Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Dec 1888, p. 4

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inent member in vhe .mv _: com- c'i. I-Fs opponenfiis a gentleman n; conside-‘able ab'ln v,b"r jng'ag 1 am his many doe-“eats :n the :ox‘. as ~'p .'-s has not a fl:..n g-aap cn 11w. e'cc.o.. For Is-t Depvly M'. H. B. S w 11 ~, a prosperovs m35|er near Ne 5:0»:- bmok wi'l oppose M .'.\V.H, Lundy. Who has also w0"Led {ahh v‘ly {at "‘e .ownsbip for sexeral years paQL. Mr. Jas. Lawzle is be‘ng burns?" ovt in opppsuon to Mr. B. (30': for 2nd DepuJy-Reevc. M". G0 4h:.~gh a young man has'uren as:â€" years in the covntziv, is a wry M e wo..‘l.e ', and w"! male a a: org can - didaig {or re-c‘ac- ‘04. The Hon. 0. Mowat may be pa â€" doued 3i he felt a glow of tiH-m '1. when he zeceived a cable; 'am 1.7: t week in?) m'ng him "wt Judgnw r: had been given in the bi. Call'a,‘.»~r Milling Co., case favovable (o 0.2- tario. 0n the nthec hand how mOLLiinng must the news have been to his old opponent. SN john .Vac- donald. as "ne Caihaiines side was fought al-oge' her by the Do- minion Gove- nmem. The cage is too well known to reql'le any (‘9- BCiiption, but a few ol the leading facts may not be ovt 0 place. As far back as 1871 a dxmfie a- rose between the Deaf lion Goxc .1~ ment and the Profane of 00-12-40 in reference to the boundary line 0‘: Vin: latte '. Commissioners “e ‘e an pointed who met and finally dec «'d .on abrovisional boundary. A a time arbitrators were again ap- pointed with the view of hav n'; :‘uu: matter finally seitled. Gentlemi . .01 the highest standing we'e CM) 2 by consent, Sir Frauds Hincls a(" hg {or the Dominion, Chiet Jusm e Havrison for Ontario, whilst {or the third arbitrator no more sv table person covld be 'ouv‘d 1han 8" EC- waz‘d Thornton, British Minister at \Vashington. After a careful inVE‘a- tigatlon oi all the facts, their decis- sion to increase the area of Ontario :rom 100.000 to 200,000 square mile: was unaminous. Man' oba bccame a party to the strife in x881 by a Dominion Act extending her boun- daries. Finally Maniaoba and On- tario agreed to test a special case by :cterring it to the Prixy Council. Candidates for municipal honors in Markham Township are not waii- ing tor nomination on the 3(St or this month. Asparants are put for- ward for every office, and canvas i g is the order 01 the day. Mr. B- e hm sg re-I'cd Lhe con'c~t to“: he Reeve-ship will be henveun Mr. Anthony Fowler and MI. Tho-has \Nilliamwn. The ,"(nmry has v' ‘e gOUd “OJ fm‘thctownshipasar ~ n c'llor and Deputy-Fume for? i _ nine yeats, as We” as be‘u‘ a p n '1 inent membe; in vhe .ow _.r oom- For the OLi‘h‘ no ofl‘cm Mo. 5. Slater and W. Ste t are 5-1 fbe fiekl bx't “e are not yet ceuain as to “w. ) w"! be their oppom..r~ s. This decision was a‘w Iavcrab'e to Ontazio, but the Dominion Government refused to be bound by it, and continued issuing titles 20 lands in the disputed terri~ory, and gave licenLes for timber and mining l mils. Latterly Onia-Eo was rom- pellpd to>again [314}: {he war path RICHMOND HILL. Thursday l‘e'lCU [0 again thC '.'lC war palm! ’\ I ugmnsilhe Domilu'on, and hawng’ V beaten the laiter in all the Canathan l cow‘LS it was finally dragng to 1he~ 1‘: i\_v Counczl 0: England. L'micx 1 the dccision which has just 1‘63”! more than it was held at first to be entitled to. The result is most satisâ€" I'L‘lldel'Cd, Mr. Mowat has sccnrcd {qctory ask is another wctony for' Pure. 131‘ our province an absolute mic LO IOO‘OOO square m‘lcs of termoxy @1112 fiibeml. Prowficial rights, and many Conser- vatives as well as Retormers are not slow to condemn this last act of Sir John Macdonald as tyrannical in the extreme. