Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Dec 1888, p. 8

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Farmers, protect ynllr buildings from fire and lightning hv insuring in the Gore Cash and Mutual Fire Insurance Com- pany (the oldest and strongest Cash nnd Mutual in Canada). This cmnpanv was established in the year 1836. Having done business in Ontarin for over half a. century. During this time numbers of Stuck and Mutuals have felled, but. to- day the Gore Inns at its back Nets a.~ mounting tuS256.280.07. wherewith to meet any losses that. nmy occur. The Gore is "nth for its equity in adjust.- ment of its losses. it Is the cheapest Cash and Mlli Fire Insurance Com- pany doimz business in Ontario for non- hflZM‘dIHIB fsrm D‘roperty. Send for the 49th Animal Report of this Company before insuring elsewhere. Farmers be alive to your interests. Why pay such exhorbitsnt rates, when the Gore will in- sure third-class farm property for 2 per cent, ‘and first. class for .5 per cent. FIREI gunm, ...... ...... -._V‘ In case of Guntean being destroyed by fin: the Guru pays full value, the London agent to the cuntrary nutwithstnnding. Total assets tn pay losses, $256,280.07, and came: an insurance of only 37,245,- 377.01. Compare this with any Mutual or Stock Cumpany and see where the Gore stands. All calla prumptly attend- edrmo by "Hail or telephone. 1838 I 1836 l 1836 Purely a. Home Company. Agent. King P. 0.. residence Spring Hill, Ont. TRENCH’S ~CARRIAGE WORKS.- In returning thanks to my numemua friends for their liberal patr )nage during the past twenty-five yams, I beg to re- mind them and the genvcal public, thax having erectet‘ s:t‘.i.e'y new and com- modioua pmmises. [ am enabled to supply Phaetons, Buggies. Carriages, Cutters, Both light and heavy. all of which are {ashamed to give satisfaction, as the work is under my own supervisr 1. I am ale-n prepared to do all kinds Hf black- Bmitlung d; repairing in the must work- manlika manner, on th; ‘ m-test notion, ad on the moat reasrm- \Izrms. PLATFORM SPRING . W A G U N S . 0n Yonge St. ubm'a the Elain Mills. on Thurs- day the 22nd November. The uwuéx may have the same by proving property and pnymg {or this advertisemey}. ROBE FOUND. 92â€"2 ‘Z‘AIE LlflEfifl’éo' $1.00 IN ADVANCE. Head“ Office, Gait, '(jllfgrig. Horse - Snoeing thgtdmad terror. a. disrase so long: bnfili mence and the mossskillcd phys‘c‘ 1ns. \v knew of nothing to arrest, notlmu, .o nl‘u- ate, nothing to cure. Sax-ti: is no !nu-,«--r incumma mnlnd avch when given nu )hvsichns, lxerJtK can yet bu found in (II EMEDY. it heals and soothes the mo bmne of theLnnganflmnod and poison by themvsges of this tell dist-cm. and p vents (no night swcnts and t. nihcss new they chest which accompany 1L. and excessive cxpcrtomtion caused by Ca. tan-h. Sold by Druggists. or sent preâ€"paid of: wceiph of price, 50c. and $1. Address FHLF‘OE‘D C: (20., Brockviilo, Oni- Toronto Medicine Co.. 'l‘on CURES GUARANTEED MR RICHMOND HILL. raid special attention ‘0. FIRE1 FIRE! m..â€" 1836 I 1836 I Sleighs and Enquire at THE LIBERAL OFFICE. ‘lds urn starve. but man View write unsou .E Co. . Portland, )Ininemill Mei w full information Ibflill work whi \VM 'I‘RENCI-l J. '1‘. SAIGEON, case so long bnfllipq $55 per day. So hm'o ‘ 0L um: «I é'd. ml .3 Thaw who sxgn Q onu funnel. All ‘ n: onto. Cnt‘ sumle cLEANSING. HEALING. CATARRH, Cold in Head, RAY FEVER. smrs : ropplngstmm ‘ Tut: ‘t’ It (lures ‘55 across priicrerpniul. Alsop. quantity of Baled Hav {or 51119. W. B. PROCTOR. Mahmoud Hill OATS WANTED A Pnpnlar Pmm‘hd (lunar. nearly new. Man a good Sewfuigbkunbhe. Will ~ d verv cheap. A APWS’W - r "nhhrn n:-\.........: um A good Pum -Mn.ker 18 wnnted to purchase a full set of Mac inery and Tools and carry on film business in The tools are in good condition, and there in no opposition In the place. There is a. first-class Boring Mnolfitmwitll Augers. Shell and Chuck Renumrs, from ‘2 to 5 inches. all turned and fished to steel shaft; 1 Lathe. Cone Pulleys. Counter Shaft. E‘nce Phtea Chisels, Goubes. Drills. 