culled on Misses Mabel Beaten and Minnie Di'wurth to nmke the presenta- tion, to which the teacher replied in feel- ing terms. Mr. Clnbine has spent four years 2*“ pr' Ule Hi this eclmnl,mid leaves it to take charge uf Richmnnd Hill public school at the beginning of next velar. The following is the address which acmmpani- edr the presentation :â€" Maple ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION. On Friday afteruunn last a number of friends met. at. the schoolhouse tn Witness the presentation by the pupils to their teacher, M rs Clulnne,nf a valuable dress- ing case and u handsomely bnund volume of Sl akespenre's \vnrks. as a token of their regard and «skim; rememberuuce «If his labors amuug them. The Rev. Mr. Pearen was culled to the chmr and after singing, Recitzuimm and Dinlugues by the pupils and very happy speeches by the R 3v. Mr. Tuye and mhers, the chuirmal‘l cu vuv 1.1": n... .. DEAR 'I‘mcuau,â€"-\\‘e, your pupils fvv sorry to part, uith you. and can not. let you go Without some expression of our regard. You have been must. diligent and auccesstul in your Work of teaching us. and have dune all in your power to enable us to links progress in useful knowledge for which we are thankful. though we have too when in our thoughtlessuess shown the opposite. Will you please ac- cept this drussiug case and a copy of Shakespeare's cmnplete works as a. small when. of gratitude and esteem; we hope that. whenever yuur eyes full on them you will remember your pupils of Maple, but pleNe remember us “lieu \' J Were good and not when we where bud, and rest as- sured that our best wishes fur your pros- purity will follow you wherever ymi may Slam :1 on buha‘f In the S 9% Miss Marris, ( ancevflle n: n. 9 year as Mr. Fe, intends gain-1 I Mr. J. W. F has returned fr tion. \Vu are W611, and IHII‘I wonder if he c dud-1e u hhzzu \vunt g looking It. Is It. Is unr painfui lush" nurecm'd the deâ€" (-ease of Mr. J-vhn Capt]. Mr. Capel has lived in this l|«‘i'_'l\‘U-)l"l|(i(ld fur a number 09 year's, upum-ds of ï¬fteen years and was highlv ream-th1 by all uhn know him. He was a u-r-mhnr uf the Baptist Church, uml v as always \‘cry faithful in amending; the servicvs when Ins health would permit. Let thme who knew his many virtues learn an i practise them, and remember that “life is even a, Vilpulll‘ which up- peul‘eth fornlitlle and then Vanisheth away." Thu. hemmed family has the sympathy of the emire cuunnunity. The remains of the deceased were. interred in the Newmau'ket celuctury un 'l‘uesdny. ‘x‘ :1 ri BEE-HIVE From om: own Con‘espomlcnt. Miss Mortnn our sclmul teacher having ~igued. the trustees have engaged Mr. Tweuds etc In In )zluct In 16 FIRST-CI 3914M} {J}! ‘11 L' C. TREV TAILURINE ESTABLISHMENT. eaver swurmir mmen‘ nu the Int back In as he CNN :1; painf- xrs: Hu cnn show y mmhp'umI cheupne A nmr .lld he ('1‘ ea apart me nunl 1m Vui'steds, “"2 (DVERCOA'I‘INGS Bull DON'T YOU ’00 late for lust issue‘) UaK