Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Dec 1888, p. 7

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He may be, but if he tells you that any pre- nation in the world Is as good as Putnam’s gable“ 00m Extractor distth the advice. Imitation only prove the value of Putnam's Painless Com Extractor. See Signature on such bottle of Poison & Co. Get " PW “ When agreements are resorted to for the purpose of taking trade out of the realm of competition and thereby enhancing or de pressingbthe prices of commodities, the court: cannot: e successfully invoked, and the ex» ecution of the agreements will be left to the volition of the parties thereto.” that Trusts were recently declared to be me gal combinations by a California court under the following circumstances. A number of lumber manufacturers agreed that the pro. duct of all their mills should be sold to the corporation which they unitedly constitut~ ed, that sales of all lumber manufactured by the mills in the Trust should be through its agencies, and that any millowner in the combine should pay a fine into its treasury if he were found to have sold on his own account contrary to agreement. One mill. owner broke the bond. He was sued for the fine and for breach of contract by the Trust. The court dismissed the suit with costs against the plaintiffs on the ground AL_A A celebrated Persian sage gave this advice concerning the choice of a wife 2â€"“ Choose no women whose lips droop at; the corners, or your life will be a perpetual mourning; nor yet should they curve too much upward, ior that denotes frivolity. Beware of the under lip that rolleth outward, for that woman hath little conscience. Select; for a wife one whose lips are straight. nut thin, for then she is a shrew, but with just; the fulness necessary for perfect symmetry. " Because three Edinburgh Freemasons 30m spired to let two ladies see how the goat performed at a funeral lodge meeting. the Grand Lodge of Scotland has expelled one of the miserable brethren and censured the other "two severely. All the ladies in Ediu~ burgh have called on the two ladies who saw the mysteries of the lodge while tyled in the third degree. But the two have maintained taciturnity. which can be 30‘ counted for only on the theory that they were either blinded by the awful glare under the gridiron or rendered dumb by astonish- ment at the wonders they saw. This ought to be a warning to all ladies to flee from the tempt-er who would inveigle them to gaze upon Masonic ceremonies. one bed to every 140 persons, Edinburgh one to every 312. Belfast one to every 380, London one to every 4‘20. In Great Britain and Ireland there are in round numbers 650 hospitals, containing something liks 38,000 beds, or one to 1000 of the population ; in England, 501 hos» pitals, with 27,280 beds, or one to 970; in Wales. 17 hospitals, with .620 beds, or one to 2340 ; in Scotland, 46 hospitals, with 4320 beds, or one to 926 ; in Ireland, 86 hospitals, with 5800 beds, or one to 862. Dublin has As a party an “ extra ” maid of Erin was engaged by thehostese to assist the “ regular’ in passing round the tea and cake. The “ ex- tra hand," to whom this sort of thing was quite ne Iv, hustled to and fro with more en- ergy than grace. When about to retire, she suddenly stopped, and pointing to a portion of the company, innocently inquired of the “ regular ” housemnid, loud enough for the whole company to hear, “ Hev ye fed chem crathurs over there ‘2" A well-minded pastor said at the con- clusion of his charity s‘ermon, “ The widows and orphans need not contribute." The next Sabbath he supplied from the pulpit the following memorandum to his congrega- tion ;â€"" The next time I preach a charity sermon I will say nothing about widows and and orphans, for the 12ml: Sunday my remarks had a deadly efl‘ect ; nearly the whole con~ negation were suddenly deprived of bus- bands and fathers.” Quill boothpicks come largely trom France, which possesses the largest factory in the world. This factory, which is locsted near Paris, was originally started to make quill pens, but when those went out of use, the proprietor turned it into a toothpick mill, the