Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Dec 1888, p. 7

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In publishing an extract from Judge Jellett's excellent synopsis of the game laws last week, we hit upon an old copy, and not upon the latest as revised. \Ve, therefore, herewith present the whole and the latest : The only season during which the follow- ing game may be hunted, taken or killed is as follows : (\an \T-..,.__JM_ aslouow : Deerâ€"15:11 October to 20th November. Moose, elk, reindeer or caribou may not be killed before October 15, 1895. The num- , ber of deer which may be killed or taken live in any one season, prior to 1895, is lim- ited as follows : One person, 5 ; two persons hunting together or from one camp or rend- ezvous, 8 ; three persons, as before, 12. Partrid geeâ€"1st September to Ist January. Woodcockâ€"15th August to 1st January. Snipe, rail and golden ploverâ€"lst Septem- her to let January. . Ducks of all kinds and all waterfowlâ€"lat Se tember to 1st January. geeseâ€"1st September to 1st May. Hare-1st September to 15th March, The above dates are inclusive. These may be exposed for sale for fifteen days after expiration of time for killing. No gs to be taken or destroyed at any time. o traps, nets or snares, baited lines or simi~ lar contrivances to be used. These may be destroyed by any person without liability. No contrivanoes described or known as bat- teries, sinel guns, sunken punts or night lights to be used for killing wild fowl. Fur bearing animals may be only taken, hunted or killed as follows : Beaver, mink. muskrat, sable, martin, otter or fisherâ€"lst November to 1st May, Nor shall any trap or snare or other con- trivance be set for them outside this season. Nor shall any muskrat house he cut, spear- ed, broken or'destroyed at any time. Any person may destroy such traps, snares,etc., to set, without any liability. IIU HUD, Wlusnvuu wâ€"J .... .77, i N. B.â€"â€"No poison to be used in killing the animals named and no poisoned bait: to be exposed in any locality where dogs or cattle may have access to the same. No deer-dog to run at large from the 15th November until the 15th October. . Foreigners must not hunt. take or kill deer in Ontario, except as follows: Share- holders in an incorporated company, on she grounds of such company or who obtain from the Commissioner of Crown Land’s a permit at the cost of $10. and under the restrictions above quoted. Deer may not: be exported. The! nalties_lmposec' by theAct are as fol lows: n case of deer, elk, moose, reindeer or caribou, not exceeding $50 or less than $10 with cost, for each ofi'ence; birds or eggs $5 to $5 ; fur-bearing animals, $25 to $5 ; other breaches of the Act, $25 to 85, foreign- ers, $20 to $l0 ; exceeding number of deer, $20 to $5. 7- .nn, In defaflt‘. of immediate payment of fine and costs the defendant may be Imprisoned in the county jail for not more than three months. . _ u - ,L,,AL Aâ€"J A-..“ mun bun. Tbe accused shall be competent and payable. tq give evidence. , AL-“ -A. kn nuns-Jun? fnr of form. The whole of the fine shall be paid to the prosecutor, unless the convicting justice has reason to believe that accuser and accused are in collusion for the purpose of benefit)- inz the latter. in which case the justice may order the disposal of the fine as in ordinary Under an act of the Legislature, prairie chickens have not been shot in Illinois for two years, and it will be another year before the limit expires. These birds were rapidly being exterminated, but since their respite they have increased with marvelous rapidity. The game laws of Michigan in regard to deer are as follows : The open season in the upper peninsula is from Oct 1 to Nov. 15, and in the lower peninsula during the month of November only, The hodnding of deer is unlawful at all times, and subjects the owner of the dog to punishment, and under the statue, the dog may be killed by any person without liability for dams es. No deer shall be killed when it is re coat, and no fawn when in spotted coat. No deer shall be killed while in any waters of the State, nor by means of any pit or trap, nor the use of any artificial light. Tramportation of deer, or any part of the carkass of the same beyond the limits of the state. is prohibited at all times. A violation of any one of these laws subjects the offender to a fine of $50, and every offender will be prosecuted. Movement