Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Dec 1888, p. 1

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YHE LIBERAL PRINTiNG & PUBUSHING HOUSE [{[GIlMOND HILL. â€" - ONTARIO THURSDAY MORNING Larristers, Solicitors, Gonveyancers, 85c" Toronto Officeâ€"No. 14 Building & Loan Chambers. No.15 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Officeâ€"Rear of the Central Bank. on Saturdays. HONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES _.0._ Rm G. F. LAWRENCE. T. C. MILLIGAN. pwm Dr- 'l‘momo omenâ€"Na. 10 iii“: Sl- “'0‘!- Siurlihnm (twiceâ€"Town “all. Max-khan: Homms 43> Eggacgrg VOL. XI. I’nElertou. Cook A: Wallace. BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS éi'c ~‘Fl-‘JCE: 18 KING S'mmz'r EMT. Toxox-ro Richammd Hi1) P. 0. Every Saturday. $I perannum. in advance.) Jl‘mggg Eyegwezm Toronto Officeâ€"Court Chambers. comer Church and Adelaide Streets. Thomhill Officeâ€"Post Ofi‘lce every Wed- nesday from 10 to :2 a. m. Richmond H1” Officcâ€" Post Ofiice every Wednesday from x to 4 p. m. Collections in City and Cnuntrv promptly attended to. Money to loan. Funeral Funnel-lugs Always on [land Did vou ever plant the silver eyed In 7 dinu Corn 1 If you have it. be sure and (in it next year, but. if by chance you shmud have had a pair of hams which caused :0. Cum. which is the plague of your life.j=Ist cull M. Dilwurtli's Drug: 3:078, WU kin: St. E ash. Tnmntn, whore you min get a. ho: ni Uhineae Corn Salve for the small sum uf ten cents, which will take our your Cums \Viiimut {Min in less time than you can walk from llere to Hug‘a Hollow. ‘5 .\I r nu ma u-u u m lstfit 1. 16:11. and 22nd of our“ month mond Hill... .. 9th and 2M1: 40 mt the Plume-1' House) mm». .. .......1s;p 10. BUSINESS CARDS. J S Fullm‘bon W 1) uleGon‘z flu} (01' the tumors of the past '2“ yum-n til] be rmnsultedin any branch of the pro- n ashllgws: > . A‘ . - L HHL‘ ton Mulls M from} \V {11‘ Private Funds to harm at an05t Pate mi Barristers, Solicitors. Conveyancers, 8:0 i<t Toronto Ifnivewsitv Mewhor (‘0 muss: Snnzennfi,OntJMte of Stoutfville Street. Richmond Hill. Ollice i-(nurs Street. Richm n. “L. 5 to S p. m Undertake“ & E mbalmvrs, VITJZI/JEZEQ £13?” "ADDISTFBS, SOLICITORS AND NOTARIES, (‘vrngory oer Holmes xvii be at the Markâ€" Gmce every Saturday from 9 n. m 2.07 p m WRENCE & MILLIGAN. .Squnre ................. 11. Walker House EDITOR and PROPRIETOR. L? PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN IS P U BLISHED EVERY RICHMOND HILL, ONT 5111: @11ch Dr. \V. Airfilways nn hand at mmnintmcuts ks inn: a. charm Free from vain. ; A ROBINSON L.D.S..AnromOnt. WRIGHT BROS, MILLER . McMABlONs ' alumina. N DENTIST LANGSTAFF, USED 13y . A. Robinson. >41 (1] R iICMM. AL dun! be“ 10 a, m J. “"llsaoal. \V Cook 18th 2uth filst 93111 28th 29th Lot!) E. J. n. stc; G W Humnss 0 mm hou r â€"â€"â€"Wnlluce ?! in do do (1() $.‘L‘5,UL‘O."0 Private Funds 1: (In Fm‘m Propertyâ€"Interest num. Terms easy. ":g‘p ' ' HutAms & GREGORY. Bun-imam. kc. 10 King: Street \\'est.'l‘m‘0ntn. At Town Hall Mnl‘khmn. every Snun'dny. Several Farms for Sale in MONEY TU LEN D MONEY TO LOAN Address 48-“ 1w. TEMPE. NO'J.‘ARY PUBLIC, Issuer of Marri LicenSeu Auctioneer! Ontario and Peel. Gm General sales of scock. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, re- spnctfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Sales attended on the 51 thSt notice and at reasonabe rates. P. 0. udm-ess, Kin". Licensed Aucfiinueer for the (‘numy of Yark Sales attended on 1,119. shortest nmicemnd at rem abe rates. Address Stnulfvme P. O 4? 