Chliqtmaa in coming I Get your variety of candies at Mrs. Harrison’s. Kid Mitt found. Enquire 3'. THE LIBERAL oflice. Chriwtmns Cards and Holidav Presents of Ivery description 3‘ THE LIBERAL store. Thu VIY‘nge schools closed on Tuesday {or the Christmas holidays. All kind oflhardware and tmware, cheap, at C. Mason’s. Examinations for entrance to High Schools are now in progress. Do not forget Mason sells cheap st0ves. RICHMOND HILL, Thursd ay. Dec. 20. ’88 New Ypm-‘s ii at. hand ! Supn'v vnnr- «elves v Ztl) h snIilul cards at Mrs. Elma-ironw-~ M N. B.-â€"Rea. .: e. ‘13 It least Fitter 2 .‘ ' ca‘ mentioned bu‘ » '0.-c7-)‘ 0. Mason is selling cnal nnd wnnrl stoves In and below cast. Sue change of ad. \Vu l) Until f- Bu,hmo.n- r Lilile MORNING: (V EVENING 2â€"6. Mrs, Han-icon (.mpnai'e the Mnemï¬c Haâ€) has n camp‘Ma s m‘k '\f HIP npr“ (.dl‘dï¬, the ï¬ner-I tow: pm! the npwvst caudign The ofï¬cially annouva ï¬gnren o! Tnmn- tn‘s populalion are 166319. exclusive of Parkdale. Miss Wutorsmf Norwnnd, has baen ap- pointh and has nccepted the position n! tvacher in the 2nd doprrtment of the Pub.ic School here. You can bnv :be most drv gonds at the (‘oncrele [or 31 that. can be prncured. and wt. 1; present worth 12,}o., or get. 12.31: of! strniqht. Namnn PROCTOR’S STAGE LINE. The public am cautioned against purchns. mg note»: pnrpor-‘inn to be signnd by Mr. Jncnb Mordeu, of this \Jlluge. See another pnge. hams" .en Christmas Goods. conStsting of Raisins. Currants. Peels and spices, at A. Moodie‘s. Elm 3,13%â€th Dun“! {nil '0 see N6 'lle'a stock of ï¬ne I) m: rud slippers. felt. boats Pnd nlippprn. “1'11er and overshoea. all sizes. Men’s be my sole ova-shoes only 51.25. Owing to Christmas and may $9,,†{ML ing an Tunï¬day. lbn lihrnrv of the Meclmnicso Institute will be open on Wednenday evenings durmg the next two week. Theiw " disarm-r1 in the Wuson-Jarvh can triediu Tnmum hut week. Eievm were Sn fm‘or of the mEuiuer. The case will come up mm“; Platfnrm scales and tarmers‘ agri- cultural Furances at lowest prices at C. Mason's. Correction. In our notice of Mr. Parcivm‘s sermon in last week‘s LIBERAL where the word “COD- contmlion" was insvrted in each gale it should have been “Consecrntion.†8 inch Jimwr plains 75¢. per don. Lani while 8 ‘mh platen 95¢. per duz.. nice L. ~.u'- lad tons 65c. pnr dnz . has: white 1:; 312d teas 81 per (102. at the Concrete. Fresh suck nl Xma- {Buoy goods only hnmzm yesfvrdnv. prnsmfls 0! all kinda, new. 9st stylus, fur nM or ynnuc. Don't miss bee- i'lK diiplay this week M Nnville's. In a“ your getting: don‘t forget. to call at “‘8. Hal'1~ison's.v|aere Santa Claus has n 'M‘Re Mmrtmem of Christmas stockings rmmy ï¬lled with gond things for the little ones. For Teas and Coffees there is nothing to equal Moodie's m quality and price. Mm." sik “handkeé'c'mrs by Hundreds. 250. to 52.00. Big dlive in clouds and wool scufs this week at Neville‘s sale. Jusnreoeived thslntest makes of 8611“. scurfsJi'efL gl_rwesj also pluph good} for NJ‘II POST OFFLCE 1V0 V1)! H 9.0!! “.05 i 110.; M. TE EFY. Postmaster. )UTB we I’nJmer m .m’ed in the above 5'5p.m a the 7.1K 787 745 6.3 7.17 6.41 5.! 6.02 61 8 6.14 6.32 16 lbs. new raisins for 81. 16 lbs. new curranta for 81, 33 yds. grey cotton for $1, 35 boxes 01 Matches for 01. 40 lbs. Gold Dust cornmeal {or $1. 32 lbs. best standard oat- meal for 8!, 28 lbs. Tilson‘a rolled oats (or 31. at the Concrete. The Sabbath School of the Methodist Church. Can-ville. purpose holding their an- nual Christmas Tree and Entertainment on the evening of Thursday. Dec. 27th. 1888. The entertainment will consist of solos, duets, choruses, readings recitalions and dialogues bv the scholars of the school. Programme will open at 7 o'clock. Admiss- ion 20c.; children 10c. All are invited. The airy Dandy Jim who writes the fables [or the roughage: and speaks sneeringly of his "little competitors." had bettelj drop that "I own the town swagger." Appear- ances would indicate that 100. on the a in getting more friends than present.