of Shot When Fired. If a man could only stand thirty 'or forty yards away from the mnzz‘e of the gun and watch the charges of shot fly past him. he would he astonished at: what he saw. The shot not only spreads on into a. widening target as they fly, but they string out one behind the other to a much greater distance than they spread. @‘hns, with a cylinder gun, when the first shot of a charge reach a target that is forty yards away the 1am: shun are legging along ten yards behind. Even with a choke bored gun the shot lag behind eight: yards in torty. This accounts for the long swath that is mowed in a flock of ducks on whom the charge of shot fall just right. About 5 per cent. only of the charge of 31105 arrive simultaneously at the target, but the balance of the first half of the charge is so close behindjzhat a bird’s muscles are not quick enough to get it out of the way, 81. though those who have watched sitting birds when shot at have often seen them start as if to fly when the leading she; Whistled by them, only to drop dead as they were overtaken by the leaden hail that followed. Fishing by artificial light is not a new thing, but the way some fishermen along the coast: of Maine are using the electric light is new. The old way was to plunge an incandescent lamp into‘ the water. the ______ ‘;nn kph-10 mnr‘n with some source of “6" â€"‘ ' w an incandescent lamp' into. the water. the connection being inade with some source of electricity on board the fishing vealed; and the mains to the lamp often got foul of the fishing tackle or the cable of the vessel, destroying its usefulness. Now a French- man has discovered a better way by adopt- ing a. lamp worked by a primary battery, the whole of which can be thrown over- board and regained when the trip is ended. The battery consists of six Bunsen cells, in which, however, chromic acid is placed in. stead of nitric acid, formerly used. The cells are connected in tension with a twelve- volc Edison lamp. The access of the experi- ments lately made pressges the general adop- tion by our coast fishermen of this new dis- oovery.â€"[Lewiston Journal. uIn-uu w 5.... v...” Convictions shall 11ch he quashed for Something 1‘ The Game Laws. New in Fishing. want 00m- Se\ erel years ago a fisherman whom we will call Barnes, living near \Vest River, Md., on the western shore of the Chesapeake Bay, met with a strange end, as of after- ward proved, somewhat ludicrous adventure. He had lines baited for rockfish, and set on the Three Sisters' Knoll, a submarine eleve- tion of sandy formation, of which there are many in that part of the bay. Mr. Barnes arose early one morning, got into his beat, and rowed out to the Three Sisters to exam- ine his lines. While engaged in this business, he heard in the distance a strange cry, unlike any- thing he had ever heard before in the bay. At first, thinking it might be some one in distress, he listened intently, and shouted, to attract the attention of Whoever might be oas_t away upon the waters. u _. - -__.. ALL. w... mm, .1.-- -..- .... _, The only raply was the same cry, this time nearer ; but he also heard the sound of splashing in the water, that: seemed to in- dicate some large body swimming in the direction of the boat. ullvvvlvu . u... ~â€" The fisherman was by this time perplexed and a feeling of superstitious fear began to creep over him. Under ordinary circum- stances, he was not afraid while in his boat to meet with any creature he had ever seen in the bay ; but the unearthlineaa of the cry that came to him from over the wa‘er in the darkness, and the sound as of some great monster swimming toward him, was more than he could endure, and he began to plan a flight to the shore. (",7 Again the cry sounded, this time uncom- fortably near, a long-drawn wavering tone something like he-Izaa-a a. a! and, to the fiaherman’s fright, a dark object appeared coming straight for p15 boat. ‘. n: Mr. Barrie: waited no longer, but excited- ly seized his ours. and began to “ pull for the shore." The strange monster followed, uttering his weird cry occasionally, and swimming at what Mr. Barnes's excited imagination took to be a. rapid rate. Occa- sionally the creature touched bottom upon one of the knolls, and then he seemed able to wade ; but in a moment down he would é) Rigideéfi Vvégtér againrwith a great splash and another he-haa-ara-a .' which caused the fiahermap to try to pull