Images. ll‘ll mm half of the school BIabel Penman. Chm Pcaren; Minnie Dilworth MOND HILL Emmy “'ul‘ ï¬n!) east. nf (70A'E‘ENGS .u Mammhn so U qme (lnu‘h. Ifnl tank unrecord t' hn balm}. Mr. CH; ‘ hM-u‘lmnd for a ‘n ..r cifwun veal-am l’AN'I‘E *wls. Canadians, Worstedsl‘ancy ‘r-heuds. etc. ï¬l‘iTflNa-i§ m teaches to the work mat is pulll'in m 01] chum. unluuuucu that his FM] m my ms L§Y mans 0F ASS MAPLE WOOD. Sui! Ihmu t \Yc sup Malliluh r115- Naps SIN that his Full and :., huve arrived, and them to his numerous you unprecedented pne'.~s, and the stock uud checks, in ï¬ne or Eugluuds, Scotch NGS s:mls,Nup.Wids Waies ss k Dress lozes. etc that he (I) FOR. and \‘c mely anti PUBLIC NOTICE BY JACOB MORDEN. The Public are hereby cautioned “gains! purulmuiug any notes purporting ta [)9 sigma by me, as I have no genuine notes outstand- iug nor debts of any description. JACOB MORDEN. Containing 125 acres, 120 acres cleared, being composed 01 parts uf Lots 67 um] 65 in the ï¬rst. concession of tho TOWNSHIP 0F KING, Further particulars can be had by 0.1.mlying to David Flatt, on the premises, or by letter to the proprietor, WM. C. PATTERSON, Parkdule Fronting on Yonge Street. Buildings fmr; unml orchard. and well water- ed. Any une desiring a. ï¬rst-class farm cannot do better. 1000 Bushels of Oats wanted prige luid. -a 13-1-}! u.‘ "A Agnol Pump-Maker xs wanted t‘ full set of Machinery and 'l‘ouls mu business in OATS WANTED no 0 lion RICHMOND HILL. to steel shaft: 1 Lathe. C: Shaft. u'nce Plates Chisels Also all small tools requiw There is also a full set of 1’ up Iron Pumps. The who] as the proprietor is forced owing: to ill-health. Shop ‘ a tet n of years. Auply tu PUMP-MAKE WANTED! Highlv Concentrated. Pleasant, Eflcctual, gum Tnke no other. Sold everywhere. Price ’75 cent: per bottle. DR. HODDER’S High Lung 8m Terlns Said everywhere. Price 2.†per bottle. Proprietors amt 595 So Id d Sold for 10‘ Ben ’55 wuc‘ Puree: duel \'°°°“’°°v' FM THE The t Announces that he has on hand a large and well as- sorted stock of “A, l ....... Also a. quantity of Buled wa for sale. W. R. PROCTOR. Richmond Hill (INFECTIONS, FHUITS AN GHEGEBEES Suitable tor Xmas and New Years, and desires :1 con- tinuance of your esteem ed commands. Candies, Nuts, Dates, Figs, Raisins, Sugars, Syrups, Spices 01 all kinds of the be5t quality. Oranges, Lemons, Grapes. Fresh Bulk Oysters, I’i !; Cheese, Bologna, &c. m HOU SE to 3.4 :gi‘ 885 So Id Gold “'urh. Soldfnr 100. mm] may. Belt {:3 wuch In the Inn-Id. Pure“ zinukeeper. Wur- mule-l. Hen, Solid Gold Hunting Cu“. Both udiu‘ ' and ‘flul' qu, rim work: and can of eqnnl ane. One Person In nth lo- «In; an mum one on. together with our Inge .nd n1- n-ble line of Household Samples: These umplu. n Well I: the ï¬nch. we send Free, And am: you hu- kept Ihem In you home {or 8 monthl Ind shown then: In thou who nuy hue called. the become your own pm‘r . Thm who write I! once an ‘0 mn of receivin Omani Wax-y I“ “Even. (his new. Addrnu ,_ A. n__n-_.