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS MARKHA M TOWNSHIP. ANOTHER VICTOR Y. , Dec. 20, '88 d: 'l'k’ \Vi' ‘. 11 t. -‘.th 51'} 1:39 in H; Mics I )u ‘e Slep'le»!son h" bet 1 \" ~ii.- --'g 'l‘t' Id“ ' ITu u-m) dl'rivg H‘e Iv. L weal. I “Did you ever ' at .‘e l? Lnt Satur- Ji._v Mr. Fr‘sby “an i J "‘uluuio al.d when (m If: my home l‘e sump i at. Nr.‘ Jr" 1 l‘lMlll’hlvl’B of the (luk'e I Linn m feed "'8 humus, and as he had a ‘uad «:7 cu :' he I't-l'ilc‘u-d f-‘um the wrgon and left, It. nu the loud gun. \Vni'u ll"! houses Were 30' ilrg he went. m to rent. md x'e’l-esh,n-Id a ..-: a fine S: mme out. to stun: nu h's _iuur-1ey. but found mat the team had but lame and L 'i him. Mr. 'J‘humpsun hiich- ed up his 8- Iver m-d smr‘ed ‘u pursuit e‘ ‘d our-’cuk the ranawuys quite a. piece north of 'l‘hornhi". M r. Fr‘sby returned with 11:3 ‘ ovscs am] :is the new day W‘ ~. .he S‘bb‘x‘f. he (“d nut Mall to may ml Rum William S. Snider, asking the council to take into cmm‘a‘emliuu Lllfl ad- visabiuity o! gnu-Hug him a suitable re- compense for .‘llj'Jl 'cn rccelvmi ou the 4th day of N01, 1868, ilpmugh 1h» very bud condiéiun of union'qu on lhchm-md street, etc. - pigln.’ Lo .-’-e reached home bright. q :.I Iy ‘u t3 e ll)""";llg- In pursuance of the statues uf Ontario chapter 28. sectiun )3, the council met Saturday, Dec. 15th. The reeva in the chair. Fm’m Rrohrd Durham, med Dec. Members present.zâ€"Ccuncillurs, At. Linson, Sanderson, Savage and Wllaon. The minutes of the 19m Nov. were read and apuroved. The following communications were read :â€"-From the acting maym‘ of Ottawa (Jacob Evemtt, Esq.) datcd 28th of Nova, enclosing a blank peizitiuu to tne Untarm Legislature, praying that the assessment law be an amended as to ubuliah exemv- “an: of every description hi‘l'Ud D '. W 'so unv he o 8:34”: ~.II n. 1 nd y "(3e " (m Arou'u b ' Huf'ey, i-v ve been enll'ellt lu‘ I‘ul‘ unwed “be TC ' '1 yevhsed 8‘4"“ :3 ‘ ‘e m‘dy "or arch 0 rd. on movun ‘ ~ch Cd by Gov." yr 0 «arses ‘1 ‘ '6 PH v n- ' 'u ' we yn'eie'n. yr. Ir : ve avenue \4‘ m 1836 Hui 133i, » u ‘U be Fa llh‘T‘ ‘ C. Mr. D. F'ml; h"; su‘d l' 1 ‘. Wm. Paiferson “ormev'ly u 0nt., and hr n rut-wed iu tract of land ‘11 Manuel x. 1tends to go up there 5-. the S] tends to go up thew 5-: the 8;» 'm. “'e are p‘e- 9-1 to ham that. I'm tsz and afl“ic.e:l of orr bc 'gh me humming, Mr. Robt. Tnompsun who h ‘1 lteu “l for a long time :3 row ro'na‘e':ent,xud Mm. \Vun. _Be‘l who was ve‘ ,' 1'! '" :Ietfing a ' me s‘uouger. Pa' Tt‘ 6500's (Al'l’um) (Tu-"1h I'a‘nam for CuuL‘sund Colds. Su' 'w-«m 3mm": Wm]. This wder never vanes. A marvel of purity, strong and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds. and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test.shnrt weight slum or phosphate powders. Sold onlv in musk Igor“. BAKLVG Powpim Co. 1% “an “no . . ’J'i-e c", \ I '4: v- -' e: luv u: u.~”cd -e 1:! v.“ on 0' Nu Cur-W" 'u live “act :n‘, v- “a Iu‘a. No's. T'l o lu. nu 4.8, on ILA: 2. 'et owned by Henry She ‘ Tue tul'sc'H ré'nn‘ Ami in were! u] the can No: ( Hy "v 3"”!‘5 \ ('1) ‘51:). U 'J he thnc". orde 'ne c.’e.k ' nun ~e wages. l‘e Coo )c BtJIIHl‘l‘ CHI} W1 ‘ uu‘vn' mo L u I‘U A“ ‘. CL I? of N:‘.‘ ("I Village Council. (1'.- ‘;.1e far last issue.) iv W 0;) K Hodges. e WIV- ‘6d We l'eumnh a - u t :- cu .i-at 2.5 lUp‘ be an} fur d btvaI'e the collch the ll Luu' “dorm-3 2~:fmm (Jul law, Lu. "0 “(id 18. on ’eu unned by IR: mrd u-rhed nun tire r-L- we ye..