Duty of the- Hour." wan llstrned m with urrm. attention and highlv aplenIlPd. The progrmmue closed with a Iivaly chm'ui, "The Wqu n G’TOWi'Vg lnmvpr " Th" PlHK‘tlol] of nfiiuurfi is to take nlacn mxm night of meeting. and the l'o'st of the owning spent In discussing the following snhjoct :â€"“I‘wsnlvvrl that. we de- xivn more information from travelling than rendiny." A pleasant evening was spent last Tuesday by the members of the It. '1‘. of T. in the Temperance Hall. An excellent programme was rendered by the captain and staff whose duty it was to provide for the evening. 'lhe company led ofi'uitb an excellent chorus. This was fol owed by an instrumental duct (comet). A well written original essay on the “De.~ire for Power," was reay by puny. The lodge was then eulivmeu by a chorus, A beautiful line of Gent’s furnish- hand at the Concrete, Col- lars, Cuffs, Ties,Scarfs. Kid Gloves, lined and unlined,Astrachan Gloves, \Vool Gloves, Men and 130y's,VVool 50x. Scotch and home made Sus- penders, a magnificent variety, Cufl Buttons. Collar Buttons,5carf Pins, Cufl Holders,Sleeve Holders,VVool, Cashmere and silk mufflers, Silk Handkerchiefs, Linen Handker- chiefs, Plain or colored edge.Under- wear in Scotch or Canadian, Union on all Wool Cardigan Jackets. for Men and Boys, and in fact every thing needful to set vou up. Give us a call. A reward of one thousand dollars is ofl'er' ed by the publishers for the heel It tter of suggestions {or a Christmas souvenir that will equal the Christmas Number of the Montreal Star at the published price. Com- petitors to give their full name and address. This year‘s Christmas Star has twenty-eight pagan of beautiful illustrations. articles by eminent writers, {our superb supplements an! other attractions of a surpassing charac- ter. It is far and away ahead of anything yet pnblivhed. Orders for copies to send to Englani are the largest on record. Those who cannot procure it ham 3 newsdealer will receive it by sending the small amount of 40 cents to the publishers. Montreal. Postage stamps of one and three cent deno- mination will be accepted. MAHREAGES â€" 'LzAnyâ€"On '.'uesda_v. Nov. 10th ' . J. Kelly. 0; Heauimd. to Mr. mama. “w \fâ€"uv I‘ne Rev. Chas. W. C/wk One Thousand Dollars Reward $1.00 'oer Year. BERSUNALS. Sale Register DEATHS The Royals. Ro.e,o_n Tu meme cl 0 .dn Nov. 21517, 1r ‘Q, at e bnde'a father. Theo. 6-, 0f: offR. E. LiLWLu! nus Aer 01' L‘ Sday, )1 :Ive'n I) *he late .1 i l‘hP Mother‘s | duet, this I npprnprime s Duty of the Novl u ud 20th, Mary ML the ad gsmrming The flihraliar f High Prices. price. Having resolved to retire from busâ€" iness, takes this means of showing his gratitude to his numerous friends and patrons by ofiering his large and attractive stock of Dry Goods and Crockery at cost, commencing on Retiring FROM Business \ I i .3; '_V( \Vhen the doors Wlll be thrown open, when the bargains at hand tor every buyer will electrify the public and terrify other dealers, and carry the solid, adamantine conviction to eve mind in the country that what Gough, the Wonderful Cheap Man, preaches 11% practices, and hews to the line, let the chips Tall where the place. GWGH, the Wonderful cheap Man, CLEARING SAL-E SLAUGHTER SATURDAY MORNING. Nov. 24th RY GOO Gough, The Wonderful Cheap Man, Bringing up reinforcements and carrying the stronghold by storm. A devastating cyclone in the Clothing Trade hurlâ€" ing on the market at Slaughter Prices. $50,000 worth of Overcoats. A great plum picked up by 'I‘IIIC ‘V’ALIR C]J()UE) IBITS’J‘IG 338 KING} S'FRIEIET ICAST AT 60 CENTS ON CROCKERY ISAAC CROSBY, ullu IJVVV.‘ LU Ll AC 1111:, [CL L116 Ask for Gough’s, and be sure of SALE Commence; â€"â€"-AND GREAT 7111314". DOLLAR.

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