Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Dec 1888, p. 5

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We had our first (all of the "beautiful" on ’luesday. The ubiquitous small [my with his sled, and the wee Misws Umde to help, were out in full force making toboggzm slidus of our axdewalkx and giving the finding (1qu a boisterous weleqme. The Monthly Cattle Fair held on We:'- nesday brought on! a large number of farm- ers. A good selecfiou of cattle was on the ground and a number exchanged owuels. Mr‘ B. Trench. of Brandon, was in anecd- nme and purchased a number of hO'ses. Gift Sale. In a change of ad. this week. W. AILmsnn, at :he Uoucrnke House, announces that Li; Fovrth Great Christmas Gin Sale oom- mences on Monday, Dec. 10th. Great bar- gains and great presents for evelybody. See A l rmsoyrenan nntertainmcnt. . The teachers ol'the Richmond Hill Prec. bytelinu S. School. intend homing their Annual New Year‘s Arch and Enteriainment onNew Year‘s Eve., Farther pmticulars UCXE The Fire Brigade will holll its 11¢ Monthlv meeting on Friday. Dec. 7th lull attendance requested. Fined. On Tuesday Frank Hougb, of f appeared bafore Magistrate Win flaree charges of sellinu liquor v license. He was fined $50 or three hard labor in each case. 'HHâ€"I puotuqoyu ‘s‘uowm ‘3 32 s; 9112M -p1reH pue saAolg an 01 310A go .(gunoo sq] u; a mld JSSdBBLp aql The Bible-Class. The snbiect for studv mlxt “'ednes‘lny evening in the Lacture Room of the Metho- dist Church. will be “The Death of Samson“ â€"Judges 16th chapter, 21 m 31 verses. The ingest and finest Figs brought into Canada for sale at the Concrete, 20c. per lb. Boys Suits from $1-00, Men‘s Suitsfrom $4.50, Men’s Ox'emoats from $3.50, at the Concrete. The Sehoo! Bonn] will mee; next Monday. Dec. mm. to consider the applications for die pasifion at teacher in the 2nd Divibion. The sidewalk on EH2 9n uppli ration of tha ] apparatus, if the cornm- keepiug clear of a suit f. VF. Kirkbv announces that he will have on hand for Xmas and New vanrs : Iar a and well-assorted stock of Confections, Frans. 4%. See change of ad. New Ralsinrsfmts, Figs, Dates. Pe‘els. Spices. first qualuy and lowest price. at the Concrete. 80m) Good Mamhes for 725?", at the Concrete. A Portland Cutter. nearly new. and a good Sewing Machine can be bouubt at. a bargain. See ad. on another page. ~s_.uoscw 'f) w ‘deaqa se[pqu pm; 5qu Sugddoqg ‘smag “135st 1,000 lmshpls of oats wau!ed. Also a quantity of baled hay for Elle. See ad. Cmrccas wfih u‘ltmine. leaving the Palmer Fan 0 Richmonl Hill. as follmvs: 3!.v1'&Exnre.-.Nmth & South.,. . .65 u 111- The Uniform Promotion Examiuafions will take place on the 14th inst. RICHMOND HILL, Thursday, Dec. 6. ‘88 A law Chrismme Glolxp for Sale at THE Lynx-2mm store. nbd‘v'ef 5.30 N. B.â€"â€"Re€ifitered beth must be hmded in r . 199 st 17'7ceen Minutes earlier than She above ‘msutioued hours hr cloning. NAME e‘z-‘Nmth a South A “comma :Until further notice Mails will be closed M: the Bmhmnnd Hill Post Office as follows:â€" M03N1N02~Goina North. south East and West. includim- Thomhill. - Maple. Toronto, Mtu-khmn.&c. 7.45 EVENING :â€"qung south.East and West @112. ELF-flirted. PROCTOR'TsfiGE LINE Citv Hull Union Brock Str Parkdnlu.... Davenport. Weston”. I‘homhill... mcfluom) HILL King ..... Ain’an .. Newmsrket . N; R. R. TIME TABLE. ORONTO ‘iU (Mia? POST OFFICE NOTICE week Presbyterian Emertainm: School Meetmg. Monthly Fair Oil Fin Bngade. Man Trax‘ COJNG GOING NOR I‘H Mail A $05 .. 8.15 Snow Eliznbeth Street needs Ex. M“ M. TEEFY. Postmaster. Illipenh‘ "Mien is fur aum SOUTH 11 its Â¥I§egular of Thumhill. Wingfield on Pr thhout a hree mouths’ Accom 's wtching désirous of 1.08 ‘45 0 “I 0.00" 115.45 p. m low yen '.Ll3.e Election ofOfiicern for the coming term, in the Richmond Hill Couuril R. 'l'. of T.. tovk place on Tu: slay even‘ug lust and !e.