‘ It s. and IHI UVe‘.‘ | On Covuc' “I: ‘ ('Ln 19<pundeut \vl' Ull II’ l‘uur xJu e:.clmu;_e a Mr FM”. in- ' cl'alrer NJ: > pmwu’x‘ I ; Mu re NV "0‘ \V‘lsun Ur .2 "9' l'e'ebr )‘l . unndcd by be. Pud he «I. wnt ud by N r. II II) Mr now-r1: equlv nll §:“ai§;:B:iaap dash House. J8? 10:11 and 192; h- ll. ll. nulsuuu, r V W BANKRUPT STUCK DEALER, (I .‘C RICHMOND HILL, 2: H o: m; R. W. NEVILLE. AT THE [AA ’10 Machine I: In- , Md . No a“ Milled. m‘ we flee Simfhpu m-fiuwuuuceunu- Ibo hen mac-nuns” in the warm. and the whool'omdwgnmfiqm Bangui! allege}. -â€"-â€" LM _.- MON DAY,DEC.10th. I“ () 1{ Great Bargains, Great. Presents, EEVGTYbOdY Don't fail to attend this Great Sale, which is the Event of the year ‘ in Richmond Hill. New Fruits, New New Seasuuiug Extracts Raisins. Almonds, Lcumn, Summer Savury, Lenmn, Currants, \Valnuts, Orange, Thyme. Vanillafin Figs (b Dates. Filberls 6'! Brazil Nuts. Citron Peels. Sage. bulk & bottle. CONFECl'IONARYâ€"Pure Spices, Whole and grmmd. Canned Gnnds uf all kinds. Ruller Flour, Rulle Oats, OM. and Curnmeal. Chan Teas and Qutfues. Tuâ€" baccus and Cigars. Just upeued a linu luf. uf Chinawme; just what you want, fur presauta. When yam want good and reliable Groceries, A'ch give us a Callmud ynu will he enuvinced that ynu get as good value for your Innney at the Lorne as any other house in town. Thanking you for your liberal patmuaga in the past. 1 solicit u mutinumme of the same. GEO TRENCH COAL PARLOR COOK STOVES CONCRETE HOUSE Something lww, The stock of GROCERIES is fresh and quad, and will he sulil a: ohenp as any hunso in town. Larga stock of GLASSWARE li- CRUCKERY, cheap. Usual stuck uf Flour and Feed at, lowest. prices. P. G. SAVAGE GROCERIES, FRUITS, NUTS, GLASSWARE, &c. New Fruits, New New Raisins. Almonds, Lcmnn, Currants, \Valnlns, Orange, Figs (9 Dates. Filberls & Brazil Nuts. 1 CHRSTMAS GEFT SALE TERMS CASH ! 80:: Sewing. 1“ a! once :l'nllr xn W. ATKINSON, NEW STOCK 0F FURNITURE IN THE LATEST PATTERNS. rni‘i: a co..'i'&'7i¢o. Anfl‘nfi'ime. ‘0 clear out his stock. He will also sell other stoves, from now until New Year’s, at 10 per cent. off regular prices, so if you want cheap stoves come alono. Also Hardware and Tinware, cheap. First-clans Bud Room Sets. cmnplete. $l8; nsnal price in Turnnto, 8'20. Bedâ€" ateada, $2.50; Lv-unges, $5 50. Fancy Furniture, in Ghana, 020., fur presents. Call and see our THE PEOPLE’S STORE ! XMAS AND NEW YEAR’S. CHRISTMAS CARDS 8c PICTURE FRAMES. The Lorne Stme is now filled with a new and seasonable stock of THE FOU RTH GEE 89:! Sewing-31a fiâ€"A quantersuhi an. ' ' mm.- in nil pain. in Hmin" 0hr hllfllllh-s and pm 1: when lhe ptuph- r” we ‘ n. m.\n \\il]chdIl-¢l"lovnc quuu In each Iocnlilthe vrry cu vu Inc-machine nude in u- »orldw in: .1”th Ilurhmt‘nu ’ “‘c wih am. N mlfreen cumplcle line of our u-HJ)‘ and ulu-ble an nmplu. lu ruurn we at um yo- Ihow whn we und. to (hot. II my all u your home.|nd mu : mo lbs-111ml becuqu yoylr ow! DIRECT IMPORTER. WHICH HF. WILL SELL AT AND BELOW COST Lpnpeny. Thu ' a Mali made as: the inger punt whxh' em on: Wine! montiuoumm,wilhm . Wyn. an: m nu.- (at . MASON, . CHRISTMAS STOCK NOW READY A'l‘ OPENS ON T0 RENT UR SELL. AT THE HAS A FEW The I’m-m wbioh is composed 0! lots '18 and 1‘- in me an} l 10". of Vaughan. and conmiumu 16-" acres, )3 to rent or to sen. The place is well watered. bus 3. good orchard and is a very desirable farm. 13-21 THE LIBERAL $1.00 ner Year. For panxculmapply to his. war. SLLVEY, Richmond Hill

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