fa‘ster. _ For about a quarter of an hour, which probably seemed four times as long to the fisherman, this exciting race continued. At last Mr. Barnea’s boat touched the beach, and he leaped out and ran through the neighborhood, arousing the people by his excited cries +h3t a “ sea-devil was coming I" The astonished fisherfolk heard the story, and hastily armed themselves with old muskets, fowling-pieces, shot-guns, boat- hooks, pitchforks and axes, and went forth to Pest and slay the monster: . u The army of defence gathered near the shore, and soon that strange cry was audible to all. As they waited with wondering expectation for the approach of the "sea- devil," a dark form emerged from the gray mists of the morning, andâ€"a wet and weary mule stepped ashore, and he haad gratefully over his salvation from the cruel waves. 7m“ The “ sea-devil " proved to be harmless, and the assembled crowd dispersed, with many a joke and laugh at Mr. Barnea's ex- pense. . _ A - e. . ,‘I ,I____J lyeâ€"n In a few days the mystery was all cleared up, when it became known in the community that on the evening preceding the strange adventure the steamer Kent. bound down the hey, collided with a. Boston steamer near Seven-Foot Knoll, and went down. A gentleman had shipped two mules at Balti- more, and before the steamer sank some one had cut them loose, and they swam away. One of them reached the shore opposite the scene of the collision, but the other one drifted down the bay until it appeared as a. sea-devil to Mr. Barnes. The owner eventu- ally recovered both mules, for the story of the strange adventure soon spread to Belti- more, and enabled him to trace his property. Boston people nowadays have their super- fluous teeth drawu by means of electricity. Inasmuch as all new ideas in the arts and sciences are spread from this enlightened metropolis originally, and from hence ex‘ tended over the country, there is little doubt that sooner or later this new method will supersede laughing gas and ether in other big cities of the Union. The process in ques~ tion is very simple, scarce any apparatus being required beyond an ordinary two cell battery, with vibrator attachment. This attachment is a thin strip of metal, fastened at the ends, which is made to vibrate a thousand or more times per second by the electric current. At each vibration the cir- cuit is cut OE and renewed again. the effect being to give a perfectly steady flow of the mysterious fluid. In order to make sure that the flow is quite satisfactory the oper- ator tunes the machineâ€"assisted by a little reed tuning pipeâ€"until the strip of metal sinus “ A." So far, so good. on -,u Now to the battery are attached three wires. Two of them have handles at the ends. and the third is hitched to a forceps. The patient in the chair is given a handle to hold in each hand, and the current is turned on gradually until itbecomes painful. Then he is told to grasp the handles as strongly as possible, the electricityâ€"‘having been switched ofi for a momentâ€"is turned on again suddenly, and the dental surgeon applies his forceps simultaneously to the tooth. The instant the molar is touched, it, as well as the parts surrounding. becomes electrified and obsolutelv insensible to pain. When it is withdrawn from the socket. the subject of the operation feels not the slight- est disagreeable sensation. A jerk and the tooth is out, the patient drape the handles and the afi'xiir is 6ver. Is the best remedy for coma extant, It acts quickly, makes no sore spots and eflects a radical cure. A hundred imitations prove its value. Take neither substitutes offered as good nor the close imitations of the genu- ine too often ofi'ered. There was a curious sensation at a. church wedding at Bridgeport, Conn., recently. The groom, a person of violent temper, swore because the bride and her p why were behind time. During his ravinge [.0 his best man the bride arrived and overheard her fi- ancee roundly abusing her and swearing ont- rageonely. The bride's face assumei a dead- ]y pallor. She approachev‘. the altar and mood motionless until the . .‘unater asked if rageously. The bride’s face assumei a dead- ly pallor. She approacbe". the altar and stood motionless until the v .‘unaher asked if she “would love, cherk' and obey,” to which she replied in 3. ch .