present annual Output ol which is 20,000,000 quills. The Russian method of stopping a rune. wey horse is as follows: They place a. cord with a running knot around the horse's neck near the neck strap. To this slip noose ac- tach a. pair of reins, which {nay be thrown over the dashboard ready to be seized at once. \thn the horse starts, take up the extra reins, and tighten the cord around the horse's threat. The most furious horse thus choked stops instantly, and will not kick or fall. There is non single office. profession, or vocation, from the high duties of the mon- arch to the drudgery of the dustman, that does not owe but its honour an’l success to unctuality and attention. An Arcade pastor created a sensation the other day during a. sermon by giving out a hymn to be sung by the choir to a. lively tune. with the remark, “Perhaps it: may serve to wake the congregation up,‘ and it did. An old ledger has recently been brough to light in Edinburgh. Scotland. It be‘onged to a merchant of the sixteenth cantury. At the top of the inside board the bookkeeper inscribed the words: “God blis this buik and keip me and it: honest. “ A shrewd old gentleman once said to his daughter, “Be sure, my dear, you never marry spoor man; but remember that the poorest man in the World is one that has money and nothing else." A Brooklyn girl am} a former soprano of Dr. Chspin’a Church In New York, scored a great triumph A: the Crystal Palace, Lon- don, in the perfnrmancx. of Si,- Auhur sun“ van’s " Golden Legend." Happiness depsnds on the taste and 0.!) the thing; and it is by having, whatfig like. that we are made happy. and not b havmg what others consider likenble.â€"L{ Rochefoucauld. There are 1,311 dailier, 11,605 non-dailies, ranging from tri-weekliea to aemi-montblies, 5nd 1,790 monthlies, bi mouthliea, and quarterlies, published in the United States. The“ number of fires in the United States in 1887 was 16,394. the property loss was 3119 209,380, and the insurance paid was $68,850,558. The man at the head of the house can mar the happiness of the household, but he can. not make it. That must: rest: with the wo- man. and is her greatest privilege. HERE AND THERE. A Fine Fellow Curious though it be, it is not uncommon to see a. cold waiver mm boil with rage. if I could rest for rabbits & runnin’ over me. I jesslaid round me, though, and CIEUEd room enough to stretch in, and went to sleep. ‘Vheu I woke two rabbits was in my cost pockets and one on ‘em was lookin down my gun barrel. Eight rabbits was a settin’ on a rock jean a little distance away. I hated to roll over cause I nqllBfi the rabbits in my coat pocket, but I had to pull the trigger on the presumin' little cuss that was lookin’ down my gun barrel. I could ’a. shoot a thousand rabbits that day in Pow- nnL" All this before the fire in a Lewiaton gun store, 'FuesQay, had an the reuorter Twent on: he heard {man 53;, 1 3,, 1, It has been stated in London that there is as much good food wasted daily in every house at the West End as Would supply the inhabitants of a house at the East End. According to Lord Fortescue, not only is this waste in the dwellings, but also in the wholesale houses, and speaking at a public meeting in Exeter the other day, he said :â€"â€" “ When I went to see the Aylesbury Dairy arrangements in London I was horrified to hear that gallons and gallons of that most nutritious part of the milkâ€"~that which built up the fabric of flesh, and especially hone, in man and animalsâ€"were 'being thrown down the sewere. There was a poor neighbourhood whining and lamenting, but in which plenty of betting was going on, yet the ‘slummere‘ would not take the trouble to carry away this buttermilk, although they were of invited to do so ‘ free gratis, for nothi .’ The managers of the dairy had no room to store it, and any eonruees in the atmosphere would have spoiled their products.” However, " Rabbits Ain't Part- ridges." 