Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Dec 1888, p. 4

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At the close of 1888. the time for holiday greetings. we take the op- portunity of extending to all the readers of THE LIBERAL the compli- ments of the season, and wish to all a Hapoy New Year_ The old year with its variety ot aspects, its ups and downs, its joys and sorrows, its superfluities and privations.. and its thousand and one ehanges is nearly numbered with its predecessors. But we are thanklul that amid all its vicissitudes ourlriends have gener- ously contributed to the success of THE LIBERAL and have shown theig appreciation of our humble efloits to contribute each Wt‘f‘k to their stock ofinlormation in lurnishing to the best ofour ability articles on current topics. items or local interest and budgets 0t news, by many a kindly word 01 encouragement. 1889 is Just upon us and With its ad- vent we desire to rem 'v our pleasant intercourse With all on old subscri- bers, and seek an introduction to the homes of as many more. we; make but a small show along- slde of our more bulky and more widely circulated city co' emporarics. yet we think that a village paper has as much A place in the educa- tion of lhe masses and in assisting to make more intelligent our lime communities as the mammoth Daily News or the monthly Magazine. 11 properly conducted it has as much influence for good in proportion to its circumscribed limit,as the great Globe or Maildiasin their more ex- tended circulation. No one can, and no one ought io lry to do. with- out a village papcx'. A neat, credvi. able paper does more for the ad- vance ofa town and of keeping that town and irs business men be- fore the outside pnhhc than any other institution in it,and if propeily conducted should he a home paper in every house. It is a lau‘ index of the inlelligence and enterprise of any village, for it shows on lhe face of it whether it is support ed or starv- ed. The city press is a great eclec- REHAIJND HILL. Thursday, Dec. 2'1, ‘88 tic; it gathers from all sources, bolls down and epitomiscs news from all parts. The great majority 0t {hex items are culled {mm the multitudin- ous village press, yet they lack the freshness and personal in’ereqt of locals published in our own town where our acquaintances play the? parts as characters that make up the “Bil‘lhlearI lzlgcs and Deaths," and all the various incidems that intervene in the lustory bethen tnebe events of «\‘clyday l-S-‘e. Evel v man of business should lal'e it and tnebe events of (we man of business 527 nSe it to push hisl private citizen s‘m interest 01' his fami mm ought to he sl‘ eient pnde to be 211 village neWSPaperz sentai'ive o! the cm he resides. Sub Next .\I‘ the village nominate 4 tions of 1\‘ School Til year. It is that more it round the( has been ma past. 1 2 o'clo L‘ouncu, then go out into ()1 candidates to In a village li should not be Men of intelligence and enterpI should be ever ready and willing accept the honors qppertaining ..IBER: NEW ADVERTISEMENTS In: :égiheml. A HAPPY NEW YEA R. the 1V 40‘ [81:6 it in the 1‘Sll'1855. HDl ‘chmond , and every live ulascd by sufliâ€" ous -0 make his S m searc and enterprise my repre- ly m which "RCRI 1VC Up on LV'e‘ \_' ar the HI “1 I Veg-hope" 1";11IITe wiH Lip to recaH tn a‘ | nonme i'ue Jfi'ersnn Suiuml and its in- ; mules. \\'c think no: need imrcHy assure In I )1.“ that we han- spent, a phx‘mut as well } ‘. prnlimble tune during tlr- past the .' 1 ‘;Il'.