~ ringing voice, “ Not by a long shot," and majestically marched out of the edifice. Frightened by a Sea-Devil Tooth Pulling by Electricity. Putnam's Corn Extractor CANADA PERMANENT Lnan858avingsflnmpany “C03PORATED 1855. Head Office: Toronto so, Toronto. Subscribed Capital, Paid Up Capitalv . .. Tolal Assets, . . . . . . . . The enlar ed capital and resources of this Conr- pnny, togec er wiih the increased facilities it but recently acquired tor supplying land owners witl~ cheap money, enable the Directors to meet will promptnese and at the lowest current rate of interea all requirements Ior loans upon satisfactory'v estate security. Application may be made to either of the Complgnfs. local Appraisers “or ta _ ____, awe“ .. ,,,.__ _____L_ Sailing during wlnter from Port one every Thurs- day and Halilax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in summer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, calling at Londonderry to land mails and aseengere for Scotland and Ireland; also from Baltimore, via Halilax and st. John's, N. F,, to Liverpool fortnightly during summer months. The steamer! of the Glas- gow lines sail during winter to and [ram Halllax, Portland, Boston and Philadelphia; and durln sum mer between Glasgow and Montreal weekli'i G aegow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and P ladelphla fortnightly. For freight, passage, or other information apply A. Sohumacher&Oo.. Baltimore; 8. Cunard E 00. Halifax; Shea & 00., St. John’s, N. 1",; Wm. Thump eon 8.00.. St. John, N. B.; Allan & 00.. Chicago; Love 31 Alden, New York, {1- Bourlier, Toronto; Allana, Ree 6: 00., Quebec: Wm. Brookie, Philadelr phla; H. A. Allen. Portland Boston Montreal. Allan Line Royal Mail Steamsyipa H. WILLIAMS & 00. mm RO0FERS MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Roofing Felt, Siaters' Felt, Deafeninz Felt. Carpet Paper, Building Paper, Roofing Pitch, Coal TM, Lake Gravei. Merchants, Butchers, and Traders Generally. For us. Cash furnished on Satisfactory Guaranty. Address, Stained Glass M’GAUSLAND & SUN, 5:. viii-Ksfifiilfllauér‘p Duecfcr oronto. Elfin 5331?? was: Imam WM: 1 have made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS §top them (of a timefand then hawfe’tliem're- . “.nvn.v n‘nDD A lifelong studv. I WARRANT my remedy to CLjBE the worst cases. Because ptpers have failed is no reason for not now recemn ' a. cure. Send at once for a treatise and a. FREE Cruz of lnv INFALLIBLE REMEDY. Give Express and Post Office. It costs you notlnng {or a trial, and It will Cure you. Address E. G. 3061‘, mm, 164 West Adelaide st. TORONTO. ONT. We want A GOOD MAN in your locality to pick up A WONDERFUL NERVE TONI Blood, Liver, Kidneys, Urinary once: 4 Adelaide St. East. Toronto. FOR CHURCHES, DWELLINGS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. When {Jay CURE I do_ I_I_ot meanrqngrelym 76 King St. W.. Toronto. CALF SKINS RELY 9N HOP__,, a; :ICURE g. FITS! It may Save Your Life. r HYnx PARK, Vermont, U.S‘ 2.500;!)00 . 10,000,000 3 “00,090 wâ€"â€" _â€"v TONIC. A Medicine, not a Drink. Cure All Diseases of the Stomach, Bowels, lnary Organs, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Female Complaints..DRUNKENESS. : Your Life. rhooo Reward paid for a case they will not on», l'l-ILPII BI'SISBSS Cu] LEGE. Guelph, Ont. â€" filth Sohnlm-Iic Yearâ€"Its pmdun‘ en are now emplcyed as Wok-keepers. Business Nnnnzers, Stelogmphm, etc.. by many of the largest business houses in Canada and lhe L'niten S‘mes. Young men and women deriring a thorouqh l-miness education will consult thtir rwn wellme be attending the Guelph lluriness College. For femâ€".9 and particulate addhss m. MCCORMICK. Principal. Educalinn la vely :sscntisl to thesucenas cleveuyyounvm n and ycnngwon an. Good Book- (1;. for feni'ale tmoloy m(n grewinz demanu torrehorlb "X66413;(,JMDIKX‘I";U=IN‘E§S Umvmsxn‘, Public Library building, Ton ma. Taos Buooreu, President. 