1 Bay that; rabbits was so thick that I could shut my eyes and bit ’60: four times runnin' and not make a. miss, you will say that I'm atremhin’ the truth. “’ell, it’s facks, jess the same. After I got tired o’ shqotin' rab- bits, I laid downbo kind 0' rest, and danged my “1 WA; gunning once." said he, "in Pownal. I was shooting rabbits in great l'uck. I don’t: like to aeemr no lie, but when The Persian public decided the other day that the railroad is an enemy of the human race, because a man who jumped off a train while in motion fell under the wheels and was killed. They accordingly tore the cars in pieces and would have wiped out the train employee if the latter had not taken to their heels. It is usual for people during their early acquaintance with the locomotive, to regard the snorting monster as a very sus- picious character, and Congo natives have not yet got over the impression that it is a ‘ lusty devil hidden away in the steamboat ‘ boiler who makes the wheels go round. We cannot afford to laugh very much at these ignorant brethren, for our own great-grand- fathers declared that it was utter nonsense to suppose that steam cars could carry pas- sengers faster than ten miles an hour with, out smashing everybody up, and, besides, all the horses would be scared into fits and permanently ruined. The Persian public will doubtless grow to like the great Western idea in spite of its noise and dangers. An Enemy of the Human Race banished from society. Mutual complais- ancrs, attentions and sacrifices of little can» vcniences, are as natural an implied com» pact between civilized people as protection and obedience are between kings and sub- jects ; whoever, in either case. violates that uompac", justly forfeits all advantages aris- ing from it.» [Chestelfieli A friend of mine has very justly defined good-breeding to be “ the result of mnch good sense, some good nature, and a little selfldeninl for the sake of others, and with a view to obtain the same indulgence from them." Taking it for grantedâ€"as I think it cannot be disputedâ€"it is astonishing to me that any body, who has good sense and good nature. essentially fail in good breeding. As to the modes of it, indeed, they vary accord- ing to persons, places and circumstances, and are only to be acquired by observation and experience ; but the substance of it is everywhere and eternally the same. Good manners are to particular societies what good morals are to society in generalâ€"their ce- ment and security. And as laws are enacted to enforce good morals, or at least to prevent the ill effects of bad ones, so there are cer- tain rules of civility, universally implied and received, to enforce good manners and pun- ish bad ones, and indeed there seems to me less difierence, both between crimes and pun- ishments, than at first one would imagine. The immoral man who invades another‘s property is justly hanged tor it; and the ill-bred man, who by his ill-manners in vades and disturbs the quiet and comforts of Briva‘te life, is by common consent as justly not.” Fight on, than brave true heart, and falter not. through dark fortune and through bright. The cause thou tightest for, so far as it is true, no further, you precisely so far. is very sure of victory. The falsehood alone of it will be conquered, will be abolished, as it ought to be ; but the truth of it: is part of nature’s mm: laws, co-opemtors with the world’s eternal tendencies, and cannonbe con- quered. â€"[Carlyle.] might, and in exact pro cition to all his right he has prevailed. is very death is no victory over him. He dies indeed! but his work live), very truly lives. A heroic Wallace, quartered on the scaffold, cannot binder that: his Scotland became, one day, a part. of England ; but; he does hinder that. in became, on tyrannons unfair terms, a part 0! it; commands still, es With a gale voice, from his old valhnlla and temple of the brave, that their be a first real union. as of brother and brother, no: a false and merely semblsnt one as of slave and master. If the union with England be in fact one of Scotland's chief blessings, we thank Wallace withml that in was not the chief curse. Scotland is not Ireland; no, because brave men rone there and said “ Behold, ye must not bread us down like slaves ; and ye shall no; and can- Await the issue. In all battles, if you await the issue, each fighter haa'pros red according to his right. His right an his