1H? All kinds of \Vood, Iron. Galvanized Pipe, Imn Brass um] I’m-(alum Cylinders. All kinds nf Wuth Runs, Wull~Diggiug C111". >s‘ Curb Rings :md Cistern Tanks made to Ol‘dcl'. Repairing (10118 on shortest notice. Wis PARSONAGE, HIGH COURT OF jUSTICE, &c., DRESS MAKING: ‘35. DressMnker.ommsite3 sonic Hull THE DOMINION HOUSE, Richmond Hill, Bcnj. Brillingm'. Proprietor Having refitted the above House and fl ed it in first-class scyle, I um yrepm'ed to a public the base 0‘ accommodation. Ex subling and attentive lmsnlers. Sumplo (or cmumercinl travellers. A good livery uectiuu. Terms .il per (luY. in WM. JACKSON, Propriav 0 9 on» «Julia.» Issuer of Murrmge Licenses 101' the County of Yor - CLASSES ARE NOW OPEN FOR SENIOR & JUNIOR PUPILS IN Every accommodation per MISS HARRISON, GRXNFEENTRAL HOTEL qud accommodation {or the travelling Public- Cl_1mce Temperance) Prinks. Best bmnds ‘of Clears. Commodxous rooms for commercial unveilers. 4-1? Temperama Hamel; Best Liguors and Ci nrs. Good sml an streams hustler. ‘very accommo tmvellem and bouders. éfinud’fi ‘33an iintcl. {ICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. reasommle rams; P. OJuldrEess f8“? $656.3 RESIDENCE He IDEMQN, $333§¥£3E .415 5% Pm" Cent. Teacuer of Music 6: AT VERY LOW PRICES 158 KING STREET lmt-ds Ric'hnn'dssnu. MU IO Shalom Et‘km'ah an 15mm nruus. Comm. [om-m 1x Tm James qr. Stakes. N.J. Al'msnraam: onearfur the Counties of York RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY. DEC. annuity. BIZ-OPENED AS A ,rriaa‘e Licenses “In. Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essmztials. Liberty; in all things, Chan'tv." afirmzbl‘idgs’ F. LANGSTAFI Hill \VJI. BEL! sold on 8w :Jmnn on Mortgnce Gpur cent. per (m- to guests. Board, $1.00 day RICHMOND HILL mmmsmm Oil Painting A . J‘ RUPERT. Prop EAST. TORCNTO Richmondy Hill MAan 0.\"r yrepm'ed to give the common. Excellent :rs. Sample Rooms A good livery in con- UNIONVILLI WOJZES'Q this Vicinity 1s.,‘umenb ’ Mtendef and furnish Bmhmond MAPLE pliug and dation to . Prop T. EAWN &. 00-. ’1‘ () I}, () N '1‘ () . A HAPPY NEXV YEAR TO EVERY- DRESS Goons â€" All - wool French Foule Cloth and Amazon Cloth at 20c. to 30¢. a yard, while possessing the fine fimsh that is so character- istic of French Fabrics, are heavy and warm and well adapted for \Vinter wear. Black All-Wfiul French Cashmere, 44 to 48 inches wide, 45c. to $I.oo, Colored French Cashmeres, 44 to 48 inches wide, 40c. to 750. a yard, and Shack Silk warpl Henriettas double-told at 35c. to $I.5o a yard, have been made especially price-interest- ingr for Christmas time. \Vcaves the newest and as high quality as the money part ever fetched. All our Dress Trimmings have been reduced. Fancy Gimps in choice shades from l6oc. a yard: Fancy Braids Inc. 1to 25c. a yard, Black Fur Loops 15c. to 500. each ; Sea] and Sealette Loops 30c. to 81.50 each. Noveleties in Buttonsâ€"Meta], Jet, Ivory. and Pearl from 100. to 75c. per dozen, Bone Buttons 50, and IOC. per card. 190 to 196 Yonge St., ex- tending through to 10 8: 125 Queen St., A lot of Boys’ Storm Over- coats, neat and fashionable, at 750. each. We never re- member a time when an over- coat of as high quality was here for anywhere near the money. Albums at the counters for Plush Goods. New, tresh and beautifully-designed, best silk Plush and Calf, Morocco, Russian and Seal Leather Covers. Prices run from 75c. ' ‘ to $5.50. The 75c. and $1500 ones are clasped and plated with silver, and are in other ways elegantly got up. You’ll meet them elsewhere at 500. or more higher-priced. \Ve don’t know of a place where there is a collection of Albums more suitable for presents. The space for American Jewelry has been enlarged to make room for the Laclies’ and Gentlemen’s Silver, Roll- ed and Oxydizecl Wear. Pins l15c. to $2.50. Cuff Buttons‘ ‘ISC. to $1.00, Jersey Pins 12‘_C. to 85c. Scarf Pins 20c. lto {152.50, Bracelets 25c. 5oc., I Pearl Cuff Buttons with Gold backs 15c. to 30c., and 50‘ runs the price story of these{ ‘spag‘kling, glittering beauties.l Tapestry Table covers 1% to 3 yards square in every new and tasteful design, re- duced to halt prices for the Christmas trade. Prices to- day start at $1.50. T. EATON rEOI‘OlR 1 0. Mail Order Department. 