<n|’.ed as inflows:â€" S. 0.. Sister J. H. Snndemon. V. 0., Sister H. H Wiley. - Uhap.. Sister 0. Uunier. Sec.. 13m. J. A. E. Swilzer. Tree-14., Bio. A. J. Hume. Herald. Bro. Bandy. Guru-d. Sister S. Morgan. Sentinel, Bro. T. Trench. Brother W. A. candersou was re-elected tlustee for the iu-comiug year. The Automatic Gale seen at the residence of Councillor Savage is taking well with the public. Since our last issue Messrs. Savage. Nicholls & Trench have sold the right to make and manufacture the above ante 2n the townships of Etohicoke and York to Mr. Benj. Bullinaer. the genial promietor of 1153 Dominion Hotel, Richmond Hill. Mr. Brill- inger intenrk lo canvas these township: as soon as pas-aihle. and have the gates erected under the snps. which or n first-nines mechan- ‘ . Thev sellut srght. Salvation Army. The Richmond Hill Branch of the Sal- vation Army has hem boomed somewhat by the advent 0! new oflicern. I1nd thn desire to see the (air Captain and her Lieutenant. An occasional convert does reward their perse- ering eflnrts to do pnud. They do their duty faithfully lay pm-ading regularly. but the curiosity of the past has greatly subsided so that their followers are few and their re- cruits less in numbers. The Pnenhylerinn Church at Thumliill wljcli has been closed for the past few weeks for inte: zwl improvemmts, costing about. $8M. mll he re-opened {or Divine Worship m~ Sahbnt‘n 'th. In the BfLexuoon at 2.30 o’cmck. Mr. H. Atwcod Percival. of Knox College will mencli; and in the evebrng at 5.30 the m r. Rev. W. Webb Percivvl wxll occupy fue nulpit. Collections on both 0c. cauions in aid of the building Mud. ‘ Canned Salmon. Lobster, Mac- ‘ kercl, Corn. Tomatoes, Peas. Pea- | ches, Black Berries, Blue Berries, Pine Appte &c.. at the‘ Concrete, at lowest figures. The R. H. F. B. held their first 'drill .‘osl Yondav evw‘ng in the basement of the Masonic Hnll. Quite 9, number of the fire- men lnmed out and thorougth enjoyed the FXeiclfl'! LhrO‘lflh which they were put by Drill Sevneaut Sheppard. Mr. Sheppard proves 1.0 ha a vow efiieienl sergeant and under his imtruolions the firemen will no doubt make rapid progress. 9 lbs Gold Dust Cornmeal for 25c.. 6 lbs Tilson's Rolled Oats for 25c.,8 vds. Grey Cotton for 25c.. 3} lbs New Currants for 25v... 3} lbs new best Raisins for 25c., {,- lbs good sugar lor 25c.,at the Concrete. We are sorry to learn that Mr. Andrew Savage. formerly of Patterson. but now of Woodstock, met with A serious accident to the back of his left. hand while working the iron planer in the works of Patterson dz Bro. Co. He is doing as well as can be expected under the circusmnces. Nice 44 piece Tea Sets for $1.90, Blue or Brown printed, Dinner plates 70¢. a doz. best White dinner plates 75c. 31 doz, nice handled Teas 65¢. per doz, best white handled Teas. new shape, $1.00 per doz at the Concrete. M odel School Examinations. The examinations of the County Model schools at, Parkdale and Newman-hot. will be- gin next. Saturday and will continue till Tuesday night. The examiners at Parkdale will be Messrs. Hughes, Doau, and Father- ingham, and st Newmarket Messrs. Davison, of Newmarket and Thompsou, 0! Aurora. Reform Meeting. The nnnual meelimz of the Vaughan Re- lxu Association was held in the Town Hall, 311w, nu Monday, Dec. 3rd, when the fol- W‘ v1 "35‘ ers were elected for the ensuing Nominations. ":9 Markham Township Inform Assoâ€" - vu mm. on Saturday and made the fol- ‘g unmiuatious for the municipal elect- .- zâ€"Beeve, Anthony Forster ; First Dep- . ‘V. H. Luudy; Second Deputy, J. B. ‘ ‘L ; Third Deputy. Jonathan Slater; ciil -r, Mr. Scott. Reeve Bruce retires ~ A lung period of valuable services :0 a Izmmoipaiity. It. is expected that Mr. H. . Williamson, President of the Eat-t r1: (Innsorvafive Association, and an as- -.. : fuz' the Consenslive nomination for "nmmonu. will oppose Mr. Forster fox- ,Leevship. -â€"G lobe. F. Klrkby has t‘penml nun, urn, door to hiq Fracvl'v mud cflufe-c'inlmry drpurtment. B cmcketv, glasswarr- and \vnwlenware depart- ment. He but: Somv lwxull'ifnl specimens; of granite wnre to show you at rmsmmble pric. as. He hops-a to lmvn a Rhurv- of yunr pat- mnnxz» in this depu‘rnuum iike which has given him success in the push. \ cull so- licited. (Adv) Scrmous. 