might, at; the close of the account, were one and the same. He has fought with all his London Waste. Good Breeding. Await the Issue. t‘ASlNGSâ€"Season 1888-New i x pormtious 0! English Sheepe, Fmest Amencan Hog Casmgs. Oxders filled {or may dtsired quantitv. Write {or prions. Mung; PARK__& spn, ‘ lnurn DI‘FIJLSB LULLEuE. unelph. out ~ Fifth Scholastic Yearâ€"Its grnduates are now employed as Book-keepers. Business Managers,- Steuograpn ‘rs. etc.. by many of the largest business house» in Cwada and the United States. Young men and women de‘iring a. thorough buEiness education will consuls their own wemue be attending the Guelph Buiiness C- llege. For terms and particulars address 11. McCOBMICK. Principal. A WONDERFUL NERVE Team. 7A fiecficln; Fora'nrfim. Cure A Blood, Liver, Kidneys, Urinary Organs, Nervousness, Sleeplessness It may Save Your Llfe. -I,ooo Reward paid for n V-....._.-v...._u "uh..."- I {J Public Library Building.T(\J-;o:w. Studeunslrom British Columbia, Camomia, Kansas, Illinois, and. quite a number 01 other States and Provinces, now in attendance. Wtiw Io: Descriptive Circulars. THOS. BENGOUGH, CHAS. H. BROOKS, Ptomdent. Sec‘y & Manager. T0 LOAN on Farms. Lowest Rates Na delay. Correspondence solicited E.W. I). BUTLER, Financial Agt, Established 1860. 72 Kinsman. E.. Toronto THE Cznmmnxo AMERICAN CORN Penna, just the thing for long winter awnings, candy pulls, pop qoyn bglls.‘ Bv Inai mil: p}th on receipt of 2.5. ceu_t.s. Addrer-fi. c. W. DENNIVSI3377 Yénze .53.. 1‘6 um». n”. ronto, Ont; Sam D.ckey, an oldAtime circus clown, died in 3 Cincinnati hospital recently. A Cure (or Drunkcnnees. Ilike opium habit, dapsomanis. the morphine habit nervous prostrntion caused by the use of tobacco, wakefulness, mental de ression, softening of the brain, etc, premature oi age, loss of vitality caused by over-exertion of the brain and loss of mtura’ strength, from any cause whatever. Menâ€"young old" middle agedâ€"who are broken down from an) albino abm 9 causes. or any cause natmenfio'ned above, send your address and 10 cents in stamps for Lubon'a Treatise. in “oak form, of Diseases of Man. Books sent sealed and secure from observation. Address H V men 47 Wmumrton shreaa East. Toronto Ont. Mrs. rope. FARMS 0 Save Timeâ€"Send (or illustrated catalogue 0! our PMer thses Ono-runs Lmn. It will be read) very noon. SWllzz'rlnnd did two per cent. of the trade of the world last vear. The Golden Gate Special. The Union and Central Pacific'Roada and Pullman Company put on Dec. 5, a weekly train of Pullman Vestibnle Cars, to run be- tween Council 31035 and San Francisco. Steam heat, electric light, separate bath- rooms for ladies and gentlemen, barbershop, ‘ observation not smoking rooms. and a. female atu°ndant for ladies and children, make it “THE FINEST TRAIN IN THE WORLD.” Fare between Council Bluffs and Sen Fran- cisco, including everythingâ€"ticket, berth, and mealsâ€"Will be $100. A cigar dealer in Mauheim, Pa.., has a rooster which can untie ahoestrings. Watson's cough drops are the best in the world for the throat and chest, for the voice unequalled. See that the letters R. & T. W. are stamped on each drop. ,‘ Woman ' be fair, we must adore thee; Smile. :rd 3 world is weak before thee"l But how can a woman’smile when she is suffering untold misery from complaints from which we men are exempt? The answer is easy. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is an infallible remedy in all cases 01 “fl male weakness,” morning sick- ness, disorders of the stomach, nervous pros- tration, and similar maladies. As a power ful invigorating ionic it imparts strength to the Whole system, and to the Womb and its appendages in particular. As a soothing 'and strengfihsning nervine it subdues ner- vous excitability, irritability, exhaustion, prostrati’on, hfiteria, spasms. and other distressing, nervous symptoms commonly attendant; upon functional and organic disease of the womb. It induces refreshing sleep and relieves mental anxiety and despoudency. Sold by druggists. under a positive guarantee, from the manufacturers, ‘ to give satisfaction. ‘ jgfifiplfifiggSLNE§S UNIVERSITY Dr. Talmzwe says the devil has many able lieutenants