- II-A_- and. Sump! um sunny-cu. Bunaon dz 00:1.15-6xâ€"S’12‘ Porflniarmi ASK FOR DR. HODDER'S COMPOUND. P13 0n Bichmc App]: Dec 13-3m its“: mavcnmmmtï¬. RICHMOND 00.15 um in good condition. and yitiou in the place. There is u. Machine. with Angers, shell m l‘B.f1'CL11 2 to 5 inches, 11111.1 ~ned mull tools required {or the business‘ alsu a full set of Pipe Tools for flmng ’umps. The whole can he had cheap oprieturis forced to give up business ill-health. Shop can H.130 be leased tor H. MILLER. Richmmm‘l Hill 01"].‘1115 LIBERAL ()FFICI‘ JOS. to D Liberal -, bliell and Chuck all turned mrl ï¬tted e Pulleys, Bouncer cents erI 50 cents manufacturers, 00.. Toronto, Can Dyspepsia, bumuancs», S‘ck Headache. Kidney 'l‘roubxes, Rheumatism, Slim n-x>.;1|aea J. to purvhase a and curry on the HII :e is u. ï¬x'stoolus U RES Highest. cash Drills there mint. Toms'm Tnursrlav, Dec 27 per bushel . '3 Wheat. uprng do Barley do out.» du Peas du Rye do ClovarSeed dn Beef, fore quarter" . Beef. hind quarters Chickens, per pair . Ducks do Geese each Turkeys each .. Butter pound rolls Butter. tub dairy .. Eggs. fresh. per don i’otntnes,pei hug Apples, per hm , onions. green, per 1107.. C ublm'ze do Cauliflower do Celery do ’l‘uruins. per brig ....... guts, per bqshol ’l‘uruips,per 1mg. Carrots. do. Hny,1mrtun .. straw, per ton RICHMOND HILl ‘19 . Thursdav Dec Pens, do. ........... Dressed 11035.neer lbs Beef. fore quartet. Beef. hind quarter Chickens. per pair . Ducks. rlu Geese. each ........ Turkevs, perlb . Butter, pound rolls , Butter. large roll» fi'esli: per dozen . Potatoes, per bag .......... Apples, per bbl ..... onions, per Cnbbnqe, per doz Celery. do ‘i‘umips, vex-1mg . . . Carrots. do Beans. per pack. Flour. [mum B‘iéiiï¬ â€œin; 1351: bbl HM‘. per ton ........ sbmw. her ton H 81‘. NLqu s Eprscomr. Cannonâ€"Service at :1 p m.,except the third Sunday of every month when the service and sacrament. are held M, 11 mm. Sunday Schoomt' Span Rev. W. Babes Rector METHODIST CHURCHâ€"Services at 10:30 a. m and 6:230 p. '11.,and Sunday school. M130 11. m . Yuung people's pmyer meeting Tuesday evening. Genernl Praver Meeting every Thurstmyevemng in the Lecture Room ReV. J.M. Simpson. Supt. Rev. G. N. Rutledge. Assistant. PRESBYTEMAN Cuuncn 01" CANADA.â€"Services m 1] o'clnck n..m..n.nd 6:30 pan. Pmyer meeting nnWerlnesdrw evening at 7:210. Rev. W. W. Percevul. Pastor. . _ ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH.â€"Se1’vwes 1!: order a follow Thornhill at 9 3.111., and Richmond H M. 10:30 mm; the following Sunday at Rich. mnnd Hill at 9 11.111. and Thornhill at 10330 0.. m. Rev.J. J. Egan. Pastor. 511 {v 91' Seed Dressed .llogs pe" Rmmmxn LODGE,A. F. & A. 11., No.23, G.R.(‘ Meets in the Lodge mom.1\1n.srmic Hallpn' the Month»); on or bofm‘nfull moon.n.t8 o'clock p.111 J E11intt.\V M. In E Lawï¬euretnrv ANCIENT nnman 0F Fonns'rI-rnsâ€"Cnurc Rich. mnnd. No. 7016 -\, n. F., meets in the Tempemnm Hail Mary alternate Friduv at 7.30 1).n1.