1550. Also all small tools required for the business. There is also 11qu secof Pipe Tools for fitting up Xron Pumps. The whole can be had cheap. as the proprlewr is forced to give up business owing to ill-health. Shop can also be leased (or a. term of years. ADply to -0 ..vr 7 win h:-L..-;.~A DI“ RICHMOND HILL. ?oin1:s and Repairs 201' plows of every make «Inspect my imple‘me‘nmmnd compare with other firms. Howe of all kinda imludiug Slhky Plown. two and three {\lrrmved Gang Piuws, are. &¢M umfiV'S in stock. T0 FARMERS ! RICHMOND ,HILL FLEURY’S SONS. PUMP-MAKER WANTED! We are prepared to give our patâ€" rons the following excellent rates. which will entitlethcm to the‘papeis named, from the present date to January Ist, 1890 :â€" THE LIBERAL, Weekly Mail & Farm & Fireside ............ $2 00 THE LIBERAL & Weekly News, with either “ Fathers of Confederation," or “Christ before Pilate" .................. 2 00 THE LIBERAL, \Veekly Globe, & Rural Canadian ............ 2 25 THE LIBERAL and Truth ......... 2.75 THE LIBERAL & Evening Globe.4 00 THE LIBERAL & Evening Mail...4 00 THE LIBERAL& Toronto VVorld.3 oo 1000 Busbels o! WEEKLY EMPIRE The undersizned keeps on hand at his office CANADA’S LEADING PAPER. All kmds of Implements manufactured by clubbing Rates. 22-“ FCR SALE. “11911? aidmnifitnmufi. . J. RUPERT AU'RORA. J. L. HARRIS. Richmond Hill ill _f, Oats wanted. Hfigheac cosh H. MILLER. Richmond Hill‘ 01' THE LIHERAL OFFIC r; \bl ish \‘5 EB: nu-r in ust oi >nt has \lrc:uL renown Tnursdnv.Dec 6. [588 Wheamnll per bushel .. $1 0.; Wheat spring do .. . 1 0'3 Barley (lo . outs do Pens do Bvo do Peas do Byo do Clover Seed lln Dressed hogs per 1001 Beef, fore quarters Chickens per pun“ .. Duck do Geese each Turkeys each Butter pound ro Butter. tub dairy Euns. fresh. per dos. Potatoes, pet bag .. Apples, per bbl ‘‘‘‘‘ onions. green, m‘ (10% Cabbage 0 Cauliflower A10 Celery do 'l‘urnhmper 1mg. 30 Carrots, do. 50 Hay, per ton )9 [‘0 20 00 stmwmar ton 12 u N 00 RICHMOND HILL Thursdav Dec 1‘. [866 oats. per bushel Pans, do. U . Dressed hogsmer 100 lbs Beef. fore quartet. Beef. hind quarter Chickens. per pair . Ducks. r10 Geese. each ....... Turkevs. perlb . Butter. Found rolls . Butter. urge rolls Bar's. fresh. per dozen . Potatoes, per bag. Apples, per bbl ...... . nuinns, per bunh.. Cabbage. per don Celery, do ’rurnips,perbag . Carrots, do Beans. per peck ..... Flour, sprinqmer bblm. Flour. mm. per bbl . Hay. per ton ...... straw. not ton .x Take no other. Sold everywhere. Price 75 cents per botcle. DR. HODDER’S Higblv Concentrated. Flt-newt, Efieccuul, Safe Sold everywhere. Price 25 cents and 50 cents per bottle Proprietors and manufacturers, THE UNION MEDICINE (.70.. Toronto, On (laugh 8:. Lung cure 51‘. MAIN s EPIECOPAL Cannonâ€"Service at 3 p m.,except the third Sunday 0! every month wuen the service and sacrament are held at 11 i n..m. Sunday Schoolat 'Jp.n1 Bev.W. Bates ‘ Rector METHODIST CHURCHâ€"ServiCES at 10:30 a. m and 6:30 p.1u.,and Sunday school, M130 p. m . Young people's prayer meeth Tuesday evening. General Prayer Meeting every Thursdnyevenl’ng in the Lecture Room. Rev. J. M. Simpson. Supt. Rev. G. N. Rutledge, Assistant. PRESBYTHRIAN CHURCH OF CANADA.