on earth. They "aware like our Army in Flanders," may be said of many sufferers from bilious- ness, headache, constipation, indigesnion, and their resultant; irritability. intellectual sluggiahness, ennui, etc. The temptatien to 1311115 violate a sacred commandment, how- ever, ie speedin and permanently removed by the use of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant: Pelletsâ€" tiny, little sugar-coated anti-bilious Gra- nules; nothing like them. One a dose. Druggists Young folks in Chester county., Pa. foxes by moonlight. D.s:overy is u sure care for ions and diseases of the blood They who, though not enduring the calam ity of Milton, have known whac it is, when far from books, in solitude or in travelling. or in the intervals of worldly care, to feed on poetical recollections, to murmur over the beautiful lines whose cadence has long delighted their ear, to recall the sentiments and images which retain bv association the charms that early years once gave themâ€" they will feel the inestimabla value of com- mitting to memory, in the prime of its owur, what It will easily receive and in eli‘ ly maintainâ€"[Henry Hallam l'lILPfl Bl' ’ m “L 31:55 fungus. Quelph 41 ta 4"" St. Lawrence Market, Torofibo. is said in Washington that Mr. and Clgveland will take a trip to Eu And-pie VVith hi But shou Thou cm Our Gah ‘emem'nrr fair maids Spread he Many vc-ax there grace and beauty most abound, True happiness will oft be found. Where ruby lips and glowing cheek The gift of rugged heallh bespeak, The artist, Nature's nobleman, Will flank the lremuru of his art, Depicting. drftly as he cm, Thu liuea engraveu on his hesrn. Fair maiden, may life’s richeac jny Committing to Memory F03. SALE or BENT. Am. Suns, KINDS and Palcxs. Some special bargains. H. S. MITCHELL. DRAY'I‘ON, ONT. _B.E_!=\_(___0_N HOP BITTERS. 0011‘ No More. Beauty‘s Dower. J‘un zer bright mantle over 'thee; us but. gently with you toy, sure: sweet, without alloy, 'esr hlmsoma cover the ; id, p-L-rchance, thy beauty fade, 'an «e u] quickly to thy aid on Mwhcal Discovery. ' Pmrce'a Golden Medical 5 sure care for all skin erupt- Tunas: 81:05.. Toronto, Ont. A. P. 427 , hunt Policies in Force over 10,000. HEAD OFFICE, possesses these. qualities which has been positivelv demonstrated by the highes scientific authorities. I t contains over 55 per cent. of flesh-forming material and the most strength- ening and easily digested food that can be taken by the sick. It is of Vital Importance to know what ingredient’in our daily food is needed to re. pair our nerve tissue, strengthen the blood and restore exhausted vitality. This im- portant ingredient is Albumen and the food that contains is in largest: propor- tion and which is at the same time moat easily digested by the weak stomach is the food best; adapted to strengthen and restore the physical powers. To the Convalescent Patient and theifiniszEted Invalie The Maple Leaf Racer and Lance Cross cut Saws are now sold in All parts of the world. The quality of these paws is unequalled. Their excellence is wholly due to their superior temper. the pmce=s of which is kepts profound secret by Shurly & Dietrich. the manufacturers of these saws. One of the heat evidences of their superior quality is that other new manufacturers put on the market as close an imita- tion of these sews as they are able to produce, en‘ ‘ represent it to be as good as the Maple Leaf saw They run their saw upon one name until tre public become familiar with its inferior quality, then they change the non e. in order to humbu'r the public another seesanfsll of which is the very Tweet evxdence of the superior quality of the Maple Leaf saw, as it is not the custom to cuunterfeit a or article. These ‘ counterfeits are sold for a much ower price than the ‘Maple Leaf saw can be bought for : the dealer, of course, endeavors to sell them at nearly the same price, thereby realizing a. larger profit. And some of the more unprincipled dealers. in order to sell the Counterfeit saw. will tell untruths of various kinds; regarding the q-lyity of lioth the genuine and the counterhit. Goo goods are always cheap , p or | goods are deer at any price. A