â€"â€" W 1'} Nilcy. C. R. The Methodist. sabbath schoochmpexnnce As snciatiou issue pledge curds every Siuudaywhon desired. Wm.Hn.rrison Supf Mncruxms’ LNSTITUTE.- Library of over 1000 volumesppen evory Tuesday evening,in the Ma.- sonic Hall. from 7 to 8 o‘clock. R. E. LamLibra- rirm. G Trench. Secretary RICHMOND HILL FIRE BRIGADE BAND meets for 1) notice every Wedesduy & Saturday evening: at S o'clock \V. Sh appurd. Leader. W E Wiley, Secretary . VILLAGE Colmanâ€"Re '.'v.\Vm. Pugsley. Coun- cil] m Mes Pr (LSuvrxygeJ VYImWA SandersouA’V members exemptin [\ichulls, Cmmnim. u... such alterï¬ntiQE '1‘llcs«ln:y at 8 o'clock p.111. Beno- ‘lcm‘y certiï¬cate given for $2,000 In (use of death J. Brown. Muster \Vorkmuu T. F.1\I::Muhun. rec R. T. of Temperance, Richmond Hill Council Nu. «lil, Meotsin Temperance Hull,euch alter nwtive Tuesday eveumg nnSu’cluck p m. Bene- l'n-inry certiï¬cates issued to male or female members for $1,000 or in vase ofdeuth Q2,000, one lmlt mwublc in case offlismbility. Jl H.8ander- son Select Councillors; J.A.E.Swftzerï¬ecording Secremrv T‘REFTCHTS -C ARRIAGE WORKS.- In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liheml patr )nage during the past twenty-ï¬ve years, I beg to re- unin them and the gen. m1 public, thm having erect-31‘ ‘ e.'y new and Com. mndious premises. [ am enabled to supply Phaetons, Buggies. abouJuvu- . , ,_ V o'clock \V:y Sh appurd, Leader. W E Wiley, ecmtzu'y . VILLAGE Commaâ€"Re -.u>.\Vm.Pugsley. Coun- li--rs_ Mesa-5.1†(iSuvnge, Wm A SandersonAV tkilxson, Dr Wilson. Ulc' k. M. 'l'ecfv FIREB <;ADE.â€"I‘»erzu1m‘ meeting ï¬rst- Friday (every x I 1th. held in the Council Chnmher. at; 11.x“. Muznhershinfrm. Certiï¬vutesissuod m lumlwrs entitling than: to certain privilcgnsuml xumptiuns. \‘v’mll. Pugsley. Unpmin. It. A. Cutters, Both light. and heavv. all nf which are guaranteed tn give sutiï¬fuctiun as the work is under my «mu snpurvim 1. I am alsuprepnrcd to (‘10 an kimls "f black- smithmg ll, rnpairing in the, Inn-st \vnrk mnnhkn nmuurr, on (he xhurhâ€"st, notice. PLATFORM SPRING W A G U N S. A. 0. U ALI 0] ‘rlll J'iOl/‘SG If y IIIIII «‘Uilmgr flimtury. Churches. Secretary. . \V.,Ivy Lodge, No. 1-11, Meets in the e mom of ï¬ller _Mu}xonic “Hull RICHMOND HILL. Em Hum-1:919. He mus onioties. 100 lbs Sleighs and arriages, M “TICK-TSP," g415210511â€: attention to Stur “Ct $102 to 1 $0 33 . 0 00 7 00 19 (‘0 .l2 0" at, Toronto. 10‘1 4 on 6 on 0 35 (I 50 .50 ‘erms 50 .30 ï¬t) 2A) ()0 20 46') 50 3-1 40 :10 40 .70 »I\) ‘20 30 ‘23 00 14 00 III} 03 l'u'a' :m 2| ()0 UO 50 00 40 (30 [30 (if. an .50 50 50 5“ BARGAINS‘. BARGAINS! AT A. MUUDIE'S. Also good seoaonable ])l'(’.