190 YONGE ST, BODY. (Q “““"f”"| nu sey in Tr Pinszoc. 3 25C. 50C., In: with Gold ,0" "RA on W Ont. Richmond Hill and Vicinity No. 23. avail“ h]: adji'cvnt snulh l-f Fulton’s tllelr put pundinu l drill nnd Clliuf “‘9 were will service t available. mum in Riehnmnd Hill and the l atljflcvnt tun-Msh'ps about. half a mile ‘ Slllllll hf unr village in the frnnt of Col. Fulton’s, luvw the Vantlerburg farm. ‘ This was a personal inspection by Sir l 13mm Bruck. whu cumuwntled the men to!" their patrimisin and prmnptness in res Funding to the call. After the customary drill under the. eye of the commander-in- chitf the gururnvr requestvd that all who were willing To go to the trout for active service to advance one step forward. Ewry man all aluug the line took the alt-‘1) but one, and he. perhaps. thinking of a llmne sari-minded by loneliness and a family that might, be left withnut a bread. uiuuwr, lltsllutwl; but only furamoment, fur almost innnediately he. too, stept to the line. It was not. long before some uf the-ac men had their p.1'rmtislu put to the test, for the same fall many an 0ch Veteran had to shoulder the musket that had done duty at Brandywine and Gernwntuwn. and many a young Canadian wno had never heard the cannon roar marched away from all that was dear to them tn the tune of “The British Grenadier-"s," many of them to remain to fill the uhastly trench at Niagara, where friend and fne sn recently arrayed in (lealemnflic: were laid unculfined side by side to await, the bugle call that shall sunnnun them to the last Review. We are told of two brothers 0f the Canadian militia. who, at Queensron Hfligllts, fought side by side in defence of their Canadian hlnnes, when, in the moment of victory, it shut pierced the l lungs of the younger, a youth of seven- teen years With a fair inn'rcent face, and he fainted and fell. The brother clasped him in his arms, and, amid a. tempest of‘ shot and shell, bore the dying buy fruin the field and laid him on the grass. He revived for a. moment and, \xith a. lu\'llr_', lingering look into his brother’s face. while the lifeâ€"blond ebhml from his fklull wunnd. he fecbly breathed . “Kiss me. Jiinâ€"Tellâ€"Inol.herâ€"â€"Lnutâ€"Iâ€"warâ€"nut-- nimidâ€"tuâ€"die l” when the blond geshed frmn his mouth and the brave spirit me}; its flight. Many as fearless of death its he were re'erred to by the. gallant Brock, ‘ when he, struck by the bullet ofzin Amer- ican sharpshooter, while the death-agony was upon him, shouted: “Never mind me. Push on the York \vnlumeers.“ 'l‘hnse were times Hf grief and sorrow, lm‘ it. is said that. there could nut be a gather- ing of any kind. even in the far \vouds, but in the rustic enligregznmn a widow’s cup or a hit uf crap-.3 would show r'nn' isolated as they were they had nu: lmun I passed nusc-«tthed by the horrors of \\';u‘ -- E l and all «hung the frunt when the sun l‘udt un the tragic seem-s of the slopes of the Qneenston Heights of Chippein ;' Lnndy's Lane and Fort Erie it, 31mm 1 upun the prle‘ cold faces of many 1 ' :- yuung Uanuulau, were pnu home.