0. H. Brooks, Sec'y & human. Farm Loans CREDIT FONGIIPIFRAKGU-GANADIENFEE CAPITAL. - - $5,000,000. :5; HEAD OFFICE, '11: - MONTREAL. OFF CE ONTARIO I)1\'ISION:"»“"‘"‘W WELLINGTON snmal ‘ J - 1311mm} A This Company lends In good farm property at low- est (‘UH'EI I; rate of ianIPBt and on m on Me telms. Fcr informaiipnfppjxtp Inca] agenfa, or to Thin Back, Lance-Tooth, Cross-Cut S; “ The Racer” The Maple Leaf Racer and Lance Croes cut sawsl are now sold in all parts or the wnrld. The quality ‘ of these paws is unequalled. Their excellence is wholly due to their superior temper. the process of which is kept n prcfound secret by Shnrly 8t Dietrich. the manufacturers of these saws. One of the best evidences of their superior quality is that other saw manufacturers put on the market as close an imita- tion of these saws as they are able to produce, an‘ represent it to be as good as the Maple Leaf saw They run their sew upon one name until n e public become familiar with its inferior quality, men they change the has e. in order to humbug7 the public another seasonfsll of which is the very est evrdence of the superig quality of the Maple Leaf saw, us it is not the custo to counterfeit a poor article. These counterfeits are sold for a much lower price than the Maple Leaf saw can he bouaht for: the dealer. of course, endeavors to sell them at nearly the same price. thereby realizing a. larger profit. And some of the more unprincipled dealers, in order to sell the counterfeit sew. will tell untruths of various kinds regarding the quality of both the genuine and the counterfeit. Good goods are always cheap , p‘or goods are deer at any price. A saw, like a knife, will not cut fist unless it will hold a keen cutting edge. Price SLOG per foot. Manufactured only by HEAD OFFICE. Policies in Force over 10,000. An PRESIDENTâ€"HON. Sm W. P. Howmn, VICE-PRESIDENTS.â€"WILLIA}} Elmo-m, Esq ; THE GREAT STRENGTH GIVER. SHURLY 85 DIETRIUH, To the hem ol Policy-holders (deaih claims). . .' . . . . .' ....... . To the holdn of matured Endowment Policies. To Pulley-holders on surrender of Policies. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' .. ............ To Policy-holders for Cash Profits (including these allocated and belng 1) To holders of Annuity Bonds . . . . . l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... loaned to Policy-holders on Security of melt Policies. UPollolan Nnnhrfnltahle an." mane for shortbnndtrs. t rreecriptive C¢rrular=, conmining full particulars of all lxrggcrheitnught and SAW MANUFACTURERS. Manager, Torru (0‘ MG 61 'ERAGE ITS USES ARE MANY. It makes a WARMING PALATABLE Winter BEVERAGE. It makes rich gravy for meat. It is indie: qATOR pensible in time of sickness. BEEF TEA made from Johnston’s - Fluid Beef is relished by Children and Adults and has a wonderful mucusmening and invigorating effect). It is popularly known as T: ONT- CAPITAL AND “was now own: 33.000.000. - 15 TORONTO STREET. 1030510, on, HOME COMPANY, ESTABLISHED OCTOIEB, 1871. 15 (but pays. Constantly Johnston’s Fluid Beef, To this dgtetOcfiqber 31, 1887, there bus been returned : should include in Every Housekeeper pp: Luciâ€"lLdâ€"u'finkhle me: 8 years} 3:11â€"511013911'4110. Mainland Director {1W her HOLIDAY PURCHASES a supply of p: x . Pam every morning. and running directly through to Butte. The only “no will]- nut change and 'he rnly line \ is h. Buford. Ft. Benton, Great Falls sud uolenn. r or particulars. apply F. I. W IHINEY, J. M. HUCKINS. Gen Pass a Tk't Ag'c. Travel'g Pass Ag‘c, S1". PAUL. 4 Palmer Huuse Block. Tornnto. THE TORONTO SILVER PLATE OO Cr mmencing on Silurday. Nov. 10th there \s in be a dn‘ly first-clans through train service hetwern St. Paul and Bulle. Montana, ccmprieed of Draw- nz-nom, Heepinz Car. Day Coachefi, Dining Car and Free Colonist. Slreper. Equipment new modern and eqpnl to the-pug. SILVER - PLATED WARES 420 to 426 King St. YOU MAY HAVE ONE” Jfit sgndgronr nme and address, or cam. e. and receive by Mail 3, HA ‘ILK ANDKERCHVEIFZapdTh‘q If}; 3": 3/1: know: it's Ill! best; 'Cause her bread is (It: w/Iftmt, Ami we eat all llxepancal'es size 4 Astonishi Edi ffié‘fifiéhhmm's YEAST. PRICE '5 GENTS. 7V2 aie c/zildren wlm draft/Hy in?! in tin )V/ten Breadmakerstqgsg [Kr/[e subject Wholesale Depots : ONTARIO-Tomm. 30 Front street. East. u O‘H‘AWA, 38 Spark street. n BELLEAILLB. L. W. Ye'nmma & Co. QUEBECâ€"M05133“. 11 Cavanazh. MARITIME PROVINCESâ€"Sr. Jon :3, J09. Bu 6: Sons. MANITOBA and N.W.T.â€"â€"Bnunos, W.Johnzton&$o GARBUN SAFETY GIL. â€"Manufacturers of the highest grades ofâ€" am'l Rogers 6': Co, Toronto, Canada Dishes everyone Toronto, Ont. TRADE J‘Ia EaQ {Enwgnn Hoorzn. Esq BEST FOR FAMILY USE, ASK DEALERS FOR IT ST. PAUI MINNEAPOLIS ANITOB . 81,306.)“ «1 Amount over $15,000,000 W21 RAILWAY. Address BE, and 100. for a, HANDSOME xeMngicNeedle! Whitou Novelty MARK. v in the chorus mbject before u»â€" Fur mam m w [Ifgklesfl hum are [/19 el lmfure us. 195967 84

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