\'8 Goods. in, Heather Iii-(hum, Striped (5' lein. A large stock of Hardware. which we will sell chenp to reduce the amok. CHlus'l‘MAS GOODS, cunsinlipg «If Raisins, Cnrranta,’ Peelg am] Spleen. Tens dud Cnfl'eea there Is nothing to equal ours m quality and price. Blankets, Shirts, rawers &, Woollen 80x RQLLEB MM Himdaman 8 755mm, 8 e GREEY RGLLS, EERGULES WHEAT cmmmg GARBEN CHE PURIFERS, WW BGLTS, m, FIRST - CLAS “I; J . iii if FACES R MEN or Am, AG DISEASES OF MAN. 7, A, _ _‘ A .:v “3'OUNG! AND 01:: ,A u, _ -9“-.- -u “my. will ï¬hfl in No. 8 a ra'Jical 2m Poamva Tflhum“. - (.1- “dd-E'Jfï¬v .._._ _._._ _ _ ’ho are broken clown from the effects of abuse will ï¬nd '1: No. 8 a. radical cure for nervous debility, organic weakness, involuntary vim} 105C595. etc. mr’roms romwaxcn No. 8 SHOULD ma: Haremâ€"Want of energy, vertigo. want of purpose, dimness of sight. aversion to society, want of conï¬dence, avoidance of conversavion. Rosita for solitude, listlessnesa and inability to ï¬x the attention. on gnarticular subject, cowardice. depression of spirits, giddiness, loss of memory. excitubxhty of temper. lper- umtorrhma, or loss of the seminal fluidâ€"the result. of self-abuse 0‘: marital excessâ€"impo- tency, inuuti-itiou, cmuciatiou. barrermess, alpitation of the beam, hysteric lac-Kings in females, trembling. melancholy, disturbing ‘eams. etc.. are nll symptoms of this terrible: habit. oftentimes innocently acquired. In short. the spring at vital force having lost its lenszou, every function wanes in consequence. Scientiï¬c writers and tho superinteuda‘lfï¬ 0f inwme asylums units in “scribing to the eï¬'ects of Self-Ehllsa the great 1111le "y 1.1 wasted lives which come under their notice. I! you are incompetent for the Pardlm: . dutius of business, incapacitated for the enjoymenw of life. No. 8 oflarn nu er-czye {1.3-1 the e‘jecta of early vice. If you are advanced In years, No. Swill give you mil vigor 11%| strength. fyou are broken down, physically and morally, from early indiscretion. " Insult oi ignorance and folly, senï¬ your address and 10 cents in stamps for M. V. LL'EQIB « Treatise in Book Form on Diseases 0! Man. Sealed and secure from observation- mm- : nl‘ nmnmuuicatione to m. V.__ EUBGDN. 47 Wellington St. E [Koren Lu- ...u..- nun-.p...m-â€"m- vcnl at. "\7‘“ ., LvBozf‘r7é" é'PjEEEEIFIc: ZN TIME GRE4T_ EEIEflLTfl RENT; VVER, . s , , , _ _ n u-..:_:..-.. These Mills have recently been channg to the Remember the place .54 MM# u. 4..- _.-_ Marvel of Hgaiinafarid Kohinoor of Medicines. @K. hle consequences of ! the men-ml Exposure and (warm mun" K‘mrA-uu LUbe-n‘m‘xm: a. ‘witéve Cure. We will veil at cost all Woollen Gouda for cash consisting of “son's Rupwre? al‘ cummumcatjonaï¬o‘ Flour and Feed always in stock. nanem @933. “c "a, 1. v. -,_.._, CJRES CURRANT! cqmmuqicacpna to “II. V._ Jaw-.m- msdc wes In a fool’s paradxse. For (he Speedy Using the celebrated \" rung Ron-nod! use of th .1112 usual R'emc'iy must be 3 h package. T110 R as. and :trtnmmr CIiNTRIFUGALâ€"â€"â€" ND Amd are now (loin Haï¬z 3m. .4. h the aid of any guod [211: , 1-mfl‘4'r Toronto, Canada. .1 Hv_u, th )le’s old stand WORK A. MOODIE 'S'E’zmd iacreuon. 'erwu r21. JLS. KI RJ‘LBY “100 W fl