0n thbnth morning the Rev. G. N. Rutledge delivvred an excellent sermon on “l‘l-e Tonune.“ Ivnlhe evenmg the Rev. Mr. Chapman. 0! Uuionvillo. preachvd from Psalms 18.28“: verse: “Fur Thou wm light my candla." . ‘ Count Richmond, N ». 7046, A. 0.F., meets to-munuw (Friday) awning. Presbyterian Church Thotnhxll. tam, J. P. Rupert : ca-President, E. Whiimore ; ' :e-Préfi‘lvnt, P. Devins ; r‘ v, D. McDonald. .tiv9 Committee : â€"I, Reaman ; No. 2.â€"-M.Naughtcn ; E. Whilmore; No. 4. N. Klrby; 1. McK‘unon ; No. G.-â€"J. MoFuyden; H. Cre‘ghton ; No. 8.â€"S. J. Arnold. Automatic Gate. Fancy Drnl. R. T. of T. Accident. tun-xv. door to hiq .V drpnrtmeut. a mrlenware depart. ifnl specimenq of SMOKING TOBACCO Cnnuh ! Congl) .’ Cough ! Callgll ! stop that cough ! I can’t get any rest at all. Are yuu asleep, David ‘I Yes, father ! hrInL' me another cold tatle‘ Quince Congh Cure will certainly cure any furln uf cnlnl No ln-use should be without it. Sold at Dilwmth’s Dru-.1 Store, next. Nip- issing Hotel, King St. East, Toronto. Only 25 cents. MYRTLE The {mm of Chatlmm carried a By-iaw last wevk granting a. bonus of $40,000 ‘ tn the C. P. R“, to run their line through that. town. Mrs. John H. Stewart was fined $475 and cost; yesterday for pusing as a faith curi'st, An ‘nnocent woman was shot dead by a policeman in on Sunday Mght, the fvtal bullet being intended for apetty (hit-'7. The General Séssions of York County Court, commenced on Tuesday. The Irish Land Cnmmissinn has reduc ed the renhz on the Kenmare estates at Kil‘larney 50 per cent. Lieut. Col. Onimel. has resigned his position an Commandant of the 65th Battaliun. The Pope has appointed the Blst of December as a. day of general thanksgiv- ing in Rmunn Catholic Churches. If yun want :zond crops cultivate the ground thwrnuuhly, and yet annther mat.- tel“ at us much importance is to cultivare the memory an that. it will direct you with a certainty to the place where yun can get the best. and cheapest coal ml fur the lust money. To ensure that let, the words Dilworth’s Drug Stare he firmly impredsed on your mind. and don't you forget. it, 170 King St. East, Toronto. The Donnnion Parliament will open on the Slat. of January. FRIDAY. Dee l4â€"Crer3it Sula of Fun) Stock and Implements. on lot 2], lat (Jon. West, Yu”k. the property of (1. W. Irwin. Sale at one o'clock :lmxp. Sulem Eckardt, Auctioneer. WEDNESDAY, Dec. mthâ€"Cnedit Sale of Form Stock and Implements. on west end of lot ‘25, 4th Con. 01 Vaughan the property of John G W. Constable. Sa'e mthovt reserve. to commence at one o'c!ock. J. C. Stoker, Auctioneer. S.h.UunAY.Deo. Utahâ€"Sale of Stan-iing’l‘imbev, mosblv hm-dwood. on lot 13. 2nd Con. 01 Vang-Ion, the pmpmty of George Sche'l. Sale at 1 o'clock. Salem Eckardt'Auctioueer. la‘Pouies get-1m: the'rbills printed at th's onice win receive :1. notice s5milur to the above F113! 0}! CHARGE The third page of the Toronto DAILY MAIL is noted fur “Want,” adverliwment. If you want to buy or sell nlnytlfing. If yuu want a sitnntiun, a. mechanic, 3 busi- ness; machinery, ledgings, if you have lust. or found anything. ur if you want to find out, where anyone is. advertise in the Turnnlu DAILY MAIL and, read the ad- vertisements on the Third page of that paper. The charge in Two Cems a ward each insertion. Address THE MAIL, Toronto. Canada. Mr. Robert Trench. of Brandon. accom- panied by his father-in-law, Mr. Robert Raymond. are in the village at present. Mr. l‘r’enoh is buying up another car-load of horses for the North West. Mr. H. A. Nicholle spent a few days in Woodstock last week, having business with Patterson & Bro. Co. of that town. Mr. H. A. Percival. of Knox College, To- ronto, will preach in the Presbyterian church next Sunday evening. WALLACEâ€"At