- ot doubt- ful value. (Adv’m Miss Spragge and Miss Rutherford. late teachers in the lat and 2nd divisions In the Public School, received {torn their pupils very handsome presents at the close of their respective rooms on Tuendty last. Miss Sprngge was the recipient of u beautiful planh mantel album. and Miss Rutherlurd received an exquisite plurll handkerchief I-ox. Both teachers have done faithful work here. and they leave with the good will engl best wishes of all. Neville's sales have largely increased dur- mg the pus! week. but. proï¬ts have diminish- pd. becamo prices are cut down {or this sale and 100. on the 8 given back. Now is your time if vou want stylish sliupers. Ladies and Gents good Fe:t Bouts. Overshoes and Rubbers of every desoliption just arrived at R. Siver's, overtwo thou- sand dollars worth to choose from. the best and cheapest in town. O Viug to the unfavorable state of the weather the attendance at the missionary meeting in the Methodist Church last Mon- day evening. was no: as large as usual. The meeting, however, was a success. The ad- dresses delivered by Rev. Mr. Benson and Llaw. Mr. Pearen were most excellent, am! the receipts in advance of last year. The new Cathulic rbu2ch at Colliugwood 'nl “Yemuly dedicalpd un Srulvy last. by the Very llev. Dean O'Cnuuur, of Barrie. assisted by l‘nzhurs habotrain. of Penemu- Enislteue ; Maguire. 0! Brucebridge, and Kienuau. the pastor. The neimnna of lhe day were pleachvd by Rev. i-a'har Testy. of Tomnto, in the mo..1imz. and Father Moyna, of Stayurr, in the evening. The church. which £6 a ve.y vest, handsome brick bu‘ld- il‘g, h] lluumneslue style. was crowded cu hazh occasions. Our sale cleared out nearly all our clothing la". week. and yesterday Neville bought an entire new mock of men's and boys’ suits and overcoats. 30 to 40 per cent. less than regular prices, becauan o! the Intuaeas of tho Mama. Our prices are slashed down also to Hear out. the whole lot dwing holiday The Richmond Hill Presbyterian S. S. inâ€" tend holding their Annual 1‘ ‘crtnimnqnt and New Year' Arch on Mommy evening, Dec. 313:. The entertainment wil' consist. of addresses, recitalious. dialogues, chonses. solos. flc. Doors open at 7.30 ; programme to commence at 8. Admiusiou 15 cents. Xmas Entertainment. The Buttoaville E'uu. Luuu-mn S. 8.. win hold their annual elllrrll'ilmlellt on Fri- day evening, Dec. 21:", m cunsi-At M u Cm- tala. euuueq I'Jupr Hm Palms." Lunch served alter prelornu. toe. Tickets, 250-; Childxen unuer 12, 15c. The beat. currnms and rniyins and m 5'. lbs. for the dollar at. Nevillr‘n Inn-gr boxes of matches [or 60. Goo-l brown sugar 50. per lb. Everything marked duwn to sale price. Tun members and friends of the Zion E. I'M-1‘33“ 1 Sunday School. 4th Con. Vaugbm, p. I:-‘~ h 3' "1a in illuminated a .d eiystal- Hand 1' ms tree in connection Wiiu lb!" ‘ au- uanl en“ "ï¬iument on UL. unns Nihut, 1888. An; excellent. programme has been mixtugell co.~ isting of hell] locz'I and torei;,u L. Cat 0. a high order. The ohr‘r m1. be L; gen by Dr. G"mour M. P. P. a; 7 o'clock. Admission 25c.: Children 15c. Persons hav- ‘4“ gm to put. nu the tree for their friends “squealed to leave them with the com- miLtee. On New. eroae uc. Enzcni ' 32 4 to 7 p. m. fiza “flair. ‘ ;:: will be (uruzslmd by goo'd 10c . .lcul. ‘uckels 30 cents; lecture alone 20 cents. 0n the prev nus Sablmu.‘ Dec. 30th, Rev. W. A. V. E. Pa yaou.‘ of Daven- puxt. wili de‘iver sumnns M. 2 and 6.30 pm, . . deii .ar : “Snags.