- Early in the fall of 182 regulars and the Vuhmteers General: Block and Shenlfe the York militia were unlen defend the town am] "hm Capt. Julln Arnold’s cum} Regiment of York malmu, fifty men, many of whom ¢ winter at the barracks. In an old parchment bound n sued by the Guvernmexzt, the eventful period b:twe 1816. which lies before uze, mt Euwnsh'pé n-f mu‘ village H’s, Imw Klu- \ Is n persiu Bruck. WIN; :3 putrimism an in! to the call. nnde' (he (eye stun Heights of '3 Lane and For: E] the palm cold faces Canadian, there pride 27, 1888. Ifiltl s of grief and sorrow, Im- ere could not be a gather- . even in the far woods. : cungregutmn a widmv’: crap-3 would show mm were lhuy had nu: hem i bv the horrors nf Wau‘ ~ fall of 1812, while 1!: ween did were assist) consumed o duty that. king over a“; the 101.4“... ‘ to the blguedâ€" (‘I'U Bk: (:ux'mx 0f the __<"O_A )enston knee of If you want to buy or: i” ,he Vertisu in [he 'l'nrnuto ‘ Hi the That paper "nukes 1C “SM/e“ humes every week, and. c9 and went should meet the e1 Claflmd Who wants [1; purcimSe. ‘ t’ f of this Class are insm'ted ["3 " \"wny M H. m Fm yfmm VEH}. . A 1'“ A N H“ each msuruun, or .anntj ‘1' _- ‘ for five inwrtiuus. Ad‘ U\ll|‘_', 1 Toronto, Canada. a hm; many many CUVt ll lowing names as officers :â€"John Arnold, captain; James Miles, lxeutenuut; Merser. analgll; sergeants -- Samuel Forster, J ucub Drown, Christopher Hilts. John Lungsmtf. Among the privatesâ€"David Sprugue. Henry Proctor, Thoa. Frlaby, Ubedinh Rodgers, Joseph \Vuodul‘d, John Mulnardgl’eter Stover, Henry Phillips, Snnon Teal, Abraham Van Home, Josmh Heulmenway. Jucub and Charles Lunaw, John nglh Jacob, John and George Hilm, Mark Shell, Joseph \Valls,lDau Homer, Chris:me Hendncks, John Fier- heller, Aqnilla. Bennett, Fred Quance, John Suva, Richard Stocks, John Tipp, Allan Perkins, Henry Teal anl \Vuh Holllngshead. There Is also a list of nll the Tunkers and Mennonites living on the 3rd and 4th. concession of Markham, within the limits of Capt. Arnold’s company. Among these :we Bakers, Donors, layers, Nighs, Shells, Stakeleys, Heisies, Hornets 9. Ad Hoovers. The e names arc interesiing to us, as they show who were some of the early settlers “I this locality. ln t'lc mustur~roll are the following en- mes :â€" - lat . York Garrison, Oct. 10, 1812. “Yusterday butWeun \he hours of one and mu o‘cluck, p. 11)., I visited the (hfl'ereuc guards and fuund them all prnpcrly posted, sober and alert. I went the guard Iouuds 1:st night, between the hours of elm/en and two o’clock, and found the guards sobcr, steady audfialert.” Signed-â€"Lieut.-Uol. Shon, commander York Garrison; John Arnold, cap- tain lst Reglumut York Milltia. Oct. 17, 181‘). “AfLer guard-mounting I vxait'ed the different burruck mums at 9 o’clock; found the dinners put down and eVerytlnng in 300d order. At. 12 o‘clock I saw the men’s (hnners dished up in good Older. At 2 o’clock I again nailed the men’s rooms, found the mun all present. and sober. aned my suntrlcs frequently during the day and found then» sober and alert, and gave them then necessary instructions. I declare that all orders, respecting the dnLy 1n which I have been employed, have been Sll‘lCUY attended Lo.‘> Signedâ€"John Arnold. captain. Ezra. Clubiue ‘ To your share ( sheets. . . . One dish, 12 8pm and torka Cash .. If you Wilht vertise in [he Tlmc paper hmst every v m omxmmW 7 ~ ’__‘ To the amount from llle 15m mam ""79 vafia/ 1812 paper I'ruulxcs J *3 every week, and should meet the wants to pul‘cimie. is Class are inswrn: fibsmutezy Pam. [Single copies, 3 cts x'tluus mu Ul‘ fixgxmdâ€"Ezra Clubiue. 1-: (:ux'nxvan.) yrnntu nuns, 10 k :nves 13' or $6 washing the UNIV yuur pay 24th Oct. ICK No. 24. m1 a Farm, 841* mm MAIL. W Farmers’ w advertise- uf someone lvuztnsements Um Toronto rum 3. word cuts a. word ~s THE MAIL,

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