\ )‘a-ll have bten “it I] us, and we ainâ€" m t -"r-|y lmpe than 3on1 may have mxccess in He 1% e in the future. Hoping let the ra- m. Il:"ll'blullL‘e of us mafv never die nut nf _'u\u‘ menu-Ky, we bld yuu a kmd aud10v~ Uf' mg fareWell. :9. \ Signed on behalf of the BchooL ' Jaimie Gale, Carrie Playter, Elwwd Mormon, 5e Frank Legoe‘ to Mr. Rutherford has taught in the i school for the past Elva years, and goes to ‘ next year to Downsview. HS; the various offices, even if time and labor have to be sacrificed in work- ing for the public affairs ol the villâ€" age. This lack 0t ambition for office is more apparent for the position of councillor than for trustee, which most municipalities is generally the reverse. As we have said on iornier occa- sions, we have no tault to find with our village Council. \‘Vhat we do object to is the manner in which they are elected, and lor this the electors themselves are responsible. Gentlemen have sat at the Council Board {or years, and we are sale in saying that never at a nomination have they been asked a question respecting their past acts or future intentions. This must be discourag- ing tor the Reeve and other mem- bers who, no doubt, are always ready to give an account of their stewardship. \Ve maintain that any person nominated for Reeve or Councillor should hold rterlain opin- ions, and should not be reluctant to give expression to those opinions. Likewise every mover and seconder should be called upon lor remarks in support of his nominee. The difficulty in speech-making has been more marked Since the nomination tor school Trustees has been held on the same day as that tor Municipal Councillors. The Re- turning-Officer has always held that one hour should be taken for the nomination of Reeve and Councillors and the hour lollowing tor nominat- ing trustees. \Ve do not profess to be experts in interpreting municipal law but believe the last hour could be welldiepensed With in accordance with the Ontario Statutes. Chap. 225, Sec. 103. clause 2 reads as followszâ€"“In every case in which notice is given the nomination and election of public school trustees shall thereafter be held at the same time and place, and by the same re- turning oliicer, and conducted in the same manner as the municipal no- minations 86C." 11 this 1110th were followed the elecwrs Would stay one hour for speeches when they will not stay tor two. 195d. lack Spring Oval Uil at Dllworth’s Drug Store, we sell at. same price that other stnres charge fur common Canadian Oil. Dilwnrbh’s an- Store. next to Nipissing Hntel, 'l‘umuto. Cress:â€" DEH‘. 'l‘r‘.\e~l.mB,-«\\'e Iemet 'u “bunt 1.» leave us. know"! mu'u dune your dutv f;-itl:mlly Patterson’s (-\:lrnru) Uuugh I}; Coughs and Colds. Salisfucliull List of successful candidates at the lale Uniform and Senentl Prunu-tiun Exams. TOSEanR H',-â€"â€"Ethel Swilzer, Lilly Clifford. Maud Marsh, Stella Sheppaxl, lellaSlms, Edith Switzer, Annie Shep- !mx'd, Laura Bl‘ou'n,“'illie Duncan, Fred Rerldilt. Juhn Glass, Jumss McLean. \Vlllle Glues. To SETH-R ‘.'i,â€"â€"\\Yllli9 Trench, Gertie Gram, Willie Burllll.uu,Flurence Maudie, Annie Glass, Julia Lyme". Herbie San- dersun, Ila Andrews, Charlie Hall,Hau-ry Sanderson, Eva Jewell. NmEsâ€"Of those who Irved the Exam. for Juumr Iv six succeeded in taking the was murk but failed a few marl!" uu the tam]. L! was thnught best nut to recum- me-nd any as the next examinntiou Will take pluae the first week in April. E. A. Spragge, M. Wiley. T. M. Rutherford, E. Newton. At the close of the school lust week the pupils presenfed that'r leaehev, Mr J. C. lullxermrd vinh a dx-ens'm: wsu nfe eganh To JL'Niur I‘-1,â€"H:lrry Glover, Chris. Morden, Lornie Morris, Regie Storey. Maud Punt, Harry M‘msh. DEH‘. Tauwmxn-JYe regret that you '0 “bunt 1.» leave us. lgnowhw that you mu'u [lune your duw fuitlnnlly and truly 11y seni'lg us a good example and doing yn Ir utumst to bring us on ‘11 our studies. “’6 t 1 I0 expless our love and esteem by {m set t‘ng you wizh Illis present. which we hope " I :mnre w“! }.;'.p to recall to mmme Rhe Jfi‘erson Schuu] and its in- luutes. “3: think we need hardly assure yuu llwt we han- spent a pin-sum. as we“ ‘. profitable tune during Ur- past the 1 ml‘& _\‘.