~â€"Services at l] o‘clnck a.m..aud 6:30 p.m. Prayer meeting on Wednes-Jay evening at 7:30. Rev. W. W. Perceval. Pastor. ‘ ROMAN cnaomc cannonâ€"Janice: in order a follow Thomhill at 9 3.111.. and Richmond H at 10:30 min; the following Sunday at Rich- mond Hill Megan. and Thornhill at 1030 mm. Rev. J. J. Egan. Pastor. Rmmuom Lonaz, A. F. k A. M., No.23, GJLC Meets in the Lodge room.Masonic Eamon the Monday on or before full moon. at 8 o’clock pm: J Elliott.W M. R E ng.5 tarv Thé'Mecho‘ust sabbath school Temperance As snciatlon issue pledge curds every Sunday when desired. Wm.Harnson su pt d LIIIULD. VV An. In ‘2 man. , ANCIENT ORDER 01“ Foam Ensâ€"Conn Rich- mond. No. 7046 A‘ 0. F.. meets in the Temperance Hall every alternate Fridav at 7.30 p.n).â€" W E Wiley. 0. R. MfiéfiAmcs' leTXTUTE.- Library of over 1000 volumesppen every Tuesday the Ma- sonic HallJmm 7 to 8 o'clock. B. E. Law, Libra.- riun. G Trench. Secretary RICHMONDVVHIILL FIRE BfimADn BAND meets for practice every Wedesduy & Saturday evening at 8 o'clock W. Sheppard, Lender. W E. Wiley, VILLAou (Iowanâ€"Rev ve. Wm. Pugsloy, Coun- cillors. Messrs. P G.Su.vage, Wm A Sanderson,w Atkinson, Dr Wilson. Clark. M. ‘l'eefy FIRE BRIGADEâ€"Regular meeting first Friday 01 every month, held in the nouncil Chamber. at. 7p. m. Membership free. Certificatesissued to members entitling ([1913 to germi‘n pxi ilegqs and Secretary in" H7. Pugsley. Cafifiain. A. 0. U. W.,Ivy Lodge, No. 141. Meets in the Committee room of the . Masonic Bail each alternative Tuesday at 3 o'clock p.111. Bene- flcnry certificate given for $2,000 in case 0! death J. Brown. Muster Workman '1‘. FMcMehun. rec R. T. of Temperance. Richmond Hill Council No. 4:1, Meets in Temperance Hall.eacb alter- native Tuesday evening: ntSo'clock p in. Bone- iicinry certificates issued to male or female members for m- in case oldeuth 92.000, one halt unyablc in case of disability. J‘ H.Sn.nder- son Select Councillors; J.A.E.Sw.‘tzer.keoording iéhdlls, Secretary. Secretarv .. .....,w .. ... v. V r . Bluksnxlith a Goal. Now is the timetobuv when the price is low. Coal delivered on shortest notice or uumluners may load their waggons right from the car, The pronriemr has nine [or sale an Richmond 3-“ Hill Village a lot of »_\_lm;ge ungpfi‘cv 91 first-glass stove. Nut and ,,A .LA ‘ _,‘_ L_.___L__. GOAL! DE \FXESS C‘TRED.~:\ very interâ€" esting 132 page Illustrated Bunk nn Deaf nesm Nuises iu the head. Hmv they may be cured at your hume.- Pnsc frce 3-‘1.-â€"Addreés Dr. chuouux, 30 SLJohn FIRSTâ€"CLASSMAPLEWOOD. W. R. PROCTOR. ASK FOR DR. HODDER‘S COMPOUND. BIGHMSHQ HILZ STATION DE \FXESS C‘?RED.-â€"â€": The undersigned his now on hand at willuucfiirtmry. Churches. )utreni. mm Wurms. 100 lbs Societies. Liver Comvluint, Dyspepsia. Biliousnosn. 5 Sick Headache. b Kidney Troubles. Rheumatism, R Skin Diseases and all Impurities oi the Blond from Wilmi- nnver cruise arising Fenmle Weaknesses ml general dehiliby Purely Vegetable. 3101! to 10! ..103 104 $0 33 0 Ill) 7 00 4 00 . (i 00 0‘20 150 - 20 so ($5 60 50 37 50 50 35 50 50 16 870 On .‘V, 00 50 50 9.3 17 ‘25 4-1y CH BAP 1§>RESS GOODS RAISINS AND (‘53 Si DON'T YGU HEAR 9% He would beg to unnmmce 1‘ Winter Mock 01' i‘wceds. «(a I he “'1” be pleased to slum he customers. He can :\.0w )4 vm-iew. qualibv nnu (- *nayne consists as follows: In all themes: stripu-s and checks, in fin” Flenuh Wursceds, West-of Iflnplnnds, Scotch Tweeds etc. In Black End Funny \\‘ursler1s.1\‘ ap.Wide Wu] etc. In Beavers. Melwns, Naps, Pilots, Friezes, cut, in all shades. . I uw nothinghm firstâ€"class trnmm' as, and I Eu Lmntee npurfect m and reliable wuknmmmp. o no to me and save yourself mmxey mul vex- ation. RICHM< ) X D In Scotch Tweeds. (Innafuiun and Black Nigger-bends. Mo. P. 313}; iithou: wisdom lives in a fool's pmdlse. cum-.5 uuu Are swarming m me work In nu them A Positive Cure. >l< h A Painless Cure. FACTS F03 YOUNG, N OIL: ._ A. 41.....