†l fh; c‘uui". . Every one Interested in growing ’ ails, flours, or in lurestry would ï¬nd it to their advantage to lake the Canadian Horticultur- ist. n beantilul monthly jourqu of high standing. duvoted entirely to these subju-Ln, and contuining articles writtad by the land- ing lruit growers, florinzs and (oreslers in Ontario. The journal is to be enlarged ID the month of January; the paintings and enuruvings of {mite and fluwsrs Continued ï¬nd used even more liberallv. Altogether it is to be made as interesting nnd utlr alive as possible. It is published by the Fru ’Jrow- em' Association‘ot Untazio, at 51 Der auunm. which also entitles the subscriber to the privileges of membership of the Association includnig a copy of the Annual Report of the meetings and discussions, given verbatim. and a share in the distribution of trees and plants for testing in various parts of Ontario. Subscriptions should do sent to L. Woolver- ton. M. A . Grimsby, Out., Secretary of the F, G.“ 4. of Ontario. Dedlcslion of a Ca;holic Church. Canadian HOX‘UCUHUI’ISK' Mnsswnaly Meeting. HoA e Church. New Year's Arch. Zion 15.3 Day I've friends at Hope _ .ueir annual Dinner and Dinner will be served from '. .7. W. F. Wilson. 0! Toronto. .-..are. tu' ' :g fur his subject. '. ("Emour. .\l.l‘.P.. wn'l mcuny Presentation. Come Down. Cartvxlle. Victoria Square Lodge is now in a flourish- ing condition ; it has a membership of about ninety. A very interesting debate took place on Saturday last on the subject :â€" “Which is the most beneï¬t to the world, the Press or the Pulpit 7 " A very able and in- telligent lot of young men were chosen for the debate, among whom I might mention Bros. G. McCague, Loxe and Hopper on the side of the Press. The latter were Bros. 0. Lawson, E. Forester and T. Pesch. The de- bate was decided in favor of the Press.â€" Cox. Sold. Mr. A. Russell. Carrville. has lately sold to Mr. D. E. Knight. of Spencer, Iowa, the noted two-vent old Clydesdale Stallion, “ Castlemore Banker,†winner of the silver medal given by the American Clydesdale Breeders‘ Association at the Provincial Ex- hibition held at Kingston, September, 1888 ; also ï¬rst as a yearling at the Industrial, at Toronto, in 1887. besides numerous other prizes at local and county shows. “Came- more Banker" has been very successinl in the show ring, having never suflered defeat but twice. Those who take an agency for s reliable enterprising house, learn their business sud stick to it, "get on" in the world. People who have any ides of engaging in any can- vassing business will do well to write George Stinson & 00., Portland, Maineâ€"the great an. and general publishers. They ofler the most exceptional advantages to those who are sulï¬ciently enterprising to be willing to make a push in order to better their con- dition. It costs nothing to try. Women make successful canvassers, as well as men. Full particulars will be sent to those who address the ï¬rm; their full address is given above. Christmas night will be celebrated in Richmond Hill by a novel temperance Pi - in to he given by the village Bnnd of Hope. in the Masonic Hall. The can. at chmflclel’s headed 'hy Muthor Merx'yheurm, the old woman who lived in a shne, and followed by her lum'ly and 103 pic-Dickens, wnh uzll null preltv costumeâ€"s, ;.ve «ville w of a couple nl hours‘ rml enj-Iymrnt. 1 how who were {urlunnu- enuugh m he.†Mother (h us.- a year Ago, will Ilu doubt make Weary enduavor to see thin new play, an In many respects it is said to be better than its pre- decessor. 'I‘icke'.s 2.2m; children 15c. Last Tuesday eveniuz, in the absence of several of the ofï¬cers t the B. T. of T.. under the rule of “Good of the Order,“ the momhrs transformed ;_.emselves into an association for the promotion of oratory among amateurs. Several impromptu ed- dresses were delivered on s variety of subâ€" jects, requested by written ballot by other members. Sisters Sanderson and Mason. and Bros. Rutledge and Storey, along with the chief ofï¬cers, were appointed delegates to represent the lodge at the next District Meeting to be held at Holland Lending. Next week the lodge will hold its session on Friday evening. The Village Clerk gives notice by prmors that a meeting of the electors of Richmond Hill and U. S. Sbctions Nos. 3 Markham and 4 Vaughan will take place in the Lorne Hull. on Monday, Dec. 319: inst., at the hour of noon {or the nominadon of uaudidutm for Beeveï¬md Councillors, and three Public School Trustees for the year 1889. Should two or more candidates be proposed for the same ofï¬ce, and should a poll he demanded. an election will be held : n the lollowing Monday. 