-u have been with us, and we a?!)â€" . mply lmpe thu! 30“ may have success in Ii c in the future. Hupmg let the re- gn accompanied b] the ful'uwmg ad Promotion Exams. Jefferson. mlsmn fnr warm AT THE ' cheapdash House. BANKRUPT STUCK DEALER, RICHMOND HILL. .2 E u s mg , a: R. W. NEVILLE. [AA MON DAY,DEG.10th, Great Bargains,'§_ * A Gram Presents, EEVerybOdY Don't fail to attend this Great Sale, which is the Event of the year in Richmond Hill. CONCRETE HOUSE C H R EST MAS GEFT SAL New Fruits, New New Seasnning Extracts Raisins. Almonds, Lemon, Summer Savury, Lumnn, Currants, \Valnnls, Orange, Thyme. Yanillafin Figs; «f.- Dull-'3. Filbervs A" Brazil Nuts. Citron Peels. Sage. bulk & buttle CONFEC l'lONAllYâ€"Pure Spices, whole and ground. Canned Gunds uf all kinds Rnller Flour, Rnlled Outs, 0:”. and Curnlnenl. Choice Teas and Cutl’ues. '1‘”.- baccnzs and Uignra. Just. “penned a. tim- lot of Chinawale; just what. you want fur presents. \Vhen yull want good and reliable Gl'nceries, &“c., give us a Cull,nnd you will be convinced that you get as good value for your money at. the Lorne as any ullier hunse in town. Thanking you fur your liberal patronage in the past. 1 solicit a enmiuumvce nf the (1170 THENCE-l The stuck uf GROCERIES is fresh in lawn. Large stock 4-! COAL PABLOR 000K To clear out his stock. He will also sell other sta now until New Year’s, at 10 per cent. off reguliu so if you want chezm stoves come alon’l- Also Hardware arid Tinwm‘c, “Will‘- GROCE NEW STOCK 0F FURNITURE IN THE LATEST PATTERNS. TERMS CASE 2 hi “can. “I‘M. 19.;nmm First-class l‘n-d Rom" Sets. cunmiete. €48; usual price in Turmnn, $27.0. Bedâ€" steuds. $2.50; bun-gens. Fancy Furniture. in Chan‘s, 626., fur presents. Call aml see our 7 V |anachnenu,lnn 850. Btu.le m1 Mae i- m ‘ > u ‘ J _ _ e. filo up‘ul M same THE PEOPLE’S STORE E XMAS AND NEW YEAR’S. CHRISTMAS CARDS 8c PICTURE FRAMES. The Lorne Store is now filled with THE FOU R'I'H GREAT in” {‘“r: I 2.4”? ‘ DIRECT IMPORTER. Sowi‘n 2-31.50)!in rude hill placing our |.lncin.: n u r marhinrsl 1m“ um Fond! Ilu'n' the people run lee lhl‘lll. we will send free lo one figvrsun in much Ioculily,lhe vrry an Inn lug-machine nude in [he “orllr. u ilh all (he nuchmrnu We will-1w send free: complete line of our couly und Vllulble m ample:~ In return w: uh lb» 1°“ show what we send. to tho” '50 may all a: your home.u:d In" 3 mom!” ul shall become you; m Petty. Thin d nuchml ll mnd‘xnn the |.n er wh hue run on : , mu‘knmmma. "mm - Attach-ecu. and now Dell! 101‘ 850. But. muse-5W" “‘- WHICH HE WILLSELL AT AN 1) BELOW COST a , suul stock uf Flour und Feed at lowust prices . MASON.) ugu-V .. Tin-g“ stéélé‘li'cfiafs'9v'a 1m 4.; CRUCKERY, cwieap CHRISTMAS STOCK NOW READY AT ‘-DIhchim- â€". I 1-5!“ blink an pans. by I u r nmchlnrs nlu-rc the people can us i I. 57C? ‘1 U ‘I OPENS ON AT THE HAS A FEW Something new, 1 and and, and will he an The Farm \vl in the 3rd “on. news, is to is well wuterml desirable hrnu. THE LIBER $1.013 ner Year. i 3- M 'For pmtmulm's npplg new and seasonable stack of 1P ( ) Ii to re P. G. SAVA GE ii‘éT 311:5 :l S GEO. TREECI- 3mm? cheap as any house- Extracts ves, from DFIC LLVFA‘ ud Hill WES 8:0.

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