- ....-n AnA 1.. Mn a. parlian C. TREV I U U .LV u" ‘Vw~“'-â€"v- â€"_ __ r 7 , Who are broken own from the eflecte of abuse \yill find in No. 8 a. radical cure {or nervous debility. organic weakness. Involuntary vital losses. etc. Emma ran on No. 8 SHOULD as: {Jennâ€"Went of energy. vertigo. want of purpose. (1mm of sig t. aversion to soalety. want of confidence. avoidance of conversation. desire for solitude, listlessness nndjnability to fix the attention on a vnficular subject. cowardice. depression of spirits. giddiness, loss of memoi- , excitability of- temper. sper- mstorrhmn, or loss of the seminal fluidâ€"the result of seIi-e. use or marital excessâ€"impo- tency. innutrition, emaciation. barrenness. ulpitetion of she been, hysteric feelings in‘ IemaiaO. trembling, melancholy. disturbing reams, etc., era :3 symptOmJ of this terrible habit. oltentimes innocently acquired. In short. the spring of ml force having lost its, tension. every function wanes in consequence. Scientific wntcrsnnd the superintendents. of insane nsylnms unite in sscribing to the effects of self-abuse the great majt "y of wnsted lives which come under their notice. If you are incompetent for the arduous duties ol‘ business, incapacitated for the enjoyments of life. No. B ofiers an escape from the effects of early vice. If you are advanced in ears. No. Swill give you full vigor and strength. It you are broken down. physically an morally. from eeriyindiscretion. the result 01 ignorance awn. send your address and 10 cents 1D stamps for M, V. LUBON'H Treatise in Book on Diseases of Man. Sealed and secure from observun‘ou. Address all communications to II. V._ LISBON. 47 Wellington 5!. E, Toronto. 4‘. Man ullhouwisdomllves lnafool c pmdlse. CURES CURRANT ED. REAL THE SICK. - .3 n Vi Lubon'e Rupfurel Rcmé tions accompanying each pal.“ hesious. softens indul‘ations. am or a few months. depending of co has been mmurcd. the use of Rem-21:11 for .2. single rupture us! 611 Ricientjo 0??ch (L ppnngpcnt n by simply up lying the Rene: while the chi :1 is Ivin ' down. em. nfler scveml Jays use. I v mil to cure: but, Lubon’s Rem TAILURING ESTABL A iPéEmangnt Cure. mnwn’utcu, in Aug: v- luv u .._. _____ V", toncy. innutrition, emulation. banenness, olpitati {emulaSJi-embling, melancholy. disturbing reams, ( habitmnencimes innocently acquired. In short. tb tension. every function wanes in consequence. Scien of insane Mylnms unite in lacribiug to the effects wasted lives which come under their notice. If y duties oi‘ business, incapaeimted for the enjoyment the effects of early vice. It you are advanced in gel strength. I! you are broken down. physically an I result. 01 ignognnce emolly. sent" your address and unfit-non A! 1Han g! OOK HERE THE BUSY HEATHER BROWN, 5 -H Come and See our Chris 0 VEHEI‘HA'E‘ NGS Addréss: M. v. LU’EC Mantel o! HealinETand Kohinoor ol Mcdicinea. lble consequences or Indlscreuon. th ten- Cures 0 Exposure and Owen-work. We have now 011 hand a. choice stock of (‘OA'I‘I I’Al‘i'l‘lN SKATE 3 rs rfirsmgyofixm AGES ' LUBON'S SPECIFIC NO. 8. THE «RE-.41.. HEM?! 53MB WE“: quantity. Young mg the Remedy Islyingdown. I For the 39935? ’zeEZef and Pymanefii cm or 951ml?! 8‘ Bumme- wzn nr-.v\.-‘r‘nf-n “with Hwn : NGS t)! at M. V. LUBON’S RL5"3‘E'URE REMEW liENTv rivu eds,F the min mst be 8911 - The RM flea-Gd. . . ; 113431“, byrups, : m all kinds of mst quality. . Lemons, Grapes. E “I; 03 sters, Fish, we, Bologna, &c. Stock of & PLAIN: 15S, Dates, Figs, .; and New 1rcs a con- ur esteem- mds. d well as- ‘k of HI i’ ECES. (19A. ()(rlflE 821535 AND has on :11 as-

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