Woodbridge, on Tuesday, the 4th of Dec" the wife of R. ’1'. Wallace, of a son. The officers of the Methodist Sabbath School have secured the services of Mr. A. W. Struthers. of St. Thomas, with his Sci- opticon Exhibition of the Life of Christ. to he held in the Methodist Church on Monday evening, Dec. 10th. The scenes compose all the principal events in the life of Christ. are life size, and pronounced by all who have seen them as exceedingly beautiful. In the large churches of Toronto, in Aurora and Newmaxket the scenes have been patronized by crowded houses. They are beautiful, im- pressive and instructive. The proceeds are for the purchase of a new organ for the Ssh- bath School, the one in present use having “plade out." Tickets : Adults, 20 cents ; children, 10 cents. Tickets are for sale at Sander-son's Drug Store and at W.Atkinson‘s Concrete House. u'ome one wants to know "Whether we are to hue sleighmg on Christmas 7 " A: Prof. Wiggins, with his calculating machine, has not been around to report on Weather prob- abilities for the close of 1888. we cannot say. but we will allow our readers to draw their own conclusions from the records of the Meteorological Office in Toronto. which states thzt there has been sleighing only eight times on Christmas Day in thirty-four years, and that on fifteen out of the same number the ground has been here of snow. In Bronze on each Plng y and Package. FINGER THAI" EVER. le'l‘ and Pll'G PERSONALS. THIS YEAR’S NEWS ITEMS. Sale Register BIRTHS. Exhibition. Christmas. boo His stock of GROCERIES Will be kept Well assorted during that time, and Will be sold at the closest cash price. DECEMBER IST, 1888, And continuing for Thirty Days. Having resolved to retire from .busi iness, tales this means of showing his gratitude to his numerous friends and patrons by ofiering his large and attractive stock of Dry Goods and Crockery at cost, commencing on Retiring FROM Business WM GREAT ' CLEARING SALE DRY GOOS When the doors Will be thrown open, when the bargains at hand tor every buyer will electrify the public and terrify other dealers, and carry the SOllCl, adamantine conviction to every mind in the country that. what Cough, the Wonderful Cheap Man, preaches he practices, and hews to the line, let the chips fall where they may. Ask for Gough’s, and be sure of the place. GUUGH, the Wonderful Cheap Man, At 66 Centé on the Dollar we offer this immense stock, fresh from the looms, comprising Men’s, Boys’,and Children’s Overcoats of every description and style. This GIGANTIC SLAUGHTER SALE Commences SATURDAY MORNING. N W. 24th And busted, smashed, shattered and pulverized are the bubbles thrown out to gull the public. There you have it, ye Sons of the country! Fortune never threw into your grasp a bigger or more succulent plum. The Whirligig of time never brought to your doors a more brilliant, sparkling, glittering corruscation of dazzling bargains, showered out with lavish profusion. Will you flock to pick them up ? Of course you will. You can’t help it; we know it, you know it, and the whole world knows it,and that’s the reason we sound the trump of a Gigantic Overcoat Slaughter Sale that will eclipse and smother into hopeless mediocrity any eHort ever made in Canada. Read ahead, and it you want to practice economy ponder the facts well. Think as you read, and read as you think. Listen, ye waiting thousands, to the thunder- ing reverberations ufthe whooping dynamite charges that are blowing high prices to smithereens. Storming The Gibraliar or High Prices. Bringing up reinforCements and carrying the stronghold b storm. A devastating cyclone in the Clothing Trad-e hurl- ing on the market at Slaughter Prices. $50,000 worth of Overcoats. A great plum picked up by Gough, 'The Wonderful Cheap Man, AT 60 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. TIIE VVAI: CLOUD BUSTED 128 KING STREET EAST ESAAC CROSBY, â€"AT THE â€"â€"AND

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