saw, like a knife, will not out fast unless it will ho‘d e keen cutting edge. Price 81.00 per foot. Manufactured only by jTHE TORBNID SILVER PLATE GI) hy twenty-four, n each subscrilvr to I subscription is paint 1 Jame pagan every we lustmtea dopnvtmen kur subscriminns. Address. Thin Back, Lance-Tooth, Cross-Cut Saw SILVER - PLATED WARES 420130428King St. West. TURBNTU “ The Racer” .. "no uuw' uuwuex 01., LDOI, EDCI'B II To the heirs of Policy-holders (death claims) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To the hold .15 o! matured Endowment Policies. . To Policy-holders on surrender of Policies . . . . . . . . . . v . . . . . . . . To Policy-holders for Cash Profits (including those allocated T9 holr‘igrsgtfinquitx Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Loaded coféhcy- The Falls. , Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Female Complalnts, DRUNKENEss; -I,ooo Reward paid for a case they will not cure. M’GAUSLAND & Si) Stained Glasg ....- "A-vu ‘Poltaian Nnnfnflaltahle filter an: :7“! Indp'aulhlp E. G. GOODERH A ,\I SHURLY 86 DIETRIGH. FOR CHURCHES, DWELLINGS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. â€"Manuf: SAW MANUFACTURERS. TRADE 76 King St. “L. Toronto. â€"FAOTORIES {Tu uALEsnoom :â€" , not a Drink. Cure All Diseases of the Stomach, Bowele, urers of the highest grader: ofâ€" JOHNSTON’S FLUID BEEF M A CAPITAL AND FUNDS How OVER 83,000.000. - [5 TOKONTO STREET, TORONTO. Ol'l'. HOME COMPANY, ESTABLISHED OCTOBER, 1811. T, ONT- t phofo 1th 3‘2 gatelogqbelj 31. 18871 nlnrc Wl-tsmlw A DYRRTISHR aho the 2mhof December. Tn'el' * New type. heavy pspvr,‘ Only SlAper year, or S? !‘ :9 181% "he: nan. annsa Co., London. Ont.. Canada. 02mph. eitrdteen z sulu'dy the to MARK J. C. COPP . Treas. T Neh'e Policies Â¥ __., ___,‘. . MAcngfigifijiihnâ€"ziéing Director Y..An0~.._n_n ’. there has been returned , -_‘. _... vvu.w, mm, uunuun &sons; 7 7 7 MANITOBA and N.W.T.~BRAND0N, W.Johnston&Co Som’l Rogers & Co, Toronto, Canada Wholesale Depots : ONrAmoâ€"Tonom, 30 Front meet‘EaaL H OTTAWA, 38 rk street. H BELLBAILLE, . . Yenmans Gr. Co. . QUEBECâ€"MONTREAL. Pl Cavanazh. MARITIME PROVINCESâ€"Sr. JOHNS, Joa. Bullock n. uAN. CARBON SAFETY fill. BUY THE BREADMAKER’S YEAST. Fame ’5 ems. Commencing on Saturday. Nov. 10th there will be a. daily first‘olma through train service between 51,. Paul nnd mum. Montana, cnmprieed of BMW- lag-mom, Sleepinsz Car. Dav Cnnchea, Dining Car and Free Colonies Sleeper. Equipment new, modern any qual tggbejesg. We aye t/Iildren 70/10 cllrcrfillIy/oin in My Mom: 117/1271 Breadmaker's Yeas't fit/1: subjctt (“fare usâ€" fllamma trial! all l/m rail, S 0 5/1: knows it’s the first, [fig/tint, 'Cause lzer bread is Me whitest, [10' (my: are 1/1: A 71d we eat all 1/1: pagan/cps S/lt dare sit-Info” us. For us. Cash furnished on Such! Address. to make advances 'n the rec-uri’v '0? 04:01) FARM Pursmv at lowest Current rate of Interest. and on fnwrnble terms MOR’I‘GAIQES PUB- CIIAREB. For informat‘ou apply to me Local Agsnts of the Comrany, or to W. 1-1. Losu. Manager. Toronto. Ont. Leaving St. Paul evary morning. and runnin directly through to Butte. The only line with- out change and the ' nly iine vh FL. Buford, Ft. Benton, Great Falls rud Helena. For partioulnrs, apply F. I. WHITNEY. J. M. HUCKINS. Gen P398 &Tk‘t Ag'b. Travel'g Pass Ag‘t, ST. PAUL. 4 Palmer IInuse Block. Toronto. Pk ih'l‘o - CANADIICN. CAPITAL HEAD 01mm, Momnnk "FFICN ONTAI Wellington St.. Toronto. Tma Comqu to make ndvancea 'n the rec-uri'v o! PMPBRTY at lowest Current rate a Merchants, N EY 19.}QAE STANDARD CHOPPmG Usssassr FRENCH 3mm We want a GOOD DI \N in x Just send your name and address; arid 100.7 for postage, and receive by Mail a HANDSOME SILKHANDKERCHEII andTheMagicNeedle! Aatonisheseveryone ! Address.wmwn Novelty 00., Toronto, Out. YOU MAVlTMm ONE]! After 8 viii-0‘ and béih§ m3 BEST FOR FAMILY USE 81,306,174 41 Amount over $15,000,000. ASK DEALERS FOR IT and Traders Grimmny. ST PAUI MINNEAPOLIS ANITOB RAILWAY. Hum PARK. Vzermout. U.S‘ men Onnilo DIVISION, Iis Compqny éis prep-red securi'v at ,Gcon Fm K” Butchers, M wry Guaranty. to pick up

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