'l‘bomhill. T'z‘e an in, sv-lv se vies in connecl‘ou wl‘ ‘1 We Thor‘ ‘ll Methodist Sabbath School m!‘ be held 0.1 Sunday. Dec. SU‘JJ, and New “"8 Dav. 0a Saudgzy gno 3‘!ng the sen- ‘ :s' 'H be coadxcled by l‘ev. '1‘. Edwards, of Lax-1‘1, on, 3:11 in 1'29 e‘esf av Ly Mr. E. J. Dav-:4, M. P. P. for N'» ..u Yong. Collection at each Lb Joe. 0n the .n‘lmxIng Tuesday the Arnuu! Tel, cnos'at" ‘5; of ‘owl, cjld meat, &c., wn! be bold. winch xvi" at! served .J the out ch V .01: 5 Lo 7 p. m. ‘1"‘A- enter tainmea}. w II comk.’ of sin; : x by the school. M‘s: Puniss. of Cl}. .‘unco, and others. Miss Jeur‘e Moo 8. B.E....-.= the Puil:nle'phia Scbco! of 0140â€. ML! bxa a m: -1)" o! reading aud :ecimï¬on‘e. ’L late 80 us. The third page of the T'n‘m‘ 0 DAILY MAIL is noted fur “\Vunt" advertisement. If yuu want to buy or sell anythinm If you want a. situatiun, u. mechmr‘c. a busi- ness, machinery, lodgings, if you have lust. or found anything. or if you want to ï¬nd (mt. where anyone is. advertise in the Turuntu DAILY MAIL and reg-.1 the rd. ven'sements on the 'Ihird page of Um ! pan The charge is Two Cents a Word each insertiun. Address THE MAI 1. Torunto, Canada. NIABRIAGES MACQEOL â€"! ...";Yâ€"?a Tr mtv Cha-rchï¬um». 0.1 \Vedneu uy. Dec. lJK‘l. AL. Lu 1) Mac. Leod,eluew sun of l' e “we 00‘ Human MncLeuu. of D' _\ Junk. to Mu A .. [Lva TXLREILâ€"AtnichmunuH'H, on F:ida.y. Dec- l4Lh.HoWurdPe;-civ31. 21:“ son of Thus ’l‘yn‘ell. aged 5 youths. CAP. ..Lâ€"At 0 John Cape Hammouâ€"At dav, Dec. 1: )y of this v pnsitive cure for Catarrh and Cold in the Head has indnced unprincipled parties to imitate it. The public are cautioned not. to be deceiC‘ed by nostruma imitating Nasal Balm in name and appearance, bearing such names as Nasal Crea.n,Naaal B3laaln, etc. Ask for Nasal Balm and do not take imitation dealers may urge upon yon. For sale by all druggists or sent post-paid on receipt of price (50c. or Sl) by addressing lj'ulfutd (if 00., Brock- vnlle, Uut, ' DANGEROUS COUNTERFEITS. â€"Connler- feila are always awngeruus, more so that they always cluser xmurn THE ORIGINAL 1N APPEARANCE Asv NAME. The remark- able success achieVud by Nasal Balm as a sâ€"UO Temperance Pic-Nit. A Proï¬table Business: 3 Village. Village Elections. Victoria Square. , Riuge‘ on Sunday, Dec. 1cm, .1. Med no yeaa. Santa. MouIc=.Cn.L, on Wednes- zi'h. 188$. James H;..-:‘ .onJurma: The Royals. BIRTHS. DEATHS 401., a. Retiring FROM Business CLEARING SALE Having resolved to retire frorn bus- iness, takes this means of showing his gratitude to his numerous friends and patrons by offering his large and attractive stock of Dry Goods and Crockery at cost, commencing on His stock of GROCERIES Will be kept Well assorted during that time, and will be sold 351: the closest cash price. DECEMBER 1ST, 1888, And continuing for Thirty Days. Fire DRY GOODS NOMINATION, MONDAY, DEC. Matt, 1888. ELECTION, MONDAY, JAN. 7th' 1889. NOMINATION. MONDAY. DEC. 3h“. 1888‘ ELEC [‘ION, MONDAY, JAN. 7th, 1889‘ TO THE Electors of the Tp. of Markham A. FORSTER, H. B. SCHMIDT, J. B. GOULD, NOMINATION. MONDAY. DEC. Slat, 1888. ELECTION, MONDAY, JAN. 7th. 1889 YOUR VOTE & INFLUENCE YOUR VOTE & INFLUENCE YOUR VOTE & INFLUENCE 1*‘OR R13] EV"I<J For the Township of Markhamior 1889. AS 2ND DEPUTY-REEVE For the Township of Markham for 1889 AS IST DEPUTY REEVE For the Township of Markham for I889. CROCKERY ISAAC CROSBY, ARE BESPECTFULLY SOLEmED FUR ARE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED FOR ARE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED FOR GREAT AT THE ANDâ€"â€"